begitalarcos · 1 year
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Some Potato cat for y’all 💚
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nickelkeep · 1 year
9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thanks for the tag @cr-noble-writes!
Last Song: Somebody to Die For by Hurts Currently Watching: at this very moment, @markiplier playing FNAF Security Breach: RUIN Pt. 1. However I'm currently on a rewatch of Haven, so I'll be diving back in as soon as this video's over Currently Reading: Besides fanfic? Shades of the Lingering by Sonya Pritchard Current Obsession: axolotls and stickers
tagging: lets see... @heavenssexiestangel @petrichoravellichor @rauko-is-a-free-elf @coinofstone @darmysasagiri @begitalarcos @casblackfeathers @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you and anyone else who wants to play. <3
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jedi-bird · 11 months
9 people you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by @begitalarcos (thank you!)
1. Three ships: current favorites are Obi-Wan/Cody, Clint/Coulson, and Tech/Phee
2. First ever ship: probably something from a some book I read as a kid but the first I can remember actually recognizing as a ship was Clint/Coulson
3. Last song: "Handle With Care" by Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins
4. Last movie: The Creator
5. Currently reading: "The Cat Who Saved Books" by Sosuke Natsukawa
6. Currently watching: for new shows it's Great British Bake Off and Loki. For old shows it's M*A*S*H
7. Currently consuming: constant comment black tea from bigelow
8. Currently craving: either tacos or this chicken wrap I got once that was covered in a garlic sauce
Tagging @peppermintquartz @egregiousderp @not-available-for-comment @tirlaeyn @kawaii-pigeon and anyone else who wants to join in. Feel free to skip this if you wish (no pressure ever).
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asamandra · 2 years
Wow, thank you @energievie​ for tagging me. I love it!! 😍😍😍
Rules: go to Pinterest, search "[your name] core aesthetic" and create a moodboard from the first nine images. No need to mention your name.
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And I’m gonna tag: @banashee​, @nkp1981​, @jeanbarton​, @aceumbrellaheroes​, @sinister--potato​, @rebelmeg​, @paleolithicarcher​, @midnightwinterhawk​, @firlalaith​, @begitalarcos​, @cookiemom6067​, @3twindragons​, @daisyannewinchester​, @clintobarto​, @mollynoble​, @iriel3000​ and of course everyone who wants to play!! Have fun 😃
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slashyrogue · 2 years
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I posted 993 times in 2022
131 posts created (13%)
862 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 934 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#hannibal - 366 posts
#hannigram - 260 posts
#fan art - 187 posts
#hannibal lecter - 97 posts
#will graham - 94 posts
#hannigram au - 76 posts
#mads mikkelsen - 67 posts
#hannibal humor - 59 posts
#lol - 42 posts
#fan comics - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#this post is from february and considering how little feedback i'm getting when i write them i'm pretty convinced very few people do
My Top Posts in 2022:
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When Will goes on a blind date that he gets stood up for he’s ready to call it quits on dating all together. It’s been only just a year from losing his ex fiancé to her ex husband and it seems like he’d be better off staying alone forever. He’s just about to pay for the coffee he’s nursed for the last hour when in walks Molly and her now husband. They notice him and before Will can run she walks over.
“Will,” she says, frowning, “I thought it would be rude for me not to say hello. Are you eating alone?”
He panics.
Molly’s husband is the stereotypical handsome firefighter and seeing him in the flesh is worse than he thought possible.
He doesn’t know what to say.
Which is why someone else says it for him.
He’s startled when someone pulls close out of nowhere, coming in behind him, and kisses his cheek.
“I apologize for my lateness, Beloved. Did you miss me terribly?”
Will blinks at the strange man who’s apparently pretending to be his boyfriend. “I…uh…”
The man, whose suit just screams money, holds out his hand to Molly. “Dr. Hannibal Lecter,” he purrs, “Lovely to meet you, Ms…”
Molly’s eyes are wide. “Foster. I…I’m sorry but…who are you exactly?”
Hannibal smiles at Will. “You didn’t tell her?”
He lets out a long breath and fakes a smile at Molly. “Moll, this is Hannibal. He’s my…”
“Fiancé,” Hannibal says, taking Will’s hand, “Mylimasis…have you lost your ring again?”
“I…I guess so?”
See the full post
60 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Never underestimate the power of comments. I’ve had two fics I thought I’d never return to again reinvigorate me into writing over ten chapters between them in the the last month.
Always, always, ALWAYS tell a fanfic writer when you enjoy something.
It could be just what they needed.
60 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
He always knew when Adam needed to lock the world away. 
It wasn’t subtle, not even a little, when his Star began to lash out. He’d close himself off, even from Nigel, and Nigel didn’t have it in him to feel rejected. Adam needed him still, he knew, and if that meant he’d give him space that was ok too. 
But sometimes Adam didn’t want space. 
Sometimes he wanted to just exist in their own little universe. 
Just them. 
So he’d cancel all his plans, and make all Adam’s favorites before he got home from work, and when Adam walked in he’d freeze. 
“You want to show me the stars, Darling? Like you used to?” 
Adam would frown, unsure, and yet he’d put on his projector moving it to the middle of the room where Nigel had already set up dinner. They’d sit and he’d tell Nigel all his planet things - everything Nigel had heard so many times before - and when he was done he’d lay closer and closer till they were cuddling staring up at the fake night sky. 
Nigel would kiss his cheek, his forehead, and then his mouth after before Adam looked up and sighed. 
“I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.” 
“Alright, Star.” 
“I don’t want you to go either.” 
Nigel always smiled, kissed him again, and pulled the blankets up over them both. 
“I already told Darko to fuck off this week.” 
Adam would blink at him in surprise. “Why?” 
Nigel would kiss his fingers, the top of his hand, and then put it on his own cheek. “Because I know you, Star. I know when you need it to be just us two, and I’m always ready.” 
Adam would kiss him then, a gift if there ever was one, and they’d fade away into the stars. 
Over and over again.
60 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Do people even like Spacedogs anymore? 
81 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*whispers* Spacedogs Summer?
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116 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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scoobybuddie · 2 years
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I posted 1,243 times in 2022
That's 1,243 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (1%)
1,231 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,241 of my posts in 2022
#buck x eddie - 390 posts
#buddie - 389 posts
#will x hannibal - 351 posts
#hannigram - 344 posts
#fic rec - 226 posts
#tv: 911 - 130 posts
#will graham - 109 posts
#tv: hannibal - 76 posts
#evan buck buckley - 59 posts
#fanart - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 38 characters
#will graham x reader x hannibal lecter
My Top Posts in 2022:
April 2022 Book Reviews
The Soldier and the Bodyguard (Ellery Mountain Book 10) by RJ Scott (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
The Way of Bug: Tales of the Gatekeepers Book 2 by Orlando A. Sanchez (Kindle Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
0 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
March 2022 Book Reviews
Storm Blood: Montague & Strong Case Files Book 15 by Orlando A. Sanchez (Kindle Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
A Bullet Ballet: Tales of the Gatekeepers Book 1 by Orlando A. Sanchez (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
Bangers & Mash: Paranormal Investigators of the Arcane by Orlando A. Sanchez (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
Spellbound (Fallen Messengers Book 2) by Ava Marie Salinger (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
Edge Lines (Fallen Messengers Book 3) by Ava Marie Salinger (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
0 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
February 2022 Book Reviews
Spell it Out by Andy Gallo (Prolific Works Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Scooby-Doo (1997-2010) #53 by Brett Lewis & John Rozum (Kindle Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
0 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
January 2022 Book Reviews
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? (2010-) #103 by Ivan Cohen (Kindle Version) - 5 out of 5 star rating
Ethan & Jag Destroy the World by Maz Maddox (Kindle Unlimited Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
Exposed by Jamie Luther (Prolific Works Version) - 3 out of 5 star rating
0 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello. My name is Alisha. I will be using this Tumblr for talking about books and tv/movies. I have been a long-time lurker and I am nervous about taking this step in the social media world. I hope everyone will have patience with me while I am figuring out Tumblr. Thank you all and I hope you have a nice time here.
1 note - Posted March 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
0 notes
I was tagged by: @begitalarcos
Fave colour: green
Currently reading: I was reading My Heart is a Chainsaw, but I gave up on it 5 chapters in. Wow. Wasn't gonna waste my time anymore with that one.
Last song: Sapling by Foy Vance
Last series: Better Call Saul
Last movie: Perdita Durango
Sweet/spicy/savoury: spicy
Currently working on: my archive of disturbing movies
I tag:
@omarandjohnny @bobbole @hootenanie @tintenfischie
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thosetwistedtales · 4 years
Hey fandom, this is something I’ve meaning to put out for a bit now but since some of my friends have started the game I figured no time like the present, so—-
Does anyone have any tips or tricks they remember from their playthrough of the game or have picked up recently that have made the game easier or smoother for them to get through? If you can think of any just add yours in the caption and let’s see how many we can get on one post!! @begitalarcos & @trcstfunded & @fourrarri here’s some of my own tricks, or lessons I remember from my playthrough!
You can take on more than one order at a time so long as you’re careful to not overload Sam and watch your time, especially if you’re going for a premium delivery. This can save time both in-game and time put into doing deliveries, you’ll have to use your best judgment on how many deliveries are do-able in one run, and account for not only what Sam can take, but the proximity of the delivery locations.
Kojima meant for this game at it’s core to be about building connections. TRUST YOUR FELLOW PORTERS TO HELP YOU! I know it can be tempting to load Sam up with extra ladders and ropes and pairs of boots but---- have some faith that the players that have come before you are there to help and want to see you succeed. I can promise you one of each is perfectly fine and you will NEVER use that extra ladder or rope you feel you must bring along in the name of JUST IN CASE. Why? Because of other players having already left behind their own paths and ladders/ropes along tried and true routes for you to use :). The worst that could happen is you have to backtrack a little and even that’ll be easier without any extra equipment on your back. Have faith in your fellow porters, they want to see you succeed.
Study the map before each run and PLOT YOUR FUCKING ROUTE ACCORDINGLY. Is there a river you’re gonna have to get across? Are you gonna be traversing mountains to get to your delivery location? Is there a MULE camp to avoid or territory you’re gonna have to run through? Plan for those things and expect them so you aren’t surprised when you walk upon them and can face whatever challenges they present.
 Make sure you allow Sam and BB to rest/sleep at each and every distribution center you find. THEY BOTH WORK HARD AND DESERVE NAPS OK. Not only does this recharge them both and prepare them for future deliveries but each distro center unlocks a bit more story, more BB memories. If you’re a stickler for finding every bit of story you can make sure Sam sleeps in each of the distribution centers, especially after you’ve located a new prepper or location.
Also, be sure at each distribution center that you fuck around and have some fun in Sam’s room!! You may think you’ve found everything to explore in Sam’s room but each new distribution center/chapter of gameplay unlocks potential extra scenes! Also read your emails and interviews and journals! Not only will this educate you on the game lore and often be the only way some of your big questions will be answered, but in regards to emails, reading them will often be the only way to unlock more deliveries from certain preppers.
Pay attention to how you pack cargo and your backpack! On his own Sam has the grace of a drunken dock worker SO pack accordingly. Balance is important so make sure you’re distributing weight evenly and pay attention to what goes where and the effect placement can have should you fall. Back should mostly be used for big pieces of cargo since its where most of Sam’s strength is. Sam’s suit has 4 points where smaller cargo can be attached and its worth noting should he fall the cargo on these will not shake off! The tool rack should be obvious and is mostly meant for whatever tools you happen to have (Ladder,Rope,PCC, small cargo). You’ll also have a utilities pouch! You dont need to carry Sam’s grenades and such on his back, thats what the pouch is for). Early on you should be able to get away with auto sort but as you get further along in the game and deliveries become more difficult you’re gonna wanna figure out what works best for what cargo and get good at organizing things yourself, or using auto then checking and possibly reorganizing things as you see fit.
MAKE CONNECTIONS!! There is a BRIDGE LINKS option in your menu! USE IT. It’s basically a log of players/porters you have interactions with during your playthrough. It’s also where you can form STRAND CONTRACTS. It’s basically the equivalent of favoriting another player/porter and increases the likelihood of their equipment and structures making an appearance in your gameplay which increases your odds of being able to give them more likes and them being able to find and like your structures as well!
Recycle and drop used/ruined cargo! There is absolutely no reason to ever lug around any extra weight than absolutely necessary. You can either drop it or, if you’re just that diligent and against being a litterbug you can take it to a waystation or distro center to recycle which gives whatever material is left back for future fabrications.
Find each and every prepper and waystation you can! Not only does this uncover and fill in more of your map but it also increases bandwidth for building structures and well as open up more deliveries to increase your porter grade. Porter grade IS important because it’s how you upgrade Sam physically and make him stronger and more durable (Being able to hold his breath longer, increase his stamina gauge, better his balance and decrease his risk of falling)
Be sure you are working toward increasing your connection level with different preppers and waystations! Not only does this increase your porter grade and connection level with individuals but each connection-level unlocks rewards! Some of which will be equipment upgrades or blueprints I guarantee you’re gonna want (hint: THE JUNK DEALER)
Note the difficult passages on your journey and what would make getting through them easier because as you play you will receive equipment later that you’re gonna want to remember these locations for. However when building structures always keep in mind your bandwidth and make sure whatever you build is useful and going to get a lot of use!
BTs are not as terrifying as they’re made out to be. Yes discretion can be the better part of valor however do not panic if you get got by a BT and find yourself in a battle with a catcher or hunter BT. They are beatable with enough time, patience, and ammo, or you can always choose to run away from them as all you need is to leave the tar area to escape. Either way, keep your wits if you’re faced with BT’s, they aren’t as scary as you think.
TAKE THINGS AT YOUR OWN PACE & HAVE FUN. Whether that means focusing on each individual till you reach max connection before continuing on, or if you wanna focus on the story first! There is no wrong way to play Death Stranding as it was made with the journey in mind to be the important aspect of it. And hey----
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Tagging these peeps for their insights cause I’m sure you all will have more to add to this!! @chiralcrystallization​ , @team-trash-panda​ , @savage-rhi , @tineidaelux , @argetlam007​ , @deputyrhiannonhale​ , @ramadiiiisme​ , @maskedprepperkid​ , @goldenbridgessss​ , @nemodoren , @hiiggsmonaghan​ , @idontfindyouthatinteresting​ , @higgs-the-god , @twirlingsmoke
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begitalarcos · 1 year
I bought Tears of the Kingdom which is one of the reasons I haven’t been around.
I’ve also been practicing driving, working on my store and with the local store carrying my pins.
Plus there has been a… considerable amount of drama going on within my family so I’ve been pretty checked out. I do apologize to everyone who has been patiently waiting for gif updates 😔
I’m hopeful with a bit of planning, a few much needed hard conversations and some rest that I’ll be back with new content.
Much love to you all 💚
- B
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nickelkeep · 11 months
9 Peeps you'd like to get to know better
Questionably tagged by @cr-noble-writes. Bish, I thought we were besties? LOL
Three Ships: Hitter/Hacker/Thief (Leverage), Threegulls (Haven), Destiny (SPN)
First Ever Ship: Goliath/Elisa (Gargoyles)
Last Song: Waking up the Giants by Grizfolk
Last Film: in theaters? Barbie. at home? FNAF
Currently Reading: Shades of the Lingering by Sonya Pritchard
Currently Watching: Burrow's End (Dimension 20), Candela Obscura (Critical Role), YouTube subs (mostly Jacksepticeye and Markiplier)
Currently Consuming: Monster Ultra Zero
Currently Craving: Elote
Tagging: @begitalarcos@casblackfeathers @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @deathcomeswithakiss @envydean @inacatastrophicmind @kingdumbass @ozonecologne @ltleflrt
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jedi-bird · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 People
I was tagged by @anameunmusical (thank you!)
Nickname: Birdy (and all variations of its spelling), my tumblr name, and something that only my grandma ever used and is a closely guarded secret
Sign: capricorn
Height: 5' on a good day (but in my mind I'm 6' tall)
Last Thing I Googled: How to find a specific car type in Forza 5 for my partner
Song stuck in my head: Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
Number of followers: 161
Amount of sleep: between 4 and 7 hours, but if it's longer than 4 it's extremely interrupted because of pain
Dream job: gardener, used book store clerk, full time writer, potter
Wearing: gray tank top and dark gray shorts
Movie/Book that summarizes you: For movie, either Secondhand Lions or Lilo and Stitch. For books, We Have Always Lived in the Castle.
Favorite song: currently it's Echo by Helen Jane Long (the album it's on has been on repeat for writing reasons lately); otherwise Hang on Little Tomato by Pink Martini and Cassy O' by George Ezra are great right now.
Favorite Instrument: piano and violin (can only sort of play the piano but quit years ago)
Aesthetic: if I like it, it's probably going to find a place in my house (in other words very random and eclectic)
Favorite authors: Shirley Jackson, Diana Wynne Jones, Becky Chambers, Timothy Zahn, Sarah Gailey, Terry Pratchett
Random Fun Fact: If anyone in my household loses something, as long as I've seen it at least once in the past I can find it in less than five minutes (if it's my own item though it's lost forever).
Tagging the most recent people in my notes (no pressure, it's okay to ignore) @peppermintquartz @egregiousderp @begitalarcos @bonitabreezy @naniiebim @tirlaeyn @moprocrastinates @exalteranima @sokkigarden @kawaii-pigeon @spacepandar @dynamicdiplomacy and anyone else who wants to do this (again, no pressure, it's okay to skip this or ask me to not tag you again)
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asamandra · 2 years
WIP ask game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of  how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the  title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or  tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have  wips.
Thanks for tagging me, @wandering-wolf23. You have no idea what you just did to me 😂😂
Okay, let’s go!
5 photos and a painting - joe/nicky
100 ways to say i love you
a spark of hope
apollo clint/winterhawk
avengers/the old guard
clint barton and the 40 hydra agents
forced assassin
forgotten spider-man
many renners
mass effect fighting kaidan
ordinary woman
panthera onca
pissing contest bucky clint
to hell in a handbasket
winterhawk fake secret
Okay, fuck me sideways!! I had no idea that it’s sooo many WIPs!! I definitely should start finishing them... 🤦‍♀️
And, uh... about the tagging... gonna tag a few (because 60? seriously?) @nkp1981, @rebelmeg, @banashee, @begitalarcos, @aceumbrellaheroes, @gentlemoirai, @firlalaith, @dippkip, @sinister--potato, @denna5, @jeanbarton, @hawkeyes-chicklet, @nana-evans... and whoever else wants to do this 😉
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salmonandsoup · 5 years
;asklajghuljlkfdjgf awwww
after all this time,,,,, thank you :”””)
i gotta commission you for a gifset or something if those ever get opened tbh
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uuuhshiny · 6 years
begitalarcos replied to your photoset “My liege”
Just a heads up you spelled "forive" instead of "forgive" I do this all the time when I make gifs. Just thought I'd letcha know :)
damn it, I’ve already deleted the PSDs :((((
Thank you for the check up. I’ll redo that gif 
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brownberrypie · 6 years
If you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate and try not to break the chain 💕💓💗💝
Thank you so much!!! you make me so happy!!
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@begitalarcos @tintenfischie @hootenannie @panpinecone
Handwriting meme! Get out a piece of paper and write:
1.) The alphabet, upper and lower case
2.) Numbers from 0 to 9
3.) Your blog url
4.) "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog "
5.) A movie quote or song lyrics
6.) And tag some people!
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