#being cozy and warm and dry when it's wet and cold outside really just makes you into the sleepiest little bitch
undead-potatoes · 18 days
Rain and generally stormy weather makes me so unbelievably sleepy, water starts falling from the sky and my body goes "alright time to hibernate"
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moo-blogging · 5 months
No thoughts tonight, just dad Levi in my head.
You always wanted a spring baby. You thought it represents hope, new beginnings, and endless possibilities. But your baby came at mid autumn when the leaves were falling and the sky gray. It wasn't that you would love your baby any less just because of the season the baby was born in, but you had concerns about your baby surviving the winter.
Living in the outskirts of town closer to the military camp allowed Levi to sleep at home whenever he wasn't on night duty. However this had reduced the convenience of reaching for a doctor. Levi knew about your concerns and he assured you that there was less titan attacks in the winter and he would arrange with Erwin to have lesser night duties.
Before the winter came, you and Levi had been thrifting for warmer clothes, but it was hard to get infant sizes. You learnt to strap your baby onto your chest to keep warm together. Levi had the cadets carried more logs to the cabin. You sewn clothes together to make thicker blankets, socks and mittens.
When the cold harsh winter hit, you dressed your baby in 3-4 layers of clothings you sewn. You yourself was wearing 2-3 layers too. The jacket Levi took from the military was useful when you had to go out to fetch more logs, but it was too hot in the house. Seeing your baby's cheeks red with warmth and love, your worries reduced. Your baby was the exact replica of Levi. With his hair was dark as the night, his eyes gleaming silverish blue and his pointed little nose, you loved your baby so so much you felt like your heart could explode with love.
One evening without night duty, Levi came home to you. He gave you a quick kiss, played with baby for a moment, and hit the shower. Levi always showered before you during winter to make the bathroom warm. After a hot shower and feeling warm, you walked into the living room finding Levi alone and the crate empty.
"Levi? Where's baby?" You asked, a wet towel draped on your shoulders. Turning around, you saw a big bulge under Levi's oversized hoodie. Levi insisted on buying this oversized hoodie at the bazaar. You knew Levi did not wear oversized clothing but he refused to disclose what it was for. And now you knew.
You mirrored Levi's grin as you approached him. Levi was bouncing on his toes. He leaned in toward you, pulling at his collar. You saw your baby's sparkling huge eyes staring at you. A grin started to spread across his face when he saw yours. A sharp baby-ish giggled echoed through the room. Levi had strapped baby onto him and pulled the hoodie over them. Baby was safe and warm with Levi, grinning as he ate his little fist.
Levi started to hum and rub the baby's back, lifting his eyebrows and blinking his eyes to tease baby. Baby laughed again. You kissed the side of Levi's lips. You really loved watching Levi being a dad. He was never shy or embarrassed to learn about being a supporting partner during the pregnancy. You tried to stop him for strapping the baby onto him after his long day at work. You knew how it hurts your back, but Levi insisted because "you have been carrying baby for 9 months, i want to share this with you too".
With Levi sitting on the sofa and you on the carpeted floor, Levi was drying your hair with a towel by the fireplace. The cabin smelt like bonfire, tea and baby powder. Snow was falling quietly outside, and the night was dark.
But your cabin was warm and cozy. Your husband's fingers massaging your scalp as he dried your hair. Your baby babbling happily and Levi replying with "oh really?" "you like to eat your fingers, huh?" "you think so?".
Oh, you thought, what a wonderful life this is.
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Yo you had a Joong dream? Tell me why I had a San dream. Specifically(here comes the delulu) I woke up several times bc I’ve had a migraine for two days and it’s been miserable 🙃, but when I fell back asleep this morning and woke up from this dream was at midnight(on his birthday) in Seoul.
The dream was a cute date, I can’t remember much but there was cuddling I think. I distinctly remember we were walking side by side outside, and he put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned in and put my arm around his waist. I leaned in further and wrapped my other arm around his waist from the front so I was like side hugging him while we were walking. I remember him being so warm and cozy(literally physically felt how warm he was) and very solid(?) if that makes sense. I just felt so safe and warm and cared for kinda. Like he was being very sweet, duh it’s San 🙄. And it started raining and he grabbed my hand and we started running to get to cover. And we did and ya ya blah blah we were soaking wet and laughing super hard and he was being cuddly while we waited for a ride so I didn’t get too cold. (That’s when I woke up) He was just so fucking warm and like solid and strong? Like big arms around me and like hugging him like just solid is the only word I can think of.
Annnyyywwaaayyysss now I want that gross cute shit and cuddles but I’m ALONE
But imagine you get under the cover after running through the rain and his tshirt is wet and stuck to him and yours is too and you’re freezing and he’s cuddling you but you can’t help but notice how fucking hot he looks because he’s being so so affectionate and caring and at the same time I can see his “rippling pectorals” through his shirt and his hair is wet and he just pushed it back with a couple pieces hanging in his face. So you get in a taxi and go back to his place and dry off. He changes into dry clothes and gives you a dry hoodie and sweats of his. He starts making you some tea and some soup, but you can’t shake the way your skin lights up every time he touches you. You decide sneak a cheeky little kiss on his kind of neck/shoulder and then he kisses you back on the forehead and tells you how beautiful you are in his clothes. He then strokes your cheek and asks if you’re still cold. You say yes so he pulls you into his arms. When you look up at him, the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. He leans in to kiss you and you accidentally let out a lil whimper. He pulls back to look at you quizzically and read your face but your pupils are blown out. You don’t even notice but you have a death grip on his shirt sleeves so he turns off the stove and says he’ll worry about the soup later and picks you up by the backs of your thighs and carries you to his room and proceeds to really warm you up and kisses every inch of your skin and then devours you like the good service top he is.
*sigh* yeahhhh….
Happy Sannie Day(and Sunday or whatever day it is for you) thank you for continuing to feed us romance and filth and I’m obsessed with your page. Keep being amazing and wonderful and stay thirsty 😉.
Babygirl, thank you so much for the DETAIL!!!
You left an entire bakery here for me and I ate ALLLLL THE CRUMBS AND PASTRIES!
I have nothing but appreciation to contribute to how beautiful your mind works and how romantic and sensual this moment feels.
San with dark, wet hair hanging in his eyes just does SOMETHING! ALOT OF THINGS TO ME!
The man could wear a potato sack and still look sexy and he's so talented and has such a soft soul and sparkling personality!!!
San honestly shows more care and nurture into Atiny's than I see some men do in their REAL-LIFE RELATIONSHIPS with their REAL PARTNERS!
I think that's why parasocial relationships with the members of Ateez are so severe because their paid fanservice is more fulfilling than most situationships and casual partners now.
They also need us as much as we need them which I didn't realise until I saw so many of fancalls with San where his face genuinely lights up at atiny's remarks and compliments.
So, I feel like the parasocial relationship on their end is more than what I was anticipating.
Anyway, I got my attention diverted but thank you for this beautiful piece of work, I will dream well tonight.
PLease keep commenting, sharing your thoughts, supporting and just being you :)
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cadrenebula · 9 months
YAY I can ask about your amazing characters! Thanks for reblogging to remind me to ask you some! :D You're amazing and I love all your characters! So whichever ones you want to answer for:
Do they wear jumpers (sweaters)? If so do they fit perfectly or are they baggy?
Do they have a favourite hot drink? Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Hot cider? If so, how do they take it?
It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
Popping this below a read more since it got long in answering these. :D
1. Do they wear jumpers (sweaters)? If so do they fit perfectly or are they baggy?
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While most of Aryn's clothes tend to be form fitting to show off his dancer's physique, he'd definitely be putting on a nice fluffy oversized sweater. He may have even taken one of his Nonna's since Fen is definitely bigger than him. (Though he'd definitely ask first if it was okay to take it.) He definitely has at least one (maybe more) sweaters knitted by his sister, Ely.
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Alex isn't a big fan of sweaters. He would definitely not wear an oversized one for fear it would get in his way if something came up and he needed to fight. But he was also born in Ishgard so the could doesn't bother him as much. Especially now that he lives along the ocean with his wife. The cold there is much more tolerable so he doesn't often need sweaters. Plus he has a jacket he really likes and is fitted for hidden throwing knives and a extra set of daggers.
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Asher doesn't really own any sweaters. Not that he doesn't want any. He would probably own at least one warm fluffy sweater if he gave it some thought. But he doesn't often put much thought into clothes other than making sure he has some clean ones that aren't full of holes. Especially with how often he gets dirty doing mechanic work for the group or his own things.
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2. Do they have a favourite hot drink? Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Hot cider? If so, how do they take it?
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Stefan practically lives off coffee. His coffee intake increased during the whole Necromancer incident and it's surprising he doesn't have coffee for blood at this point. Though he will drink tea on occasion too. But for the most part he prefers black coffee, no cream or sugar.
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Nebula much prefers hot tea. Mostly for drinking though they can easily use the tea for other purposes, such as tea leaf readings. They prefer a nice hot chai with a bit of cream and sugar.
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Alfa is definitely a cider drinker. It's definitely better hot than cold. Sometimes with a splash of something alcoholic. But he doesn't spike his cider too often. Kino would give him an earful if he did.
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3. It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
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Destiney would get out of any damp/wet clothes before heading for the bed where Syl keeps the really nice fur blanket he made. She'd bundle herself up in it before finding her husband to snuggle up to. She loves when he brings out the nice fur blanket for the cold months.
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Valen would definitely be stripping and taking a nice hot bath or shower. Depending on which he has more time for. Shower if he's in a hurry or a bath if he has time. Once he's clean and dry, then comes a nice cup of something warm to drink like tea or hot chocolate. Which depends on what he has on hand. Traveling so often he doesn't always remember which he has in stock.
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4. What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
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Ronove would definitely have to go with snacks and cuddles with Ely. She'd probably be knitting with him snuggled up beside her with his snacks and probably some nice chai tea she made. He likes listening to the clack of her knitting needles. He's tried it himself but he's still very much a novice at it. He'd rather sit beside her while she knits instead. It's more soothing.
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A cozy night for her is time spent with her Siren sisters. Usually drinking and playing cards. Though she doesn't drink as much as her sisters. Just being with her sisters is comforting to her.
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To Lance, a cozy night in is time spent with either Kyna or with Tara's family. His brother can't often get away to spend cozy nights with him. But he does dote on Tara's niece and nephew. He'd settle down and read them stories or play games with them. Or if Kyna would like, they'd have a quiet night in his room curled up together in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate.
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Thanks for the asks! @pinxli
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ronanceisintheair · 2 years
given the weather where i am, i was thinking about lil guy wheeler getting snow on his glasses and rob being there to try and help dry them and wanted to share this wisp of a thought with you :)
AUGHH!! yes that's it. That's the post.
Nance enjoys winter; not because he loves the cold. If anything he's adverse to the bitter winds that scratch at his cheek and leave his lips chapped and beaten if unattended. He hates the way the cold drys out his hands and just sinks right to the core of his bones.
But he loves what winter means. What it brings.
He loves snowy days filled with hot cocoa; filled to the brim with marshmallows and garnished with a candy cane. He loves snowy walks around downtown with Robin, their shoulders brushing and bumping as they walk next to each other hand in hand. He loves when they get a moment to breathe, a moment to try out the local outdoor rinks-he knows Robin loves it too even if they complain most of the time.
But cold and glasses don't always mesh together with smooth edges. The tedious task of wiping the foggy condensation from his glasses when he steps into a warm cozy space.
Robin laughs and teases him about it, but sometimes they best him to the punch; ever so careful when removing his glasses-whats a klutz-delicately wiping the lenses off.
"Here you go big guy-" one of those ironic nicknames that he's come to love hearing them say.
Outside; when the snow is falling, fresh white flakes whirl with the wind or fall dainty when there's none. They melt as they land on the lovers' coats and scarves, Robin catching a few on their tongue while Nance rolls his eyes in fond admiration of his dorky knight.
Snowflakes that fall and cling to the lenses and frames of his glasses, if only temporary; leaving traces behind that add up to obstruct and dilute the purpose of said glasses.
He'd consider just going without them, he doesn't need them per say, but that thought never last long. Not only does it unsettle him, but Robin always seems to be there right when he needs them. They smile, never make it feel like an obligation or like a chore; placing a kiss to his reddened nose before putting the freshly cleaned glasses back on his face.
The first snowfall in Boston, real snow where a few inches settle on the ground and everything is just cascaded in a sea of white, they can't help themselves but bundle up in sloppy fashion, rushing out of their apartment.
The first snowman of the season is what Nance has in mind, the winter protector of their apartment complex. Robin can't help the way they're already forming a snowball, they can't help that they have terrible aim or the way Nance moves slightly and the snow ends up hitting his face.
"Fuck! Fuck." Anxiety and other emotions surge inside of Robin's chest, gripping their throat slightly. They can tell he's taken completely off guard, the way he stumbles backwards ending up with his ass in the snow.
"Nance!" They call, despite being only a few feet away, "Nance, lovebug I'm so sorry," they're crouching down next to him, voice barely held together.
Nance doesn't look upset and his glasses seem to be okay for the most part; his face is a little red...and wet.
"Robbie give a guy a warning next time," he huffs lightly, their face already tells him guilt is eating them up inside, he would never add to it, "I'm okay, really." He reassures.
Robin swallows, sitting down in the snow with him; they take care of his glasses. Wiping them off, examining them in the orange street lights that glow above their heads, "I really didn't mean to."
He nods, taking the glasses after wiping his face off with the sleeve of his coat. After they're secured on his face Robin gets a face full of snow, "now we're even."
And they wouldn't expect anything less from him.
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codenamehazard · 2 years
InFAMOUS Headcanon: Winter Woes
Hey guys! For those of us who's winters are cold, dry and chock full of static, you know the struggles. Hair frizzing more readily, socks and sweaters clinging to each-other for dear life after a tumble in the dryer, carpets, fuzzy clothes and doorknobs seeming to conspire against you and things are sticking to you more than you'd like... And this is just the stuff in the home going on. Outside, it's cold, sometimes it's icy and slushy, sometimes the winds are vicious and bitter and while the fluff white snow is a mostly welcome sight during the holiday season, after that, it's a slushy grey sloppy mess that has overstayed it's welcome.
But all this has got me thinking... What would Cole MacGrath feel about the grief that winter likes to cause?
So in honor of being shocked a little too much from metal doorknobs, here's my thoughts on the Electric Man and how he would deal with the static nightmare that is winter.
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As stated before in a previous post I made, if Empire City's climate is anything like the city it was modeled after, than Cole MacGrath is no stranger to crap weather, including snow.
Though while Cole has a love/hate relationship with rain and thunderstorms, he strongly dislikes snow. The only thing it's good for is getting him days off if it's really bad and even then he has mixed emotions on it because, most likely, if he doesn't work that day, he doesn't get paid. Which isn't a good thing.
When he's getting ready to make his rounds, his brows would furrow and his lips would curl into a sneer if the forecast shows that the weather was gonna be shit. Rainy days he could tolerate, yeah they're wet and miserable and the roads are a bit on the slick side, but it's bearable.
Winter weather was a whole 'nother animal.
Even bundled up as much as he could, thermals and all, the wind as he rides and the cold fury of Mother Nature tears through the protective layers of clothing. Chilling him to the bone. Even the warmth produced by his movements is negated by the sweat that comes from exercise. It's even more hellish when he's stuck standing still for any reason, but the reason for his irritation is the roads.
Wet roads you can see, icy roads you often can't.
Black ice everywhere, making every road and bridge a potential death-trap for cars, literally metal cages on wheels. Can you imagine how dangerous those same conditions would be for a lone man riding a bicycle? It also doesn't help that, for some damn reason, people drive like idiots in snowy conditions. Making the roads all the more dangerous for Cole as he goes about his job.
Even on his proper days off, the snow and cold are nuisances. Parkour is dangerous enough, even with as seasoned of a practitioner as he is, icy rooftops and slick poles make things even too risky for him.
I guess he could go out with Zeke and Trish for sledding shenanigans, but knowing both Cole and Zeke and their tendency towards mischief, there's probably a lot of making ramps out of snow and a lot of yelling from Trish about the two guys (mainly her daredevil of a boyfriend) launching themselves airborne with the ramps.
On the whole though, all MacGrath wants to do is stay indoors as much as possible, be it in a bar with Zeke, curled up in his bed, escaping the cold with a nice warm shower/bath or all snuggled up on a couch under a cozy blanket with Trish watching "Home Alone."
His relationship with the cold worsens after the blast.
Now we don't really get to see much of what goes down in the year between InFAMOUS 1 and InFAMOUS 2 aside from what we see in the InFAMOUS comics, but I can imagine that the winter for that year was an absolute nightmare for the Demon of Empire City.
Everywhere he went, the air felt charged and buzzing. Sparks seemed to jump off him at random. Even after getting his powers under control, the dry air seemed to be the perfect storm for people to be zapped by accident. Touching him was like getting zapped by a doorknob, he was even more likely to accidentally fry electronics. Clothes and small light objects like plastic bags, thin pieces of paper and the like clung to him incessantly. It seemed like no matter how many times he'd discharge his body to get things to stop sticking to him and to make it so that he's not zapping every doorknob, shocking damn near every rando on the street and short-circuiting every piece of tech he wants to use, it's almost like the cold, dry, static-y air would just charge him back up again and he's back to fighting rogue sweaters and marauding foil decorations.
It also doesn't help that his main mode of getting around involves him zooming around on wires or the third rail of the train, friction from the wind and the electricity from the wires charging him up even more.
The parkour issue may have been resolved thanks to him not getting hurt from falling, but I'd think that landing wrong would still suck. His attacks probably have more punch too thanks to the added charge, but other than that, there were more negatives than positives in regards to being a living battery in the winter time.
Even indoors, Cole's powers cause issues for him. The constant charge of power makes him antsy, so being cooped up inside is irritating, when he and Zeke are on somewhat better terms, grabbing a beer has it's issues of being surrounded by bodies and those bodies are most likely gonna get a zap, electronics are still wigging out... Sleep has become an elusive thing, so he can't really enjoy being in his bed. With Trish gone, being under the covers on the couch feels just as cold as the winter air, he can't even find solace in the warm waters of a shower or a bath as the water would kill him and sponge bathing just doesn't cut it.
Cole MacGrath may have never been a fan of the winter weather, but after the blast, his feelings towards the ice and snow has turned from a strong dislike to straight up loathing.
He couldn't wait for warm weather to come and winter to be over.
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bleh-bleh-blehs · 3 years
Hey ! So, you want some requests, here you go :
Fluff with Young!Sirius Black x (fem!(optional))reader
Reader absolutly love the rain, so much so, everytime it rain, she can't stop herself from going outside to be under the water (either dance or just standing heads up), always ended socking wet. I like to see what you think Sirius' reaction would be of seeing his s/o so in love with the rain after she come in class or in the dermatory drenched, and maybe helping her getting dry ?
Anyway, do as you feel more drawed to, I'm curious to see your writing !
Have a nice day !
- iwishtomeetinournextlife 🌧️
Thank you for requesting! <3 I am sorry for the delay. I am writting for Sirius Black for the first time. I did not use any specific pronouns so count it as gender neutral!reader
Young!Sirius Black x reader
word count:- 0.7k
You loved rain. You absolutely loved getting wet in the rain, you loved the smell of mud, loved the cold breeze, the rainbows.
You have been obsessed with going out in the rain since you were a child not caring about the aftermath which always resulted in you getting cold. It was always worth it. And of course the monsoon was one of your favorite reasons.
You never missed any rain showers, even in your school. Just like today, you were desperately waiting for the last lecture to end so that you could run out and enjoy the rain.
You made a beeline towards the school grounds as soon as the professor dismissed the class. Not caring if anyone was calling for you or not, you have been waiting all day for this.
You have been in the rain for thirty minutes when you heard a voice call you. There he stood a few paces away from you, your frustratingly hot and dashing boyfriend Sirius Black.
“How long have you been standing there?” you asked him.
“As long as you.” he answered, you could see a loving smile on his face. You loved the way he looked at you, it made you feel very special and loved.
“Do you want to come inside or stay for a while?” he asked but you knew that he was dying to throw you over his shoulder and run back inside where it is warm and dry.
Sirius never liked rain, he never really enjoyed getting wet in rain until it was something important like a quidditch match. But ever since you have confessed your love for the rain he made it his goal to be there with you when run like a child in the drizzle.
He either stood at the gates watching you from a distance or sometimes joined you.
You smiled and held out your hand for him to take, walking back to the castle. After all, you didn’t want your darling to be miserable.
You both practically ran towards your common as the cold air made you shiver, parting only to go to your separate dorms to change into something dry and warmer.
Once you changed your clothes you left to go to the common room with a fuzzy, warm blanket and waited for Sirius to emerge from his room. You both had made a habit to sit in front of the fireplace after your fun in the rain or whenever it was cold.
You waited for a while but when Sirius didn’t show up you decided to check up on him. You knocked at his dorm room door which was answered by very tired Remus. “Yes?” he asked.
“Is Sirius in there?” you inquired. “No, he left a while ago,” he answered.
“Oh, ok.” you gave him a smile before leaving for the common room again.
Now you are confused. Did Sirius forget about the cozy fireplace time? Or he came across an important task he couldn’t ignore? If he did then why didn’t he let you know? You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your name being called.
At the bottom of the stairs stood Sirius, his hands holding two mugs.
“What are you doing there darling?”
“I was looking for you.” you started to descend stairs meeting him at the bottom. He smirked smugly. “Well, I’m right here.” he kissed your forehead. “C’mon, it’s out cozy fireplace time.” He led you to your usual spot near the fireplace where you had left your fuzzy blanket.
Setting the mugs down nearby, he sat down throwing the blanket on his one shoulder waiting for you to join him. You took your seat next to him snuggling at his side, while he wrapped the remaining blanket around you.
“Well you clearly left to get us some beverages.” you started. “Oh yes, your favorite.” he handed you one mug. “Thought it might ward off any remaining cold and i am here to warm up of course.” he placed a small kiss on your nose.
“Ughh, you guys are so sweet it makes me want to vomit.”
“You had to ruin our perfect moment, right Prongs?”
“Oh no Paddy, just consider this as a payback for ruining the moment between me and Lily flower!” he exclaimed. Sirius rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to you.
There was one more reason for why you loved the rain because of it you can always ask for more cuddles and special treatment from Sirius.
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guardianofrivendell · 4 years
A Snowday with Kíli
For the wonderful @elles-writing​ who needed a little cheering up, and who am I to deny her?
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Spending a snowday with Kíli would probably go like this:
your opinions about snow were a bit divided, to say the least
you loved snow
but only when it was fresh, untouched
not that gooey, dirty pile of smush it turns into when people walked on it too much
so when Kíli banged on your door yelling it had snowed overnight, you huffed and rolled on your other side
it should be illegal to wake people up before ten
Kíli however absolutely LOVES snow 
and he loves you but he will get to that eventually
seriously Fíli stop bugging him about it, he will get to it
after another assault on your door, you finally got up and let him in
“You don’t understand, it is SNOWING.”
cue massive eyeroll from you
he eventually convinced you to go outside
in the snow
because you can’t refuse anything from Kíli
not with that pout
you put on your wintercoat, some gloves, scarf, hat and thick boots lined with fur
“You look like a grizzly bear.”
“I’m not a Dwarf like you, I don’t have an internal heating system.”
he laughed at that
but it’s true though, he only wears his wintercoat
he doesn’t need more
when you walk outside, the cold wind surprised you 
you snuggled into your coat, hugging yourself
“You’re cold?”
“Nah, I’m fine.”
Kíli takes you to a part in the forest where the snow is still untouched
just the way you like it
there’s a river and a stone bridge (gif: hint hint)
it’s all very idyllic 
postcard picture cute
you were both enjoying the view, taking it all in
until you smacked a snowball on the back of Kíli’s head
“Oh you did not!”
you - already with another snowball in your hands - “Wasn’t me!”
Kíli’s gathering as much snow in his arms as he can carry
“You’re so dead!”
Best snowball fight ever
your gloves, coat and trousers were drenched from the snow but it somehow doesn’t bother you
at one moment one of Kíli’s snowballs hits you in the neck
despite your scarf, there’s still a lot of snow that gets into your clothes
if you weren’t cold before, you’re freezing now
your hands are shaking and teeth chattering 
instant regret from Kíli
he’s fussing over you and immediately takes you back to the mountain
“I need to get you warm.”
yes, well, that was enough to keep your mind busy for a while
he led you to his room and got the fire going
while you took off your wet clothes and replaced them with dry ones, Kíli went to get you hot soup from the kitchen
while you ate the soup, he covered you in blankets
“Are you warm enough?”
“I’m f-fine, K-Kíli.”
Protective Kíli people!
He remembers your comment about him having an internal heating system
Light bulb moment
He sits next to you and huddled into your side
“What are you doing?”
“Being your personal heater.”
You were not complaining, nuh-uh
After a while you’re dozing off, the warmth of the soup and the fire combined with the soft cozy blankets making it difficult to keep your eyes open
Kíli moves away to give you your space
he doesn’t want to make things awkward
even though it felt really good to hold you this close
but you were having none of it, clutching his arm and pulling him back towards you
“You’re still cold?”
you snuck your hand underneath his shirt to touch his bare back with the icicles you called fingers
the shriek that followed was too high-pitched to be taken seriously
he lifted his arm for you to crawl under
“Get in here.”
he threw the blanket over both of your shoulders this time, and pulled you back into his side, his arm thrown over you
you snuggled into his side even closer, entirely on instinct
he was so warm
Kíli’s face heated up and he was sure his cheeks were red
but that was from the fire right?
after a few minutes you fell asleep again
he could get used to this 
holding you 
taking care of you
but still Kíli prayed no one would enter his room while he had you in his arms
Fíli would never let him hear the end of it
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tennessoui · 3 years
obikin 28,11 :3
kit to kit: oh, 28, knocking on the wrong door, that can be a cute modern quirky au
kit to kit: yeah totally sure !!! you know what it could also be? 4.2k of dark canon AU that is dub con due to identity issues that definitely ends with anakin tied to a bed with future plans of stockholm syndroming him!!!
(so read at your own risk here this is definitely on the darker side of these prompt fills)
28. Knocking On The Wrong Right Wrong Door AU (4.2k)
The storm’s picked up to dangerous levels by the time Anakin and his padawan have picked their way out of the smoking rubble of their ship and made it into the nearby town.
“Think of it this way!” Anakin yells over the howl of the wind. “The rain’ll put out the rest of the fire!”
The look Ahsoka gives him is cold enough to freeze the rain that’s pelting down on them.
“I hope Master Windu grounds you for destroying another one of the Temple’s ships,” she snips at him, looking deeply unimpressed with his dramatic expression of hurt and betrayal.
“No one keeps count of that stuff, Snips,” Anakin grins. “And anyway, if I get grounded, you’d definitely be grounded with me. As my Padawan.”
“I’d be promoted, actually. They’d knight me on the spot the first time I come back with all my ships intact.”
Anakin rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to say something, but there’s a crack of thunder loud enough to shake him to his bones and a seriously bright flash of lightning that connects with a wind-swept tree next to them.
“Shelter!” Anakin yells over the renewed rain. “Come on, Ahsoka!”
The town is small, but there has to be some sort of hotel or lodge or--
“We don’t have any credits, Master!” Ahsoka cries, running after him.
She’s right. All their funds were in their ship, and neither of them had thought to grab them.
Kriff it all.
He changes course as soon as they get to the outskirts of the village.
He pounds on the door of the first cottage they come across. Either no one’s in or they’re particularly unfriendly, because the door stays firmly shut.
He hits the wood harder, setting up a constant rhythm. In a second, they’ll run to the next house, but there’s something about this place that feels right. Surely if only Anakin could knock loud enough to be heard over the storm--
The door cracks open and warm yellow light spills out over the doorstep.
“What?” The man asks stiffly. Anakin can only see a sliver of his face--one blue eye, dark red hair, and a beard.
“Good evening,” Anakin says, putting on his best Jedi voice. “I am seeking shelter from the storm for myself and my companion. We--”
“There’s an inn next to the school in town. Goodnight.”
Anakin wedges his foot in just before the man can close the door. “Please sir, we don’t have any credits--”
“Unfortunate. Goodnight.”
“Please, sir. My name is Anakin Skywalker. I am a General in the War. Shelter us tonight and the Jedi Order will see you repaid in full!”
The man pauses and looks him up and down slowly. The door opens a little wider. “Skywalker?” He asks, sounding suspicious.
Anakin nods eagerly. He doesn’t particularly like dropping his name like that, especially not on strange planets, but he needs to get his Padawan out of the storm. “Anakin, yes. We won’t hurt you or anything, sir. I swear.”
“Come on, Anakin,” Ahsoka says from behind him. “Let’s just go somewhere else. Someone else will let us in.”
The man tears his gaze away from Anakin, the first time he’s done so this entire time, and looks over Ahsoka as well. He opens the door even farther. “I’ll let you in,” he decides and Anakin has to fight the loud sigh of relief. “But I would like you to give me your weapons for the night, please.”
The man looks back to Anakin with a smile. It changes the lines of his face, softens them until the man looks pleasant instead of harsh. He has a nice smile. He has a really, really nice smile.
“No--” Ahsoka starts to say, sounding offended, but Anakin, still dazed by the flash of the man’s teeth, is already saying, “Yeah, of course. Here you go,” and giving his lightsaber to the man as soon as he opens the door all the way.
“Thank you, Anakin,” the man replies with another one of those smiles. Anakin can feel his face heat up at the way his name sounds rolling off this man’s tongue. “And thank you, young one,” he says when Ahsoka reluctantly thrusts her own lightsabers towards him.
“I’m not young,” Ahsoka takes great offense and the man looks apologetic.
“‘Soka,” Anakin reprimands immediately. “Don’t be rude.”
She stares at him in astonishment. He doesn’t tend to correct her that harshly, even when she’s been snippier to foreign dignitaries. But the man doesn’t deserve an attitude from either of them. He’s letting them stay in his house! He’s gorgeous! He’s going to house them out of his own generosity for the night! He’s very, very fit!
“The sitting room is just down the hall and to the right,” the man says, with a tilt of his head. Anakin obediently pulls Ahsoka along. “I’ll just go grab you some dry clothes to change into.”
Behind him he hears the man lock the door. That’s good. Safety is important and he obviously seems a little paranoid. It’s now Anakin’s full time mission to make sure the man knows he can trust him. Them.
“I have a really bad feeling about this, Anakin,” Ahsoka hisses as he practically shoves her down the hallway and into the sitting room, which looks nice and cozy. There’s a couch and everything, with a Holo projector balanced on an old looking low table.
“I’m feeling much better about this than about our odds in that storm,” Anakin argues back in an undertone. There are footsteps above them, so the man’s bedroom must be on the second floor. Anakin wonders what it looks like, and Ahsoka seems to catch on with where his thoughts are because she hits him on the shoulder.
“You’d know what I’m talking about if you were thinking with your brain instead of your lightsaber, Master.”
He opens his mouth to tell her how rude that is and also how very wrong, as Anakin can think with both, thank you very much, but the man appears in the room with them before he has a chance to.
“They won’t fit, obviously,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as if he’s embarrassed to have surprise guests in his house and not have their correct sizes in his closet. “But anything’s better than what you’re wearing now, I thought.”
“Yeah!” Anakin says eagerly. Ahsoka gives him an unimpressed look, crossing her arms. “I mean,” he coughs. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
The redhead gifts Anakin another one of his smiles. This one makes his blue eyes crinkle, which just might end up being his cause of death. Enshrine him in the Jedi Temple and at the plaque on his fee put “Here Lies Anakin Skywalker: Dead Because An Attractive Stranger Treated Him With Human Decency”.
His padawan rolls her eyes and takes her proffered stack of clothes. The man shows her where the fresher is and she stalks into it.
“I’m sorry,” Anakin apologizes immediately when the man turns to look at him with a lost look. “She’s just mad at me for crashing our ship. We were flying fine one minute and the next we have to make this emergency landing that turns out to be a bit--hard on the landing. And….you didn’t ask, did you? Kark. Sorry.”
The man smiles again with an amused shake of his head. “It’s alright, Anakin, I was wondering anyway.” He holds out the clothes for Anakin to change into and Anakin grabs them because it’s something to do that isn’t keel over from embarrassment.
Or, of course, kneel down to show this stranger how much he appreciates his kindness.
Anakin wills that thought--and it’s gorgeous mental image--away. He just hasn’t had sex in a while, not since he and Padme had gotten divorced. Usually, he needs that intimate connection with someone before he even thinks about sex, but maybe when he’s too horny it doesn’t matter anymore? Because he doesn’t even know this man’s name, but when their hands brush as he receives the stack of clothes, he feels as though the lightning from outside is shooting down his spine.
“Um.” He says, like the intelligent war general he is.
Has the man moved closer? Are his eyes dark or is it just the lighting? Is he interested in men? Is he interested in Anakin? Also, what is his kriffing name?
Anakin glances down at the clothes, preparing to ask at least one of those questions, before he realizes something. “There’s no shirt here?” He asks instead of anything much more pressing.
The man’s eyes widen and a blush spreads across his cheeks. “Oh, blast,” he mumbles, already turning to leave. “I’ll go grab you one, I’m sorry, I knew I forgot something.”
Anakin finds himself feeling hopelessly endeared by the man’s awkward flailing. He wonders if he’s managed to fluster the man. The idea feels amazing in his mind.
Grinning to himself, he starts shucking off his wet clothes. He can at least change into the pants while he waits for the man to come back, and if his timing is right---
He’s tying the loose pants tight around his waist when he hears footsteps in the hall.
He turns around, shirtless, to glance at the man in the doorway, who’s stopped to stare at Anakin.
Anakin tries not to preen too obviously. Jedi training has done ridiculous things to the muscles of his back and chest, and he wants the man to look. To appreciate. To want.
And the man looks like he does. The man looks like he wants a lot.
There’s something dark and dangerous and wild and unrestrained in those eyes. Anakin wants closer.
He drops his shoulder and turns to face the man completely, letting him look his full. His gaze feels like a brand on every part of Anakin it touches. His hands tighten on the fabric of the shirt he’s holding when Anakin stretches his arms above his head as he yawns in a pathetically fake manner.
The man takes a couple of steps forward and Anakin stills in anticipation. He had thought he’d looked beautiful smiling, but this--this naked, dangerous want for Anakin that clouds his face--is so much more attractive. It would take one word from the man and he’d be on his knees. His back. His front. He’s not picky, he’s too busy feeling like his whole body is a live wire.
The door opens and Ahsoka’s deeply unimpressed tone effectively snaps the tension in the room. “What are you doing.”
“Getting dressed!” Anakin yelps, taking the shirt the man extends to him and putting it on immediately.
The man sends Ahsoka an unreadable but dark look before blinking a few times and smiling at her. Whatever had been on his face is gone and Anakin can’t help but think that he must have imagined it.
“Please, sit. Are you hungry?” He asks, rubbing his hands together. “Fixing you two a meal would be the least I can do for the galaxy’s heroes.”
Anakin flushes and preens as he follows the direction, the man’s praise wrapping like a warm blanket around his mind.
Ahsoka is less taken in, even as she settles in on the couch next to Anakin. “You could tell us your name,” she says, arms crossed. The look is ruined by the way the gray tunic the man has given to her is big enough to fall off one of her shoulders.
The man freezes for a second, barely noticeable if Anakin was not watching him as intently as he is. Then the stranger’s shoulders droop for a second and he looks so sad that actually Anakin doesn’t care if he never learns the man’s name. He’ll call him Dear for the rest of his life.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” the man eventually murmurs, sitting delicately on the arm of the comfortable looking chair and giving them a half-sort of smile. “At your service.”
Anakin’s eyes narrow at the name that feels like it should be familiar. Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan. It’s pretty. He likes it.
Ahsoka jumps to her feet. “Obi-Wan Kenobi!” she says and turns to Anakin as if that’s supposed to mean something to him. He blinks up at her in confusion. “You’re the Jedi that Fell after Qui-Gon Jinn died!”
Anakin rises immediately, brain trying to process this new information. Yes. Yeah. Obi-Wan Kenobi. They’d met. They’d met on Tatooine. Kenobi had been Qui-Gon’s padawan. He’d killed Maul after Maul killed Qui-Gon. And then...he’d left the Order. Anakin had been assigned another Master. He’d forgotten all about Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“I didn’t Fall,” Obi-Wan Kenobi corrects from his place on the chair. “Please, sit down.”
“You left the Order with Dooku!” Ahsoka accuses. “And you’re trying to tell me you didn’t Fall?”
Anakin’s hand goes to his belt automatically, but he doesn’t have his lightsaber. He’d given it to Obi-Wan.
“Look at my eyes, young one,” Obi-Wan demands in a cold tone. “Are they Sith-gold?”
Anakin hesitates. Obi-Wan has a point. His eyes are blue. And surely they’d know if there was another Sith afoot in the galaxy. Sith don’t like keeping quiet about themselves, from everything Anakin’s learned about them.
“You’re old enough to know how to hide that,” Ahsoka challenges immediately, which makes Obi-Wan wince.
“You don’t pull your punches, do you?” He asks with a forced laugh. Then he looks at Anakin, and his face turns pleading. “Anakin,” he says gently, slowly, Ah-na-kin, “I’m not lying. Please believe me. I--I didn’t leave the Order to join the Sith. I left because they wouldn’t allow me to train you, Anakin.”
Anakin feels like the shipwreck from an hour ago caused less whiplash than these few sentences. “Me?”
“Qui-Gon begged me to train you as he lay dying in my arms,” Obi-Wan’s jaw clenches and his face looks sad again. He closes his eyes as if to ward off the memory and when he opens them again they look wet. “When they wouldn’t allow me to, I realized there was nothing in the Order left for me. Dooku, my master’s master, came to me and asked me to leave with him. I had no idea that he would Fall. As soon as I realized what he had become, I ran. That’s why I’m here, Anakin. Please believe me. I have no involvement in the war, on either side.”
Force help him, but he does. He does believe him. He looks so honest, so heartbroken. This is Obi-Wan Kenobi? He can’t really say he remembers enough about what Kenobi had looked like all those years ago to know if the man in front of him could be an older version of the Padawan he’d met. He doesn’t actually remember anything about Kenobi, except--
“Hey, wait a second, you called me a pathetic lifeform!” Anakin says indignantly, a nine-year-old’s rage welling up in him at the memory.
Obi-Wan blinks at him and then bursts into laughter. It sounds like rocks, sliding into the ocean. Sith don’t laugh like that. He can’t imagine Ventress laughing like that. Or laughing at all, aside from a sinister chuckle.
Obi-Wan wipes the wetness from his eyes and grins at Anakin. “I’d forgotten about that,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
Anakin pouts. “I was standing right there.”
“Making moon-eyes at Queen Amidala, yes,” Obi-Wan raises a sardonic eyebrow. “I thought you were sufficiently distracted. She was quite prettier.”
Anakin’s first instinct is to say, I’m prettier, but that’s not actually appropriate, and maybe Obi-Wan wouldn’t agree with him anyway.
“Do you believe me, Ahsoka?” Obi-Wan asks, turning to her while Anakin is working on controlling his flushed face.
Anakin’s padawan is still standing, but looks unsure. “I...I don’t know.”
“Then we can talk more about it over a cup of tea,” Obi-Wan decides, standing up. “I’ll be back in a second.”
As he walks past the couch to get through a door that must lead to his kitchen, he brushes his hand along Anakin’s shoulder and neck.
Anakin would like to say he handles this touch with grace and aplomb as befitting a Jedi Knight, but the look Ahsoka gives him makes him feel much more like a pathetic lifeform than a Jedi Knight.
“We can trust him,” Anakin mutters to her. “I remember him.”
“It’s been years, Anakin,” Ahsoka mutters back. “Even if you remember everything he’s ever said to you, he could be a completely different person. He probably is.”
“It’s just a night, Snips,” he reasons. “And there’s no alternatives. And I think we can trust him.”
She hesitates for a second and then exhales. “Fine,” she agrees. “But I’m not happy about it.”
Anakin grins in response.
Halfway through tea, Ahsoka starts nodding off.
“Crash landing takes a lot out of anyone,” Obi-Wan says sympathetically with a wink at Anakin, who puffs up in indignation. Before he can say anything in defense of his very necessary landing, Obi-Wan has taken Ahsoka’s tea and put it gently on the table. “Come on, girl, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping. I have a spare room.”
Ahsoka goes easily enough, in a way that makes Anakin feel bad for how short-tempered he’s been with her in the past few hours. He’s been stressed, she’s been stressed, but she’s just a youngling still. She’s probably been exhausted for so long now.
“Could you put our cups in the sink, Anakin?” Obi-Wan asks as he leads the Togruta out of the sitting area.
Anakin complies immediately, carrying each mug like they’re something special and precious before dumping out the contents into the sink and filling each with water.
He thinks about washing them and putting them into cupboards, but he doesn’t want Obi-Wan to think that’s he’s rifling through his cupboards or anything, so he goes back to the living room to wait for him.
Obi-Wan returns just a few seconds later, smiling slightly to himself.
“What?” Anakin asks immediately. If there’s a joke that Obi-Wan finds funny, Anakin wants to hear it too.
“Just something Ahsoka said,” he replies, looking fondly down at Anakin.
Anakin’s feeling too persistent to be sidetracked by that though, so he raises both his eyebrows.
“That she’d skewer me on her lightsabers if I besmirched her master’s honor, no matter how much he asks for it,” Obi-Wan recalls with a perfectly straight face.
Anakin buries his blushing face in his hands instantly. “Force,” he mumbles.
Obi-Wan laughs again. It’s just as pretty as last time and it makes Anakin peek through his fingers.
“It’s alright, Anakin,” Obi-Wan soothes. “I told her I thought I would be quite good at resisting any sort of begging from you.”
Anakin’s first thought is, of course, Want to bet?, but that’s hardly a thing to say to a near stranger. Even if he is very handsome and he has looked at you like you’re a feast and he’s a starving man just a few hours ago.
No, Anakin. Bad Anakin.
“So that’s me for the couch then, yeah?” He says in a totally normal and not at all high-pitched voice, standing so he can go fetch a blanket.
The look in Obi-Wan’s eyes freezes him where he is. They’re filled with that same dark want from before paired with a promise. “If you’d like,” Obi-Wan murmurs and then just to make sure there’s no confusion, he holds out his hand. “Or….”
Anakin doesn’t even have to think about it before he’s interlacing their fingers.
When Anakin comes to, there’s light streaming in through the windows in Obi-Wan’s bedroom. He grumbles and tries to roll over.
He can’t.
Both of his arms have been securely tied over his head, and there’s a gag in his mouth.
Really, his first instinct should be panic and not a sort of sleepy arousal at what Obi-Wan plans to do with him like this.
But no. The panic doesn’t set in until he sees Obi-Wan by the window, deathstick held between his lips as he listens to a holocall.
“Yes, Master,” Obi-Wan murmurs, exhaling a line of smoke out the window before turning to look at Anakin. He nods his head in greeting, as if this is a normal scenario. “Yes, he’s just woken up.”
When he turns his head back to the window, the yellow of his eyes catch on the sunlight and gleam bright gold.
“The padawan has been dealt with,” Obi-Wan continues, which makes Anakin lose any sense of calm he still felt. He’s cut off from the Force so he can’t feel his bond with Ahsoka. Fear and fury wash through him equally at the thought of Obi-Wan, this Sith lord traitor and dirty liar, dealing with Ahsoka.
Oh Force, she’d been right. She’d been so right. Had she paid the cost for Anakin’s blindness?
“Yes, Master. Tell Sidious he can expect his Chosen One kneeling before him in chains as soon as he deposits the credits into my account. I’ve sent multiple pictures already as proof that Anakin Skywalker is alive and bound.”
Anakin tries to yell through the gag, but it’s ineffective and only causes Obi-Wan to look at him with an amused eyebrow raise. “And awake,” the Sith traitor purrs into the comm. “Must go now. Remember, Dooku. My credits.”
With that, he ends the comm and stubs out his deathstick with a flourish, walking around to stand at the foot of the bed with all the grace of a predator who knows its prey is well and truly cornered.
“Good morning, darling,” Obi-Wan croons. “Sorry you had to hear that.”
Anakin glowers at him. He’s never hated anyone more than he hates Obi-Wan Kenobi at this moment.
“Your padawan is safe,” Obi-Wan starts, sitting on the bed by Anakin’s midsection and tracing a hand down his bare chest. Anakin twitches away from him. “No, really,” the Sith promises in a soothing voice. “I drugged her last night of course, but you have to admit she looked like she needed a full night’s sleep.”
The tea. Force, the tea. If Anakin had thought to check the tea, or to follow Obi-Wan into the kitchen and watch him make it, they wouldn’t be here in this position. He wouldn’t be here in this specific position. Force.
“And this morning while you slept, I carried her out to my ship--or Dooku’s ship, I suppose--and put her on route to the Jedi Temple. She’ll arrive in a day or so, probably. I even gave her food and drink to survive comfortably until then. There’s no need to worry.”
Anakin tries to convey the level of disbelief he has for that statement in a single glare. Obi-Wan shrugs languidly, hand still touching his skin in a way he’d enjoyed last night. His body hasn’t gotten the notice that it shouldn’t enjoy Obi-Wan’s touch anymore, which is making this whole bound and gagged thing really awkward.
“Well, for her, I suppose.” Obi-Wan chuckles and pulls his hand away so he can light another deathstick. He takes a drag and then exhales. “I’ll even let you comm her. It’s actually quite important that you do. You see, I told her that I would kill you if she tried to come back here without first going to the Temple. She seemed to believe me.”
He rolls his eyes fondly, as if they’re sharing a joke at Ahsoka’s expense.
“Like I’d kill you,” Obi-Wan huffs a laugh, shaking his head and bringing the deathstick back to his mouth. “I told her I’d let you comm her the second she lands. Of course, she will be surrounded by Jedi masters, who will be very interested in hearing my proposed trade deal, even if she isn’t. I will give them the name of Darth Sidious, my master’s master. I will give them proof enough to end the war and have him arrested and tried for his crimes. And they will give me you.”
Anakin feels his eyes widen at the words. It’s so unexpected that even if he weren’t gagged, he wouldn’t be able to think of a single thing to say.
“It’s perfect, really,” Obi-Wan murmurs, a hand coming up to stroke through Anakin’s hair. “Sidious thinks he is about to get his hands on you, as that has been the plan for weeks now. He has paid good money for you, you know. I almost feel bad for deciding to break our agreement. But you just fell apart so beautifully under my hands last night, darling. How can I give you up?”
Anakin shivers as the memory of last night washes over his mind. He’s never felt more ashamed and yet still guiltily pleased with his performance. The praise he's getting. Force it feels good to be praised.
“So Sidious thinks he will get you, the Jedi will get Sidious, Ahsoka will probably get knighted, and you will be where you belong,” Obi-Wan blows out smoke and then leans down to grin into Anakin’s face. Anakin has to tell himself not to look away. Those yellow eyes are filled with a recognizable lust. It had been so attractive last night. It’s still attractive now, if he’s being completely honest. Force, what is wrong with him?
Obi-Wan’s hand leaves his hair to press delicately on a new bruise on his throat. “You will be with me.”
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
When It Rains, It Pours (M)
Roommate!Namjoon x Reader
WordCount: 4.6k
Genre: PWP, Smut, Fluff, Roommates to Lovers!
Warnings: Soft Dom!Namjoon, Dirty Talk, Begging, Praise, Fingering, Cunnilingus, Joon Tiddie Worship (You Just Gotta), Huge Cock!Namjoon, Face Fucking, Spanking, Cum Swallowing, Unprotected Sex, Choking, Possessive!Namjoon, Degradation, Multiple Orgasms, Cream Pie
A/N: A really big thanks to my women @xjoonchildx​, @ladyartemesia​, @ppersonna​ for hyping me up as per usual and reading through it! The loves of my life! I hope you guys enjoy it! 
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Summer showers are usually delightful. There's something incredible about sitting on your balcony with your roommate as you both sip wine and listen to the rain patter against the streets and your apartment building. You love the smell of the rain, the dark overcast that seems to highlight your roommates handsome features. And, above all you love the coziness that sets deep into your bones. 
You should have been home two hours ago, listening to the rain with your braniac of a roommate and yet, you had gotten stuck at work for what felt like the fortieth time just this month. 
You didn’t bring an umbrella to work, expecting to have been home before the rain began to barrage the Earth. 
You didn’t bring a jacket because it was hotter than Hades outside and the humidity was eating you alive. 
So here you are, drenched and disappointed that you missed out on a beautiful evening on the balcony.
Thunder crashes loudly, lightning highlighting the apartment door as it gets kicked open. Namjoon jumps loudly at the noise as the door knob slams into the wall. 
“Jesus Christ! What the fuck!?” he yells, putting his hand over his heart. 
You glower at him as you enter the apartment, hair in tendrils as small droplets of water plop onto the white ground beneath you.
Closing his book, his eyes go wide. You can only grimace grimace, picking up your hair and slinging it over your shoulder unceremoniously. The slap as your hair hits your back is loud and you purse your lips, shaking your soaked bare arms. 
“Oh my God!” Joon mumbles, jumping up and rushing into the hallway to the linen closet. 
You groan gently, throwing your bag onto the floor. The puddle that seems to seep from the sodden fabric makes you give an unamused scoff as Namjoon reappears with towels. 
“You should have called me, idiot! I would have picked you up!” he chides you, putting a towel around your shoulders. 
You hum to him, looking out the window as lighting ricochets through the sky. He bends down to your level, throwing a towel over your head and patting your face dry. 
“I didn’t want to bother you.” you mutter, rolling your eyes when he clicks his teeth. 
His eyes look over your face before looking at your clothes. 
“You’re going to get sick. You have to take these clothes off.” he whispers and you raise an eyebrow at him as he runs the towel down your soaked arms. 
“Are you trying to get me naked?” you quip. 
He chuckles, flicking your forehead. 
“If I wanted to have you naked. I would have already done so years ago.” he retorts as you rub your forehead with a pout. 
With an unattractive snort, you take the towel off of yourself. 
“Lift your arms.” he instructs, grabbing at the soaked hem of your shirt. 
You do as told whining at the cold fabric before meeting eyes with him as he hauls the soaked fabric over your head. He keeps his eyes on you, the soaked tank top slapping to the floor from the heaviness of the rain. He trails his eyes slowly down your face, your breath hitching as you tilt your head.
The lightning highlights his handsome features once more. And the way his tongue swipes over his lips makes you go rigid.
 Fuck, what is wrong with you? 
You’ve lived together for years now. The man before you is your best friend. You've had ideas of such things before but you've worked so hard to keep them at bay. How could you be reacting to him in such a way? 
He unbuttons your jeans, tugging at the waistband, the fabric is so soaked it clings to the globes of your ass. You hiss as he pulls down harshly, your legs coated in a sheen layer of wetness as he bends down. 
“Put your hand on my shoulder and step out.” he orders. 
You shiver, feeling the cool air drift over your body in the dimly lit room.
Stepping out of your pants, Namjoon catches sight of how wet your panties have even gotten, the light grey cotton fabric dark and soaked by the rain. He takes a sharp inhale through his nose, looking at you as he stands tall. 
“If you get sick I’m not staying by your side waiting on you hand and foot like the last time you had the flu.” he says sternly.
You give a lopsided grin to him. He grabs the towel, swiping it over your legs. He can feel your muscles tense and grow terse when he rubs away the rain. 
Your skin is so soft. He's noticed this over the years, but he had never paid too much mind to it (he tried anyway) until now. 
His eyes flit to your panties again, watching your thighs press together out of embarrassment of him being so close. 
"Dry your hair." he tells you, drifting his hands along your calves. 
Gripping the other towel, you squeeze your soaked hair into it. Your gaze averts to the window as you watch the rain patter along the sides of the balcony. 
"I wanted to come home and listen to the rain with you. I didn't know I was going to get stuck at work." you whine quietly, making him chuckle. 
His deep set dimples appear as he looks up at you. 
"We can listen to it tomorrow. It's supposed to rain for a few days." he replies, looking at your lace bra. 
Through the wet black lace, he can see your nipples stiffly peaked and he widens his eyes before looking back down. 
Fuck, your nipples are nice. 
There’s a short silence. He’s drinking you in at this moment, looking over your stomach, the wet sheen highlighting your soft skin. It takes every ounce of his strength to look away. 
"Go take a warm shower. I'll lay your clothes on your bed for you." he whispers, turning around. 
You clear your throat, nodding.
Walking away, his head turns slightly. 
He shouldn't look and yet, he is. 
He watches the globes of your ass jiggle with each step towards the hallway. He can’t help but ogle the way your soaked panties cling to your skin. 
He furrows his eyebrows, pressing his hand to his crotch before sighing loudly. 
"You've made it through so many years already, the fuck is wrong with you?" he chides himself, adjusting his erection as it strains against his basketball shorts.
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He lays your pajamas out on your bed, sitting down on the edge. 
His fingers run over your clothes, looking up at the ceiling. 
"Yeah. You're fucked." he hisses to himself, standing tall. 
He sighs gently watching you enter the bedroom, a towel wrapped around your now clean body.
"Feel better?" he asks as you walk towards him. 
"Totally. Thanks so much Joonie." 
He hums at your words, giving you a small, unsure smile that makes his chin dimple sweetly.
You noticed how he looked at your nipples when he was drying you off. You noticed how affected he was by touching your skin. And, it begged the question. Did Kim Namjoon have a thing for you? Like you have for him? 
You've been trying to hide it for so damn long that it seems almost ridiculous after all these years. 
"Let me know if you need anything." he whispers, walking towards the door. 
Well, let’s find out just how much he likes you then.
"Joon." you call to him, gripping the towel. 
He turns his head to you, eyes looking expectantly as he gives a small smile. You open up the towel revealing your body to him and he lets out a small gasp. His eyes shoot straight to yours and you can see his inner battle of where to look. 
"Jesus, Y/N." he sounds breathless, shifting from foot to foot.
"I want you to look." you whisper and he hums unsurely, running his hands over his face.
"Do you? Because you're going to open a can of worms I've been trying to keep hidden for a long time." he breathes, eyes flitting to your nipples. 
"I want you to look." you say surely and he licks his lips before letting out a low whistle.
"What do you think?" you ask, sitting down on the bed. 
He lets out a disbelieving chuckle, walking towards you. "I think you're very sexy." 
The tinge of color to your cheeks makes him all the more eager as he bends down in front of you. 
"Really?" you inquire quietly.
His tongue trails over his lips slowly, watching your nipples harden under his stare. 
"Oh yeah. Really." he whispers, looking up at you.
You lay back before looking up at the ceiling, trying to tame your heart beat as it pounds away in your chest. 
"Are you trying to tell me something?" Namjoon quips, running his hands over your thighs.
"Maybe." you reply, earning a chuckle from him. 
He kneels on the bed, fingers digging deeper into the skin of your thighs.
"We can't come back from this, y'know? I fuck you, I keep you. You know how I am." he tells you, fingers kneading at your skin. 
You wriggle at his ministrations, a gentle sigh leaving your lips. He tilts your head to look at him expectantly. 
"Do you hear me?" he inquires.
"Yes, I hear you." you breathe. 
That's all he needs before he is spreading your legs wider. 
"Fuckin' hell." he mumbles, letting his eyes roam over your body.  
"I tried so hard not to think about this. I swear to God. But, fuck, you're gorgeous." he hisses, running his hands run up your sides.
Your breath hitches at his warm hands. His touch is gentle and you find it hard to focus on almost anything other than his handsome face as his brown hair falls into his eyes. 
"Years. It's been years trying to ignore this feeling." 
His head bows down, pressing his lips to yours. 
The kiss is slow, as if Namjoon is calculating every small thing like he normally does. He's always in his own head, always thinking of what to do next. It has always been an admirable trait but right now you just want him to act. Not think.
"Show me how much you want me." you whine as he grips harder at your sides. 
His ragged breathing stirs something inside of you, stomach unfurling with wanting as his lips trail downwards. 
He leaves gentle pink petals on your skin as he suckles the column of your neck. Your fingers card through his hair, gasping his name with gentle sighs. 
His hands cup your breasts, pushing them upwards slightly as the tip of his nose drifts over your pert nipple. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” he whispers. 
The sound of your name spoken like a calm prayer upon his lips has your hips lifting off the bed. His lips part for your areola, sucking them harshly before flicking your nipple with the tip of his tongue. Your hips roll in circles as he situates himself better between your legs. His knees push your legs open wider, an electric current seemingly sweeps through your body as his hands run over your sides. 
“So many times I’ve thought about being in this room. When you bring guys home and let them fuck your tight little cunt. I hear how you moan for those random guys, how you beg for more. Drove me fucking crazy.” 
There he is, the beast let out of his cage. 
This is the Kim Namjoon you were dying to see. 
Grabbing your wrist, his lips trail over the valley of your breasts before showing love to your other breast. He presses your hand snugly to his shorts and your whine is low as you feel his hard cock strain against the fabric. 
“Joonie.” you whimper, gasping when he pinches and rolls your nipple between his fingertips. 
“That’s it, baby. Let me hear you.” he whispers as thunder crashes throughout the sky as if Thor is pleased at your encounter.
His fingers are so warm to the touch. They drift down so slowly your breathing practically stops. You can feel your arousal beginning to weep from you as your lips part for air. 
“How wet is your pussy for me? Hmm?” he hisses, dipping his hand lower on your stomach.
His fingers make a V motion, opening your lower lips for him. A choked groan echoes throughout the room as his fingers drift lazily over your sodden folds.
 “Fuck.” he curses as his fingers become coated in your arousal. 
It’s practically sinful the way he bites his bottom lip. The way his eyes trail over your body before lewdly staring at your soaked cunt makes you feel frazzled. 
“Look at you. Your pussy is begging to be filled with me.” he murmurs with wonder.
“Joon. Please.” you beg, running your hands run over his shoulders. He hums gently at your words, licking his lips. 
“Please what?” he asks, each word punctuated with a quick slap to your pussy. 
Through sharp gasps you find the words. “Please fuck my pussy. I’m so horny for you.” 
He smirks, bending down over you, his lips connecting to yours. His thumb collects your arousal, rubbing smooth circles over your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
You gasp into his mouth, thighs beginning to shake and he takes the opportunity to thrust his tongue into your mouth with a gentle moan. His hips rut into the air, begging for relief as you whimper against his lips.
His fingers, coated in the slick juices of your cunt, thrust into your tight core without warning. Your back bows off the bed as your eyes screw shut, euphoric pleasure washing over you like a tidal wave. Moaning against your lips at the tightness of your cunt, his fingers find a steady rhythm inside of you.  
“Yes! Fuck!” you cry out, running your fingers run through his hair.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” he mumbles against your jaw before rearing back and spitting on your cunt. 
The sound and feeling sends a shiver up your spine and your legs spread wider accordingly.  
The obscene squelching of your pussy sends the man above you into a frenzy. His teeth nip at the bare mound of flesh above your core before licking at your clit. As if his life depended on getting you off, he suckles earnestly at your bud. Loving the way your hips roll and undulate on his face for more. 
Tugging at his hair, your moans are almost screams, watching him eat you out so diligently -- the handsome man you denied feelings for for so long finally between your legs eating you out like it was his last fucking meal. White-hot pleasure courses through your bones as his fingers curl inside of you and he groans adding a third. You whimper his name and he finds his eyes rolling back in his skull at your sweet taste. 
It was building then, the bubble inside of you growing expansively as your thighs begin to quake. 
“You’re going to cum for me? Hmm? Make a mess all over my fingers like the pretty little girl you are?” 
Your nod is fervent at his words, your breathing becoming shallow. 
His fingers begin to scissor open your pussy and you groan at the stretch. 
“Gotta prep your sweet cunt, your pussy is too tight for my cock.” his words goad you towards the precipice. 
His lips attach back to your clit, suckling harshly against you and your eyes screw shut. Raking the pads of his fingers against the spongy nerves inside you, you find your mind growing fuzzy. Everything you hear sounds as if you are underwater as he praises you against your clit. 
“Cum for me, baby.” 
With those four words you tip over the edge, screaming his name as your eyelids go white from the pleasure. 
Your thighs quake, hands tightening in his hair as you run your clit over his tongue until you’re completely fucked out before him. 
“Good girl,” he praises.
He still continues to stretch you out for him. Murmuring words of praise to you until you come down from the cloud you were just upon. He pulls out of you slowly, watching your cunt gape for him and the groan he emits has your stomach churning for more. 
“Eyes on me, baby.” he announces, entering his fingers into his mouth. 
His eyes flutter closed at the taste, running his tongue through every finger to get every bit of your essence. 
He slips his shirt off of his body and you can’t seem to rip your eyes away from his golden skin. The lightning highlights his pecs and the small abs that contort against his stomach with every harsh breath. You’ve seen him walk around without a shirt on before. Always drooling over how sexy he was. 
But this. 
This is a fucking god send. 
His fingers find the waistband of his basketball shorts before his tongue trails slowly over his bottom lip. 
Pulling down the waistband of his shorts, your breath catches at the size of his cock. Most cocks you’ve seen in your life slap up against a man's stomach when they’re released from the confines of their pants. 
Namjoon’s cock is so large and thick that it bobs in the air at the heaviness. Two toned and sinfully hard, he chuckles at your gaping mouth. You watch as his thumb runs over the dusky rose colored veins of his length. Precum pools at the slit of his bulbous head as your pussy twitches around nothing, wanting to be filled with his cock. 
“Fuck,” is all you can say as he strokes his cock languidly. 
“Come.” he whispers, sitting back on the balls of his feet. 
You find yourself scrambling onto all fours, mouth beginning to water for him. You want to feel the heaviness of him on your tongue, taste the precum that seems to endlessly release from him. 
Your lips trail over his pecs. Suckling sweetly at the taut skin and he hisses gently in response. 
“God, your lips feel so fucking good.” 
You hum to him, shooing his hand away from his cock. 
Your hand grips at the base, eyes almost rolling back as your thumb can’t seem to meet your index finger. 
“You’re so fucking big.” you whisper, running your tongue over his dark nipple, feeling it pucker between your lips. 
“I’m gonna fuck you right open, baby.” his promise makes you preen and you trail your lips slowly to his other pectoral muscle. You can feel the thick muscle ripple underneath before suckling at his other nipple. He groans gently, body wobbling as his fingers run through your hair. 
You kiss down his golden skin, lightning highlighting his features still as the rain begins to patter harder against the window of your bedroom. Your tongue rakes over his small abs, hearing his breath catch and then stop as you descend lower. 
“Y/N.” your name is breathlessly spoken as you come face to face with his hard cock. 
Your tongue licks at your lips, watching his cock twitch with excitement in your hand. Your eyes meet his and you find it wildly attractive how his eyebrows furrow with concentration. 
Licking over the base, his body shudders. He curses quietly, a sound swallowed by thunder outside your window. Swirling your tongue over the head, you gather his precum on your tongue. Heavy and tasting like sea salt from the deepest ocean, you simply moan at the taste. 
The sound ricochets through his body as tingles are sent down his spine. His hands grasp tighter at your hair as you begin to fuck him into your mouth, slowly worshiping at his large cock and he can only gasp for you. 
“Shit, your mouth is amazing.” he mumbles, watching you with blown out irises. 
You swallow around him, beginning to fuck him quicker into your mouth to hear his moans grow louder for you. It’s the way your tongue laps at the base as the head of his cock hits the back of your throat that he puts all caution to the wind. 
“I’m going to fuck your mouth, do you understand?” 
You whimper against him in confirmation, gripping his thighs.  
Taking a sharp inhale through his teeth, he begins to snap his hips to you. Your eyes well up with tears as you gag on his length. 
Swallowing around him, you groan happily as he fucks your throat. Your muscles clench and coax him and he hisses through his teeth. 
"Fuck, your mouth is so willing, isn't it? Letting me just fuck your filthy little throat like a cocksleeve." 
You moan at his words. 
One hand leaves your hair to drift down your back, the other pulling your head quicker against him as he moans loudly. His hand reaches the globe of your ass, caressing the skin before rearing back and spanking you roughly. Tears stream down your cheeks as you moan for him, spittle and precum stream over your lips and chin. 
"Look at how pretty your ass is when you get spanked. Nice and red for me." 
He rubs at the smarting skin, your thighs shake as the sting radiates through you. 
"You want more? You want your ass to be branded with my hand print?" he asks. 
You can feel his cock thickening and throbbing within your throat. 
You moan in confirmation, the new wave of arousal dripping out of you and down your inner thighs. 
He spanks you again, shorter and harder until your skin sings with a color he's pleased with. 
"You're such a good girl taking that. That was for fucking other men so loudly, you gave me no choice but to pine for you." he murmurs, running his thumbs over your tear soaked cheeks. 
He gasps gently as you hollow your cheeks, begging for him to cum down your throat. 
The thought sends your clit throbbing, wanting to have his cum stream down your throat and tongue -- wanting to feel the warm of him spread throughout your mouth. 
"Fuck! Y/N! I'm cumming, baby! Swallow it and show me." he punctuates his words with harsh thrusts, groaning loudly. 
His hips stutter before you feel the warm of him burst in your mouth. You moan as he whispers your name repeatedly. Thrusting shallowly, he milks himself of every drop. Swallowing, you find the musky taste pleasant,
When you pull off of him, you open your mouth. He smirks, running his hand over your cheek smoothly. 
"That's my girl." 
He crawls over you and your hands run over of his arms. His lips, smooth as silk drift over your nipples once more adoring how they harden all over again for him. His hips rut against you, splaying open your pussy lip as he coats the underside of his cock in your arousal. You whimper, feeling the bulbous head of his cock stimulate your clit. 
"God, I adore you." he coos, kissing you languidly.
The head of his cock prods at your entrance and you whimper against his lips as he begins to fill you. The stretch is pleasant albeit the twinge of pain from his large length but his tongue snakes into your mouth as you gasp to distract you. He groans against your lips, as he buries himself to the hilt. 
"You're so tight, baby. Fuck." his voice drops an octave, as if he's restraining himself and your walls flutter around him at the sexiness of it.
"Oh you like that? Hmm? You like hearing how fucking restless you make me?" 
He gives a shallow thrust, the bulbous head dragging through your velvet walls. Your head lolls back as his hands grip at your hips. He begins a steady pace, fucking you so well you begin to droll at the pleasure. 
"You're so goddamn wet!" he seethes through his teeth. 
Here you are, beneath him like he had dreamed so many times over. His bottom lip becomes sheathed behind his teeth as he snaps his hips quicker to yours. Your moans are loud, echoing throughout the room and through the thunder as it crashes throughout the skies. 
"Pretty little thing underneath me." he praises, grabbing your ankles and throwing them over his shoulders. 
The new angle sends white-hot pleasure coursing through your bones. Your roommate begins to fuck you faster and you can’t help but curl your toes at the feeling. 
"Choke me!" you beg him as his hand moves towards the apex of your thighs.
His grip is perfectly tight, rubbing quick circles onto your clit as he moans loudly. 
"Your pussy is so fucking messy. God, look at how you soak my cock. It's because you know who you belong to, don't you?" 
You whimper out as he fucks you deeper. 
"Who do you belong to, baby? Tell me!" 
"You! Namjoon! I belong to you!" you cry out out, the pleasure taking over your senses as tears pool in your eyes.
"That's fucking right you do. You're mine, gorgeous. All fucking mine." 
He can feel your cunt beginning to throb around him and he whimpers out as he feels his ball tighten. 
"I've wanted to cum so deep in your tight little cunt for so long. Fill you up to the brim and have people see my cum drip down your pretty legs. I want people to know who you fucking belong to. Who you beg for cock at night." 
Your fingernails rake down his skin when he lifts your hips higher.
The head of his cock caresses the sweet spot within you at each thrust and you find your mind going blank, babbling nonsense. 
"Getting dumb on my cock, baby? Is that it? Am I fucking you stupid? Hmm?"
"Joon! Fuck!" you whine, leaving bright red lines over his golden skin.
"Cum on my cock, baby. Cum and show me who you belong to." 
You can feel your pussy begin to milk him, the bubble within you about to burst. 
"That's right, baby. Show me how much you love my big cock." 
With a loud gasp, you tip over the edge. Galaxies of stars paint the back of your eyelids as tears stream down your face. 
"Fuck! Good girl! So fucking tight." he moans, shoving your ankles off of his shoulders. 
He buries his face into your neck, suckling harshly at the skin as his cock thickens once more. His hips snap harder, your name floats through the air as he finds himself coming to the same euphoric state. His thrusts stop with a loud groan and ropes of cum lather your soaked cunt. 
"Oh Jesus." he gasps, pressing his forehead to your cheek.
With a loud sigh he grabs hold of you, pulling out of you slowly before falling beside you. He pulls you to his chest and you can hear how fast his heart is beating while his eyes flutter shut. 
"Open your legs." he instructs.
You do as told and he hums happily watching your pussy begin to cream with his cum. His lips press to your forehead, looking out the window as the rain still barrages the window. 
"Why don't we get you cleaned up and I'll get us some wine, hmm? We can go out on the balcony and cuddle." 
You turn towards him, chin on his chest as your hand drifts over his stomach. "I'd love nothing more than that." you whisper. 
He smiles widely, dimples appearing for you before kissing you gently. "Me too, baby."
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sirthisisa-wendys · 4 years
The Weakest Link: Geto Suguru x F!Reader
synopsis: insecurity and doubt creeps into you in your first month as a jujutsu tech student, but somehow, Geto always seems to make you feel better
tw: sexual undertones.
words: 1,730
Excited conversation and sounds of merriment drift from under the other sorcerer’s doorways at Jujutsu Tech, but you stumble back to your room with nothing but the thought of a warm shower and hours of rest. Ache screams in your bones and joints, rolling down from your spine and settling into the base of your bruised tailbone. 
It had been a month since you followed Suguru Geto down the dark alley and into a fight that left you speechless, more or less. Despite knowing all of this, you found yourself in Tokyo, looking up at the massive building in awe. He urged you to join the ranks, but you knew that fighting wasn’t your thing. It was obviously his thing and other people’s thing. But not yours. 
Little red welts reminded you of that as you stripped down to your underthings, careful not to bump or touch any sore spots until you could reach the shower’s warm embrace. Geto had reassured you that every sorcerer went through training - every one of them had been broken for a good reason. 
“It’s not for humanity’s sake,” he had mumbled through a rice cake. “It’s for our sake. We’re a family, and we are only as strong as the weakest link.” 
It was a jab at your failure to procure any meaningful progress, but you pray that your breaking point is near, for your sake and Geto’s sake. The knob proves to be just as challenging to turn hot, and the feeling of failure washes over you with the freezing cold water from above. You can’t even turn a shower knob; how could you exorcise demons? 
A strangled gasp escapes your lips as you sink to the shower floor in defeat. Giving up and going home seems like the best option. At least among your family and friends, you weren’t weak; you were just as strong - if not, more robust - than them. But here, you’re only as good as the humans that were outside of Jujutsu Tech. Which isn’t good enough. 
After pressing your back against the cool tile, you feel the breeze of the A/C kick on and give you goosebumps. Whoever thought to put an air conditioner in the bathroom must have been an idiot, you muse, and give the knob one more effort, one more attempt to make the water hot. 
The knob gives with ease, turning the freezing shower into boiling lava. Your midsection takes the brunt of the heat as you hiss in pain, attempting to reach the knob again without more of your body being exposed to the stinging water. Once the temperature settles, you relax into the warmth and steam, sighing with contentment. You lather with lavender and vanilla soap, tenderly going through the motions of washing yourself and your face while the tender caress of the cotton cloth between your hands eases your aches. If only there was someone who could help you with the tension in your back… 
Your mind flicks to a man’s hands for a moment, thinking of them trailing down your spine and pressing against your lower back methodically… thumbs pressing against the space between your neck and your shoulders with care. The phantom hands then wrap around your neck, tracing your vocal cords, soothing the raw and swollen lymph nodes before drifting over your shoulders and down your chest. 
A slight moan escapes your lips at the thought of your body being catered to while the warm shower continues, lips pressing against your ear lobe and whispering something reassuring and comforting. 
“Y/n… do you think about me when you’re alone?” The sound of Geto’s voice in your mind startles you back to the present moment, and instantly, you turn the water to a much colder flow. The cold snap helps you cool down, and the heat between your legs died down just as quickly as it began. When you finish, the towel you wrap around your body provides a comforting distraction to the thought of someone else touching you, smoothing their rough palms against your wet skin, breathing sweetly into your ear… 
Stress. It’s the stress, you reason. It’s why you’re lusting after someone you don’t really know; someone who sees you as a friend and an ally. That’s all. 
You push any and all thoughts of Geto out of your mind as you towel off and shrug on a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. With determination, you snatch up your mala beads and sit on your full-size bed, preparing to meditate. As your fingers roam over the beads, a gentle peace settles into your mind, leaving you with only one thought: Strength comes from within.
The mantra repeats itself with each bead that slides through your thumb and index finger until all you can focus on is the clicking noises and the occasional chatter of birds outside your window. 
Strength comes from within. 
You would endure, you decide. It’s not a case of discomfort or physical pain. It’s a matter of willingness and fortitude to continue down a path you set for yourself no matter the cost. 
Strength comes from within. Strength comes from within. Strength comes fr--
A whisper-soft knock at your door breaks your trance. With hesitation, you slide off of the bed and wrap your beads around your left hand, sliding the door open without checking who stood there first. 
Strength comes… from… where, again?
The raven-haired sorcerer who set you on the meditative path in the first place stands in front of you, leaning his prominent figure on the doorframe. At the sight of you without your uniform on and mala beads wrapped around your hand, Suguru steps back a little, running his black eyes across your figure once before tilting his head. 
“Was I interrupting something, y/n?”
“No,” you respond quickly, noting his casual attire as well. “What’s up?”
“I texted you about dinner,” Geto straightens up, and you realize that the whole time you mourned about your lack of strength, you had neglected to even think about your stomach. As if it had been summoned, your stomach growls angrily like the third person in the room. Geto chuckles a little at the sound, his broad shoulders shaking under his shirt. “Sounds like you need something to eat.” 
“Give me a second.” You shut the door and turn to find something more appropriate to throw on. As you changed into a pair of jeans and a less ill-fitting shirt, your mind fluttered to the idea of Geto bursting in and seeing you half-naked and-- 
“Stop it, stop it.” You hiss to yourself, jumping a little to button your pants. Despite feeling the familiar blooming of a crush in your mind, you set it aside to be dealt with later. This was not the time nor the place to have unrequited crushes; you had a purpose for being here, and it wasn’t to cozy up to someone who considered you to be family. 
“Hey,” Suguru calls through the door, his voice making your stomach jump a little. You were taking too long.“Gojo and Shoko are coming too.” 
“Yeah, sounds good.” Your fingers are stuck in the mess you call “hair,” and the curls latch onto your fingers like snakes as you try to tame them. Against your better judgment, you had let your hair air dry, and now you were paying the price for not even running a brush through it. “Shit!”
“Are you… alright in there?” 
“Jus-just a minute!” A moment of panic sets in as you attempt to control the frizz, but the curls defy your orders, only popping up again after you press them down against your scalp. No amount of bobby pins or gel could fix this. Your comb clatters to the ground along with the various-sized bobby pins, and as you stoop to hurriedly clean up the mess you made, you hear the door slide open. “Not yet, I--” 
Through your thick mane, you can see Suguru’s feet shuffle into your line of sight. You push your hair back to observe his confused then understanding look, and he crouches down to help you, attempting to pick up the smaller bobby pins with his massive hands. It seemed impossible, but he picked up the little and the bigger ones with ease, depositing them back onto the porcelain counter with care. 
“You should’ve asked for help, y/n,” Suguru murmurs, standing and holding his left hand out for the comb. You timidly place it into his hand and let him step behind you to gather the ends of your hair in his right hand. “It’s grown quite a bit.” 
“You noticed.” The thought that he’s noticed your hair growing out from its short length to about mid-shoulder surprises you, and he looks up to meet your eyes in the mirror, smirking. 
“I notice a lot of things.” He doesn’t explain this statement, instead choosing to focus on combing your ends out before getting to the top of your head, gradually increasing his strokes down your scalp. “Do you want to put pins in your hair?” You answer the question by holding out two small bobby pins, and he places both between his teeth before pinning the left side of your hair down to your scalp. The other one tucks your bangs behind your right ear, and you marvel at the care he takes with his movements, careful not to scratch your scalp with the metal. “There.” 
When Suguru finishes, he rests his hands on your tiny shoulders, waiting for you to approve of his work. 
“Thank you for helping me.” 
“You need to start asking for help during training. I’ve watched you struggle for a few weeks like you were struggling just now. It couldn’t hurt to ask the others for some assistance every now and then.” His words made you stiffen, and one of his eyebrows raised as if he was challenging you to tell him he was wrong. 
“Well, I just--” 
“I know what I said about the weakest link made you self-conscious. But you missed the point; all of us are linked. We can’t help you if you insist on doing this alone, got it?” You nod twice, feeling the insecurity and doubt whistle out of your body with each exhale.
“Got it.” 
“Now, I’m absolutely starving, and I know you are. Let’s go.” 
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vintagedolan · 4 years
downhill (gbd)
Tumblr media
an early december snowboarding trip to colorado with your favorite boys is on the agenda. nothing can go wrong... right?
word count: 6.8k
warnings/tags: jealous!grayson, angst, mild injuries, arguing, angsty angst angst I did my best okay I hope it’s worth the wait :’)
feel free to send in requests! and check out my masterlist if you wanna :)
It was the kind of cold outside that you could feel through the car. Even the metal frame of the van seemed to be shivering as Grayson continued down the highway, hand warm in yours on the center console. The sun had dipped down under the horizon, and you shifted again, trying to get comfortable in the passenger seat. 
“All good?” You felt him squeeze your hand, eyes flickering over to you. Nodding, you squeezed back, shifting so you could lean against him, resting on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, just trying to keep my ass from going numb,” you admitted, grinning when he let out a dry laugh. He turned his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then resting his cheek against the top of your head. 
“You wanna go sit in the back for a bit? It’s almost Ethan’s turn to drive anyway, then I can join.” His eyes flickered to his phone, maps pulled up. Four hours left until you got to Keystone Colorado. 
“I don’t wanna miss the Christmas lights.” Half the reason you were going back to Keystone was because Grayson proclaimed it to be the cutest little christmasy town he’d ever seen. 
“Baby we’re on the highway for another -” he checked quickly - “three hours. Go wake E up for me so he’s ready to drive, I’ll make sure you see the lights before we leave.” 
Even though it was your first time traveling long term in the van, you’d become so comfortable in it. You easily unbuckled and climbed over the center console, letting out a squeak when Grayson’s hand came up to swat your ass while it was up in the air. 
Ethan was sprawled out across the bed in the back of the van, head towards the back doors, arms crossed over his torso - the perfect position for pouncing. Grayson laughed as he watched you in the rearview mirror, heading around the seats before getting a three step run in, giving you just enough momentum to launch onto Ethan. 
“BOO!” You yelled, landing directly on top of him. His groan was so loud that even Grayson jumped in the front seat. “Gotta wake up, almost your turn to drive.” 
“That’s twice that you’ve jumped on me today. I’d rather Grayson wake me up than you,” he grumbled, eyes still closed.
“I’m offended.”
“Because I can hit him,” he finished, making you grin. 
“I’d like to see you try!” Gray called from the front, shaking his head. 
“Is it really already my turn to drive? Isn’t it your turn yet?” 
“Bitch I drove the first 5 hours this morning, I don’t wanna hear it,” you scoffed, rolling to the side and flopping down on the cushions. Just laying down was enough to remind you that you had in fact been up since 4am, having been the designated alarm clock for the group. The coffee you’d downed was long gone now, and with the gentle bumps of the car on the road, you knew you’d be asleep soon if you stayed down.
With that, you sat up, reaching around to get into the ‘junk’ drawer, pulling out the old deck of cards that you’d tossed in. Ethan narrowed his eyes at you, hesitant. You didn’t blame him - it was common knowledge that you could kick his ass in cards. 
“War. That’s all I’m playing.” 
“Lame,” you muttered, but you dealt the cards out anyways. The game helped pass the time, both of you getting a little animated when you’d pull away with a lead. He threw a card at you when you got the last ace, knowing he’d effectively lost. You stuck your tongue out in response. Bad move.
That mischief that you’d seen so many times flickered in his eyes, and you made a dive for the front of the van towards Gray. It was futile; Ethan’s arms immediately trapped you and he drug you back onto the bed.
“No!” You squealed, knowing exactly what he was going to do. The two of you ended up in sore loser situations more often that you’d like to admit, and you crawled away, trying to avoid it. Unfortunately, the van wasn’t as long as you thought and when you turned around, he was right there, pinky finger up and devilish grin on his face. He put it in his mouth and you made one last dive, but he caught you, effectively giving you a wet willy that you cringed away from. 
As soon as you could you scrambled off the bed, up the tiny hallway and past the curtain, crawling into the front seat and curling up in a ball. Gray moved on instinct, arm stretching over to your seat, blocking the gap between them so his brother couldn’t make it through.
You grinned, knowing you’d made it to safe territory as Ethan glowered at you over the seat.
“Don’t make me pull this van over,” Grayson cautioned, putting on his best dad voice. You just laughed as Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Traitor,” he accused with narrow eyes, sitting back into the second row of seats as Grayson pulled off the exit to find a gas station. Once he pulled in you hopped out of the van, stretching your legs and heading in to pee. You started walking as fast as you could, the air so cold it took your breath away.
“Hang on, I’m coming.” Gray jogged to catch up with you, leaving Ethan behind to pump the gas.
“I’m fine,” you reassured him, bumping him with your arm. Almost five months ago you had told him that one time at one gas station you’d gotten kinda spooked, and ever since then, he made sure you never went in one alone if he could help it. 
“I know.” He kept walking anyways, following you in and over to the corner of the store where the bathrooms were, standing by the shelves and trying to look non-creepy while he waited for you. 
By the time you got back, Ethan had finished up; you could see him in the driver’s seat, plugging in his phone. Gray opened the door for you and you gladly climbed back into the warmth. You beelined for the bed, grabbing the blanket and immediately climbing under it. 
You heard him laugh first, and then you felt the cushions dip as he crawled over, laying down and resting his head on your side until you turned so he could cuddle up to you.
“Keep it PG back there, I can’t close the curtain,” Ethan called, prompting Gray to flip him off. You didn’t care if Ethan saw, you wiggled down until your face was even with Gray’s, pulling him in for a kiss. You could feel his smile as he brought an arm over and under you, rolling to pull you on top of him, your hair falling around him. He reached up to push it back, holding your head and guiding your lips back down to his, skin soft and warm against yours. 
Something about being so close to him just relaxed you like nothing else - you didn’t care about anything, worry about anything when you were in his arms. It had become home to you in the best way. 
The downside of that? The fact that you were so comfortable that you had to pull away and let out a huge yawn. As soon as you were done you looked down to see him watching you with a smile.
“Am I boring you?” He teased, leaning up to press a kiss to your neck. 
“No, you’re just cozy,” you hummed, nuzzling down onto his chest. He had on his yellow Cudi hoodie from coachella, and you traced the letters on his chest absentmindedly, eyelids heavy.
Before you knew what was happening you were fast asleep, Grayson smiling when he felt your breathing even out above him. He shifted you over onto the bed, rubbing gently over your back to keep you lulled. Once he was sure you were out, he kissed your head and slid off the bed, moving up to the passenger seat to keep Ethan company. He turned the music down so it didn’t wake you up, and E filled the silence.
“What happens when I get a girl? All four of us won’t fit in here,” he mused. 
“We’ll figure it out, we could always pitch a tent if we had to. Gotta find a girl whose gonna put up with you first.” 
“Ha- ha. If you can find one, I shouldn’t have a problem.” 
On instinct, Grayson craned his neck up to look in the rearview mirror, checking on you. You were still asleep, curled up on your side in the middle of the bed. You looked so small and cute back there, it took more willpower than he thought it would to keep himself in his seat. 
“She still out?” 
Grayson just nodded, still watching you. “She was exhausted bro, I don’t know how she even stayed up that long.” Ethan’s eyes flickered up to the mirror, and he smiled. 
“You picked a good one. She’s gonna fit right in.” 
Grayson was pretty sure it must be a twin thing that Ethan could sense his worries even when he hadn’t voiced them. It didn’t matter how much he loved Y/N, he was still a bit nervous to bring her home to meet his family for the holidays in just a few weeks. 
“I’m not worried about Ma. She’s gonna love her, I already know that. I’m worried about Cam.”
“Why wouldn’t Cam like her?”
“Cause Cam doesn’t like anyone we date, ever, you know that. She’s too damn protective.” Just the thought of his sister and his girlfriend in the same room together made his palms a bit clammy. He wiped them on his sweatpants quickly, hoping Ethan didn’t notice. 
“Neither of us have ever brought a girl home like Y/N before though. And let’s be honest... Cam’s never been wrong, has she? Even if she’s a little over the top, you gotta admit, she’s got a radar for crazy. She always knew before we did if things were gonna go to shit.” E raised an eyebrow, and Grayson couldn’t help but laugh. His sister really had called out every crazy ex before he had been able to see the red flags. 
“Now I’m really scared, cause I gotta trust her. Her track record’s too good, what if she says Y/N is actually batshit crazy or some shit? Then what?!” 
“Well, she is dating your ass, so she’s gotta be a little crazy,” Ethan grinned until Gray smacked the back of his head.
“It was her idea to invite you along, so yeah, I’ll give to yah, she’s a little crazy.”
“I helped build this van, I automatically get invited on all trips that it embarks on.”
“Ethan you put in two fuckin screws, you didn’t build shit.”
“Cause you wouldn’t let me do anything!” 
They bickered for a few more minutes before they got over it, moving onto other conversations until they ran out of highway. When they got off the exit, they were immediately greeted by the most christmasy town they’d ever seen. Every store, every porch was covered in twinkling lights - Gray considered waking you up, but you looked so peaceful that he let you be, knowing he’d have another chance to show you. 
Everything went to plan until Ethan pulled into the campground that was supposed to house them for the night. The woman was nice enough, but even her polite tone didn’t make the news that there were no open campsites any better.
“I’m sorry boys, we filled up the last spot about an hour ago. Lots of people trying to get their ski trips in before the holiday rush. There’s a rest stop about 5 minutes up the way, you could park there for the night.” 
“It’s alright. Thank you for your help.” Ethan mustered up the best smile he could through his exhaustion and turned the van around, pulling back out and onto the road.
“We’re gonna freeze our asses off again. The whole point of the campground was so we could run the fucking heater.” Grayson checked his phone - it was 20 degrees. 
“We’ll just have to make it work. We can wake up and drive around in shifts if we have to. I’m fuckin toast man, you are too. We gotta at least try to sleep,” Ethan muttered, eyes peeled for the rest stop. Grayson didn’t have an argument for that.
As soon as they pulled off at the rest stop they were climbing into the backseat, stretching their legs for a minute before they grabbed the extra blanket they had and headed to bed. 
“Don’t wake her up, she doesn’t go back to sleep easy,” Grayson cautioned, careful to move the bed as little as possible while he climbed in. Ethan copied his movements on the other side of you, trying to settle in. 
“Night bro,” Ethan muttered, rolling over to face the outside of the van before reaching up to turn off his light. 
“Night,” Gray answered. You were still sleeping soundly, facing towards him, some of your hair falling into your face. He couldn’t help but smile - you looked so peaceful, so cute all curled up in your pullover. He leaned over and kissed your forehead before reaching up to turn off the light, his hand finding yours that was resting face up by your head. With your fingers intertwined, he fell asleep almost immediately. 
It was peaceful - until it wasn’t.
When you woke up, there were too many things going on at once. For one, the light was on, practically blinding you, which didn’t help the mission you had of figuring out what the fuck was going on. Two, your face was freezing, but your back was warm. And three, you felt heavy, and it took you a minute to realize that there was an arm slung over top of your torso, wrapped around and under you. 
Seeking the warmth and the comfort, you relaxed back against his chest, blinking to try and figure out what was going on. 
And that’s when you saw Grayson, up on his knees on the bed, hovering tall and angry above the both of you. It clicked then, and you realized exactly what had happened. 
“Ethan, what the fuck!” Gray was yelling, his voice bouncing off the metal all around you and making you wince. 
Ethan only stirred, and did the worst possible thing he could have done in that moment - you felt his arm tighten around you, pulling you against him firmly, face hiding behind your head to get away from the noise.
“E, Ethan wake up,” you muttered, knowing it wasn’t going to end well. He didn’t have much of a chance to even disengage before Grayson was grabbing his wrist and yanking his arm off of you, much more force behind it than necessary. 
“Bro, what the fuck?” Ethan groaned, starting to wake up. You did your best to move quickly, rolling away from him and ending up bumping into Grayson’s thighs. Damn tiny home. Grayson’s anger dissipated for just a second while he helped you sit up, and you climbed off the bed, half to find water and half to avoid what you knew was about to happen. 
“What the fuck?” He mocked. “Are you fucking kidding me Ethan?” 
“Dude, I don’t know what’s up your ass right now, but can you just wait until the morning to be a dick please?” He rolled over towards the outside wall of the van, trying to avoid the lights. It didn’t last long - Grayson was on him in a second, pulling him back over onto his back. Ethan put his arms up in defense, and it was a smart move, because right after that Grayson started shoving, pushing at his chest and his shoulders.
“Grayson, what the fuck is your problem right now?” He was fully awake now, his anger rising. 
“My problem? My problem is that I woke up to you all over my fuckin’ girl, that’s my problem. The fuck is wrong with you?” He shoved him again, and you winced when you heard Ethan’s body hit the metal of the wall. You knew it didn’t hurt him, but it still made you upset.
“Guys-” you tried, but you knew it was futile - you knew better than to try to get into the middle of one of their piss matches. Your voice fell on deaf ears, and you sighed, climbing into the second row of seats. The leather was cold, so you tucked your hands down into your sleeves, curling up on your side while the argument continued. 
“Bro, I was fucking asleep. I probably thought she was a blanket or something, it’s cold as fuck in here.” Ethan tried to defend himself. You hoped Grayson would be calmed by his words, but of course, he wasn’t.
“I don’t give a fuck if you’re fucking cold, Ethan. You can keep your hands to yourself.”
“Oh, shit, you’re so right! Let me just check in with my motivation real quick... oh wait, I was fucking unconscious.”
Your exhaustion only heightened your annoyance, and you moved your arm up over your ear, pleasantly surprised with how much noise the fluffy fabric blocked out. 
You’d almost made it back to sleep, surprisingly comfortable in the seat when Grayson noticed you were gone. 
“Y/N? Y/N! Where the fuck did she go?” 
You only reacted when you felt his hand on your arm. You turned to look up at him, and even if you were annoyed your heart tightened at the little bit of panic left on his face. 
“I thought you left the van, you scared me,” he breathed, still keeping a hand on you. 
“Nope, just trying to get some sleep and avoid the testosterone overload,” you muttered, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Come back to bed.” There was a twinge of guilt in his tone, and it softened you whether you wanted it to or not. 
“I can sleep just fine right here. Might avoid me becoming a tug-of-war rope at 3am.” 
“Baby. Please.” He was pleading now, tugging on your arm just barely. The stubborn part of you fought it, but you knew you were going to give in eventually. Might as well do it now. 
Grayson relaxed a bit when you stood up, taking your hand just for the quick walk to the back of the van. Ethan was on his side, facing the wall again, but you could tell he was awake when he scooted over as Grayson climbed into the middle where you had been. 
It was petty, but you figured it would solve the problem well enough, so you didn’t fight it. He turned the lights off, and as soon as you were laying down Grayson’s arm was around you, pulling you back against his chest as tight as he could, cold nose nuzzling into your neck.
“Mmmm, you’re warm,” he hummed quietly, just for you.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you possessive fuck,” you mumbled, cuddling up to him despite your words.
“You love it.”
“I don’t love when you fight with Ethan.”
“I always fight with Ethan.”
“I know, that’s the whole point,” you sighed. He shifted behind you, and you felt his hand come up to brush some of the hair off your neck, fingers moving to the collar of your pullover so he could find some skin and press a kiss there.
“I’ll try to behave tomorrow. Promise. As long as Ethan keeps his hands to himself.”
You just rolled your eyes before closing them, soaking in the warmth of him there next to you as you drifted off.
The first sip that hit your lips was still too hot, and you frowned down at your mug.
“Not good?” Ethan quirked an eyebrow, already downing his latte across from you.
“Still too hot,” you mumbled, blowing down onto the liquid, watching the ripples spread across the top of the foam. 
“Before he gets back -” Ethan nodded at his brother, who was still waiting for his coffee by the counter - “I just wanted to say I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night. I mean, I was asleep, but I still feel really bad cause I know that was probably weird for you.”
“E, chill. It’s fine, really. We were all cold as fuck, I don’t blame you for grabbing the first warm thing you found. I’m sorry he’s so damn protective, I know you didn’t mean anything by it.” You did your best to reassure him quickly but sincerely. He just mouthed a quick “thank you” as Grayson sat back down at the table. 
Even though they hadn’t outrightly bickered yet, the tension was obvious between the boys. Gray sat turned almost entirely towards you, his back to Ethan in the most subtle of standoffish ways. 
You stayed out of their arguments as much as you could - you had no place interfering in the twins relationship with each other, that was for sure. But it didn’t mean you didn’t feel bad for Ethan sometimes when Grayson was being a dick. You frowned as you watched him quietly sip at his coffee, knowing that if he said something that could even be slightly misconstrued, his brother would take it and run with it. 
“So what gear do I need to get exactly?” You opened up the conversation, hopeful that it wouldn’t devolve. 
Grayson launched into it, explaining everything you would need to rent out for the day ahead of you, from your board and boots to your goggles and helmet. It got him talking, which kept him from giving Ethan dirty looks, which was your ultimate goal. 
You kept the conversation going as best you could for the rest of the morning, just bringing up random things to keep the emotions light and friendly. You got your reprieve about an hour later, when the three of you arrived at the slopes and walked into the rental store at the bottom. Someone greeted you at the door, giving you a chance to take a breath.
“You make a good mediator,” Ethan muttered in your ear when Grayson followed the employee towards the snowboards. Maybe you hadn’t been as subtle as you originally thought.
“Might as well be my full time job living with you two,” you teased, bumping him with your shoulder. 
“Hopefully he gets the stick out of his ass before we hit the slopes.”
You headed over to Grayson, Ethan in tow, and started to listen to the instructions from the employee. You got a bit lost in the jargon, but you understood that the boys got advanced boards and you got a beginner one.
“It’ll make it easier if you mess up, cause it’s more bendy,” Gray explained, offering you an encouraging smile. You weren’t the most coordinated, and you’d never tried to snowboard before, but you’d promised you’d try. 
“Sounds good to me,” you shrugged, letting out a bit of a clueless laugh. 
“First time out there huh?” The employee offered you a bright smile - he was a bit shorter than the boys, with a sweet face and a head full of blonde hair.
“Yeah, gonna give it a go.”
“A little,” you admitted.
“I’m sure you’ll do great, you seem like a smart girl. Just stick to the green slopes at the start, those are for beginners. If you need some tips, just let me know.”
Grayson’s arm was around your waist immediately, pulling you against him so hard you almost lost your footing. 
“I can handle the tips. Just need the gear,” Gray said, tight smile on his lips. It took all your willpower to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 
“Right. Let me just go get the rest of it.” 
“Thank you,” you said, elbowing Grayson in the ribs as soon as the boy turned around and disappeared to the back storage. 
“So we’re being assholes to customer service workers today too, huh?” You accused. You saw Ethan’s eyebrows raise as he held back a laugh behind his brother. 
“He was flirting with you.”
You didn’t get a chance to refute it because the boy came back with all the gear in his hands. Most of it was for you - the boys already had jackets, boots and goggles. You passed them their helmets while you scooped up all the puffy fabric and Grayson paid. 
The whole interaction didn’t come up again until you were on the lift, all geared up and headed to the first green slope. Ethan had gotten onto the seat behind the two of you, and you knew he’d done it on purpose. You tried a softer approach - instead of bringing it up, you just leaned over and kissed him. Your goggles that were nestled on top of your head clinked together, and you giggled at it before you leaned back.
“What was that for?” He mused.
“Just a reminder that I’m yours and you don’t have to worry about a teenage ski resort employee. Or your brother. Especially not your brother.” 
You expected him to laugh, or at least smile. You got neither. 
“A reminder? Why would I need a reminder?” 
“I don’t know, you’ve just been getting jealous really easy lately. Thought maybe it was something I did,” you muttered, already shrinking down. You got annoyed when he was pissy with other people, but when he was pissy with you? You felt like an ant, tiny and fragile. 
“I’m fine.” 
The rest of the short ride was silent, and you were relieved he still helped you get off the lift despite his attitude. But that was about the only help he gave you - he went down the slope almost immediately, leaving you at the top with your board in your hands. You pulled your goggles down over your eyes, hoping that might keep you from tearing up more than you already were.
“Here. I’ll show you,” Ethan’s voice was as soft as ever when he came up beside you. “Put your board down, and strap your right foot in.” 
You did as he instructed, glad that he had his foot in front of your board so it didn’t slide away from you.
“Okay, now you just gotta feel it. Kick using your back foot for a minute so you can move and get used to it and find your balance, and then bring your other foot up on top. To go faster, shift forward a bit, and to stop turn your board sideways. I’ll go with you in case you can’t get stopped.”
You followed his instructions, gliding just barely over the snow. You were crawling forward, but you started to get the hang of the feeling. All was good until you tried to stop, overcorrecting and immediately losing your balance.
“Woah, I gotcha, you’re fine.” Ethan caught you, somehow managing to stay up on his board as well. You’d never understand how both boys could be so athletic. 
“Thanks. Was that right? I mean, besides the stop.” 
“Not bad for your first, uh, 2ft run,” he grinned, teeth as white as the snow he was standing on.
“Thanks for helping. Sorry he’s being a dick, I know you all usually snowboard together.” It was kinda their thing. Maybe you coming along wasn’t such a good idea.
“This was your all’s trip, you were nice enough to invite me on it,” he reminded you. “So I’m sorry he’s being a dick. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. Right?”
“Right,” you smiled.
“Okay then. Let’s keep practicing.”
Ethan’s patience was endless. He showed you the ropes, encouraging you as you got your control down, even cheering so loud that everyone looked when you made it all the way down the slope without stopping. 
“We should go up to an intermediate slope. I think you can do it.” His confidence transferred over to you, and you just shrugged, laughing a bit at the sound your suit made when it rubbed against itself.
“If you say so.”
“Let me go find Mr. Grumps, I’ll meet you back at the lift.” And then he was off, looking for his twin. You undid your straps, picking up your board and heading for the lift. 
Five minutes later, you saw the boys approaching, boards tucked under their arms. Just from their walks, you could tell that Grayson was still pissed, and you sighed at the sight. When he got in his head like that, there wasn’t much you could do to bring him out of it. But that didn’t mean you had to put up with it either. 
So you only felt a little guilty when you climbed onto the lift seat next to Ethan, leaving Grayson to sulk by himself.
Ethan just quirked an eyebrow over his goggles, making you laugh.
“Nobody wants to ride with Mr. Grumps,” you teased. 
“Understandable. We’ll just make this a best friend run instead of a couple-and-third-wheel-twin-brother-run.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
When you got off the lift, you didn’t hesitate. Knowing you’d lose your confidence if you waited, you started down immediately, exhilarated by the feeling of the freezing wind in your face. You felt in control, like you could conquer the world. Ethan was right behind you, whooping and yelling as you both tore down the slope, picking up speed.
All was well until someone cut a bit too close to you, almost running into you, turning at the last second and sending snow up into your face.
“Woah!” You squeaked, trying to turn to avoid them. It happened quickly after that, a blur of white snow, hard ground, yelling and a body colliding with your quite hard. A sharp pain erupted in your ankle as you jolted to a stop, only then realizing that your eyes had been squeezed shut. You opened them to see pine trees above you, slightly discolored by your goggles. 
“Y/N! You okay? Are you alright?” Ethan’s voice was in your ear first, and then he was moving, shifting from underneath you. You pieced it together quickly - he’d grabbed you, kept you from slamming into the trees. Which meant he’d taken the brunt of the force.
“I’m fine, I’m okay. Are you okay? Holy shit.”
“I’m alright, just a little winded,” he said, trying to take a few deep breaths. 
“Just breathe, you’re okay,” you encouraged, but you weren’t sure he heard you over the yelling that had erupted back on the slope. You looked up to see Grayson, running over as quickly as the snow trapping his feet would let him. When he got to you he sent snow flying when he dropped to his knees beside you.
“Baby! Are you alright? Are you hurt? You okay?”
“I’m fine, Ethan took the worst of it.” 
“E, you good?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he reassured him, moving to stand up against the tree.
“I saw you all go off track, I thought you totally lost it, that was scary as fuck.” The panic was still evident in his voice, and you couldn’t help but reach a hand out to him. It grounded you more than you thought it would, and you shifted to him, asking for a hug. He pulled you to his chest, squeezing tightly. 
“C’mon, let’s get you up.” Gray stood first after he let go, and you leaned forward to unstrap your board. As soon as you touched your left foot you winced, the breath you sucked in hissing through your teeth. 
“What, what’s wrong?” It was Ethan’s voice, which surprised you.
“I must have hit my ankle on the tree. Hurts like a bitch.” Now that you had noticed it, there was no ignoring it. It throbbed like your heart was there instead of in your chest.
“Can you walk on it?” Grayson pushed his goggles off his face, concern strong in his eyes.
“I don’t think so.”
“I told you she wasn’t ready for an intermediate slope Ethan, I fuckin’ told you!” Grayson turned on his brother, and you spoke before you could think.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Grayson turned back to you, eyes wide. “You should be thanking him right now, he just saved my ass. And where were you? Oh right, sulking. Like you have been this whole damn trip. I’m done dealing with it. So just get me off this damn mountain. Please.” 
They both just stared at you for a minute, unsure of exactly what to say. It wasn’t often that you had an outburst like that, but your anger was still bubbling, only fueled by the pain in your foot. 
“I’ll go flag somebody down. Do you think you can get her out of the trees?” Grayson’s voice was small, and you immediately felt a twinge of guilt that you tried to ignore. 
“Yeah, yeah I got her,” E answered, already moving over to you. He reached down and picked you up bridal style, heading back out to the edge of the slope. Once he sat you down and went back for the boards, you watched Grayson, who was traversing down to the medical tent located halfway down the slope. 
Five minutes later and you were in a small sled, which was tied to the back of an ATV of sorts. You already knew you looked dumb, but Ethan laughing at you didn’t help matters. You flipped him off and stuck your tongue out.
“I’m coming with you,” Gray offered.
“No. You two are gonna go down at least three more slopes, and you’re gonna come back to the van and be happy siblings again. Okay?”
“I’m not asking. Give me my board, and go,” you instructed. You were pissed enough that he didn’t question it, handing you your board in defeat. 
The paramedic looked back at you for a signal. You gave him a thumbs up and he pulled away, sending you on your way down the mountain, the boys watching you leave.
The process was easy enough at the bottom of the mountain considering they put you in a wheelchair to get you to the small clinic they had on site. The nurse was nice, reassuring you that they saw stuff like this all the time and there was nothing to be sorry for.
An hour later, you had the diagnosis of a severe sprain and a crutch to use to help you get where you needed to go. They had been nice enough to take your gear back to the rental, which meant you could head straight for the van. It was a relief when you made it there, glad that you’d been trusted with the keys. 
With no hesitation, you climbed back to the bed, glad to have a place to put your swollen ankle up. It was already starting to get dark, and you knew the boys would be headed back soon. 
back at the van, just knock when you get here cause I might be asleep you text, moving your phone over and cuddling down under the blankets. 
Sure enough, you awoke to the knock on the metal door about an hour later. The entire interior was pitch black, so you turned on a light before you headed to the door, hopping on one foot until you got to the seat, sitting down and reaching for the door.
It slid back to reveal only Ethan, standing there with a goofy smile.
“Did you kill him or something?” 
“Thought about it,” he joked, climbing up and around you, immediately moving towards the console and maneuvering into the driver’s seat. You narrowed your eyes. Something was definitely up. 
“He’s going to try to make this up to me isn’t he.”
“Did he at least apologize to you?”
“And you aren’t going to tell me anything else are you.”
“Absolutely not.” 
“Cool.” You sat back into your seat as Ethan backed the van up, heading god knows where. There was no point in stressing about it - it was happening whether you liked it or not. You tried not to speculate as Ethan drove back through the town, but you couldn’t help but get curious when he turned into a neighborhood. 
“Pretend I’m not here,” he mumbled, pulling over to the sidewalk and putting the van in park. 
Before you could ask, the door was opening and there stood Grayson. But you only looked at him for a moment before you looked down, something catching your eye.
“You’re here to apologize. And you brought... an office chair?” Your eyes flickered between his face and the chair. He offered you a small smile, holding up a cup.
“And hot chocolate. Just... just get a blanket and come out here. Please.” 
It wouldn’t have mattered if you didn’t want to, you were too intrigued to resist. Ethan passed you a blanket from the passenger seat, and Grayson came up to the side of the van, wrapping an arm around your waist to lift you down gently onto your good foot. It took a bit of hopping, but soon enough you were settled in the chair.
He handed you the cup before he wrapped the blanket around your shoulders. You felt him press a kiss to your head before he closed the van door, tapping it twice, signaling Ethan to drive away. 
“You gonna fill me in?” You craned your neck back so you could look at him. Even with just the light of dusk, you could see the guilt written all over his face.
“I was a dick this whole trip. And I ruined it. For you, and for Ethan. I don’t know what got into me, I’ve just been in my head a lot, but I took it out on you all instead of just talking about it. Which is dumb as fuck. And shitty. And I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Sincerity dripped from every word he said, and you were surprised at the weight that it lifted off of you. 
“You’re forgiven,” you grinned, glad that you didn’t feel like you had to be mad at him anymore.
“Yes really. Now are you gonna explain where you stole this chair from and why?” You accused.
“I didn’t steal it. I convinced the lady at the coffee shop to let me borrow it for an hour.”
“I gave her twenty bucks,” he grinned, shrugging one shoulder up to touch his ear. You couldn’t help but laugh at him. You sipped at your hot chocolate as he started to push you down the sidewalk.
“I promised you I’d show you the lights before we left. And somebody went and sprained their ankle, so I had to improvise the cute little walking date I had planned,” he explained, making your heart swell. Sure enough, as the sun continued to dip down, more and more houses intricate light displays were coming to life, mixtures of crisp white and colorful arrangements. 
“Woah, look at that one!” You pointed at one with snowmen out in the yard, only realizing that he was filming on his phone when you turned around to look at him. 
“You’re so cute,” he smiled, continuing to push you through the neighborhood. You weren’t sure how long it lasted - there were too many houses to count, and you both rated them out of 10 each time, picking out your favorite parts. 
When you reached the end of the road he spun you around, leaning over you, hands on the armrests for support. The lights behind him turned into fuzzy circles as your eyes focused on his. 
“I promise I’ll make this up to you. Take you on another snowboarding adventure and not be an asshole this time.”
You scrunched your nose at him. “Yah know, I think I might be more of tropical girl. Beaches. Fruity drinks. You shirtless instead of in five layers,” you grinned, tugging down on his hoodie so you could pull his lips to yours.
“You taste like chocolate,” he mused, kissing you again, tongue running over your lips. “I’ll take you wherever you want, you just say the word.”
“Right now? I have an idea of exactly where you can take me...” You let it hang in the air for a moment. 
“Mhmmm. Back to the van. So I can get my hands on... some fucking ibuprofen. This shit hurts,” you pointed down at your foot with a wicked grin. 
He huffed out a breath that turned to fog in the cold air. 
“I deserved that one.”
“Yep.” You pulled him back down for one more kiss, savoring the warmth of it on your cold lips. “I love you, even when you’re a dick.”
“I love you more. Thanks for dealing with my annoying ass,” he sighed, forehead against yours.
“It’s worth it. Now c’mon, apparently we have an office chair to return.”
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off-the-heezys · 3 years
@jaspvid-week Day 2: Camping/Baking + Day 6: Weather
Jasper and David are stuck inside because of a nasty storm, what will they do? Make a pillow fort, obviously.
combines two jaspvid prompts bc i felt bad for skipping day 2 haha im a bit rusty at writing so pls bear w me you can read it here on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/32102020 or if that’s not your style, you can just read it here on this post
David had wanted to go camping that weekend. He was so excited, of course. Camping was one of, if not his most favorite thing to do. And to share the experience with Jasper always made him giddy. Of course, they stayed on secured camping grounds, both of them having bad memories of.. straying a little too far off the beaten path, you could say. But the day they were set to leave, a heavy rainstorm came down. Weather is always unpredictable, Jasper had told him, but seeing David so upset over it made his chest ache. Seeing David sad was like seeing a sad puppy. No one wants to see a sad puppy. So, dragging his lover with him, they both made a pillow fort in the living room, stealing away pillows and blankets from their bed and closet.
Jasper made a lot of these when he was a kid, staying up late and reading comics or playing video games in them. So he liked to call himself a “pillow fort master,” despite the several times it could cave in on him, making David laugh. Maybe he was a little rusty. After lots of trial and error, they finally had one that was stable enough to move kind of sort of freely in. They were a little too big for it, but that wouldn’t stop them. A couple of fake candles were littered about (David worried a real one inside the fort would be some sort of fire hazard), and Jasper had set up his laptop right outside the entrance of the fort. It was playing an hour long video of a campfire, which made David huff out a laugh and roll his eyes, smiling.
“It’s really pouring down out there.” David hums in agreement as Jasper hands him a plate with microwaved s’mores. The blonde lifted a blanket slightly and sat down next to the other, careful of the other pillows and blankets.
“Not as good as roasting marshmallows, but,” Jasper takes one off the plate. “It’ll help with the mood,” he said, taking a bite, careful of some of it oozing out of the sides.
“I didn’t even know you could microwave marshmallows,” David says, trying to find out how to hold his s’more without getting his hands too dirty.
“Really?” Jasper tilts his head. David nods, finally taking a bite out of his snack. “I used to do it all the time as a kid- I liked seeing them get really big. And-” he lifts up his s’more a bit. “They make for some really messy snacks.” He takes a bite out of it.
They both turn to the window in the living room as the rain comes down harder, drowning out the sound of the fake campfire for a moment. Then, David leans against Jasper, resting his head on the other's shoulder.
“Thank you for doing this,” he says softly.
Jasper leans into him, finishing his s’more before brushing his hands together and wrapping an arm around his lover, squeezing his shoulder.
“Of course. I’d much prefer you in here, with me, where it’s dry and warm, then out there, where it’s wet and cold.”
“Yeah- it is much more cozy in here,” David says, shifting his head on Jasper's shoulders so he could look up at him. He then reaches up and wipes some chocolate off the corner of Jasper's mouth, licking it off since they didn’t have any napkins around.
“Eeew, now you’ve got my cooties,” Jasper teases, leaning in closer to him and scrunching up his nose, squeezing David’s shoulder more. The redhead just laughs.
Just then, a loud crack of thunder makes them jump, and the power flickers out, a stillness settling through the house. Their only source of light was the laptop and the little fake candles scattered about.
“Hm,” Jasper says, sticking his head out and looking around in the dark room. “Good thing I microwaved those when I did, huh?”
Their campfire video went on for only a minute or two before buffering, the internet having also been cut out. The blonde closed the laptop with a quiet sigh.
“What now?” David asks quietly. Jasper looks over at him, almost wanting to tease him for being quiet despite it being just the two of them. He hums, thinking, before scooting some candles out of the way and grabbing a spare pillow, carefully laying down. His feet stuck out from the back of the fort from being too big for it, but just a little bit.
“I guess we’ll just have to keep each other warm,” Jasper says, opening his arms out for a hug as he lays on his back, a warm smile on his face. How could David say no to that?
The redhead slowly shifts down into Jasper's arms, carefully trying not to bump into anything with his legs. He wasn’t careful enough, because his leg bumps into something and the whole thing falls down on top of them, getting a small squeal out of David. He pulls the blanket off from over them, a pout on his face.
“Sorry…” he whines, making Jasper chuckle.
“It’s chill, babe,” the blonde says, shifting around slightly to get more comfortable now that the fort isn’t restricting him. Once he was fully relaxed, David cups his head and peppers kisses all over his face, making Jasper giggle.
“Next time, I think we should have more snacks,” David says. Something in Jasper's chest blooms when he hears the words ‘next time.’
“Maybe we can put on a movie if the power doesn't go off again,” Jasper suggests. They could either play it on their TV, since it was right in front of them, seeing as they made their pillow fort where the coffee table usually is. He knew David would want to play some outdated, cheesy romance movie, so for the effect they’d probably play it on the TV.
“And we’ll definitely need to build a bigger fort.” David looks at their dining room chairs that had been holding up the blanket and pillows. Jasper chuckles. “Not my fault you’re so tall,” he smiles, “and handsome.” David looks away with a shy smile on his face that Jasper could barely see since the room was so dark. He knew it was there, though.
After a few more minutes of discussing a future pillow fort date, David lays his head down on Jasper's chest with a loving sigh. Jasper, almost on instinct, moves his hand up and combs it through his red hair gently.
They didn’t need to say anything. The interaction radiates the words ‘I love you.’
The sound of the rain coming down faded out as they fell into a blissful sleep.
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buferfliz · 3 years
I Love You More
Satori Tendou is my favorite Haikyuu character and I love him. This is rather self-indulgent but hopefully some people will like it. This should have been posted around Christmas but oh well.
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I made the banner.
Word count: 2663
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, Fluffy sweet fluff, some cheesy nicknames but i like them
         Awakened by feathery touches all over your face, you flutter open your eyes and are greeted with the source of said touches. Your boyfriend continues to place light kisses all over your face before placing the final one on your lips.
         “Good morning my paradise,” the red head lying next to you greets.
         You smile at him.
         “Good morning my love. To what do I owe this pleasant wakeup call?”
         “I couldn’t help myself, you looked so cute and I just wanted to cover you in kisses. But I might also have had an ulterior motive.”
         You raise an eyebrow at his response. Satori Tendou, your boyfriend of five years though you’d been friends since middle school, always was full of surprises big and small alike. It was part of the reason you loved him so much, life was never boring.
         You give him a little peck on the lips.
         “And what might this ulterior motive be?”
         “Well, it snowed last night. It’s still snowing actually.” He animatedly tells you.
         You smile at how excited he sounds over the snow.
         “Well it is almost Christmas after all, perfect time for snow. I see you’re excited about it. Is there something you wanted to do?”
         “Well I would like to snuggle under a blanket with you and drink hot cocoa, but first…” He trails off and gives you a mischievous little grin.
         “But first what?” You cautiously ask.
         Tendou clears his throat and begins to sing.
         “Do you wanna build a snowman?”
         “Oh no.”
         “It doesn’t have to be a snowman.”
         “Are you seriously singing Frozen to me right now?” You laugh.
         “So what if I am? You know you love when I sing to you.” He gives you a flirty grin.
         “Well you got me there. I do love your songs.”
         “So what?”
         “Do you wanna build a snowman?” He sings once more.
         “Hmm, I don’t know.” You tease him.
         He gives you a cute little pout.
         “Aww, come on cupcake, please. I’ll make you some of my special homemade cocoa afterwards.”
         Your eyes light up. Satori makes the best hot cocoa, you think as you smile.
         “I would have said yes anyway but you promised me cocoa so now I’m going to hold you to it.” You give him a kiss on the lips before getting up to get dressed and ready for your outdoor playdate.
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  Ten minutes later you emerge from your bedroom. You walk through the twinkling glow of the lights on your decorated tree as you head to your front door. You take out all of the necessary outerwear from the closet and begin putting it on.
“Satori? I thought you wanted to build a snowman?” You call out when you don’t see him, having expected him to be all ready to go.
His voice rings out from the kitchen.
“Of course I do pumpkin. I was just getting everything out and set up for the cocoa later.”
He comes out of the kitchen with a couple of chocolates in his hand and pops one into his mouth before walking over to you.
“Do you want a piece?”
“Always. I love your chocolates but not as much as I love you.”
He smiles at you adoringly and puts the chocolate into your mouth before capturing your lips in a loving kiss.
“I love you more my paradise.” He says while looking at you as if you’re the only person in the world.
         You smile at him. He was the sweetest person that you had ever met and you never did understand why people were always so mean to him when the two of you were younger. It pissed you off even just remembering it despite it being so long ago. Even now some people would occasionally look at him like he was some kind of freak and it pissed you off every time. Back in middle school you had been his only friend and you had ended up in quite a number of fights defending him from the bullies. You never regretted a single fight or the countless hours you’d spent in detention because of them. You’d never let anyone get away with being mean to the boy you loved. If you regretted anything it was the fact that it had taken until the first year of college for the two of you to become a couple. That didn’t matter now though because you were together and you’d never been happier.
         “Are you ready?” You ask Tendou as you pull your hat on.
         He finishes wrapping his unnecessarily long scarf around his neck and smiles.
         “Yeah let’s go.”
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 You enter the front yard and spread out looking for the best place to build your snowman. As you scout the area, you glance up at the small house the two of you had moved into a couple of months prior and smile. It wasn’t anything big or fancy but it was warm and cozy and much bigger than the tiny one bedroom apartment you had moved into together after you graduated college a year and a half ago.
It looks pretty with the snow on the roof and the Christmas lights Satori outlined it in, you think as you admire the picture before you.
“I found the perfect spot pumpkin!” You hear your boyfriend excitedly call out.
You make your way over to his location and look around.
“You’re right, this is the perfect spot. Let’s get started.” You smile at him and begin forming the base of your snowman.
“It’s going to look great.” He enthusiastically replies before getting to work himself.
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  You finish shaping the head of your snowman and place it on top of the other two segments. You brush your gloves together to try and rid them of the excess snow before looking over at Tendou who is putting the head on top of the much taller snowman next to your own. He looks over at your snowman after he’s happy with the placement.
“Yours is missing something.” He says to you.
“Yeah, a face. So is yours.”
“No that’s not it. I mean yes they both need faces but yours is missing something else.”
You furrow your brow as you appraise your snowman. “What?”
He gives you a smirk before bending down and making two snowballs.
“You better not hit me with those.”
“No of course not cupcake. This is what yours is missing.”
He takes the two snowballs and affixes them next to each other on the middle segment of your snowman. You laugh as he smoothes them on.
“Seriously baby?”
“Yes. Yours is a snow woman.”
“Is that supposed to be me then? And this one is you, that’s why it’s so tall?”
“Exactly.” He smiles and kisses the tip of your nose.
“So it’s a snow couple of us. Cute.”
“Not just a snow couple.” Tendou quickly creates two smaller snowmen in front of the other two. “It’s a snow family.” He gives you a big smile.
“But we don’t have any kids.”
“Not yet but we will, right?”
“Yeah someday.”
“Hopefully someday soon.”
Your eyes widen slightly. Just how soon was he thinking? Though I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about us having a family of our own, you think to yourself.
“Hmm maybe but don’t you think we should at least be engaged first?”
“What are you talking about? We already are pumpkin.” He says with a smile.
You let out a laugh.
“Satori love, I don’t think you proposing when we were 12 counts, even if I did say yes. That candy ring was delicious though.”
He laughs.
“Only the best for my paradise.”
You laugh together as you reminisce on the fond memory,
“Ok. I’m going to go inside and get some stuff for the faces. You look for arm sticks.”
You nod your head and begin your search as he heads inside to get supplies.
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  Ten minutes later you have successfully found arm sticks for all the snowmen even some small ones for your snow children. Tendou still hasn’t come back outside and you begin to wonder what could be taking him so long. You decide to add a snow cat to your happy little snow family while you wait.
Ten minutes after that you were just about to go inside and see what was taking so long when he finally emerges from the house with a little box of assorted supplies. Buttons for the eyes, carrots for the noses.
“Is that red licorice?” You ask.
“Yeah it’s for the mouths and here’s some tinsel for your snow woman’s hair. And that’s not all.” With dramatic flair he presents to you a bag of red feathers.
“Oh I remember those. You had to have them when we were at the craft store. Is that what took you so long?”
“Yeah I had to look for them. I told you I’d use them.” He takes some of the longer ones out and begins placing them on the top of his snowman’s head, sticking straight up. You laugh.
“It really does look like your hair.”
He smiles at you and nods proudly as he continues decorating.
You pick up the buttons and get to work on your snow woman’s face as a shiver runs through you. Tendou notices.
“Why aren’t you wearing a scarf pumpkin?”
“Because I need a new one, I lost mine.”
“Well then come here.”
“What are you doing?”
“There’s a reason why I wear such a long scarf you know, it’s so I can share it with you.” He unwinds some of his unnecessarily long scarf from around his neck and wraps it around you.
You smile. “We’re going to have to stay close together then.”
“That’s just how I like it so no complaints from me.” He happily responds.
You stay close and finish up your snow family. You take a few pictures and then hurry inside out of the cold.
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  The two of you change out of your wet clothing and into something warm and dry before going into the kitchen.
You perch yourself on a barstool as Tendou gets to work making the hot cocoa. Before long he’s placing a steaming mug of it, complete with mini marshmallows, in front of you.
“Would you like a cupcake, cupcake?” He smiles.
“When did you make cupcakes?”
“This morning before I woke you up. They’re your favorite.”
Your face lights up.
“Of course.”
“You’re too good to me, my love.”
He hands you one of the cupcakes before taking one for himself. The two of you spend the next few minutes quietly eating cupcakes and drinking cocoa.
“Mmm, so good.” You say as you enjoy your sweets.
You tilt your head back a bit and place the last piece of cupcake into your mouth when you notice something hanging from the ceiling.
“Is that mistletoe?” You ask after swallowing what’s in your mouth.
You look over to see a smiling Tendou looking back at you.
You smile and lean over, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.
“When did you even hang that?” You look back up at the mistletoe when you spot something attached to it.
“Is that a piece of paper?”
“Maybe.” He smirks.  “You should grab it and see.”
“You know I can’t reach that.”
He grabs ahold of you and gives you a boost so you can reach the paper. You retrieve it and he puts you back down.
“Should I be worried?” You chuckle as you unfold the paper.
“Just read it.” He tells you with a chuckle of his own.
“Ok.” You fully unfold the paper and read aloud. “I am just the first of many hints to lead you on your search. To find clue number two, go to the place where you poo.”
You laugh out loud.
“Seriously love?”
“Yeah I couldn’t think of anything else that rhymed.” He says a bit sheepishly.
“Well I know where it is without question.” You lace your fingers with his and kiss the back of his hand before making your way to the bathroom.
You look up and see another mistletoe with another piece of paper.
“I’m going to need your help again, baby.”
“Not so fast pumpkin, where’s my kiss?”
You shake your head and go onto your tiptoes as he leans down. You give him another sweet kiss. He smiles at you and helps you to retrieve the next paper. You unfold it and read.
“Great job, you’re halfway there, now onto clue number three. I know what you’re thinking and it’s not a trap just go to the place where you like to nap.”
You smile and take hold of his hand again and head into the living room.
“You couldn’t put it over the couch so I could reach it?”
“Now where would be the fun in that? You know what to do.”
You put your arms around his neck as his hands make their way onto your hips. You give him a more passionate kiss this time before breaking away. He gives you another boost and you grab the next clue.
“Only one more left so don’t get feisty, go to the place where we make things spicy.”
You look over at your boyfriend who is wearing a teasing little smirk.
“Well I know where this is leading.” You give him a peck on the cheek. “This is fun. Thank you baby.”
Taking his hand once more, you head into the bedroom. You spot the mistletoe above the bed.
“Ah finally one I can reach on my own.” You look at Tendou. “You put all these up when you came in here to get the stuff for our snow family, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, you caught me. I wanted to surprise you so I couldn’t let you see them before I was ready.”
“You’re so freakin’ cute.” You smile and then climb onto the bed and retrieve the last paper.
“It seems you’ve come to the end of the line, now turn around cupcake and look me in the eye.”
You do as the note says and face Tendou. He helps you down off the bed before getting down on one knee in front of you. He holds your left hand as your right one goes to your mouth, eyes widening in surprise.
“I love you my paradise. I have ever since I proposed to you when we were 12. You’re the only one who has always been there for me, the only one who stuck up for me when I was being called monster and freak. You’ve always made me feel like a person and that I was loved, loved by you. I’m not sure how I got lucky enough to have someone as amazing as you love me but I’m so grateful that I do. You’re my everything. All I could ever ask for and more. I promise to always take care of you and love you with all I have from now until the rest of forever. Will you marry me?”
Your eyes well up with happy tears, a few escaping down your cheeks and you smile.
“I said yes then and I’m saying yes now. Of course I’ll marry you Satori, I love you so much, ever since we were 12. Always have, always will.”
He stands up and pulls you to him. You share a loving kiss as you hug each other tightly.
“I even got you a real ring this time.” He slips the ring onto your finger.
You let out a little chuckle and look at it.
“It’s beautiful my love.”
“Not as beautiful as you.”
“You’re the sweetest and I love it! Even if I can’t eat it this time.”
Tendou laughs and pulls you against him more tightly. He gives you another sweet kiss.
“I love you my miracle boy.”
“I love you more my paradise.”
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lovethoery · 3 years
can I have something really soft for vrvr dongheon? he just seems like the type who likes to be taken care of, despite his image lol
a/n: heonnie is absolutely so soft :( he loves to sit there and say he’s the oldest n the leader but the way he was acting during the last weekly idol episode begs to differ.
pairing: non-idol!dongheon + gn!reader
warnings: none? theres a shared bath and just domestic bliss
songs i listened to while writing: at last - etta james, toothpaste kisses - the maccabees, honey it’s alright - gregory alan isakov, all i’ve ever known - bahamas, straight from the heart - irma thomas
rain is beating down against the windows of your apartment and the heater has finally kicked in. the living room is a little chilly, socked feet tucked up underneath your butt as you sip a warm drink. the record player your boyfriend had bought you for your last birthday turns, at last by etta james playing softly throughout the space.
everything is calm and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel at least a little sleepy.
thunder rumbles across the sky and you blink slowly before the sound of the lock on the front door distracts you from the serene atmosphere. the door is pushed open with a loud schlick!, your boyfriend’s handsome face peeking in through the crack, then the rest of him. he soaked in rain water, and the serenity is shattered when you register just how hard the rain is actually coming down.
raindrops fall from the ends of his hair and the tip of his nose. his shirt is stuck to his skin, backpack falling to the floor with a plop.
“oh, heonnie,” you coo, standing from the couch. like a cliche straight out of a movie, the record ends and the two of you are left standing in silence. rain still pours outside and there are soft dripping noises against the hardwood.
your boyfriend stands in the hallway, frown on his face and eyes wide when they meet your own. dongheon is silent for a moment before he pouts harder and says, “it’s cold.”
a laugh bubbles up from your chest, and you’re immediately drawn to the man before you. your hands work at his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders where it falls to the floor wetly. water pools at dongheon’s feet, sneakers soaked, and you do your best to avoid soaking your socks.
“let’s get you out of these clothes and into the bath, hm?” your voice is so soft when you speak, dongheon can’t help but melt at the sweetness of your words. he follows you without question when you begin to traipse to your shared bathroom.
dongheon’s shoes squeak across the floor, stopping only once you’ve reached the threshold of your carpeted bedroom. he’s quick to slip the soaked sneakers off, making a mental note to leave them on the balcony to dry and air out. your lover continues after you, clothes dropping every few feet until he’s only left in halfway-dry boxers and the chain you’d gifted him for your last anniversary. goosebumps dot his arms and you can see the way he shivers in the cold air of the bathroom.
clicking your tongue, you step forward to brush his wet hair from his face, fingers trailing down his cheek before you’re rubbing your thumb over his bottom lip. dongheon’s cheeks flush the prettiest shade of pink you’ve ever seen and it makes you coo again, hands traveling over his shoulders, down his arms, and to his hands. holding them gently, you kiss across his knuckles.
“i’m gonna go off on a limb and say that this wasn’t even the worst part of your day, was it.” it’s more of a statement, than a question, and dongheon’s large stature shrinks under it, nodding gently. for the man in front of you to be so sheepish was a rare occasion. usually, he was taking care of you, catering to your every whim, waiting on you hand and foot. however, it was exam season and his job as a teacher’s assistant was biting him in the ass; he’e told you on several occasions that the students came to him with more complaints than questions, and the dance troupe he’d been coaching had seemed to call mutiny on his leadership.
“let me take care of you for a little while, okay?”
dongheon’s cheeks turn red now, warmth filling him from the top of his head to the tips of his cold, curling toes. he gives himself to you completely, allowing you to let go of his hands to start the bath.
it’s not often the two of you get a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss like this. and you’re determined to milk it for all it’s worth. dongheon isn’t fond of giving up his role as the nurturer, the lover, the carer. but, he thinks right now, watching you make sure the water’s the right temperature and picking out the sweet, lavender-rose bubble bath, he could stand to let you lead him a bit more often.
when the bubble’s reach the perfect height and the room smells of coziness, you turn to tug at the waistband of his boxers. dongheon’s chest flushes.
“you’d think after being together for this long you’d be less embarrassed about getting naked in front of me, heonnie.” there’s a smirk on your face, and dongheon whines, stepping forward to rest his forehead on your shoulder.
“don’t make fun of me!” he cries, nuzzling his chilly nose against your neck. you squirm, wiggling away from him with a loud giggle.
“not making fun of you, baby. just want you to hurry into the bath. let me take care of you for a while.”
he can’t even bring himself to argue, moving away to peel his boxers off, quick to sink into the warm water of the bathtub. a loud sigh leaves his lips as dongheon’s eyes flutter shut. his body settles against the wall of the tub, limbs stretching out as far as they can go in the small space. pretty teeth display themselves as your boyfriend smiles dazedly. “thank you, honey,” he grins.
your heart clenches in the confines of your rib cage, feeling nothing but love for your partner. “you’re very welcome. now, what can i get started for dinner?”
dongheon looks like he’s been zapped by your words, looking up at you in shock. “you mean you’re not gonna sit with me? in this wonderful bath you’ve made?”
now it’s your turns to flush, though you blame it on the warmth of the steam. “i just... i thought...”
“baby, why don’t you sit a spell with me? then, we can make dinner together... let me love on you for a moment...”
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belit0 · 4 years
1500k Commission [Uchiha Obito / Fem Reader] @obitobrigade
🌹My Ko-Fi page [Commissions are open!]
Obito x Coffy NSFW baking chocolate chip cookies at home. *coffy is a thick thighs/ booty girl, nerdy, wears glasses, freckles... *
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Under the rain, Obito runs, trying to take shelter under every roof or balcony he finds to avoid the icy water falling from the sky. Of course, he doesn't carry an umbrella, he always thought he was too cool for such things, although at times like these he regrets it.
He bumps into several people before managing to stop at the door of a shop, with his jacket soaked and his jeans completely wet. Frustrated and grumbling, he reaches into the pocket of his tight trousers and looks for the paper you gave him before leaving.
The note is ruined, breaking because of the humidity and with the ink dripping on its surface.
"How am I supposed to know what ingredients to buy now? How were those cookies made? She's going to kill me..."
Slapping his face, he grunts, scolding himself before the grey panorama of the city. He has only fifteen minutes before the shops start closing, and he doesn't even remember what he had to take home.
Of course, his pride is too great to return empty-handed, that is why, angry and motivated not to disappoint you, he sets off again, adjusting the hood of his jacket over his head and running to his destination, avoiding pedestrians.
Eventually he arrived at the supermarket where the shopping was usually done, with about 10 minutes left before the doors closed. In desperation, he did not hesitate and entered like a hurricane, leaving a trail of water behind him on the dry floor. His panicked face prevented anyone from daring to tell him anything, and with a hasty pace but without being able to trot, he headed for the first shelf he found, without even knowing what he was looking for.
Fortunately, there was an employee there, a young man with brown hair and red marks on his face. The teenager smelled like a dog, as if he hadn't bathed for days, but that would have to be enough. Although being a shy person, someone who hates unnecessary contact or interactions, Obito was forced to approach and talk to him, being his last chance to achieve his goal.
The boy was placing products in their respective places, with headphones and chewing gum noisily, when the Uchiha touched his shoulder and scared him.
"What the...? Never mind. Kid, I need your help."
"Why do you think I'm wearing this stupid uniform, old man?"
"You little piece of shit, tell me what ingredients I need to make chocolate chip cookies."
"Nothing is free in life, you know? I have to buy food for my dog, I have to pay for my food, I have to..."
Taking money out of his wet pocket, Obito cursed the teenager lowly, who smiled smugly at having won the hand.
"Take it and shut up. Tell me what I need or I'll wait for you outside until your shift is over.
"Don't you have a nursing home to go back to? This way, I'll share with you the recipe my mom uses."
After getting what was needed according to that child, Obito left the shop with a bag of groceries, hoping to have bought what was needed and not to disappoint you when he got home.
Running again in the rain, the trip to your flat was much quicker. His anxiety to get there and be dry, warm and comfortable next to you was too much. Until he remembered that he might have picked up the wrong ingredients and wanted the earth to swallow him up.
His intengrity as Uchiha was at stake.
The Uchihas never make mistakes, that is the first basic rule of the clan.
Arriving at the door, he used the key that you had given him some time ago to enter, being grateful not to feel the cold of the wind and water on his soaked body. He made his way to the elevator and headed to your floor, finding your entrance quickly and getting in without announcing himself.
But of course you were there to welcome him.
"Obi, you really should have taken an umbrella... it's not such a big deal you know?
" Over my dead body [Y/N], none of that.
"You're soaked! There's not a part of your clothes that doesn't drip with water! Go to the bathroom and take a hot shower please, I don't want you to get sick"
Removing the grocery bag from his hand and closing the door, you pushed him into the bathroom, leaving him to take care of himself. Being that you had been together for some time, it was usual to find his clothes among your things, so it was not strange to get a change of underwear and a pair of trousers. No luck with the shirt.
It took him a while to finish, as the warm feeling on his body after being mistreated by the frost was like paradise. When he came out, you offered him the clothes you had available, and although you also gave him the option of a sweater he didn't want to accept it, remaining without a shirt and with his chest in the air.
His heart stopped when you opened the bag and started to take out the ingredients, placing them on the kitchen table and putting on the cooking apron. But by not telling him anything, by not reproaching him for bringing the wrong flour, the wrong milk, how bad the butter was, his body began to relax. Staying by your side, he observed your features as you started to work, your dark hair falling on your shoulders and its beautiful volume, your freckles hidden under your glasses, your hips embraced beautifully by your trousers.
His eyes were feasting when your voice woke him up.
"Come on sir, you have to help me, no looking!”
"Yes, ma'am!"
Both put hands to work, and Obito's concentration managed to last a short time in the work he was doing, before getting lost again in your figure, in your profile, in your thighs, in how easily you managed to make him laugh just by smiling.
Your presence was light in his life, and nobody could replicate it.
Positioning himself behind you, he put his hands back on the kitchen table, working again while his bare chest was stuck behind your back and his waist was pressed against your butt.
When his member found that cozy space between your rear, his hands completely forgot what to do with the cookies, and you found no reason to complain. His movements were soft and gentle, his hips swayed from side to side, letting you feel his cock getting harder and harder just by touching you over your clothes, and his abs acted as support for your body when you needed to lean back.
"Don't stop working, I want to eat those today.”
"But you did stop working...”
"I'm about to work on another cookie, if you know what I mean...”
Kneeling on the floor, Obito lowered your trousers and underwear, exposing your pussy which was beginning to get wet without shame. Almost like a hungry man, he held your buttocks with both hands and opened your butt, gaining access and sliding his tongue from your clitoris to your ass. He brought his warm, strong muscle back into your cunt, delivering rapid, continuous movements to your sensitive pearl while two of his fingers reached inside you and began an intense motion.
It didn't take him long to get your body to build up that wonderful discharge, pounding his digits to the right spot while with his other hand he lowered his own clothes and began to masturbate on the floor from the arousal. Overwhelmed by the sensations of pleasure and the moaning that your man was generating inside you, it was impossible for you to even remember that you were cooking, holding strongly with both hands on the kitchen table while your orgasm was furiously approaching.
Once you reached your climax, he stood up, hitting your buttocks with his hard, erect length, letting you know he madly needed to be inside you. Holding your waist, he bent his knees and positioned his tip in your humping hole, guiding himself into your canal slowly, enjoying how his skin was stretched back by the friction.
One of his hands slipped along the side of your body, dirtying your clothes with kitchen ingredients and grabbing you by the neck, exerting a gentle pressure, just the way you like it. With his mouth in your ear, his movements began, while his mind was too clouded with pleasure to even formulate words.
Deep breaths escaped from his chest as the sound of skin against skin filled the kitchen, and your screams made him feel as if he were being pushed by a rush of vertigo and pure pleasure.
The way your warm pussy milked his cock felt like a dream, a wonderful moment that he wanted to last forever, but eventually, his climax attacked him, thanks also to his previous masturbation, being accompanied by your second orgasm.
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