#been a while i didnt.. analyse? a panel
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just-sp-in-inginthevoid · 5 months ago
It gets so, so much funnier when you know it's just them there.
Because what? Kakucho, Mochi and Koko are not talking to Sanzu, that'd be a incredible bad move to 1) order him around (Kakucho, Mochi), 2) remind him something he is the one to know best AND imply he isn't the most loyal and that he could ever think of betraying Mikey (Koko)
So that means that - Kakucho is talking to whoever may hear him and do what he asks for
Mochi doesn't want to be the one to do it, so he just gives more directives to delegate the task
Koko could talk to Kakucho and Mochi too but -
Knowing Takeomi's role as an advisor, he's not the one taking care of this kind of stuffs so: they're talking to the Haitani there lmao
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Look at themmmmm Ran's listening but is he really, he looks elsewhere and totally unbothered and Rindo isn't better with his mouth open.
Plus, if you focus on how they're positioned,
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Kakucho probably didn't move yet, so while he'd be looking in Sanzu's direction, I... well I do believe he's talking to Sanzu because that'd be funny knowing how Sanzu would react to Kakucho ordering him around- but there's the possibility of - literally - keeping an eye on Sanzu while talking to the others. Mochi better be talking in the void because if he's saying that while looking in front of him - at Sanzu - it'd feel very simple for Sanzu to do what he asks to him. No need to point that Takeomi is so far from the others that it'd be weird if they were talking to him. Now, Koko did turn around. Either he's walking toward where Mikey is and then is looking at the brothers or he stayed where he is standing there and only turned his head to look at Mochi (and perhaps Kakucho). It's not that important since he says 'you all' so he does be talking about most of them, but. It's important because he's facing anyone but Sanzu (nice survival instinct)
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genderfluid-tnt · 6 years ago
The time experiment (Part 1)
Sooo I may have written this accidentally late at night- Sooo enjoy
Though just a warning- some things may be triggering to some readers- sorry
Its been hours since they came back to Hermitcraft after having been in Alpha.
Grian, who was sitting over the now Crater, False had build.
Looking down on it, memories flowing back into his head from Evo.
Trying to hold in his tears and sobbing.
As one landed nearby, Grian looked up into the eyes of Scar as he got him up from the sitting, not saying a word as they got to the infinity portal.
Scar was about to gesture for Grian to go in and get to his dream, but Doc pulled him away and got them both down on the ground.
Putting his foot on Grians chest and his trident at his face, before looking at Scar.
"Wtf Scar?! You cant just take one of the hippies in here! what if they go and steal something more from us!?" Doc growled out holding the trident closer to Grians face, lightning was forming around it as the skies got dark with clouds. Rain falling down fast, making the grass all wet.
"Doc, listen I know what you mean. But he was being all sad and I thought maybe getting to his dream would make him happy again!" Scar got muttered out as he stood up and started taking leaves off his jacket.
Grian was just laying there, trying to get away, but as soon as he did that, Doc pushed his foot harder down on his chest, making him lose all his air. Now hitching for air, he looked up at Doc, the glowing red eye was looking more creepy with the bad weather and the lightning from the trident.
Doc lifting the trident up and pointed it at Scar, making a lightning strike him, sending him down on his knees.
Turning the trident back to at Grian as he smirked.
"Any last words Hippie?" Doc laughed getting the lightning on the trident ready.
Grian tried to give a laugh back.
"Without me.. u wont be able to make the time machine again.. and only one of us have traveled through time if u remember correct and havent erased that from ur memory" Grian gave a sly smirk before the lightning coursed through him, just not killing him, but making him close to it as his whole body got paralyzed.
Doc looking over at Scar with a serious face "Get the other hippies- Ren and Impulse. We got some experiments and such coming up with them" He laughed mad and got Grian down to S4 where the time machine had been.
Taking the smaller cables down and putting them one by one into or well onto some pads on Grian. Having him tied to the platform too as his head was still hanging down and still paralyzed.
Grian couldnt get away anytime soon or get out of there. Even if the other hippies came for him, the platform would go into defence mode, getting metal plates up and around it, closing whatever is inside it in there locked away until Scar or Doc comes and says the code to open it again.
Scar came back after a search for the two others, none of them anywhere to be seen.
Landing close to the hangar he made his way down to S4 and scratched his head as he looked at Doc.
"Impulse and Ren are nowhere to be seen, asked around and no one has seen them since the announcement here" Scar sighed and looked defeated at Doc.
"Whatever man, we got the main subject here. He has done it 2 times and havent had anything happen to him!" Doc gestured to him and jumped down from the platform to the control panel.
Writing something in and pulling the stats up for Grian, where u could see the heartbeats, pulse and his own modified one, time magic or whatever it is inside of Grian.
The beats was around the normal and abit higher sometimes, his pulse was doing okay abit low right now but then again Doc had just hit him with the trident and lightning.
But then the time magic... It was spiking through the roof, all up where u couldnt see the line on the monitor.
Unbeknownst to them, what they were seeing is a mix of the time travel and the watcher magic inside of Grian..
Waking slowly up he looked around before beginning to freak out, knowing well where he was, trying to move his hands but to no avail, feeling the cables next after and tries biting into one and tried to pull it out with his teeth, though it just hit him with some electricity instead, making him drop it. All before trying out the magic but getting more electricity and the chains that was tied to his legs got pulled more to the floor, making it hurt badly.
Painful screams coming from Grian, they were loud and full off hurt. It could be heard clearly over all of Area 77 and the surrounding things.
He looked over at where Doc was, tears in his eyes.
"So you woke fully up, good. What is the last thing u remember?" Doc gave a smile to him, pushing buttons and writing down notes at the same time.
"You do have alot of the time magic thing inside of u, so we have chained u abit and done so if the machine or platform detects ur trying to use it, it will either taze u, knock u out or make it hurt real bad like before"
"I cant remember anything other than being at the crater and Scar dragging me to somewhere.. the rest is all blurry" Grian looked at him, not giving one single comment on the magic part he said.
Doc nodded over to Scar, walking up to Grian and sat down on one knee infront of him.
"While u are here we have rules for u. we know u will break them but we can atleast try.
Rule one, U can not leave this platform or yank in the things connected to u.
Rule two, U shall not call on the others to come get u, the platform is programmed to keep u in and only let me and Doc get in without trickering the defense.
Rule three, play nice and we may let u wander around S4 with some devices attached to u to keep us updated on the magic and other stats from u.
With yelling for either me or Doc, the ai in here will alert us that we should come down here, it will do the same if u break a rule.
Rule four, We are allowed to hurt u in anyway if we feel like it will help with the inspection or we feel threaten and need u to calm down.
Rule five, U will experience some interviews kinda with me or doc or us both and some experiments, you can not do them and need to comply.
And at last, when Doc finds it time, you may meet the aliens" Scar clapped his hands and stood up and smiled before going to Doc and whispering something before going out and down the hall to work on a new room for the experiments and such to Grian.
Grian was just there, silent as can be, trying to think up a way how to get out of here the easiest and fastest. Do he wait until they let him walk freely, but then again at that point they may begin to use his magic to power another time machine they make him build-
While he was caught up in thinking, Doc had looked up at him. Thinking about if they could tap the magic out of him, if it could help with any of the alien stuff. As he thinks that, he gets transmitted to come to his dear alien overlords. Walking out as if in a trance, not saying anything.
It was first when the tnt in the elevator blew up that Scar realised he was gone.
Grian was too obsessed with trying to think of ways to get out. Before a surge of a the time magic was trying to get out of him, yelling out in pain as it was looking like his body was wanting to warp him away to another place and another time.
Scar, letting go of the blocks in his arms, ran down and into where Grian was. The magic lines on the monitor was going wild, the machine was trying to get him to calm down as the thing was trying to taze him. At last it went into defense mode and build the walls around Grian.
Scar who was still trying to figure out what to do, hearing Grians painful screams from inside the once platform now box.
Trying to contact Doc, who while this was going on, was staring into the aliens eyes and getting new information from them into his brain.
Though they had caught onto the sudden magic that they could feel.
Making Doc get back there fast as he pushed Scar out the way and began tapping away on different things before Grian stopped screaming and the defense walls went down.
Grian was sitting there unconscious, sparks coming off him from everything.
What was more concerning was this sudden symbol on a jewel in Grians necklace.
Though they didnt know what it was, they just had to wait and see.
Time went by, Doc and Scar having fallen asleep in there on the floor.
Grian was coming to himself and blinked. "what was that..." He said out though what came out was his raspy and harsh voice.
He looked down to see the new jewel with the symbol, freaking out as his pulse and heartbeats got faster and higher, even too high for a normal hermit. The lights began flashing red, waking up Doc, but not Scar.
Doc checked the monitor to see the stats before getting up on the platform and putted hands on Grians shoulders.
"Hey hey hey! Calm down there, what happend to make u freak out like this?" Doc followed the kinda analysed line from Grians glance to the Jewel with the symbol.
"So this jewel is making u freak out?" Doc grabbed around it and yanked it out before throwing it to the other side of the room "There. It cant do u anything now, just go to bed and sleep. U got a loooong day tomorrow Hippie" Doc for a second gave a genuine and caring smile.
Before standing up and walked over and lifted Scar up. Knowing villager Grian had a big bed he didnt use.
He laid Scar in it and he took the couch up there so Scar have the whole bed for himself or had the whole bed. Jellie had followed them and was now snuggling with Scar.
Smiling once again before Doc turned around to lay better and fell asleep.
Grian was closing his eyes slowly, feeling tired somehow. As he closed them a whisper could be heard in his own mind "U cant give him the knowledge of the time-"
Ignoring it he started to drift off-
though this dreamland he had come to werent the best...
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midnightsdarkangel · 7 years ago
Whats the deal with Fukami?
So i was re-reading again the watgbs manga as well as looking over some lets plays of the game and if there has always been something that i cant comprehend is just who on earth is fukami?
While I don’t have alot of evidence to present here since finding the boi to speak up about anything is rare there is something interesting about his bad end.
So first of all if you���ve ever played the game you’ll know how much fukami likes to go ‘...’ and without a lot of sprite expressions its super hard to tell what hes thinking about. and yet the scene RIGHT before Samekichi gets taken away we get this interesting conversation:
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Tsuribari is talking about the red sea and how everyone got banished to which wadanohara has only heard one side, the winning side. We have no clue if the red sea followers were evil or not, they believed in their princess and was banished away to a corrupting sea that can turn anyone insane. In the manga Chlomaki doesnt look all too pleased herself when tatysumia tells her how only uomis followers remain today, its super biased.
the reason i bring this up is because of everyones reactions, wadanohara is confused to which dolphi and memoca are like ok this is bull ignore him and yet
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we get this. Fukami could’ve easily either said this is dumb, said ‘...’ or nothing at all. But instead we get brackets. Which i don’t think i’ve actually seen him do in the game apart from that point (if i’m wrong you can kick me) but the fact its an inner thought suggests to me Fukami has a pretty good idea what Tsuribari is talking about. 
And right after that we end up at the choice of getting the bad ending and fukami get corrupted by the red sea which was the only ending i believe to be updated on after the game was out and it adds just this entire conversation with Sal and Fukami and insight into the red sea prisoners, they all willingly choice this life. They allowed the corruptions to get to them and its the last time thats just eerier to me:
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While this is definitively also fukami’s jealously been used as a means of manipulation, fukami is EXTREAMLY violent and self harming if it means its to make wada happy. The only other character that loves wada in such a harmful way is Sal who we know is an asshole, hes evil. and yet fukami is wadanoharas familiar, someone we’re supposed to trust as an audience which in the game is fine n all fukamis just a snarky bab but the manga...
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a lot of times his face is covered in darkness, he speaks blunt to wada when hes not acting all quiet. Fukamis agression is by far clearer and more expressive and not only that.. get a look at this
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While originally i only saw this in the third picture i can see it in the others leading to that moment, fukami in the third image where hes holding his face while samakichi is struggling looks like hes not really....there
its the same with the first image final panel, or heck notice fukami in all the shows where its total black? the fact they take away the background i think implies he’s no longer awear of anything else around him, all he can think about is murder and he almost gets away with it if wada didnt scream.
again this is wadas friend. a good guy. 
Fukamis hard to understand, was he from the red sea before or had associations with it? Hes honestly the only good character whose so god damn aggressive that he’d nearly kill someone and yet travels with the others as if nothings wrong, they don’t see him do this either, not to this extent. the other times he beats samakichi up is mostly humour based and ends fairly fast but fukami right there had no intentions of stopping anytime soon. 
Sadly theres no way to know anytime soon, while the manga seems like a gateway into knowing more it honestly depends if it will stick close to the manga and not deviate or give us these great scenes like these to analyse. Fukami having not only a bad ending but having it be expanded on means something. How he met wada, why is she the most important person to him?
these answers i wish one day we know.  
anyway this post is more for speculation (hes a fucking kraken im calling it) but please if you have any thoughts do hit a message here or on pms! i dont see a lot for the octopus bae and i just love analysing these characters~
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curioscurio · 8 years ago
What did you think of Season 2?
im assuming u mean voltron, yea? well, im gonna put spoilers under the cut, but all in all i did love it!! this is long and HAS SPOILERS!!!!
Episode 1? Loved it. It was funny when it wanted to be and intense when Shiro and Keith were in trouble an,,, an u know,,, u know i loved every fucking second of coran screen time. my excellent man. as much as i would have enjoyed seeing him age w/o the mustache gag i thought it was pretty funny anyway! 
Uhh the mermaid episode was.. hm. like i liked it and i thought it was cute and all bc MERMAIDS but?? it seemed really predictable, and rushed at the end. I think that it would have shown more character development for lance and hunk if they figured out abt the whole brainwashing thing themselves through their own smarts. Like it would have been really cool to see Lance analyse and understand what was going on w/o rebels having to tell him/rescue him. Also imagine then he could rile up some supporters and stuff like it would have developed him more.
ALSO I AM ACTUALLY RLLY MAD THAT THEY REDUCED HUNK TO FOOD JOKES. like ok we know he likes food. but what abt his engineering skills? his foreign diplomacy skills? ?? his kindness?? He was very under developed the whole season imo. Also the whole “now the queens the good guy and the coral is the bad guy” was really rushed and like nobody would trust someone like that instantly after they had a bunch of proof they were evil. keep mermaid queen evil. 
also as an overall analysis point: lance was too hetero
Shiro’s escape was p good, but these teenagers hardly seem too upset that people have died for them and this cause and also that they’ve technically murdered sentient beings. 
Eye of the strom FUCK YEA THIS IS WHERE MY BOY SHINES. literally!! when coran had the Slipperies im,,,,,,, First off Rhys Darbys voice acting was amazing this ep. every moment that coran had in this episode was gold. the end. when he fuckign, ,,, super saiyan jump to slather his face across the last lens and jump behind the panels i laughed so hard. i love him. 
im so glad that the allura/keith interaction wasn’t romantic,,,, thank u,,,,,,,(keep it that way )
i have no critisisms on space mall i dont care if it was a complete tomfoolery filler episode it’s probably one of my fav of the series. it felt creative, while some of the episodes didnt. 
keith shiro angst and stuff ok. good development for keith, shiro not so much? imo? 
weblum had more keith whichi feel was unnecessary. and if u HAAAADD to have keith then like… hum… u know who really could have helped w/ that mission. Lance. after they showed they could work together in the pool? would have been good. but my ideal pair would have been like lance and pidge bc they barely interacted at all. 
the jailbreak ep was ok, finally some lance development (barely a smidgen) Im glad matt’s ok and eating right and his crops are growing. But im really almost sure that the guy the warden was torturing was Mr. Sam Holt :(((( if not matt himself somehow in a plot twist. or it could be anyone but my bet is on a holt. 
loved to see my beautiful shay
for the finale, i think the writers were under the impression that voltron wuld only get two seasons maybe? or some type of time crunch bc it felt like the planning of the weapon thing and the final battle seemed very ??finite. like yaya thats the end!! there were only a few last minute things that i feel left you on a cluffhanger or made you think that there was gonna be another season which was : Where are the holts? Suprise Haggar is Altean, Zarkon isnt dead, and Lotor. Most of these were kind of last minuite…The whole Haggar thing did catch me by suprise tho!!!!! Im really excited wherever that goes!!! Also i hope Lotor is a more developed villain than zarkon bc zarkon was the most flat and boring villain lmao. 
Uhhh i feel like im being super harsh here but overall i felt like the season was good!!! a little predictable and cliche but not bad. Im definitely excited for the next season!! 
Things I really want: Hunk, Lance, and Allura character development. I feel like Allura could have held on to that grudge for longer and her getting over it would have been more of a struggle. Hunk had no development, ot like in season 1. Nothing changed for him, he was really reduced to a joke, food jokes, and his size which is really, as a bigger person,,, not cool! Also im suprised that Lance got so little screentime with how popular he is. He deserves better.
now yall know i want a serious coran episode fucking uncle iroh tales of bah sing se style u know he had a kid in the original anime,,,,,, where is Garret,,,, where!! is!! Garret!!! 
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