#before every concert they let an activist group from the city speak because they want to give them a platform
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a mini concert report, or me doing some more advertising for Lonely Spring:
I know Augsburg isn't that big of a city and despite participating in our NF the band still isn't that popular. But it really was a hole in the wall club; a staircase downstairs, a mini cloakroom that nobody tended to but you yourself, and the club room that could hold max. 100 people. It was small! Same as the stage, could barely understand how it would fit 4 people with their instruments.
But they made it work and there was great energy. The singer took off his clothes almost immediately because it was warm, the bassist that was basically in front of me and @itsfandomsgalore made his skirt swing around, and when the twins weren't bickering in between the songs (really it was hilarious), the band gave it their all to give us an amazing evening with Schmusesongs, pop punk bangers (with more to come), and emo disco.
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#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #Humanity
From Rojava to the Hambacher Forest
Letter from an activist from Rojava, who was previously in the resistance in Hambacher Forest. Now she writes from Rojava.
According to the activists, the Hambacher forest, which has been occupied for years, is about to be evicted. The 12,000-year-old forest is to be cut down, because there are lignite deposits under the ancient trees. For forty years now, historical villages have disappeared with the forest and with them the people who lived there. In the next three years, the entire residual forest will disappear, because the energy giant RWE wants to use lignite. The activists call for practical solidarity.
An activist, who is now in Rojava, wrote a letter to the squatters a few days ago. This is as follows:
"Azadî ji bo: Freedom for the trees
A letter from the Rojava to the Hambacher Forst
My dear wild hambis, To sit with you around the campfire again and sing new verses for seven days and sing loudly. Wake up again in the treetops, put on the belt and whiz down into the depths. Once again, see how hundreds of people flock to the forest to see and understand. Build Barris again. Going through the forest alone again, once again go to my secret place for archery, another action, once again fight with you.
Instead, I'm far away. Instead of waking up with my little minimerlin, my hambi-stuffed dog, it's the cold metal of the Kalashnikov. Instead of waking up with the concert of the birds, the mid-woodpecker and the tits, the jay and the wood pigeons, it is the roar of the Turkish bombs. Actually, bombs that come from the west. Our bombs.
I've left the only place I've ever been happy. A place where I could be myself without being condemned for having people who also suffered from the farce of the capitalist concept of freedom and wanted something else but did not know how to achieve it. And that's why I have let you down, for the egoistic goal of finally being able to fight effectively against the powerlessness. Ironically in the year in which everything decides.
I did that because I could not stand it anymore. I could not see how we should defend the Hambi unless we finally manage to overcome skepticism and focus every fiber of our body on resistance, not knowing how.
How to develop a strategy and implement it with everything we have? I could not see it. And seeing how this place is being destroyed almost broke me last year: when the police, a superior force at that time, came into the forest with their machines and the first trees fell. It was selfish to go. I was not strong enough to stay and I apologize for that.
How can you listen now, when I speak of devotion and courage, of overcoming egoisms if I did not show any of this by walking away? Probably not. What I want to tell you is what I see as what has made the others succeed. Those who did not leave when it became difficult but fought. And achieved so much. Maybe it will help you anyway.
The most important thing you already know: that resistance, revolution, is not a half-day or even weekend job; that you must do what you do with total dedication in order to achieve anything at all, and that we can not accomplish much on our own but achieve anything in the community. That we can really implement utopias (and certainly not those of Morus) and that the revolution has already begun. That we should do our best in everything we do, and that we have to decide if we want to keep a backdoor, because we do not really believe that we can really change anything, and eventually crawl back into the system, or ours Dedicate life to resistance with all that goes with it, and go together on this difficult but exciting, hopeful path.
The people here in Rojava are on their way to freedom. Little girls hopping through the streets in shorts at night alone, without fear of men, of Daesh, of the regime. Nobody can hurt them. The cities are rebuilt, the landscape, the trees are blooming again. Everywhere it grows and blooms. The Daesh are almost destroyed. They are afraid of those with "red shoes" (Kurdish fighters). The regime has almost no power anywhere. Nobody cares about money here. No one is starving because they all stick together, despite the difficulties of embargo and war. So many refugees. No help from the west. So the refugees immediately organize themselves, form commissions, can not be beaten down. A sign of how much states are not needed.
The female-read people have made their shared history of oppression a point of connection and have become autonomous. As women, they have developed their independence in all areas. Instead of hierarchies, all municipalities / neighborhoods and villages are autonomous and live together in consensus. It has long been claimed that such a thing is permanently not possible. Rojava proves the opposite!
Whichever regime is in power, it keeps itself by isolation of the people. In capitalism, the highest value is individualism, "self-actualization." This refers to selfishness and rejection of consideration for others. Everything is based on cohesion and diversity. This means that a person is only free when all are free and vice versa. Self-realization is strengthened by mutual support and help, not restricted.
The revolutionaries do everything for the revolution, they have dedicated their lives to it and they never let the population down and when it costs their lives, which has happened countless times. This power of persuasion is based on thousands of years of genocide, assimilation, torture and murder. On the will to freedom. The path to this is political education, an understanding of the needs of the people here and the will to make a difference, as well as the certainty that it is possible if we do not split up but stick together and all people, old or young Believing or not, poor or rich, involve in the revolution.
Not differences, but looking for similarities. Because no one is free from them and therefore to make them understandable and to show them perspectives is the most important task. Cohesion, friendship, respectful, friendly dealings with everyone, discipline born of the will to change. Never give way before the enemy, never give up, do not doubt for a second. Never forsaking people means gaining trust and, with it, support, thus growth and strength. Maybe you lose a fight in one day. Then you come back the next day with double strength and determination. Never accept a defeat. Always finding a way.
Find common ground with those who have the same goal in principle. And never turn the gun against people if they do not do the same against you or others.
In this way, they have made people here to support the revolution. And these things can also help you in your struggle and after. What is the capitalist West doing when it can no longer colonize and exploit for oil and power? So where do we find him sensitive? At the same time, it is also obvious everywhere in Europe that more and more people are dissatisfied and rebel in their own individual way.
Rojava spreads, inspires, gives hope, gives strength, gives knowledge!
My dears, the revolution has already started in Europe. It's not just about a place anymore. Many people are already working on it. Because everywhere capitalism is at its end and now it is time to help it. They have pushed the exploitation too far. From many places, people are now fleeing to Europe, elsewhere they are fighting on the spot.
Rojava spreads, inspires, gives hope, gives strength, gives knowledge! How many anti-fascist groups have emerged in recent years, how many feminist groups, how many FLIT groups, (eco -) - ... Anarchis have come together, as we have done, how many campaigns, how many Bürgi initiatives, collectives, anarcho syndicates, federations? Time to bring them all together! You and everyone else. Time to overcome the systemic isolation. Time for cohesion, time to unite all of us into one force. Time to get support wherever it makes sense to bring it. Time for the anarchist Förderalismus!
A revolution means much more than destruction for the love of creative reconstruction. It also means groups building structures. We are already far in it. There are already structures in every town, almost every village! If you look, you see helpfulness, you see anarchism everywhere. Because slowly people understand that not a face, not a company, but the idea of ​​power itself is the disease from which we must free ourselves.
Revolution means making people aware, going from house to house, from school to school, from university to university, from factory to factory! To respect them, to help them and to be helped to learn from each other. Use the power of the media. To gather forces, to learn from the past, to analyze all forms of resistance, of struggle. To avoid the mistakes, to use the positive aspects - of all, not to limit oneself.
Before states emerged, anarchism was the natural state of living together. What has changed? From Diogenes to Étienne de LaBoétie to the propaganda of the deed, the Paris Commune, the revolutions in Mexico, the Ukraine, Germany, Spain, anarchism has shaped the world. Again and again. Only the methods and the struggles have never worked together as it should have been, never by stealing on principles (the people for whom the revolution is always treat well, never steal, threaten or worse.) It is about the state and its Structures) and good media work gained confidence enough. There were other mistakes and they need to be analyzed and conclusions drawn. It's all part of the revolution.
Necessary steps
Necessary steps at a time when, unfortunately, fascists have already taken these steps! Many turn to racism because they value it because it gives them an identity, a sense of dignity and pride. As sad as it is, that too is a result of the system directing these constructed needs against other people in the form of racism. Many just become depressed. By understanding that, we can bring back some of these very wrong people ourselves, they can weaken fascism.
To make you understand that love for the place where you grew up and have family and friends, has nothing to do with the system that rules there. The country also exists without state, without hatred and without pride on a particular color of skin or a word on a passport.
That it is not reprehensible to love a beautiful forest, mountain or the sea that surrounds you, but it is important to ask why love for something has to go hand in hand with hatred of something else, exclusion of others. Where does the fear come from? Who supports them and why? What is the purpose of a nation state? You know the answer. So we can pull those who have one last good hair out of the brown swamp.
It is important to go to the villages and towns to help people in factories, farms, schools, universities, offices and businesses with patience and dedication to become self-organized and autonomous and to build up good, deep contacts, political education, common education To tackle projects.
Alternative structures need to be set up to free people from the dependence of state structures on health and care and to suit their environment, their culture. Not only do they learn from us, we also learn from them. And for them are the structures. We can only be empowering and supportive here. What remains of the state when it is no longer needed? When it is needed so little that there is no reason to continue serving it, whether with labor or taxes. Let us hold to Henry D. Thoreau. How much do you care if everyone is already free? Who will defend him? And how well can it last when people learn to defend themselves? To rob him of the monopoly of force, because freedom is our right? And they will not be left alone?
Every action against oppressive and state-important structures must have a good media preparation as well as strictly adhere to the publicly known principles. So people know when state provocateurs want to harm us with bad actions and no longer believe in the defamation that awaits us and that has already brought down many movements.
Let's say what we do and do what we say.
The first steps have already been taken. And it's a spirit of optimism. Let's make sure it's our departure! Anarchist Promotionalism for Europe is a big project, but it is being implemented. We do not need to hide this. On the contrary. The more people we can win, the faster it works. For too long, the paranoia of surveillance, which happens anyway, paralyzed us. Let's say what we do and do what we say. We want the revolution. We do not want to be oppressed anymore and we no longer see how our lifestyle is destroying the world and causing genocide. It is enough!
Let us use all the powers we have and their offers. The power of music, the power of the Internet, Youtube and Facebook, of television and radio stations, of sunny days and moonless nights. I can imagine that some of you are hiding the show and I can also imagine that the state will regret it if the hambi falls, because the perspective you have here and a channeled rage can be very dangerous ,
I know that you will fight. When I think about you, I have no doubt that this year will be the resistance to the fight. That it is no longer all about waiting peacefully until someone is taken away. I saw your faces last year. The look in your eyes when it looked like it was all over. After that it was different. The expression has changed the moment the cops withdrew and we took the Secu Road. There was something else to see. Not just a spark anymore. It was a fire. When I think of that phrase, I know that if I survive this, I can one day come back to Hambi and find more than one hole. I know the trees will stand still, the mid-woodpecker will still sing, the hornbeams and pedunculate oaks and lilies of the valley will bloom. The forest will recover area and with the years he will reunite with the separated from him arms.
So you dear savages, that was just what was on my mind. Incidentally, here in Rojava, the Hambi was literally poured into concrete in important places. Rojava greets you. I miss you very much!
A hambi - forever "
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republicstandard · 6 years
Northern Ireland Is Ripe For Invasion: Police, Media, Politicians Bow To Islam
Considering the bloody history of Northern Ireland when it comes to sectarian violence, one might understand the reticence there to recognize the threat of Islam. On the other hand, given the bloody history of Catholic versus Protestant, one might expect a greater understanding of what turf wars between religious rivals can look like.
It appears that we must again recognize the power of the Cathedral; what the neoractionaries call the sometimes-self-aware social construct of media, education, and government. The narrative that runs through all aspects of this profane artifice is one of tolerance above all else- shattering the wisdom of Karl Popper and setting the stage for destruction.
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Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. ~ Karl Popper
There is a small pan-Christian identitarian group in Northern Ireland which has adopted the moniker Generation Sparta. One might have imagined a slightly more Celtic influenced name, but in any case, the group is counter-jihad in orientation and have taken it upon themselves to alert their countrymen to the threat posed by Islam to the West. What I am about to describe mirrors almost perfectly both my own experience as a young man growing up in an almost entirely White town in Yorkshire and also that of the YouTuber Millenial Woes in his own White Scottish village.
People in virtual ethnostate conditions have no idea how good they have it. They may look at a pamphlet that bears uncomfortable news and uncritically reject it. We are all, I am sure, guilty of this at some point. We have only people like ourselves to contend with, which becomes boring. Mundane. We might fantasise about the exotic East, or the cosmopolitan cities; far away from the backwards looking troglodytes we are spawned from and fear to become. Islam itself becomes exciting, culturally enriching, and a colorful counter to the dour gloom of the slate-gray Ulster skies.
I will wager good money that I know of someone who feels today as we once felt. So begins the story of Northern Ireland resident 'Meg'.
This insane and terrifying pamphlet was posted through my door yesterday wtf pic.twitter.com/vHWJadJej5
— Meg Brad (@MegMog95) April 3, 2018
Yes indeed, this looks like a scary leaflet to receive if one does not have the prerequisite education -or rather, if one has the requisite indoctrination- to understand the reality of it. It is easy to dismiss as insane and terrifying that which we do not understand. To assist Meg in understanding this matter, let us look at the claims made by Generation Sparta.
CLAIM: Will Britons be a minority in the United Kingdom in 2066?
Yes; at least according to Professor of Demography at Oxford, Peter Coleman and the Migration Observatory.
“On current trends, European populations will become more ethnically diverse, with the possibility that today’s majority ethnic groups will no longer comprise a numerical majority.”
This study does refer specifically to the White British, which as we have written about before are a distinct ethnic group; with a distinct culture and set of values. Generation Sparta are correct in saying that British people were not balloted on immigration- frequently they voted for parties that promised to curb immigration and were ignored. Though I have asked many times myself for a reason why Britain will not become a country where the indigenous population is a minority, I have never received a reasoned answer. Without fail, the question is dismissed as implausible. Without fail, this question is treated as evidence of racism.
The police came round, impressively speedy response from @PoliceServiceNI. They took the pamphlet with them and are gonna investigate
— Meg Brad (@MegMog95) April 4, 2018
Until sufficient evidence is produced that disproves the projections of demographic replacement, we must -if we claim to be living in a somewhat evidence-based shared reality- recognize that replacement migration is real. Generation Sparta are entirely correct to make the claim in their leaflet. We know that the UN itself desires this process.
CLAIM: Nothing is done following terrorist attacks in England.
Can any deny that this is true? The bombing of a pop-concert in Manchester is quickly replaced in the narrative by the tragedy of Grenfell; dealing with terrorism is hard. Blaming Britain for poor constructions that incinerate illegal immigrants is easy. We have seen no steps taken in the United Kingdom to even contend with the difficult questions around Islam as a philosophy. We cannot discuss it, not even in the House of Lords.
We must agree again that Generation Sparta are correct- in so far as nothing positive is done- we see our civil liberties eroded a little more after every Peace-Stabbing or Peace-Bomb.
With emotive language, Generation Sparta lay the blame for this dire future at the feet of their own politicians. Note that well- there is no mention of violence, or hate towards Muslims- or anyone else. The political elites are whom Generation Sparta blame for the enrichment of Ireland; and if the responses to Meg's original tweet are to go by from Alliance Party members, we must again agree with the pamphlet.
I'd definitely pass that to the police. Goes way beyond opinion to incitement. The fact that it's deranged notwithstanding 🙄
— Naomi Long MLA (@naomi_long) April 3, 2018
I know! And there are a significant amount of Muslim people in this area, I'd hate for them to feel unwelcome because of a few hateful people
— Meg Brad (@MegMog95) April 4, 2018
Alliance's policies also indicate a fatal misunderstanding of human population dynamics; buying in entirely to Lockean blank slate ideas, that all humans are fundamentally interchangeable.
Is the cry of RACIST! unfamiliar? As the Journal reports:
South Belfast DUP MP Emma Little Pengelly and MLA Christopher Stalford have condemned the distribution of the leaflets.
“These leaflets, distributed by an unknown and anonymous group, do not speak for the people who live in that area or the vast majority of people across Northern Ireland,” they said.
“We have seen attempts before to incite racism within Northern Ireland and thankfully they have failed on every occasion.
It is absolutely wrong and dangerous to try and stir up racist sentiment by conflating an entire religion with the vile, violent acts of terrorists, who are just masquerading under the cover of religion."
Once again we are treated to the gloriously myopic bleatings from cuckold politicians who claim to know the minds of religious fundamentalists better than the religious fundamentalists themselves. This, from a hardcore Protestant Unionist party who have campaigned in the past to "save Ulster from sodomy" and advocated for creationism in schools. Let us not pretend that this party is one of tolerance and such fancies- but even the DUP cannot bring itself to say; No- we do not want an Islamic Northern Ireland. Strange then, that over a year ago the atheist community in Northern Ireland submitted a letter to the Home Secretary "raising serious concerns about the UK Government’s ‘independent review’ into Sharia courts in Britain."
Strange that in Northern Ireland the godless will go where the God-fearing fear to tread.
CLAIM: The media tar opponents of multiculturalism as racist
Of course! It's racist to point it out. As predicted in their own pamphlet, Generation Sparta are accurate again. Now, one might say- well, of course, the press will say this pamphlet is racist because it is racist! The counter is simple- there is nothing racist in the pamphlet unless we are to believe that Islam is a race- and therefore immune from critique. This is a fundamental point of contention. If you cannot criticize ideas because it is racist to criticize those ideas, you are living under tyranny. You are living under laws that persecute blasphemy.
I will say that it is wrong to use the image of Fusilier Lee Rigby in this manner. There is no need to politicize his death further- he shall not be forgotten, but sympathy must be shown to his family; who have repeatedly requested that his image is not used by activists. That should be respected- and Generation Sparta should know better. This being said, the words accompanying his image are also accurate- these are the sites of terrorist attacks in England. Far more than 1500 English girls have been raped by predominantly Pakistani men. These facts are not in dispute, surely.
You have seen the pamphlet and read the criticism in the press, but I want to show you the depths to which our media outlets will sink in search of a bias-confirming story. Here are the tweets from the press, begging for a comment from the girl who received the pamphlet.
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Hi Meg, I'm from the @IrishTimes - would it be ok for us to use your pics of the leaflet as part of our coverage?
— David Cochrane (@davidcochrane) April 5, 2018
Can you follow for a DM?
— Arthur Strain (@Fronkenstrain) April 4, 2018
Meg, I'm a reporter with https://t.co/aSXrpCFHE9. Would you mind if we were to share this image with full cred to you?
— Kate Demolder (@katedemolder) April 5, 2018
Hi Meg, my name is Michael and I work for the @BelTel - would it be OK to use these images of the leaflet?
— MichaelSheilsMcnamee (@MichaelOnassis) April 5, 2018
In lockstep, these so-called journalists role out the same talking points with the same downstream thinking. We only ever look at the effect, and never the cause. We may even find out that indeed Generation Sparta are racists or such, but that information will never come from the spineless British press. I have reached out to Generation Sparta myself to obtain a comment, and will update this article should i receive one.
And so we see how a crime is manufactured from the truth.
Chief Inspector David Moore of the Police Service of Northern Ireland said:
"We are treating this as a hate incident at present and we are making a number of enquiries.
"The PSNI continues to make it clear that hate crime, in any form, is unacceptable."
That a pamphlet of relatively uncontroversial statements reveals that Ireland, which spent much of the last century witnessing extreme sectarian violence, can now no longer bear criticism of Islam is truly saddening. It is a hate crime, after all, to say “This is Ireland. This land is of the Irish.” Isn’t that what we were looking for, all those troubled years? Are we so deluded that we ignore that the most likely thing to unite a people is a common foe? I am willing to bet that if this group is bringing Protestants and Catholics together, there might actually be something to be learned; if not from the beliefs of Generation Sparta per se, but surely from how sectarian lines may be bridged.
I suppose as she reported the pamphlets to the police, we should leave the last word to Meg herself. Remember; the pamphlet warns against rape gangs. It is, you might say, an anti-rape leaflet.
If you talk to any woman about rape or sexual assault, the chances are that they will have a story about a time they were raped or almost raped or in fear of being raped. I don't think men realise that.
— Meg Brad (@MegMog95) March 28, 2018
May I suggest that the men of Generation Sparta realize that very well?
It is very easy to just be accepting of everything. To imagine that nothing really matters, and history was backward, dirty. Racist. Homophobic. This way of thinking leads us to value nothing, to preserve nothing of ourselves. The very idea that somewhere a religious person might be offended by a leaflet drives a multi-branch crackdown to root out these evil people who have looked at the world as it is, and not as we would wish it to be.
The establishment is terrified. You can see it in the reaction to wrongthink. It is this lack of thought in the response that will ultimately prove Generation Sparta right, and the media, the police, the political establishment and probably-gender-studies-major-Meg, will all be proven wrong. If you cannot think freely, then you will act as a slave.
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The worst part of that reality is that it is so easily preventable; if we steel ourselves, put our shoulders back, and contend with the problems at hand. All we have to do is take responsibility for our own futures.
Is that really so hard?
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