madlovin-blog1 · 8 years
@becomeshope said ;; u kno i loVE TROUBLE but ilu more
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boyfluent-blog · 8 years
✂ ☢ ☀ ⚜
✂   A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting ?
HMM.      okay,     this  by  no  means  reflects  the  current  community,     but  it’s  just  my  experience  from  a  year  or  so  ago  ??    but,    like    --     the  marvel  fandom.      i  had  a  blog  way  back  when  and  idk  !!    i  never  fully  felt  comfortable  on  my  dash.      maybe  i  didn’t  give  it  a  good  enough  chance,     maybe  i  wasn’t  following  all  of  the  right  people,     but  G O D   i  was  always  afraid  to  even  approach  /  follow  other  blogs  because  it  was  so  tight  knit  at  the  time.      everyone  had  their  established  partners  and  what  not,   YA  KNOW.     i  get  that  cliques  are  common  in  every  fandom.      i’m  guilty  of  having  my  preferred  favs.     IT  WAS  ALWAYS  JUST  TOO  INTENSE.... 
☢   What fads/trends are you so over ?
i  don’t  mind  any  of  them  tbh  w/  you !      I  MEAN.     most  of  them  come  and  go  so  quickly  i  really  don’t  even  have  time  to  care.   LMFAO.      i’m  just  a  firm  believer  in  letting  people  do  whatever  tf  they  want  with  their  blogs  and  if  they’re  happy  with  it  and  having  fun  with  their  choices  then  Good  for  them.      i  think  the  only  trend  that  was  ever  too  much  for  me  was  when  people  were  writing  their  replies  out  in  photoshop  to  fancy  them  up  in  the  post.    AND  ALL  THE  BORDERS  N’  STUFF  WITH  IT.      that  was  wild. 
☀ What's your rp pet peeve ?
the  fact  that  it’s  always  treated  like  a  fkn  competition  !!      it  doesn’t  even  matter  what  it  is.     themes,    writing,    portrayals.      it  feels  less  like  a  place  to  enjoy  a  character  and  writing  with  others  and  more  of  a  game  of  ‘  who  did  it  best.   ‘     i’ve  just  seen  a  lot  of  misplaced  hostility  in  my  years  in  the  indie  community  and  at  this  point  i’m  so  over  it ?      I  DON’T  EVEN  CARE  ANYMORE.      you  do  you  but  leave  me  out  of  it  tbh  i’m  just  here  to  have  fun  and  spiral  about  my  favs  daily.    
⚜  How many people do you not like ?
not  even  gonna  lie,    i  hate  a  lot  of  people.      i’m  basically  the  old  man  shouting  at  the  hoodlums  to  get  of  his  lawn,    waving  his  cane  around  in  the  air.      but  real  talk.      i  don’t  ‘  hate  ‘  people  for  just  any  old  reason.     there’s  gotta  be  something  they  did,     whether  it  be  to  me  or  to  a  friend,     because  otherwise  i’m  pretty  good  at  just  ignoring  them  all  together.     but  boy  do  i  know  how  to  hold  a  fucking  grudge  LMFAO.     I’M  THE  WORLDS  WORST.     I  NEVER  FORGET  ANYTHING  EVER.   
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greatbattler · 8 years
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
@purrsuasion @lantcrn @depthdweller @thedevilscourt @silverheartsilverskin @peacemaiden @abamentia @shootspeople
my life was just fine until these motherfuckers came along and ruined everything. you know how many times i almost got called out because of them???? we are just so mean and problematic and i hate it, wah wah wah. 
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“ we die so easily. “
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            DO PEOPLE LIVE only to die? a HAUNTING question – the meaning of LIFE. he ponders it more now that he is no longer LIVING than he EVER did when he HAD been. curious, that death begets death. he knows not how to COMFORT her. she has lost MUCH and he understands, but he does not know how to reconcile her GRIEF because he does not know how to reconcile his OWN. how can one help another when they cannot help THEMSELVES? “ dying is EASY. it’s the LIVING part that remains DIFFICULT. that you got up this morning at all, that you CONTINUE to live is testament enough to your STRENGTH. ”
@becomeshope // meme.
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clowngore-a-blog · 8 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY U GEM!!!! hope u had the best of days xoxo
PUDDIN’.   aw thank you, you absolute cutie!!
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madlovin-blog1 · 8 years
salty meme !!
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☄ - have you ever been caught in the middle of drama ???
nope actually !!!  contrary to how i come off as , i’m very non - confrontational & people don’t really cross me anyway .
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gcblin · 8 years
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                ❛    GWEN STACY.    just the person i was looking for.    ❜
( @becomeshope. )
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dangerovspassion · 8 years
becomeshope replied to your post:What's your skype?
the fuckbois have arrived
[gets on one knee]  u got kik
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quinnzical-blog · 8 years
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‘      CHOOSE !      it’s  him  or  you,      blondie !      ‘      the  ringleader  of  this  show,     a  puppeteer  of  fate.      one  boy,     one  girl.      she  keeps  them  closely  confined  with  the  threat  of  her  blood  stained  weapons,      compelling  their  fearful  minds  to  play  her  twisted  g a m e s.      but  time  is  running  out !       and  she  is  becoming  oh  so  very  BORED   of  waiting.      tick  tock,     tick  tock.      she  cackles  the  sound  of  a  woman  who  has  long  since  gone   mad,    mad,   m a d.      ‘    who’s  it  gonna  be ?      you  ain’t  gonna  like  it  if  i  have’ta  pick !      ‘   //  @becomeshope
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madlovin-blog1 · 8 years
❖ ♡ ┊┊@becomeshope gets a random starter !!
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❛      POLICE baby !!!    hey   ,   goody two shoes  ;    you’re NOT gonna tell on us  ,   right ??    ❜  &  indeed , the BASEBALL BAT dangling from her gloved hand serves as both a hint   &   a    casual threat .      
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luxbringer · 8 years
reignedhell whaddup hellions.
it me twin
ah, yes, it’s .... looks at smudged writing on hand, lug fur mourning stir. ( ilu armie )
becomeshope: whaddup hellions.
M Y C HI L D !!!!!
taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!!!  girl how u doin
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incredibleliar · 8 years
🙋🏻 + clara and her stance on lies/betrayal
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i always think to twelve’s line “ lying is a vital survival skill, and a terrible habit. “ when it comes to clara’s stance on lying. that, and the fact that as a person clara is quite narcissistic and incredibly, stupidly proud,she’s hypocritical and selfish and often feels self-entitled.  at the end of the day lying, hurting other people, it’s all fine so long as it benefits her and her agenda. she see’s herself as the doctor, and all of that just comes with the job description. i constantly find myself haunted by another one of twelve’s lines in regards to that as well “ you were an exceptional doctor, clara, goodness had nothing to do with it. “ 
that being said i don’t believe that it comes from a wholly malicious point of view; for instance when she forces emma into opening a portal despite it causing her great pain, when she betrays the doctor and attempts to manipulate him into saving danny, sending lunn out to his ( potential ) death in order to get her phone. it’s not done without purpose, without reason. in the moment, she truly does believe what she’s doing is for the greater good & her mind is often clouded when it comes to protecting the people she cares for. she doesn’t do it for enjoyment, it’s simply ‘ what needs to be done ‘ a means to an end, if morally questionable. 
clara’s betrayal in dark water sparked a lot of controversy in regards to her character ( and so help me if i witness one more person calling her a bitch, or undeserving to travel with the doctor. ) let me just preface this by saying that clara is a deeply emotionally driven person, adding on to that there was also the immense guilt and depression and complete disassociation following danny’s death.she wants to help people and save the world, she tries to be selfless ( and sometimes she is ) but at the end of the day she’s still selfish, and she would tear a whole in time and space if it meant saving someone she loves. she’s suffered through so much loss and hurt and grief that she’s completely unwilling to let go of another person.
now, stemming back to clara being hypocritical   —–  clara’s entire life relies on lying to other people, getting them to trust her so they may be useful in surviving. during season eight we see just how far she’s willing to go to keep up this perfect life she’s built for herself; she lies to danny, manipulates the doctor, she controls anything and everything in her life. however the second somebody tries to turn it back onto her, to use her or manipulate her, she lashes out. when the doctor does so in kill the moon and mummy on the orient express, her response is to leave him ( “ it was cheap, it was patronizing …  you walk our earth, you breath our air, you make us trust you and you can damn well help us when we need it. “  /  “ this is why i’m leaving you. you lied, you lied to me again. and now you’ve made me lie. you’ve made me your accomplice. “ ) but then she goes right back to doing exactly what she had been doing all season.
tl;dr lying, abusing someone’s trust, it’s only okay if she does it.  // send “🙋” + any headcannons you want to know about my muse.
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