#beforan culling
nekropsii · 1 year
I always figured that culling was similar to what Munchausen by proxy is
Um… Nope. That is a very specific medical condition that real people suffer with, and Beforan Culling quite frankly does not fit the terms of it. There is a reason why Munchausen by Proxy is also referred to as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another- it’s a highly specific form of abuse and manipulation.
That would imply that the Cullee is falsely imposing onto the Culled what they’re culling them over- like they’re manipulating them over a long period of time to believe that… They’re actually a Lowblood, or actually Disabled, or actually a woman, et cetera, when they factually are not. That just isn’t true, the Cullee isn’t inherently making anything up, they’re following their society’s rules by responding that way to what is in front of them. The Cullee isn’t making anything up, their society just genuinely sees the Cullable as lesser, wholly incompetent subhumans. This is not inherently a problem with the Cullee, the Cullee isn’t manipulating the Culled into believing something that isn’t true, it is a genuine social issue.
Beforan Culling, like Alternian Culling, is not a clear cut metaphor. Hemoloyalty is also not a clear cut metaphor. It’s very, very individualized, and you can take any angle you want with it. It can be an allegory for racism, for classism, for misogyny, et cetera. But I personally find Beforan Culling tends to lean in the direction of being an ableism metaphor.
The coddling aspect of it reminds me, personally, of overbearing parents viewing their disabled (late teen/adult) child as what is essentially a toddler. It doesn’t help that disability is a specific thing that’s focused on quite a bit during the conversation of Culling on Beforus. Cullees feel not unlike the stereotypical Autism Mom… to the point where I genuinely wonder if that was intentional.
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containeranalyzer · 15 days
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bloodswapkinfessions · 6 months
HEY I'm the Beforus mint-blood-mutant Karkat Ampora who was talked about by the anon...
My SGRUB timeline was crazy. We were adults when we played. I was culled by Feferi Makara, who was a movie star but also a religious preacher. I think her religious preaching made people hate her movies or something, so she took a mutant (me) to cull to get sympathy from the Beforan masses.
She basically put me on artificial lungs and gills WAY longer than supposed to... I could've gotten a lung- and gill-transplant but she kept stopping me from getting it. Until one day I managed to do it in secret, right? I got on the waitlist. Like, I only gotta wait a week or something.
but then my group chat was "Hey Karkat! Time to play SBURB! Cool game, right?!" and everything was was DESTROYED BY METEORS and I was like, "HELLO??? I NEED MY ORGAN TRANSPLANT SURGERY???"
I didn't get the surgery because the world ended. During the game, I had to carry my own artificial lungs and gills, thinning my own blood, and otherwise doing my own maintenance because Feferi no longer saw the point in culling me since her planet is gone. And then the others kept hounding me for "not doing anything to make progress". 10/10
so i answered the "i forgot to add the warnings to my post" with a smiley face and i am not smiley facing any more girl holy shit.
but also Yeah i get it sometimes the Memories are evil to you
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tenuousglossator · 6 months
16:02==<> Hi.
16:03==<> I work on aides for fellow handicapped cullees.
16:03==<> Send me specifications for your disabilities.
16:04==<> It will give me things to work on.
16:04==<> I hate having free time.
16:05==<> They/Them.
16:06==<> Indigo, Cerulean cusp.
Ooc: heya, its me @trenchgardens-ooc-ooc-ooc-ooc
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thedarkbringer · 11 months
Beforus culling.... On the mind fo today.
Imagine being deemed worthless from birth in general--any kind of culling, beforan or alternian, is fucking shit, but I've felt sumn similar to beforan culling before and it's stuck with me.
Imagine being a lowblood with some sort of defect--say your eye just never developed. No fucking right eye for you. You don't know that anything is wrong with you. You're put in the hands of some highblood, so they can cull you. You will never live a normal life with a normal lusus or normal quadrants. You only exist to make your culler look like a saint.
Idk. It's On the mind.
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people need to be less easily offended over normal culling practices when the cullees literally dont care
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citrinesermons · 7 months
are you happy with your culler?
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you guys all have to look at her again. her name is borrel and she is cloun... rodeo cloun so pretty aourugh... woamen... perety... eiuiri... i am jsut a dogg....
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dingodad · 8 months
sources are currently telling me the comic never even says kankri was culled. so what the hell have people been talking about all these years
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gondiiknowsbest · 8 months
o And Just What Do You Think "Actual" Culling Means? I Keep My Cullees Fed, I Put A Roof Over Their Heads, I Take Them To The Mediculler When Theyre Hurt. I Comfort Them When Theyre Sad Or Scared. I Dont Think Im Going To Let Them "Live Their Miserable Lives" Alone, No. o
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mossolantern · 1 year
yknow, i've realized that some of my headcanons just make some characters worse people for no other reason than "its the vibe" or "i think it'd be funny if this were the case", sometimes a mix of both
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oMg wait nO <3<‘ve goT one- <> knew a guy who waS a first timE culler. didn’t eXactly know what to do. and he Got a real problem cullee to deal wIth. conStaNtly overate and foUght other trolls. then one night he gives the guy a time-out outside a store and some other culler just swoops By and nabs the guy up! dude hasn’t culled any other trolls since lollll
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muse-of-nothing · 2 years
you know what, fuck you *turns the lost weeaboos into the Beforan black market*
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trollocs-ooc · 5 months
Gotta have twelve saying some shit 😭
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crow-ooc · 7 months
its really nice being able to characterise nephth. he is the epitome of "it is what it is". he doesnt DO anything really. just chills as long as the situation is safe.
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The Beforus Ancestors
honestly, i didnt like how the drawings turned out. i searched for references for the ancestors but i didnt manage to draw them the way i wanted to. most of the designs are okay, though i still feel like some of them are missing something, like colors.
more info abt them ↓
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The Treasure Huntress (aka. Beforan Aradia) She was a very skilled adventurer and loved finding historic artifacts. She had a special taste for East Beforan art and culture. During her adventures, she met a violetblooded sea dweller who also had a fascination for history and dedicated his life to study and learn more about it. Together, they traveled along each other with the goal of learning more about the history of their planet, and eventually, they developed feelings for each other. However, the warmblooded girl was pale, while the coolblooded boy was red. The unspoken tension between each other lead to a fight, which ended in surprise on both sides over the admittance of feelings. Not wanting to disappoint each other, they agreed to just stay friends.
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The Guardian (Beforan Tavros) He he stood up for the rights of trolls in special needs, and by that, he was also heavily against culling (as in the Beforan meaning of culling), saying that nobody should be treated that way (as helpless and fragile, making them too dependant) and by doing that, they would be "hiding the truth of the world from the children" by basically being way too overprotective. He was a farm boy, living in the country sides with his moirail, who mainly took care of the stables. Their farm was open to public visits, and one day, a certain coolblooded visitor has caught his attention. He wished to re-encounter with the man someday. One day, he has suffered a very sudden mutation that made him sprout wings, with him finally being able to realize his dream of traveling the world to spread the word about the dangers of culling and the rights of trolls in special needs.
(please correct me if I got the wrong meaning of Beforan culling, as I will talk about it again)
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Radiical Psygamer (Beforan Sollux) He was, perhaps, the greatest programmer that Beforus has ever seen. With his magnificent skills, he was responsible for massively improving trolls’ technology and has contributed to the creation of a few robots and helped with the coding of various popular games. He was, however, a terrible teacher, given his introversion and general social awkwardness. He was a big figure in the world of console games and was the first to actively encourage girls to play games too.
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The Unculled (Beforan Karkat) Because of his rare candy red blood, no lusus wanted to raise him, leaving him there all alone. One day, he was found by a purpleblooded man who took him to his hive in hopes that someone would pick him. They waited, and waited, and waited… but no lusus came. Tired of waiting, the big troll decided to raise the grub himself. Because of his caretaker, the mutantblooded grew up to be loud, tough and intimidating, but had a big, friendly heart and cared for his loved ones a lot.
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Sharpeye Furrline (Beforan Nepeta) She was a very skilled huntress. According to herself, she only killed what she ate, and if she didn’t eat, killing them would be mean. She could hunt creatures from a very small size to ones that were the double of her own. One day, while hunting for her dinner, she has killed a creature that was going to become a Lusus of a small wriggler. Therefore, she has accidentally unlocked the rage of a coolblooded troll. Terrified, she knew she couldn’t fight back, so she ran as fast as she could, far away from that beach. No one knows what happened to her.
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The Seamstress (Beforan Kanaya) A rare jadeblood with a rare taste for fashion. She became known for her dresses with odd patterns, inspired by the landscapes around her. She also traveled in search of different sights and, consequently, more ideas for dresses. Her works have eventually caught the attention of the Empress, who offered her a job as her official seamstress.
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The Attorney (Beforan Terezi) She was a blind woman who did not allow her disability to hold her back. She fought back against Beforus’ culling policy and became a excellent lawyer. Dedicating herself to fight against crime and bring justice to maintain the order and peacefulness of her planet, she chased a mischievous pirate lady who seemed to cause trouble everywhere she passed. She was The Unculled’s matesprit.
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Arachnid Cap8tain (Beforan Vriska) A troublemaker who caused mischief together with her pirate crew. She considered The Attorney her rival, as she was the only one who insisted in chasing her and never gave up on her quest to capture the spider pirate. A completely platonic rivalry. She held a special interest for snooker and said that the Ball 8 was actually “her lucky ball”.
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The Horseman (Beforan Equius) A STRONG man who really liked horses. He lived in a farm with his moirail and was responsible for taking care of the stables. Because of his interest, they ended up having way too many horses, which resulted in them having to build a larger stable for all of them. He loved every single one of them and took great care of each one. He said he occasionally had dreams where he was half a man and half a horse (basically a centaur), which is the origin of his title.
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The Clownish Caretaker (Beforan Gamzee) He rescued lususless grubs and wrigglers with an absent lusus and took care of them temporarily, until a new lusus came to become their official guardian. Despite being tall, lanky and overall intimidating, he was a very sweet and cheerful man, and loved entertaining others. Just like others, he was also heavily against culling and said that “every motherfucker should know and be able to defend themselves.” One day, a lusus was coming to his hive to pick up a grub, but it was killed by Shapeye Furrline. The man never felt so much rage before. The pure platonic hate he held towards the woman was bigger than the amount of hate he thought he could feel. Despite that, and contrary to popular belief, he did not chase the lady and took him quite some time to calm down. He was responsible for raising The Unculled and made sure to treat him properly.
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The Historian (Beforan Eridan) A seadweller with a huge fascination for history, he dedicated his life to learn more about the mysteries of his world. He read diares and looked for accurate informations, instead of believing in telltale stories. He studied ancient walls and occasionally collected some artifacts, purely for research reasons, and that’s when he met The Treasure Huntress. They decided to travel together, and it did not take long for him to become flushed for her. Unfortunately, she did not return the feelings, instead being pale for him. They agreed to stay friends, but very deep inside, he was still a bit disappointed.
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Her Glorious Imperialist (Beforan Feferi) The ruler of Beforus. She was a very kind and sweet woman, undoubtedly one of the best rules Beforus has ever seen. She treated her people with fairness, yet despise that, she was pro-culling, saying that some should not face the dangers of the world. After offering a job for The Seamstress, she and the jadeblood grew close. Despite being the one in charge of the planet, she decided to take care of Arachnid Cap8tain herself, and being a seadweller, it wasn’t hard to find her. She still congratulated The Attorney for her efforts in chasing the troublemaker pirate.
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