#been in an unusually sw mood today actually
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themyscirah · 1 year ago
Star Wars (2020) #6... top 10 comics that make me want to eat rocks
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im-no-jedi · 3 years ago
My Life With The Bad Batch
aka a journey into my self insert nonsense✨ 
notes: I created a few new planets for this story (one of which you will see in this first chapter). I’m also not 100% versed in SW terminology, so forgive me if some things are labeled incorrectly! each chapter will be rated accordingly, as opposed to the overall fic. lastly, there will be romance at some point (but none in this first chapter). hope you enjoy! 💙
Chapter 1, 6000+ words, rated: T (gun violence, smoking, and mentions of death)
next chapter
The Clone Wars are over. The new Galactic Empire, formed by the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine, is gradually beginning to work its way through the galaxy, turning planets and civilizations aligned with the former Republic into what they call a more “orderly” system. There are little these planets can do to prevent total takeover by the Empire and thus must comply with their orders. The Jedi have all disappeared and the Clone soldiers loyally follow the Empire’s commands now. The galaxy is changing.
Larger planets have taken priority over smaller ones, but still the small ones continue to fall under the command of the Empire. One such planet, named Astreon, has recently been invaded by Imperial forces, who are being quick to change the ways of the civilization from Republic standards. Astreon is only known by name to most other cultures, as it lacks any major facilities and amenities found on other nearby planets. Its inhabitants mostly live there because they were born there and have no way of getting anywhere else.  
This is the reason Hannah still lived there anyway.
It was a dark and dreary day when the Empire finally came to Hannah’s town. She had been spending most of the day shopping, not for supplies, but for potential work. The results yielded no success however, and Hannah was left to return to her apartment empty handed, as had been the norm longer than she could remember.  
The dusty streets seemed to be much busier than normal for this time of day. People were rushing from one place to the next, an unusual sight for Hannah’s normally slow-moving town. A couple walking nearby her began speaking about how Clone Troopers had showed up recently in the town square. Hannah immediately got excited. About a year previous, Clone Troopers had come through the town, accompanied by one of the Jedi, who were visiting the planet on political business. She was completely enamored by the Clones - advanced soldiers created in a faraway facility on another planet. Strong, heroic, loyal... and quite handsome in her opinion. It was actually a good thing in her opinion that all of them had the exact same face. Perhaps today wouldn’t be so bad after all if she got the chance to see some Clones again.
Imagine Hannah’s surprise when she arrived back home to find several of them already at her doorstep. At least a half dozen troopers were currently standing around the building, seemingly at attention. Hannah’s eyes lit up at the sight of them, but her mood quickly turned to confusion. Why were there Clones at her apartment?
“This is an outrage!” came a voice from inside the building. Hannah recognized the voice. She could only watch as her landlord was being dragged out by a couple of the troopers. “I demand to speak to your superior this instant!”
As the landlord was dragged away, Hannah stepped towards one of the troopers hesitantly. “Excuse me, what’s going on here?”
“Empire business ma’am,” the trooper replied. “Please step aside.”
Hannah blinked in confusion. “Umm, but I live here...”
“I’m sorry, but this building is being evicted.”
“What?” Hannah exclaimed and stepped back in shock. “But-- this is my home! Why? What’s going on?”
The trooper didn’t budge. “Please collect your things and be on your way ma’am. Empire orders.”
It took Hannah a moment to even process what was currently happening. The apartment she lived in was drab and barely livable, but it was her home. And why was this trooper acting so weird? The ones she’d interacted with before weren’t this... stern. She didn’t question it any further though and solemnly went inside to get what few possessions she had. Everything worth bringing with could all fit inside the bag she always carried around with her.  
As Hannah took her last steps out of the building, she turned to one of the other troopers to ask about what was going on, but got the same response. She scowled at the trooper, saying “You know, you guys used to be much nicer. What happened, did the Empire make you all jerks or something?”
The trooper stepped towards Hannah, hands on his gun, sternly commanding her to leave or be arrested like the landlord. Hannah just scoffed and shook her head at the trooper, walking away and trying not to cry at her circumstance.
Once Hannah got to the town square, she found herself witnessing some sort of military procession of troopers. It seemed like the whole town was there watching the troopers march down the streets. A projection of a man in an Imperial uniform was in the middle of the square, loudly proclaiming how the war was over. It should’ve been a happy thing to hear, but Hannah knew something wasn’t right about all of this. The idea of a single person having control over the entire galaxy would bring more harm than good in her eyes. And if anything, the way the Clones were behaving was just more proof of that.
The projection continued on, praising the Empire and encouraging the citizens to get something he called a chain code. Hannah didn’t know what that meant, but she knew she didn’t like the idea of having a number applied to her name. She recalled the Clones she’d met who had denounced the idea of having numbers applied to them in favor of the names they’d either been given or chosen for themselves. Why would anyone want to have a number as their identity instead of a name?
Bummed out from all the day’s events, Hannah began making her way through the crowd to try and find a quiet place to mourn. Crowds always bothered her, but all the commotion that was still going on around town made things even worse. All of this coupled with her emotional state was making it even more difficult for her to focus on what she was doing. A reckless group of teens came running past and nearly plowed Hannah down while she was walking. She stumbled back into an alley, nearly tumbling into a trash can along the way. It took all of her strength to not burst into tears at that moment. “Guess I should actually get used to living in trash for a while...”
Hannah suddenly heard voices from further away in the alley. She dabbed the corners of her eyes with her jacket and took a peek around the corner to see who was speaking. It was quite dark in the alley, but it was possible to make out two figures standing in the darkness, conversing with each other in hushed tones.
“Are you certain we can get it?” one of the figures said.
“I already told you, the package is on route as we speak,” the other figure responded.
The first figure gave a low growl. “It is taking too long. The longer we stay here, the longer we risk getting caught by the Empire. Those troopers are not going to be parading around all day, you know.”
“Patience.” A trail of smoke left the figure’s mouth, as if they’d just taken a puff of a cig. “We’ll get what we came for. And if we don’t, then I’ll take care of it personally.”
At this point, Hannah realized she was overhearing something she definitely wasn’t supposed to hear and began quietly making her way out of the alley. As she stepped back out into the street, someone bumped into her. “Oh, sorry, I’m sorry!” she exclaimed.  
A very angry looking Rodian in a trench coat was staring down at Hannah. The Rodian said something to her in his native language and stormed off into the alley. She didn’t need a translator to know that it was definitely an insult. Hannah turned and solemnly walked away, clutching her bag close to her chest.
Without drawing the attention of others, the Rodian made his way further into the alley, around the corner. A Neimoidian and a Devaronian in a business suit stepped out of the shadows towards him.
“Well, well,” the Devaronian said. “It’s about time. My friend and I here were starting to worry.”
The Rodian once again spoke in his native language, this time in an apologetic tone.
“We do not care about your excuses,” the Neimoidian retorted. “The Empire is already here, and we risk getting caught at this very moment because of your impudence!”
“Easy, my friend.” The Devaronian placed a gloved hand on the Neimoidian’s shoulder to calm him. “Let’s not focus on what might happen, or what could happen. Let’s instead focus on the matter at hand, shall we?” He extended his other hand towards the Rodian politely. “If you don’t mind... we’d like what we came for.”
The Rodian nodded and opened his trench coat. The other two watched as the Rodian began rummaging through the pockets lining his coat, first on the left, then on the right. A panicked look suddenly ran across the Rodian’s face.
“Well?” The Nemoidian exclaimed.
The Rodian began looking around on the ground nearby in a panic. After searching for a bit, he turned to the others and tried to explain the situation.
“What do you mean you can’t find it?” The Nemoidian shouted.
The Devaronian stepped closer to the Rodian, his face half concealed in the shadows. “This is not an ideal situation for you, my friend. I certainly hope you haven’t lost what we came here for. That would be most unfortunate...” A small blade came up to the Rodian’s neck. “For you, I mean.”
The Rodian put his hands up and began trying to explain himself. The blade slowly lowered from his neck.
“I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt then.” The Devaronian began running the blade against the back of his hand, sharpening it on his glove. “If you really do know where it is, then I’ll give you another chance.” The Nemoidian began to object, but the Devaronian silenced him. “You have one hour. Bring the item by then, or this blade will be the least of your worries.”
The Rodian nodded and hurried out of the alley.
“You cannot be serious,” the Nemoidian complained. “We cannot trust this fool! You promised me I would get what I came for and--”
“And you will get it. One way or another. Even if the Rodian fails to recover the item, we’ll get it.”
“How can you be so certain?”
The Devaronian’s face was still half concealed by darkness, but the Nemoidian still caught the fanged smirk that ran across his forest green skinned face. “I never lose.”
The day went on, and Hannah eventually found herself back in the town square. The procession had ended, but people were still gathered around, this time getting in line to receive their chain code. Hannah still didn’t like it, but knew she had to do it at some point and thought it would be better to get it over with now. The day was already awful, might as well make it worse.
Troopers were now stationed inside one of the larger buildings, where the chain code process was taking place. Even though the town was small, having literally everybody lined up made the populace seem larger. Occasionally, Hannah would glance over at the troopers as she stood in line. She hadn’t seen any of them take their helmets off the entire time they’d been there. All things considered, she began to wonder if there were actually Clones underneath those helmets or not. She didn’t even know if seeing their faces would make things better or worse.
Time dragged on. It was getting closer to Hannah’s turn for a chain code. She could only see a few people in front of her now. Only a little while left until she was just a number. Maybe being a number wouldn’t be so bad. People might actually know her number better than they ever knew her name. She could learn to like it. Maybe.
Suddenly, all the lights in the building went dark. People began to panic, and the troopers had to try and keep everybody calm while they figured out the problem. Hannah felt herself being shoved and pushed around by the others. She eventually made her way over to a bench to get away from the chaos. Each of the troopers had a light fixed to their helmets, so it wasn’t completely dark, thankfully. It made it easier for Hannah to get an idea of what was going on, at least.  
Two main things were happening. The first was that the people closest to the door were apparently unable to open it. Even the troopers couldn’t get it open. And secondly, Hannah began noticing that the number of helmet lights was gradually disappearing for some reason. It seemed as though the troopers themselves were beginning to disappear one by one. What was going on?
The last helmet light eventually disappeared and everything was in darkness once again. Hannah held her bag close to her chest, terrified of what might happen next. Suddenly, a single light appeared at the back of the room. To Hannah’s surprise, a familiar Rodian in a trench coat was standing on a table, loudly proclaiming something she couldn’t understand. Some people nearby were saying that the Rodian was demanding that everyone in the building step forward and allow him to check any and all possessions that the people were carrying. This was taken by the people to mean that he was trying to rob them and started to go into a panic again. Hannah especially didn’t want any of her possessions taken, as her bag literally had her entire life in it currently.
The Rodian then pulled out a gun. People began panicking more, but eventually started to comply. As terrified as she was, Hannah still refused to let this jerk anywhere near her bag and started looking around for any sort of an exit. Her eyes were more adjusted to the darkness by now, but it was still hard to see anything. She knew there was a staircase somewhere nearby though. If only she could find it without the Rodian noticing her...
“Psst...” A small voice caught Hannah’s ear. She looked around for the source, but saw nothing. “Psst!” Little light was in the room, but eventually she noticed a young girl trying to get her attention from around the corner. Hannah quietly scooted closer to the girl.  
“Looking for the stairs?” the girl asked her.
Hannah looked at her in shock. “Yeah... how did you know that?”
“Follow me,” the girl replied. “Tell those people to come too. I’ll help you out of here.”
Hannah didn’t know who this girl was or how she knew the way out, but if it meant getting out of the building, there would be no questions asked. She whispered to a few other people nearby about the stairs, and then made her way towards where the girl had gone. As she rounded the corner, Hannah felt a hand grab her arm and nearly screamed, but then felt a finger on her lips, shushing her. “It’s just me,” came the voice of the girl. “Stick close, ok?” Hannah nodded in response.
A small group of people was now beginning to shuffle their way up the stairs, led by this mysterious little girl. The Rodian was still visible from their location, but he hadn’t seemed to notice them yet.
A banging noise suddenly rang out near the ceiling, drawing everyone’s attention. The little girl gasped softly. “Uh oh...”  
Everyone watched as a portion of the ceiling came crashing down, right in the middle of the main room. As the dust settled, a large humanoid figure stood up and shook their head. “Whoopsie...”
Light was feeding through the hole in the ceiling now, and Hannah took a moment to look at the figure. They seemed to be very tall, very bulky, and wearing some sort of armor... it actually strongly resembled modified Clone Trooper armor, with black and red details painted all over it. And was that the number 99 on their helmet?  
The Rodian began shouting loudly at the figure and pointed his gun at them. The figure retorted by holding up their hands, proclaiming in a loud voice, “To be fair, I was tryin’ to fall ON you, not in front of you!” They sort of sounded like a Clone Trooper, but with a much gruffer and boisterous tone.
The little girl groaned and shook her head before tugging on Hannah’s arm. “Come on! We have to go!” Thanks to the light, Hannah was able to get a better look at the girl as they ran up the stairs. She was fairly young, no older than 10 years old, with short blonde hair and tan skin. Hannah had never seen this girl in town before. Where did she come from?
Gunshots suddenly rang out from the room below. Hannah peeked down to see the Rodian shooting at the large black and red trooper, who was protecting himself with some of the debris. The other people began screaming in panic, but the Rodian thankfully kept his focus on the trooper. “You’re gonna have to do better than that!” the trooper shouted at him. He then picked up a large piece of debris and lobbed it at the Rodian, toppling the table he stood on. “Aww yeah! How’s that taste?”
Hannah was really beginning to question whether this guy was an actual Clone Trooper or not.
More light filled the room as the front door of the building suddenly swung open. Another figure was in the doorway, also seemingly wearing modified trooper armor covered in various pouches. They were the size of a normal trooper, but their helmet seemed to be affixed with some sort of... goggles?
“Alright everyone, please form an orderly line out of the building, no shoving.” This person also sort of sounded like a Clone, but with a slightly higher, much more proper tone. No one questioned him and began filing out of the building. A couple people on the stairs ran back down too, but Hannah and a few others stayed with the girl.
The second level of the building was open on all sides, making it easy for Hannah’s group to see what was going on down below. The large trooper was now helping to usher people out of the building; the Rodian was nowhere to be seen. Just as the little girl motioned for everyone to continue following her, Hannah saw something move near the left side of the building. The light feeding through the ceiling reflected on a pair of large blue eyes.  
“Look out!” Hannah shouted over the edge to the large trooper below. The trooper turned to look up at her, barely missing a blaster shot aimed for his head. He picked up another piece of debris to use as a shield as the Rodian continued to fire at him. Some people were still left in the building, and the trooper stood in front of them like a barrier. “Could really use some more help in here!” he shouted out.
As if in response, more blaster fire shot out from another corner of the room towards the Rodian. Another black and red trooper came out of the shadows, wielding a small pistol in one hand and what looked like a knife in the other. The Rodian ducked behind some rubble only to find himself receiving blaster fire from the other corner of the room. Yet another black and red trooper appeared, this one with some sort of metal contraption on his right arm. The two troopers began chasing the Rodian through the building, as the larger one cheered them on and helped the rest of the people out of the building.
“This is our chance!” the girl said. “Come on!” The small group she had gathered continued to follow, albeit with Hannah lagging behind a bit to watch the action.
A voice suddenly came out of a device on the little girl’s chest. “Omega, where are you?” The voice sounded much more like a normal Clone Trooper, but also had a decent huskiness to it. The girl pushed a button on her communication device to respond, “I’ve got some people with me up on the second floor. I’m taking them to the roof for safety.”
“Well done,” the voice responded. “Stay up there with them until we’ve got this guy dealt with.”
“Roger that!” the girl replied. She turned to the rest of the group. “You heard him. Let’s get to the roof and wait this out. Don’t worry, this won’t take much longer.”
At this point, Hannah was willing to follow this “Omega” girl anywhere and didn’t even question it. She took one last look down at the gunfight below before heading up another set of stairs with the others.
Once the group got to the roof, it was now possible to see the absolute chaos that was going on around town. People were running and screaming in all directions, with the normal troopers doing what they could to control it. In the distance, a squad of troopers could be seen making their way towards the large building as well.
“Hunter, we’ve got troopers incoming,” Omega spoke into her communicator.
“We’ll handle it,” the voice from earlier responded. “Just stay up there—wait, where did he go?”
One of the other women in the group suddenly shrieked. Everyone else turned to see the Rodian had somehow made his way up to the roof and was now staring them down with his blaster in hand. It said something in a threatening tone towards the group, who had now all huddled together for safety.  
Omega made her way to the front of the group and took a protective stance, causing the Rodian to chuckle. The small girl then reached for a device on her back that transformed into some sort of mechanical bow, aimed for the Rodian. “Don’t underestimate the little ones,” Omega taunted. She turned slightly to the group, urging them to go while she held the Rodian off.  
Hannah couldn’t believe what she was seeing. This little girl somehow had more bravery than the entire city combined. The others began making their way back to the stairs, with Hannah staying behind briefly to give another worried look at Omega. She couldn’t help but suddenly feel protective of this small girl, even though she was the one currently holding a weapon.
As Hannah stepped away, the Rodian growled and pointed his gun at her, shouting some sort of threat. But he was suddenly knocked back by a warning shot towards his feet from Omega, who promptly shouted at Hannah to run.
None of them realized the state of the roof. The wide, gaping hole that the large trooper had made earlier posed no immediate threat, but Omega’s warning shot had damaged the roof enough that it was starting to collapse even further. It crumbled and cracked beneath the Rodian’s feet. He stepped forward to try to take a shot, only to have his foot fall through the cracks. Hannah and Omega both watched as the Rodian struggled to free himself, only to make the roof crack further, until eventually the entire area gave way underneath him. The sounds of his screams were all that they heard.
Hannah took a moment to catch her breath, then turned to Omega. “Good riddance.”
“Watch out!” Omega shouted back.  
There was a slight rumble. Hannah looked to see that the roof was continuing to collapse, with the crack spreading in her direction. She quickly began running towards the stairs and nearly tripped on the ever-growing crack. Just before she reached the stairs, the roof beneath her foot gave way.  
Time seemed to slow down as Hannah felt herself stumble and fall towards the gaping hole. It was a three-story drop. There was no way she would survive.  
Just in the nick of time, someone grabbed Hannah by the arm before she could topple into the hole. At first, she assumed it was Omega, but she turned to see one of the black and red troopers instead; the one she saw coming out of the shadows before. Perhaps it was the rush of adrenaline or simply the position of the sun, but in the brief moment she had to look at him, Hannah swore she saw a halo of light outlining his silhouette before being pulled up and away from the hole. Her body crashed against his, nearly making them both stumble down the stairs.  
“Whoa!” The trooper exclaimed, keeping a firm grip on the woman in his arms so she wouldn’t fall again. “Easy... you alright?”
Hannah looked up at the trooper with complete gratitude and reverence. A crude decal of a skull was painted on half of his helmet. It was the only detail she could make out in her dazed state.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” The trooper looked over to where Omega was. “Come on kid, time to go!”  
Omega cautiously hopped over the cracks in the roof to get to Hannah and the trooper. “Hunter, the Rodian! He--”
“I know,” the trooper responded. “There’s nothing we can do now. We need to get out of here before the Imperials find us.” The small girl grabbed Hannah by the hand and started leading her down the stairs, behind the trooper.  
The inside of the building was in a terrible state. Debris littered the floor, with pieces of the roof still cracking and falling from the giant hole. Cautiously stepping through the debris, the three of them made it to one of the back doors just before the normal Clone Troopers showed up.  
As they stepped into the alley, Hannah took a moment to catch her breath. When she looked up again, she saw Omega and the trooper starting to leave and called out to them. They stopped only for a moment to look back at her. “Sorry ma’am,” the trooper responded. “We have to go.” The pity in Omega’s eyes nearly broke Hannah’s heart. And in a flash, they were gone.
Hannah was once again left alone in the alley. Just her and her bag and the thoughts of what had just happened.  
The sound of the troopers inside the building loudly shouting things shook Hannah from her stupor, and she knew she couldn’t stay there any longer.  
Before she could take two steps, Hannah heard the sound of a pistol clicking. Her heart began to beat rapidly in fear. Slowly, she turned to see the Rodian in a trench coat standing behind her, gun pointed at her head. He snickered and spoke to her in a manic, threatening tone. Hannah didn’t budge and simply tightened her grip on her bag, her face ridden with terror. The Rodian began wobbly stepping closer towards her.
What Hannah wouldn’t give to see those strange troopers again.
A creaking noise from above suddenly caught both of their attentions. Hannah and the Rodian looked up to see a large beam on the verge of falling directly above them. Hannah instinctively stepped back, but the Rodian lunged towards her in an attempt to grab her. The beam creaked loudly and started to fall. With a mighty crash, it came down directly onto the Rodian, just before he could grab the terrified woman in front of him.
“Ha ha! Yeah! How’s that taste, ya creepo?!”
Through the dust, Hannah saw a large figure, similar in all ways to the trooper who’d fallen from the ceiling earlier. He was perched on top of the rubble triumphantly. “You’re safe now, missy!” the trooper exclaimed. He stepped off of the rubble towards Hannah.  
It was much easier to gauge just how tall and bulky this guy was now, even through the armor he wore. He was significantly taller than the other troopers, and Hannah herself. Somehow, she felt both intimidated by him and safer near him. “Thank you,” Hannah meekly replied.
The trooper chuckled and hardily patted Hannah’s shoulder, his hand completely encompassing it. “Aww, it was nuthin’.”
“Wrecker, where are you?” came a voice from the large trooper’s comms. It sounded like the trooper with the googles. “The ship is ready to leave. We need to make our exit before the Empire discovers us.”
“Right!” the large trooper replied. “On my way, Tech.” He turned to Hannah. “Sorry missy. Duty calls. Heh... duty.”
Hannah tried to retort, but nothing came out before the large trooper was gone. The noises inside the building were getting closer now, so Hannah decided to make herself scarce.  
As Hannah stepped back into the streets, she was met with complete chaos. People were running all over the place, with troopers doing what they could to calm everyone down. Hannah tried her best to stay away from it all, but after everything she’d just gone through, it was once again hard to focus. She stumbled her way through town, going over in her head what she should do next, where she should go. Where could she go?
Her thoughts were cut off by a smaller figure suddenly bumping into her. “Omega?”
The small girl seemed in a panic. “You need to get out of here!”
“What? Why?” Hannah was cut off by the sound of gunfire and shrieked. She was promptly shoved by Omega into a run. Troopers shouting commands could be heard from down the street.  
“Where’s that other guy?” Hannah asked as they ran.
“We got separated after the troopers spotted us,” Omega replied.
“Why are they after you guys? I thought they were Clones too!”
“They are!” Omega pulled Hannah into another part of the street. “It’s a long story!”
Hannah screamed as gunfire began shooting over her head, causing her and Omega to skid to a stop. Two of the black and red troopers came running towards them, with normal troopers hot on their heels. Omega grabbed Hannah by the hand again and yanked her in the opposite direction, in line with the black and red troopers.
“You alright, Omega?” one of the troopers asked. It was the one with the half skull on his helmet.
“As alright as you guys are!” Omega replied.
“Who’s this?” the other trooper asked, pointing at Hannah. It was the one with a metal device for an arm.
“A friend from earlier!” Omega replied.
“I really don’t wanna be here!” Hannah hurriedly added.
The group continued to run through the streets, avoiding blaster fire from the pursuing troopers behind them. Hannah was practically being dragged along by Omega at this point. Which she honestly didn’t mind, ironically.
“We need to get these regs off our tails,” the half skull trooper said to the other trooper.
“You think I don’t know that?” the metal armed trooper retorted.
As they continued to run, Hannah noticed a large pillar ahead of them was on the verge of collapsing. The closer they got, the more it seemed to wobble. Just as the four of them got past it, the pillar came crashing down, kicking up dust and debris and blocking the incoming troopers from getting through. They all looked to see the large trooper, standing where the pillar once stood. “Aww yeah! Three collapses in one day! Woo!”
“Well at least he’s getting his energy out,” the metal armed trooper said dryly.
The half skull trooper urged everyone to follow him. Omega still had a hand on Hannah and ended up dragging her all the way to the outskirts of the town. A ship was docked in one of the smaller, more run-down bays there. Hannah felt Omega release her hand and stopped, leaning against the wall and taking a moment to catch her breath.
“Come on, we’re getting out of here,” the half skull trooper said to the others. The large trooper and metal armed trooper nodded and began to head for the ship. Omega stopped however and took a look back at Hannah. “What about her?” she asked.
“She’s not our concern,” the half skull trooper responded.
“But she’s scared. And she could get in trouble. Because of us.”
The trooper looked at Hannah, who was practically cowering against the wall. She hadn’t let up on the grip on her bag since escaping the building earlier. Omega was right. The Imperial troopers had most likely seen the woman with them earlier, and she could get in big trouble for it. He let out a long sigh and turned back to Omega. “Tell her to get on board. Quickly.”
Omega’s eyes lit up, and she dashed over to Hannah. It took her a second to get Hannah’s attention. “Come with us. Hurry!”
Hannah looked at Omega in confusion, not fully able to register what was happening. The sound of troopers approaching sent her into a panic, and she just nodded at Omega. Still unable to register what was happening, Hannah felt a small hand grab one of her own, and she was once again lead away, this time up a ramp and into a strange starship. She stumbled through the cockpit, into a hallway, and plopped into the nearest seat, still clutching her bag tightly.
“Welcome aboard, missy,” the large trooper said to her with a laugh.
“Tech, we’re all aboard,” the half skull trooper said towards the front of the ship. “Get us out of here!”
The trooper with the goggles was stationed in the pilot’s seat and nodded back towards the other in response.
Hannah barely had a moment to blink before she felt herself being nearly lifted out of her seat due to the ship taking off. Blaster fire could be heard briefly from outside, but it didn’t last long as the ship quickly made its way away from the city and into the stars. Hannah had one hand tightly gripped on her bag and the other tightly gripped on her seat’s armrest as they broke away from the planet’s atmosphere. She had never ridden in a starship before and was expecting the worst. To her surprise, she felt the ship lurch forward, almost to the point where she fell out of her seat. Everything nearly went dark as Hannah braced herself to the point of almost passing out.
Back on Astreon, the Empire troopers were doing their best to deal with the aftermath of what had just happened. People were still in a tizzy, but things were slowly starting to calm down.  
Several troopers were still rummaging through the wreckage of the collapsed building, sifting through the debris to see if any people had been trapped. The only body they found was that of the Rodian, still crushed beneath the beam the large trooper had dropped on him. It seemed like someone had already tried pulling him out, but with no success.
None of them noticed the two figures off in the distant shadows.
“I knew this would not go well,” came the voice of the Nemoidian.
“I don’t know why you’re complaining,” replied the Devaronian, twirling a cig between his clawed fingers. “At least now we don’t have to pay the guy.”
“That does not matter! We have lost the information! This was all for nothing!”
“Was it now?” The Devaronian pulled a data pad out of his coat pocket and began looking it over. “So quick to panic. No wonder all of your comrades were wiped out so easily.”
“How dare you!” 
The Devaronian ignored the other and continued to look at his data pad. “Ahh, just as I thought. The poor fool never did get it back after all. We still have a chance to get it.”
“How do you know this?” The Nemoidian asked, peeking over the other’s shoulder at the data pad.
“Because I’m not a fool. I’ve been tracking the package ever since it arrived on this planet. I knew he had lost it from the moment he first approached us.”
“What?! Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
The Devaronian stuffed the data pad back inside of his coat and took a puff of his cig. “So we didn’t end up like that.” He gestured to the pile of rubble where the Rodian’s crushed body still laid. “The package is currently off world. I still have a bead on it. It shouldn’t be much trouble getting it back.”
The Nemoidian didn’t even know how to respond anymore.
“I told you before, didn’t I? I. Never. Lose.”
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emjenenla · 6 years ago
top 3 villains!
Thank you for asking. This was decided on a “which villains are characterized better than just ‘wants to do x evil thing’ scale” which automatically excludes characters like Balekin Greenbriar. I like my villains with a bit of legit characterization.
1. Sebastian Morgenstern from the Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra ClareTbh as a reader I hate this character, but my writer side won’t let him not be on this list. He’s extremely well characterized and easily CC’s best villain. I aspire to be able to write a character who makes readers’ skin crawl the way he does.
2. The Darkling from the Grisha Trilogy by Leigh BardugoI probably should now write an essay about how I don’t ship Darklina to save myself (excuse my bitterness; I really hate this discourse), but all I’m going to say is that I recently blocked all his tags because I refuse to take a polarized view on a character that I’ve always thought was too complex for black and white readings. I thought that the whole point of his characterization in TGT was the contrast between his actions, his motivations and his backstory, but most people don’t seem to agree with me.]
3. Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus from Star Wars Legacy of the Force by Karen Traviss, Aaron Allston and Troy DenningAt first glance, you don’t know this character, but if you’ve seen Disney’s Star Wars Sequels you’ve got the basic idea because Jacen’s the character Disney stole the concept they used for Kylo Ren from. That comparison probably turns you off, but the fact that Jacen and Kylo are both sons of Leia and Han who turn to the Dark Side is literally all they have in common. Jacen’s a totally different character who has--in my opinion--the best fall arc in Star Wars. I was talking about LOTF earlier in a different ask, so I’ll try not to repeat myself, but one thing I think is really interesting about Jacen’s characterization is the fact that he knows exactly what he’s doing the whole series. Anakin sort of gets manipulated into a place where Palpatine springs the “join the Dark Side” thing on him, and from my understanding of Kylo’s backstory (which might not be accurate given we still need one movie) something similar happens to him. That doesn’t happen with Jacen. Jacen looks at the whole thing logically and basically decides that he needs to turn to the Dark Side to save the galaxy and that his soul would be a small price to pay. Its almost heroic (not quite, but almost). Also LOTF takes place when Jacen is in his early thirties and the structure of the EU basically means readers have been privy to his entire life, something we don’t get for the canon protagonists. In an attempt to drive this home, in the final LOTF book (Invincible) every chapter begins with a corny joke of the type Jacen often told in a different series set during his early teens. I think Jacen’s a really interesting character to analyse and he’s actually one of my top three favorite SW characters. My loyalty to him is probably the reason I don’t hate Kylo as much as everyone else does.
So if anyone else wants to ask something, the top three list is here and the bookish one is here. I appear to be in a weird mood where I’m both unusually open about my opinions and unusually bitter so you might be able to get me to go off on a rant about something other than the Darkling, if you so desire.
(Also, don’t ask me what it is with me and LOTF today.)
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misscrawfords · 7 years ago
11, 12, 16
Sorry for the delay in answering @cinquespotted and thank you for asking! :) Been a manic couple of days and I needed to think about non-fiction books about classics because that’s not so easy to answer when I haven’t been in academia in the subject for almost ten years. (Yikes…)
11. recommend a piece of non-fiction about the classical world
I was thinking about this on and off for a couple of days and then the answer hit me. Adam Nicholson’s The Mighty Dead. I’m not sure that “non-fiction” is quite the right way to describe this utterly brilliant book. It’s a lyrical, imaginative, semi-fictional investigation of Homer’s influence and power, as simultaneously oblique and direct, beautifully written and πολυτροπος as one of Homer’s heroes. 
I also pulled out my undergraduate dissertation bibliography which was the last time I read classical scholarship seriously and I remember being blown away by some of the things on it. (Unlike many students, I absolutely adored writing my dissertation - I was very lucky.) Here are a few of the academic books I read which I recall enjoying even at the distance of 9 years:
-  Chew, Kathryn. “The representation of violence in the Greek novels and martyr accounts”-  Frye, Northrop. The Secular Scripture: A study of the structure of romance (not classical per se but brilliant and influential - I read more Frye for my masters and I’m a big, big fan)-  Konstan, David. Sexual Symmetry-  Loraux, Nicole. Tragic ways to kill a woman-  MacAlister, Suzanne. Dreams and Suicides: The Greek novel from Antiquity to the Byzantine Empire
Yep, my dissertation was basically about sex and death. (What else is fiction about?) No, I didn’t do it on purpose…
12. who is your favourite poet? why?
(Oh how nice, this meme was created by someone writing British English. How delightfully unusual!)
Am I allowed to cheat and give two - one Greek and one Roman? Good! :P
On the Greek side, I have to go with Homer. I mean, I honestly feel he (he? As if we know!) might be my favourite author. Or at least sit up there alongside Austen. I guess at the moment I’m in more of a Homer mood than an Austen mood. Polite tea drinking and elegant sniping in a ball room really isn’t cutting it for me at the moment. (YES I KNOW THERE IS MORE TO AUSTEN THAN THAT. SHE’S MY FAVOURITE AUTHOR AND I’VE WRITTEN A DAMN MASTERS DISSERTATION ON HER. I’m just having a reaction against that kind of writing atm. I don’t know why. I don’t know what to do about it. I feel sad. But that’s another post.)
I mean, where does one start? I’ve always loved The Odyssey from reading Book 6 for Greek GCSE and tittering over Odysseus covering his naked manhood with a fig leaf (lines inexplicably missed out from the Bristol Classical Press’ edition for fear of offending the sensibilities of school children, clearly not realising that by missing them out there is no indication that Odysseus isn’t stark naked in from of Nausicaa the entire scene lololololol). I did a final year paper involving reading the whole poem in Greek (spoiler: I failed, but I read about 2/3rds of it missing out the many books of recognition in Ithaca and it was a wonderful experience reading 100s of lines of Homer and getting a feel for the vocabulary and the rhythm of it all. I wish I had been a more dedicated student and had actually completed the whole thing.) It was my favourite paper. Professor Simon Goldhill (who looks and sounds like Zeus) opening the lecture series by booming, “The Odyssey is all about how to be a MAN”. ανδρα μοι εννεπε. First line of the poem. I get shivers thinking about it. Odysseus - his character. WHAT A GUY. (I don’t mean to say you have to like him or approve of him - that’s not what appreciating fiction is about, you clodpoles, but you have to admit he’s an amazing, amazing character and concept.) We actually had Professor Edith Hall come to my school today and she gave a talk on Odysseus as a hero and ngl I actually almost teared up at one moment. I just can’t believe such a great character exists and over 2000 years later, he still speaks to us and we can trace SO MUCH in Western culture back to these texts. Actually, while I was nursing a raging crush on Odysseus (I was 20 okay), it was Penelope who was the revelation to me in that paper. Did Penelope know her husband was back before the recognition scene? This had never occurred to me before and I was plunged into debates on the stability of the text and characterisation and feminism and narratology. I mean, it was just amazing! And whatever nitty gritty you might go into with it, I was just struck by this wonderful, admittedly overly romantic idea, that Penelope was absolutely Odysseus’ equal. That in this ancient epic, we had a woman who bested a man at his own game, that she was playing him - and he loved it. These two tricksters, separated for too long, finally getting their happy ending. And I know it’s not about that. But it also is. Emotionally, that’s what I got. And it made me so, so happy. Because, honestly, I don’t have a problem studying works written by, for and about men if they’re good, but there are SO FEW opportunities studying classics (at least traditionally; the approach is changing now which is great) to grapple with amazing female characters or figures - and here I had Homer’s hero and Homer’s heroine. I mean, there are many other things I love about the Odyssey but this is already long enough.
I always joked about the fact that I managed to get a classics degree from Cambridge without having ever studied the Iliad. (Ikr, it’s crazy!) And youthful, hubristic me was okay with that. I was an Odyssey girl through and through. I’d read the Iliad and it was all battles and death and the catalogue of ships. YOU FOOL. So the first time I really had to deal with the Iliad was when I found myself teaching it to A Level Classical Civilisation. And it was an absolute revelation. I’m teaching it for the third time at the moment and it’s not getting old. Every time I see something different, every time the students find something new, every time I cry quietly in class when we are reading. The places vary but the moments that are guaranteed to set me off are Achilles’ grief over Patroclus, him putting on his armour and his final unbending towards Priam. Why the armour? I’m not entirely sure. I think it’s something to do with this sense of inevitability of the approach of the end, of imminent climax (somehow more significant than the climax itself). It’s like how the lighting of the beacons in LotR is such a powerful scene. It’s not that the thing itself is particularly full of pathos but because of everything it signifies. I can’t altogether explain it but it always really affects me. When my uncle died the other year, I was reading the death of Patroclus with my class at that time and my mum came to visit. I didn’t know how to talk to her or talk about my uncle’s death and we had this absolutely awful walk around a country park in the rain (I am never going to be able to go back there for the memories it triggers) but somehow the only way I could articulate something of what I felt was by clinically and factually describing Achilles’ anguish and explaining to my mother how the ancient world mourned its dead and what Patroclus had meant to Achilles and what blinding grief and rage would drive him to do. And she gripped my hand and we both wept, silent tears, and we walked on in the rain talking about the Iliad. I’m actually crying again, writing this, right now. I am not sure there is ANYTHING in literature more powerful than Achilles’s rage and anguish.
If Odysseus is the hero of romance and comedy, a clever hero whose very wiliness makes my heart sing and my academic brain bounce up and down looking for mythic parallels, Achilles does something else altogether. I’ve been thinking about him a lot recently - partly because I’m teaching the poem and once again we’ve got to Book 16 and Achilles’ tragedy is becoming the focus of the remainder of the poem (if it wasn’t before) so it’s literally my job to think about his character - but also in the context of my recent obsession with SW, Reylo and Kylo Ren’s Episode 9 possibilities. I’m not trying to be trivial here but it saddens me SO MUCH that people have the nerve to police interest in that character, one of the most fascinating and complex to grace the screens of a fantasy blockbuster series in - well, honestly, I can’t think of another one. What a treat we have. Nobody has a problem loving Achilles’ character and weeping over him (and making soft pastel shipping graphics of him and Patroclus…) but he was objectively speaking an awful person in many ways. A violent, unpredictable, psychopathic overgrown adolescent who holds an awful grudge. But of course, that isn’t the full story and it’s not the purpose of this post to educate the internet on the nuances of Achilles’ character and his profound tragedy. I’ve got emotional enough, but honestly, we NEED Achilles. We need that larger-than-life expression of all our deepest fears and regrets and violence and destruction - and also wit, compassion, sense of justice and deep love and loyalty. I think someone once said that everyone should read the Iliad at least once in their life. Whether they did or not, it’s true: everyone should.
Okay, so I was also going to talk about how much I love Ovid too but that would be literally going from the sacred to the profane, the sublime to the ridiculous and I have spent way too long on this already. So, yeah, I really love Ovid as well.
16. Cicero - love him or loathe him?
I unironically love Cicero. 
Okay, so I started along this journey from the worst of reasons. The first guy I ever liked in high school was obsessed with Cicero. At the time, I’d never read anything by him, so I decided to like him because liking the same things as your crush is an A+ way of getting him to notice you and like you back. (Spoiler: it failed.) Along the way, I got really inspired by Cicero’s wife Terentia. My first internet handles were Terentia. (I WONDER IF HE KNEW I HAD A CRUSH. lol he did. it was awful. I cringe.) Anyway, Terentia was fabulously wealthy and responsible for financing Cicero’s political career, married twice more after Cicero’s death, including to the historian Suetonius, and died aged 103. What a BAMF.
So first off, I love Cicero’s Latin. He’s my favourite Latin prose author to translate. Even if his speeches are sometimes on the dull side (we had De Imperio as an AS set text a couple of years ago and it was such a snooze-fest), the actual style of writing is so lucid and balanced and satisfying I can forgive him the content. I love all the rhetorical devices and how you can still see them at work in (good) political speeches today. I just get tremendous pleasure from translating him. It annoys me no end that the prose unseen author at A Level at the moment is Livy. I have no patience for Livy’s Latin; it doesn’t thrill me at all.
But I also kind of like Cicero the man. He lived at one of the most fascinating periods of history and although you can’t altogether trust his bias, he was a really important figure in that history and documented so much of it. I wish we had more sources to sit along side as I think he definitely puffs himself up, but nevertheless he’s invaluable. I even quite like his arrogance. He’s the ultimate self-made, intellectual man in Rome and I think he has reason to be proud of what he achieved. He must have been formidable to listen to.
Thank you for letting me ramble on about classics and literature like this. I miss writing on tumblr and not just reblogging pretty things.
Ask me about classics (or anything else obviously)
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years ago
Sept 11 Dancitron Movie Night - The Matrix
Once the eerily Patch-esque tech came out, Prowl basically didn’t move the whole movie. And so nobody talked to him. It’s your own fault, Prowl.
ItsyBitsySpyers 7:53 pm *Snacks are laid out as per usual, as are the chairs. Soundwave is partially turned in his seat, just enough to let him keep one foot on the ground and the other on the seat with him; he seems to be in a pleasant enough mood.*
*Rumble and Frenzy are bickering over a pile of small discs sitting between them.*
*None of the others are here.* FakeProwl 7:58 pm *Appears, checks to make sure there isn't a Shockwave in his usual spot, and sits.* Tarantulas 7:59 pm *believe it or not, Tarantulas is going to show up a bit early today, slouching his way toward Soundwave and Prowl - room for a spide?* Swoop 8:01 pm *runs in full speed only to slide across the floor like Tom Cruise* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm *Ping hello. Complete with feeler tendrils wave.*
*Soundwave pats a spot next to himself and nods to Tarantulas. Welcome.* //Listen, Swoop, if ya wanted an introduction music, ya shoulda asked ahead.// Swoop 8:01 pm *skitters here, there, and everywhere* Huh? FakeProwl 8:01 pm *Greeting/permission ping.* Swoop 8:01 pm Oh Keheehee Where Bird?? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:02 pm [[...Recovering. She - had a minor shock.]] Swoop 8:03 pm ????? Shock????? *immediately starts to head for upstairs* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Will let him go. Swoop knows how to act up there.* boomtank 8:03 pm -is here now- Swoop 8:03 pm *later losers he's got a bird to investigate* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm [[Greetings, Blaster. Tired again?]] ((TEN MINUTE WARNING get your whatever you need now)) FakeProwl 8:04 pm *Laserbeak electrocuted Prowl quite thoroughly. What kind of shock would it take to harm HER?* @Soundwave «Is she significantly damaged?» boomtank 8:05 pm Hey, Soundwave...not really tired. Stressed. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm @Prowl: [[...She spent two hours complaining that she'd gone blind from seeing Bonecrusher's array, but it was a lie.]] @Prowl: [[She will be fine.]] FakeProwl 8:06 pm ... *very casually leans forward and laces his hands in front of his mouth.* Tarantulas 8:06 pm *whatwhat, sitting next to Soundwave would mean not next to Prowl... but Soundwave offered, so why not. Tara will be sprawling and starting to take over half of Soundwave's lap* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm [[You really must get away for a while, Blaster. Take a weekend somewhere.]] FakeProwl 8:07 pm @Soundwave «You'll have to let me know when YOU'RE on monitor duty.» boomtank 8:07 pm Considering the last time I 'took time off' I ended up stranded in a different timeline... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm *Soundwave moves his arms out of the way to allow this to happen. It's a little late to be complaining about a spider in his personal space all things considered.* boomtank 8:08 pm I think that's bad for my health Tarantulas 8:08 pm *yisss. accept the spide, sw* Swoop 8:08 pm *is absolutely ready able and willing to exact revenge however Bird wants it, give him a direction he'll do whatever* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm [[...Find a better travel agent.]] *Bird will cling to Swoop like the many, many barnacles loosed upon this world.* @Prowl: [[...He can arrange for you to find that out.]] boomtank 8:10 pm -snorts in laughter- I'll look for one ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm [[Cozy, Tarantulas?]] Tarantulas 8:10 pm *an arm's reached over sw's lap to pet at prowl's leg* Prowllll FakeProwl 8:11 pm @Soundwave «I'd appreciate it. ... More importantly, I think Laserbeak would appreciate it.» Swoop 8:11 pm *omg bird hug <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 he will volunteer to murder people and burn down buildings more often if this is what happens* Tarantulas 8:11 pm *cozy enough to gently swat at sw's visor for that comment, apparently* FakeProwl 8:11 pm *Pats idly at Tarantulas's claw.* Yes? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Jolts back a bit. No touch the visor.* FakeProwl 8:13 pm *Sudden movement? Glances over.* Tarantulas 8:13 pm *snickering at sw, mentally reassures him no harm intended* boomtank 8:13 pm -settles on a chair, pulls out datapad- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm *As long as Swoop doesn't ACTUALLY burn buildings and murder while he's here, that's fine.* Tarantulas 8:14 pm *to prowl* ...Helloooo. *keeps petting his leg* FakeProwl 8:14 pm ... Hello. Swoop 8:14 pm *that is 100% Bird's decision kthx* *would totally go down stairs and start tearing limbs off if she wanted fyi* Bevel 8:15 pm *arrives with a very loud clatter as she drops the screwdriver she had been trying to tuck into a storage compartment in her arm, like you do* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm *She does not want. But she will go downstairs with him. Just keep her away from Prowl.* Swoop 8:15 pm *dude fuck prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm *No, that's her Boss.* FakeProwl 8:15 pm *no thanks, he had plenty last night.* Bevel 8:16 pm *omg* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm [[Cold hands, Bevel?]] Swoop 8:16 pm *skitters back downstairs with Bird, making a beeline for the treats, boy knows what's up* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm *She has him well-trained* Bevel 8:17 pm I think I have too much stuff in here. *picks up the screwdriver and walks over to a free table so she can start pulling things out of her arm* Tarantulas 8:18 pm *to prowl* I haven't seen you in so lonnng. You ought to come visit more often. Swoop 8:18 pm ...... *sets Bird on his crest so he can steal two arms worth of treats* FakeProwl 8:18 pm I'm here every week. Tarantulas 8:18 pm But I'M not necessarily here every week. Besides, it only half-counts. FakeProwl 8:18 pm YOU ought to come visit more often. Tarantulas 8:19 pm I - I can't visit you, Prowl. FakeProwl 8:19 pm I meant here. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm ((here are the belated warnings: little bit of body horror type stuff, violence, drugs, uhhh, somewhat outdated Edge that was mold breaking at the time, mind control???)) ((and now if we're all ready?)) Swoop 8:19 pm *makes several trips around, grabbing stuff and depositing it as far from Prowl as possible while still debtably being able to see the screen, it's halfassed blanket fort time, Bird can snack while he proceeds to pile things "properly"* Tarantulas 8:20 pm (( ready! boomtank 8:20 pm ((all good best decepticon leader 8:20 pm (ready ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[As long as you get it all cleaned before you leave.]] *Lazy wave at Bevel.* Bevel 8:21 pm Will do! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm ((remember: NO SPOILERS)) Tarantulas 8:21 pm As I said - half-counts. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Ooh, a blanket fort. She likes these. Peep peep Bird out the entrance.* FakeProwl 8:22 pm ((*resists urge to be smartass and share fake spoilers*)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm ((*swat*)) Bevel 8:23 pm *this table is now covered in stuff* Swoop 8:24 pm *bird is so cute how does she even aahhhhh* FakeProwl 8:24 pm ((is it just me or is the sound really off?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm ((hmmm... hold on)) Bevel 8:24 pm ((it sounds really staticky or something FakeProwl 8:24 pm ((it's like everything EXCEPT the dialogue is loud.)) Bevel 8:24 pm ((hope it's not a netflix thing ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm ((it was fine when i screened it earlier this week...)) FakeProwl 8:25 pm ((i like that "family-friendly disney girl power movies" is a whole category unto itself)) ((maybe try switching the audio track to another language and back?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm ((hmm. one sec y'all)) FakeProwl 8:27 pm ((sounds like it's not just matrix)) Bevel 8:27 pm ((yeeeah ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm ((*sighs* lemme google something)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:30 pm ((i'm gonna end room and restart, y'all come back in like. three minutes?)) Tarantulas 8:30 pm (( aye aye capn boomtank 8:30 pm ((kay best decepticon leader 8:30 pm ((yep
ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm ((please hold while we regather people)) FakeProwl 8:36 pm ((*is hold*)) Bevel 8:36 pm ((*holds* Swoop 8:36 pm *is holding Bird, which is similar but still pretty noncompliant and thus appropriately dinobot* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm ((i think we're just missing whirl and boomtank now?)) boomtank 8:40 pm ((-skids in- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm ((one more to go. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATIENCE at least it's not as bad as LS)) Tarantulas 8:41 pm *nudges prowl with a claw* But it only HALF counts. I don't have you all to myself here. *believe it or not, soundwave, tarantulas is radiating mostly innocent intent* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm *He'll choose to believe it, mostly because he's certain Tarantulas isn't dense enough to be rude like that while actually across his lap.* ((THERE WE GO and here we go)) Swoop 8:42 pm *has officially created a movie nest (yes there is blue thank you for asking) and settles in with Bird and treats, doing his best to not pancake her while also blocking Prowl's stupid face with his wings* FakeProwl 8:42 pm Pff. Fine. We have some matters we need to discuss anyway. Whirl 8:42 pm ((OKAY what did i miss i see it's only been a few minutes)) Tarantulas 8:42 pm *mystified* Do we? Guest 8:42 pm Ouch ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm ((someone asked if a line was clean, that someone is her, they're here to arrest her, you're caught up)) Whirl 8:43 pm ((omg it's the mom from Fido)) ((THANK)) Bevel 8:44 pm ((this makes me want to watch the matrix anime thing, that thing was weird and cool af ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *The easiest way for Bird not to be pancaked is to perch on Swoop. There.* FakeProwl 8:44 pm *always with the beating up the police.* Swoop 8:44 pm *lays on his tummy and is a : > * best decepticon leader 8:44 pm I was not aware that humans have that kind of abilty ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm [[They do not.]] Whirl 8:44 pm *slinks in, making his way for his usual table; he's a little scruffy and he's carrying some kind of heavy canvas bag, but otherwise doesn't look to have been held up by anything unusual* boomtank 8:44 pm ....yikes Bevel 8:44 pm Is this a fantasy movie? Swoop 8:45 pm Her jump FakeProwl 8:45 pm *Tarantulas sounds a little TOO baffled.* ... It's been forty-eight hours. best decepticon leader 8:45 pm ah, so this is exaggerated, or is she not human Guest 8:45 pm you're not human ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm [[He does not know. This was recommended to Wheeljack by Miko, and from him to Rumble. From Rumble to us.]] Tarantulas 8:46 pm AH. Yes. I... hyeh, wasn't keeping track. Bevel 8:46 pm *that's a lot of movie rec telephone* boomtank 8:46 pm What...just happened? best decepticon leader 8:46 pm Maybe the original person thought it was terrible Bevel 8:46 pm She teleported? FakeProwl 8:46 pm Then I take it you have no objections. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Glances between Prowl and Tarantulas, but doesn't ask what's going on. Yet.* //Oooooh.// ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Rumble catches sight of Whirl and runs over. Gonna poke the bag with a claw.* Swoop 8:47 pm Matrix is Prime thing But not this Matrix Whirl 8:47 pm *perks up and bosb his head enthusiastically* Hey, mech. Swoop 8:47 pm This one is movie thing : > best decepticon leader 8:47 pm what is a white rabbit? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm [[Earth beast.]] [[Small prey. Round, long legs, long ears.]] Whirl 8:48 pm *looks down as the bag is poked* Traveling supplies. I came straight here. Bevel 8:48 pm Tiny. *holds fingers about a foot apart* best decepticon leader 8:48 pm sounds ugly ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm //You gonna need a refill?// Guest 8:48 pm no, that's a sugar ant ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *He'll scoop the bag overhead if Whirl lets him* Tarantulas 8:49 pm Of course I don't have any objections. Swoop 8:49 pm R&R means off duty FakeProwl 8:49 pm Good. We'll get to work soon. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm \\AW YEAH, THE MUSIC.\\ Whirl 8:49 pm *if Rumble wants to take his bag and stow it, Whirl will let him* refill? I've got food, if that's whatcha mean. But-- *wryly* I operate under a constant willingness to be refilled on booze. Bevel 8:49 pm ((*flashbacks hard to Twisted Metal* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm @Prowl: [[Work?]] Whirl 8:49 pm ...Frenzy, this isn't MUSIC. Ugh. best decepticon leader 8:50 pm *covers ears* Guest 8:50 pm Good music FakeProwl 8:50 pm *Leans his upper arm against Soundwave's, rests a hand on Tarantulas's chest.* Swoop 8:51 pm It dance party like Bird dance party? FakeProwl 8:51 pm @Soundwave «Starting a new project.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm //Food, other stuff... but sure. Lil bit.// He'll drop the bag near Whirl's usual spot and go running over to the bar. Gonna get something super tart. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm {{Bird's music better. Dance fun dance.}} Swoop 8:51 pm What fun dance? Keheh Tarantulas 8:51 pm *purrs in assent. work. good* Bevel 8:52 pm That music sounded fun. Whirl 8:52 pm *watches him go, honestly a little startled by how extra attentive he's being. It makes sense considering--well. Considering. But Whirl's kind of pleasantly baffled by it* Swoop 8:52 pm Autobot say Dinobot have problem with authority ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm @Prowl: [[He recalls a talk about discussing projects with others first. That was also done?]] Swoop 8:52 pm It true ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm \\ME TOO.\\ FakeProwl 8:53 pm *Prowl's completely sure that the humans are working with a different definition of a familiar word, but he can't help but feel like this is a movie about a bunch of hackers trying to figure out what the Matrix of Leadership is.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm *Rumble trots back over with two cubes, scaled to size of course.* boomtank 8:53 pm ..... Yep, lost me Whirl 8:54 pm Thanks. *he'll scoop his up and kick back* Swoop 8:54 pm kehehehheh Him funny running scared ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *Wonders where the caller is watching him from. This is his idea of interesting content.* FakeProwl 8:54 pm @Soundwave «In this context, no need. I'm transferring a project over to Tarantulas that I'd previously been working on with someone else.» Swoop 8:55 pm KEHEHHHEHHEHEHEH boomtank 8:55 pm Is he being directed by this other guy? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm *Leans into the arm and drapes one of his own over Tarantulas' legs. He nods. Good, then.* Bevel 8:55 pm *Bevel is pretty sure this movie is gonna be about magic or something* Swoop 8:55 pm Him bad at sneaking AND running boomtank 8:55 pm To keep from dying? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm [[He seems to be.]] Tarantulas 8:55 pm *yesssss tarantulas has inspired a cuddle pile. exactly as planned* boomtank 8:55 pm Sounds like no fun -hides face- Bevel 8:56 pm ((ugh this scene nope FakeProwl 8:56 pm *... curls his fingers in Tarantulas's setae.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm \\LOOKS FUN.\\ boomtank 8:56 pm -heights nope- Swoop 8:56 pm Him not flier. That bad. Him flier, it no big deal at aaaaaaalllll. Now him scaredy baby. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm //Coward.// Whirl 8:56 pm The wind like that--between buildings? It can be pretty gnarly. So in short--yep. Absolutely fun. Though, only very skilled fliers can handle it. Of course. *smugly takes a sip--and pauses, tilting his head* Huh. I can just about taste this one. What didya call it? *looks to Rumble* FakeProwl 8:57 pm Wow. A sensible character. Bevel 8:57 pm Humans go squish when they fall from that high. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm //I ain't named it yet. Me 'n Frenzy found it screwin' around with leftovers. Missin' somethin' though. Dunno what.// ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm *Well, this is familiar.* *...Sort of. In a falsified way.* FakeProwl 8:58 pm *......... curl curl curl.* Tarantulas 8:59 pm *paw on prowl's hand in the setae??* Whirl 8:59 pm *sips again, and when he lowers his head he peers intently at the glass* Hmm. ...I mean, I'm probably honestly not the best person to offer drink advice. I'd just say... more sour. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:59 pm *Softly replays the "Irrelevant" a couple times in his head. He likes the way that was said.* Swoop 8:59 pm Him sound sleepy. Jump over table! Tear off face. WIN! Bevel 8:59 pm *laughs* Whirl 8:59 pm *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm //Heh. Can do.// boomtank 9:00 pm ....? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[...?]] [[He can clearly speak. He was just sp--]] Guest 9:00 pm what Whirl 9:00 pm Not sure that it'll be potable for anyone except ME after the recipe adjustm---wh. *blinks* Guest 9:00 pm hsdkja Bevel 9:00 pm ...magic? Swoop 9:00 pm Oh boomtank 9:00 pm !!!!! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *Leeeeeeans back* Guest 9:00 pm what ??? Swoop 9:00 pm Him face melt FakeProwl 9:00 pm *This authority figure who was working with the police seems reputable, he's probably going to be a villain and Prowl's not going... to...* Bevel 9:00 pm *pretty sure this movie is about magic yep* FakeProwl 9:00 pm *well that COMPLETELY changes Prowl's expectations about this movie.* Swoop 9:01 pm Him have knife That easy fix keheh ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm [[...What in Quintus' ribbons is that.]] Guest 9:01 pm this brings back memories. hell of a party Tarantulas 9:01 pm *squinting REAL hard what the heck* Swoop 9:01 pm ??? Whirl 9:01 pm It was kinda cute. boomtank 9:01 pm Nope FakeProwl 9:01 pm ... That's not actually an orifice. Things are not supposed to go in there. Swoop 9:01 pm Shrimp boomtank 9:01 pm nonononoooo Swoop 9:01 pm It fish ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm [[...It tore his abdomen open?]] Guest 9:01 pm I bet you know all about human orifices, Prowl ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm {{That not fish! That machine.}} Swoop 9:01 pm Fish machine Swim in Him GUTS Bevel 9:02 pm Tracking device! Swoop 9:02 pm kehehhehhehehhh boomtank 9:02 pm I am...so done already with this movie ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[Do you require a space for a break?]] Bevel 9:02 pm Maybe this is like one of those urban fantasy things. Those are cool. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[Hm. It could be.]] Swoop 9:03 pm Shoot him and steal fish ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm \\IT'S NOT A FRAGGIN' FISH, YOU-- AH, NEVER MIND.\\ FakeProwl 9:03 pm *Somewhere back in reality, Prowl's real body is rubbing the back of his neck. Bug crawling into a body, the victim being told he's helping his enemies whether he wants to or not...* boomtank 9:04 pm ....... Guest 9:04 pm ahhhh Whirl 9:04 pm Pfft. Guest 9:04 pm no Whirl 9:04 pm Bugged. Guest 9:04 pm why are humans like this Swoop 9:04 pm Bugged Whirl 9:04 pm Villains with deadly puns. Bevel 9:04 pm Bugged ha. Guest 9:04 pm ahhhghf Swoop 9:04 pm That thing overkill. Me Swoop have knife. Fix easy keheh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm [[That is disgusting.]] boomtank 9:05 pm -is it safe to look?- FakeProwl 9:05 pm *It's out. Thank Primus.* boomtank 9:05 pm -he's had his face covered- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *It's safe.* //Kinda shabby lookin', ain't it?// Swoop 9:05 pm Him got circle visor boomtank 9:06 pm -peers out at movie- Humans are weird FakeProwl 9:06 pm *... quietly puts his other hand on Tarantulas's shoulder* *curlcurlcurlcurl* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Watches this curling curiously for a second. Looks back to screen.* Swoop 9:06 pm *too much talking, boring, skritches for Bird instead* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Bird hums* Swoop 9:07 pm <3 Tarantulas 9:07 pm *prowl gets another paw on his other hand, not stopping, just resting* Bevel 9:08 pm *stops fiddling with her stuff on the table to listen to what's being said* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm *...Leans forward a little bit. As an ex-Decepticon, he is, naturally, interested in concepts like these.* Whirl 9:08 pm I dunno, I kind of dig it for some kind of super hi-tech hangout. Has a kind of... 8waves a claw* haunted house appeal. *points* THAT was an excellent shot. Bevel 9:09 pm Rabbit hole. Whirl 9:09 pm Well fraggin' DONE. FakeProwl 9:09 pm *Sounds like the kind of things a radical terrorist cultist would say.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm //Whatcha mean, excellent shot?// Whirl 9:09 pm The shot of the guy's glasses, with the hands reflected. And Neo's face. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm //Oh. The only showin' one hand thing?// Whirl 9:10 pm *nods* Yeah. It was just neat. Good framing. Swoop 9:10 pm *takes two treats, puffs just enough fire to warm up his mouth, then licks both treats and melts them to each other, taDA!* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Nod. He can agree with that.* FakeProwl 9:10 pm ((somewhere offscreen morpheus smacks that guy like "NO, man, we were going with the Wonderland metaphor, not the Oz metaphor.")) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm *Bird giggles.*
{{Now Swoop got bigger snack, heh.}} *Soundwave tilts his helm.* Swoop 9:11 pm *internal screaming at bird giggles, so much screaming, so cute, what even is happening* Y-yeah <3 ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm ((lol puff)) [[.........What...?]] Swoop 9:12 pm *glances up at the bizarre noise comign from the movie* Bevel 9:12 pm .... boomtank 9:12 pm ....... best decepticon leader 9:12 pm gross boomtank 9:12 pm EW! Whirl 9:12 pm huh. Swoop 9:12 pm kehehehhh gross Tarantulas 9:12 pm *SUPER intrigued* FakeProwl 9:13 pm *Stops curling his fingers. What's all this?* Guest 9:13 pm ?? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm [[Is this - a storage, or -]] Whirl 9:13 pm A... prison? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm [[Primus below.]] Tarantulas 9:13 pm This looks strangely like a pink alchemy lab Swoop 9:13 pm him in melty goodie Whirl 9:13 pm Oh, hey, didn't know you were in this movie, Legs. FakeProwl 9:13 pm ... *SMACKS TARANTULAS'S CHEST.* Positive reinforcement prison. Swoop 9:14 pm :V ow ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *Soundwave huffs at Whirl.* Guest 9:14 pm Ouch Bevel 9:14 pm *agrees with Tara but doesn't say anything* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm //It trashed him?// boomtank 9:14 pm -covers face again- Tarantulas 9:14 pm Yyyyyeeeeess, somewhat. Mine wouldn't work on organics, though. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *Looks down. What is a positive reinforcement prison...?* FakeProwl 9:15 pm Yes, but—same concept, don't you think? Whirl 9:15 pm He got flushed. Like a turd. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm //...Nasty.// FakeProwl 9:15 pm An artificial reality to hold a prisoner? Tarantulas 9:15 pm I'm not entirely sure it's a POSITIVE reinforcement prison though. Swoop 9:15 pm porcupine ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm \\LOOKS LIKE ME.\\ Wiggles his spines and snickers. Whirl 9:15 pm *SNORTS* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm \\JUS' HE GOT 'EM ON THE WRONG SIDE.\\ boomtank 9:16 pm -okay, he's seriously done- FakeProwl 9:16 pm Well. Not POSITIVE, maybe. But positive enough to keep him complacent, apparently. If he's never used his eyes before, though... was he in the prison since birth? Tarantulas 9:17 pm Yes, Morpheus said he was born into it FakeProwl 9:17 pm What's the point of imprisoning a newborn? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm *...Mildly concerned about what he's seeing. Will wait for more information.* Whirl 9:17 pm To keep em from making trouble in the future? Tarantulas 9:17 pm Well, as I posited - pink alchemy, maybe Swoop 9:17 pm *HI PROWL WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET HIS BROTHERS PERHAPS* FakeProwl 9:17 pm *NO.* Swoop 9:18 pm *but you would get INSIGHT* *into imprisoning newborns* FakeProwl 9:18 pm Pink alchemy... So they're being harvested for fuel? Like livestock? Tarantulas 9:18 pm They could be, although this would be a somewhat boring movie then in my opinion ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[...That explains the insult one used. "Coppertop."]] *OH DEAR.* FakeProwl 9:19 pm ... Like a battery. *Goes completely still.* Guest 9:19 pm hahahaha ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *.........Ohhhhhhhh MINDSCAPES.* Bevel 9:19 pm Whoa Whirl 9:19 pm Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Slight nudge against the arm leaned into him.* FakeProwl 9:20 pm *Arm is moved slightly with the nudge. Otherwise doesn't move.* Swoop 9:20 pm That Cybertron Whirl 9:21 pm *this is actually kind of interesting, considering some recent trips Whirl has made inside his own mind* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *...Ping, status check?*
@Prowl: [[...He did not know.]] Whirl 9:21 pm *PFFT YEP and that's about as pleasant as the real world is vs. the shelter his mind made for himself* Bevel 9:22 pm Oh they are batteries! FakeProwl 9:22 pm *... Ping, rescinding clearance for telepathy.* Tarantulas 9:22 pm ...Aww, I was right. Swoop 9:22 pm It eat best decepticon leader 9:22 pm I seriously doubt humans would be a good battery ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm *Soundwave is motionless himself for a few seconds. Then he nods.* //Nastyyyy.// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm //Liquid meat.// boomtank 9:23 pm -okay, he's got to go now, he's needed back in his timeline- Whirl 9:23 pm Yeah. That pink alchemy stuff is gross. FakeProwl 9:23 pm @Soundwave «I suppose that's the naturl of consequence of taking recommendations from Wheeljack.» boomtank 9:23 pm G'night. Swoop 9:23 pm What pink alchemy is? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave pings Bevel. Battery indeed.* Whirl 9:23 pm A technique for refining energon from the corpses of organics. it's a 'Con thing. Swoop 9:24 pm Oh Tarantulas 9:24 pm Oh no, not corpses, mind you boomtank 9:24 pm ((mun is out Bevel 9:24 pm *pings back* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm @Prowl: (txt): ...Two more, next weeks. Soundwave - expects more, this.
(bye boom mun... take care of yourself)) FakeProwl 9:24 pm ... It's only sometimes corpses. Oftentimes, they're still alive when the harvest begins. *Acknowledging ping.* boomtank 9:24 pm ((thanks for the movie! Swoop 9:24 pm One time, Sludge see, uhhh, thing, kid tv thing. It talk about dinosaur fossil make fuel. Him spook. Keheh. Sludge pretty dumb. Whirl 9:25 pm ((seeya!)) Tarantulas 9:25 pm (( seeya! Whirl 9:25 pm Yeah, that. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm \\SO THEY JUS' - HOW? ORGANICS DON'T GOT ENERGON.\\ Whirl 9:25 pm Don't ask me, it apparently takes a LOT of them to make a small amount of energon. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm [[...Not corpses? That is new data to him.]] best decepticon leader 9:25 pm That seems really inefficient FakeProwl 9:25 pm Some kind of chemical conversion. I don't know the science. Whirl 9:25 pm My involvement with the development of pink energon is to find where it happens and slaughter all the 'Cons inside. *shrugs* It's probably in efficient, but things got really slim, during the war. Swoop 9:26 pm *stacks the few lone surviving treats that have escaped Bird into a snack tower, a short and pitiful snack tower* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm [[...-That- is what the cord reminded him of.]] *It looked like the patch. How intriguing.* *Bird sloooowly inches a thin feeler toward the snack tower* [[You never skip the basics first.]] Swoop 9:28 pm *grins and tosses the top treat up in the air* FakeProwl 9:28 pm *Optics turn off.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *Shakes his helm.* Tarantulas 9:28 pm I'm not entirely informed, but no, the processes I've gotten data on involve keeping the organics alive and taking their living tissue. *waves a paw dismissively* FakeProwl 9:28 pm ((for reference this is exactly what my jiu jitsu lessons look like.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm ((PFF)) FakeProwl 9:28 pm ((they sit us in cruddy chairs and shove a little wire in our neck)) Bevel 9:28 pm ((excellent ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *This is him. He is this human.* Whirl 9:28 pm ((i knew it...)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *Eat all the data.* FakeProwl 9:28 pm *Optics flicker back on. Then back off.* Whirl 9:28 pm Ugh. Who would ever WANT this? This is incredibly lame. Half the fun of fighting if actually learning to DO it. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm [[He has seen mental landscapes like these.]] FakeProwl 9:29 pm *Back on? Stay on.* Bevel 9:29 pm Breaking gravity sounds like fun. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm [[It is.]] Swoop 9:29 pm Flier do that anyway Break gravity keheh Whirl 9:29 pm Yep. Swoop 9:29 pm Movie have flier next time Then not so boring ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm {{Swoop, Swoop, it fight.}} Swoop 9:30 pm !! : > Whirl 9:30 pm *are these two flirting?* *it kinda looks like they're flirting* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *They've gotta be.* Bevel 9:30 pm *leans forward some to watch the sparring* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm //I thought they was trainin', not goin' on dates.// Whirl 9:30 pm I know, right? I mean, lame that they just... downloaded it all, but even so. Guest 9:31 pm that's how i flirt Swoop 9:31 pm Him going to get hit kehhehh YUP ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm [[You flirt poorly.]] Swoop 9:31 pm That dumb Him bad at fight. Jump into leg. Guest 9:31 pm You know you fantasize about choking me ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm [[For unrelated reasons.]] Guest 9:32 pm Uh-huh. Look, no one's gonna judge ya for havin' a crush on me. Bevel 9:32 pm Fighting is just fun. Not flirting. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm \\IT COULD BE BOTH.\\ Bevel 9:32 pm Not for me. Tarantulas 9:33 pm I get the sense the only crush he has is the *desire to crush you* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm *Gently taps Tarantulas' shin. Yes, thank you.* Whirl 9:33 pm I mean, yeah, I get that sometimes it's nice just to hang out and watch a MOVIE or something but c'mon. Fighting can be the best kind of flirting. Guest 9:33 pm That's hot Swoop 9:34 pm So much jump 😕 ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm *Soundwave abruptly wonders what fighting Prowl would be like. He's an avatar. It wouldn't hurt... though this is obviously not the best week for that.* //Pffffff.// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *...That's too close to the truth.* Bevel 9:35 pm I just fight. Tarantulas 9:38 pm Oh please, don't let them start villainizing A.I. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm [[He would rather they didn't.]] *Chimera gets enough trouble as is.* Bevel 9:38 pm They already said AI made humans batteries. Tarantulas 9:39 pm Yes, but that's beside the point. *obviously organic batteries are not a villainous thing* Whirl 9:39 pm That's two things. Swoop 9:39 pm *offers up the last two treats to Bird* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *Bird grabs them and munches them noisily* Swoop 9:39 pm Keehee Whirl 9:39 pm Well, of course a NAIL would think like that. *scoffs and shoots Tarantulas a look* Bevel 9:39 pm *kind of already did the AI is evil thing far as she's concerned* Swoop 9:40 pm *scritches under bird's wing* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[It is a pretty thing.]] Tarantulas 9:40 pm *shoots whirl a look right back* What does THAT mean, hm ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *With a listening device. How precious.* Whirl 9:40 pm Aww, look how cute it was... Swoop 9:41 pm It a fish *all water things are fish fight him* Whirl 9:41 pm And more or less what you think it means. *sidelong, sly look* I mean, we've got Brainstorm on our team, and all the most dangerous scientists were STILL neutrals. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm [[He wasn't aware Shockwave was a neutral.]] Tarantulas 9:43 pm Hff, Brainstorm. Bevel 9:43 pm Shockwave is neut--*what Soundwave said* Whirl 9:44 pm Well, I guess TECHNICALLY Thunderwing was a 'Con at first, but right before he nuked the planet, he was trying to play both sides. But yeah, I'm gonna rank the fella who made Cybertron basically uninhabitable until very recently the most dangerous of us. Swoop 9:45 pm *is trying to be good and not tear the shit out of the fort or burn it, but he's GOTTA at least chew on some of the blankets under him, he's gotta* Bevel 9:45 pm *stares at the agent guy, this "human" is familiar and it is bothering her* Whirl 9:45 pm ...though I guess Shockwave DID almost collapse reality. Bevel 9:46 pm That is pretty bad. Tarantulas 9:46 pm Almost. Hyeh. Whirl 9:46 pm What, is that something you aspire to? best decepticon leader 9:46 pm Why would you want to date something fictional? Bevel 9:47 pm I do not think he was talking about dating. best decepticon leader 9:47 pm Why would you want to frag something fictional? Tarantulas 9:47 pm Nono Whirl, no reason to be concerned on that front Bevel 9:48 pm *shrugs* Whirl 9:48 pm I guess some people get desperate, or something. *also shrugs* Guest 9:49 pm You never had a simulation frag? Tarantulas 9:50 pm *snickers* Whirl 9:50 pm *dryly* Never felt the need. Guest 9:50 pm It's fun ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm [[Only with living partners.]] best decepticon leader 9:50 pm why would I? It's a waste of energy and time Swoop 9:52 pm Spoon nothing. Swoop can bend spoon with breathing kehehehh ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *Soft huff. And a glance at Prowl. Is he still motionless...?* FakeProwl 9:54 pm *He is.* Windchill 9:54 pm *Cha chas in, very late and greeted with EXTREME GREEN FILTER.* *GREEN. THE COLOUR OF THE ENEMY.* best decepticon leader 9:54 pm ((I have t go, see you everyone Whirl 9:54 pm ((seeya!)) FakeProwl 9:54 pm ((see ya)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm ((bye)) Whirl 9:55 pm *lifts a cube and nods at Windchill; he's got one free side left* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *Soundwave test turns his hand over. It's been long enough it won't be associated by the others with the needle in the head. If Prowl wants it, he can have it; if not, Soundwave will shift again in a few minutes and look like he's getting comfortable,* Windchill 9:55 pm *He will take that free side, as always.* FakeProwl 9:56 pm *He's looking toward the screen. He doesn't notice the hand turning.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm *Then so it will be.* Windchill 9:57 pm What is this green garbage? Whirl 9:57 pm The Matrix. Windchill 9:57 pm Oh. Whirl 9:57 pm It's got some interesting ideas but good Lord does it drag on. Windchill 9:57 pm Green is not a creative colour. *Yes, he is fixated on that green filter.* *Green is the colour of TREES.* Whirl 9:58 pm *and CACTI* Windchill 9:58 pm *And trees are a plague.* *Trees are only good for one thing: Beating up Optimus Prime. It's their one redeeming quality.* *Crosses his legs.* Swoop 9:59 pm Ooo gun 😄 Oh Him die fast Windchill 9:59 pm Blood. Swoop 9:59 pm Dead Lame ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[Humans do not survive multitudes of bullet wounds as well as we do.]] Tarantulas 10:00 pm I would REALLY like to know how the physical wounds inflict themselves when there ARE no bullets, though Whirl 10:00 pm And some of US are kinda weirdly fragile, too. *has a highly relative definition of "fragile"* Windchill 10:00 pm I resemble that remark. Whirl 10:01 pm Hey, you said it, not me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm [[The mind can convince the body to do a multiude of things it should not.]] Windchill 10:01 pm *Grins.* Swoop 10:01 pm Them sneak ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm [[Mechs have developed symptoms for viruses they do not have simply because they were told they have it.]] Swoop 10:01 pm Bird Everything this movie fix with flier Them suck Them bring flier next time Windchill 10:02 pm *Curls his lip at all of this GREEN.* Oooooh. Tarantulas 10:03 pm ....True, I don't know much about somatoform disorders ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm //What kinda fake-aft fall's that.// Swoop 10:03 pm KAHAH Windchill 10:03 pm What. *He cackles.* Swoop 10:04 pm Him win at headbutts Bevel 10:04 pm *excitedly* Elrond! Windchill 10:06 pm I like the gun. Swoop 10:06 pm That gun is Ghostbuster gun for shoot ghost Windchill 10:07 pm I think it makes ghosts, actually. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm [[...Elrond?]] Bevel 10:09 pm From Lord of the Rings and stuff. He is a really important elf. Windchill 10:09 pm Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *The tiniest fidget. If Prowl is afraid of those going in without permission, then watching them be pulled out without a proper disconnect is his own. A much, much, much tinier fear. But enough.* Windchill 10:10 pm They're not that big. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *Good. No more of that. Unfortunately, more probes in heads.* Windchill 10:11 pm *Points* Helicopter. Swoop 10:11 pm her got hair in, on, in medical port Whirl 10:11 pm Congratulations, Windchill. You know a chopper when you see one. Swoop 10:11 pm Oh him going to hurt Windchill 10:12 pm I probably do. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm *Taps Tarantulas. An interesting note, for that... good feeling prison.* Swoop 10:13 pm !!!! *knows quite afew dinosaurs thx8 ** Tarantulas 10:13 pm *oh he noticed, sw - he can tell you more some other time, he's busy paying attention* Whirl 10:13 pm Pfft. I think I'd know if someone plugged me into some Matrix. The world would suddenly stop being so goddamned awful. *dryly* I'll be wary of that ever happens. Windchill 10:13 pm *Snorts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm [[He doubts it will.]] [[And Bevel - he sees who you mean now.]] Bevel 10:15 pm *grins at Soundwave, pleased with herself* Swoop 10:16 pm Them fighting now? No, more talking : < Tarantulas 10:18 pm *what. humans are definitely mammals. faulty A.I.* Windchill 10:18 pm Sounds like someone has no idea how animals work. Swoop 10:18 pm Headbutt him :V Windchill 10:18 pm *Perks up at "guns"* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm \\...THEY AIN'T CARRYIN' ALLA THEM AT ONCE.\\ Bevel 10:19 pm Need more swords. Windchill 10:20 pm *A pretty normal reaction to organics, really.* Swoop 10:21 pm KAH!! Windchill 10:21 pm Eheh. Swoop 10:21 pm Nice ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm //Wrong backup.// Swoop 10:21 pm Them shoot LOTS 😄 😄 😄 Whirl 10:21 pm Pfft! Windchill 10:22 pm Are they shooting real or fake people though? Bevel 10:22 pm Gun fight. Whirl 10:22 pm Not a clue. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[Both, most likely.]] Whirl 10:22 pm Wouldn't be surprised if they were killing their own to save their own. Humans love stuff like that. Windchill 10:22 pm *Frowns a little.* They're not the only ones. Swoop 10:22 pm ((oh man this scene is a CLASSIC)) Windchill 10:22 pm I was just wondering. Swoop 10:23 pm *excited pterodactyl noises* Whirl 10:23 pm Man, they waited until NOW to bust out their cinematography chops. Swoop 10:23 pm *with slightly less excited wiggles on account of still being a perch* Whirl 10:23 pm But hey, it's pretty neat. FakeProwl 10:23 pm ((they're very good at hitting the columns but very bad at hitting anything in between the columns)) ((we don't see nearly as much sharpnel coming from the wall behind neo as we do from the columns)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm ((i mean, logically i assume that's because having some would risk hurting the actor, but they coulda added it)) Swoop 10:24 pm Bomb FakeProwl 10:24 pm ((coulda done like tribbles. had someond stand behind the wall and throw sharpnel at the actors.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm ((PFFF)) Bevel 10:25 pm ((lol Swoop 10:25 pm YAHHH!!!!!! Windchill 10:25 pm Finally, a colour besides green. Swoop 10:25 pm kehehehhhehehhehhehh wet FakeProwl 10:25 pm ((he looks so upset to be wet)) Windchill 10:25 pm Not as wet as I am. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm //Gross.// Windchill 10:26 pm *He had to.* Whirl 10:26 pm *snickers* Windchill 10:26 pm *You left it wide open.* Swoop 10:26 pm ? Whirl 10:26 pm *both at Windchill and Rumble's reaction* Swoop 10:26 pm !!!!! DEAD Windchill 10:26 pm *Looks overly smug about this.* Swoop 10:26 pm aaawesome Bevel 10:26 pm Ha, dodge this. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm //You ever had an organic passenger?// Swoop 10:27 pm ohhh him shoot : > Whirl 10:27 pm Well, last week, the dragon. Sort of. But I've never carried an organic around for a long-term flight or anything. Swoop 10:28 pm Everyone good at shoot wall kehehehh and bad at DEAD Bevel 10:28 pm ...How did he not shoot Morpheus? Windchill 10:28 pm The plot demands it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[Shooting in a U perhaps.]] Bevel 10:29 pm I guess? I do not really know much about shooting guns. Swoop 10:29 pm Next time they ALL learn flying keheheh so them stop suck at jumps ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm //Looks like it'd be weird. Lil hands on all your handles 'n scrap.// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm //...Lil meat hands. I helped pilot scrap before.// Swoop 10:30 pm Him catch helicopter? Whirl 10:31 pm Well, there's no manual controls in there. ...but I DO have seatbelts. For some reason. But I see what you mean.
I mean I couldn't blame 'em, though. *drapes a claw over his chest* I've got a very comfortable interior. Windchill 10:31 pm Our hero. Swoop 10:31 pm YAHHHHHHH!!!!!! *fist pump for explosion* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[...He was about to ask if her impact should have carried him over the edge, but this -is- a construction.]] Windchill 10:32 pm Ew, subways. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm //I'mma take your word on it. An' Zori's. He useta say it was good hidin'.// Windchill 10:32 pm Those are like, underground. Swoop 10:32 pm Subway is for trains. Trains live there. Whirl 10:32 pm Yeah? How's he holding up these days? Windchill 10:32 pm Um. Swoop 10:33 pm Phone eat him ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm //...Not so good.// Whirl 10:34 pm *looks over, showing a hint of genuine concern* Nobody's brought him back down to size yet? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm //Ain't easy. Gotta get stuff prepped jus' right.// Whirl 10:34 pm *nods* Swoop 10:34 pm *chin hands excitedly* Whirl 10:34 pm Well. ...*a little more softly* If there's anything I can do. Y'know how to reach me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *Visor flickers in a blink.*
//...Yeah. Yeah, sure.// He'd tell Zori that as soon as the Bug woke up again. Tarantulas 10:35 pm *overhears, feels a LITTLE guilty* Bevel 10:35 pm Zori is still big? Swoop 10:35 pm *bounces a little in place* Whirl 10:36 pm *slight not; Whirl returns to his cube* Windchill 10:36 pm I don't think I've seen him in...FOREVER. *Meaning Zori, naturally.* Swoop 10:36 pm *this is an unfair challenge, being a perch adn also watching someone get the shit kicked out of them, why does the universe test swoop so* Windchill 10:37 pm *Swoop can get the scrap get kicked out of him too, if he wants.* Bevel 10:37 pm Much better fight now that there are no guns. Windchill 10:37 pm I like the guns, but it's all in slow motion when they use them. Kind of lame. Guns are supposed to be fast. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm [[The point is that they are faster than the guns.]] Whirl 10:37 pm Guns are fun when they're used creatively. ELEGANTLY. This movie just uses them like a bulldozer. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm \\THAT'S THE SOUND OF SQUEAKY TRAIN WHEELS.\\ Windchill 10:38 pm So am I, so it's not very interesting. Bevel 10:38 pm *shrugs* Swords are better. Bet you could make a sword as fast as them. Windchill 10:38 pm Nice. I prefer weapons with some reach, but to each their own. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[A sword would automatically be as fast as them as long as it were held in their hand.]] [[But modern humans prefer bullets.]] Windchill 10:39 pm Modern humans have good taste. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[It is foolish. He always preferred his natural weaponry.]] Bevel 10:40 pm Bullets are boring. Windchill 10:40 pm *Ugh, this green is so HIDEOUS.* But effective. Whirl 10:41 pm Bullets are boring to folks with no imagination. Bevel 10:41 pm Sometimes. Windchill 10:41 pm *This blue weirdness is a welcome reprieve.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm *Has never encountered anyone capable of pulling off the agent frame-stealing stunt. It is fascinating, and something to think about. Just in case someone works out how.* Bevel 10:41 pm *sticks tongue out at Whirl* Whirl 10:41 pm *snickers* Windchill 10:41 pm I'd offer to let you test a sword against a //proper// gun, but I don't currently have one. *He scratches his chin.* Whirl 10:41 pm If the multiverse ever spontaneously gifts me with a tongue again, I'll get you back for that. Bevel 10:42 pm *grins* Windchill 10:42 pm It's just as well, there's no need for me to embarrass you that way. Bevel 10:42 pm Uh-huh. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[...Oh.]] Swoop 10:42 pm Dead Bevel 10:42 pm Oh no. Windchill 10:43 pm *Shrugs.* I'm unarmed, so it's a moot point. Bevel 10:44 pm *ignores Windchill's bragging in favor of fiddling with a wrench from her collection of stuff she spread out on the table* Windchill 10:44 pm *He can't help the facts.* Whirl 10:44 pm Unconvincing. Windchill 10:45 pm That's only true assuming she only falls in love with one person, but I guess the writers didn't think of that either. EW. Bevel 10:45 pm Boring. Whirl 10:45 pm It's not like she has the option of having a hoppin' social life. Windchill 10:45 pm *SO...MUCH...GREEN...* Whirl 10:45 pm Pfft. Swoop 10:46 pm ????? Windchill 10:46 pm ...Bizarre. Swoop 10:46 pm Dead Windchill 10:47 pm Well, I don't know what that was. Whirl 10:47 pm It makes sense, if you saw the rest of the movie. Windchill 10:48 pm Yeah, well I didn't. Whirl 10:48 pm I know. Windchill 10:48 pm *Wrinkles all of his wrinkly parts.* Bevel 10:48 pm ((i love this music so much Windchill 10:48 pm It's just as well, this movie is too green for me. Whirl 10:48 pm The green's there for a reason. Windchill 10:49 pm To be ugly? Whirl 10:49 pm It's a filter to indicate, y'know, the matrix--and the visual representation of the Matrix is the green code they look at. Cinema shorthand. Windchill 10:49 pm I can guess as much. Whirl 10:49 pm *streeetches* Honestly it dragged on. Some good ideas, I can respect what they were goin' for. Windchill 10:49 pm *He's not STUPID, he just has very particular tastes regarding the colour green.* *Irrational tastes...* FakeProwl 10:50 pm ((in the Related Titles up top it lists "Sexual Matrix.")) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm ((...omg it does)) FakeProwl 10:50 pm ((I don't remember that part of the trilogy.)) Windchill 10:50 pm (( Let's not...)) Whirl 10:50 pm (( *wonk* )) Bevel 10:50 pm ((lol FakeProwl 10:50 pm ((did he go on that date with the girl with the red dress)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm ((LOL)) Whirl 10:50 pm ((Look at
The matrix: Revolutions: Bonus materials
)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm ((i'm looking at "bigger questions: the psychic matrix" it's slend)) Bevel 10:50 pm ((clearly scenes from the hentai version of the animatrix Swoop 10:51 pm *glances up at bird and does the closest he ever gets to a whisper* Want to go burn stuff? Building stuff. Or people stuff! FakeProwl 10:51 pm ((Matrix Algebra Tutor. just a series of math classes taught by the agent.)) Whirl 10:51 pm ((Matrix Algebra Tutor for Prowl)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm {{Us go Underworld hunt? Find monster?}} Swoop 10:51 pm YAY monster hunt!! Tarantulas 10:51 pm *tarantulas flops a little more on soundwave's lap and almost onto prowl's. fffinally. he wasn't sure his attention could hold out for much longer* Windchill 10:52 pm *Stretches and slumps like an ancient bean bag.* Whirl 10:52 pm *finishes his cube and streeetches again with a sigh* FakeProwl 10:52 pm ((MY NEMESIS)) Swoop 10:52 pm ((why are we listening to abba)) Tarantulas 10:52 pm (( nono we gotta do 90s hits for the matrix Whirl 10:52 pm ((because abba is grate)) Windchill 10:52 pm *Points at Whirl.* Guest 10:53 pm Bee's off work, later fraggers ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm ((i'll do 90s hits next time)) Windchill 10:53 pm See that Whirl, watch that scene, ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm \\LATER, RUSTBUCKET.\\ Whirl 10:53 pm ((tho if we're doing abba i recommend Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! )) *slooowly turns to look at Windchill* FakeProwl 10:53 pm ((that's a good one)) Guest 10:53 pm thanks Windchill 10:53 pm *Holds that point.* Whirl 10:53 pm *then slooowly turns to look at Rumble* You see what I gotta put up with, here. Swoop 10:53 pm *aggressively heads for the exit with Bird, monster murder awaits!* Windchill 10:54 pm *Whispers.* Digging the dancing queen. Swoop 10:54 pm ((l8r)) Windchill 10:54 pm (( BYE. )) Tarantulas 10:54 pm (( adios! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm *Soundwave gently pets Tarantulas and looks at Prowl again. Has he recovered or is he completely out of it?* Whirl 10:54 pm ((bye!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm *Laserbeak blows a raspberry at the couch on her way out* FakeProwl 10:55 pm *He still isn't moving, if that's what you're asking.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm //What's puttin' up with? Jus' slug him.// Windchill 10:55 pm *Gasps* Yes. Last time I got hit we had an awesome sleepover. Whirl 10:56 pm Nah. I can't hit Windchill for being Windchill. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm //...Slug him OUTSIDE. I ain't here for surprise bridgin'.// Whirl 10:56 pm *looks back to regard him wryly* I'd rather him be Windchill than someone else, at the end of the day. Windchill 10:56 pm *He gets hit for being Windchill all the time, you liar!* Whirl 10:56 pm *pauses, and then CACKLES* Yeah! If Soundwave had a face, I'd have paid good money to see his expression when he realized he'd bridged YOU out, too. ((a+ beegees selection <3)) Windchill 10:57 pm *He likes this one, but it's not so easy to make into something ridiculous, so he'll be quiet.* ((I Love the Bee Gees omg. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm *That's more or less it.*
@Prowl: (txt): ...Prowl: frozen? Assistance required? Brief departure? Tarantulas 10:58 pm *nudges at prowl* I ought to leave soon, but you're more than welcome to come with me FakeProwl 10:58 pm @Soundwave «No. Fine. Just didn't have any reason to move my avatar.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm *Oh, good. He was starting to grow concerned Prowl had gone catatonic on them.* Tarantulas 10:58 pm I'd invite you too, Soundwave, but it sounds like we have a project to work on, hyeh FakeProwl 10:58 pm ... Let's schedule a later meeting. Tomorrow maybe. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm //Whirl. Whirl, y'see the Boss right now?// Whirl 10:59 pm *glances over at the Circus in momentary curiosity* Mm-hmm? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm //That's his expression. All the time, any time.// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm //Do I get good money now?// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *Cheeky grin* Whirl 11:00 pm Pfft. I mean. Technically you're right. *except we BOTH know that's not true; Whirl has seen The Truth* All right, whaddya define as good money? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm @Tarantulas: [[He would not mind an invitation soon.]] Windchill 11:00 pm *Subtly lifts a leg, as subtly as something his size can do anything, which is not at all.* Whirl 11:00 pm Oh, hey. Here we go. Nice choice. Tarantulas 11:00 pm Whenever you like, Prowl. *almost called him love. thought better of it for the moment* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm //...Bev. You was a mercenary lately. What's good money now?// Whirl 11:01 pm *gestures to Windchill when the song says "clowns." Gestures to Rumble when it says "Jokers."* Tarantulas 11:01 pm *mental hum/nod to soundwave - he'll see about it soon enough* Windchill 11:01 pm *You haven't even SEEN a clown yet.* FakeProwl 11:01 pm *jerky nod of acknowledgment to Tarantulas.* Bevel 11:01 pm Depends on what services are being asked for. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm *The finest of jokers, thank you.* Windchill 11:02 pm *Slowly swings his leg into Whirl's airspace.* Bevel 11:02 pm And who you are working for. Bots that can afford it pay more. And good causes pay less. Whirl 11:02 pm You better not be about to put that leg on me. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm //Pointin' out the Boss don't got no other expression.// Lying, essentially. //'N Whirl. But he could get a discount. Like ... 20%.// Whirl 11:02 pm *this time he's going to gesture to Windchill for both descriptors* Bevel 11:02 pm *giggles* Whirl 11:02 pm Uh, exCUSE you. I'm worth at l;east twice that! Windchill 11:03 pm *Taps his toe in the air seductively.* Whirl 11:03 pm *looks to Rumble in mock-offense* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Hey, Tarantulas. Do you remember what Soundwave originally thought you were going to meet him looking like a while back? Yeah. That mental image is just gonna sliiiiide over. Little suggestion for a topic.* //Right. So that's... what, 30? I never been good at math. Jus' philosophy.// Windchill 11:03 pm *GASPS.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm //...I never did get them answers.// Windchill 11:04 pm *Leg freezes mid air.* Whirl 11:04 pm 40%. ...wait what answers? Windchill 11:04 pm *He's singing along fuckos.* Whirl 11:04 pm *he... will not join you this time. But he respects this* Windchill 11:04 pm *Your loss dude.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm //The infinite math stuff.// ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm //...CAUSE THE DAMN BARNACLES.// ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *Laughing. It's funnier now that they're not trying to stick to him.* Whirl 11:05 pm *SNRK* Well, you'll have to get an encore, I guess. Windchill 11:05 pm *His toe is tapping again, sorry Whirl.* Tarantulas 11:06 pm *HHfff. Tara's flustered but tempted, damn you Soundwave* Bevel 11:06 pm *starts slowly putting things back from the table into her arm* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm \\HEADIN' OUT?\\ Bevel 11:07 pm Not yet. Tarantulas 11:07 pm @SW: [[Not - not now. Nor anytime soon.]] Whirl 11:08 pm *cycles a long breath* I think I am, though. Gotta find a place to tuck in for the night. *streeetches again* Windchill 11:08 pm *Song's over, he'll put his foot down now. Not on Whirl either.* Whirl 11:08 pm *Good. You get to keep your foot* Windchill 11:08 pm *Don't be MEAN.* Whirl 11:08 pm *hey he owned a leg of yours for a while, this is nothing new* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm //Okay. But you better come back. I ain't figured out that discount yet.// Windchill 11:09 pm *He still owns the leg probably.* Bevel 11:09 pm *for one thing there's a lot of stuff on the table, it's gonna take her a bit to put it all back* *and she still needs to fit that screwdriver* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *Good. Frenzy's gonna try to sneak that screwdriver off the table and pocket it.* @Tarantulas: [[As you wish.]] Whirl 11:09 pm Of COURSE I will. *pause; Whirl contemplates something. After a moment, he nudges Rumble* Y'know you don't have to worry about that. Unless I get hopelessly lost or someone comes for my bounty, but, pfft, as if I couldn't fight 'em off. Tarantulas 11:10 pm *trying to oh-so-casually untangle himself from the pile he created now, totally not just escaping soundwave's telepathy, oh no* Bevel 11:10 pm *she pins that reaching hand with a single digit and grins* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm *Lets his arm up so Tarantulas can get out from beneath it.* FakeProwl 11:11 pm *Prowl's hands are dead and definitely not curled in Tarantuals's setae, should be easy to escape.* Tarantulas 11:11 pm Comm me, Prowl? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm //Anybody fightin' you's gonna eat all the bullets that Neo fleshie didn't.// Chuckles. //Kay.// FakeProwl 11:12 pm *Jerky nod.* Tarantulas 11:12 pm *visor frown* Whirl 11:12 pm And explosives. And my claws. And my sword. Windchill 11:12 pm And your bad jokes. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm //That's the real deadly scrap.// Windchill 11:12 pm Don't forget those. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Frenzy lifts his hand, shifts it into a drill, and points it at Bevel's finger. He wouldn't actually, but she wouldn't actually either.* Whirl 11:13 pm My bad jokes are NOTHING compared to yours. You need to teach me your ways. Bevel 11:14 pm *laughs and flips the screwdriver toward him* Tarantulas 11:14 pm *a few goodbye pings and a general dismissal of the room, and tarantulas is out* Windchill 11:14 pm *Scratches his chin.* Mine are pretty bad... But you burn me more often, so it's fair. *It's all about equilibrium, see.* Whirl 11:15 pm Yeah. All right, I need to go if I'm gonna score a decent spot. Tired of sleeping on the wing. *stands up* Take care of yourselves, losers. All of ya. Windchill 11:15 pm Bye, loser. Sleep well. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm //Seeya.// *Punch* Whirl 11:15 pm *he will scoop up his stuff and pause; he feels like he should say something more. he's... still very new to this and not good at it at all. He glances to Rumble* I'll keep in touch. *snickers and quite happily takes the punch* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Frenzy snatches the screwdriver out of thin air and motions to Bevel's arm. Open up.* Whirl 11:16 pm You sleep well, too. *salutes Windchill* As much as you can with that horrid little wriggler thrashing about. Bevel 11:17 pm *she stares at him a moment before complying, he does spend time with the medics in Praxus* Windchill 11:17 pm I usually do. *Salutes back.* She sleeps like a dead thing. *Takes after him in that aspect, really.* Whirl 11:17 pm Just like her parent. All right, I'll see you lot next week. *shoulders his bag and bobs his helm at the room one last time, before turning and trotting away* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm *Frenzy pokes his tongue out the side of his mouth, takes careful aim, and flicks it into the arm compartment.* Windchill 11:19 pm *Waves at Whirl's retreating butt.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm *Then throws his hands in the air and shouts (duh)* \\GOAL!\\ Windchill 11:19 pm *And the rest of him.* Bevel 11:19 pm *it clatters into something that could be described as a place where it'll likely be impossible to reach in the future* Good job! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm *Just get Rolodex to stick their tiny hands in and get it* Bevel 11:20 pm *she will do that* Bevel 11:22 pm *well now that's done, she's gonna call that task completed and snap her armor back into place* Thanks for the help, Frenzy. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm \\YEP. USUALLY THAT'S FOR KILLIN' STUFF, BUT. Y'KNOW.\\ Windchill 11:23 pm *Stretches. He HUNGERS.* I'm out, suckers. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm *Stretch.* \\I'M OUT. GONNA SEE 'BOUT EJECT'S NEW GAME.\\ [[Goodnight, Windchill.]] Bevel 11:23 pm Have fun! Windchill 11:24 pm Byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee. *This drones on for as long as it takes for him to rise and cha cha backwards out of the room.* Bevel 11:27 pm Ok, I am gonna go now too. *probably go home and empty out her storage again because she needed that, Frenzy* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm [[Goodnight. Tell your creator to pick up their files tomorrow.]] Bevel 11:28 pm Huh? Oh, ok! I can do that. *she's going to pry about what files and be told to mind her own business* *ok, she's out now, bye everybody* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *Nods after her and settles in for watching his last remaining guest.* FakeProwl 11:31 pm *... Is watching all he's going to do?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm *Yes. No? He's thinking about it. It's been a while since Prowl has been so put off by something. The movie at Blurr's, with the hypnosis, and then a while before that. Sometimes hands work and sometimes there shouldn't be any. And he knows what helps -him-, or what he seeks when he doesn't want help-help, but that's a whole other ball of wax.*
(txt): Query: What wanted, this moment? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:36 pm (txt): Additional thought: Soundwave apologizes. Will screen sequels, warn if attended. FakeProwl 11:39 pm Nothing. I haven't indicated I want anything. There's nothing to apologize for. FakeProwl 11:40 pm *Well, there's nothing to look at on the screen anymore. Turns in Soundwave's general direction.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm (txt): Nonindication: known. Question purpose: check action options, requirements, if existing. (txt): If none, action not taken. Nothing else meant. FakeProwl 11:41 pm No requirements. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *Small nod. All right, then.* (txt): Music continuation: acceptable? FakeProwl 11:42 pm Acceptable. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm (txt): Mutual reposition? FakeProwl 11:43 pm What? Oh. Yes. Sure. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm *Another nod. Soundwave scoots into the spot he vacated for Tarantulas to take and twists. He beckons once and tilts his helm, questioning, but if Prowl doesn't care to join him, that's all right too.*
(txt): Noteworthy news known? FakeProwl 11:47 pm *He scoots in and leans against Soundwave.* ... You stopped talking to me after I asked you to stop using telepathy. *It's not news, but it's what's on Prowl's mind.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm *Not scared of him, at least. That's reassuring.*
*He wraps an arm around Prowl and sets himself to lazily petting one arm.*
(txt): ...Correct action: uncertain. Prowl: motionless; circumstance possibility: known telepath contact: more unsettling. Decision: Safer first conact: Prowl's. (txt): If impression: rejection, this: unintended. FakeProwl 11:52 pm ... So you assumed. Instead of asking. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:54 pm *Leans back a little and looks from optic to optic.*
(txt): ...Soundwave's understanding: Contact made, purpose: check contact permission: self-defeating. This, error? *He supposes he can see that.* FakeProwl 11:55 pm I asked you not to use telepathy. Not to stop talking to me. ... I suppose I'm glad to find out I WASN'T getting the silent treatment. ...... So to speak. Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:59 pm *Oh. That's. That's a good point.*
(txt): Soundwave's error: acknowledged. Appropriate action understanding updated. Confirmation: not silent treatment.
(txt): Prowl - needed talk? Wants now? FakeProwl 12:02 am I didn't need it. But that is why I show up to these things. *He'd needed it.* *Doesn't count as lying if he's lying to himself first.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:06 am *Looks down, thinking. That, too, makes sense. Prowl could have left if he was upset and didn't want to stick around for conversation. Easily.*
(txt): ...Understood.
*Navigating these things is harder than he'd ever thought. Communication's easy to handle when it's everyone ELSE'S and not his own, it seems.*
(txt): Then error - assumption - result: deficit. Soundwave's offer: balance budget. FakeProwl 12:07 am ... It would be nice if, every once in a while, you did what you want to do, rather than what you think I want you to do. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am (txt): Soundwave wants. Post-movie conversations... highlight. Comfortable tradition.
*The petting hand stills. After a pause, more honestly:*
(txt): Other thoughts during movie: test fight, teach Prowl similar activity, compare experiences, terminate Wheeljack. Some: unacceptable. FakeProwl 12:22 am I meant when you stopping talking in the first place. *He permits the corner of his mouth to twitch.* Although I can see why not EVERYTHING you want to do is an option. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:25 am *Sometimes has the suspicion Prowl would like him a lot less if he actually heard how much of that 'not everything you want to do is an option' stuff runs through Soundwave's head on a daily basis.*
(txt): ...Prowl returns next week? Similar situation expected? FakeProwl 12:27 am "Situation"? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:27 am (txt): Telepathy revocation. FakeProwl 12:28 am ... Probably. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:35 am *Nod.*
(txt): Soundwave texts. If Prowl: involved, movie: superior experience. Idea discussion, humor, sarcasm, new viewpoints - all liked. Silence maintenance, conversation avoidance: difficult.
(txt): ...Admission: Ongoing partial vow: worse. That, different; point not withdrawn.
*Hand flick.* FakeProwl 12:36 am ... Partial vow? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:38 am [][][]Vow of silence. Such a copout.[][][]
(txt): Small breaks committed since multiverse introduction. Spirit kept. FakeProwl 12:39 am *Prowl had thought that was the one he was referring to. But he hadn't thought the vow was difficult to keep.* Is it that hard to not talk? I'd think by now it'd be more difficult to MAKE yourself talk, if only out of habit. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:43 am (txt): Prowl: not wrong.
*Sometimes, he really wants to say things with his own voice. He wanted to say - that - with his own voice. And in an ideal world, he could have. But this isn't one, so even if he'd managed to make himself jump the hurdle and do it, it wouldn't have gotten out of his vocalizer. It hadn't even worked in text.* FakeProwl 12:44 am *... Blinks. Is pretty sure that contradicts the claim Soundwave just made. Well. Okay.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am *Prowl needs to re-listen. Soundwave said it was worse and different.* FakeProwl 12:45 am *Words are hard.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am *That they are.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:47 am *He finally gets back to petting the arm.*
(txt): ...What learned? Source: movie. FakeProwl 12:50 am "Learned"? Just that humans hate machines. And that's not new. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:51 am *Shakes his helm.*
(txt): Negative. Other truths found. FakeProwl 12:52 am I suppose I also learned that humans are deeply self-loathing, but I also suppose that's not new either. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:52 am *Huff. Again, not wrong.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:56 am (txt): Perhaps other opening question: better.
(txt): What known, Soundwave's ability? FakeProwl 12:56 am Only what you and your alternate have demonstrated. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:58 am (txt): Prowl recalls tapes, subject: cortical patch? FakeProwl 1:01 am *A moment of silence.* Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:06 am *And one on his end. He doesn't want to frighten Prowl off, but... he needs Prowl to understand a few things. For the well-being and safety of both of them.*
(txt): ...Here, patch: Shockwave's creation. Soundwave, ability: model source.
(txt): Soundwave assumes patch, Matrix jack visual similarity noticed. FakeProwl 1:07 am Yes. *It was, indeed, one of the things that occurred to him, after the sickly shock of seeing/feeling a single oversized mnemosurgeon's finger jam into a neck.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:12 am *Nod. Good.*
(txt): Question repetition. What learned, source: movie? FakeProwl 1:14 am ... What am I supposed to learn? That humans can imagine up the same concepts that Cybertronians can? I don't know what lesson you want me to take away from this. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:33 am *All right. So it didn't stick out as much as he thought it might've.*
(txt): Patch safety feature: consciousness mingle, mind-frame relation minimized. Megatron shooting Bumblebee: impossible. Experienced pain: none. Physical reaction: intense emotion expression.
(txt): Soundwave's ability: natural, not tested invention. Safety features: absent.
(txt): Soundwave's internal control, rule modification ability: immense. However, mind-frame transfer: possible. Example: If interpretation: cold, Soundwave: cold. If serious injury suffered, believed, Soundwave: damaged.
(txt): If disconnected early, damage expected. Permanent consciousness loss possible.
(txt): Prowl desires renewed telepathic contact. Soundwave's plea: If eventual progression: below surface, Prowl exercises caution, attempts retention despite potential panic. Seeks safe disengagement. Gifted program -not- toy, simple safety ward; current, modified use: actual threat counter only.
(txt): Prowl understands? FakeProwl 1:35 am *Prowl doesn't know how Soundwave expected Prowl to deduce that somehow Soundwave functions the same way that a human fantasy film does, but okay.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:36 am *He didn't expect him to deduce. He thought Prowl might wonder.* *Especially after the "DON'T DISCONNECT ME" comments during the Springer planning and rescue.* FakeProwl 1:36 am If there's a potential for panic, you won't BE invited below the surface. That's not a risk I would take, for either of us. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:38 am (txt): Relief. Extended request: If Soundwave: contacting other, harm not done, avoid disruption unless calculation demonstrates higher Soundwave, deployer safety risk: connection maintenance. Reasons: same. *If he's ever found hurting someone Prowl doesn't want him to hurt, well. He'll have to deal with the consequences of his actions.* FakeProwl 1:40 am I don't know that I have enough data to accurately calculate that safety risk. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:42 am (txt): ...Prowl's estimates trusted above others' accurate calculations.
*If a bomb's about to drop on him, he'll take his chances getting disconnected.* FakeProwl 1:42 am I'd rather be able to make an accurate calculation than an estimate. FakeProwl 1:44 am Of course, I'll do my best with the data I have at hand. But I'd prefer more data. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:47 am (txt): Cannot give all. Self loss, potential death: unacceptable tests, reasons: obvious.
(txt): Given time, Prowl acquires data accessible within mutual capabilities, desires. That, best offer. FakeProwl 1:50 am *Nod.* Understood. ItsyBitsySpyers 1:50 am *Reaches for Prowl's hand.* FakeProwl 1:56 am *Hand moves just enough to lace with Soundwave's.* ItsyBitsySpyers 1:57 am *Good. Squeeze.*
(txt): That, Soundwave's wanted talk. Prowl has, had own? Observations, frustrations, comparisons, other? ItsyBitsySpyers 2:00 am (txt): If preference: save until next week, this also accepted. *Gonna just cover all his bases there. Safety.* FakeProwl 2:00 am I have no comments on the film. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:01 am (txt): Unrelated comments? FakeProwl 2:03 am ... I suppose not at the moment. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:06 am (txt): Understood. Suggestion: recharge? FakeProwl 2:07 am *Hesitates, but then nods* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:08 am (txt): Preference: couch, secure quarters, without Soundwave? FakeProwl 2:09 am ... Secure quarters. ItsyBitsySpyers 2:11 am (txt): Acknowledged. Bridge coming.
*One's going to pop open next to the couch; he'll move them both by stretching his feelers in first, wrapping the berth for stability, and lifting them over and through.* FakeProwl 2:13 am *Holds on tight. They're gonna go through a different way every time, huh?* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:15 am *Prowl was snuggled up a little closer the other time by virtue of being on his lap. If he dropped them like this chances are Prowl would hit the berth wrong and fall off the side.* *Which might be amusing, but ultimately isn't what he'd like to do to his ally.* FakeProwl 2:19 am *Prowl appreciates the consideration.* ItsyBitsySpyers 2:21 am *Good. Soundwave's gonna consider him right into being a big black and white blanket clutched close for the rest of the night.* FakeProwl 2:22 am *Prowl's fine with that.*
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