#being overwhelmed sucks boooo
nicnsmth1 · 8 months
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hellosies,, I wanted to draw (almost) all the scenes he was blushing cause I love them sm🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️also had a bad day so finishing this art was really the only thing I had left in me today rip
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joanpuckinsucks · 2 years
30. San Jose Sharks - Get Ready For This by 2 Unlimited
this is so incredibly boring. when i went to leafs v. sharks earlier this year it was a great experience, but the goal song just didnt stick out. the sharks fans didnt even do shit when they scored goal until they scored during overtime. its not a good song im sorry it just isnt. p.s fuck the sharks
29. Florida Panthers - Sweetness by Jimmy Eat World
obviously Panthers fans seem to like this but its kinda boring. its not what id like to hear when my team scores. its not something id be screaming to. its kinda sad if im being honest. i will put it above the Sharks out of spite tho. sorry Panthers fans
28. Montreal Canadiens - stupid hey hey song
boooo tomato tomato tomato . HABS YOU SUCK !
27. Washington Capitals - random song accompanied by ambulance noises
makes my head hurt
26. Edmonton Oilers - Hell Yeah by Rev Theory
25. St Louis Blues - song i dont know the name of
take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowdddd
24. Carolina Hurricanes - Raise Up by Petey Pablo
no. it sounds like that song that goes like "welcome to the reddddddd kingdom"
23. Vegas Golden Knights - Vegas Lights by Panic! at the Disco
i dont like Panic! i dont like the song. i dont like the team. and the goal song is drowned out by the crowd chant ("Go Knights Go!")
22. Columbus Blue Jackets - For Those About to Rock by AC/DC / The Whip by Locksley
this one is so strange to me. if youre gonna start with a bangin song like for those about to rock, why change halfway through and mash it up with a song with such a large contrast? its such a big switch up like what??????? i think that the audience participation on this one is nice ("Woah oh oh, oh oh, oh oh ohohoh"). kinda lame ngl
21. Detroit Red Wings - no clue what this is called
eh good enough
20. Phildadephia Flyers - Feel the Shake by Jetboy
its an ehhhh song, but its higher than some of the others one because the Flyers make up with their mid ass goal song with Gritty
19. Winnipeg Jets - Gonna Celebrate by The Phantoms
one mid ass goal song, brought to you by your Winnipeg Jets! i wonder what Jesse from BarDown thinks about this. the title of the song reminds me of the video where its that like nursery rhyme that goes like "weve got to celebrate our differences!"
18. Anaheim Ducks - Bro Hymn by Pennywise
ehhhhh its fine.
17. Colorado Avalanche - Chase the Sun by Planet Fun
its fine. not much to say about it. audience participation is mediocre but its there ("Hey! Hey! Hey!").
16. Dallas Stars - Puck Off by Pantera
wowww so edgy and metal! i guess its fine. the chanting of "Dallas...Stars!" kind of makes it a bit better, but i just cant get behind it. crowd seems happy tho, so i guess thats good.
15. LA Kings - song that supposably has no name
its not bad, its just kinda forgettable... it has nice audience participation ("Hey! Hey! HeyHeyHey!"). songs i think wouldve been better/more memorable: Party in the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus, Valley Girl by Frank Zappa, California Girls by Katy Perry
14. New Jersey Devils - Howl by The Gaslight Anthem
i have a strong dislike for the devils and new jersey but this is an ok song. i cant tell if the crowd is shouting "Here we go!" or "YOU SUCK!"
13, Vancouver Canucks - Aint Talkin Bout Love by Van Halen
i like Van Halen, but do ya know what i like more? Greenday. do you know why Quinn Hughes looks so sad all the time? its because he remembered the Canucks goal song isnt Holiday anymore! bring back Holiday!
12. Tampa Bay Lightning - Goons by Mona
catchy, good crowd chant.
11. Nashville Preadtors - I Like It, I Love It by Tim McGraw / Gold on The Ceiling by The Black Keys
nashville is music city, so i expected something better, but the crowd chant ("YOU SUCK!") is good. i love me a good "YOU SUCK!"
10. Calgary Flames - TNT by AC/DC
its a good song. would make for good crowd chants ("TNT! Hey! Hey! TNT!").
9. New York Islanders AND Minnesota Wild - Crowd Chant by Joe Satriani
come on guys! could you be any more unoriginal? shameful. still a good song.
7. Arizona Coyotes - Howlin For You by The Black Keys
i like it. coyote themed. good audience participation ("da da dada da, da da dada da")
7. New York Rangers - Slaphot by Ray Castoldi
i dont have much to say about it, but its good!
6. Boston Bruins - Kernkraft 400
i actually quite like this one. its not bad at all. its easy for fans to chant the melody, its fun to listen to (haha funny beep boop music), and its a Bruins tradition! as a leafs fan, i am absolutely shaking in my boots, im terrified, i really am. great song.
5. Buffalo Sabres - Let Me Clear My Throat by DJ Kool
i know i was talkin some serious shit about the Sabres earlier tonight but their goal song is great ! it makes for good crowd chants ("here we go now! here we go now!")
4. Ottawa Senators - Song 2 by Blur
i love Song 2, i love Blur, and this is a great goal song. its great to pump the crowd up when a goal is scored and would make for some great crowd chants. ("woo hoo!")
3. Toronto Maple Leafs - You Make My Dreams by Hall + Oates
i may be a bit biased as a leafs fan, but i love this song and its just so great. hearing it is always so nice and makes me feel so good and its just an all around catchy song. its the best sound in the world for a Leafs fan.
2. Pittsburgh Penguins - Jump Around by House of Pain
i love this one !! its just so perfect and its sure to pump up pens fans and non pens fans alike.
Chicago Blackhawks - Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis.
now, do i absolutely hate the Blackhawks? yes. i hope that the Blackhawks association cant sleep at night, i hope everytime they look in the mirror it says "WHORE" in big red lipstick letters because they deserve it. what were they thinking having such an offensive logo and letting dylan strome play for them. i hate dylan strome. their only redeeming quality is their goal song. i LOVE Chelsea Dagger. its so catchy i just have to sing along. its great, it makes for great audience participation and its just a great goal song to pump up the fans!
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tigertrack · 7 months
god theres so much about rdr2 gameplay that i just. want to streamline and remove completely and replace with rdr1 mechanics and features
the way it's obsessed with being realistic not only in terms of graphics but actual gameplay makes it lose so much charm for me. graphics so real everything blends in, and makes it so hunting or picking flowers or spotting even just consumable items isnt as fun or easy as it was in rdr1
like having to activate a power to tell that theres interactable objects nearby cuz youd just straight up miss them if you don't SUCKS. hunting in particular is so frustrating for that cuz even the trail it marks is hard to see and then it disappears unless you reactivate the skill constantly also the fuckin movement speed. why does it take forever to do anything!! the swaying and dragging movement is sooo annoying, makes me feel like im moving through water. like i just think about rdr1 and how quick and easier it was to do the same things.
rdr2 in the end just has too much realism and simulation and not enough fun and exciting gameplay imo. the story and characters are fantastic, and of course the visuals, but to its detriment. its just sooo much visual clutter and unnecessary details jammed into a screen you can barely tell whats interactable and what isnt then theres ppl defending the choices made in rdr2 cuz theyre more 'realistic' like broOOO BROOOO!!! im so TIREDDDD of gamerbros defending boring shit cuz of Realism. MY GUYS MY BROTHERS ITS A VIDEO GAME!!
Why have we as a collective decided realism = good ? i dont want realistic graphics i dont want simulator gameplay in a game thats telling a story. let me do a fuckin barrel roll like john does in rdr1. idc if arthur is "too big and burly" to do one WHO CAAAARES WHO CAAAARES!!??¿ WHERES THE GAME??? also realism ≠ immersive!!! if anything its so much easier to break immersion with realistic games since. we literally live life. makes it much easier to notice inconsistencies and reinforces gamerbros attitudes when they say they prefer boring gameplay which is detrimental to development of games. sigh SIGh
and dont get me started on rdr2s 500 separate menu screens for every little thing and going through and exiting each one takes 30 years. like yayyy theres so much stuff in this game... boooo theres no real streamlined and efficient method to checking it out in a nice and timely manner. just makes me feel dread and overwhelmed i dont wanna bother with any of it
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anlian-aishang · 4 years
Hi! I'd like to submit a priority request! You absolutely don't have to write this if it's too much, okay? ❤ I've been totally failing college since all the covid stuff, I tried to talk to someone about it but they told me to "get my life together". Could you do one where the reader is super overwhelmed, and Levi helps get everybody together to make them feel important? Maybe it started by someone telling reader something similar that was told to me? Tysm! Also I apologize that this is so long ❤
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Hi, love! Thank you for the priority request. I am also in college and having a really hard time with coronavirus and its effect, so this is just as much for me as it is for you I suppose ^^; I bet you, I, and many others are feeling similar feelings, so I hope you know you are not alone 💞 I am always here to help 💌
Also, boooo at that person who said “get your life together”. WTF. I WILL FIGHT THEM FOR YOU.
Word count: 1500  Tags: modern AU, college AU
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“So, did they have any good advice?”
Straight from the meeting with your advisor, you had hurried to his dorm. Your heart was racing, mind hurting, but you instinctively knew that in times like these, you needed him by your side. Somehow, despite the slew of emotions, your expression remained flat as you stuttered. “They umm… they umm…” It hurt you to even recall the encounter, let alone talk about it.
“Hey…” his voice was a blend of protectiveness and concern, “what’d they say?”
You thought that talking to an advisor would help, but what a mistake that had been. It had been many weeks of online school, but rather than easing into it, each week seemed to introduce new problems and make you fall further and further behind. You were proud of yourself, he was too, for being responsible and taking the initiative to ask for help, but after the disastrous encounter, you felt you were the stupidest person on Earth to have signed yourself up for that.
Your voice caught in your throat, barely a whisper, “They uh, they said I should uh…” Levi raised his brows until you managed, “that I need to ‘get my life together’.”
Levi looked towards the floor and shook his head. His entire body surged with a hot rage. “Tch…” disgusted, “I’m sure that fixed everything.”
You laughed slightly - or tried to - but a few tears started to well.
Levi crossed his arms and tilted his head, “That’s seriously what they said?”
You clasped your hands together and nodded, biting your lip to hold back brewing whimpers.
“I’m sorry…” He continued, “I’m sorry you had to suffer that stupidity.” Levi rolled his eyes, genuinely astounded, “I’m sorry that the earth is home to an idiot like that.”
You gave a shaky and harsh exhale: a strange combination of a laugh and a sob. His sarcasm was clever, funny, endearing, but it could not help the tears from falling, at least, not tonight.
He instinctively switched his approach. “Really, honey… that sucks.” With careful steps, he came closer and embraced you in a hug. “I’m here for you, always.”
You buried yourself in his chest, a few tears dampening his clothes. Weakly, you muttered, “I know.”
He pet the back of your head. “Deep breaths. You’re okay…” Levi pulled you closer, reminding and assuring, “I’m here. I’m here.”
In your deep breath, your lips parted and the cries could no longer be contained. “I know…” Your shaky voice broke his heart but he knew he had to stay strong for you.
Levi sat you both down on the edge of the bunk, “Have you talked to anyone else about this? Your friends? Classmates? Anyone?” He rubbed your thigh, “How are they doing?”
You wiped your eyes, tears still spilling, “I’m not sure, I haven’t really talked to them.”
His curious gaze silently beckoned for an explanation. You shrugged, “I just don’t wanna bother them or be ‘needy.”
Levi knit his brows. Sometimes, you could be too considerate for your own good. It was kind to be aware of others, but it was not kind to yourself to hold your feelings in and suffer in solitary silence. It was not “needy” to ask friends for help, but he knew that just telling you would not do the trick. He would have to show you.
Already, he knew exactly what to do. He would need a day, maybe just a night, to carry it out. He began to think over his plan, but first, he would have to get you in bed and to sleep.
// // //
You called them “TLC nights” and you seemed to be having more and more of them lately. You and Levi would turn on some fairy lights, diffuse some essential oils, and chill out for the evening. Watching Netflix, listening to music, snuggling, talking, whatever had to be done to get you to relax, he would do without hesitation. If food would cheer you up, he would cook it or pay for it. If you did not feel up to eating, he would brew you some tea instead. Winding down could take minutes, hours, maybe even multiple days on end, but he always helped and never minded.  
Tonight, it took a few hours and lots of love until you managed to calm down. As soon as your heartbeat regulated and thoughts stopped racing, you instantly passed out on his dorm bunk. When he turned over his shoulder, prepared to hand you your tea, but instead finding that you had fallen asleep in minutes, he chuckled lightly. Each time you fell asleep in his dorm, in his bed, he felt a tinge of domestic bliss. He could not wait until one day, you would have your own place, free of college confines and concerns.
The instant he saw you sleeping, Levi began downing your tea. The caffeine was essential for the all-nighter he was about to pull.
// // //
When you woke up in the morning, Levi your big spoon, the glow of your laptop screen made your pupils shrink. You rubbed your eyes and took a few seconds to focus. It was a video player, the video itself timed from the beginning at 0:00.
As you stirred awake, it instantly awoke your insomniac boyfriend. Fresh out of sleep, your voice was groggy as you scratched his back and apologized, “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”
Levi denied, “No. No.” Yes. “What are you watching?”
“Well, I haven’t started it yet.”
Levi kissed your forehead as he did every morning, “Well, maybe you should.”
You turned over your shoulder and gave a curious gaze. In response, Levi reached his arm over your body and pressed the spacebar, playing his film project, one he submitted at the very last minute.
Eren, with a hair length only quarantine and hormones could be responsible for, mentioned that he felt a bundle of emotions. While you hated to admit it, you could not help but laugh: No surprise there.
Mikasa missed everyone, especially Eren. Once again, no surprise. Such a long time social distancing had forced her to ponder herself and her identity. Without friends, family, school, work, who was she?
Armin admitted that he was having trouble with school these days. That came as the first shock to you. Without libraries or cafes, it was hard for him to do homework. With all classes online, he was always just a quick search away from a deep dive into his curiosities. When he should have been studying laws of physics, he instead wound up at German vocabulary.
Sasha, Jean, Connie, for them, the changes in social life were the most difficult. Sasha missed restaurants. Jean missed going out for drinks. Connie missed parties, concerts, anything and everything. The three friends you considered happy-go-lucky were actually feeling quite lonely.
Levi had even reached out to his graduate school buds.
Erwin was frustrated with the administration’s incompetence. Really, he was often at a loss: how did this leadership ever run a university if they could not make a single sound COVID policy? They had doctoral degrees, no? How did they graduate, obtain this authority, with such poor decision-making?
Hange, the tech-savvy one, was getting lost in all the software she had to download and learn. Almost daily, they were revealing emails to classmates, professors, and audiences of research presentations. Not only did they have to learn their subjects, which were hard enough already, but a slew of new technology at the same time.
There were dozens more clips. Levi had truly reached out to everyone, and better yet, they all responded. All these friends and peers that you admired and respected, turns out, they were all going through it too. Everyone’s testimonies were different, some problems shared and some problems unique, but their main messages were identical: We love you and we’re here for you!
Levi looked to you with a knowing and loving gaze. He wrapped an arm around your stomach and tugged you into him, smiling, “You don’t have to take my word for it.”
His goal had been to stop your tears, but now, they were falling faster and freer than ever. The sad tears had been replaced by ones of happiness, he deemed it a half-win. Next time, he promised, he would do even better.
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levi masterlist // main masterlist
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ourheartscondemnus · 7 years
OOC Post
So I wanted to make a post explaining why this blog faded away, spurted back, then faded, and my want for it to come back forever. 
So the past few years have been a rollercoaster. So much has changed. This June or so this blog will have been around for four years. If you ask me, that’s pretty impressive since I know of only one other Adam blog who’s been around a little longer than I have and all the others just left. Only none of those Adam blogs ever seemed friendly. They were off in their own worlds. But they had their right-still they did not last. 
So four years- that means when I made this blog I was like 20/21. At that time I didn’t leave my house much, I didn’t have many friends, and those I did have did not see me often or were too busy with drugs. The only thing I really did was go to school- a community college in my hometown. Meaning I had a lot of free time to do whatever I wanted because community college was easy as fuck my friends. I did not know where my life was headed, I was depressed, I was suicidal, I just lived daily life as it was. I had a job for a while-most of my money helped feed my family when my sisters family moved in in October 2015.  It honestly fucking sucked. Still does. I lost privacy, time alone, space, sanity. It didn’t help that I lost a cousin to suicide in July 2015. Things were very grim. Life was grim. I was always in a temper, and writing became harder and harder -here and on my other blogs. 
I had friends, a group of people I would talk to online, watch movies with-but somewhere down the road, they all left. So I was basically alone. I had a few others-but none like that small group. One is still around, the others..I speak to none from that group besides the one. I have two or three others I spoke to often-they changed fandoms, lost contact because they got too absorbed and just faded from their old blogs. Roleplaying on here has been.....Lonely. I love all my rp partners, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something very hurtful about losing people you spoke to on a near daily basis. That made getting on painful. 
Fall 2016 I moved and started school at a Uni. My roommates were-AWFUL. Filthy, loud, bitches who forced me to hut myself into my room or else they’d make me feel like a rat in a high class party. (They are what you call basic bitches) Having felt bullied all my life-I chose to lock myself away. I slept whenever I wasn’t at school. I did nothing but sleep, go to school, do my schoolwork, and sleep some more. I still tried being on but..idk somewhere between all this I got on a lot less. 2017 wasn’t much better- until August when the bitches were gone. The newer roommates were okay but not friends. School however.....
School is overwhelming and when you never liked it in the first place, well, you better believe it is hell. My classes have been so demanding the last two semesters. It’s crazy. This semester is no better- but there is some changes... 
One, I have friends at school after like a year of being alone and suicidal. We hang out, go to the bar after class, go to movies, go hang out, normal stuff. Pretty cool. So I use mobile and a chromebook when I am not home to try and be on-but only one of my classes so far seems to allow computers this semester....Boooo. My schedule is pretty clear other than when I have homework- and Wednesdays I have 12 hour days. It is absolute hell and I wish I had a bike or something because I am coming and going from 10:20am-10:20-10:40 pm. 
All in all, I am much better mentally. When I go home for breaks however-being home is a huge source of my depression. I don’t like going back. I lost a pet a few weeks ago but haven’t been home for the reality to fully hit me. Right now, I am otherwise doing pretty damn well. My druggie friend is clean, in rehap and treatment for trauma, so maybe I’ll see her again soon. I hope. 
I really didn’t expect to live up until 25. I always thought I would die at 25.There’s only a few months until October though. We’ll see. Still, I don’t know much about my future, but I am trying my hardest to find a new place to live on my own (sick of 18-21 year old roommates my friends) and finding my way around managing this semester without breaking down. 
I want to come back to this blog, answer asks, roleplay, the usual and the old, but I don’t know if anyone actually WANTS  me back. But if you guys will take me, forgive me when I fall behind because of school....I’d love to be back. 
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