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wastemee · 2 years ago
what about leon kennedy x reader where leon learned how to do really cool switchblade tricks and he kinda does them subconsciously every now and then but reader can't help but stare at his hands everytime he does it and then leon catches reader one day and just teases the reader to no end
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— LEON LEARNED HOW TO do a few tricks with his switchblade , and you love it. He did it so much after learning he didn’t even notice when he was doing it. But you did. You never noticed how nice his hands were until you started to stare whenever he’d do his fancy tricks. He hadn’t noticed you were admiring his hands until he looked over at you staring at his hands move the switchblade between his slim fingers.
He grins at you and chuckles. “Enjoying the show?” he teased. You felt embarrassment wash over you as he noticed you staring. Leon only chuckled again and watched you , smiling. “Y’know , if you loved my tricks much , you could’ve just asked for me to do them.”
Since that day , he’s been teasing you about it every day. “Bet you wanna see another trick of mine , don’t you?” Leon ask as he cuddled with you. You scoff and huff. “You won’t leave me alone about that , will you?” You ask with a chuckle , playfully hitting him.
He shook his head and smiled , pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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elsweetheart · 2 years ago
ever since i’ve been watching ur page i went from a black themed and dark account to being a girly girl who loves pink 💕💕 whatever ur doing keep doing it i love it
omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 glad to have influenced the girly girl agenda !!!!! ur blog is so cute thank u💕🌸
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wastemee · 5 months ago
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she walks over me .
abusive!fem user + leon k.
CONTENT WARNING ! abuse , fem reader , reader is terrible (surprise) , re2 Leon k. , dub con
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Leon is a goddamn idiot for still being with you. You're terrible , just in general. He wishes all of his friends and family could see past your white teeth and big smile when you're both together, to pull back the layers of your skin and see that you're the spawn of Satan himself. Sometimes he prays to whatever God is up there , and hopes you'll fuck up and he'll be saved. But God never answers his desperate pleas and broken cries. His family has always had a bad feeling about you , from the moment you stepped into their home for the first time to introduce yourself.
"She's too nice," his foster mother would say when she pulled him to the side as you put away dishes. "I have a bad feeling about her." his foster daddy would whisper to his mother under his hot breath. And God, they couldn't have been more right. Whatever they said about women's intuition , was 100% true. Maybe 105%.
Leon has always been way too naive for his own good , thats why you came along! He swears that you came straight out of heaven , wings and halo as you sweep him up into your clutches. Until everything went downhill. You never really know someone until they get into hot water. They jump out.
He doesn't even remember what he did or said , all he can remember is that familiar sting of both failure and actual pain on his cheek. You hit him. Like , actually just used your hand to hurt him. He blinks at you with his big , wide blue eyes , lips parted in horror. He wish he could've been a bigger man and stepped up to you , but he shrunk under your judgemental gaze. He was in this whole funky mood until you finally apologized to him , which took a whole lot of begging and crying.
He hated when you were upset with him , and he hated your cold shoulder even more. It made him feel like he was getting hit by a semi truck. Except the semi truck would probably hurt less. What he did love though , was seeing your expression soften and your hand fall. "Aww , babe," you would coo to him , slowly holding out your arms to hug him in a sickenly sweet way. He would flinch , even if you were being 'nice' to him. But you being nice was really just you barely tolerating him. And just like a moth to a bright light on a porch , he fell straight into your arms like a limp body , straight into what is slowly killing him.
He gripped you like you were going to dissolve into thin air if he let you go , shaking his head and crying to you all over again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he would sob , voice cracking and his doe eyes red with ugly tears. Just like clockwork , you would make up some bullshit excuse in some way to excuse your horrible behavior. "You know I had a bad day," was a frequent one. Or , "I just didn't get enough sleep." Holy shit , that was a doozy. "It's not you , baby , it's me." Now that , was a low blow. He believed it every time.
He's become numb now , almost. Numb to the painful sting of your backhand , or the painful kick to his stomach when he's already down , and the way his heart rate spikes when you send a pan flying towards his head because he slipped up.
He doesn't know why he's so attracted to you. Is it because his actual mom was killed and he desperately needs some affection from a woman before he withers out and dies?
You're both attending a small little party his parents are hosting , and just like you've beat him into , he's all smiles and laughs.
"So," his mother starts off , smiling at you over the rim of her wine. "How's your job?" She asks you , raising a thin eyebrow at you and wiping her smeared lipstick off of her cup with a napkin. You smile with all of your teeth , squeezing Leon's hand behind his back. "Amazing , Laura. I just got a promotion , more money coming in." You respond with an equally enthusiastic tone. Laura nods in acknowledgement , swirling around the wine in her cup.
What a damn diva , your inner voice mutters.
Leon is just staring at both of his 'parents' , his smile faltering as he spaces out of the conversation. It's a talent , really. The way he can remove himself , whether it be when you're screaming at him, or the more calm moments like this one.
He's brought back down to earth by your harsh squeeze on his hand , your smile falling for a second as you tug harshly on his arm. "Leon." His name doesn't even sound like his own whenever you say it. Sometimes he feels like he's watching his life go on in third person , like you killed the old him and stuffed a part of you inside of his body , creating some new fucked up Leon Scott Kennedy. He blinks in shock , he's still here. Here with you. "Huh?" He mutters , inhaling sharply at the squeeze of his hand.
"Your mother's talking to you , don't be rude." You scold lightly. There it goes , that little mother in you. Once again , he feels small. Like a little boy being scolded by mommy for breaking a vase. He winces at your tone and he notices how his mother furrows her neat brows , thin lips parted in some confusion.
"He hasn't been feeling well , lately.." You sigh , lips jutted out into a slight pout as you press a quick kiss to his cheek. Your lips burn on his skin , like a punch. He clears his throat and nods. "Yeah , life's been.. y'know , life." He chuckles awkwardly , gulping down the water in his cheap cup. Damn geek.
"Ah.." Laura nods her head skeptically , humming to herself and abruptly standing up. "Well , I'm off to get more wine." She quickly dismisses herself and walks away in her expensive heels , clicking against the concrete on the porch. It's just you , Leon , and his father who isn't paying you much mind , more focused on his pride and joy. "So , when will I get some grandkids , Leon?" He asks in his gruff voice , laughing and patting him on the shoulder. God , Leon hates that topic.
He can't imagine having kids with you out of all woman. He'd stick his dick into a homeless lady and have kids with her , before he created life with you. Whenever someone brings it up, he starts thinking. How would they look? Would they have your sharp features and same anger issues? Would they be just like you? Would they be worse? He stays up at night and spirals about it.
But , he doesn't show that. He just laughs it off and shakes his head. "Ah , I don't know about that.." He says , glancing over to see your reaction. You don't seem too annoyed by his response. Plus , you could say the same. You don't want little brats that look like Leon whining all the time. That'll be twice the yelling , you'll lose your voice eventually.
He seems bummed by Leon's dejected response, shaking his head and chugging his beer down. Pig.
"Come on. You've got to give me something. It can't end with you , as much as I love ya." He sighs , leaning back in his lawn chair.
You chuckle in response , sighing softly. "You're funny. Maybe soon , just not now," you butt in quickly before Leon can get a word in.
And once again, he feels like his mouth is instantly glued shut the moment you butt in for him. He can never seem to win. He just keeps glancing at his watch , counting down until you leave.
It's dead silent in your shared apartment as you unlock the front door, fumbling with your keys. Leon's standing behind you like a lost puppy , watching as you fumble with the keys.
Once you both get inside, he sighs and drops his shoes and jacket onto the ground , rubbing at his temples. "You made me look stupid." You suddenly chime , all that fake bullshit now gone. He blinks. What did he do? He didn't think he did anything wrong. "What?" He responds after gulping down the lump in his tight throat.
"Don't what me. You made me look fucking stupid."
He winces at your harsh tone and looks down at his hands , fidgeting with his fingers awkwardly. "That zoning out , you think it's cute? You looked like a weirdo. And don't get my started on the whole spill thing." He frowns at the reminder. He had accidentally startled you , made you spill your juice all over his mom. Yikes! That look in your eyes told him everything he needed to know.
"And you didn't bother to clean it up," you add on after a moment of silence. An irritated chuckle leaves your lips , shaking your head. "What even is that? Seriously. Be a gentleman instead of being a damn pussy all the time , it's pathetic." Honestly , sometimes he forgets he's a guy. He just feels like a girl when you talk down on him , be so assertive. Maybe it's that masculinity deep down. Whatever it is , he better flush it.
He doesn't know what comes next besides that signature smack to his once soft skin , stinging red. He stumbles back a little , a small 'oof' leaving his bruised lips. "Do you think this is funny , think you're better than me?" It's a rhetorical question , obviously. But he can't help but scramble to defend himself. "N-No , I-" Another slap , this time to the other cheek. "Shut up , it didn't need an answer." You scoff , rolling your eyes and crossing your arms over your chest.
His lip quivers and he blinks back his tears. Boys don't cry. Boys don't cry. Yeah, whatever. Except he isn't a little boy. He's a man , at least he thinks so.
Everything else is a blur. A blur full of yelling, kicking , punches , and cursing. Hjs mouth tastes of his own blood and he swears you've knocked some teeth loose , bruises already forming on his porcelain skin. Like a little doll.
Here you go with the fake apology , pout on your face and an even faker script already typed up in your head like an automated message. "You know I didn't mean it." You mutter to him in bed , staring him in his half-lidded now blacked eyes. Hey , at least you gave him a bandaid. Makes him less ugly to look at. All he can mumble is, "I know."
You smile at him , tooth rotting smile. "I only do it because I love you. You'd be a mess without me , huh?" Once again , rhetorical. But you're right. He would be a mess , a nobody. But at the same time , maybe he would actually be able to fulfill his dreams without you chaining him down.
You rest your chin on his bare chest , and he winces. His ribs still hurt and ache from all the kicks to his torso , beat red , black , and blue.
Your touch starts out innocent , and he slowly starts to drift off to sleep in hopes he'll wake up from this nightmare he's living. Until he feels your hand creeping down into his pajama pants, fingernails ghosting over him. His eyes flutter open in surprise , blinking in shock. He's way too tired for this , but he would never tell you that.
You can tell he doesn't want to do this with you , based off of his pitiful expression and frown. A light scoff leaves your lips. "Whats your problem?" You asks , raising an eyebrow at him. "Nothing." He quickly answers , shaking his head.
"You don't want to do this with me."
He furrows his brow and sits up a bit , only to be shoved down again by your hand. "Dont you like me? Aren't you my boyfriend, you're always too tired." You guilt trip him , and just like always , its effective. He bites his lip in thought , before sighing and nodding slowly. A defeated , "Okay."
Leon lies there, motionless, as you pull down his pants. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to focus on the cracks in the paint rather than what's happening to his body. He feels disconnected, like he's floating above the bed watching this scene play out. Your touches, which once brought him pleasure, now feel invasive and wrong. But he knows better than to resist or voice his discomfort , after all, all that training wasn't for nothing.
He feels your hand slowly wrap around his semi , whispering to him in his ear and coming out of the other. His muscles tighten and a soft groan leaves past his lips at the sudden touch. God , he hasn't done this with you in forever. Mostly because he's always tired and beaten.
He feels dirty for letting himself fall for you all over again , despite his lack of interest in this whole thing. His half lidded eyes squeeze shut. He likes to pretend that its not you touching him like this. Likes to pretend that it's somebody else , anybody else. Hell, even his mom would do. Is that sick?
He curses at himself for letting his pretty top leak pre-cum , leaking down his leg and onto your hand. "Wow , look at that," you chuckle , hand stroking his cock as you scrutinize his facial expression and body language. "Its been so long.. I'm surprised it works still." You teases. He doesn't laugh or respond. He just cringes at it.
He doesn't know what he wants. He wants you to stop , push you away and run for the hills. He wants you to keep going , tell him he's only yours and that nobody could make him cum as hard as you do. He's split.
All that's on his mind is getting this over with so you can both roll over and forget about each other until morning. All he wants.
His cock twitches at the feeling of your hand pleasuring him , thumb running over the tip and squeezing him. He gasps , a mix between a whine and a moan slipping out of his mouth. God. Nothing gets you off more than knowing he has no control. Its a power trip , really..
He glances over at your face , cooing to him. And he almost forgets about the way you treat him. Almost. It all comes flooding back , and he groans. His stomach churns and he feels like he's about to vomit.
Is he starting to like it , like you? Is he starting to get used to the way you beat him like a punching bag and use him like a toy? He's sure he's slowly developing Stockholm for you , because whenever he looks into your eyes , suddenly he doesn't want to leave anymore. He wants to stay dumb. Stay stupid and let you abuse him.
He doesn't give much a warning when his back arches and he grips onto the sheets , choked moan echoing throughout your shared bedroom. He feels disgusting. Cumming at the thought of you hurting him, he feels like a whore. Maybe that's all he is.
You don't do much aftercare, ever. He knows that. But a part of him can't help but wonder if its ever gonna be different. It won't be.
And that's the part he loves the most. He loves not having to worry about change , change makes him anxious sometimes.
And as long as he stays with you , he'll never feel that way again.
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elsweetheart · 2 years ago
my biggest flex is that my girlfriend is LITERALLY ellie , she looks like her just without the brown hair i love her lots 💕💕💕😘😘
cute omg !! 💕💕
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wastemee · 2 years ago
Seeming as u want requests i got one 4 ya :)
So its for Leon because im an absolute freak when it comes to him but i saw that u will write about stepcest so hear me out..
step brother leon (preferably re2) who isnt actually ur step brother yet. U meet him at a house party and talk to each other and hit it of. U end up fucking him and dont see him again.
MONTHS pass by and ur mom has met a new man. But u just think it'll be a one time thing but one thing leads to another and ur mom was eventually proposed to by this man.
Ur new step father mentioned he had a son ur age a few times but u thought nothing of it. When his son came to ur house for the first time u couldnt believe it was (leon) the guy u fucked at the houseparty a few months ago 🤯
Reader and leon continue fucking around although their siblings now 😝
btw readers mom has already met leon multiple times it was just the reader that hadnt met him until he moved in.
~ neo 😘
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⋆ ★
stepbrother re2 leon x fem!reader
disclaimer . porn with plot , stepcest , stepbrother!leon , re2!leon , bathroom sex , keeping quiet
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It’s been months ever since you fucked that guy at the house party you attended. You didn’t even remember his name , and his face slowly disappeared from your brain over time. You didn’t think you’d see him again after what happened.
Your mother had started to date another man again , and you didn’t think it’d last long. It would just be another quick relationship and she’d forget about him entirely right after it. But , this one had more chemistry to it than the others. The man , your new stepfather, proposed to her and she gladly accepted it. He had mentioned he had a son your age a few times , but you just shrugged it off. It wasn’t until he finally came to the house to meet you that you realized who he was.
“Honey? Can you come here , please?” your mother called her bedroom. You paused the TV show you were watching with a groan and got up to walk to her room. “Yeah?” you responded as you sat down next to her on her bed. “You remember how your stepfather has a son your age , right?” she asked with a smile. “Uh .. yeah.”
“Well , he’ll be bringing him over so you two can finally meet! Exciting , right?” She announced , taking your hand in hers. “Don’t worry , you’ll both love each other.” your mother reassured with a bright smile. You opened your mouth to say something but the doorbell ringing interrupted your train of thought. “C’mon , that must be them.”
Your mother got up from her bed and made a gesture for you to follow her. You stood up and followed behind her to the living room. She walked over to the front door and opened it , your stepbrother and stepfather standing outside. “Hey , (name)!” your stepfather said with a grin , patting your shoulder before walking into the house. You gave him a half-hearted smile before turning your gaze to his son.
“Leon.” he introduced, holding his hand out to you. It took you both a minute to recognize each other , and when you did , a look of shock was displayed on your faces. “Oh my god,” you muttered under your breath. Leon chuckled nervously, lowering his hand as he rubbed his neck. You were both so still so shocked , you didn’t even hear both of your parents calling your names. “Why don’t you both talk to each other for a bit? I’m sure you’ll both get along.” your mother suggested as your stepfather nodded. “Y-yeah , sure..” you awkwardly agreed.
Leon walked into the door , closing it behind him. As you both stood there, looking at each other, you couldn't help but feel a strange sensation in your stomach. Memories of that night at the house party came flooding back to you. The way you both felt , the way you both moaned each others names , and much more.
"Um, so, how have you been?" Leon asked, breaking the silence and snapping you out of your thoughts. "Oh, um, I've been okay," you replied, trying to act casual. "Just busy with school and stuff." Leon nodded. "Yeah, same here. Work is .. hard.” he said, scratching his head. "It's been a while."
"Yeah, it has," you agreed, feeling a bit awkward. You didn't know what to say or how to act around him. You were supposed to be stepsiblings now, after all. He stood in the doorway , avoiding your gaze best he could. You clear your throat , chuckling nervously. “So..” you trail off , trying to find something to talk to him about. “My room is just down the hall. We can watch a movie or something.” you say.
“Yeah, seems cool.” Leon said , his gaze finally turning back to yours. You gave him a small smile before walking towards your room. You heard him sigh and follow behind you. You opened your bedroom door and stepped aside so Leon could take a peek. “Nice.” he commented. You both walked into the room and sat down on your bed. “So , how’s school?” he asked as you both sat next to each other. “It’s okay. I just wish I had more time for friends.” you replied.
“I know that feeling.” Leon laughed as you both looked at each other. That same feeling you felt that night at the party slowly came back to you. You couldn't help but thinking about his lips against yours , your hands exploring each others bodies. You know it’s wrong and weird to think about that now , considering he’s now your stepbrother.
You tried to fight off those dirty thoughts of yours , but god , you still find him so attractive.
It’s been a while since you first met , and now you’re both seeing each other during family reunions. Leon would be lying if he said that the way your ass looked in those jeans of yours didn’t stir something in him. You were both sitting next to each other at your stepfather’s house for a family reunion. Sometimes , Leon would sneak a glance at you, silently admiring you and your body. He didn’t have the guts to express how badly he wanted you , he barely had the guts to look at you without thinking about that night.
“Hey , (name)?” He called as he tapped your shoulder. “Yeah?” You responded as you turned in your seat to face him. “C-could we talk? Like , somewhere private?” Leon asked nervously as he stood up out of his seat. “Uh .. sure.” you said with a shrug as you stood up out of your seat as well , following behind Leon to a more private area in the house. “What is it?”
“I-I’ve been thinking about you a lot , (name). More than I should.” he confessed in a shaky voice , trying not to show how nervous and embarrassed he is. You nodded as you listened to him talk , interested in where this could go. “Most of my thoughts are .. inappropriate,” he continues as he looks at his feet in shame and embarrassment. “And I know we’re stepsiblings now , but I just can’t shake these feelings. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable , you have every right to be.”
“I’m not uncomfortable , Leon. I-I’ve been feeling the same way for a while as well.” you told him , trying your best to give him a reassuring smile. Leon looked up from the ground to glance at you , eyes wide in surprise. “R-Really?” You nod at him and stare at him. The moment went from being a confession about love for each other , despite being step-siblings , to being as close to each other as possible in the bathroom.
“Fuck,” Leon whispered as he held you close by your waist , chest against your back while he sloppily thrusted in and out of you. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting just to feel you again.” You could only let out hushed moans while trying to keep your voice down , careful to not let your parents hear. He kissed along your neck while he sloppily continued his movements in and out of you. “Y-You’re so tight around me , (name),” he growled against the skin of your neck while his hands gripped tightly at your breasts , squeezing lightly. “L-Leon .. Oh god,” you whimpered as your legs tremble from the stimulation.
“I-I’m gonna cum , (name)..” Leon moaned , his thrusts speeding up as he chases his high. “Fuck , cumming!” He moaned with one more thrust into your cunt , his body shaking. You moaned as your body trembled , your hands barely supporting you as you bent over the sink. When you both catch your breath , Leon pulls up his pants and you do the same. “Damn , you make me feel so good.” He said with a small smile. “W-We should probably head back,” he muttered , making sure you two didn’t look too messy.
“Yeah,” you agreed , fixing your jeans and hair. “I’ll see you later then?” Leon asked with an awkward smile. You nod at him in response , turning to head for the door. It was definitely going to a bit hard to pretend everything was normal after you fucked your stepbrother , half of you wished you both could just forget about this and go on with your awkward lives. But , more of you wanted this to keep going.
And Leon secretly wished it too.
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wastemee · 2 years ago
the day chris redfield smothers me in his tits will be the day i die happy.
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wastemee · 2 years ago
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pairing: ashley graham x bodyguard!reader
content warning: fingering , afab reader , grinding , teasing , nicknames
tags: @enforcermoss
summary: after a important event , ashley hits you up on some “overtime” , and it was definitely worth it.
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“You’ll be just fine with me , Ash.”
You grinned at her. Compared to her usual attire , she was dressed in a fancy , prestigious way to really dazzle the guests. “How long will this take , Y/N? I dont really plan on being out here all day.” Ashley asked. “Eh.. I don’t know , sorry. It seems important though so I’d say about 4 hours. Why? Have something to do later?”
She smiled and sighed. “Yes actually.. If you’re not doing anything after this , maybe you could do some overtime. Spend some extra time with me.” She winked and grinned at you. You coughed into your hand and brushed off your jacket. “I’m your bodyguard not your partner , Ashley.” She laughed and patted you on the back. “You know I’m joking. Just wanted to tease you.” The only thing separating you from the other hired staff was that you were chosen as Ashley’s personal bodyguard. That meant fifteen hours to be with her, to assist her and to look out for her. That’s all. Nothing extra.
“Okay , we’re here. Go ahead and find a place to sit , I’ll sit next to you.” Ashley gave a thumbs up and scanned the room to find a table. “How about the back table right there?” She pointed at it and you shrugged. “Alright.”
As you both made your way to the back table, you noticed a group of people staring at Ashley , talking amongst themselves. You immediately took note of their suspicious behavior and made a mental note to keep an eye on them. Ashley, on the other hand, seemed completely oblivious to their stares and was already engrossed in the conversation with the other guests.
“Y/N? You okay?” Ashley asked with a puzzled expression. “Yeah , fine. Just sit down.” You sat down beside her and listened to the speech going on. You were to distracted by the president’s speech , you didn’t feel Ashley’s hand creeping up your thigh. You shot a quick glance at her and saw the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. You discreetly moved her hand away and gave her a stern look. She pouted but didn't push it any further. You focused your attention back on the speech, not wanting to miss anything important.
But despite your best efforts, you couldn't help but feel Ashley's gaze on you. It was like a physical touch, making your skin tingle. You tried to ignore it, but it only grew stronger as the night went on. By the time the event was over, you were practically vibrating with anticipation. As you walked out of the venue, Ashley linked her arm with yours and leaned in. "So, about that overtime..." she whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You turned to face her, your heart pounding in your chest. "What are you suggesting, Ashley?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady. She smiled seductively, her eyes glinting mischievously. "I was thinking maybe we could go back to my place and have a drink. Or two. And maybe see where the night takes us." You swallowed nervously, feeling a sudden rush of desire. You had always kept a particularly sharp eye on Ashley due to feeling conflicted on your feelings, but never really acted on them. Knowing that it could jeopardize your job and your career. But now, with her so close, her lips inches from yours, you couldn't resist.
"Lead the way," you said breathlessly, taking her hand in yours. She smiled and you led her back to your car. As you both sat in the car, the tension was palpable. You couldn't take your eyes off of her. She was beautiful, with a fiery confidence that made you feel both excited and intimidated. She leaned over and placed a hand on your thigh, making you jump in surprise. "Relax," she whispered, her breath hot against your ear. "I just want to enjoy this moment with you."
You nodded, feeling your body relax under her touch. The drive to her house was filled with silence, but it was a comfortable one. When you arrived, she led you inside and poured you both a drink. You sat on her couch, sipping your drink, and chatting about the event.
As you kept talking to her , she couldn’t keep her eyes off your lips. Just wondering how hers would feel again yours. Eventually, she couldn't resist any longer. She leaned in and pressed her lips to yours, her hand sliding up your thigh once again. This time, you didn't push her away. Instead, you deepened the kiss, your hands pulling her closer.
The tension between you both had been building for so long, and now it was finally being released in a fiery passion. You both knew it was wrong, that it could lead to serious consequences, but in that moment, you didn't care. All that mattered was the heat between you, the longing that had been building up inside for so long.
As you both pulled away, panting heavily, you knew that this was something that couldn't happen again. But at the same time, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of being with Ashley once more. It was a dangerous game you were playing, but you were both willing to take that risk, to see where the night would take you.
“Ashley.. We shouldn’t be doing this , really..” She rolled her eyes and grinned at you. “You keep saying that , but you still keep engaging with me.. Maybe you wanted this to happen.” She smirked and gripped onto your thigh. “What if we get caught? You know what’ll happen..” Ashley sighed. “I know. But it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy tonight. Just this one night.”
She smiled and intertwined her finger with yours and pushed you down onto the couch. “So , lets enjoy the time we have together for now..” She smiled and kissed your neck , running her hand down and to where your belt was holding up your pants. “Can I take this off?” She questioned , staring at you with lustful eyes.
You looked over at her, slightly confused. “Please.” You whispered out. She smiled and unbuckled your belt and then your pants , throwing them to the side. She ran her fingers over your underwear , inhaling your scent deeply. She placed a single finger on your lips, her soft touch sending chills down your spine. “Could you take my top off?” You nodded and took off her top and threw it on the floor , her black bras straps hanging off her shoulder.
“Fuck.” You mumbled. Ashley’s fingers messed with the band of your underwear before slipping her hands into it , gathering your slick on her fingers. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while..” She said , smiling. You moaned softly and bit your lip , staring into Ashley’s eyes. She stuck two of her slim fingers into you and thrusted it in and out slowly. She started to grind against your leg slowly , chasing after her own pleasure as well.
She watched your face twist into different expression as she sloppily thrusted her fingers in and out of your soaking cunt. You whined and bucked your hips forward , riding her fingers. “Feels good , doesn’t it? I knew “overtime” would be worth it..” She pressed a soft kiss to your lips , her tongue exploring your mouth.
“Fuck.. ‘m close , Ash.” You whispered. She bit her and moaned softly. “Shit , me too..” Ashley gripped onto your hip and continued to grind against you , her eyes fluttering as the pressure in her stomach built up. “F-fuck.. ‘m cumming..” You groaned, staring at her intensely.
Her fingers pumped in and out of you faster and faster, urging your own climax to come quicker. “Cum with me.. “ You felt her grip your hip harder and grind against you harder , her own climax approaching. Ashley came with a muffled moan as she bit her lip , releasing her juices all over your leg. You moaned and threw a hand over your mouth , trying not to moan loudly.
She took her fingers out of you and made eye contact with you as she licked her fingers clean. Your eyes fluttered as your orgasm sent you crashing down. “Fuck..” You mumbeled as your body relaxed and Ashley lay her head on your chest. “I’m glad I have you that offer for overtime.. It was so worth it. She grinned at you and pressed kisses to your collarbone , what was left of her lipstick making marks all over. You rolled your eyes at her and pulled her up and into your arms.
“Yeah , well don’t get used to it. This was a one time thing.” She scoffed and stared at you. “C’mon.. you can’t deny you loved it. All those moans you were making.. So pretty.” You furrowed your eyebrows and playfully hit her. “Don’t get to cocky now. If I wasn’t so tired , I would’ve done more.” Ashley smiled. “Oh whatever.”
You checked the time on your watch and sighed. “I should probably get going. I’ve been here long enough.” Ashley pouted and got off top of you. You grabbed your clothes and headed for the door , Ashley walking not far behind you. “Stay with me , Y/N. Please?” She asked with those puppy dog eyes she always used to get what she wanted. You stared at the door then back at her. “Okay , fine. Only because you asked so nicely.” She smiled at you and dragged you upstairs to her room.
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© beebopbeeboop 2023
➜ do not repost my work on any other platform , translate it , copy , or steal
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wastemee · 2 years ago
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pairing: older!bf!leon kennedy x fem!reader
CONTENT WARNING::dumbfication , praise , pet names , slapping , age gap (both reader and Leon are consenting to the relationship and both are above 18.)
TAGS: @cwreamcake , @yourgentlegirlfriend
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— LEONS hand was wrapped around your neck as he finger fucked you , his rough fingers thrusting in and out of your wet cunt. You bit your lip and rested your hands on the lower part of his back , your eyes fluttering. He looked down at you and chuckled at the sight. “Well , aren’t you just the prettiest baby? So needy for me , huh?” He teased , his grip on your neck slightly tightening. You opened your mouth to speak but the only thing coming out were pathetic whines and whimpers. “L-leon..” You managed to mumble out weakly.
— “Pl-please…” You stared at him with teary eyes and gripped onto his hips. He smiled and continued to thrust his long fingers out of , your grip on his hips loosening. “Please what , babygirl? I can’t read your mind.” He said in a cocky tone. You wanted to say something , but the way his fingers pressed against your insides didn’t help. Leon slapped your face softly a few times , clicking his tongue in sync with the sounds. “Answer me , sweet girl.. When I ask you something , I want it to be answered. Got it? I know I taught you better than this.” He gave you a sympathetic look , mocking you.
You gulped and mustered up the strength to voice your desires. “Want you inside me , Lee..” You moaned out. “Thats all you had to say , baby.” He said , grinning at you. He took his soaked fingers out of your pussy and stuck them in your mouth , hearing you gag quietly. He took his fingers out of your mouth and let you catch your breath before leaning down to kiss you. You moaned into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck , deepening the kiss.
He pulled away from the kiss , only a faint string of saliva connecting you both. You unbuckled Leons pants and threw them aside on the floor with your shirt and panties. He rubbed himself through his boxers , maintaining eye contact with you just to watch you grow impatient. “Leon , no more teasing , please. Just fuck me already..” You grumble. He scoffed but wasted no time throwing his boxers to the side and grabbing your hips , the tip of his cock just outside of you. “So impatient today. If you keep giving me that same attitude, just see what’ll happen.”
He slowly made his way into you , moaning softly as he rolled his hips against yours. You bit your lip and yours eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Feels so good , Lee. Don’t stop..” You moaned. Leon cursed under his breath and rested his hand on your neck. “Fuck , you feel so good around me , Y/N…” He moaned out , his thrusting not slowing down. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room as sweat rolled down your forehead. Whines left your open mouth as tears formed in your eyes again. You grabbed at Leons arms and gripped onto them , trying your best to form a sentence.
“L-Leon..” You said in a low , raspy voice. He bit his lip and gripped onto your hips , leaving little marks. “What? Already so fucked dumb on my cock you cant’t even form a sentence. My dumb girl..” He teased , pressing a little kiss to your lips and wiping your tears away. You frowned at him. “I’m not dumb..” You said in a hushed tone. “Whatever makes you happy, sweetheart.” His pace and thrusts grew sloppier as he got himself closer to cumming. “ ‘m about to cum , lee..” You weakly told him. “Shit , me too , baby.” He moaned out.
He pulled out of you and stroked himself to cum over your stomach. He came with a low groan and his eyes fluttered and his eyebrows furrowed as he held back a moan. You clenched around nothing and gripped at the bedsheets. “Fuck , you’re so good , Y/N.. My good girl.” Leon complimented as he pressed a loving kiss to your forehead.
— A/N: I am so sorry if this is poorly written 😭 my eyes were literally fluttering back into my eyesockets im so tired 😞
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© beebopbeeboop 2023
➜ do not repost my work on any other platform , translate it , copy , or steal
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wastemee · 2 years ago
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CONTENT WARNING: threesome , fingering , marking , slapping , praise , oral , teasing , begging
pairing: ada wong x fem!reader x leon kennedy
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A shaky moan left your parted , wet lips as Ada worked on your cunt while Leon marked and kissed every along your body he could reach. Your legs wrapped around Ada as the coil in your stomach was about to release. “m’ gonna cum , Ada.. Don’t stop.” She hummed into your cunt in satisfaction , causing you to shiver. “Mhm? Cum all over my tongue , pretty girl. Wanna taste you..” You bit your lip and grabbed st Leon’s forearm as your orgasm rushed over you , leaving you breathless.
Leon scoffed at the fact Ada has been toying with you for so long and he hasn’t got to. Ada grinned at him. “What? Jealous?” She mocked. “No.” He quickly shot back , coming out more whiny than he wanted to. He took your chin in his hand and brung you into a deep kiss. His hand slid down to your clit and rubbed slow circles , causing you to moan into his mouth. He pulled away from the kiss , only a string of saliva connecting you both. “Bet you want me to make you feel god , huh baby? My warm cum inside you.. Sounds way better than whatever Ada’s doing , hm?”
Ada sucked her teeth and gave Leon a look. “Oh , please. Like you could make her feel better than I do.” He turned his away from you and looked Ada up and down before rolling his eyes. “How about we let her decide who gets to play with her next? It’s only fair.” Ada squinted and scoffed. “Want Leon to fuck me , Ada..” Leon smirked at Ada and kissed your neck , biting down on it and sucking on the sore skin.
He moved from behind you and positioned him right on top of you , taking in your lustful expression. He muttered something under his breath and began to take his pants off. He stroked himself slowly , maintaining eye contact with you. You groaned impatiently and grabbed at his hips , your nails digging into his skin. “Please hurry , Lee.. Can’t take it anymore.” You pouted. He smirked at you and slapped your face gently a few times, giving you a mocking sympathetic look. “Poor baby.. Growing desperate? Tell me how badly you wan’t me.”
You frowned at him and tears welled up in your eyes. “P-please , Leon.. Want you in me.” He grinned at you and aligned himself at your entrance. “Atta girl.” Leon grabbed onto your hips and thrusted into you , moaning quietly. You whined and wrapped your legs around him.
“Fuck , you feel so good around me , sweet girl.” He said in a raspy voice. The only thing that left your wet lips were whines and whimpers. “Tell me how good I make you feel sweetheart.” You let out a breathy moan and bit your lip. “A-ah..~ Feels so good , Lee.” Leons thrust became more sloppy as his breathing grew heavy and unsteady. “ ‘m so close , Lee. Don’t stop..” You rasped.
Leons hips stuttered and he moaned quietly. “M-me too , baby. Cum all over me , sweetheart.” You pulsed around him and the pressure in your stomach grew heavier. You bit back a moan as released yourself onto Leon with a gasp. You shuddered and rested your eyes , tears streaming down your face.
“That felt good didn’t it? Way better than what Ada was doing , huh?” To fucked dumb to answer Leons question, you nodded slowly , unsure.
Ada scoffed and pushed Leon off of you. “Well , the night isn’t done yet. I bet I can make her scream my name louder than yours by the end of the night.” She smirked at you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Oh , fuck off..” Leon shot a glare at her.
“Don’t nod off yet , sweetheart. We’re not done.”
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© goreradio 2023
➜ do not repost my work on any other platform , translate it , copy , or steal
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wastemee · 2 years ago
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# ┊ pairing: re4!leon kennedy x f!reader
# ┊ content warning: ghostface!leon , blood kink , knife kink , threats , mentions of death , violence , praise , stalking , deepthroating , choking , age gap (reader is 20 , leons 27)
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# ┊ synopsis .. with your boyfriend on a business trip , and you at home , a creepy stalker calls you on your home phone. no natter what you threats you use , he insists you play a “game” of his. play for a little surprise , wont you?
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THE RAIN OUTSIDE BANGED ON THE ROOF OF YOUR HOUSE as you looked out the window from your desk. Your papers for college and your homework were scattered over your desk as you struggled to figure out what to right for your essay , biting your lip and tapping your foot. There’s better things you could be doing right now. Like going to that party your friend went to without you , or having your boyfriend come over so you could watch a movie. You sighed and threw your pencil down in frustration , furrowing your eyebrows. “Fuck,” You muttered as you crumbled up the draft you had. “I hate college.” The time on your clock said 9:53 and you groaned. You imagined how that party was or what your boyfriends doing without you. Pushing yourself out of your chair , you grabbed a change of clothes and headed to your bathroom to take a shower.
As you walked into the bathroom , you caught of glimpse of your state. “God , this essay is stressing me out. After I shower , I’ll be good to go.” You told yourself in the mirror.
After a few minutes, you hopped out the shower , made a snack , then went to your room. You flopped on your bed and grabbed the remote and turned on a old horror film , laughing at how ridiculous it was. You were to caught up in the terrible movie you didn’t notice the telephone ringing. You groaned and lazily rolled over to grab the telephone , holding it to your ear. “Hello? Who is this?” You asked to the anonymous person on the other line. “Hey princess..” The deep voice on the other line replied with a tone that made you sick. “What the fuck? I don’t know which loser you are from campus but get the hell of my line.” You spat at the man on the phone. You were about to set down the phone but the voice quickly shouted. “Dont , hang up on me. I’ll slit your fucking throat open when I catch you.” He said through gritted teeth. The threat gave you a feeling of dread and you suddenly felt uneasy , checking your surroundings. “Just who do you think you are? I’ll call the cops on you fucker. They can track this call to whatever phone you used.”
He chuckled into the phone and sighed. “Those cops can’t catch me. When I’m done with them , I’m all on you , sweetheart.” He cooed. You couldn’t shake the disgust you felt , you were struggling not to hang up on him and just call your boyfriend to spend the night with you. “You! Fine.. What do you want from me?” You could hear the smug tone in his voice as he spoke. “I wan’t to play a game with you , sweet girl.” You sucked your teeth and sat back down on the bed , tapping your nails on your thigh. “What kind of game?” You ask , worried it might be something extreme. “What’s the point in spoiling it? I want to surprise you.” You sighed heavily. “Alright.. Just get on with it.”
“Good. Get comfortable first. I want you to be comfortable when I surprise you.”
“Whats your name , sweet thing?” He asked in such a tone it almost made you sick. “Erm.. Why?” You questioned. “Because I want to know who I’m looking at.” He responded in a flat tone. A feeling of fear shot through you. “What?” You mumbled. You looked out your window and through your door. “Don’t bother looking for me. You won’t find me.”
His response stirred something in you and you grit your teeth and sat back to your headboard. ���So.. you got a boyfriend?” He questioned. “Why? You’re not trying to ask me on a date are you?” He chuckled. “Just answer the question.” You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “No.” You lied , trying not to bring Leon into the mix of things. You could head him huff. “You’re lying. I watch you everyday. I see you with him everyday. Lie to me again and I’ll gut you like a damn pig.” He spat with a malicious tone. What is wrong with this man and what does he want? “Why don’t you just come up and do your scary act already? This prank is getting old real fast.” You hissed. “If I wanted you dead , I would’ve done it already baby. Instead , I want to play a little..” He purred.
“Well , I’m tired of your damn game. You’ve threatened me 2 times and you still haven’t dared to come in here. My boyfriend will kick your ass when he gets back , I promise you. I’m hanging up on you.” You set down the phone and looked at your window and listened to your environment, hoping the man was lying. After about a hour , you decided that he was just telling lies to scare you. You creeped down the stairs and peeked your head around the corner before walking down your stairs. You grabbed a water and let your guard down , rookie mistake. Black combat boots could be heard running up behind but before you could react , a bloody gloved hand flew over your mouth and a knife to your throat. “Scream and I’ll cut you into pieces.” The voice growled. As scared as you were , you could only nod and follow his instructions. “Walk to the counter right there.” He pointed to the marble counter in front of you and you hesitantly walked to it , still facing your back to the masked stranger. “Turn around.”
You slowly turn around and face the stranger. His breathing growing ragged and heavy. He slowly pulled the ghost face mask off when he was finally done revealing himself , all the air was knocked out of you. “Hey princess.” Leon grinned at you and you only stared at his bloody , bruised face. “Le-Leon? What the hell! Why are you covered in blood? What happened?” You stuttered. “Don’t worry about it , sweet thing. Just know I did it to help you.” He cupped your cheek with his hand and stroked your cheek. “I told you I would surprise you , right? Tada.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips , bringing you closer. You pushed him off of you , frowning. “You made me mad , Leon.” He chuckled and kissed your cheek. “Really? m’ sorry baby.. but you upset me to. how did you not know it was me?” He pouted and twirled the knife in his hand between his slim fingers. “I’m sorry , Lee.”
He tilted his head to the side and moved his hand down to caress the soft skin at your waist. “It’s okay , baby.. Y’know what would make me feel better? Fucking that cute little pussy of yours.. I’d feel a lot better.” He smirked and slid his unoccupied hand down your pants , messing with the waistband to your panties. You bit your lip and pulled Leon into a kiss , smelling the rain and blood mixed together to create a scent you never smelt before. You nodded at him and took his hand , leading him to your bedroom. Once up the stairs and in your room, Leon waisted no time unbuckling his pants and shoving his knife in a holster on his arm. “On your knees, now.” You were quick to obey him and fell to your knees in front of him. He finally threw his belt to the side and pushed his boxers down , his cock springing up and coming in contact with your nose.
“C’mon , you aren’t new to this baby. Stick your tongue out.* You stuck your tongue out and Leon pushed himself into your mouth , moaning softly. “You take me so well , sweetheart. Fuckk..” He groaned as you bobbed your head down on his dick. He moaned and bit his lip , his eyebrows pressed together. “Just like that.. Feels so good baby.” You hummed at his praise and took his cock out your mouth , slapping it on your tongue. Leon released his bottom lip from between his teeth and let out a low groan. “Wanna see you take all of me down your throat.. Can you do that?” He asked , stroking your cheek. “Mhm.” You mumbled. Leon grabbed a handful of your hair and pushed your head down to the base of him. He shuddered at the feeling of your mouth around him. Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes as you sniffled , struggling to breath when your mouth stuffed.
You clawed at Leon’s thigh to let him know you have to breath. He only gave you mocking sympathetic and cooed at you. “Aww.. Can’t breath , baby?” He grinned and slapped your cheek. “Poor thing..” He mocked. He let go of your hair and popped of his cock , choking and panting heavily. “You’re so adorable taking me like this..” He caresses your cheek and grins at you. “Listen up , princess. I’m gonna fuck your throat then you’re gonna thank me , mkay?” You nod at Leon and sniffle. Leon grabs your cheeks and gives you a look. “Use your words , sweetheart. I taught you better than that..” He cooed. “Y-yes , Lee..” He grinned and kissed your forehead before shoving your face down his cock.
His breathing became more heavy as his stomach tossed and turned. Leon threw his head back and grunted before cumming in your mouth. “Shit , baby.” You popped off his cock and wiped the tears at your eyes. “Swallow it.” He demanded. You nodded and swallowed , wiping the around your mouth with your hands. “Good girl.” He cooed , running his hands through your hair. “On the bed.* He directed you towards ypur bed and you eagerly jumped of the ground and sat on the edge , waiting for Leon to follow. Leon walked over to the bed and climbed on top of you , pushing you down on your soft bed as he pressed his lips against your wet ones. His large hands ran along your legs and to the shorts you were wearing, pulling it and releasing it with his finger. “Can I take these off , sweetheart?”
He asked. You mumbled a “yes” against his lips and wiggled in excitement. He parted from the passionate kiss and rushed to take your shorts off. You shivered as the cold air in your room contacted with your bare thighs. Leon’s slim fingers trailed from your inner thighs to your panties , a wet spot pooling. “So wet for me already , babygirl? You just can’t resist me.” You whined and stared at him with glossy eyes , biting your lip. His fingers pushed past the fabric of your panties and rubbed at your clit in painfully slow circles. You moaned softly as your eyes fluttered back from the pleasure. “I-I want more , Leon..” You whispered to him in a needy tone. “You just can’t take what I give you , can you? I think I spoil you wayyy too much.” He teased , still rubbing agonizingly slow circles on your clit. “Please.. Want you inside me..” You begged , tears pooling at your eyes.
“Aww.. How can I say no to that face?” He cooed sweetly , stroking your cheek. You sighed as you heard him give into how needy you were. Leon grabbed your hips , pulling your cunt to meet his cock , the tip barely pushing into you. You grabbed at his forearm , digging your nails into his skin. “Hurry please..” You whimpered. Leon grinned and kissed your cheek. “Did you miss me that much? I didn’t know my girl needed me so badly..” The sight of your needy state only boosted Leon’s ego , eager to tease you more. But , he saw how badly you needed him so he decided to cut to the chase. He slowly pushed himself into , grunting under his breath. The way you tightened around him caused him to let out a barely audible whimper.
You breathed shakily and gripped onto the bedsheets , biting back a moan. “Fuck , you don’t know how much I missed you , baby. Been craving you all month..” Leon breathed. You whimpered in response and leaned in closer to his face , attempting a kiss. The stimulation you were receiving made it difficult to even kiss him. “It f-feels good , Lee..” You moaned , your lip quivering. Leon grinned at you and grabbed at your hips. His thrusts grew sloppy as his breath became heavier and he let out low grunts and moans. “Ah.. I’m close baby , fuck.” Leon muttered, his nails digging into the skin on your hips. You wrapped your legs around his waist and whined as the pressure in my stomach grew stronger. “ ‘m close , Leon..” You moaned.
“Me too , sweetheart.. Fuck.” He groaned as his thrusts became slower and sloppy. Your nails clawed at his back as you bit your lip to not let out moans so loud the neighbors could hear. Leon did one more messy thrust into you before groaning quietly. A choked moan left your bruised lips as you reached your high. A wave of pleasure washed over your body as you shuddered and bucked your hips. He pulls out of you , his seed spilling out of your cunt and making a mess on the bed. Leon gives you a affectionate kiss on the cheek as his hand traced over your waist. “I missed you so much , sweetheart. So glad I finally got to see my girl again.” He cooed , his thumb rubbing your cheek.
“I missed you too , Lee..” You smile and kiss his red lips , the taste of your chapstick on his lips.
“To make up for how long I was gone , how about I spoil you all day tomorrow?” He asked sweetly , his slim finger running through your hair. Your eyes lit up at the thought of spending your time with Leon all day tomorrow and you nodded.
“I’d love that.”
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© goreradio 2023➜
do not repost my work on any other platform , translate it , copy , or steal
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wastemee · 2 years ago
gfs (abby+reader) who play horror games together ❤️‍🩹
oh em gee
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“fuck , im bad at this.” abby mumbeled. you giggled and stared at the tv screen in concentration. “what’re you laughing at? you died like 20 times , you’re not any better.” you scoffed and elbowed her. “im wayyy better then you. y’know how many ghosts I’ve caught? so many i can’t even count , and how many have you caught? none , exactly.” abby chuckled and “accidentally bumped your controller out of your hand. “oops.” you yelped and hit her as hard as you could. “you’re so mean!” you pouted and crossed your arms. “c’mon you know im kidding. even though you suck at video games , you’re still my favorite girl.” you tried not to crack a smile but you gave in.
“okay , okay. you’re too sweet for your own good.” you gave her a big hug and looked up at her. her hair was all disheveled from playing and you could tell she was really concentrating. “i love you so much, abby.” you held your breath as you waited for her to respond. she chuckled and patted your head. “i love you more babe.”
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wastemee · 2 years ago
im in love with you tima
older!leon, who’s an old fashioned guy prefers not to have his little girl thing work a day in her life!!!!! course, he admires hardworking women, independent women.. but boy does he fucking looooove girls who will be at his beck and call.. girls who will look at him through those full lashes, round eyes opaque with unknowingness. girls that know to be a good girl on instinct!
mutts who are all messy and whiny and live for his attention.. makes it all the more enjoyable when he returns home from one of his missions, being greeted with puppy kisses from his special little girl. he keeps you at home not only for your safety but because he’s so possessive! you stay there and look pretty, clean around the house on the occasion! cook!!! he’ll take care of the rest. you’ll never get those pretty hands dirty, not for jack shit. although, your work won’t go unnoticed and unrewarded!
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wastemee · 2 years ago
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pairing: jill valentine x fem!reader
summary: after a long and stressful day , jill needs to find some way to vent out all that built up frustration somehow. luckily you know exactly how to help her.
content warning: fingering , afab reader , that’s all I think
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JILL opened and closed the door to the small apartment you both shared. You turned down the heat on the stove and walked towards her to hug her. “Hi baby. I missed you.” She hugged you back and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Hey. I missed you too.” She released you from her warm embrace and went to the room and closed the door behind her to change into something more comfortable. You returned to the stove and continued to cook the food you were attending to before she came in.
Jill returned and walked behind you and hugged your waist. You could feel her breath against your neck as she inhaled your scent. “You okay , Jill?” You asked without taking your eyes off the stove. She let out a quiet “mhm” and rested her chin on your shoulder, still holding onto you. You continued cooking, stirring the pot absentmindedly as you felt her hands slide around to your shorts , messing with the waistband. She pressed herself against your back, the warmth of her body contacting with your cold one.
“Jill , you seem quiet.. why not tell me about your day? I’d love to hear about it.” She sighed and pouted. “It was really stressful. Just talking about it makes me feel frustrated.” She answered with a slightly annoyed tone. “Really? That bad? I’m sorry , baby.” Jill kissed your cheek and continued playing with the waistband to your shorts. You shut off the stove and turned around to face her , your eyes roaming her body. “Well , I know what could help get your mind off work..” You cooed.
You smiled and kissed her passionately, your hands sliding up her shirt. Jill moaned into the kiss, her hands eagerly working to remove your shirt. "Maybe that's exactly what I need," she said, her voice husky with want. You couldn't resist the temptation any longer. She dragged you to the bedroom and pulled you on top of her , kissing along your neck.
Your hands roamed over her skin, caressing her and trailing down her stomach. She writhed beneath you, her own hands working to remove your shorts. As you felt her fingers brushing against your skin, you knew that this was exactly what you both needed after a long day.
Your hand slipped down into her pants and into her underwear , doing circle motions on her clit. She moaned softly and struggled to take off your shorts , her hands shaking. You giggled at the way she was so weak from just your touch. She finally took off your shorts and glided her hand down into your underwear. Your motions on her stopped as you slowly stuck your already soaked finger into her.
She shuddered and moaned in pleasure , grinding against your fingers. “Feels so good.. dont stop , please.” She whimpered out. You kissed her lightly and added another finger inside her , pumping them while making a scissoring motion. You added yet another finger and pumped faster, your own pussy dripping with need. She let out a high pitched cry and clenched her eyes close, her orgasm hitting her hard. She released your hand and let out a quiet sigh. You slowly pulled your fingers out of her and licked them, savoring the taste. You smiled and kissed her softly to comfort her from her small orgasm. She held you in her arms and hugged you close , her breath slowing down.
“God , I really needed that.” She said sweetly, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. She smiled and kissed you softly. You held her close and kissed her back , your hands on both sides of her face , keeping you both close. She broke the kiss and pulled you up to lay next to her. “I hate seeing you frustrated like that. Y’know I always leap at the opportunity to make you feel better.” You said , smiling at her.
She smiled back and kissed you on the forehead. “You’re too good to me.” You giggled and kissed her nose. “Ah , don't worry bout it. Now you can thank me later by giving me the pleasure of your company tomrrow instead of stressing yourself out again.” She rolled her eyes and let out a laugh. “Sure , I’ll make it up to you.”
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© beebopbeeboop 2023
➜ do not repost my work on any other platform , translate it , copy , or steal
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wastemee · 2 years ago
all of u guys out there are saying Abby is straight but she just needs a cute pink girlfriend that’s 7 inches shorter then her to kiss on the lips and have accompany her on supply runs!! (me)
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wastemee · 2 years ago
ada with a gun and blood kink… yes.
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wastemee · 2 years ago
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nobody is talking abt how fine he is and its actually upsetting me 😕😕😕 where the henry fans at
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