#been rewatching season 1 as well
confusedspaceotter · 2 years
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Really love how in this scene Beatrice’s responds to Ava
She doesn’t panic or freaking out after hearing that the man is possessed instead she just calmly asks
“What do you need me to do?”
Not a sarcastic remark or make a joke out of this
(I for one would totally say some dumb shit like nah he doesn’t have a soul to begin with)
She immediately understood this is serious and actions needs to be done and like a trained freewheeling ass-kicking nun that she is
But instead of taking actions on her own she asks Ava what does she want her to do
Says a lot about how much Ava had grown in these two months and how much closer they’ve gotten
This scene showcased how Beatrice trusts Ava with her life and are willing to let her take the shots
Comparing to season 1 where the sisters basically take turns to babysit Ava that’s HUGEEEE
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hellenhighwater · 4 months
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That's wizard dinner babey
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frankiebirds · 18 days
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“Then honor her.”
I wanna talk about SHIELD Agent Hope Van Dyne
...who joined to honor her mother (the same reason she took Janet’s name), even though her father begged her not to and to work at Pym Tech instead.
...who bonded with Sharon over the weight of legacies and all the whispers behind their backs from those who doubted that their places were rightfully earned. 
...who attended the SHIELD Academy alongside Maria, becoming fast friends (and soon, more than friends) and remaining each other’s favorite sparring partner long after. 
...who took a long time to trust Natasha (both because of Nat’s past and her own generally standoffish nature), but with time, they became a formidable team on the field and off were known for their dry verbal sparring.
...whose faith in SHIELD was shaken upon meeting Ava Starr and worked in secret to help her, only for their plans to be cut off by what turned out to be Hope’s final mission.
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shittywriterbrain · 9 months
i've successfully made my mother despair over the ending of ofmd season 1
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cloudsrust · 1 year
Yeah I just watched the trailer for Good Omens 2 at least 5 times now. I'm unwell and I'm about to combust.
I'm not gonna survive these 50(?) days, nope. Just nope.
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theworldinclines · 8 months
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top first watches of 2023!
thank you for tagging me sumaya!!! @deshimango
i feel you linger in the air (august 2023)
what we do in the shadows season 5 (july 2023)
be my favorite (may 2023)
the eighth sense (march 2023)
heartstopper season 2 (august 2023)
midnight museum (march 2023)
extremely honorable mention to last twilight and cityboy_log because they haven't actually completed airing, i just have enjoyed watching them so much!!!
anybody who sees this and wants to do it please do!! thank u <3
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waterberry-strawmelon · 7 months
man, i wish The Good Place would've been more upfront about how the entire "soulmates" concept was literally just made up by The Bad Place for Michael's torture experiment. the show never outright acknowledges this, and yet, towards the end of season 1, a huge portion of the conflict and torture comes about through figuring out who likes who and the moral implications of confessing love and the expectations of love versus "dying alone" as it were. and i'm actually kind of frustrated they never brought it up again! the show takes soulmates as a real concept up until like...the series finale, maybe? if i remember correctly?
if only the show's creators had taken one teeny tiny step forward and been more overt about our society's views on love literally equating to torture. but alas, alloromantic folks will never take that extra logical step. alloromantic people accidentally imply all the time that, on some subconscious level, they understand that the societal weight we put on romance is oppressive and stifling. AND YET. it's still too scary for them to outright denounce romance, because it holds too much social and cultural weight (as both a concept and an institution). so that's fucking frustrating.
it's like...yes, you're literally so close to understanding the problem here, guys. im begging you to just make the connection and say it outright.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
remember when i was hating on season 3 during my rewatch this summer it was so fun
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'i survived you, eva', is such a raw line at the end of such a raw speech which would have been literal perfection If Hen Hadn't Cheated
and. y'know, the cheating would be understandable too, actually, if hen and karen hadn't been married, because then we could say that even though hen loves karen part of her is still stuck on eva because she never got proper closure from that relationship
but like? if they're married surely hen had some degree of moving on? also. even if in spite of the marriage eva's call dredged up old feelings. the fact that hen just? goes to her? after promising her wife a romantic night? if they'd shown them fighting and hen being angry and confused at least it'd make a little more sense. but she just shows up to have guilty sex with her ex when she could be having happy sex with her wife whom she obviously loves?
what i'm trying to say is that this is a classic example of 'we weren't sure how to create conflict in this stable relationship so we got them to cheat' and admittedly the way they've handled the fallout is very good but based on everything we know about hen and the circumstances in which she did it the fact that it happened at all will never be convincing to me
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hydrachea · 2 years
May i request your oldest blorbo for the sheet?
Anonymous asked: May i ask for a really old blorbo, like 2012 or older?
I went into my archive for you guys, never say I don't love you.
(blorbo sheet)
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thisisadaseyblog · 1 year
Casey gives no explanation for why she’s so concerned about Derek fighting and at this point we don’t need one
Also, the way The Fridge says “Hey look, it’s Casey and Derek! The wimpiest tag team ever!” really makes it sound like they’re a couple
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Well I rewatched the pilot again-
Like I knew it would but once again I am like-
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yesactuallyican · 2 years
It’s fascinating to me that morgue crashers could have been a really really good ship. Like, really good. It could have been this wonderful slowburn romance, like rivaling jopp3r, with these great buildup scenes and a work-for-it mentality. Think about it! Little flirting bits, going back to the season 1 stuff, Mike showing El about the world and then making her feel like home. Because that worked for a season! Season two could have been like that, if the changed it up a bit. Mike would have known about El, maybe, he could have gone to visit her, maybe. Maybe he’d sneak her off to the movies in season three. The California scenes could have been a beautiful will-they-won’t-they. Like honestly. It could have been really amazing if that’s what the duffer brother wanted. But I don’t think that’s what it was because it doesn’t feel like that’s how they set it up at all. They put them together at age 12 and kinda mocked the relationship all throughout season three. And so while it could have been really, really good, I don’t think it was supposed to be, or they would have done it differently. I think that’s why we’re kinda supposed to root for Byler, because they wouldn’t have done all… that. If that wasn’t the point. Mike and Wills relationship was built like a romance, not Mike and Els.
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badboysupr · 2 years
me, transcending in the middle of gaming with the realization that tdp s4 comes out in less than two weeks:
ohshit my body’s not ready for sparkle daddy
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whimsyrefrain · 23 days
been rewatching i7 over the weekend and the riku monster plotline brought up in third beat is so funny to me because i can't tell if they're just ribbing on riku's potential as an idol in the first part, or they're like actually laying down the groundwork for the untapped potential power riku has as an idol, and an influential celebrity in a way
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