#become the quirky miniboss squad they were always destined to be!!!!
deepestbluesky · 1 year
shl women thought of the day: i think du pusa and qiao luohan should have like seventeen different bets and or competitions going just all the time. how many knives can they sneak into qin song’s bed before he notices. who can kill more people on their next assignment. who can drink more and stay standing on one foot. whether xie wang is going to have them go north or south next. if that guy they saw staring last night will show up at the inn again tonight and if he’ll try to flirt with du pusa or not. like just so many weird silly way to entertain themselves and compete with one another, and they’re constantly bickering about who’s winning overall and in any given challenge and no one else understands why they focus on this so hard when none of it matters.
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