#been rewatching home improvement and my jaw dropped
thepunkpanther · 1 year
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okay who at due south was a home improvement fan
Due South — Gift of the Wheelman 1.10, December 15, 1994 x Home Improvement — A Frozen Moment 3.10, November 24, 1993
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happyocelot · 2 years
Since it's still the 6th where I am, I decided to rewatch the Last today
It was such a cute and charming movie, so extremely heartwarming ahhhh I loved it so much. 😍😍😍
Some random minute things I noticed upon a rewatch:
Sai seems to enjoy moon-watching as a hobby. Or maybe just watching nature in general. It must give him artistic inspiration.
Sai calls Hanabi "Hanabi-chan", which is very cute. He's improving in social skills!
Konohamaru's house is BIG. At least as big as Hinata's house. He also seems to have a cat, or at least stray cats live in their big complex. When he gives Naruto the scarf, you can see one just hanging out, cleaning itself.
Naruto is constantly paying for people's meals, whether it's those Academy students he was teaching at the beginning of the movie, or just his friends...He does it gladly. It's a very gentlemanly quality. You can really see how he's matured over the years.
I love how half of Naruto and Hinata's friends keep trying to play Cupid for them.
Someone made a Naruto snowman. It was in that corner of the street that Sakura and Hinata were walking by.
Toneri is SO jealous of Naruto and his scarf that it's actually funny.
In light of him no longer wanting to blow up the earth, I have developed a fun crack AU headcanon. Naruto and Toneri exchanging cordial but very icy Rinne Festival greeting cards with the new tech they all have. Naruto being ostentatious and EXTREMELY annoying and Toneri constantly having second thoughts about world peace after reading card after card of Naruto describing in graphic detail how he and Hinata spend their holidays haha. It's just a crack AU headcanon don't take it seriously.
Hanabi is so lovely and bright in the movie. I love how she, in all her 14-year-old wisdom, says "I'm not a kid! My Byakugan's perception is as good as a grown-up's!" and shows off her toy kunai, a trapping of childhood. She's such a realistic picture of how kids are at that age and she goes through so much in the movie. I love the protectiveness and care that everyone shows towards her, not just Hinata, but even Naruto, Sai, and Sakura. When they rescue her, and see her unconscious with her eyes ripped out, Sai remarks that, yeah, she is actually just a kid, who suffered far too much. But she's still so vibrant and beaming at the end of the movie, and you can tell how much resilience she has.
I loved the gentjutsu flashback memory traps. I love how Pain literally body slams Naruto into Hinata's memories. It was such a cool effect.
Naruto is actually bathed in golden rays of light in Hinata's memories of Pain's attack. Like the moments when she says "You changed me! You smile saved me!" it flashbacks to him grinning and the lighting is so pretty. You can tell how important those memories were to her.
She REALLY loves his smile.
Throughout, Naruto just keeps asking so many questions related to Hinata. Why does she need someone to walk her home when she's so strong? Why doesn't she wear the scarf since it's so cold? Why does she fight against Pain when she's no match for him? He finally gets the answers that have been evading him for so long, and when he does, he's so quiet and awestruck, like he can't believe what she really meant. Like "Wut. Hinata likes me? Me? Brain. Does not compute. Blue screen. Blue screen. Error 404 Not Found."
Hinata is the exact same way. You could tell that she really didn't know that he loved her until he confessed to her and we get wonderful close-ups of her eyes widening, her eyebrows raised, her jaw dropping. The movie really dwells on her shock. They both have such funny times to confess lol.
There were so many pretty explosions in the movie. I loved them all. The battles were done well.
When Naruto accepts the scarf, everyone's so happy. Like, "Finally, my OTP is canon."
The finale was so 😍😍😍.
I'm so happy that there was an entire movie dedicated to these two ahhhh.
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wigglywormy · 5 years
insecure [kurt/blaine, 2k]
hey guys
so i haven’t written a fic since fucking 2018 and so im really rusty, but. my big great glee rewatch has pulled me out of my writing slump and i’m so ready to create some content again for this blog. i really missed this creative outlet and it feels really good to be writing again y’all
anyways, here’s a klaine fic based heavily on that episode in s5 of blaine being insecure about kurt’s new muscles lol
It starts a few months after he moves to New York. 
It’s amazing, for a while. Everything’s new, the sights and sounds are extravagant, and even though he has the absolute worst time falling asleep for the first few weeks with all the city noise and what-not, well. The fact that he gets to fall asleep at all in New York is enough in and of itself to cause him to drift to bed with a smile. 
Not to mention getting to fall asleep next to Kurt every night. Even better; getting to wake up to him every morning. 
There are ups and downs, of course. It’s definitely an adjustment, because there are so many different things he has to get used to in such a short period of time. Starting classes at NYADA, leaving his family and friends behind and moving to a whole new state, moving in with the love of his life and adjusting to life as a co-existing couple. It’s definitely tough, to say the least, but him and Kurt have been through way tougher. 
Besides, falling into a routine is simple for them. They are performers, after all, and a routine - whether it’s a spectacle of a show or a boring morning ritual - is something that comes natural to them. 
One thing Blaine does start to notice though, especially once the snow begins to melt away and Kurt is tucking his sweaters away in exchange for more form fitting clothes and short sleeved-shirts, is that Kurt has definitely filled out a bit. 
He looks a fair bit broader than he did in high school, and when Blaine walks in on him one morning to see Kurt doing push ups on the ground in front of their bed, he has to forcibly turn himself around and walk straight back out to the kitchen because the sight of Kurt’s newly noticeable biceps have him feeling a little too warm. 
Kurt also has this new and fresh confidence about him. Not to say he wasn’t confident in high school, because he was. He’s an incredible performer and he always had such a presence that Blaine admired, but this feels a bit different. It feels like Kurt is finally comfortable in his skin, and the glowing aura that now surrounds him has Blaine feeling gooey-eyed and simultaneously jealous because he also craves that feeling. Kurt’s found himself in New York. 
Blaine looks down at his own stomach, softer than he’d like it to be, and frowns. He lifts his chin, stares at himself in the mirror, and brings an arm up to flex a bit. There’s definitely muscle there, he can’t deny that, but it’s not nearly as defined at Kurt’s. Like seriously, Kurt’s arms are getting almost drool-worthy. Blaine swallows thickly just thinking about it. 
He will admit he hasn’t really been taking the best care of himself since he’s moved out here. It’s hard, okay? He’s so damn busy, the city moves so fast, and most of the time he’s lucky to barely have enough time to stop and get a hot dog off the corner of the street before his next class starts. 
And don’t even get him started on the cronuts. 
He sighs and presses his fingers into his stomach, not used to the slight give he has now. He wonders if Kurt has noticed? Does he care? They haven’t exactly been intimate in a while - due to busy schedules and, well, Blaine’s increasingly noticeable self esteem that’s dropping lower by the day. He wonders if Kurt is even still attracted to him. Blaine has seen the guys Kurt hangs out with at school. He sees how gorgeous and fit and tall they are.
Blaine scowls at himself. He’s never had a problem with his height before, but for some reason he’s noticing everything now. 
The door clicks shut, and soon the curtain to their room area is being yanked open, Kurt’s breathless voice filling the air, “Blaine, you won’t believe who I ran into today -  ”
Blaine quickly tugs his shirt back down and spins around to face Kurt, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights. 
Kurt blinks, stepping a bit closer. His next words are spoken slowly. “What are you up to?”
“Uh - nothing. Just… checking out this new… shirt I bought?” Blaine winces, because he’s such a bad liar. Kurt knows this too, because he closes the curtain behind him and steps closer, close enough that Blaine can smell the scent of rain lingering on his clothes from his walk home today. 
“Blaine, that’s a pajama shirt you’ve had since high school.”
Blaine sighs. “I know.” 
“Still looks good on you though,” Kurt smirks, walking closer and wrapping his arms around Blaine’s waist. “I always liked this one. It hugs your waist in all the right places, y’know.”
Blaine runs his hands up Kurt’s arms, stopping once they get to his biceps, and shit, they really are big now, huh? Blaine squeezes gently, and his shuddering sigh makes Kurt laugh softly. 
“I think my new workout routine has been making a difference. What do you think?”
“Do you think I’m attractive?” Blaine blurts out, and he hates how weak his voice sounds. He didn’t mean to just come out and say it, but standing here with Kurt now, close and pressed together, all of his insecurities seem to be rearing their ugly heads right into his heart. 
Kurt steps back a bit, but not far enough away to break contact. His hands rest at Blaine’s waist, and his expression is one of disbelief. “Do I find you attractive?” He says slowly, and Blaine avoids eye contact as he nods. Kurt huffs out a breath. “Blaine, what brought this on? I don’t understand.”
“Look, I know I haven’t… been taking the best care of myself, lately,” Blaine says, voice soft. “It’s just - you are so attractive, like, even more so lately. Not to say you weren’t attractive before, of course, but - Kurt, your biceps, and - and your shoulders - ”
 “Blaine - ”
“And I just keep thinking, I can’t stop fucking thinking about how one day you’ll just - you’ll wake up, and you’ll think, ‘I don’t love him anymore’ and I don’t think I can deal with that - ”
Kurt’s hands are cupping his face now, and Blaine is stupidly aware of their two inch height difference right now as his eyes flicker up to meet Kurt’s. Blaine hadn’t even noticed how shaky his voice was getting, or how his eyes are now burning and shiny with moisture. 
“Stop it,” Kurt says, shaking his head. “I love you. That’s never going to change, no matter how much you or I change on the outside.”
“But - ”
“I love you. All of you. And I know you’re feeling insecure right now, I understand,” Kurt whispers, tipping their foreheads together. “But I need you to know that I think you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
Blaine flushes, and Kurt’s hands smooth up and down his sides, catching on the soft material of the shirt he’s wearing. Blaine shivers against the touch, because they really haven’t been intimate in a while, and Kurt’s hands feel really, really good on him. 
Especially when those fingers skid lighter, slipping beneath the cotton and trailing along bare skin, causing Blaine to suck in a breath and clutch at Kurt’s arms, swaying closer as Kurt smiles and kisses him deep. Kurt’s fingers have found solace in the dip of his waist, and Blaine grins against Kurt’s mouth, lips trembling. 
“Mm,” Kurt hums, “I will say these new and improved biceps of mine are definitely good for at least one thing.”
“What’s that?” Blaine asks. 
Kurt grins. “Holding you in place.”
Kurt wraps him up close with one arm, keeping Blaine nice and secure in his embrace, but before Blaine can even swoon at the strength enveloping him, Kurt’s free hand slips back under his shirt and presses into his side, causing Blaine to gasp and squirm. 
“Wait - Kurt!”
“You’re gorgeous,” Kurt murmurs, kissing Blaine again. Blaine giggles into his mouth, hands coming up to grip Kurt’s shoulders as the older male’s fingers walk up his side, scratching against his ribs. Blaine’s torn between trying to wiggle free and trying to press closer, because Kurt’s being wonderfully gentle and Blaine’s nerves are zinging alive from the ticklish touches. 
“I’m extremely lucky,” Kurt states, kissing down to Blaine’s neck, continuing to hold him tightly in place even as Blaine strains happily against him. “How did I manage to acquire a fiance who’s not only attractive, but who’s crazy adorable too?”
“Oh, jeez,” Blaine gasps, because the verbal praise is almost too much. Blaine’s not quite used to so much attention from Kurt like this, especially lately, and once again, Kurt’s newly found confidence is making his words come out sultry, smooth, and charming. Jesus, Kurt’s fucking charming him. 
Blaine feels like he did the first time they kissed at Dalton, all blushing faces and trembling hands, except this time it’s Kurt who’s taking the reins, and Blaine’s all too happy to let him. 
Kurt’s hand slips down to his stomach, and Blaine actually squeaks at that. Kurt laughs gently into his neck, kissing back up along his jaw before licking into his mouth once more, and Blaine makes a strangled little hiccuping laugh when Kurt brings both hands down to flutter against his stomach. 
“Kurt - stop,” Blaine laughs, but they both know he’s not really trying to get away. He stumbles over his own feet, but Kurt’s there to catch him, kissing him breathless once more. Blaine feels stupid, he should’ve never, ever doubted their relationship.Kurt is blunt and straightforward. He knows what he wants and he never settles for less. 
And Blaine knows now, that Kurt wants him. All of him. And he will always want him. 
Kurt walks them back towards the bed, and Blaine falls gracelessly upon it, caught by surprise as Kurt climbs after him. He has a glint in his eye, and Blaine bites his lips on a grin. He nearly turns to crawl away, the cat-and-mouse chase causing his blood to boil and his heart to race, and he’s pleased when Kurt tsk’s and tugs him back, pinning him to the bed and reaching down to pinch at his thigh. 
Blaine barks out a surprised laugh and kicks his leg a bit, because now Kurt’s just being mean. 
“I can’t help it,” Kurt laments as Blaine fruitlessly begs beneath him, his gelled hair now ruffled and askew, curls falling across his forehead. “I love your laugh. I love everything about you.”
“Y-You’re gonna kill me,” Blaine snorts, his shirt now bunched up around his ribs. “No - wait!”
Kurt’s already ducking down, biting and licking along his ribs and Blaine screeches. 
“Okay - okay, mercy! Please!” 
Kurt sighs, smoothing Blaine’s shirt back down. “Alright, since you asked so nicely.”
Blaine heaves a deep breath, his belly fluttering with residual giggles, and when he finally peeks his eyes open and looks up, Kurt’s gazing down at him with a look so warm, Blaine’s body melts on the spot. 
“Please don’t be so hard on yourself,” Kurt murmurs, cupping Blaine’s face in one hand and smoothing a thumb along his cheek. 
Blaine’s stomach swoops, his skin tingling from the inside out, and he leans up on his elbows, surging forward to kiss Kurt with as much emotion as he can muster. “I’ll try not to,” he mumbles against Kurt’s lips, “I’ll try.”
Kurt smiles then, sitting up and pulling Blaine up with him. “Good. Now, let me cook dinner for us, okay?”
“You need me to help?”
Kurt leans over, gripping Blaine’s neck and kissing his temple. “Don’t worry about it. You just sit here and look pretty, like you always do.”
Blaine just bites his lip on a smile, ducking his head. He really is the luckiest guy in the world.
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callunavulgari · 8 years
Total fics written this year?
Another Love (The Flash; Barry/E2Wells, Barry/Thawne; 4,586 words) “I want you,” Barry confesses unhappily, a charming pucker between his brows. His eyes dart back up, not shying away for once, to meet Eobard’s. A little bit of steel creeps into his expression again, and Eobard wants to applaud him all over again. What a beautiful creature he’s created. 
time in a bottle (The Flash; Eobarry; 2,961 words) “If I didn’t exist,” Thawne says, quietly, moving to slide his fingers up Barry’s jaw; they leave goosebumps in their wake. “Then neither would you. And if you didn’t exist… well. We won’t get into that mess. So the universe — the, hah, Speed Force — sent me here. A paradox, clinging to the cracks between time. Just… waiting.” 
nothing's gonna harm you (not while i'm around) (SW; Gen, Reylo; 1,167 words)  Ben and Rey Organa are born ten years and five hundred parsecs apart, but Ben can feel it in the Force the moment she comes into being. He can feel her every second of her way home, a bright star that outshines even the familiar intensity of his parents.
we dream in the dark (for the most part) (DA; Gen; 806 words) “Will it go away?” Bethany asks, her voice quiet as a whisper.
Ramble On (The Flash; Eobarry; 2,695 words)  Thawne playfully hums a few bars of something vaguely familiar. Barry looks back at him, and when Thawne sees him looking, he smiles wider and gleefully stomps his way through a puddle. Sings, “If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do…”
D.C. al Coda (The Flash; Barrison;  Harrison edges closer, until Barry is close enough to touch, and reaches out to take Barry’s jaw in hand. It’s tacky and cool against his palm, from sweat, tears, or both. He tilts Barry’s chin up in a testing sort of way, willing him to open his eyes. “Barry,” he says, gently. “Look at me.”)
it began with stones (DA; Fenhawke;  Everyone knows that the blight started in Ferelden.)
darling, you gotta let me know (Stranger Things; Nancy/Steve/Jonathan; 6,120 words) Jonathan’s room is messy the same way that Steve’s is. There are dirty socks and shirts and underwear strewn across the floor. Cassette tapes litter the desk like miniature landmines. There’s a notebook open on his bed, a textbook and a pencil beside it. He must have been studying when Steve knocked. 
   Binary Sunset (SW; Reylo; 1,747 words) Center stage, Rey holds herself as still as a statue. Spine straight, toes pointed, already in first position. They’ve done something to her eyelashes, softened all her hard edges, from the jut of her jaw to the point of her nose. She glitters, from her feathered bodice to her flowing skirts, a bright glint of white in the dark.He doesn’t think that anyone else has noticed that she’s trembling.
Nine fics. I don’t even want to know how many words.
Best story I wrote this year: darling, you gotta let me know. It was the first fic that I was proud of from the get go this year.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Ramble On. It had all of the weird dreaminess of Time In a Bottle without the Inception feel. I ended up rereading it on the plane back to Ohio and liked it so much more than I did when I was writing it.
Okay, NOW your most popular story. darling, you gotta let me know, hands down. It’s the first fic to get over a 1000 kudos since I stopped writing Teen Wolf. I mean, of the nine fics that I wrote this year pretty much every one of them is from a smaller fandom. I think the only reason this one got as popular as it did was because I published it right after Stranger Things got big and I was one of the three people who had written for the pairing. Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: it began with stones, probably? I usually have a definite answer for this question, but this one was strange as it is. Dragon Age/In the Flesh fusion with Hawke as a zombie? Kinda weird. I don’t mind that it got a small reception, but it fits the most.
Most fun story to write: Another Love. I had a ton of fun playing with that whole concept. Barry going back in time to when Eobard was playing at being Wells was a fucking gift.
Story that could have been better? All of them? Technically? I’m still not entirely pleased with how  time in a bottle turned out, but I ramped that one up in my head for so long that I’ll probably never be satisfied with it.
Story I wrote to fix things: Pretty much all of my Flash fics were written to make something better. Ramble On and time in a bottle were both written to satisfy my need for there to be a current-timeline paradox Thawne still out there, tucked away in the speedforce, just biding his time. Hell, all of the God Complex series were written because I wanted to rewrite or add bits to an episode to suit my shipper heart.
Oddest story: it began with stones. In the Flesh. Dragon Age. Kind of weird. But my brain went, what would Jen like for her birthday? Okay, she likes Dragon Age. And she likes zombies. How can I write zombies in a way that I haven’t written them yet? Oh, I know! Hardest story to do: Okay, so it isn’t on here, but the Sabriel AU is what I’ve really been suffering through. I hit a point and wasn’t able to overcome it, which is why it still isn’t done. I’m hoping to read Goldenhand and the rest of the Like Young Gods series sometime this month and we’ll see if it inspires anything. Easiest story to write? I struggled with pretty much everything I wrote this year except for  Another Love. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it just so happens to be the only fic I wrote before I gave up smoking.
Most mining of your own history in one story: Pretty much none of them. D.C. al Coda has a lot of my experiences with grief, but that’s about it.
Themes, or absence thereof: Pretty much ‘heroes and villains make out’. Or in the case of Hawke and Fenris... rivalmancy. Where did you publish/archive your stories? Ao3, as per usual. Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to: I have nixed pretty much all of my Teen Wolf projects. I would like to say that at some point I’ll finish the Bioshock Infinite AU and the Carmilla one, just because I have so much written of it already, but I don’t know. I do know that I want to finish the Sabriel AU and I currently have a weirdly one-sided Julian/Barry fic, a Prompto/Noctis pining fic, and several Stargate Atlantis fics that I want to finish. Oh, and maybe the Yuri on Ice soulmate AU if I can make the idea hang around long enough to get to.
Sexiest moment (excerpt): He slides the palms of his hands up her sides, ghosting them up and over her ribs, framing them, feeling where the softness of skin and muscle gives way to hard bone where her rib cage starts, how each breath she takes pushes her body more firmly into his hands. She makes a noise when he reaches her breasts, shuddering when he cups them, even through the fabric.
“Please,” she breathes, and Jonathan hesitates, unsure of what she wants.
“Here,” Steve murmurs, taking hold of Jonathan’s hands once more. He guides them to the buttons of Nancy’s blouse and pauses, waiting, as Jonathan undoes them himself, his touch sliding down Jonathan’s forearms then back up again.
Jonathan pushes the blouse from Nancy’s shoulders, watching the blush that blooms under his eyes, going from her throat clear to her navel. Her cheeks are flushed too, her eyes black and wanting.
Steve lets go of him, maybe realizing that Jonathan won’t be of much help at this moment, and his hands vanish around Nancy’s sides, quick and darting. It isn’t until he’s helping her pull her bra loose that Jonathan even realizes what he’s done.
Steve’s hands go back to his, guiding them to Nancy’s breasts. The skin is firm and supple, and so very warm. Her nipples pull tight when his hand brushes them. Steve leans close to Jonathan’s ear, and whispers, “Touch her.”
Crackiest moment (excerpt): Outside, it’s raining. The air is heavy with humidity, heat pressing down on his back like something alive. Barry walks down the street, feet bare against the wet asphalt. Thunder rumbles threateningly in the distance. A bird sings, and a street over, another joins it. Everything is green and damp. It smells real. Would a dream smell real?
Halfway down the street, a second pair of feet join his. The person they belong to is silent, doggedly following him down the road. Barry doesn’t have to turn to know who his newest phantom is.
“Are you going to sing at me too?”
“Do you want me to sing to you?” Thawne asks.
Barry glances at him, frowning unhappily. He’s wearing Wells’ face again, a familiar little half-smile playing around his lips. His suit is wet. It isn’t the suit — not the yellow one — just a regular one. Plain. Black. The fabric clings to his shoulders and his hair is dripping in his eyes. His feet are bare too, and somehow it feels wrong to see them, the fine slender bones gleaming wetly. Too intimate.
Barry swallows and looks away, but even when he concentrates, it refuses to change. Figures, that even in a dream Thawne would cause him grief. When Barry doesn’t reply, Thawne playfully hums a few bars of something vaguely familiar.
Barry looks back at him, and when Thawne sees him looking, he smiles wider and gleefully stomps his way through a puddle. Sings, “If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do…”
Favorite dialogue (excerpt): “At least,” Eobard interrupts, thoughtfully tapping his finger against his lips. Slowly, he starts to grin. “Not everything. So, Mr. Allen, I’ll ask you again. What do you want?”
The answer is written all over Barry’s face. There’s a story there, behind the pain, the grief, the hopeless lust, and it’s one that Eobard knows he’ll get to live out himself over the course of the next year. He wonders just how many times he fucked this boy before the truth came out. The boy — his Barry — already loves him. Not like this, of course, not yet, but a hero worshiping kind that he’s had since day one.
“Well?” He coaxes, eyes widening. “I’m waiting.”
Barry wets his lips convulsively and swallows, his adam’s apple working. He tugs on the cuff, halfheartedly, mouth turned downwards. He didn’t expect this. Maybe he’d expected closure. Or maybe he’d convinced himself that all he really needed was the formula. But he wants this. And Eobard’s going to make him say it.
“I want you,” he confesses unhappily, a charming pucker between his brows. His eyes dart back up, not shying away for once, to meet Eobard’s. A little bit of steel creeps into his expression again, and Eobard wants to applaud him all over again. What a beautiful creature he’s created.
“Just you,” he adds, just as quiet and unhappy, but with a dawning comprehension. “Eobard Thawne.”
A shiver crawls down his spine, dick twitching in his pants. God, it’s good to hear that name again. “Oh, Mr. Allen,” he breathes. “Say it again, won’t you?”
Favorite lines (excerpt):
Jonathan had known that they’d done this before. After all, he was sort of a witness to it. But up close it’s something else, it’s poetry in motion, the way that Nancy’s head tips back, the bead of sweat that slides down the tip of Steve’s nose, how her legs wrap around his waist, her small feet locking at the dip of Steve’s spine.
It’s beautiful, and his fingers itch for his camera, so he fumbles around beside him, stretching his arm out to his desk until he catches the strap and can tug it into his hands. He watches them through the lens of his camera for a moment before he gets up the courage to touch, tapping Steve with his foot and then gesturing with the camera, head cocked.
Can I?
Steve’s entire face transforms when he laughs, going bright with emotion. He nudges Nancy until she glances over and then she’s laughing too, and they’re both nodding.
He catches them both mid laugh, naked limbs flung around each other. And then he catches the moment that the laughter turns to something else, mouths half-parted in breathless pleasure. He catches the curve of Nancy’s breast and the freckle behind Steve’s ear, and then he waits, breathless, for the right moment.
He waits and waits, and the moment that they both go still, bodies shaking with pleasure, mouth caught on soundless moans-
He swallows, lowering the camera as it spits the picture out with a hiss, and holds it in his hand, watching them. Their eyes are closed, breathless little smiles across their faces, sweat on their brows. Steve hasn’t even pulled out of her.
Fic goals: Finish Sabriel AU. That’s it. My only other writing-related goal is to get out of this funk, write something big (which will hopefully be the Sabriel AU) and something original. Fingers crossed.
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