kidsofships · 5 years
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Daughter of Beca and Kommisar
Emma Roberts
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nobodys6irl · 6 years
I am 30
As of today. Am I supposed to leave tumblr now? Idk. Anyway, if anyone would like to be the most amazing person on the planet and ease my anxiety over the fact that my 20s are gone and I’m now entering a new decade by writing a quick Swan Queen, Mirandy, or Beccomissar ff, I’m so here for that. Or if you needed a prompt: Character A is aging and hates it but character B still loves them...because they’re still a person. So many thoughts going through my head. I wish I could change my perception of aging. Why am I so attracted to older women but feel so ugly and can’t stand the fact that I’m aging?? 😑 Happy Birthday to me. Dirty 30 or 30, Flirty, & Thriving?
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gothicpheonix · 6 years
Neue Anfänge (New Beginnings) by Cerberus Spectre
Does anyone know where I can find a copy of this?
Summary: Graduation is fast approaching, and after being sidelined in the acapella world-Beca realizes that her future needs her undivided attention, but so does a certain demanding redhead. Beca lands a job and begins getting closer to a certain blonde, who isn't as human as she seems, and it's causing strains in her personal life. Drama, Kommissar-GP, supernatural...fun times. Enjoy:)
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shatteredresiliency · 8 years
Oh no Someone help me I'm getting back into becomissar Help This is BAD BAD PERCY BAD
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fiestymaus · 9 years
about that smut, could you write where kommissar and Beca are at the riff-off and kommissar has to take home a tipsy beca ;)
A/N: This is longer than I expected it to be. Sorry it’s a little off; still struggling with that writer’s block.Words: ~1,000
Bass. Bodies. Booze.
Even though the Bellas lost the riff-off, Beca didn’t really care. They did a decent job singing, and it had been Emily’s first performance. Even though Chloe had been really upset, the brunette assured the young girl that she was fine, and that for being picked so spontaneously she did a decent job for at least coming up with something.
Beca swayed from side to side, beer in hand and a smile on her face. She could feel the eyes of the Kommissar on her every now and again, and it made her almost stop dancing. She didn’t relent. 
That was until long fingers grazed across her arm and then across the small of her back. Don’t look Mitchell, you know who it is and you’ll just embarrass yourself again, she told herself. The Hills by The Weeknd had started playing. Things were slowing down. Aca-chicks and aca-guys were off making out, and pressing each others bodies against dark walls. Bodies pressed up against her.
She leaned back, hips grinding into the ones behind her. Hands running up her sides. An arm wrapping around her waist. The brunette took a swig of her beer finishing it off, and felt herself becoming increasingly intoxicated. She should go home, but should she leave this beautiful creature that was dancing behind her?
Turning around to face her dancing partner, she felt her stomach drop and her knees get weak. I shouldn’t have looked, dammit Beca what did I tell you, she scolded herself. Beca parted her lips with intent on saying she should leave, but instead she blurted out, “Take me home.” The corners of those red painted lips twitched upwards, and a glint of something flickered through the Kommissar’s eyes. 
“My, my, little maus,” she smiled, resting her hands on the smaller woman’s hips. Beca was getting impatient though; standing on her toes she leaned forward, unaware of how drunk she actually was, and lost her balance, falling onto the blonde’s chest. The taller woman popped her brows, slightly surprised. Her infatuation with the American girl subsided slightly as concern started to grow. The tiny woman was fairly intoxicated and needed an escort home. 
The brunette only groaned at herself as she pushed off of the Kommissar, looking up into those dangerously blue eyes. Her insides twisted and knotted as firm, but soft hands steadied her. “It’sh like a two minute walk,” she slurred, feeling desperate. Hooded eyes looking up Kommissar’s body until they reached her eyes.
The blonde’s mouth felt dry and she involuntarily swallowed. “Ja, alright,” she mumbled, wrapping and arm around the brunette’s waist. The German carefully looked around and spotted all the other Bella’s around the room, too entangled up in their own affairs to be bothered with noticing her and Beca leaving the mansion.
The walk back to the Barden Bella’s house was an adventure in itself. Beca stumbled, and giggled the whole way back. “But- just imagine this,” she would always start, leaving Kommissar to bite her lip. Whether they were unintentional or intentional, the way Beca’s fingers slid over her exposed abdomen made goosebumps rise. 
Composure, she kept telling herself, while Beca linked hands with her own. They made their way up the few steps to the door and Beca turned around, pressing her back to the door, a drunken smile on her face. “Come here,” she demanded, and Kommissar did nothing but oblige. The fronts of the bodies were pressed together, Beca’s fingers hooking themselves onto the top of her leather pants. 
The German tightened her jaw, tried to control herself, tried so very hard not to break and make a move on this very small, very attractive opponent. Luckily she didn’t have too. Beca’s lips came crashing up to her own, and a quiet moan escaped the brunette’s lips. Cherry, Beca whispered in her head. Kommissar’s hands made their way to Beca’s hips, pulling them closer to her own. 
Tongues were grazing lips, begging for entrance. Hot kisses on her neck, silky fingers on her skin. Blonde hair between her own fingers. The brunette was panting, but her head was also spinning. The heat in her core was growing and that very special place between her thighs was beginning to throb. “Keys, pants, pocket, door,” she breathed between sloppy kisses.
A grunt came from the blonde as her hands slid into the brunette’s pant’s pockets. Beca’s fingers tightened in blonde hair, earning her a bite on her neck. Pushing the key into the lock she twisted it, and they both went tumbling in, trying not to lose the contact between their bodies. Kommissar reached down, lifting Beca’s legs, and the girl wrapped them around her waist. “Bed?” the German murmured in her ear, and Beca shook her head. “Couch,” she panted, nipping at the blonde’s pale skin. 
The German groaned at the bites, her core throbbing more than she thought it ever could. Beca was pulling at her own shirt, trying to free herself; she wanted more contact, she wanted to feel skin on skin. The blonde laid her down on the couch and started unbuttoning her pants, pulling the jeans down to her ankles, and taking a moment to look Beca up and down. 
Hot kisses. Nimble fingers. Rapid breathing. Beca was overstimulated, and overwhelmed. Both of them naked on the couch, Kommissar’s face between her legs. Her moans were loud, and she was glad that none of the Bella’s had come home yet. “Alright, alright, you win, please, just-” Beca whined, not getting to finish her sentence. Kommissar hummed and sped her fingers up, curling them in just the right spot. 
“Oh God!” Beca moaned loud, hands grasping at the couch cushions. When Beca finally felt herself coming down, her forehead was plastered with sweat, and Kommissar had her chin rested on her abdomen. The brunette lifted her head, looking at the blue eyes in front of her. “So, you really are good at everything,” she mumbled, her body feeling suddenly very tired. Kommissar only smiled and placed a soft kiss to her stomach. 
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mcsjasperton · 9 years
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Shit first attempt at male kommissar, I've been obsessing over becommissar fics!!! @@kommissarslittlemaus @kommissarcommandsme please reblog and like 😘😅
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snows-labcoat · 9 years
Bechloe and Becomissar
I’m willing to write for both ships <3 send prompts to me on this blog or @kendrick-sexual (my blog for fanfiction)
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wonder-wlw · 9 years
So what I totally forgot
When joining a newer ship or a ship that isn't widely popular... the lack of fanfiction is physically painful.
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askthepassengers · 9 years
Warm Waters 4/?
I woke up earlier than expected. It was eight in the morning, thankfully I didn’t get drunk last night, or id be dealing with a hangover. Looking over at Amy, who was snoring loudly, while subconsciously scratching her stomach… I was definitely going to be dealing with a few hangovers from some of the bella’s this morning. Rolling off the bed, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth while texting Chloe to see if she was up.
Beca 8:08 - Hey are you up? Chloe 8:11 - Yeah. I’ve been up since six. Aubrey decided to disembowel herself. Beca 8:13 - That’s ruff. Beca 8:13 – I’m pretty sure that Aubrey isn’t going to be the only one doing so. Get dressed. We are going to find a pharmacy or something to buy Advil. Chloe 8:13 – Sounds smart. Afterwards we will get breakfast, make a day plan. I’ll be ready in ten.
I finished brushing my teeth and jumped into the shower quickly. Well not quickly, it took me almost fifteen minutes.
Wrapping myself tightly in a towel, I opened the door to Chloe, who was already pampered. She smiled at me and closed the door while I went to my suitcase.
“Should’ve known you wouldn’t be ready.” Chloe joked as I pulled out something to wear.
“Some of us don’t wake up perfect Chlo.” I stood up dropped the towel. “Nice.” I looked back at Chloe who smirked.
"You are so weird.”Whispering while quickly pulling on my under garments. “Man, the closer you get to Amy, the louder she is.” I nodded and pulled on my jeans. “Yeah. This is what I lived with for three years. Just don’t wake her up. She’ll be way worse.” I pulled on my shirt than a sweater before finding my wallet. “I didn’t convert my money to euros. Shit.”
Chloe held up her wallet and waved it around. “I did. Only because Aubrey made me, like the day we accepted this.” I nodded. “Before our activities today, remind me to do so. Convert my money.”
“Of course. Now let’s go.”
***** “It seems you all have made progress in healing.” I said. Ralf laughed. “Jonas is dead, Ria is paralyzed, I can only feel one leg whilst Nina is still in a coma. Some progress. Kommissar.”
I watched as he pulled himself upright into his wheelchair. “It was my fault. I let Jonas driving, knowing he was drunk. I was stupid.”
I covered his hand with my own. “You cannot blame yourself. You were all drunk.” He shook his head and tried to pull his hand away. “Ralf. It wasn’t your fault. Stop this. Work on getting healthy, so when Nina wakes up, you can take care of her. She is your fiancée.”
Ralf licked his lips and looked to the ground. “Ja.” Squeezing his hand in my own as he gave a weak smile. “How is it going with the bellas?”
“What do you think?”
“That bad, huh?” he laughed.
“Frustrierend am moisten. But they will get the job done. They are quick learners surprisingly.” [Frustrating at the most.] I said with a smile.
“And the leader? Beca? You confess your undying love?” I turned my head to the new voice and smiled. Ria wheeled herself into Ralf’s room.
“Ria!” I stood up from my chair and walked over and gave her a quick hug.
“Still invested in my love life?” I joked as she nodded. “Didn’t answer my question though.” I shrugged as I sat down again.
“Work in progress, I suppose. I… We made out last night. At Lar’s club.” A giant smile made its way to Ria’s face as she gave a thumbs up. "Yes. But, I don’t know. I need to be focused on DSM, not a girl who will leave to go home once everything is over.”
Ralf shrugged. “Do what you think is best.” Ria nodded in a agreement before asking “Why are you here at nine in the morning anyway?” I shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep, too much on my mind I suppose.”
Both of them nodded. “How is the rest of DSM?” Ralf asked.
“Missing your charm Ralf, And your good looks Ria.” We all shuffled a laugh. After a moment of silence passed, I looked at my phone with a missed call from Beca. I looked up at my two friends.
“I have to go now. But it was great to see you both. I’ll make sure the rest of DSM come to visit.” I gave both of them a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before leaving.
As soon as I reached outside I quickly called Beca Back.
“Beca hey! You called earlier. I must’ve missed it. Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m good. I was calling to see if you knew any good places to have good breakfast close to the hotel. Cause I’m starving beyond belief. Hey don’t laugh at me.”
“Ah, Tiny Maus. Is this all you needed? You could’ve just texted.”
“Well yeah… But I missed your voice… its very sexy and seducing. Dammit. Shut up Chloe.”
“I miss your voice as well beca. Where are you and Chloe now?”
“Um… Where are we Chlo?”
I chuckled to myself as I got into my car and turned it on. I could hear the faint sound of arguing between three voices.
“Gender market? I think. I don’t know how to say it. Go away Denise. It’s like this big park thing, surrounded by churches or something.”
“Ah, Gendarmenmarkt? Ja. I know where that is. You and your friends stay there. I can be there in Twenty minutes tops. I know a perfect place for breakfast.”
“Alright. Danke Luisa.”
I hung up the phone and placed it into the cup holder beside me. This was turning out to be a decent morning after all.
***** An hour before
“Okay so everyone got a box of Advil correct?” I asked Chloe who returned from fourth floor with Denise.
"Yep. Smart decision on our behalf to keep the cards last night.” Denise smiled at me. “You weren’t with us last night where you?”
She shook her head. “Nah. I came back here. I had to do some stuff from work. I heard you all had a great time last night.” She gave a soft laugh.
“You wanna get some breakfast with me and Chlo? We can finally catch up.” Denise nodded as the elevator doors opened and we stepped in. “Any idea on where we are going?” Chloe asked and I shook my head. “Nope.”
“You got us lost. Good job.” Chloe whispered under her breath and sat down on the bench.
“I’ve never been to Germany. My bad I have no idea where we are. I was simply trying to go get food somewhere. You were no help.” I played with the map on my phone, trying to find where we were. “Why don’t you call Kai or something. I’m sure they’d be up by now.” Denise suggested sitting down beside Chloe.
“Try your girlfriend.” Chloe teased. I looked at my phone before going to my contacts.
“Sure. Ill give it a go.”
It rang for a few moments before hitting her voice mail. “No luck.” I sighed and kicked at the ground. Random people turned their heads at us and I put on a fake smile. After a couple of long awkward moments my phone went off. “It’s Luisa.”
“Yeah I’m good. I was calling to see if you knew any good places to have good breakfast close to the hotel. Cause I’m starving beyond belief.” I looked back at Chloe and Denise, the took made kissing sounds and laughing at me. “Hey, don’t laugh at me.”
“Well yeah… But I missed your voice… its very sexy and seducing. Dammit.” Chloe laughed louder than before while still making a kissing face. “Shut up Chloe.”
“Um… Where are we Chloe?” Chloe shrugged. I pulled the phone away from my mouth. “You are so moody today, why?” Chloe gave another shrug.
“Maybe it’s her time of the month?” Denise joked and Chloe punched her in the arm.
"Just because a woman is moody doesn’t mean she’s on her period. Jez Denise.” Denise smiled and stood up. She walked around me and towards the road. “What are you doing?”
“Going to find what street we are on. Yah know, being helpful?” She called over her shoulder.
After a quick moment she returned and show a picture on her phone showing some word on a sign. I held my back up to my ear.
“Gender market? I think.” I looked over at Denise who shook her head. “I don’t know how to say it.”
“I could’ve told you, if you asked.”
“Go away Denise. Anyway, It’s like this big park thing, surrounded by churches or something.”
“Alright. Danke Luisa.” I hung up and smiled to my two friends. “She’s on her way here. She’s going to take us out.” Chloe smiled before nudging over on the bench, making room for me to sit in between her and Denise.
“Nice of her to make time for us.” I looked at her and raised a brow.
"I could just leave you here.” I said and Chloe shook her head.
"You wouldn’t.”
I nodded. “Oh I would.” Chloe smiled and pulled out her phone. “How long till she gets here?”
“Like twenty minutes.”
“Alright. Selfie time. Get in here Denise.”
“Ugh, last time you had that thing around me, you recorded us both proclaiming our love. How can I trust you?”
Chloe said nothing and pulled my head and Denise’s towards her and snapped pictures. “You are so weird.” I muttered as I pulled away.
“If you want Chloe, I can call back Luisa and ask her to invite Ali along.” Chloe shook her head. “Nah. I’m good.” I shrugged and smiled. “If you say so.” Now we wait for Luisa to show up.
We sat silently in Luisa’s Jeep. The radio played something that was in entirely German. “So, Where are we going?” I asked looking at Luisa. She turned and looked at me.
"It’s like a café of sorts, Owned by Ali’s parents. They are good people.” She said, keeping her eyes on the road.
“Ali?” Chloe asked, popping her head from the backseat. Luisa lightly pushed her head back with her elbow.
"Ja, Ali. Hoffentlich ist sie da. Ich könnte für einen Brunch , die eine gewisse sexuelle Frustration hat zu gehen.” [Hopefully she is there. I could go for a brunch that has some sexual frustration.]
I looked at Luisa with a frown, all I heard was a snicker from behind. I turned and looked at Denise. “You speak German Denise?”
“Yep.” She replied, popping the “P”
“Since when?” Chloe nudged her.
“Since like, Grade ten.”
I turned almost completely around in the front seat to look at her. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Nobody asked.”
“Do you speak any other languages?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah. I know twelve.”
“What are they?” Luisa chimed in.
“English, German, Italian, Latin, Danish, Dutch, French, Finnish, Czech, Norwegian, Greek, and Icelandic.” She replied, holding up her fingers as she counted.
“Damn. When you get the time to learn that?” I asked.
“Me and Ashley learned French from birth. I learned Latin, Greek and German in high school. The rest at Barden. I was a language student.”
Me and Chloe looked at each other and shrugged. “You didn’t tell us that.”
Denise gave a nod and a small smile. “A lot was going on in those two years. Me, Ashley and Jessica were practically ignored those whole two years.”
Chloe scratched her and bit her lip. “Yeah… Sorry about that.”
Denise just shrugged. “It’s alright. Beca was going through that phase, you failed Russian lit, Amy was trying to hide the whole thing with bumper, Cynthia was all buzzy about her new girlfriend. Then there was Flo.”
Both me and Chloe nodded our head in agreement.
“What about this Flo?” Luisa asked.
I put a hand on her arm. “We don’t talk about Flo.” I whispered. “It was a long year.” Chloe joined in. “Too long. Too much of a weird year.” Denise finished.
“Understandable.” Luisa replied.
Denise, Chloe and I listened as Luisa read out the menu in English and described each.
“So everything is like cheese, bread… Weird sounding meats and like boiled eggs?” Chloe asked, fingers tapping lightly on the table.
“Basically so. If you’d like, I can order for you all.” Luisa shrugged. “What I’d think you enjoy.”
I stared at the pictures on the plastic menu and hummed. “Don’t you have like… Pancakes and waffles? Germany is right by Belgium, they must have Belgium waffles back there.” Denise said flipping the menu and looking over at the kitchen.
“I could go for gooey maple syrupy waffles. Maybe with some chocolate chips as well.” I said taking a sip of my hot chocolate. Luisa raised a brow and smiled. “It can be done.”
A waitress came over and Luisa order for us. The woman smiled and waddled away. “That was Ms. Epstein. Ali’s mother.” Luisa said.
Chloe smiled. “She’s adorable.” Luisa simply nodded. Something was up with her. I could almost feel it. I opened my mouth to say something just as two girls practically crashed into the restaurant.
I smiled when I recognized the faces. I gave a wave and the two girls smiled.
“Sorry I’m late ma.” Ali called out as she closed the door behind, the sound made Chloe jump as she bit her lip and stared at her.
“It’s quite alright dear.” Her mother said from behind the counter. “I went to pick up Kai. I made a wrong turn and had to backtrack a bit. I even saw the levinsons.” Ali’s mother shuffled her feet and looked up. “And?”
“You were right. Snotty rich people.” Ali turned and looked over at us and smiled. “Bellas! How are you?”
“Good. I’m - we’re good.” Chloe said finally looking up from the table. I smiled at her and she shot off a look as Kai pulled up a chair beside me and sat on it, the backside facing me. “Hallo sunshine.” She whispered in my ear.
“I’d love to stay and chat but ma will kill me if I take any longer to work.” Ali said and excused herself.
I stood up and looked around. “Where’s the washroom?” Luisa stood up as well. “I’ll show you. Come.”
I followed her to a door where she opened. “I’ll be out here.” She said as I stepped in, I gave her a smile before the door closed.
Since arriving here, Luisa had been odd and a bit shaken. Clearly something was on her mind and she wouldn’t look me in the eye, also the pet names have died down.
When I finished up, I slowly opened the door and smiled at Luisa. “Beca, I need to say something.”
I wiped my wet hands on my jeans and nodded. “Last night. What we did. It was nice. But, it shall not continue. I need to be, we need to be a hundred precent focused on this compilation.”
The words hit me hard, like a bag of bricks to the head. “I totally understand. I’m not really ready to jump into a relationship anyway.” I said trying to hold a straight face. Giving her a quick smile, I moved passed her and back towards the table, when I looked back, I saw her enter the washroom and the door quietly shut behind her.
As I sat down Chloe instantly knew something was up. “Luisa said we need to be professional, that kissing me last night was nice but a mistake.” I sipped my drink and shrugged. Chloe slapped her phone down on the table. “That German woman-” Kai cut her off thankfully. “Typical of her really. But beca, please do not over think it. I think she just needs time to think.” She looked up just as Luisa rounded the table to her seat.
“What did I miss?” She asked. Me and Kai opened our mouths to respond but failed. “Kai was just telling us what she does beside DSM.” I looked at Denise and silently praised her. She gave a smile and nodded.
“Yeah. I live and work on a ranch with my mom and older sister Lorelei.” I tried to form words to say something positive but all the came out was. “Huh.”
I felt Chloe kick me under the table. “I didn’t know you did that type of thing… Coming from Czech…” Kai shrugged. “Yah. I told you I moved here at sixteen. Didn’t tell you why.” Ali came over with a tray full of food.
She slowly handed us our food. “Kai, pa is making your usual. Should be any time now.” Kai nodded and we watched as Chloe watched her walk away.
“Damn Chlo. Could you be anymore obvious?” Denise said already digging into her meal. Chloe scoffed and started her own. I looked over at Kai.
“Anyway. Why’d you move here? I mean, if you wanna answer.” I cut up my waffle. “Ah. It’s quite okay.” Kai picked up the syrup and poured it for me. “I found out my father lied about my mother. He said she killed herself, but it turns out she left with my older sister. He was… Quite abusive back then, not anymore though.”
Kai took a sip from her water bottle and in that time I realized that Luisa, Chloe and Denise where in there own conversation. “Anyway. I told him that I wanted to meet her, he refused. So one night I packed some of my shit, put it in my car and drove. All the way from Prague to Luichenforgh. A nice four hour drive.” Kai put her water bottle on the table before standing up to reposition her chair the right way and moved closer to the table.
“Me, A medium sized girl, knowing not a lick of German, shows up on this ranch in her expensive car. Wearing all black and just smiles. My now step Father steps out onto the porch and looks at me. All he says is, ‘Shit, you look just like my wife Steph.’” Kai repeated his words in a redneck voice which made me laugh. “I’m not kidding he sounded just like that.” She said replying to my hysterical face.
Ali came out and handed Kai a plate of food. “Danke.” Kai said in a half laugh. Ali said something to the other girls before walking away.
“Anyway, Donald, he’s American, straight from Georgia, USA. He came over to Germany for the farm lands, any who. My mother and my sister join him out on the porch. And all I mustered up was. 'Hey, my name is Kai. And if you accept, i would like to come home.’ Fast forward today, I am happy. My father contacted me and said that he was sorry and as long as I came back once a month he wouldn’t cut me off from his money and such, which I have been doing. I live very well. I am very happy. Taking care of cows and horses while dancing is the best thing in my life.”
Kai finished up her story while shoving her food in her mouth. I laughed and enjoyed my meal. “This is actually pretty good.” I said to the group. Luisa nodded and smiled. “Belgium waffles are very good.”
I took a swipe of the syrup on my finger and sucked it off. “Mmmm this syrup is unreal.” I moaned and they laughed. “Yes. Canada is to thank for that. Alis mother went to Canada one time, came back with a partnership with a Canadian maple syrup company. That woman is odd but knows business.” Kai commented.
After a few moments of hearing the odd conversation between Luisa and my two friends, I looked over at Kai. “So how big is your ranch?” The question grabbed the attention on Chloe, whose eyes widen. “You live on a ranch!? With horses and everything?” Kai nodded at her before meeting my gaze.
“It’s about nine hundred acres. Maybe a little more.” I frowned and gave a small laugh. “Means nothing to me. I’m a city girl.” Kai shrugged and ate her meal.
“How about this.” She said still chewing some of whatever ever it was in her mouth. “It starts right from the beginning of the drive way. It goes a mile and a half in that direction.” She said using her arm to show the direction. “Ending at a river. Our land is shaped… Shaped like some sort of fan. The road goes from narrow to wide as it reaches the river. It’s about two miles wide.”
I shrugged at this new info. “I suppose that helps.” Kai tilted her head. “Does it?” I shook my head.
“Not really. How many city blocks is that?”
My question obliviously caught her off guard. I laughed at her expression. “I honestly have no idea. Have to ask Donald.”
I punched her arm as smiled. “I’m joking. Im impressed though.”
Kai sat up straight. “Impressed by what?”
“How a rich girl left her big apartment and the chance of her fathers wealth to go live on a ranch. That she ended up just like this.” I said waving my hand up her body.
Kai shrugged. “Ah. Yes. A lot say that. But I think it was the best thing that happened to me. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have DSM or I wouldn’t have met you guys.” Luisa smiled and reached over to lightly push Kai.
“We would be nothing without the likes of Kai.” I laughed and looked at Kai who smiled. “Well, if I get a chance before leaving for America… Id love to see your ranch.” Kai’s smile grew and gave a nod. “I’m sure it can be arranged.”
I looked back at Chloe who raised a brow and gave a smile, then I looked at Luisa, she had nothing but a straight face. But you can see in her eyes she was jealous… Or annoyed. Maybe both. I smiled again at this. Ali returned to the table and sat down beside Chloe. “May I ask where the other Bellas are?” I looked up at Chloe who sipped her coffee. “Hungover, sleeping.” She looked at her watch. “Speaking of which… We should get back. Long day of stuff to do.” Me and Denise groaned and leaned back in the chair.
“What do you guys have planned?” Luisa asked. Chloe obviously missed the question as she was zoned in on her phone. “Chloe has us going to like… The Berlin Wall and some museums or something. I don’t know.” I mumbled as I stood up and stretched. I looked over at Ali. “Um how much?” She shrugged. “Nothing. DSM never pays for their meal.”
I frowned at her. “We’re not DSM.” She stood up and started to pick up the plates. “My mom doesn’t know that.” She winked at Chloe before leaving with the plates. Luisa stood up as well. “I’ll drop you off at the hotel and I’ll see you tomorrow Ja?”
I looked at her and gave a uncertain smile. “Ja.”
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fiestymaus · 9 years
1 and 4 if you can please :)
Ficlet prompt: “Come over here and make me.”
Words: ~500A/N: If you haven’t seen the music video I’m referring to it’s on YouTube, here
Five o’clock in the evening. It was about that time already. Beca closed her laptop and waved a farewell to the head producer at the label. She was working her way up her career ladder, but still had a few more steps to go. Luisa would still be at the studio where she taught dance lessons, mostly hip-hop, but occasionally she did ballet classes.
Making her way down the street, it would be a few blocks before she got to the studio and decided on grabbing a coffee for herself and tea for Luisa. Continuing her short journey, she got to thinking about how ironic it had been that both of them managed to find jobs in New York, and eventually met up again, their relationship growing into something more.
Smiling to herself the brunette walked through the doors at almost five-thirty. Music was humming through the hallway and she nearly choked on her coffee. Was that…? Tiptoeing down the hall she peeked through the doorway and spotted Luisa dancing and watching herself in the mirrored room. Beca covered her mouth with her forearm to keep from laughing.
The blonde was concentrating on her movements as swayed her knees back and forth, one hand waving in the air as she did the ‘nae nae’. The young woman tried to stay quiet as she watched the German do the ‘stanky leg’, and other moves that were performed in the Watch Me music video by Silento.
By the time the song was over, the German’s forehead was covered in sweat. There were some alterations in the moves and Beca knew she was designing something a little different for the older groups in comparison to the younger ones. Beca let out a loud laugh as she walked into the room, her boots clicking on the wooden floor. “Oh my god, you can’t be serious- don’t ever do that again,” she chuckled setting down the tea on one of the benches where Luisa’s stuff sat.
The blonde turned around, and wide smile on her face. “Ja? Come over here and make me,” she challenged, reaching towards her laptop to play the song again. “No, no, no!” the brunette begged, rushing towards her girlfriend. Luisa let out a hearty chuckle. “Some of the kinds brought it up, and I thought I would check it out,” she explained, resting her hands on Beca’s hips as she got close.
“Ugh- kids these days,” she murmured, inching her lips closer to Luisa’s. The German only let her gaze fall, eyes focused on the smaller woman’s face. The brunette tugged at the collar of the sweat t-shirt her girlfriend was wearing and gave her a kiss. It didn’t last as long as Luisa would have liked and she gave Beca a puzzled look. “You reek; there’s no way I’m kissing you again until you shower,” the woman commented.
Luisa couldn’t help but laugh again and stepped away taking Beca’s hand in her own. “Fine then, have it your way. Let’s go home.”
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gretareal · 9 years
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Oh well...i love this.
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kidsofships · 5 years
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Daughter of Beca and Kommissar
Charlize Theron
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tiny-feisty-gay · 9 years
would anyone be interested in translating german in my fics bc google translate is shitty at best and even when i find one that seems legit i’m pretty sure it’s still wrong
and unfortunately i cannot teach myself german >>
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iocheaira · 9 years
aesthetic: beca being extremely flustered by komissar 1000% of the time
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tiny-feisty-gay · 9 years
The Mouse and the Moose
Chapter 2 is up! Whoo!
Read on AO3
“The Kommissar –no, Luisa– adamantly refused to tell Beca where they were going. And she had stolen the Bella’s wallet. The instant she asked about prices and food, the tall German confiscated her wallet and money and proceeded to hold it over her head when the brunette tried to get it back. Some huffing and puffing and probably embarrassing herself later, Beca gave up with a huff of irritation.
And that was how she found herself trailing behind a very tall German goddess, going against the wave of humans walking the streets. If her blonde head hadn’t been so high above almost everyone else, Beca was pretty sure she would’ve lost her three blocks ago. Hell, the woman had a longer stride than her short little legs could keep up with, and she had to do a weird little half-job just to keep up.
“Would you – slow – the hell – down?” she puffed out. She didn’t notice that Luisa had stopped until she ran directly into her.
And her face was at the exact height of the blonde’s chest.”
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