#being here and following and all that jazz. WOW. i made this account to reblog assassin’s creed 3 gifsets. fucking crazy. love you guys.
whillowed · 8 months
ohhh my tumblr account is 12 years old now :”) wow it is really really weird to think about how far we’ve come
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speckledspout · 5 years
moving on but not forgetting;
so, here we are. or, at least i should say, here i am. at the end of a very long road with a single turn to take and unfortunately, it’s taking me away from the way that i’ve been going down for a very long time now.
as i’m sure those of you who have followed me for a long time and actually kept up with me have realized that i’m not around anymore. i don’t really post anymore other than every once in a blue moon.
before i beat around the bush some more, i just need to come out and say it, i will no longer be a supernatural blog. i don’t know what this blog will become to be honest. it’s not really going to go the way of a multi-fandom account because i don’t follow enough shows or have been as invested in them as i have been with supernatural.
i don’t know what it is because it’s really sad to actually sit back and say that i don’t feel the same way about the show that i once did. like supernatural consumed my life. i wrote fan fiction everyday. i loved making edits. i scrolled through tumblr admiring all the graphics and gifs that all of the wonderful creators put out into the world. but somewhere along the line, i started to get closer and closer to the end of the road and i’ve tried to prolong it as much as i could but now i really can’t anymore.
i’ve been away from tumblr for a while now. a long while. like the last time i actually remember actively blogging rather than just trying to set up my queue was almost a year ago so i’ve had some time to think, i guess.
i do have my frustrations with the show. maybe that contributed to the fact that i’m not as consumed with it as much as i was. throughout the years i’ve watched these beloved characters turn into a joke and the storylines turn even more crazy to the point where it almost doesn’t feel like the same show anymore. this isn’t a diss on the actors or writers in anyway, so don’t think it is. as a writer, i know how difficult it is to keep producing good, original content. and that’s coming from a little fix writer who had a small following. i can’t imagine how difficult it is for the actual writers to have to keep coming up with a story 15 years later. i’m a realist and i know that they couldn’t have done the monster-of-the-week for this long, no matter how much i loved it but still, with that being said, the show is just different and for some, it’s a good different. they like how it’s turned out and honestly, i am happy for you if that is you but i guess, i don’t like change. i like things the way they were. now, don’t get me wrong, i am absolutely going to watch this final season. i mean, how can i not? i’ve watched supernatural for the last ten years, how can i not watch the season that is going to bring everything together (and if the writers are doing what i think they’re doing, i’m excited about it.)
but you know, the more i think about it, it’s not just the way that the show has gone that’s made me pull away. a lot of things outside the show has. one of which being the negativity that’s within this fandom. i know, you control your own tumblr experience and all that jazz but still, like you see things, you hear things, it gets under your skin. but still, when i first joined the fandom, everyone preached unity and that we’re a family and honestly, throughout the years, it’s seemed kinda hypocritical. like little things seem to set people off. not just with the show but with the actors and instead of tumblr being a place were i would go to relax and blog about my favorite tv show, it became cumbersome to log on and see people hating on each other or hating on the actors because of a comment they said or this or that.
i never really planned on going on a hiatus and i didn’t plan on staying on hiatus but thinking back on it, now that i have the clarity, the fandom was just a mess when i left. it put me in a bad spot mentally. and some of that stems from the fact that i hit a peak with my writing and people seemed to love it and then it started to die off. i would kill myself trying to produce new content with very little gain because people would tell me they would want more and then no one would comment or like or whatever. i had an ample tag list of people who would ask me to tag and other than the very few followers that were with me since day one, i would hear nothing from anyone else. it’s kinda a confidence blow, you know.
but anyway, tumblr no longer was a place where i either felt welcomed and were i wanted to go and now, i just need to let that part of my life go.
now, with all of that being said, i am not deleting this blog. i am not purging it. my fics will stay up on ao3. they will stay here. i am tempted to go through and delete a lot of things that i’ve reblogged cause i have close to 50,000 things reblogged and honestly that’s a lot but i am moving away from supernatural.
i will be changing my url. i’ll be changing the content that i’m posting. i probably won’t ever write another supernatural fic (and wow, that right there hurts to say). this blog, i think will change into more of an aesthetic blog. i’ll still post some supernatural stuff here and there because it was such a big part of my life for a long time but this blog will not longer be a supernatural blog.
i do, however, just want to take a moment and thank everyone for standing by me for so long. i want to thank everyone for supporting my highs and helping me through my lows. i wouldn’t have gotten to where i am now if it weren’t for y’all so i really do thank you for that.
and if you decide that you want to unfollow me, i am completely okay with that. i don’t blame you. there will be no hard feelings whatsoever. you followed me for supernatural and now i am not that. but still, just thank you, for everything.
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gooselullaby · 7 years
Tumblr media
Out of bedtime stories: Okay wow. So it’s been three years since I started this account back in 2014. And I am just an emotional wreck right now. Especially with all the friends I’ve gained over time.
2014. 2015. 2016. 2017.
Three years of this pure sweet bean that has graciously made my life improve by her positivity and her outlook on life. I just love coming on Nanako because I know I can either kill the dash with cute or with angst (there is no in between). I love coming here because I’m always so warmly received by everyone in the whole Persona fandom.
So like, this is the first time I’ve ever done something like this. And instead of a follow forever, I just wanna give a shoutout to some people who have made my time here a true experience that I will never forget.
@foggiest-idea - Dacho. You were my first Adachi, and you were the first one to get me started in the fandom. In fact, if it weren’t for you, I would have never made Nanako. Remember how we met in that group chat? As annoying as it got to be at times, I’m glad I was invited in because I got to meet and write with such a wonderful person. And I’m so grateful that you think highly enough of me to have kept contact with me through out all this time and deal with me and all my shenanigans and antics. You’re a homie for life, understand that! You’ve helped me through a lot of rough patches, and I’m so grateful to you for it. I really hope we continue to be friends.
@sabazio -XOE. I love you so much fam it’s unreal. I think...you and me are the oldest people in the fandom now with our original accounts. I think that’s saying something! Ever since we met two years ago, we’ve been pretty much joined at the hip when you’ve been online! And every time you’ve been here, it’s been a wonderful experience that always leaves me laughing; whether you’re spoiling Nanako over here, or tormenting Nicole on my other blog, or being utterly confused with Asahina. I’m always having a great time with you and I think that just proves how great and how adaptive you are of a writer that you can throw Akihiko into any situation and have him work out with just about anyone. Keep being rad, and know that I adore and appreciate you and everything that you do!
@truthorslap - Whoopi, you are the definition of a good friend. Did you know that? You’re there for every post I make, every meme I reblog. No matter what the mood or tone is, I feel like you’ve always got my back in someway or another, and that I could count on you for literally anything. That’s not something I can just say for anyone tbh. Like, you’re always there. And it’s amazing. You’re amazing. Stay frosty my friend.
@ptohpr - Mekky! Okay, so you’ve known me since my Xion days, and I’ve known you since your Logan days (don’t think I forgot one of my favorite OCs!) And no matter what account I’ve moved to, you’ve followed me. And that just means so much to me that you like my writing, and or me as a person enough to keep following me. From Xion, to my first OC blog, then to my remake when I had to. You’ve been just an awesome friend. And lemme just say this for the record, your art is top notch and anyone who hasn’t seen Mekky’s art needs to take a looksie and just check it out. Go commission her!
@steelbanchou - What can I say? Our meeting was short lived, as you have quickly gone from stranger I just met this year, to one of my most consistent partners that I adore writing with. We share headcanons, ideas, the thrill of throwing the dash into despair together, man. Where have you been all my life? You’ve just made your way up my friend ladder and into my heart completely. And I don’t know if I ever thanked you properly? But thanks so much for the manga icons! They’re so cute! And thank you so much for sharing all your crops and gifs with me too. I’ve just had a ball these past two months getting to know and write with you. Can you believe it’s only been two months? It feels like we’ve known each other for at least a minimum of a year. That’s how familiar you’ve become to me.
@devilslcg - Ariel!!! My sweet mermaid. Or human. Which ever you wanna be tbh. Just know you’re as sweet as a princess to me. We’ve been friends for a good while now. And I just gotta say, I really enjoy how open you are to like, everything. You’re so well receptive of new and strange situations, I know now that I can come to you with literally any idea, and you’d be down for it. All the sibling stuff!!!! But in reality you’re a chill person who I love to talk to and I hope we continue to be friends.
@leblancbarista​ / @hippestbarista - Willow, Dad. Coffee dad, the slickest, hippest cat barista in town. How are you? I hope you’re well today. I just want you to know that I enjoy our little talks. They’re always so wonderful, so thought filled, and you know how to turn anything into a good time. I love your art, your headcanons, just everything you produce (Producer status?). It’s all taken care of with so much time and thought, from even the littlest details in the headcanons about their movements. Who does that? Not many people, I’ll tell you. But you go the extra mile in literally everything you do and it shows. Your work ethic shows and shines in everything I see. And it’s so wonderful. Thank you for including me and my thoughts/opinions in your work!
@doppiavitas​ - Bri, mom. You’re like the mom of tumblr lbr. You’re always on the move, watching the dash and checking in on people like it’s your day job. From your art to your opinions, you’re fabulous. Just as fabulous as Memory tbh. We should really talk more! Because you’re a wonderful person and we get along swimmingly. I love seeing you on my dash and when you’re writing or drawing. It’s always such a treat because you put so much work into it!
@godsithe​ / @ginjobs - Did you really think I’d make a list of my friends and not put you on it? Dude, you’re by far my best friend. Ever since you started Blitz, we’ve just been joined at the hip. Literally. Wherever I go, you go. Wherever you go, I go. It’s just that simple. And man, lemme tell you. You’ve heard me cry and whine more than anyone else on this site. And not once have you ever faulted me for my feelings, and instead you tried to help me solve my problems. And I am just eternally grateful to you for it. Because you’re literally just a text away for me to contact you. Be it dank memes or anything else, you’re always there for me. And I just --you’re the Junpei to my Hamuko. I think that’s the best way to sum it up.
@narxkami / @dietted / @jxxvas  Okay!!! So like did you know that I still consider us really good friends? (I don’t know how you consider us tbh, I feel as though there’s a huge gap now)You’re a constant on my dash and I love seeing you. You always manage to brighten up my day, no matter what kind of day were having and I just wanted you to know I think about you constantly. Not in that weird way, but in the way of, ‘I wonder how R is doing, and I hope they’re having a great day.’ I’m just happy with all the progress you’ve made since we first met, and you really coming out of your shell.
@alibcba / @fortunatantei / @mystxryious​ - Jazzy Jazz! *plays epic sax music in the bg*. Did you know that you’re like, one of my all time best friends? I love the fact that no matter what time of day it is, no matter what kind of problem I’m having, I can come to you for it. And you’re always ready to comfort me and offer me some of the greatest advice, even if it’s as simple as talking my problems out. And it’s not just me coming to you, I check on you occasionally when I see you’re down or something. And we exchange opinions in a matter of fact and adult like setting. We both have a mature relationship in which we can help each other come to conclusions in clear thought. I have to thank you for being that friend for me. That solid foundation on which I can lean on.
@transiens​ -CHRIS. Everybody Hates Chris Did you ever think I’d make a list without putting you on it? Dude, you’ve been my friend for ages now. I can’t even remember how we met, but it was great. Because I got one of the best friends out of this random encounter possible. From dank memes to serious talks, you’re always there for me. Plus??? You know nearly every single fandom I do and we have wonderful AU’s built off of that shared knowledge. Dude, you’re like half my childhood in one person. All of the amazing parts, that is. I just want you to know you’re like one of the coolest people I’ve ever met and I love having you as a friend.
@venmago​ -Sachi! I know you’re busy and probably won’t see this until later, but I want you to know I adore you! I know you’ve been worried about your activity lately and trying to keep me and everyone else happy. But like I’ve told you before, it’s okay! Take your time with everything that you’re doing because I know you have a lot on your plate and that you work more than Yousuke right now. But lemme just say I love your writing, and you as a person for all the effort and passion you put into everything you do. I know Yousuke isn’t one of the more popular Persona characters, and everyone treats him as a joke, but you take him seriously and it’s wonderful. I love it. Please keep rocking at your own pace so you don’t tire out!
And now!!! For some blogs who I don’t know very well, but would like to! You’re all wonderful human beings who have made my experience here a pleasant one!
@whtct, @blkcts, @ilcomplice, @greendreambro, @inxquisitor, @sweetpvnk, @crossedscar, @goofyfacade, @sensortype, @hxpeiing, @homosinger, @akuromic​ / @pxgtails​, @starpcff​, @dojiikko​, @deathfortune​, @banchokun​, @truthchaser​, @tukibowaba​ / @shrineguardian​, @picarexque​, @worldofthefool​, @phantomled​, @diamondkaito​, @pillcger0ftwilight​, @desbearer​, @lamentis​, @rationalclover​, @herluck​ / @deathgave, @smokefumed​, @rcbelskull​, @souseta​, @telekinetiq​, @maidlove​, @purseona​, @tearsdivine​, @shotimc​, @ophantasma​, @dolgelo​, @aragakisan​, @foolspartner​, @chxntpleure​, @chosemercy​, @childrenswar​, @crookedtie​, @kyuubcy​, @crossxskulled​, @amagiggled​, @amxgii​, @pvssywhipped, @frcidyne, @backstagebaae, @skcll, @kingressentiment, @solisnumen
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