#been feeling extra insecure about my english lately so feedback is appreciated
vincess-princess · 1 year
as we were falling
ch. 7
a/n: this one is small. but you know how it is: it ain't much but it's honest work word count: 1021 warnings: prostate exam
The next morning he and Nikki, with growling stomachs, went to a medical exam. The office was clean and brightly lit, filled with state-of-the-art technology. Tommy didn’t even know the purpose for most of those. A woman in white uniform with golden buttons sat at the computer in the corner of the room.
“Number 971-TP5?” she clarified, not looking in Tommy’s direction.
“Right. Undress.” Her voice was just slightly more human than the robotic voice in the torture rooms.
She pointed in the direction of scales with a height measurement function. Tommy stepped on them, the metal of the device cold under his feet.
“195 cm and only 75 kg? Underweight.” Her fingers clicked on the keyboard. “You’ll be getting a special diet.”
“What’s special about it?”
She ignored the question. “Get in the ultrasound machine.” She noticed Tommy’s confusion and waved her hand with irritation towards a large intimidating device in the middle of the room, reminding of a very elaborate coffin. “This one.”
“Don’t move,” she ordered once Tommy was in. “Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Alright,” she typed something on the keyboard again, “no obvious defects… you’ve had your nose broken?”
For the first time she looked right at him pointedly, then picked up glasses from the table and examined him again, now through them.
“No, it’s visible enough to omit… well, that’ll drive the price down a bit. Oh well.” She typed something on the keyboard again. “Now the MRI.”
Another intimidating machine, another couple minutes of waiting that felt like hours. The doctor found nothing bad in the MRI (what was that, even?) and nodded approvingly.
“Sit.” She pointed at the chair next to her table. Tommy did as told. She pulled out a stick and a light. “Open your mouth. Say ‘a-a-ah’.”
Then she checked his ears, lungs, neck and abdomen. At every stage she murmured something to herself and typed endlessly on the keyboard. Tommy wanted to know what was that she was typing real bad, but he suspected she wouldn’t let him take a peek.
When the doctor was done with the physical exam, she pushed a button on her desk. To Tommy’s surprise, a young girl wearing the same overalls as him appeared, the numbers on her chest showing her name was 538-BB4.
“Bibi,” the doctor turned to her, “this unit needs a FBC, genetic testing and blood sugar.”
“Will do, madam,” the girl replied, then disappeared behind a small white door in the corner that Tommy didn’t even notice before. She reappeared soon, carrying a box that Tommy assumed had materials for the blood test. “Your left arm, please,” she said to Tommy and smiled tentatively. Tommy smiled back. A needle piercing his skin evoked a familiar longing in his chest. No, no more of that, he berated himself.
“Does it hurt?” the girl asked anxiously – probably Tommy’s emotions seeped through onto his face. He shook his head.
“Good,” she smiled, pulled the needle out and filled a vial with his blood. She did this two more times, placed them in the box, picked it up and with a bow left the office. The room felt colder when the door closed behind her.
The doctor pulled out a round mirror with a hole and a flashlight. Tommy could only guess what this was for until she lifted them to his eyes.
“Look here.” She flashed the light in his eyes. Then she brought the mirror to his face. “Now here. Here. Here.”
Then she sat him down in front of a large machine and ordered to lean in and level his eyes to a lens.
“Perfect vision,” she murmured and clicked on the keyboard some more.
Then came the most unpleasant part of the exam.
“Get on the bunk,” she ordered. “On all fours.”
“What for?” Tommy frowned, seized with suspicion. That part of his body he treasured dearly and didn’t want any unwanted invasion. The doctor as if hadn’t heard him.
“Do as I said now,” she said in a slightly higher tone. “Or I’ll call the security.”
“Fine, fine,” Tommy sighed and climbed onto the bunk as the doctor put on rubber gloves.
What followed was as bad as he imagined. It was painful and pleasant at once, and he wanted to piss himself and come at the same time. He wanted to keep proudly silent, but couldn’t hold back whimpering. Did that count as losing anal virginity, a thought flashed through his head.
When the doctor pulled back, Tommy was overcome with such huge relief it drowned the shame and the indignation for a little while. But just for a little.
“That was rough,” he grumbled. He expected the doctor to ignore him again, but she looked him right in the eyes. They were watery-blue and stared as though through him.
“That’s what you get,” she said indifferently. She must have examined so many slaves, Tommy realized, that they were all the same to her. Whatever he answered, she wouldn’t pay attention. He could as well bark or meow.
So he didn’t answer. The rest of the checkup went in silence, interrupted only by clicking of the keyboard. The doctor didn’t even murmur to herself anymore.
“We’re done,” she only said when it was over. “Dress yourself and call in the next unit.”
Tommy did so. He was relieved to leave this pale, bleak room. The doctor didn’t even feel like a person – more like a robot, her face didn’t change once. Tommy wondered if she took up this work due to her nature or if her work made her this way.
That’s why, when he grasped the doorhandle, he was incredibly surprised to hear her voice again.
“Do you want to know your price?”
He turned back to her, examined her face. She looked at him calmly, but there was something in her eyes… curiosity?
“Three thousand two hundred fifty-seven EDs, calculated from your health condition.”
Tommy was silent for a moment. Well, it was a bit flattering – he expected less.
“Thanks,” he said. She nodded.
“Call in the next unit.”
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