#behold your new geo archon
godbirdart · 1 year
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cosplay :)
358 notes · View notes
magicalbats · 9 months
Kinktober Day 7: Stuck In Wall
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 7468
Warnings: Afab! Reader, master/servant dynamic, stuck in wall, age difference, dubcon, reader is a rabbit illuminated beast, vaginal fingering, bareback, no protection lol no gendered terms but he does call us “little one” because that is what I am personally weak for
A/N: alright so I definitely got a little carried away with this one but in my defense … in my defense Zhongli is my favorite character. I started playing specifically FOR him. So I think my bias was going to show no matter what 😂
Peering out from your hiding place behind a wide, red painted column, you secretly observe your lord and master while he sips his afternoon tea in the sprawling manor garden. The Lord of Geo is a sight to behold even when at ease, and you can’t quite seem to decide what it was you were feeling flitter about inside your chest when you looked at him. Was it excitement, pure and headstrong adrenaline at the prospect of challenging him in the way the young test themselves against the old? Or was it something more personal and intimate — a crush, you’d heard human adolescents call it before. This strange feeling wasn’t exactly new but it was still as much of an unknown as it had been the first time you’d realized Morax was the cause of it. 
You think you’re just eager to try out what you’ve learned since the last time you came here and sparred with him though. Had even spent some time with the five Yaksha between then and now, most notably with Alatus who had (begrudgingly) helped you work on your speed. Bonanus had even teased you about biting off more than you could chew when you’d told her why you were so keen on training like this, but she didn’t understand. None of them did. For as much as you looked up to and admired the Yaksha for their strength and commitment to Morax’s nation, nothing was held in quite so high regard as earning his approval the same way they had. 
All you wanted was to prove yourself to him. To be looked at with the same fondness and mutual respect that he gave the others rather than the doting, indulgent smiles he always gave you. It was undeniably frustrating, the way he never seemed to take you seriously. It wasn’t your fault you were a bit too young to have stood beside him during the Archon War but you were determined to win his favor no matter the cost. 
So you very quietly sneak out into the open, recalling what Alatus had told you about the importance of concealing your presence until you were ready to actually deliver the killing blow. Not that you were trying to kill him or anything — as if you even could. But considering that all of your previous encounters with the Geo Archon had ended in resounding failure, with you slinking off with your tail tucked between your legs and licking your wounds, it seemed like it was worth a shot. Somehow, you’d almost managed to convince yourself that sneaking up on him instead of clashing head on would net you a different result. 
But of course it is not meant to be, and you barely make it within twenty feet of the powerful god when the earth abruptly shudders and gives way, exploding outward from the force of a glowing geo construct erupting out of nothing. You give a startled jerk and immediately fall into a defensive crouch, but they just keep appearing around you; one by one, tall, imposing monoliths springing up out of the ground to entrap you where you stood. 
Realizing you have fallen for a trap and Alatus’ advice was no good against someone like the Lord of Geo, you make a hasty attempt to escape. Try to utilize his training to your advantage even though it’s done you little good up til’ now, but you don’t make it very far. 
You’re hyper aware of the moment that a construct of Morax’s making bursts up underneath you, shooting right towards your middle. You lurch, too surprised to even breathe as you see it spearing straight through you and up into the very heavens themselves. For a split second you actually think he’s going to kill you — but to your great surprise it suddenly splits down the middle and branches off into two separate halves that fly up past you only to reconvene and become one at the top. 
It’s like you’re watching it all happen in slow motion, painfully aware of what’s happening as it seals around you and stops your momentum mid fall. You jerk to a sudden, screeching halt that rattles your teeth, and you suck in a harsh gasp that seems to tear at your throat. You’re stuck. Just like that. In the blink of an eye you’ve been left dangling there, trapped inside the unrelenting prison of one of his geo spires, and you had no way out. 
You’re still desperately clawing and kicking at the solid stone when he steps up beside you, long dark robes swaying softly as he comes into view. You go stock still, heart hammering wildly inside your chest even as you bring your head up to look at him. To your gobsmacked, stuttering surprise, he was smiling at you. 
“M - m - my lord!” 
“Hello, little one. I must admit, I wasn’t expecting to see you here today. A very grumpy bird told me you’ve been training with the Yaksha recently and I assumed that would continue to take up a significant amount of your time for at least a while longer.” 
Heat floods your face in a sudden rush that leaves you sputtering, trying to work out what to say to that. Dammit, Alatus! He wasn’t supposed to go behind your back and tell Morax what you’ve been doing! No wonder his advice hadn’t worked. 
“Forgive me, master.” You finally manage to say. “It was not my intention to displease you. I only wanted to - -“ 
“Oh, I’m well aware what it is you wanted. My attention, isn’t that right?” He tips his head to one side, ever so, his expression still serene and gentle, but that doesn’t stop you from flushing even hotter than before. Quickly, you avert your gaze and try not to look so guilty even though that seemed to be a losing battle in this situation. You felt so stupid, and all the more when Morax draws a patient breath at your continued silence. “Honestly, I'm a little surprised with you. I didn’t take you for the sort to sneak around like that. At first I assumed you were merely working up the courage to come over and ask to spar with me, but that was not the case … was it?” 
You sorely wished you could wither away, right then and there, but the unrelenting geo construct made it impossible to even turn from him and hide your shame, let alone beat a hasty retreat. “No, master. It wasn’t.” 
“Then why?” 
His gloved fingers suddenly brush your chin and you jolt, choking on a very unbecoming squawk of surprise as he tips your face up. Left with no choice but to look at him, you make a desperate attempt to school your expression and hide your fluster from the piercing intensity of his gaze only to fail miserably on all fronts. You couldn’t even remember a time you’d embarrassed yourself so badly in front of him. 
“W - well, I just — I thought …” You trail off in uncertainty, but he just nudges your chin with a soft little hum of encouragement. Whimpering faintly, you squeeze your eyes shut so you won’t have to see him looking at you, patient and expectant, while you’re forced to admit to your wrongdoings. “I’m sorry, master! I thought if I took you by surprise I might fare better this time. Alatus said - -“
“Alatus?” Morax’s fingers abruptly slip away. Blinking back the sting of humiliated tears, you cautiously glance up to find him lost in his own thoughts and a tiny little spark of hope flares to life inside you. Perhaps he would let you go and direct his displeasure at the one who had given you that bad advice in the first place! 
“I see,” He says at last. “I wouldn’t say he was necessarily wrong to tell you that. Given your size and strength, it certainly does make sense to rely on concealment when approaching a potential threat. However,” The deep timber inflected in just that one word sends shivers racing down your spine as much as the hard edge in his golden eyes does. “You had to have known such tricks would not work against me, little one, and I very much doubt Alatus intended for you to utilize that particular strategy in such a way. If I was so easily taken by surprise then surely I would not be standing before you as I am now, would I? Frankly, I'm not sure if I find your underestimation of me cute or insulting.” 
Your chest wrenches violently at that. “No … no, no, I'm sorry, master! Please don’t be displeased with me, I didn’t mean to offend you! I would never! I promise!” 
Evidently unmoved by your pleas, Morax makes a casual show of folding his arms behind his back before shifting into motion. Slowly, he walks around the side of the monolith he’d conjured to trap you where he disappears from your line of sight. Even trying to twist around is useless and all you can make out is the hard column of stone and a thin, sideways glimpse of the lush garden foliage. You squirm and brace your hands on the faintly glowing rock, making an attempt to wriggle your way out, but then he appears on the other side and you go still again. 
You realize, in a far off, distant kind of way, that he’s circling you like a predator and with that knowledge comes a silent reminder of who he is. What he is. You’d never been lucky or privileged enough to see Morax in his truest form, nor had you ever caught so much as a glimpse of it until now, but you’d heard tales of it. Whispers of his magnificent size and strength. How he was just as big, if not bigger, than most of the gods he fought in the war and equally deadly too. It was easy to forget, sometimes, that the kind and gentle individual before you now, with his doting smiles and easy company, was in fact hiding a beast under that disarming facade. A monstrous dragon. 
And you, little more than a rabbit, were trapped in his lethal claws. 
“You must forgive my mood today. It isn’t exactly that I am unhappy with you, or Alatus for that matter.” He says quietly. Much too quietly to do anything except further rattle your nerves and make you more anxious. “But I think there is something to be said for these times of peace, don’t you? Not only do the years wear away at the memory of the people but even my beloved adepti too, and it seems that everyone is slowly forgetting what this land looked like not that long ago.” 
Pausing in front of you, Morax sends you a slow, unreadable look of consideration. 
“The same cannot be said of me though. I can’t forget it. I won’t forget.” 
With that, he resumes his pacing around the monolith and you just hang there, having no choice but to attentively listen in even when you want nothing more than to crawl inside a hole and bury yourself alive. 
“I’ve not faced a real challenge in many, many centuries now,” He continues, sedate and almost leisurely. “Most save a select few don’t even bother to spar with me now, whether because they hold me in too high regard to even take up their weapons or because they already know what the outcome will be. I must confess though, I miss it sometimes. That is why I have enjoyed our little sessions so much. Even if you cannot truly stand against me, it was still nice … refreshing to see someone standing on the side of opposition with neither hesitation nor reverence on their face. You just wanted to prove yourself, isn’t that right,” His hand abruptly caresses over your leg, starting at the knee and trailing a sensuous path up the back of your thigh, over your buttocks and higher still to finally flick at your small, curved tail. “My helpless rabbit?” 
Yelping and blushing profusely, you quickly slap your hands over your mouth to stop yourself from making any further noise. You had no idea what was happening, what he was talking about, and you knew even less how you felt about any of it. Your heart slams a wild, continuous beat against your chest, feeling like it was likely to explode out of you at any given moment, but you couldn’t tell if it was out of fear or … excitement? 
Either oblivious or unconcerned with your current predicament, Morax just keeps pacing around you at a steady canter. “That is also why I’m so disappointed in your behavior today. I thought you were better than that. I expected better from you than that. Using such strategy against a lesser foe would have been another matter entirely but me?” He barks a quick, mirthless laugh that seems to set your guts to vibrate. “The only ones foolish enough to use such a shameless tactic against me in the Archon War were beings so far beneath my concern that I didn’t even bother learning their name before I destroyed them. Any warrior with even an ounce of pride would never stoop to such a low, for both his own integrity as well as that of his opponents. Is it possible that I have been much too lenient with you?” 
You suck in such a sharp, painful breath that it claws at your throat on the way down. “Master, please! That’s not it at all! I - I just thought … I thought you would be impressed with me if I could implement what I learned from the Yaksha and show you I’m serious. I d - didn’t …” 
You trail off, not sure what else to say to defend yourself or your actions, and Morax halts in front of you again. Eyeing you for a moment longer, he finally reaches up to touch fingers to his chin in thought. “You were still small during the war, weren’t you? Only just ascended, if I remember correctly.” You give a miserable little nod, prompting him to slowly exhale through his nose. “I see. It’s not that you’ve forgotten, nor did you intentionally mean any disrespect. It’s just that you don’t know any better. All you’ve ever truly lived is peace, so a warrior's sense of pride is likely just some fanciful concept rather than a tangible thing to you. Still, there is something … a part of me doesn’t want to let it go even knowing this. I want — no, I need to show you that I am not someone such petty tricks will work on.” 
“Wha - -“ 
His hand is suddenly under your chin again, nudging you to look up even as he bends close to put his face in yours. Veins turning to ice, you just stare at him in speechless disbelief. If you could have backed up at that moment you would have gone skittering in the opposite direction, but the geo construct keeps you rooted to the spot. All you can do is take it when he carefully curls those long, blocky fingers over your jaw and gives them a brief squeeze to make you wince. It was only a very small fraction of his power, you knew this, but you still issue a quiet whimper anyway, more from your bruised ego than any physical pain he was causing you. 
“Do not misunderstand, little one. You are young and naive, while I am willing to forgive and as patient as the tallest mountain.” Morax intones, his voice dropped to such a low register it almost seems to carry with it a … growl. “But I am also still the Archon of this land. It is my duty to soundly guide all who inhabit Liyue, whether they be human or adepti, and that very much includes you. Forgive me for saying so, but I think it’s high time I teach you an important lesson. One that appears to be long overdue.” 
“… my lord?” It’s barely more than a whisper. 
“Oh, don’t look at me with such fear in your eyes.” Cooing softly, Morax releases your jaw in favor of reaching up to carefully brush some of the hair back from your face. Just like that, his mood seems to have returned to the calm you were used to and it only leaves you even more unnerved. Confused to see him acting like this. But if he notices any of the disconcert in your expression he doesn’t acknowledge it, instead dragging his hand lower to tenderly cup your cheek in his gloved palm. “I have no intention of harming you today, nor do I wish to scare you. But I think it’s important for you to understand what I am.”
You swallow your nerves. Almost choke on them. “What are you?” You prod, wanting to hear him say it out loud with his own voice, in his own words. 
With a slow, almost unsettling blink of his eyes, Morax puts his head to one side. “A very territorial god.” 
The shudder that tears through you is so powerful it leaves you outright gasping in shock. He merely smiles though, that same soft, vague smile he usually wears, except … there’s an edge in the gilted amber of his eyes that makes you run hot. Hotter than any bath or spring, or teakettle, and you can’t quite seem to get your breathing under control now as he straightens up, letting his hand fall away, and then moves to step behind you again. 
Panicking, you slap your clammy palms against the lower half of the geo construct and desperately try to find some amount of leverage you could use to shimmy free but it is resoundingly useless. His control over the element was so great, so fine tuned and honed that there was barely even a seam between your midsection and the cool stone you were imprisoned in. You’d never be able to squeeze your hips through such a narrow opening, nor your shoulders — not without dislocating them and causing irreparable damage in the process. The reality of that truth slams into you mere seconds before you feel his fingers brush against your tiny tail again, and you can’t quite stop yourself from letting out a frightened squeak. 
“Now, now,” He chides, a heavy note of laughter dancing in his voice. “You needn’t rile yourself so. I already told you I’ll be gentle … but there are things you need to understand about this world. The way you came here today was so lacking in manners and propriety that you’ve struck an old chord in me, I’m afraid. But I won’t treat you as I did those who tried such petty, simple tricks in the past,” His hand abandons your twitching tail in favor of skimming down lower to pet over the seat of your form-fitted shorts, startling another gasp out of you at the static jolts that race through your body. “But I think we can come up with an appropriate substitute that will get the point across just as well. I will show you what it truly means to bend the knee to a god and impart upon you the significance of not underestimating one’s elders.” 
Your mouth drops open in shock but nothing comes out, every single hair on your body immediately standing on end. The thought that this was really happening seemed so distant, so implausible, that you almost don’t even believe it. Morax had never touched you like this, usually much too polite and proud to lay hands on you (or anyone, for that matter) more than what was strictly necessary, but he doesn’t hesitate to do it now. The glide of his fingers along the seam of your cunt is sure and confident, like he’s done this a million times before. 
The weight of it slams into you all at once and you finally give a delayed little jerk as your stomach violently seizes. “M - master! Thats - -“ 
“Mine, is it not?” 
You go stock still, halfway through the motion of trying to push against the stone again. He wasn’t serious. He couldn’t be serious. “I … I don't understand.” 
With a soft, vaguely condescending click of his tongue, Morax adjusts his hand to rub over the apex of your slit with a greater sense of purpose to make you twitch and seethe through your teeth. “Which is precisely why I would be remiss not to educate you, little one. You have truly lived a largely comfortable life and you do not grasp what would be apparent to you had you endured any of the hardships of the past. Respect, decorum, integrity … these are not just words without meaning. You must learn to maintain these principles even in your youth, or you won’t live to see the same old age I enjoy.” 
Biting down on your bottom lip to stifle the embarrassing sounds trying to slip out, you frantically turn that over in your head. It was exceedingly hard to do when he was caressing you like that, gradually coaxing your body to bend to his will which it does with a horrifying lack of compulsion, but you desperately wanted to figure out what had set him off and why he was acting this way. You wanted to understand him … easier said than done, of course, when he always spoke in such a complicated and enigmatic manner. Yet a thought starts to slowly dawn on you, alighting inside your mind like the morning sun appearing over the horizon. 
Was it possible that the lesson he wanted you to take from this boiled down to something as simple as a reestablishment of his dominance? Had you really stoked the mighty dragon in him enough that he now felt compelled to dominate you like he would any lesser foe who dared to disrespect his position and authority? He said you’d approached him without respect … had opined about the past and how he missed partaking in true battles, establishing his own superiority over others with fists rather than words. Said he’d enjoyed your sparring matches because of the way you’d looked at him with neither awe or reverence — but by sneaking around like an assassin you’d overstepped that understanding between you and your lord? 
A sudden groan bursts out of you when your pussy eagerly flutters against the ministration of his hand, growing wet for him, and it quickly becomes that much harder for you to concentrate. But you frantically try to hold onto that string of thought, panting slightly where you hang from the geo construct. It felt like you were right on the brink of a solid idea … an epiphany. 
You almost write it off completely when it finally comes to you, so absurd and implausible at first glance. But the longer he pets your cunt with sure, steady motions of his hand, as if he already knew exactly how to toy with you, the more you found yourself faltering. Could it really be that you had simply offended his greater sense of pride, his monstrous instincts, by suggesting (intentionally or not) that you didn’t consider him worth the effort of meeting face to face in the sparring ring anymore? 
It’s not lost on you that Morax was well within his right to do as he pleased, however he so pleased, and he normally chose kind smiles, a soft hand to guide, friendly company and the grace to only show you a very small fraction of his great strength. The goodwill to let you think you ever stood any kind of fighting chance against him if you just trained enough, just stuck with it long enough. But now it seemed he was set on reminding you of your place in his world, bring you to heel, and let it be known in no uncertain terms where you stood. He had been nothing but tenderhearted and indulgent towards you until now, doting the way a father figure would be. Infinitely lenient, or so it had seemed. 
That was not who was standing behind you any longer though. He’d been replaced by a king, a war general, a fierce draconian lord. Someone who took without asking and who claimed what was his by right, and that very much included you and your body, evidently. 
Sucking in a sharp, wavering breath, you abruptly snap back into the moment when you feel him pinch at your clit through the thin fabric of your pants to get your attention again. His motions are self assured and confident as he gently teases the sensitive nub with a slow, rolling motion of his fingers before squarely pressing down on it. Your legs weakly kick out behind you at a series of awkward angles, torn between either balancing the distribution of your weight so there wasn’t quite so much pressure on your middle where the stone was holding you up or trying to close your thighs and keep him out. The latter was useless though. You were completely defenseless like this without even the privilege of being able to twist away, and you soon realize all you can do is accept your fate. 
So you hang there, whimpering softly as he grinds mean little circles into your clit. He doesn’t stop until your hips start to judder and buck against the stimulation, a startling amount of sticky slick already bleeding into the fabric plastered to your cunt. You can’t help groaning in frazzled disappointment when he finally withdraws his hand some moments later, leaving your body thrumming with unspent kinetic energy, but he’s quick to smooth his hand over the curve of your ass and give it a brief, reassuring squeeze. 
“There. That’s better isn’t it?” He rumbles behind you, that same hint of amusement making you tremble again. “Rest assured, little one. I will not be unfair or cruel to you. I’ll make sure this is as pleasant for you as myself, but I trust my greater intention will not be lost either. This is a symbolic act, so do pay attention.”
“M - master —!” Your voice warbles and catches, breaking off with a stilted little gasp when Morax redirects his hand to grasp at the material and tug at it. It takes him a prolonged beat to inch it down enough, between all your squirming and the position he’s got you stuck in, trapped within one of his monoliths, but soon he can slip his fingers inside the waist. Tugging your shorts down, pausing to untangle them from your twisting legs, he finally gets them pulled over your ankles and tossed aside. 
You’re left naked from the waist down with only your socks and shoes allotted to you, and you’d never felt more exposed or vulnerable in all your life. Try as you might, you just couldn’t seem to find enough leverage to curl your legs up and it has you awkwardly writhing against either side of the stone spire. No matter what you do though you can still feel the waft of cool, pristine air against your bared cunt and, much to your mounting horror, even the clenched pucker of your ass. You were completely on display like this. He could see everything — and there wasn’t a single thing you could do about it! 
Was this how helpless his enemies had felt against him in the past? How weak, pathetic and unequivocally at his mercy they’d been? 
“My,” He seems to pur, gently touching a fingertip to the meat of your cunt to make you jolt. “What a sweet little thing you are. Already so wet for me … I’m flattered.” 
You momentarily forget how to breathe when he spreads your lips with a deliberate, savory slowness, and lets out a quiet huff at what he sees. Flushed so hot you think you might just pass out from the sharp, debilitating stabs of humiliation that slice into you, your hands blindly reach down to brace against the lower half of the construct and lift your weight up off your stomach a bit. You couldn’t process this. Couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that he was not only touching you but even looking right at your most intimate of spots, completely unheeded.  
The sting of burning, deeply embarrassed tears floods your eyes and you whimper, mewling a plaintive plea as he idly draws smooth, glove encased fingers through folds and petal-soft creases to further spread your slick around. Emphasizing how copious it is, and how very sticky you were. You try to brace yourself for what will come next — unsure what that would be, exactly, but knowing in some primal, animal part of your brain that your trial was far from over — but it still shocks you a great deal when Morax finds your entrance and applies just enough pressure to dip a finger inside. 
Your whole body jerks with the sensation of him reaching into you, the sinuously smooth texture of his glove slipping and sliding indecently against your guts. Even when your pussy squeezes around the unexpected intrusion, even when your body aches in protest at being suddenly stretched, it does nothing to stop him from gliding in straight down to the knuckle. Heaving a gutted little noise, you lurch and almost lose your hold on the geo construct. 
“A tight fit.” He murmurs, more to himself than you. Which is good, because your head is spinning so fast you really aren’t confident in your ability to respond coherently right now. “I suppose I will have to take the time to properly prepare you first, then … I don’t think you’ll be able to take me like this.” 
Take him? 
The powerful god behind you doesn’t give you a chance to linger on that thought, gradually withdrawing his finger and then pushing back in to send you scrabbling at the surface of the stone. Slow and steady, he takes his time massaging along your inner sleeve with a level of patience you’d long since come to recognize in him but it drives you absolutely insane in this situation. Your pussy thrums eagerly around him, already so keen and sensitized from his earlier petting that it doesn’t take long at all for you to start feeling the muscles lock up in vibrating tension. Seething through your teeth, you try once again to bring your legs up even if only to brace against the sensation wracking through your lower body, but it’s futile. All you do is uselessly squirm in place, hips bucking slightly every time he reaches deep inside you. 
But then — you choke on a haggard, frantic sound when he introduces a second finger to your soaked cunt, sliding in just as easily as before but the stretch was so much more intense this time that your eyes start to roll back. Hissing through your teeth, you can do nothing but endure it while he takes a moment to rub along your interior, caressing over every bump and ridge as if in careful consideration before he finally angles his fingertips down. Down. He curls them, crooks them in a come hither motion, and presses right into something that makes your heart catch in your throat. You start to wheeze, gasping and choking on the blinding pressure as he teases that spongy spot for a just moment and then sedately jabs into it again. Once, twice, and on the third time you shatter, falling into uncontrollable tremors while you wail in distress. 
But no matter how hard you shake or judder your hips, he just keeps moving his fingers. Alternating between teasing at that insidious nerve cluster and casually working those long digits in and out of you at a tortuously slow, stilted pace. In a matter of moments he seems to milk your orgasm for everything it’s worth, leaving your cunt soft and pliant around the intrusion, and then immediately starts to build into the next. Your sensitive, post-climax twitching is very quickly replaced by the eager, needy roll of your shaking hips as you instinctively grind back on him, seeking out more like you were already addicted to it. 
Your cheeks burn in excitement and shame alike, and another faltering groan slips out of you, unbidden, when you realize how stiff your nipples have become under your shirt. They seem to jut out in stiff, fine points, as if seeking out that same source of friction your cunt was getting, and that only humiliates you even further. You’d never felt like this before. Never known your body to turn on you so completely that your tits felt heavy with arousal where they were swaying softly each time you moved, nor had your pussy ever been so very responsive … either Morax was a very talented individual when it came to stroking another’s body to vibrating fever pitch or you were far weaker for him than you’d first thought. 
Somehow you got the feeling it was a potent combination of the two. You also can’t quite shake the sense of being even more outmatched against him in this situation than you ever were in any of your martial sparring bouts, and that was certainly saying something. 
“Master, p - please! I can’t take it …” You finally manage to hiss. 
“Oh? Are you going to cum again already, my sweet little rabbit?” 
Involuntarily, your pussy clamps down on his fingers hard, and he issues a low chuckle in response, still sedately fucking into your body at the same unhurried pace. It was like he had all the time in the world to do this, and he probably did. You can’t help but grimace at the sticky clicks and wet little slurps coming from the other side of the spire, as embarrassed that your cunt was making those kinds of noises as you were about Morax being the one to not only cause them but that he was hearing them too. That shame does very little to dissuade your arousal though and it seems like you’re wildly shaking again in just a matter of moments, your jaw clenched so tight it actually hurts. It was too much. 
“My, this is a surprise.” He says over your high pitched, sensitive bleating. “I wasn’t expecting you to be so easily brought to climax, and in such a short amount of time too … perhaps I should retrieve a bucket to put under you if you’re going to keep cumming like this?” 
You let out a long, keening groan as the tremors in your body finally start to ebb and fade but he merely chuckles at your reaction, clearly finding humor in it. If you’d been in any position to do so, you probably would have found the whole thing rather funny too. After all, it wasn’t every day one was able to witness the Lord of Geo laying claim to one of his Adepti with such ease and agility. 
Distantly, you’re aware of him shifting behind you moments before his fingers pull out with a wet pop that leaves you shuddering anew while your pussy weakly squeezes around something that was no longer there. You try to catch your breath in that moment, having no idea how long it would last, but your body is so high strung and sore, a lingering ache settling deep within you in the aftermath of being stretched open, that you can’t seem to calm yourself. 
“Master, please,” You beg, still wheezing harshly. “I did not mean to upset you … I only wanted to show you what I learned from the Yaksha, I swear it! I wouldn’t ever — ahhn!” 
Your desperate pleas suddenly catch in your throat when you feel him brush against you, long robes fluttering around your bare, quaking thighs as something decidedly fleshy presses into you from behind. Warm and uncompromisingly rigid, it just touches your sticky labia and then pauses there, hovering. Waiting. The not so subtle threat has you wildly bucking against the stone structure, struggling just to breathe. You’d never wanted to turn and look at something so much in your entire life, but you can’t do that like this. Not with your front half dangling from one side of the construct while the lower - - 
His hands abruptly squeeze around your hips, holding you still, and you let out a frazzled, helpless little mewl when he nudges into you enough you can feel your cunt lips parting under the stilted pressure. Weakly kicking your legs in an attempt to find something you could brace against, even if it was just by the tips of your toes, proves utterly useless. You were a bit too high off the ground, evidently level with his hips, and it forces you to experience the slow press of his cock in startling high definition. 
You may not have been able to see it, but he felt big. Much bigger than you were prepared to take, and you loose a wild, high pitched squeal at the oppressive sensation of him poised and ready to lay claim to you. 
“Do you remember what I said, little one?” Drawing a brief, savory breath, Morax gives another, barely there push, and just sinks into the give of your entrance before stilling again. Not quite breaching you yet but positioned to follow through at any moment, giving you plenty of time to process the full weight of your impending domination. “This is a symbolic act, first and foremost. You are inexperienced in the ways of this world so it is my duty to teach you … tell me, then. Do you know what the lesson is?” 
It takes you a shamefully long moment to kickstart your brain enough to even realize he’s asked you a question. You were so overwhelmed by just his presence behind you, the impact of this innate claim he had on you and your body. For a long beat, you can’t even seem to find your voice. 
“… I — I don’t know. I’m not sure.” You finally manage to warble. 
“Hm? I don’t think I quite believe that. Why don’t you take a guess?” 
He nudges you again, tauntingly sinking forward as if to finally penetrate you at long last, but never quite following through on it. Your pussy thrums in nervous anticipation, and he sighs very softly when your body seems to suckle at the tip of him with each shuddering clench of vibrating muscle. Arms trembling slightly from the effort, you awkwardly readjust their slipping hold on the spire and try to think. You needed to say something, preferably something other than mindless, overwrought gibberish. 
“Is it that — you want me to feel what it’s like to be bested by you? To understand how weak I really am …?” 
“Oh, precious thing. It’s not that you are weak, nor is that what I want you to take away from this.” Gently, almost affectionately, Morax smooths over the skin across your hips with blunt thumbs as if to comfort you. “Rather, this is but a symbolic representation of what can happen if you underestimate your foes. Even your god is not quite as immune to territorial displays as he would like to be. It’s been a long, long time since someone last challenged me in earnest … and you’ve awakened the beast in me today by presenting yourself as one.” 
His strong fingers abruptly dig into you, hard enough to bruise, and you gasp at the pain. It is quickly overshadowed, however, by the sharp, splintering stretch of his tip pressing into you, forcing your guts to allow him entry one earth shuddering inch at a time. You abruptly understand then, realization lighting up within you in a far off, dreamy sort of way. This was a conquest. You’d been teasing the dragon in him this entire time — the way you looked at him, the way you challenged him and even the way you’d taken the word of one of his most loyal followers in a sea of many and tried to turn it back around on him. He wasn’t punishing you in the strictest sense, but giving in to his instinctive urge to dominate and claim. To quash opposition with his heavy fists and stand at the top, on his divine throne, where he rightfully belonged, to claim the spoils for himself and breed his powerful heirs. 
A hollowed out, gutted groan tumbles from your mouth as he enters you from behind, his cock so big and heavy inside you the stretch of it seems to reverberate deep in your bones. You can barely even breathe around it, the way it seems to punch the air right out of your lungs, leaving you clawing at the monolith like a trapped animal. A hare, in a hunters noose. Inch by staggering inch, it feels like he’s breaking you in half and all you can do is woundedly bleat into the otherwise still garden. Morax was not just taking you for himself in the physical sense, he was subjugating your body to his rock solid will like a tyrant. 
“My lesson to you is thus,” He growls, practically snarls behind you, as he sinks another tortuous fraction into your heaving guts. “Do not tempt fate and let sleeping gods lie. You never know what sort of mood they’ll wake up in.” 
Keening frantically now, you arch so hard against your stone prison you feel the strain of it in your spine. But his hold on your hips is as good as iron and your lower body is practically immobilized like this, save the uncontrollable shake of your legs. You hear him grunt behind you, very softly, and then give his cock a stilted little push that has him sinking in even deeper, so deep you can practically taste him on the back of your tongue. The way he stretches your cunt so completely, so oppressive with the weight of him behind you, in you, against you, seems to overwhelm all your senses at once, and it takes you a prolonged beat to realize when he’s stilled again.
Panting harshly, you hang there for a moment as if in suspended animation, just trying to process his heavy presence inside your body, and then it occurs to you … his strong, narrow hips are pressed flush against your upturned ass. Seated in you straight down to the hilt. Your cunt had never felt so full, so stuffed right to the breaking point before, and you wheeze like some broken, wounded little thing.  
“Hunger,” Morax intones, so abruptly it startles a low whine out of you. “For the flesh and blood of the illuminated beasts. Wrath, for those that dared disturb their slumber. Greed, to reclaim what was once theirs by any means necessary.” His fingers dig further into your hips and hold you in place as he carefully angles back just enough to drag at your guts. “Or, in some cases, you might even find yourself speared down the middle on a beastly cock that is much too big for your poor little body to take. You must tread carefully around the gods, little one. We are not quite as magnanimous as we may seem.” 
Nudging himself forward again, he sinks back into you as far as he can reach. Your pussy throbs around him, weakly contracts with a warning tremor that makes fresh tears spring up in your eyes. You know you’re riding a dangerous line, just hanging on the precipice of some great, gaping abyss, and you’re helpless to stop it as he settles into a mind numbingly stilted rhythm. He fucks you like he could do this for hours and never tire, like he has all the stamina in the world to put his mark on you at his own pace, on his own time. Morax is not in any hurry to rush this, and it is that slow, halting motion of his hips and the blinding stretch that comes with it that soon shoves you over the edge. 
You cum again, embarrassingly fast, but he doesn’t so much as pause to let you catch your breath. Just keeps fucking you even when you wail in overstimulated distress and dire urgency, your jolting legs slowly losing their strength until you have no choice but to let them dangle loose in the air while he ruts into you. You were exhausted. Completely spent. 
And Morax was not going to stop until he finished sating the draconic instinct to take whatsoever happened to catch his golden eye, even if that thing was but a helpless little rabbit.
Crossposted here
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Send me a NSFW headcanon and I'll write a 5 sentence ficlet about it
You sigh, laying back against the many pillows on your bed, the hand twisted into the dark locks slowly loosening, as you come down from your high, and you glance down to meet golden eyes, a smile on your face, "I think that covers your new wine glasses, sweetheart."
Zhongli doesn't move from his spot, hands still curled around your thighs, and breath coming out in puffs against you. When he does finally raise his head, you can see the wet shine on his chin, "I think I'd like to make an advanced payment for my next purchase as well."
You blink at him, "An advanced payment-" but before you can finish, your gaze is facing the ceiling, as you're brought flat onto the bed, and the archon of geo settles between your still spread legs.
Something hard grinds against you, to have you gasp while he gives just a hint of a smile, hands running up your thighs and lifting them to grip the back of your knees, "You never know what wonders there are to behold in this life, though, I doubt many would compare to what is beneath me right now."
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silentsthoughts · 2 years
My Thoughts On: Chapter 1
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Hello everyone, I am back with another "My Thoughts On..." post!! I hope you guys had a great and lovely Thanksgiving cause I, for sure, did. Anyways, today's topic is about--you guessed it--Chapter 1 of Genshin Impact woop woop!! I was very excited to type this up and share my thoughts on the storyline cause THIS time I did pay attention to the story line so almost everything is pretty fresh in my memory still. If I do get some details wrong, please spare me on that, it HAS been two years since Version 1.1 came out.  
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Alright I was gonna get carried away at first by starting off with the region and the soundtrack and all that but those subjects are for another time, I'm here to talk about the storyline. I would say that the entirety of Chapter 1 was quite anti-climatic in my opinion and hear me out on it: the biggest reason why I thought it was pretty anti-climatic was because we all knew that Zhongli was actually Rex Lapis/Morax (I'll just call him Morax since it's easier and faster to type). During that time when Chapter 1, Act 3 came out, I didn't play it yet so I was seeing spoilers EVERYWHERE and even before, after the end of Act 2, the whole fandom started theorizing that Zhongli was Morax based on his design and it was pretty damn obvious that even a kindergartener could probably tell. Lo and behold, he then reveals himself to be the former Geo Archon and give his Gnosis away blah blah blah Childe gets butt hurt that he got played so hard etc. etc. Basically the point here is that everything was right there in front of your eyes and it wouldn't be hard to miss at all.
Despite all of that though, there were beautiful moments played within the chapter. The first one was when you meet Xiao the first time. When that man appeared on screen, it was love at first sight. The second time was when we were fighting Osial and the Fatui to protect the Guizhong Ballistas and then Osial used his Spirit Bomb on us (it's super effective!!) and we all came falling down, only to have Xiao come to our rescue. I. guess what I'm saying is that Xiao was the main highlight of the entirety of Chapter 1 lol (can you tell that I'm a Xiao simp?). Even though I saw major spoilers on both Tik Tok and Twitter for Act 3, I still very much enjoyed it because it really does hit different when YOU'RE the one experiencing it.
Speaking of protecting the Guizhong Ballistas though, I never wanted to admit this but I failed to protect them twice(?). It's hard when you had a shit team that you thought was the most bomb team ever and the enemies are stronger than you cause you didn't know how to utilize artifacts and weapons properly . And I hated it cause I had to repeat the whole dialogue and cutscene about two times. I was lowkey so close on rage quitting if I failed the third time but it's what they say: "third time's a charm" and they were damn right about that cause I did succeed.
Overall, as anti-climatic and obvious the chapter was, I still very much enjoyed it and if I was given the chance to replay it again, I definitely would. Besides all that, I also found it quite disappointing how Zhongli didn't provide useful answers at all, considering the fact that he's the oldest archon amongst the original seven. But I guess he had his reason or something I guess.
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Anyways, this sums up my thoughts on Chapter 1 and if you guys are enjoying this so far, then please stay tuned next week for my thoughts and discussion on Chapter 2! I actually do have a lot to say about that chapter and I can't guarantee you guys that it'll be anything much positive. I do apologize that this entry is pretty short, I originally was gonna write the entire story process and my thoughts on them but I took down the whole idea cause I do tend to get side-tracked and since I'm here to only discuss about my thoughts on the storyline, I kept it strictly to that so I again apologize for the short entry this week. I promise (no promises) you guys that next week's entry will be much longer so please look forward to that and I'll see you all next week. Byezers!!
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sparkling-moonbeam · 3 years
Xiao x Reader (Genshin Impact)                 🍀A Subject🍀
A/N: It’s been a while since I posted something so here’s a Xiao one. Sorry, it took a while but I’ll try me best to write more since vacation is now here. Reader is gender-neutral. Hope you enjoy reading!
Black smokes and a pair of golden eyes. It’s the first thing that caught your eye as you arrived in the rooftop of the Wangshu Inn, a place that the traveler recommended on you as you told them you’re planning to go to Liyue, looking for a subject to sketch. The traveler warned you on the dangers you might encounter, making sure to remind you to call a friend of theirs in times of great danger and when you try to questioned it:
“He knows what to do. He’s an adeptus, a protector of Liyue,” they stated.
“Like a Knight of Favonious?” you questioned.
“You can say that…except the fact he works directly for their archon and really held great responsibility for the duties that the Geo archon laid upon him,” they explained further. “Oh and, please don’t forget to call him in case of danger. His name is-”
You uttered, staring into his golden eyes. You notice the black smokes surrounding him, you don’t know if it’s the effect of the teleportation he used or something else. You also take note of the spear he’s holding, the color same with the tips of his upfront hair. The once peaceful feeling on the terrace suddenly disappearing as the intense tension in the air completely evaporated it.
“How do you know my name?” He questioned, eyes squinting in suspicion. “You don’t seem like a citizen here. State your business.”
You blinked, “I-I’m from Mondstadt, I’m a friend of the traveler that-”
“The traveler, you say?”
As soon as he heard that, his whole demeanor changed. The black smokes slowly disappearing into thin air, clearing the whole tension that build up earlier. His grip on the spear relaxing a bit as he continues to inspect you.
“Did they send you here?”
His eyes remained looking at you carefully, maybe taking notes of your actions and what you might be up to. If not for mentioning the traveler, you might be in great danger now. Thank the Archons, the traveler warned you and lend you their knowledge for this trip.
“Not…exactly.” You answered, smiling slightly as you try to explain your reason. “You see, I came here because I need a new subject-”
“For what?”
“…Sketching an art. The traveler just assisted me on the things I should know before going here. They told me about you and to call you if ever I face something..really dangerous?”
He didn’t move an inch after your explanation. His lips remained in a straight line as he stared at you, processing your words before flipping his spear into the air which quickly disappeared in a blink. The movement making you flinch a little.
“The traveler’s right. In any case that you face something dangerous ahead, call my name. I’ll take care of it.”
He turned his back at you, looking at the view on the terrace as if scrutinizing every place around the inn. You watched as the wind blew, his hair dancing with it as the leaves on the tree fell into the terrace. You gently tiptoed to the side, not really going near him as it might put you in a bad situation. The sun reflecting half of his face add effects on what you were witnessing just right now. His gold eyes looking seriously but also faraway. You notice how the tips of his hair and his eyes seems to glow, you thought it might be because of the shade of the tree and the sun. His pale lips never moving an inch, remaining still like before.
You were too busy taking notes of everything you’re seeing. It’s perfect, way too perfect, in all honestly. The timing, the lighting and him, it’s pretty. A beautiful sight that you’re actually witnessing right now. A smile escaped your lips as you were taken in by the view. Fascinating.
“What are you still doing here?”
You blinked as he took a glance at you. All of your thoughts moving away for a second. Your smile turning into an awkward one as you thought he caught you looking too intensely at him.
“N-Nothing.” You tried to laugh, fixing your gaze into his gold orbs. “I just…really wanted to stay for a while. I mean, the scenery here is breathe taking like really breathe taking.”
He blinked slightly, confusion filling his eyes as he continued to look at you. You’re being weird in his eyes; your actions are too baffling for him. “You should go somewhere. Liyue has more places to offer with breath taking views. Don’t come near me as it might bring you in danger.”
Your head tilted in confusion, looking at him with a blank stare. “I don’t get it.”
“I mean, you told me to call you whenever there’s danger and yet you threat yourself as a danger too. Aren’t you the protector of this city, Liyue?”
He scoffed. “You know there’s different kind of protectors, right?”
“Oh, so you mean like a vigilant or something. You’re like that?” you questioned; your voice fills with curiosity.
“Yes. Now, stay away-”
“But still, you’re just doing your duty right?” You cut him off unexpectedly. “Regardless of how evil or dangerous your actions are in your eyes, at the end of the day, it’s for the safety of the people here.”
He looked away, “You don’t get it, it’s much more complicated than that.”
You smiled, sitting down as you grab your sketching materials from your bag. “Can you explain it to me then?”
He sighed, “It’s something hard to-”
He stopped as soon as he saw you sitting down, a brush and a piece of paper in front of you as you were surrounded by brushes. At first, he was confused at what you were doing then it hits him.
“Are you secretly just keeping me distracted by talking to me?”
You hummed, glancing at him. “Not really, I’m curious too but I won’t pass any opportunity to sketch something…remarkable.”
“You’re wasting your time. Like what I said, there’s a whole lot of places than-”
“Say, can I…interest you into something?”
He looked at you in confusion. His eyes eyeing your brushes and other materials on the floor. You’re cutting his words, usually it was him that always cut someone off. It’s amusing, he thought but you’re being bizarre on your actions as time goes by. It’s not unusual for him to find a really determined and hard-headed mortals and you give off the same aura, except that you’re not begging him to give you wealth or something.
“Hello?” He snapped to reality as he heard your voice. You smiled as his eyes meet yours. “Are you okay?”
He closed his eyes; you should be no exception still. A mere mortal like you can’t get close too much to him or you’ll suffer, sooner and later.
“Get all of your stuff and leave.”
You lean back to the railings of the terrace, a sad smile forming your lips as you sighed. “Don’t I really stand a chance?”
“I told you, no.”
“Even if you’re the subject?”
His eyebrows knitted. “What? Do you really think that would make a difference?”
You chuckled. “Look, I’m trying. I’m not a good persuader like the traveler.”
He sighed, “You’re hopeless.”
A laughter escaped your lips on his remark. He looked at you as you laugh. He was never one for jokes, that meant to be an insult, he thought. Why are you laughing so light-heartedly? He wanted to ask you but you seem like you’re really having your time laughing and for some reason, he don’t want to disturb you. It’s the first time someone laughed at his comment with no any sign of malicious intent or hurt.
“Alright, I’m fine.” You fix yourself, fixing your throat for a second to stop yourself from laughing. “But seriously, don’t you wanted to see yourself in-”
“I’m not interested. A common behaviour of mortals like you was to always look for something priceable. I assumed you’re just going to sell it in high price anyway.”
You gasped in exaggeration, clutching your heart in a jokingly manner as you look at him. “That’s a very harmful stereotype to the people out there!”
“It was a normal act for mortals,” he deadpanned.
You hummed, “I mean, you’re not entirely wrong…”
“Because it’s what they are.”
You looked at the sky, thinking about what he said. “Say, do you have some deep grudge against these mortals?”
“Don’t call them like you’re not a part of them,” he stated.
You pouted. “I’m just asking.”
“Stop asking then.”
A sigh escaped your lips. “I don’t really sell some of my works, I only sell paintings or sketches of sceneries. It’s different when it’s personal.”
“Something that really caught my eye, you know. Like what they said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whenever I see those moments, I keep them or sometimes I gave them to the people I shared the memories with. So…”
You looked at him, a warm smile on your lips. “I’ll give it to you once I’m done.”
He turned to you with a puzzled look, “What benefit is there for you then?”
“Connection with different people.”
“You should get close too much-”
“I know. Just let me sketch you and the scenery, then we’re finished,” you stated.
“Will you keep-”
“It’s a deal. I will keep those words.”
He looked at you intently as he tried to decipher your mind but no matter how he tried to looked at you, his curiosity just eats him more. You’re a weird one, he wanted to tell you but instead he kept it in his mind. He has a feeling you’ll just laugh again anyways.
He looked away. “Fine, just do it quickly.”
You cheered before picking up your brush again. “If I do it quickly, I won’t caught it perfectly.”
“You’re the one who wanted this,” he stated.
You pursed your lips. “It’s not my fault if I found my subject earlier than I anticipated.”
He glanced at you for a second before returning his gaze to the scenery ahead of him. He took note of the orange hue of the sky and the cold breeze of the wind. He closed his eyes as a thought entered his mind.
Maybe he can let this one slide.
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rexgeo · 2 years
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@viivyre​ asked: " Morax. " — through puppet's eyes she beholds but a mere glimpse, fleeting / the sorrow-hollowed, time-hardened, corrosion carved visage of a familiar entity. Aye, how else to describe that which memory coaxes back into one's stricken mind / dear sister's entourage (never your own; do they see in you still the likeness of someone dead & gone?) - if so, this too carries eternity's tune; so alike to the clamor of thunder, as soothing as it is sheer agony. Unblinking, brows coerce themselves into a furrow. The Shogun moves in unison with consciousness' will & yet... (such dissonance! Oh, how you yearn for the long lost trust between archon & shadow - a piteous thought, ah, it hurts). — cue a pause; the violet in puppet's eyes dissolves / flees akin to the flash before thunder's crash. Eventually, she continues; too unperturbed & unfeeling, almost. " You seem troubled. Have the years not been kind to you? " - - from Ei!
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          𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒅𝒔, 𝒆𝒃𝒃 && 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘 akin flesh cast to the mercy of time. Wrought of earthen profoundness, steadfast && unstoppable. Crumbling against the test of time && yet building into newness. Shaped aloft the grindstone && wrought of unmistakable progression. The stone doth shift, reality an incessant && ever present reminder that time will never still under the weight of aught. Namesake of creation fleeting against charged air, carried on stagnant wind unforgiving. He hears it && acknowledges it within mind. Posture telling of the thoughts pressing the peace amidst mentality akin raging storm ‘round them. A product of the will of kin && that which presses their own existence. The constant of eternity, the immovable clarity in that which they desire of the realm. To immortalize all that has come to be && deter exception.            Or is that naught but distant fever dream? The impressionability of distant creature wrapped in skin && yet bathed in starlight that mayhap touched the hearts of few archons thus far---is it truly so far cry a possibility? Wonderment begets the assimilation of geo, condensed into orb that has since permeated his personal space && comprised its own orbit ‘round him. To ponder the past, the present, the future; it’s no different than he of creation before his fall. A laughable prospect, a construct of guise.. && yet all at once it had succeeded && here he stands amidst the mundane in a realm he long ago held reign. Moreover, kin at side that approaches in light of voidal concern. An emptiness to the sentiment despite the sense of will within puppet’s hollow.            “Beelzebul.” How long has such name been uttered under any voice not of the vulpine? How long ago now since the loss of sibling? Since the parting of Baal? The depth of tonality akin bedrock, sturdy in its own will. Corrosion an ample point of discussion one day---he will make the time to mediate the possibility should it become problematic. Because just the same as he, one day they all will fall && the universe will be barren of divine influence. Only the people shall remain, only humanity will lead the way to future days: he embraces this truth. He embraces the way of man && what is to come. He is not wrought of worriment so much as he is anticipation. Thoughts bleeding into the confines of expressionism, albeit unintentionally. Perhaps conveyed improperly to bring about aforementioned concern.            At last, he looks upon company with arms ‘round torso. Mere thoughtfulness begets such stance---naught of reservation. It is, at face value, casual. To which is altered in the likes of regarding the other with respect && fondness as kin would. Molten amber befalls that of devoid amethyst && he cannot help but recall days of old. When it was not one, but two that stared back at he with the fervor of their purpose. A low hum ensues, lashes cast across the crests of cheeks for momentary gather to discern his feelings. Before, of course, they are presented forthwith on deepened breath.            “I am merely reminiscing on that which once was. I suppose I’ve become quite sentimental these days, and yet it seems a more likely human trait.” A pause. “Living among them---it’s enlightening to see the way that they have evolved in ways more than one. The physical, the mental, emotional... but that is a conversation for another time, I’m sure.”            A glance to the crack of thunder daring to tear the sky asunder in the distance. Quirk of brow, momentary as it may be, is all of which expressionism might yet beseech of his curiosity. The gods that age all bestow upon the realm their will in difference ways. He of commerce && thriving progression, accepting the likeness of change && days anew. But she..            “However, that seems a more suitable question to ask of you. Is it not? For how long has this storm raged against the horizon?” He knows the answers. Knows that will has been harsher since the passing of sibling. Knows that war changes the heart of any && all beings, god or otherwise. He is not ignorant to that which alters the course of existence. Eyes return to vessel therein. The husk that stands before him is not the god within mind’s eye. 
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recentanimenews · 3 years
SPONSORED: Genshin Impact Version 2.0 is coming
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  Genshin Impact is an Open-world Action RPG game available on PC, Android, iOS and PlayStation 4 & 5. Step into a vast magical world now and start your adventure on the continent of Teyvat, where 7 kinds of elemental powers surge. Genshin Impact now releases the brand 2.0 version “The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia” with a new map of Inazuma, and you will experience and explore new quests, stories, puzzles and more…
  Download Genshin Impact
    Open-world: Teyvat is the world where your adventure begins. Now two cities (Mondstadt and Liyue) have opened to players. Will open seven regions in total and one by one in the future.  Players can climb, swim and glide your way across a beautiful world, with jaw dropping landscapes for you to behold, intriguing challenges to conquer, and diverse cultures to immerse yourself in.  
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    Elemental Combat System: There are seven powers that exist to discover in Teyvat, each with their respective Archons and their own region/city that worships the said Archon. Characters have control over one of seven natural elements: Cryo, Dendro, Pyro, Hydro, Anemo, Electro and Geo. Swiftly strategizing elemental reactions can unleash epic damages in your combat.
  Engaging Storyline: With a plethora of unique characters who join you along your journey, there is always another story to be told. Just what does this new world have in store for you?
  Travelers: Genshin Impact Story Teaser: We Will Be Reunited (Contains spoilers)
Seven regions: Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: Travail|Genshin Impact (Contains spoilers)
  Co-Op Mode: Team up with friends to trigger even more elemental action, and take on challenging domains to reap rich rewards. Soothing Soundtrack Let the beautiful sounds of Teyvat pull you in as you relax into the calming, expansive world around you.
  New Updates for V2.0
  Unlike Mondstadt and Liyue, Inazuma is surrounded by the sea on all sides and consists of six main islands, often accompanied by a strong sea breeze and thunderstorms. Although Inazuma is greatly affected by fleeting lightning and the Electro element, the Electro Archon who rules the area has turned to the pursuit of eternity. Throughout the adventure in Inazuma, players will be able to explore the unique cultural landscapes, stories, secrets, and historical connections to Inazuma and the Electro Archon on each of the different islands, as well as the answers to eternity from the Electro Archon herself. 
  Among the various new characters of Inazuma, Version 2.0 will introduce three of them as new playable characters. Kamisato Ayaka, the daughter of the Yashiro Commission’s Kamisato Clan, is often conceived as dignified, elegant, wise, and strong by the locals. She has been familiar to many fans and players since closed beta testing, and will be added as a five-star Cryo sword user. Yoimiya is the other five-star character joining in Version 2.0. She’s a Pyro archer and an expert in fireworks. Known as the "Queen of the Summer Festival," Yoimiya excels in her craft of creating fireworks that symbolize people's hopes and dreams. The last character, Sayu is a new four-star ninja character who wields an Anemo Vision and a giant claymore bigger than herself.
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    New Boss Enemies and precious loot also await players in Inazuma. In Version 2.0, the Hypostasis family will see a new Pyro member joining - the Pyro Hypostasis. Another new boss, the Perpetual Mechanical Array which seems to have some kind of connection with the Ruin Guards in Mondstadt and Liyue will also appear in Inazuma. After its debut in Version 1.6, Maguu Kenki will also be found as a World Boss and a source for Character Level-Up Materials in Inazuma.
  The Version 2.0 update will also include more new features to enhance player experience, including the long-awaited cross-save function across PlayStation®, PC, and mobile. Meanwhile, more refined character shading, Haptic Feedback support for the PlayStation®5 DualSense Controller, and more feature optimizations will be added to the game to deliver a richer visual and tactile experience to players.
  About miHoYo:
"Tech Otakus Save the World!" Founded in Shanghai in 2012, miHoYo dedicates itself to being a leading technology-driven content developer and publisher in the interactive entertainment industry, with creative content covering games, manga, novels, and more, striving for perfection in all it delivers. miHoYo endeavors to bring its vision to the players of the world, and create a lasting and supportive community.
  Twitter: @GenshinImpact  Facebook: @Genshinimpact   Instagram:@genshinimpact  
Youtube: Genshin Impact 
By: Guest Author
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