summerwind751 · 1 year
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*Art is by Inkz123 of Fen and Bee, the OG's from VariTale - now living in Omega*
The VariVerse is an AU where animals were trapped in the Underground with monsters, and over millennia surrounded by magic, they gained sentience and Souls of their own. Asgore and Toriel were originally regular goats that were morphed over time into what they are now. Hybrids began appearing across generations, the Soullings taking on animalistic traits outside of their parent's control. Each verse has its own beliefs and customs in relation to the hybrids.  
VariTale extolled them.
VariFell hated them. 
VariGroove accepted them as their own. 
VariGames cast them into isolation for entertainment. 
Each of these perceptions shaped who these sibling pairs have become, and how they view the world around them.  
The original VariTale was destroyed in the X-Event by Error, leaving Fen and Bee to find a home in the Omega Timeline barely escaping with their lives. The human was making their way through the timeline when it was destroyed, no one knows if they managed to SAVE before the verse was rendered. No one ever will, shards of the verse cast about the multiverse ensured it was gone for good. 
VariFell monsters managed to get to the surface with the human's help...and then Asgore mercilessly killed them once they were free. Monsters dominate the world alongside humans and tensions are high between them, but after centuries of living together, they have begun to tolerate each other. Except for the hybrids. Because they were already looked down upon by the Monsters, humans adopted the same prejudice and treated them just as poorly. When the whole world is against you, what do you fight for... 
VariGroove is a mix of VariTale and DanceTale smooshed together. Hybrids weren't seen as anything special, just a new type of Monster. It doesn't matter what you look like or where you come from...only how well you can Dance. The human freed them and they live on the surface peacefully with the humans, excluding the few extremists still lurking about. 
VariGames is a HorrorTale and Hunger Games mash-up. Hybrids were seen as abominations from the very beginning, pitted against each other and banished to the barren Outskirts (old Snowdin). Over time the magic began drying up underground and everyone crowded to New Home. A plan was concocted, and towns were assigned jobs. New Home would be the hub where all resources were sent for them to distribute. Hotland became a source of thermal energy and heat. Waterfall a place to grow crops and provide sustenance for the people. Snowdin was deemed worthless, just like the hybrids. Over time it became the Outskirts, a place where the ones no one wanted were sent. Convicts, hybrids, and degenerates are all sent to the cold wasteland. Such a regimented life leads to boredom, and the Monsters of New Home found a way to combat it. With Alphy's cameras spread across the land, they send meager supply drops to their people, least of all to the hybrids. It's broadcasted on live television for the entire Underground to see the feral beasts fight for survival at these drops. There are reports of Monsters going missing in Waterfall and even some from Hotland, though no one knows why. Naturally, the Beasts from the Outskirts are blamed...but what's really going on behind New Home's walls?
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summerwind751 · 1 year
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Hiya! I’m Summer!
I doodle, occasionally write things, but mostly RP and live that adulting life.
I’m an avid Undertale fan and over the years I have developed my own AU called the VariVerse.
My OG fellas are in the pic. Fen is stripey blue, the older brother, and a badger-skeleton hybrid. Bee is golden stripe, younger bro, and a coyote hybrid.
Basic primer of the AU:
The VariVerse is an AU where animals were trapped in the Underground with monsters, and over millennia surrounded by magic, they gained sentience and Souls of their own. Asgore and Toriel were originally regular goats that were morphed over time into what they are now. Hybrids began appearing across generations, the Soullings taking on animalistic traits outside of their parent's control. Each verse has their own beliefs and customs in relation to the hybrids.
I’ll introduce more as time goes on, but here’s the bare bones of the world I’ve made.
Feel free to ask questions about or even to the characters!
We love making friends!
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summerwind751 · 1 year
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Next is Bee! The second OG Bee is a coyote-skeleton hybrid and Fen's younger brother. His powerset is electricity manipulation. Bee is a laid-back, go-with-the-flow kinda guy. He can match most people’s vibes and is a steady/calming presence for those around him. Hard to get him ruffled, he rolls with the punches and will try to prank you. He lost his leg before VariTale was destroyed. Fen used to make his prosthetic legs, but they were rudimentary - hey, he did his best! Bee recently got a fantastic prosthetic upgrade from his friends Guh and Clk (owned by GenniiDrominda) He mostly hid away on Omega, but has recently been encouraged to explore the Multiverse by his Best Friend, Guh.
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summerwind751 · 1 year
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It’s Bee zoomin into day 7 of DressupTober!
New prosthetic has allowed him to run full force again. Dude is loving life and practicing his paw-kour!
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summerwind751 · 1 year
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Some old art of Bee and Fen’s court dress before VariTale was destroyed.
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