dark-ronpa · 4 years
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word count: 256
content warning: yandere themes, drugging, kidnapping, imprisonment
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he loved you more than hope itself. maybe it was because he saw you as hope embodied. or maybe it was because he was so desperate to be loved that his reality warped.
nagito would go above and beyond for you. whether it be disposing of those rude girls who poked fun of your appearance or leaving you gifts on your doorstep, he would do anything for you.
yet, you didn’t return the favor. 
why didn’t you love him like he loved you? nagito gave you everything you could ever want. jewelry, money, clothes, you name it. yet, you continued to shut him down attempt after attempt.
you saw him as a little brother, he saw you as a goddess.
he had to act fast, the rohypnol he slipped into your drink wouldn’t last forever. nagito would whisk you away like a knight in shining armor from all those who would harm you.
why were you crying? don’t cry! he begged and begged you to stop crying. nagito despised the sight of you crying. were the chains too tight? he could loosen them for you if you promised that to make any sudden movement.
you were safe now, nagito can protect you! don’t worry, you were okay! nagito will keep you safe, no matter what.
nagito loved you; he would proclaim his undying love for you each and every day he visited your spot in the basement.
but you never said it back.
why can’t you love me, (y/n)? i love you more than hope itself.
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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word count: 639
content warning: yandere themes, murder
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blood. so much fucking blood.
that was your first thought when you entered your apartment one friday evening. it was a long day, your job as a waiter meant dealing with assholes and shitty tips. oh, and getting manhandled. yet, you never expected to see the mutilated corpse of the asshole who groped your ass in your place. 
the asshole’s corpse didn’t look human; shredded like cooked chicken with his head driven through a stake to be displayed for all to see. where did the killer even get a stake!? they went through a lot of trouble to make this happened.
a part of you didn’t want to call the cops but you knew you had to. of course, that dude was an asshole but he didn’t deserve to die! quickly, you dialed 911 and asked for the police to come to your apartment. 
the police were nice to you, as they took your statement. one cop in particular caught your eye, a kiyotaka ishimaru. he was rule-orientated and a bit of a stiff man but kind nonetheless. kiyotaka- who insisted that you called him taka- even offered to guard you in your hotel room in case that murderer came after you. 
taka was a soothing presence, something you needed after experiencing that horrific sight. you enjoyed taka’s company, perhaps because he did feel a bit familiar to you.
“we actually went to college together, (y/n)-san!” taka explained to you two nights after the murder in your apartment. your eyes widened and a smile bloomed on your face, “no wonder you looked so familiar, we had intro to political science together, didn’t we?”
“yup!” taka exclaimed before taking a loud slurp from his lo mein noodles. the two of you had gotten takeout earlier that evening, “i’m happy you remembered me, (y/n)-san.”
“please just call me (y/n),” your smile brightened, “i’m sorry for not recognizing you sooner, you just-” a blush settled on your cheeks, “-bulked up a bit.”
kiyotaka blushed and sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck, “o- oh! well, the academy training does that to a person.”
“what made you decide to be a cop?” you asked, as you plopped a dumpling into your mouth, “weren’t you studying international relations and political science, taka?”
you swore his expression darkened for a second but you chalked it up to still be shaken up from the murder, “i wanted to serve the people but i found that politicians were too corrupted and not everyone could become a diplomat so the police force was my next best choice!”
“i see,” you finished chewing on your dumpling, “i’m glad you have a successful career, taka. i wish i could say the same for me.”
“didn’t you want to be a nurse?” asked taka.
you nodded, “yeah, but i had to drop out of nursing school last year. my dad got really sick and i had to take care of him, hence why i started a job as a waiter.”
“did your dad get better?” taka leaned in, his eyes full of concerned.
you shook your head, “sadly, no.. he passed away a few weeks ago.”
taka frowned, “oh, (y/n), i’m so sorry for your loss,” he extended his arms out open to you, “do you need a hug?”
“yes..” you got up and embraced taka. god, you forgot the last time you hugged someone since your dad died. you were alone, dad gone and mom half way across the world on some missionary trip with your sister. yet, taka filled that hole, at least he did temporarily. 
“i’ll protect you,” he whispered, “no matter what.”
"thank you, taka.”
if you only knew how far he would go to protect you.
i mean.. who did you think killed the man who hurt you, after all?
well, it was taka, of course.
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dark-ronpa · 3 years
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request: can i request yandere gonta kazuichi and nagito scenario in which they kidnap their s/o? if the requests are closed atm, i'm sorry, just ignore this request :)
word count: 319
content warning: kidnapping, drugging
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gonta gokuhara
it didn’t take much effort for him to take you. he took you in board daylight, too. you remembered feeling his gentle, muscular arms around your waist. you just thought he was giving you a hug.
yet, fear settled in your gut when he duck-taped your hands and mouth. he picked you up with such ease, as well. why was he doing this?!
“gonta sorry,” he apologized when he set you in the back of his car. you let out a muffled protest but it fell to deaf ears, “gonta will keep you safe now.”
gonta will protect the one he loves.
kazuichi souda
his inventions made it easy to trap you where he wants you. kazuichi managed to corner you one evening with his latest invention, a robot that could tie you up with ease. he didn’t want to get his hands dirty, as kazuichi watched you struggle under the robot’s vice-like grip. 
with the robot’s help, kazuichi transported you to his secondary location where he could keep you under lock and key. you were rightfully upset but don’t worry! kazuichi loved you! he wouldn’t hurt you.
“don’t worry, babe. i got you,” he hummed merrily.
you’re safe now, (y/n), safe and sound.
nagito komaeda 
nagito put on his best puppy dog eyes and kept you thoroughly occupied while he worked his magic. he slipped some sedatives into your drink and watched eagerly, as you gulped it all down. a smile formed on his lips when you began to grow sleepier and sleepier, you looked like an angel.
he dragged you to his car and tossed you into the back. nagito couldn’t help but want to kiss your sleeping face. you just looked so adorable when you were asleep.
“i love you so much, (y/n)! please don’t despise me for this,” he pleaded with your sleeping form.
trash like me doesn’t deserve an angel like you.
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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word count: 284
content warning: yandere themes, asphyxiation
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“c’mon, lovebug~ gonta not gonna hurt you. just come back, alright? gonta just wanna talk,” you heard the sickly sweet purr of your deranged ex-boyfriend call out to you.
how did you end up in this mess? one minute you were breaking up and the next you were hiding in the woods for your life. your breath hitched when you felt the vibration of heavy footsteps approaching the tree you were hiding behind. 
no, no, no! you cried out, god please don’t find me!
what ever happened to the sweet boy you fell in love with? god, the things you would do to get the gonta you knew and loved back. anything, you would do anything not to face this monster stalking you like prey.
“found you!” you let out a scream when gonta popped in front of you, struggling as he grabbed you by the neck. the gentle giant you knew was gone, replaced by a monster who could snap you in half.
“l- let.. go!” you gasped for air. gonta didn’t move a muscle, “not until gonta and you talk,” and continued to squeeze as hard as he could. you sobbed, “you killed.. them!”
“gonta was protecting you,” huffed the larger man.
“they were.. my.. friends!” you punctuated your words, trying your hardest to converse your limited oxygen supply. gonta’s hold on your neck relaxed a bit, “but they hurting you. they tease, they bully..”
“they knew something was wrong with you, you.. you freak!” you screamed before headbutting gonta and making a run for it. gonta hissed from the wound and stumbled but quickly found his footing. he looked up with murderous intent in his eyes. 
“no more mr. nice guy.”
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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request: could i request kazuichi and mondo finding their s/o after a su//cide attempt? whether or not they end up surviving is up to you.
word count: 358
content warning: suicide, drug overdose, hanging
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kazuichi souda
“babe..?” you heard kazuichi’s voice from the other side of the door. the empty bottle of pills laid in your hand, as you felt the effects of the drugs course through your system. you wanted to apologize but you didn’t have the strength.
“(y/n), open the door.”
you let out a quiet moan, “i.. can’t.”
panic bubbled inside kazuichi’s gut and instinctively he kicked the door with all of his strength, forcing it open. he gasped at the sight of you motionless with the empty bottle of sleeping medicine. quickly, kazuichi dialed 911 and begged for an ambulance to come before rushing to your side.
“(y/n)! babe, god! please, stay awake!” kazuichi sobbed, cradling you in his arms. a sad smile graced your lips, “i’m.. sorry.”
“no, no, it’s okay!” kazuichi hastily wiped away his tears, “just.. please stay awake, honey. the ambulance is gonna be here soon.”
you smiled, “good.. bye. i love.. you.”
then you closed your eyes for the last time.
mondo owada 
it was a dumb fight, mondo thought to himself while he paced outside the door to your apartment. he didn’t mean to scream at you or call you those words. maybe roses could patch things up.. yeah, roses would patch things up.
“hey babe, i got you something!” mondo hollered at the door. 
silence, uncomfortable silence quickly followed.
mondo was worried, you should have been home by now. he knocked on the door, only to have it creak open. panic settled in mondo’s gut, as he rushed inside the apartment and began searching for you.
“(y/n)?! where are you?!” mondo yelled for you. he stopped by your bedroom and opened the door, stopping short at the sight that greeted him. 
you, hanging from the ceiling by a rope motionless.
quickly, mondo got out his pocket knife and cut you down from the rope. he held you gently and checked for your pulse but it was too late, you were already gone. 
trying his hardest not to cry, mondo looked for a note and found one clutched in your hand. when he opened it up, he only found one word on it.
goodbye –love, (y/n)
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dark-ronpa · 3 years
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request: could i please request ryoma kidnapping the reader because he's scared of them dying and wants to keep them safe?
word count: 338
content warning: kidnapping, drugging
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with moonlight as his only source of light, ryoma had to act fast. you would be home soon and he needed to get to you before you could enter your house. if not, you would be protected by your alarm system. had to act fast, had to act as fast as he could.
you approached the steps of your home and peered into your bag, searching for your keys. the perfect opportunity just presented itself. go, ryoma, go! 
“i’m sorry,” he whispered to you before covering your nose with the chloroform soaked rag. you barely had time to react before you were knocked unconscious. ryoma with all his strength caught you and gently set you on the ground. 
you would be safe, safe and sound. 
a groan escaped your lips when you woke up, head throbbing and nose burning. the last thing you remembered was fumbling for your keys. where were you? what happened to you?
“you’re awake,” a voice called out to you. eyes blurry, you tried to focus your vision as a familiar figure approached you. relief flooded over you when you realized it was your boyfriend of two months, ryoma hoshi. 
“ryoma!” you exclaimed, “thank god you’re here, what the heck are we?”
ryoma gave you a smile, “somewhere safe.”
everything froze in place, as you realized where you were. a makeshift prison cell with a poorly made twin sized bed and a toilet. you went to stand up and the shaking of a chain followed. with dread filling your heart, you looked down at your ankle and found a chain attached to it, “ryoma.. what did you do?”
“i’m keeping you.. safe, (y/n),” he answered, “they can’t hurt you if you’re in here.”
“who’s they?!” you suddenly yelled, “ryoma, let me out of here! god, please!”
“no,” his expression darkened, “i’m not gonna let you die out there like she did.”
“god, you’re making no sense!” you sobbed, panic bubbling inside your chest.
“ssshhh..” ryoma embraced you, “you’re safe now.”
you’re safe and sound.
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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request: hi! could you write fuyuhiko with an s/o who is kidnapped/tortured/killed by a rival gang?
word count: 237
content warning: kidnapping, torture, death, dismemberment 
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you don’t remember the last time you saw daylight.
the chang clan took you in the middle of the street. they took out your bodyguard the kuzuryuu clan gave you and shoved you in the back of a black van, making you disappear without a trace. since then, you experienced a hell like no other. 
they would pour hot tempura oil on your skin, making your skin and break out into burning boils from the oil. the clan wanted information on fuyuhiko but you wouldn’t betray your boyfriend, no matter what. 
so they began removing your appendages, one by one. you were left with stubs for fingers and toes but you still didn’t relent and give up the information you had on your boyfriend. 
the torture got more complicated. they left deep cuts in your skin and bleed you out, only to give you a blood transfusion and start the process over again and again. waterboarding came commonplace for your morning routine. how many days had it been since you last saw fuyuhiko?
fuyuhiko was desperate to find you. he used all of his clan’s resources in the effort to rescue you. yet, when he got a group of packages the next morning, he found the most horrific sight.
one package contained a leg, another an arm, and so on. it continued on and on until it assembled a human being.
a human being that was you.
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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request: hey! could i request kazuichi and leon accidentally being responsible for the death of their s/o? i don't mind if it takes place within the killing game or in an au! thanks :)
word count: 386
content warning: accidental death, graphic imagery
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kazuichi souda 
kazuichi was a forgetful man. trinkets and half finished inventions laid scattered around your shared apartment but they generally remained within the vicinity of kazuichi’s workshop. however, one invention- a robotic puppy kazuichi worked on for your birthday- was left on the stairs.
“kazuichi, we’re gonna be late!” you yelled to your boyfriend, as you rushed down the stairs. the two of you were heading for your anniversary dinner and you only had thirty minutes to get to the restaurant. 
maybe you shouldn’t have been running, maybe you should have worn flats instead of heels. but the damage was done. your heel made contact with the robotic puppy and you slipped.
you went tumbling down the stairs and came to a stop when your body collided head first into the door. kazuichi overheard the commotion and came running down the stairs, “(y/n)..?” before gasping at the sight of your body.
you laid there motionlessly, blood gushing from your head and your neck twisted at an unnatural angle. kazuichi covered his mouth and sobbed. there was no doubt about it: you were gone. 
leon kuwata 
leon should have warned you before you stepped inside the batting cage. of course, he had set the machine’s pitching speed to the highest setting, he was a professional baseball player. yet, leon didn’t plan on it malfunctioning. 
“hey babe!” you called out to your boyfriend at the batting cage. leon paused from practicing his hits and turned off the pitching machine to greet you with a smile, “hey! good to see you! got off of work early?”
you nodded and stepped inside the batting cage, thinking the machine was off and that it was safe, “yup! my boss let me take off early. i wanted to see how you were doing.”
“well, i’m doing-” the familiar whir of the pitching machine caught leon’s attention. it was too fast, he couldn’t warn you in time. leon watched helpless as a baseball hit you in the side, knocking the wind out of you. you fall to the ground and leon was frozen in fear.
“get up!” it was too late. another baseball going ninety plus miles an hour collided with your skull, blood and brain matter splattering across leon’s clothes and the batting cage. a horrible realization dawned upon the baseball player: you were dead.
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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request: rantaro and kaz walking on their partner killing someone
word count: 314
content warning: murder, graphic imagery
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rantaro amani 
he didn’t mean to walk in on you.
rantaro just wanted to know if you wanted to order chinese food. instead, he stumbled upon you driving a knife through the chest of a girl he barely knew in your shared bedroom. 
splattered in crimson blood, you heard rantaro enter the bedroom and paused from what you were doing. rantaro could only stand there, dumbfounded. the girl you stabbed laid there motionless, a look of terror permanently painted on her poor face.
“oh hi, honey!” you greeted rantaro casually. you stood up and dropped your knife, strolling up to your boyfriend. you pecked on him on the lips, getting some blood on the poor boy, and asked him, “what’s up?”
“d- do you want chinese for dinnner?” rantaro tried his best to keep his composure but every fiber of his body wanted to scream for help.
“chinese would be great!”
kazuichi souda
kazuichi was in the middle of tinkering with a new toy when he heard a strange noise come from the other side of the basement. confused and concerned, kazuichi paused from working on his toy and went to investigate, “heyyyyy, babeeeee? you okay?”
suddenly a scream ripped through the air and kazuichi’s mind went to panic mode, thinking you were hurt. he bursted through the door and exclaimed, “(y/n), are you–” but stopped short at the sight before him.
a young man laid on the ground with his stomach sliced open, his organs spilling out onto the ground below him. you stood over the poor man, covered in blood from head to toe and holding a scalpel. 
you turned around and smiled at kazuichi, “oh hey, cutie. sorry about the mess! don’t worry, i’m gonna clean it up. do you need anything?”
kazuichi could only stand there with a blank stare on his face, “uhhh...”
“oh!” you exclaimed, “i’m making meatballs tonight, by the way!”
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dark-ronpa · 3 years
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request: kiyotaka and mondo's crush (or partner? your choice) trying to kill them
word count: 343
content warning: murder(?)
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kiyotaka ishimaru
“taka-kunnnnn~!” your voice cooed. kiyotaka covered his mouth in an attempt to remain silent, as you stalked around the corner with a knife in hand. how the hell did he get into this mess?! all he wanted to do was confess his feelings to you but now he was being chased like prey. 
“found you!” you exclaimed before popping out of nowhere, driving your knife at kiyotaka’s heart. kiyotaka yelped and managed to barely avoid the attack, sprinting off as fast as possible.
“leave me alone!” he yelled, as you chased after him wielding your knife. god, he wanted to live! live, kiyotaka, live!
“gotcha!” you pounced onto kiyotaka and pinned him to the ground with a smirk. kiyotaka stared up at you with fearful eyes and gulped, “pl- please..” he begged to you, “don’t do this..”
you pressed your lips against his and kissed him tenderly, “love you~” you purred in kiyotaka’s ear.
those were the last words he heard before you plunged your knife into his chest.
mondo owada
this was fucking insane! mondo thought to himself, as he maneuvered his way through the house trying to avoid being gutted by a chainsaw wielding manic aka you. how the hell did this even happened? all he did was confess his crush on you. what was that enough reason to try to kill him!?
“come back, mondoooooo!” you called out to him, your voice slightly mumbled the roar of the chainsaw’s blade. mondo flipped you off and yelled back, “very in a million years, you crazy bitch!”
“too late!” you exclaimed, as you materialized in front of mondo and stuck your leg out, tripping the poor biker. mondo went tumbling and twisted his ankle, rendering him immobile for the time being. 
“h- hey.. don’t do this, ok- okay?” mondo stammered, eyes full of fear. you relished in the sight and kissed him hard on the lips, “sorry, babe. no hard feelings, okay?”
those were the last words he heard before you powered up the chainsaw and sliced through his chest.
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dark-ronpa · 3 years
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author’s note: my first author’s note! i wanted to do something special for my milestones so here it is - this is a multi-part series where you decide the fate of our characters so every 50 new followers, a new chapter will be updated! i hope you enjoy <3
word count: 808
content warning: none
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the crispy december air sent shivers down your spine, as you treaded through the snow piles. work today had been hell with customer complaints and angry managers. all you wanted to do was collapse on the couch and play some animal crossing. 
life wasn’t so simple, though. you wish it could be, you wish you could go back to be a moody teenager instead of an overworked young adult with one too many bills to pay. life sucked so fucking much.
“hey, welcome home,” your roommate milo greeted you when you arrived inside your shared two bedroom, one bathroom apartment. you let out a grunt of acknowledge before nosediving into the rickety couch. milo crossed his arms at the sight, “bad day at work?”
“if five complaints about my conduct and my manager threatening to fire me counts as a bad day.. then yes,” you responded with a huff of annoyance. 
milo took a seat next to you on the couch and patted you on the back, “that place sucks anyway. you still have a spot at my start-up if you’re ever interested.”
milo was an app developer in the making, working for top apps like instagram and facebook as a modder. he wanted to start a social media platform of his own, one that would surpass the social media giants. you admired his ambition but he had downfalls when it came to developing such an app and was easily discouraged. 
“maybe one day,” you hummed against the pillows. you would kill for a better job, anything would be waiting tables at ginny’s diner.
“i’m gonna head out to the grocery store,” you propped yourself back up and got off of the couch, “can i borrow the car?”
“sure thing!” milo tossed you the keys to his ford focus, “be sure to buy poptarts, okay? we ran out this morning.”
“okay, okay!” you laughed. milo sure loved his cinnamon flavored poptarts. you grabbed your bag and exited the apartment, heading down the stairs and through the front lobby. you waved at the bored looking attendant reading a magazine and headed outside to the parking lot. 
“huh.. what the..” you noticed a strange flyer stuck to milo’s window wipers. you grabbed it off the wiper and unfolded it, reading it over carefully.
“that’s so weird..” you grumbled before crumpling the paper up and tossing it into the nearby trash can. you then hopped into the car and fired it off, driving out of the lot and onto the main road. 
the local grocery store was a little rundown but it was home to the friendliest people in the town of narahoma. mrs. yamakawa who ran the grocery store was the person who gave you your first job. the kindest woman you ever met, mrs. yamakawa brightened the town with her grandmotherly ways. 
“welcome to yamakawa groceries!” the young greeter welcomed you to the grocery store. you smiled and gave her a nod before grabbing a cart and beginning to peruse the store. pasta, vegetables, fruits, and- of course, poptarts- were on the list. 
as you browsed the aisles for your items, you couldn’t help but think about narahoma. it was your hometown, the place you had all your fondest memories. safe and friendly, known for its tourism, narahoma was a place that had it all.. but was it truly the place for you?
“oh, excuse me,” a voice interrupted your thoughts.
“oh, sorry-” you looked up and your eyes widened at the man before you. dark hair, sharp features, extremely handsome - those were only a few words that could describe the man who was staring at you. you felt your cheeks grow warm the longer you stared at the man. 
“i’m sorry!” you managed to find your voice, “am i in your way?”
“oh, not at all” the man paused, “well, yes, but i don’t mind!”
“oh god!” you stepped out of his way. the man smiled and grabbed what he needed, which was a jar of tomato sauce. 
“you making pasta?” you decided to shoot your shot with the man. 
“i am!” he answered, “i’m making my mother’s famous spaghetti and meatballs.”
“that sounds delicious right about now?” you could feel your mouth water at the thought of spaghetti and meatballs. 
“well, why don’t you come over my place for dinner?” the man offered.
your eyes widened and you exclaimed with a furious blush, “wh- what! i don’t even kn- know your name!”
“well my friends call me taka,” he replied, “can i have your name?”
“well my friends call me (y/n),” you answered. 
“well, (y/n).. would you like to have dinner with me?”
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dark-ronpa · 3 years
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word count: 256
content warning: experimentation 
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the perfect specimen laid on your operating table before your very eyes. his toned muscles and perfect measurements made your mouth water with anticipation. you smiled, you couldn’t wait to dissect him.
no, you couldn’t. you had a job to do. that family paid great money for you to save their son. 
with the gentle stroke of your scalpel, you made your first incision on the specimen’s bicep. crimson blood leaked from the wound and you tsked with disappointment. you would make him even more beautiful. 
you began replacing his blood with your elixir. a liquid that surely would give your specimen the immortality you desired. slowly but surely, you drained every ounce of blood and replaced it with your elixir. 
“rise, my creature!” you cackled, rubbing your hands together excitedly. the specimen’s eyes slowly fluttered open and he began to sit up. rubbing his eyes, the specimen looked at you and asked, “where.. where is gonta?”
“i brought you back from the dead, silly!” you exclaimed, proud of yourself. the man- presumably named gonta- looked down at his hands and examined them, “you.. you did?”
“you died in the crash but your body remained in tact! i was able to revive with science!” you adjusted your lab coat with a lopsided smirk.
gonta looked down at his body with horror. stitches covered his limbs from when you sewed him back up. you didn’t say his body was perfectly unharmed from the crash.
“now, my dear,” you flashed gonta a smile.
we got work to do.
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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request: hey, i love dark content so.... ima request! can i have a reader who is a female slayer? only attacks girls and leaves them in miraculous spots, (some might be naked and their organs hanging out! some might be tortured as well!) now what i think is cool is that she only slays men when they get in her way, but she sees gonta and decides to kill and stalk him just for him?! thanks!
word count: 793
content warning: yandere themes, torture, graphic imagery, catcalling, murder, stalking
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another day, another poor girl murdered by the tokyo slayer. 
there was a pattern to the slayer’s kills, always switching up their method depending on the girl. the last girl- a haruka yamamoto- was tortured to death; hot oil pouring on opened wounds, toes and fingers crudely chopped off, and her neck snapped. found hanging from the edge of the tokyo skytower, her death was an omen of what was to come: more deaths. 
this girl, this poor girl.. left naked with her stomach sliced open, her intestines and other organs hanging out like raw meat in a butcher’s shop. shigeko hamada, another soul lost to the tokyo slayer and left to rot outside a local bakery.
you set the newspaper aside and took a sip from your coffee, happy to be reliving your latest kill. cute little shigeko! she had the cutest screams when you plunged your fist into her little stomach. you got shivers when you thought of how she begged and struggled for her freedom. so cute!
“need a refill, miss?” a young waiter asked you, holding a pot of steaming coffee. you nodded and gave him a smile, “yes, please! thank you, sir.”
“of course!” he replied, returning the smile while he refilled your coffee. he then went away and you resumed your reading, on the look out for a new target. shigeko was by far one of your favorite kills so you needed to go above and beyond for a new and exciting victim. 
“hey girly!” you heard someone in the diner call out to you. curious, you looked up and saw a trucker smirking at you. he whistled and yelled, “nice tits!”
you forced a smile and stood up, winking at him before exiting the diner. the trucker took note of your faked interest and followed you to the back of the diner. great, now you two were alone.. perfect.
forcing yourself to play along, you allowed the trucker to feel up your body a little and while he was thoroughly distracted, you whipped out your trusty knife and slit his throat. 
“hrbr.. w- why..” the trucker managed to speak, clutching his neck to stop the bleeding. you licked the blood over your blade and hummed merrily, “because you’re a little bastard,” before putting your knife in your purse and walking off, leaving the trucker left to die alone. 
you thought you could make a quick escape but you didn’t plan on crashing into someone. you fell on your ass and winced in pain when you landed on your tailbone. damnit! you thought to yourself, what a–
your heart stopped and your face flushed a pretty shade of pink when you looked up at the person you collided into. tall with a gentle face and eyes, the man you ran into immediately extended a hand to help you up, “gonta so sorry! you okay? no hurt?”
you took his hand and pulled yourself up, “it’s okay!” you reassured him, “i’m fine, really!”
the man- who you presumed to be named gonta- sighed in relief and brushed off some dirt from your shoulders, “gonta thankful you not hurt. gonta would be very sad if you got hurt.”
what a thoughtful man, you found yourself falling hard for him by the minute. gonta picked up your purse and handed it to you, “here! you drop this when fell.”
“o- oh!” you took your purse and smiled, “thank you, gonta.”
“have good day!” he replied before waving you goodbye. you watched helplessly, as gonta disappeared into the crowd. such a nice man.. you couldn’t let him escape from your clutches. 
no matter what, you would make him yours.
five more victims emerged in the recent tokyo slayer attacks.
eri nagao, arika shiraki, harumi ogasawara, tamiko kishi, and chiyo onaga; all five women had one thing in common, they all crossed pathes with one mr. gonta gokuhara. 
suspicion arose around the poor entomologist, much so that the police got involved and took gonta in for questioning. yet, both the police and gonta came to the same conclusion: the tokyo slayer had an infatuation with gonta gokuhara.
gonta had a feeling that the tokyo slayer was after him; living in the woods for his upbringing taught him to know when someone was stalking him like prey. so the next logical step was to get the tokyo slayer out of hiding. 
you knew that the police were close on your trail and an opportunity became available for you to finally see gonta again. no more sneaking into his apartment and stealing his clothes, no more taking photo of him while he slept, you could finally see him face to face. 
but did gonta know that facing you would only end in disaster?
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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request: ooo a darkanronpa blog :0 is it alright if i request a himiko yandere? she would never hurt s/o no matter what (cause that's too tiring to her), but doesn't mind throwing someone who's in the way into a piranha tank.
word count: 519
content warning: yandere themes, alcohol, drugging
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“himiko-channnn!” you called out to your girlfriend. himiko looked up from her book and greeted you with a wave, “nyehh.. morning, (y/n)-chan..”
“how’s my favorite mage doing?” you pressed a kiss to your forehead. himiko blushed and answered to you, “fine.. just reading my book.”
“what’s it about?” you asked.
“harry houdini,” himiko hummed. 
your eyes brightened, “was he a mage like you?”
himiko nodded and explained, “he was one of the best.. shame he had to hide it with cheap parlor tricks.”
you nodded in agreement, “that must have sucked ass.”
“hey (y/n), hey himiko,” your friend rantaro strolled up to the two of you, smiling. himiko frowned at the sight of rantaro and buried her nose into her book. you returned the smile and waved at rantaro, “hey rantaro, what’s up?”
“just coming over to invite you guys to my party,” rantaro brushed some of his hair out of his face, “it’s tonight at seven, my place. don’t be late!” he added before walking off. your eyes brightened and you eagerly looked at your girlfriend, “we have to go!”
“nyehh..” himiko looked back at her book, “i don’t think we should..”
“aw why not?” you frowned.
“it’s date night..” she returned the frown with one of her own.
your eyes widened and you cursed, “rats, you’re right.. can we still go? i promise that i will make it up to you!”
all himiko wanted was for you to be happy. yet, the thought of you being around rantaro made her blood boil. perhaps she could deal with him at the party? yes, yes she could deal with him at the party.
“okayyyy..” she hummed, “but i want extra kisses later.”
“deal!” you kissed himiko on the lips.
himiko would deal with rantaro later.
himiko hated parties. they were way too loud and obnoxious for her taste. rantaro’s party was like that but to the max. plus, to make matters worse, himiko lost track of you and she didn’t like being alone.
“rantaro, you’re sooooo funny!” himiko overheard your familiar laugh from across the room. there, you stood with rantaro, laughing over some stupid joke. you guys were awfully close, too close for himiko’s taste. 
time seemed to stop when rantaro threw his arm over your shoulders and pulled you closer. that was the final straw, the final freaking straw for himiko yumeno. 
“nyehh..” she greeted the two of you, “hey.. you two want some drinks?”
“himiko, baby!” you waved at your girlfriend, your mouth reeking of alcohol. himiko pressed her lips in annoyance and turned to rantaro, “did you.. give my girlfriend alcohol?”
“only a bloody mary,” he chuckled, “i didn’t know (y/n)-chan was such a lightweight, huh.”
himiko forced a smile, “lemme go get those drinks..” and walked off. she got two red solo cups, putting water in one and coke in another. good thing himiko was a mage, mages were skilled in herbal knowledge. she slipped some hemlock into the cup of coke and concealed the taste with some cinnamon before returning to you and rantaro. 
“here,” she smiled at rantaro.
drink up, rantaro.
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dark-ronpa · 4 years
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request: could i request gonta and his s/o getting captured by an evil twin of gonta and the evil one decides to kill gonta and take his place?
word count: 356
content warning: kidnapping, murder, drugging, graphic imagery
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“why the fuck didn’t you tell me you had a twin, much less an evil twin?” you scolded your boyfriend of two years gonta gokuhara. 
currently, the two of you were suspending midair via a weird rope contraption and you felt as if you were gonna puke any second. then, the bastard himself, gonta’s twin- genta gokuhara- strolled into the room, “hello, brother. hello, (y/n).”
“hey asshole!” you greeted him sarcastically. genta frowned at your reaction and turned his attention to gonta, “aw, brother.. you should really get your woman in check. she shouldn’t speak ill of me.”
“leave (y/n) alone!” gonta barked at his twin. genta pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, “not you, too.. very well, let’s get this over.”
“g- get what over with..?” you asked, suddenly timid.
genta smiled sinisterly, “the replacement process.”
it happened so fast, one moment you and gonta were okay and the next.. gonta was gone. just.. gone, genta whipped out a knife and slit gonta’s neck with lightning fast speed. you watched helplessly, as gonta choked on his own blood and his body went limp, “g- gonta?”
“he’s unconscious,” hummed genta, discarding the knife in the nearby trash can. tears flowed down on your cheeks and you shook your head in disbelief, “n- no.. he’s fine! he’s okay!”
“sshhhh..” genta pressed his finger against your lips, “all will be forgotten soon, my beloved.”
“wh- what you do-” your eyes widened when a syringe was jabbed into your neck. you gasped in surprise and immediately you felt yourself feel sleepy. genta smiled at you and chuckled lowly, “you’ll forget soon, (y/n).”
that was the last thing you remembered before falling into slumber.
your eyes shot open. you gasped for air. where am i?
“(y/n)?” you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend call out to you, “you okay? need gonta help?”
you rubbed your eyes and smiled, “no, i’m fine. must have dozed off,” you looked around and noticed the picnic before you, “were we having a picnic?”
“yes!” exclaimed gonta, “happy anniversary, (y/n).”
“happy anniversary, gonta.”
if only that was truly gonta.
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dark-ronpa · 3 years
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request: what if gonta was a serial killer who would kill people for fun and got admired for his work I would like him to have a website where people post pics or videos of them killing people, trying to get gonta's approval. and the reader was an old friend of gonta and she wanted to see him again so she started to do miraculous killings too and post it online and gonta was impressed and asked to join him?
word count: 853
content warning: murder, torture 
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the infestation.
That was the public called him. known for his bug themed killings, this serial killer terrified the country of Japan to its very core, especially after the death of the prime minister’s son. he was found eaten alive by dung beetles with the signature of the infestation craved into his face. 
the world was simply amazed and in awe of such brutal murders. amazement turned into bloodlust, as the founding of infester came to fruition. a site on the dark web dedicated to the infestation, it was chalked full of copycat killers wanting to get the infestation’s approval. some were creative while others were straight up copies of some of the infestation’s kills. 
police around the world tried to stop the movement but it overgrow and rooted itself into society.. just like an infestation.
despite the infestation’s true identity being unknown, a few theorized about his true self. some believed it to be the son of the gokuhara family, gonta gokuhara. yet, no one was able to connect him to the murders and all evidence tied to him would suddenly disappear. 
but you knew the truth.
and you would do anything to get him back.
junpei yamamoto stood tied up to the pole of your basement, blindfolded and gagged while he thrashed about. you shushed him and continued to fiddle with your camera’s tripod.
“there!” you smiled to yourself when you managed to fix it. you pulled down your mask- a bunny shaped one- and pressed the record button on the camera, “it’s showtime, junpei!”
junpei would be your fifth kill of the month. a cute young man around your age, he thought it was okay to grope your ass at the diner you worked at. no problem, though! you would deal with him.
“hiya, folks! it’s me, bunnygirl29!” you waved at the camera eagerly, “today, to honor the infestation, i’m gonna be tormenting our very special guest.. junpei yamamoto! say hi to the camera, junpei!” 
you removed the gag and junpei sobbed, “j- just let me go, you- you bitch!”
“now that’s not nice!” you gave him the thumbs down. junpei’s body convulsed with more sobs, you almost felt bad for him.. almost. you then approached your cart and selected a scalpel, “are you folks ready for this week’s special, the live dissection?”
you paused for dramatic effect and giggled, “well, of course you are! why else would you be watching my channel?”
you strolled up to junpei and purred in his ear, “hold still,” before stabbing your scalpel through his chest. junpei cried out in pain, as you cut open his chest and exposed his organs to the camera. he looked down in horror and began to seize from the shock before quickly dropping dead. 
you frowned in disappointment and turned to the camera, “aw he died so quickly and i didn’t even get to puck out his organs.. sorry guys! i’ll do better next time! i hope you stay tune for my next video! bye bye!”
you turned off the camera and removed your mask, “great.. what a mess,” there was blood on your clothes and you smelled of burnt wood from cremating your last victim.
upstairs, you could hear someone knocking on the door. cursing to yourself, you took off your top and threw on a spare shirt before heading upstairs to answer the door. 
“hello?” you greeted whoever was behind the door. you froze in surprise. behind the door, gonta gokuhara stood tall and proud, smiling down at you. wow.. you hadn’t seen him in years, did he get taller?
“hello (y/n),” he greeted you, “may i come in?”
“yes, of course!” you stepped inside and allowed gonta inside. he looked around your foyer and commented to you, “you have a lovely home.”
“thank you, gonta. i’m glad you like it,” you answered. 
“you know why i’m here, correct?” gonta questioned to you.
you shook your head, “i don’t.”
he pulled out his phone and began playing a video. it was of you and your first victim, some asshole whose name you forgot. you watched as you fed him black widow spiders and dumped his body into a tank of snakes. you weren’t sure what killed him first, the snakes or the spiders.
“i enjoy your work,” he hummed. your eyes widened, “does that mean who i think you are?”
“yes,” he smiled, “i am the infestation.”
“w- woah,” your eyes sparkled with admiration, “your work is amazing!”
“thank you,” chuckled gonta. he leaned in close and whispered in your ear, “you know.. i think the infestation has room for one more.”
“what do you mean?”
“join me, (y/n). together, we can make this world a living hell.”
your mouth dropped to the ground, “you’re serious?”
“i’m serious. your work is just as amazing as mine,” replied gonta, “think about the potential destruction we could create if we worked together.”
you crossed your arms and pondered it over for a moment.
“so.. what do you say?” gonta extended a hand to you, “will you join me?”
you chuckled softly and took his hand.
“i accept.”
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