#beckett's badge number
graciehart · 1 month
if anyone was wondering how normal about Kate Beckett I am, they made us choose a short key for work and I used her badge number lmao
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41319kbex · 7 months
Hell Hath No Fury (5/?)
Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed! It really means a lot!
This is a long chapter, very heavy on plot. It’s taken me longer to post it because I told you before my least favorite thing to write is police work…and this chapter is painfully full of it. But it is necessary. I’m sure I rushed through it because I absolutely hate writing it, but I hope it’s not so rushed that you can’t understand and enjoy the story. I hope I don’t lose any of you with this chapter.
I still don’t own Castle…
Days turned into a week, and a week turned into two. Beckett’s days consisted of going to work, being micro-managed by the new captain…there had been a murder case she’d caught; Gates hadn’t completely benched her, of course, and still expected her to lead her team on any case except the shooting…and then going home to work on the shooting case on her own--more often than not with at least a couple of shots of something stronger than wine, usually whiskey or vodka; it wasn’t enough to get drunk, but it was enough to take the edge off the emotional tailspin she was in.
The main component missing was Castle. She hadn’t spoken to him since he’d kicked her out of his hospital room. He’d been angry with her, and she’d been so insistent on both working the case and getting him safely away from the fallout of…well, her…that she’d figured he’d call her if he wanted to talk. When he didn’t, her pride wouldn’t let her call him either, no matter how much she missed him or how much having him tell her to leave had hurt her.
She had called the hospital daily to check on his condition. He’d been released almost a week ago, and when she still hadn’t heard from him, she did request a police detail put on his building for precautionary purposes, which hadn’t been difficult for her to get approved considering the circumstances of his shooting and his friendship with the mayor…but when one of the officers had informed her he had packed his car and looked like he was heading out of town, she’d pulled them off, figuring he actually was going out to the Hamptons to fully recover. She was at least relieved by that information; it meant he’d be safe from everything, including her.
The boys had kept their word, discretely sharing anything they came across regarding the shooting, but it hadn’t been much past the sketch of the shooter. On a hunch, she’d suggested the boys run financials on Montgomery, Raglan, and McAllister so they could try to find some kind of money trail…she was working on trying to piece everything together now.
She found herself thinking about how much easier it may have been with Castle’s help. Despite the fact that she didn’t usually admit it to him, his way of thinking outside the box somehow pushed her to be able to do her best work; building theory with him was second nature to her now, and she missed it. Stopping her train of thought before it could get too far out of the station,
she poured herself another glass of whiskey, but before she could take a drink she saw it–an account number with an oddly large amount of deposits…and one huge withdrawal date right before her mother’s murder. “Got you, you son of a bitch,” she murmured, the alcohol in her glass now forgotten.
Another hour and a half of research on her part and she’d discovered that the bank had closed, but she’d managed to find an old warehouse where the records had ended up. Within minutes she was on the phone to the boys, explaining what she’d found and telling them to get a warrant and meet her at address she was sending them. Grabbing her leather jacket as well as her badge and gun, she ran out her door. Finally, FINALLY she had a solid lead that was going somewhere.
Beckett arrived at the warehouse before the boys and remained in her car, watching the building until they showed up with the warrant, despite the way every fiber of her being wanted to go inside and find the files she needed. But she was too good of a cop; she knew if she didn’t wait for the warrant, anything she found inside would be useless. As badly as she wanted to finally find out who was behind this whole thing, she wanted justice more…so she waited.
She narrowed her eyes as she saw a man coming out of the building, which was suspicious given the late hour. Getting out of her car, she drew her gun. “NYPD, don’t move,” she identified herself. The man froze for a moment. “Show me your hands and turn around slowly.” The man did as he was told, holding up his hands and turning around with a smug smirk on his face. Her eyes widened when she realized she was looking into the face of the man from the sketch; the man who shot Castle.
“Detective Beckett…” he stated, his tone as smug as the look on his face. He was cocky, but calm.
Her jaw clenched, her finger itching to pull the trigger on the man who shot Castle if he would give her any kind of reason. “You shot my partner,” she stated, her voice dangerously low. “Tell me who is behind this.”
“You’re wasting your time, Detective. You have no idea who you’re up against,” he stated simply.
“Neither do you.” Her tone was steely as it took every bit of self-control she had to not pull the trigger. She knew she still needed information, though. Information this man had.
The man chuckled lowly. “Actually, we know exactly who we’re up against.” At that moment, a small explosion was triggered inside, knocking Beckett off her feet slightly as the warehouse was suddenly engulfed in flames.
Despite the fire, she managed to maintain her gun on the man as he started to back away slowly. “Tell me who is behind this!” she demanded again.
“First I’m going to finish getting of all the evidence…and once I’m done, I’m coming back for you, Detective. And this time, if your pretty little writer boy gets in my way, I’ll kill him too.” He kept slowly backing up into the dark.
His last words got to her. By the time she had recovered, the sirens from the fire trucks signaled their proximity and the man had disappeared into the shadows again. Staring into the dark for another long moment, she finally lowered her gun and reholstered it before running her hands through her hair.
“Fire department confirms there is nothing left of the files,” Esposito approached Beckett’s desk at the precinct the following morning. “The explosion happened right in the file room. Anything that wasn’t immediately destroyed burned in the fire.”
Beckett heaved a deep sigh, leaning back in her chair. “This guy is always a step ahead of me. He was right there…I had him. And then…” she trailed off, clenching her jaw and pounding her hand on her desk in frustration.
Ryan watched for a moment, understanding how hard this was for her. “Beckett…we’ll get him, ok?”
“Will we? Because he’s a damn ghost that just appears when he wants and then disappears into the ether when he needs to,” she growled in frustration. Sighing again, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I know his play now. He’s getting rid of the evidence. And then he’s coming back for me,” she said lowly. “For the first time in this case, I’m going to be one step ahead of him. I’m going after him before he can come after me.”
Ryan shook his head. “What do you mean?”
“I’m going to draw him out before he gets to me.”
“Beckett, do you think that’s really a good idea? Gates is already highly suspicious with what happened last night…”
She gave him a stern look. “I don’t care. This is my case…my mother’s murder…my life. I am not sitting around and waiting for them to come and take it from me,” she said angrily. “Look, I’m not asking either of you to do this with me. But I’m getting this son of a bitch before he hurts anyone else I care about.”
“Come on, you know we’ve got your back, Beckett.” Esposito shot Ryan a warning look. “Don’t we, Ryan?”
The other man nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, we do.”
“Yo, Beckett…we caught a break,” Esposito kept his voice down as he approached her in the breakroom at the coffee machine.
She arched an eyebrow. “What did you find?”
“Surveillance cam from across the street caught our guy approaching the warehouse. I was able to track his path backward using mostly traffic cams, and found him getting out of a parked car. Turns out the car was a rental,” he explained, acting like they were having a nonchalant conversation as he was making coffee.
“Were you able to figure out where he rented it from?”
Esposito smiled. “Better than that. I have an ID. Ryan is running it down now. Guy’s a pro, so it’s most likely a cover ID, but he might have used it for something else in the city.”
Beckett nodded, keeping her back to the window. “Thanks, Espo.”
Ryan popped his head in the breakroom then. “Cole Maddox. ID is fake, but the rental company keeps a GPS tracker in its cars. It’s within a one-block radius of this address,” he held up a piece of paper.
“You guys go canvas, see if you can find his base of operations…a hotel or apartment building. Someone had to have seen something. Gates isn’t going to let me leave now, but you find him and I’ll meet you there,” she kept her voice low as she spoke discretely before grabbing her cup and heading back to her desk.
“Did you find him?” Beckett asked the boys, approaching their car in front of a hotel. She’d finally been able to get out of the precinct after 5PM when her shift was over and Gates was no longer watching her every move. She finished fastening her police vest around her.
“Yeah. Front desk clerk confirms Maddox is here on a one-month lease. They agreed to let us in his room,” Esposito filled her in, both men already in their own police vest. “How do you want to play this?”
She thought for a moment. “Ryan, you stay down here in case he runs out. Espo, you’re coming
with me.”
The boys nod and Esposito follows Beckett inside, guns drawn and ready. Once up at the room, Esposito gestures for the hotel employee to go once the door is unlocked. He waits for Beckett’s nod before pushing the door open and stepping inside, her right on his heels as they clear the room. “Yo, Beckett!” he called from the other room.
She followed the sound of his voice. He was standing at a table with a laptop and a bunch of police files. “What the hell?”
“These look like old police files,” he answered, looking through them. “They’re Montgomery’s old files.”
“The evidence. He’s getting rid of the evidence so it can’t be linked back to his employer…so that this whole case gets buried…” she realized.
Esposito looked up to meet her eyes. “We’ve got to get out of here…get back-up to secure all this…” he started, already heading out of the room.
Maddox was waiting on him, though, and easily disarmed him, knocking him out and dropping him down to the floor. Beckett was already coming through the door with her gun drawn too, only to end up on the floor as well, without her gun. She wasn’t out of it yet, though, grabbing her gun and quickly scrambling out of the room after him and dialing Ryan’s number as she gave chase toward the stairwell. “Ryan, he’s heading to the roof!” she yelled through the phone before hanging up so she could focus on the man.
She ran out onto the roof and slowed when she didn’t see anyone. She kept her steps slow and quiet and paid attention, looking for any sign of him. Before she knew what happened, he grabbed her from behind. She immediately tossed her head back, knocking him in the nose and causing him to lose his grip on her. She immediately took a step away and tried to aim her gun back at him, only to have him knock her feet out from underneath her, causing her to land on her back with the wind knocked out of her, her gun falling from her hands.
She pushed herself up enough to lunge at his knees as he was getting up, tackling him back to the ground. She slammed his head into the ground, trying to subdue him. “Who do you work for?” she asked angrily.
He gave a hard punch to her ribs, knocking her off him. “Doesn’t matter. You’ll never touch him,” he said lowly, taking the opportunity to get up.
She was pretty sure the hit had at least fractured a rib or two; it hurt to breathe. But she had to get up. “You shot my partner!” she growled, using her anger to fuel her as she got up and lunged
at him again, jumping on his back to try to tackle him again.
He easily threw her off his back, elbowing her hard in the ribs he had previously hit. “That was a miscalculation on my part; I didn't anticipate he was brave enough to push you out of the way; guess what I heard is true...he is sweet on you,” he replied, kicking her in the same spot on her ribs. “It’s over, Detective,” he said calmly, turning away.
It did take her a few moments to get her breath enough to push herself up this time, but she had at least spotted her gun on the ground and was able to grab it, aiming at him as she stood. “You’re right…it is over,” she said lowly.
Before she had the chance to pull the trigger herself, a single shot rang out and Maddox crumpled to the ground. Beckett instinctively dove behind a rooftop ventilation unit, hoping it would provide appropriate cover. She waited for another shot to come, but it never did. Holding onto her ribs, she tried to push herself up to try to see something, but before she could even get to her knees she heard Ryan’s voice.
“Ryan, there’s another sniper!” she yelled out the best she could. Damn, her ribs really hurt and it was getting harder to breathe.
Ryan immediately slipped behind another rooftop unit. “Backup is already on the way,” he called out to her. “Maddox?”
“Sniper shot him,” she called back.
“You alright?”
She winced as she took a deep breath. “Other than a broken rib or two, yeah…I’m good. Espo is knocked out downstairs,” she informed him.
Once ESU arrived and had cleared the surrounding area of the sniper, Beckett was able to stand and slowly walk over to the body of Maddox, holding her ribs. She was bleeding from her nose and lip, and had a few other scrapes, but was otherwise okay; the damage was pretty much localized to her ribs. Standing over the body, she was silent until Ryan approached her. “Montgomery’s old files are down there…he was trying to get rid of the evidence. We have to get those files, Ryan,” she told him.
“You go get checked out. I’ll get the files,” he promised her. “No one is going to know about Montgomery,” he added.
She winced again as she took a breath and nodded. Seeing Esposito already awake and being checked by medics as she exited the building, she was able to smile. However, seeing a very angry Captain Gates caused her smile to fade.
“Sir…” she started immediately.
Gates held up her hand to interrupt. “Get yourself checked out, Detective. Then you and I are going to have a long conversation about what it means to be off a case,” she said angrily, pointing Beckett toward the medics.
“Yes, Sir.” Beckett did have to wonder exactly how much trouble she was going to be in and hoped she would be able to mitigate any kind of trouble the boys might be in by falling on her own sword, so to speak.
Spotting Beckett about the get into an ambulance, Ryan approached and asked the medic to give them a minute. “Those files you and Espo saw are gone,” he told her lowly.
Her eyes widened at that. “ESU?”
Ryan shook his head. “No. They were gone before any of our guys got here. In fact, they couldn’t find anything indicating Maddox was ever here, aside from his body on the roof.”
She thought for a moment. “The other sniper. Maddox screwed up shooting Castle instead of me. Whoever Maddox worked for must have gotten tired of waiting for him to finish the job and took him out to clean up his mess so that the whole case gets buried again.”
“Looks that way,” Ryan nodded. He gestured for her to go ahead and get into the ambulance.
“Withholding evidence. Lying to a superior officer. Disobeying a direct order. What you did dishonors this city, and dishonors the badge!” Gates was angrily giving Beckett a dressing down. “You are on administrative leave, effective immediately.”
“Don’t you Sir me, Detective. You’re lucky I’m only suspending you and not firing you,” she continued angrily. “You don’t deserve to wear the uniform. Now hand over your badge and gun,” she ordered.
Beckett straightened slightly, placing her gun on the desk. She looked at her badge for a little longer before she placed it on the desk.
“For all the good things I had heard about you, Detective, I have to say you haven’t lived up to them. You’ve been a disappointment since I got here,” she stated. “Oh, and Detective? Your suspension doesn’t start until AFTER your medical leave for your injuries sustained on that roof is up. I don’t want to see you back here until September. I suggest you use these 3 and a half months to get your act together and decide if you still want to wear this badge; I will not tolerate my detectives going rogue and disobeying my orders.”
Clenching her jaw, Beckett nodded. “Yes, Sir,” she replied simply through clenched teeth before leaving the office.
The boys were waiting as she exited the office. “Well?” Ryan asked.
Beckett looked at both of them and shook her head. “It could have been worse,” she admitted. “I’m out until September.”
“September?! Beckett, that’s almost 4 months!” Esposito turned back to the office.
She was upset, but the last thing she wanted to do was make it worse for the boys. “It’s fine. I knew it was coming for going against her orders; she's no Montgomery. I’ll see you guys in September, ok?” She grabbed her things from her desk and headed for the elevator.
The boys watched her leave in disbelief, staring at the elevator until the doors had closed. “This sucks,” Esposito murmured.
“Yeah it does,” Ryan agreed.
Castle was staring at a blank screen on his laptop. He’d been trying to write for days, but nothing would come to him. He was broken out of his staring contest with his laptop screen by his phone ringing. When he saw the caller was unknown, he almost didn’t answer it, but his curiosity got the better of him.
“Mr. Castle,” a man’s voice answers.
“I’m a friend of Roy Montgomery’s. I’m calling about Detective Beckett. We need to talk.”
“Richard, you have to tell her!” Martha insisted, trying to talk some sense into her son.
“If I tell her, she won’t let this thing go! She’ll just keep running right into the line of fire!” Castle argued back.
“She’s already in the line of fire,” Martha countered. “Richard, listen to me. You haven’t spoken to her in over two weeks. She’s already investigating the shooting, she knows it’s connected to her mother’s case. You are in no condition to physically help her. Right now the only thing you can do for her is to tell her about this man.” Seeing her son about to interrupt, she held her hand up to stop him. “It’s her life, Richard. You can’t make decisions for her. You owe it to her to at least let her have all the information so she can make an informed one.”
He was quiet for a moment. “And what if I don’t like her decision?”
“Then you have a choice to make. You can stand with her, or you can move on. That’s your choice. But this…Richard, this first choice is hers.”
He took a deep breath and released it slowly. He knew his mother was right. She had the right to know. Maybe he’d be able to reason with her. Maybe they’d be able to figure out something together. But he had to tell her. The only problem was he wasn’t sure she would talk to him now; it had been over two weeks since he’d kicked her out of his hospital room. He had no idea where they stood before that point, but now he really had no clue. Picking up his phone, he clicked on her name and hoped she would answer.
Beckett sat alone in her apartment, trying to get comfortable. She was stubborn about taking the pain medication for the broken ribs, preferring to suffer for the time being. Between that and her head space surrounding the shooting, her mother’s case and her suspension, she was finding it increasingly difficult to relax, not to mention she had no idea what she was going to do to stay sane all summer. Maybe I should pack a bag and head up to Dad’s cabin. She was already shifting to get up when her phone started to ring. Seeing Castle’s name surprised her. They hadn’t spoken since their argument at the hospital. “Hey Castle,” she answered, trying to act like she wasn’t affected in the least by everything.
“Hey…” he started, suddenly unsure how he was supposed to talk to her. It needed to be in person, and he was in the Hamptons. “How busy are you?”
She wasn’t busy at all considering she wasn’t allowed to work until the fall, but he didn’t need to know that. “Oh you know, the usual. Why?”
He figured he might as well just be straight with her. He had a better chance of her agreeing to meet if he was. “We need to talk about the case…in person. Can you come out to the Hamptons?”
That shocked her; why was he calling her about the case? “Castle…”
“Kate, it’s important. I can’t tell you over the phone, it needs to be in person.”
She could tell from the way he was speaking to her that it was important. “Okay. I can drive out tomorrow.”
“Okay.” That hadn’t been as difficult as he’d thought. He lingered a moment longer. “Uh…you could stay a few days if you wanted…” he found himself offering. He had missed her…and maybe they could talk about what was between them, assuming the argument at the hospital and what he was going to tell her hadn’t caused her to retreat back into herself again. Maybe now they could have a chance to talk, really talk, with no interruptions.
She found herself rolling her eyes. Though she supposed it was at least something to do so she wasn’t going crazy in her apartment. She thought back to the previous summer when he’d made her the same offer and she’d turned him down, only then to reconsider too late; she’d missed her shot then, did she want to risk missing her shot now? “Text me the address. I’ll see you tomorrow, Castle.” She hung up without giving him an answer one way or the other, figuring she’d take a bag and decide after she heard what he had to say whether or not she would stay for a few days. After all, it wasn’t like she had to be back at the precinct.
I told you guys this was a long one, full of plot. Hopefully you all made it here to the end! Next chapter will be better, I promise…Castle and Beckett will be in it together and no real police work!
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meeedeee · 2 years
Help Restore Vintage Starsky & Hutch Inspired Fic
flamingo needs help proofing mimeograph era fanfiction written by two popular Starsky and Hutch fan writers: Terri Becket and Chris Powers. The Vas and Dex universe was an early example of fandom inspired original m/m fanfic. Beckett and Power were enamored of "Starsky and Hutch" when it was airing, but they were "fans in isolation"--not knowing that fandom existed. They decided to write their own stories, which they based on Starsky and Hutch. The two authors kept writing Vas & Dex even after they discovered Starsky & Hutch fandom. At that point, the two original characters had taken on a life of their own. Since the originals were printed on mimeo paper, the OCR conversion is iffy in spots (example below). You can work at your own pace. DM or email me: [email protected] Original
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Text: Th® hall echoed with the voices of all nSao hundred odd recruit® taking the® oath of service as PaitJolaen on probation with the Los Angeles Police Department, 
 Two hours later, with • now uniform, a badge, a gun, end a room* number apiece, they wore turned loose to get themselves stscdshtaaed out, find their way around, and get to know those detailed to Join the same classes and share the snail, tain-bunked rooms,
Vastarnyi, Angeleno born and bred, figured he already knew his surroundings, and he had things to pick up from his room above the hardware store before moving into the room that would be home for the next thirteen weeks. He headed for the parking lot and his motor¬cycle. It was a Harley Davidson, or had been) by now the manufacturers might have had difficulty recognising their bastardised child. The machine had been stripped down and tuned up so many times by a succes¬sion of enthusiastic owners, each with his own idea of what the bike should look like, that it now bore little resemblance to the original model
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pollylynn · 2 years
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Title: Speak Friend and Enter WC: 850
“It’s called research, Mother.” —Richard Castle, Nanny McDead (1 x 02)
It may only be their second case together, but he’s already familiar enough with her go-for-the-jugular interrogation style that he’s surprised when she declines to cross-examine him when he strongly implies that the Captain has sent him off to the Langham with a good-natured tousle of his hair and an admonition to be back before the streetlights come on. Of course, surprise comes in quite a distant second to relief, because the Captain had quite stubbornly not sent him off anywhere. 
Ditched you already? Guess that’s your tough luck, son. 
Montgomery hadn’t actually kicked back in his chair and propped his feet on the desk. He’d just spiritually kicked back, et cetera, et cetera, before settling in for an extended lecture on exactly how much more trouble with Beckett he was personally willing to buy. 
Spoiler Alert: The Captain has put himself down for precisely zero dollars more worth of trouble with Beckett, which has translated into more than a few actual dollars making their way out of a starving writer’s pocket and into the hands of people desperate or below-the-Beckett-radar enough to scatter a sufficient number of breadcrumbs for him to wind up here—out of breath and trying not to show it as he hopes the sideboard he has practically collapsed on to after his sprint from the service elevator all the way on the other side of the building. 
So he’s definitely surprised, but mostly relieved, when she doesn’t immediately nail him to the wall over a lie he’s not even sure why he told. Yes, relief has definitely come out on top when she simply works her jaw and struts out of the elevator and off down the hallway. Except she struts the wrong way down the hallway, as it happens and he’s on to lie number two. 
Doorman is a huge fan of my work. 
To be fair, that one might not be a lie. He’s a best-selling novelist. It’s entirely possible that might be a moderate fan of his work. Or at least familiar with his work. It’s entirely possible that he jumped the gun by leaping from the cab in front of the building with a wad of bills clutched in his outstretched fist, pleading for directions along the shortest possible path to the apartment where the dead nanny had, until recently, worked. But he had leapt from the cab, and he had led with a fistful of dollars to grease the palm of—he realizes as the case goes on—what may be the world’s best-informed, most talkative doorman. 
And it’s not like he couldn’t have told her that. In fact, it’s not at all like him not to have told her that. He has the money to make things happen—that’s the Richard Castle brand, and it may only be their second case together, but she hates it. Which is good for him, right? 
Because he is in the market for trouble with Beckett. He is here to feed an endless stream of quarters into the machine that riles her up, because riled up people spill their secrets. Isn't that the centerpiece of her whole master interrogator schtick? And imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right, so why shouldn’t he needle her just like so? Why shouldn’t he come right out and tell her there’s no place her badge can take her that he can’t buy his way right into? 
She’s the one to solve the case for him, unsurprisingly. It starts with an offhand comment. A little too rich for my blood, she says, when he mentions his poker games. The back of his neck prickles with heat—with what seems at first to be embarrassment. 
Tacky, he thinks. Waving his money around—in front of her, at least—feels tacky. 
As an explanation, though, it doesn’t satisfy. Since when does he, King of the Nouveau Riche, give a damn about what is and is simply not done? And anyway, deciding to keep his Civil Servant and Doorman Bribery discretionary fund on the down-low in the name of propriety does not at all require the two buddy-buddy relationships he’d felt compelled to invent before breakfast. 
The final solve comes when he sees her with Chloe Richardson and the knife. It comes when he sees her lower her gun and make herself small, approachable, empathetic so that this distraught, bleeding young woman with a knife in her hand feels safe enough to let her story come out in short, halting increments. It comes when he hears himself—the off-putting cynicism of it all—tell her that he likes the whole sisterhood thing she ran. It comes when he sees the mixture of confusion and something else flash across her face. Maybe pity. More likely contempt. 
I wasn’t ‘running’ anything, Castle. 
The solve comes when he hangs his head, more than embarrassed now. He’s been inventing relationships—inventing people who like him—because he wants her to think he’s likable. He doesn't want to rile her up. 
He doesn’t just want to rile her up. 
He wants her to like him. 
A/N: Seriousy? That doorman knows all. Zero things about this case would have been solved without the omniscient, chatty AF doorman, whom we never see.
images via homeofthenutty
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imzadi-caskett-huddy · 7 months
Hell Hath No Fury (5/?)
Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed! It really means a lot!
This is a long chapter, very heavy on plot. It’s taken me longer to post it because I told you before my least favorite thing to write is police work…and this chapter is painfully full of it. But it is necessary. I’m sure I rushed through it because I absolutely hate writing it, but I hope it’s not so rushed that you can’t understand and enjoy the story. I hope I don’t lose any of you with this chapter.
I still don’t own Castle…
Days turned into a week, and a week turned into two. Beckett’s days consisted of going to work, being micro-managed by the new captain…there had been a murder case she’d caught; Gates hadn’t completely benched her, of course, and still expected her to lead her team on any case except the shooting…and then going home to work on the shooting case on her own--more often than not with at least a couple of shots of something stronger than wine, usually whiskey or vodka; it wasn’t enough to get drunk, but it was enough to take the edge off the emotional tailspin she was in.
The main component missing was Castle. She hadn’t spoken to him since he’d kicked her out of his hospital room. He’d been angry with her, and she’d been so insistent on both working the case and getting him safely away from the fallout of…well, her…that she’d figured he’d call her if he wanted to talk. When he didn’t, her pride wouldn’t let her call him either, no matter how much she missed him or how much having him tell her to leave had hurt her.
She had called the hospital daily to check on his condition. He’d been released almost a week ago, and when she still hadn’t heard from him, she did request a police detail put on his building for precautionary purposes, which hadn’t been difficult for her to get approved considering the circumstances of his shooting and his friendship with the mayor…but when one of the officers had informed her he had packed his car and looked like he was heading out of town, she’d pulled them off, figuring he actually was going out to the Hamptons to fully recover. She was at least relieved by that information; it meant he’d be safe from everything, including her.
The boys had kept their word, discretely sharing anything they came across regarding the shooting, but it hadn’t been much past the sketch of the shooter. On a hunch, she’d suggested the boys run financials on Montgomery, Raglan, and McAllister so they could try to find some kind of money trail…she was working on trying to piece everything together now.
She found herself thinking about how much easier it may have been with Castle’s help. Despite the fact that she didn’t usually admit it to him, his way of thinking outside the box somehow pushed her to be able to do her best work; building theory with him was second nature to her now, and she missed it. Stopping her train of thought before it could get too far out of the station,
she poured herself another glass of whiskey, but before she could take a drink she saw it–an account number with an oddly large amount of deposits…and one huge withdrawal date right before her mother’s murder. “Got you, you son of a bitch,” she murmured, the alcohol in her glass now forgotten.
Another hour and a half of research on her part and she’d discovered that the bank had closed, but she’d managed to find an old warehouse where the records had ended up. Within minutes she was on the phone to the boys, explaining what she’d found and telling them to get a warrant and meet her at address she was sending them. Grabbing her leather jacket as well as her badge and gun, she ran out her door. Finally, FINALLY she had a solid lead that was going somewhere.
Beckett arrived at the warehouse before the boys and remained in her car, watching the building until they showed up with the warrant, despite the way every fiber of her being wanted to go inside and find the files she needed. But she was too good of a cop; she knew if she didn’t wait for the warrant, anything she found inside would be useless. As badly as she wanted to finally find out who was behind this whole thing, she wanted justice more…so she waited.
She narrowed her eyes as she saw a man coming out of the building, which was suspicious given the late hour. Getting out of her car, she drew her gun. “NYPD, don’t move,” she identified herself. The man froze for a moment. “Show me your hands and turn around slowly.” The man did as he was told, holding up his hands and turning around with a smug smirk on his face. Her eyes widened when she realized she was looking into the face of the man from the sketch; the man who shot Castle.
“Detective Beckett…” he stated, his tone as smug as the look on his face. He was cocky, but calm.
Her jaw clenched, her finger itching to pull the trigger on the man who shot Castle if he would give her any kind of reason. “You shot my partner,” she stated, her voice dangerously low. “Tell me who is behind this.”
“You’re wasting your time, Detective. You have no idea who you’re up against,” he stated simply.
“Neither do you.” Her tone was steely as it took every bit of self-control she had to not pull the trigger. She knew she still needed information, though. Information this man had.
The man chuckled lowly. “Actually, we know exactly who we’re up against.” At that moment, a small explosion was triggered inside, knocking Beckett off her feet slightly as the warehouse was suddenly engulfed in flames.
Despite the fire, she managed to maintain her gun on the man as he started to back away slowly. “Tell me who is behind this!” she demanded again.
“First I’m going to finish getting of all the evidence…and once I’m done, I’m coming back for you, Detective. And this time, if your pretty little writer boy gets in my way, I’ll kill him too.” He kept slowly backing up into the dark.
His last words got to her. By the time she had recovered, the sirens from the fire trucks signaled their proximity and the man had disappeared into the shadows again. Staring into the dark for another long moment, she finally lowered her gun and reholstered it before running her hands through her hair.
“Fire department confirms there is nothing left of the files,” Esposito approached Beckett’s desk at the precinct the following morning. “The explosion happened right in the file room. Anything that wasn’t immediately destroyed burned in the fire.”
Beckett heaved a deep sigh, leaning back in her chair. “This guy is always a step ahead of me. He was right there…I had him. And then…” she trailed off, clenching her jaw and pounding her hand on her desk in frustration.
Ryan watched for a moment, understanding how hard this was for her. “Beckett…we’ll get him, ok?”
“Will we? Because he’s a damn ghost that just appears when he wants and then disappears into the ether when he needs to,” she growled in frustration. Sighing again, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I know his play now. He’s getting rid of the evidence. And then he’s coming back for me,” she said lowly. “For the first time in this case, I’m going to be one step ahead of him. I’m going after him before he can come after me.”
Ryan shook his head. “What do you mean?”
“I’m going to draw him out before he gets to me.”
“Beckett, do you think that’s really a good idea? Gates is already highly suspicious with what happened last night…”
She gave him a stern look. “I don’t care. This is my case…my mother’s murder…my life. I am not sitting around and waiting for them to come and take it from me,” she said angrily. “Look, I’m not asking either of you to do this with me. But I’m getting this son of a bitch before he hurts anyone else I care about.”
“Come on, you know we’ve got your back, Beckett.” Esposito shot Ryan a warning look. “Don’t we, Ryan?”
The other man nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, we do.”
“Yo, Beckett…we caught a break,” Esposito kept his voice down as he approached her in the breakroom at the coffee machine.
She arched an eyebrow. “What did you find?”
“Surveillance cam from across the street caught our guy approaching the warehouse. I was able to track his path backward using mostly traffic cams, and found him getting out of a parked car. Turns out the car was a rental,” he explained, acting like they were having a nonchalant conversation as he was making coffee.
“Were you able to figure out where he rented it from?”
Esposito smiled. “Better than that. I have an ID. Ryan is running it down now. Guy’s a pro, so it’s most likely a cover ID, but he might have used it for something else in the city.”
Beckett nodded, keeping her back to the window. “Thanks, Espo.”
Ryan popped his head in the breakroom then. “Cole Maddox. ID is fake, but the rental company keeps a GPS tracker in its cars. It’s within a one-block radius of this address,” he held up a piece of paper.
“You guys go canvas, see if you can find his base of operations…a hotel or apartment building. Someone had to have seen something. Gates isn’t going to let me leave now, but you find him and I’ll meet you there,” she kept her voice low as she spoke discretely before grabbing her cup and heading back to her desk.
“Did you find him?” Beckett asked the boys, approaching their car in front of a hotel. She’d finally been able to get out of the precinct after 5PM when her shift was over and Gates was no longer watching her every move. She finished fastening her police vest around her.
“Yeah. Front desk clerk confirms Maddox is here on a one-month lease. They agreed to let us in his room,” Esposito filled her in, both men already in their own police vest. “How do you want to play this?”
She thought for a moment. “Ryan, you stay down here in case he runs out. Espo, you’re coming
with me.”
The boys nod and Esposito follows Beckett inside, guns drawn and ready. Once up at the room, Esposito gestures for the hotel employee to go once the door is unlocked. He waits for Beckett’s nod before pushing the door open and stepping inside, her right on his heels as they clear the room. “Yo, Beckett!” he called from the other room.
She followed the sound of his voice. He was standing at a table with a laptop and a bunch of police files. “What the hell?”
“These look like old police files,” he answered, looking through them. “They’re Montgomery’s old files.”
“The evidence. He’s getting rid of the evidence so it can’t be linked back to his employer…so that this whole case gets buried…” she realized.
Esposito looked up to meet her eyes. “We’ve got to get out of here…get back-up to secure all this…” he started, already heading out of the room.
Maddox was waiting on him, though, and easily disarmed him, knocking him out and dropping him down to the floor. Beckett was already coming through the door with her gun drawn too, only to end up on the floor as well, without her gun. She wasn’t out of it yet, though, grabbing her gun and quickly scrambling out of the room after him and dialing Ryan’s number as she gave chase toward the stairwell. “Ryan, he’s heading to the roof!” she yelled through the phone before hanging up so she could focus on the man.
She ran out onto the roof and slowed when she didn’t see anyone. She kept her steps slow and quiet and paid attention, looking for any sign of him. Before she knew what happened, he grabbed her from behind. She immediately tossed her head back, knocking him in the nose and causing him to lose his grip on her. She immediately took a step away and tried to aim her gun back at him, only to have him knock her feet out from underneath her, causing her to land on her back with the wind knocked out of her, her gun falling from her hands.
She pushed herself up enough to lunge at his knees as he was getting up, tackling him back to the ground. She slammed his head into the ground, trying to subdue him. “Who do you work for?” she asked angrily.
He gave a hard punch to her ribs, knocking her off him. “Doesn’t matter. You’ll never touch him,” he said lowly, taking the opportunity to get up.
She was pretty sure the hit had at least fractured a rib or two; it hurt to breathe. But she had to get up. “You shot my partner!” she growled, using her anger to fuel her as she got up and lunged
at him again, jumping on his back to try to tackle him again.
He easily threw her off his back, elbowing her hard in the ribs he had previously hit. “That was a miscalculation on my part; I didn't anticipate he was brave enough to push you out of the way; guess what I heard is true...he is sweet on you,” he replied, kicking her in the same spot on her ribs. “It’s over, Detective,” he said calmly, turning away.
It did take her a few moments to get her breath enough to push herself up this time, but she had at least spotted her gun on the ground and was able to grab it, aiming at him as she stood. “You’re right…it is over,” she said lowly.
Before she had the chance to pull the trigger herself, a single shot rang out and Maddox crumpled to the ground. Beckett instinctively dove behind a rooftop ventilation unit, hoping it would provide appropriate cover. She waited for another shot to come, but it never did. Holding onto her ribs, she tried to push herself up to try to see something, but before she could even get to her knees she heard Ryan’s voice.
“Ryan, there’s another sniper!” she yelled out the best she could. Damn, her ribs really hurt and it was getting harder to breathe.
Ryan immediately slipped behind another rooftop unit. “Backup is already on the way,” he called out to her. “Maddox?”
“Sniper shot him,” she called back.
“You alright?”
She winced as she took a deep breath. “Other than a broken rib or two, yeah…I’m good. Espo is knocked out downstairs,” she informed him.
Once ESU arrived and had cleared the surrounding area of the sniper, Beckett was able to stand and slowly walk over to the body of Maddox, holding her ribs. She was bleeding from her nose and lip, and had a few other scrapes, but was otherwise okay; the damage was pretty much localized to her ribs. Standing over the body, she was silent until Ryan approached her. “Montgomery’s old files are down there…he was trying to get rid of the evidence. We have to get those files, Ryan,” she told him.
“You go get checked out. I’ll get the files,” he promised her. “No one is going to know about Montgomery,” he added.
She winced again as she took a breath and nodded. Seeing Esposito already awake and being checked by medics as she exited the building, she was able to smile. However, seeing a very angry Captain Gates caused her smile to fade.
“Sir…” she started immediately.
Gates held up her hand to interrupt. “Get yourself checked out, Detective. Then you and I are going to have a long conversation about what it means to be off a case,” she said angrily, pointing Beckett toward the medics.
“Yes, Sir.” Beckett did have to wonder exactly how much trouble she was going to be in and hoped she would be able to mitigate any kind of trouble the boys might be in by falling on her own sword, so to speak.
Spotting Beckett about the get into an ambulance, Ryan approached and asked the medic to give them a minute. “Those files you and Espo saw are gone,” he told her lowly.
Her eyes widened at that. “ESU?”
Ryan shook his head. “No. They were gone before any of our guys got here. In fact, they couldn’t find anything indicating Maddox was ever here, aside from his body on the roof.”
She thought for a moment. “The other sniper. Maddox screwed up shooting Castle instead of me. Whoever Maddox worked for must have gotten tired of waiting for him to finish the job and took him out to clean up his mess so that the whole case gets buried again.”
“Looks that way,” Ryan nodded. He gestured for her to go ahead and get into the ambulance.
“Withholding evidence. Lying to a superior officer. Disobeying a direct order. What you did dishonors this city, and dishonors the badge!” Gates was angrily giving Beckett a dressing down. “You are on administrative leave, effective immediately.”
“Don’t you Sir me, Detective. You’re lucky I’m only suspending you and not firing you,” she continued angrily. “You don’t deserve to wear the uniform. Now hand over your badge and gun,” she ordered.
Beckett straightened slightly, placing her gun on the desk. She looked at her badge for a little longer before she placed it on the desk.
“For all the good things I had heard about you, Detective, I have to say you haven’t lived up to them. You’ve been a disappointment since I got here,” she stated. “Oh, and Detective? Your suspension doesn’t start until AFTER your medical leave for your injuries sustained on that roof is up. I don’t want to see you back here until September. I suggest you use these 3 and a half months to get your act together and decide if you still want to wear this badge; I will not tolerate my detectives going rogue and disobeying my orders.”
Clenching her jaw, Beckett nodded. “Yes, Sir,” she replied simply through clenched teeth before leaving the office.
The boys were waiting as she exited the office. “Well?” Ryan asked.
Beckett looked at both of them and shook her head. “It could have been worse,” she admitted. “I’m out until September.”
“September?! Beckett, that’s almost 4 months!” Esposito turned back to the office.
She was upset, but the last thing she wanted to do was make it worse for the boys. “It’s fine. I knew it was coming for going against her orders; she's no Montgomery. I’ll see you guys in September, ok?” She grabbed her things from her desk and headed for the elevator.
The boys watched her leave in disbelief, staring at the elevator until the doors had closed. “This sucks,” Esposito murmured.
“Yeah it does,” Ryan agreed.
Castle was staring at a blank screen on his laptop. He’d been trying to write for days, but nothing would come to him. He was broken out of his staring contest with his laptop screen by his phone ringing. When he saw the caller was unknown, he almost didn’t answer it, but his curiosity got the better of him.
“Mr. Castle,” a man’s voice answers.
“I’m a friend of Roy Montgomery’s. I’m calling about Detective Beckett. We need to talk.”
“Richard, you have to tell her!” Martha insisted, trying to talk some sense into her son.
“If I tell her, she won’t let this thing go! She’ll just keep running right into the line of fire!” Castle argued back.
“She’s already in the line of fire,” Martha countered. “Richard, listen to me. You haven’t spoken to her in over two weeks. She’s already investigating the shooting, she knows it’s connected to her mother’s case. You are in no condition to physically help her. Right now the only thing you can do for her is to tell her about this man.” Seeing her son about to interrupt, she held her hand up to stop him. “It’s her life, Richard. You can’t make decisions for her. You owe it to her to at least let her have all the information so she can make an informed one.”
He was quiet for a moment. “And what if I don’t like her decision?”
“Then you have a choice to make. You can stand with her, or you can move on. That’s your choice. But this…Richard, this first choice is hers.”
He took a deep breath and released it slowly. He knew his mother was right. She had the right to know. Maybe he’d be able to reason with her. Maybe they’d be able to figure out something together. But he had to tell her. The only problem was he wasn’t sure she would talk to him now; it had been over two weeks since he’d kicked her out of his hospital room. He had no idea where they stood before that point, but now he really had no clue. Picking up his phone, he clicked on her name and hoped she would answer.
Beckett sat alone in her apartment, trying to get comfortable. She was stubborn about taking the pain medication for the broken ribs, preferring to suffer for the time being. Between that and her head space surrounding the shooting, her mother’s case and her suspension, she was finding it increasingly difficult to relax, not to mention she had no idea what she was going to do to stay sane all summer. Maybe I should pack a bag and head up to Dad’s cabin. She was already shifting to get up when her phone started to ring. Seeing Castle’s name surprised her. They hadn’t spoken since their argument at the hospital. “Hey Castle,” she answered, trying to act like she wasn’t affected in the least by everything.
“Hey…” he started, suddenly unsure how he was supposed to talk to her. It needed to be in person, and he was in the Hamptons. “How busy are you?”
She wasn’t busy at all considering she wasn’t allowed to work until the fall, but he didn’t need to know that. “Oh you know, the usual. Why?”
He figured he might as well just be straight with her. He had a better chance of her agreeing to meet if he was. “We need to talk about the case…in person. Can you come out to the Hamptons?”
That shocked her; why was he calling her about the case? “Castle…”
“Kate, it’s important. I can’t tell you over the phone, it needs to be in person.”
She could tell from the way he was speaking to her that it was important. “Okay. I can drive out tomorrow.”
“Okay.” That hadn’t been as difficult as he’d thought. He lingered a moment longer. “Uh…you could stay a few days if you wanted…” he found himself offering. He had missed her…and maybe they could talk about what was between them, assuming the argument at the hospital and what he was going to tell her hadn’t caused her to retreat back into herself again. Maybe now they could have a chance to talk, really talk, with no interruptions.
She found herself rolling her eyes. Though she supposed it was at least something to do so she wasn’t going crazy in her apartment. She thought back to the previous summer when he’d made her the same offer and she’d turned him down, only then to reconsider too late; she’d missed her shot then, did she want to risk missing her shot now? “Text me the address. I’ll see you tomorrow, Castle.” She hung up without giving him an answer one way or the other, figuring she’d take a bag and decide after she heard what he had to say whether or not she would stay for a few days. After all, it wasn’t like she had to be back at the precinct.
I told you guys this was a long one, full of plot. Hopefully you all made it here to the end! Next chapter will be better, I promise…Castle and Beckett will be in it together and no real police work!
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underthecitysky · 8 months
IT was a real family affair when Stella McCartney showcased her autumn/winter collection at LIPA (Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts) yesterday. ECHO Features Editor Jane Haase had a front row seat ...
“GRANDAD,” shouted the little boy in delight as he ran over to the man in the grey suit with the flowery shirt who leant down and gave him a hug.
He might be one of the most famous men in the world but he was just grandad to the toddler who wanted a cuddle.
The McCartney clan were out in force for a special fashion show by Sir Paul’s designer daughter Stella, held just a few hours before the Beatles legend rocked a 36,000 strong crowd at Anfield.
Stella had chosen to unveil her autumn/winter collection at Lipa as a celebration of the city’s Capital of Culture year.
Her children – son Miller, three; 18-month-old daughter, Bailey, and four- month- old son, Beckett – were at the family event, joined by their excited cousin (lol, aunt), four-year-old Beatrice (Sir Paul’s daughter with ex-wife Heather Mills). When not sitting with her relatives the pretty blonde-haired youngster could be seen bouncing on her father’s lap.
Photographer Mike McCartney (Paul's brother), famed for his intimate portraits of The Beatles, was snapping away inside the auditorium.
On the front row were Sir Paul, with his son James on one side and Yoko Ono on the other. Next to her was George Harrison’s widow Olivia, who was in the city for a special tribute to her late husband at FACT on Friday night, as well as Beatles producer Sir George Martin.
They were being watched more than the models on stage by some members of the audience who had paid between £100 to £500 for a ticket for the event, with all proceeds going to LIPA. One keen female fan in the balcony even had her opera glasses out and trained on the A-listers.
Badges saying “Stella” with a shape of a heart and the words “L’Pool” below were given out at the entrance to guests who included Sir Peter Blake, who designed the iconic Sgt Pepper album cover, and number one WAG Coleen McLoughlin.The same message was spelled out in silver balloons suspended from the ceiling above the stage.
Liverpool singer Candie Payne, looking stunning in a thigh- skimming black mini dress, opened the afternoon show. The singer from West Derby obviously impressed Sir Paul who was spotted taking a picture of her on his mobile phone as she performed.
The fact this was no ordinary fashion showcase was evident when the models took to the catwalk. Instead of strutting their stuff these statuesque visions in dresses of varying hues of blue, grey, black and taupe played musical chairs while tottering about in what looked like 7ins platform wedges.
Amid laughter from the 380 seater auditorium, they entered into the spirit of fun as they battled it out to the thumping beat of That’s Not Your name by the Ting Tings.
As balloons descended onto the stage (with “Uncle Mike” retrieving a heart-shaped one for Beatrice) Stella appeared with a present for the winning model and thanked everyone for coming.
She joked: “I seem to have 50,000 members of my family still in this city.”
And proud dad Sir Paul, wearing his trademark suit and trainers and a Stella badge, shouted out: “Three cheers for Stella.”
Before heading off to her father’s Liverpool Sound concert with the rest of the family, Stella explained why it was important to showcase her new fashion range at LIPA, which was co-founded by Sir Paul in 1996 in the grounds of his old school, The Liverpool Institute.
She said: “It’s been a great day, especially with the concert tonight.
“I wanted to do something for LIPA because it’s my dad’s old school and I’m very proud of what he’s done here and the way he’s made the school survive.
“This show was a lot of fun and it’s great to hold it in the Capital Culture year and do my bit for the city.”
Describing her collection as “naturally sexy, naturally confidant and modern”, she added: “I don’t design for one particular woman, but I try to pick up what I think is happening around me and on the streets.
“I don’t get a chance to spend much time in Liverpool but I think Liverpool can compete with other cities.”
And what does the acclaimed fashion designer, who counts Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow as pals as well as clients, think of Liverpool girls’ style?
“I think they are great but I would say that because I’ve got a bit of Liverpool in me,” she laughed.
The Scouse gliterrati were out in force yesterday. Former Emmerdale star Sheree Murphy, wife of footballer Harry Kewell, was there along with friends, Cricket owner and ECHO columnist Justine Mills and celebrity stylist Lorraine McCullough.
Coronation Street star Alison King, who plays Carla Connor, was among the guests as was Radio City presenter Pete Price.
Dance group Flava, who were semi finalists in the TV show Britain’s Got Talent, also performed at the event.
Stella had said she had wanted to do her bit for the city in Capital of Culture year. I think the McCartney clan certainly did that yesterday.
Text copied from ohnotheydidnt on livejournal here
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castle-dominion · 1 year
6x17 audio but I won't liveblog too too much hopefully
marlowe bowman amann yay
writer upon writer upon director
good profile closeup
Yeah esposition
"package" sure
literally ran lol
self congratulatory stuff now, & finally the how to direct stuff heheh
Just piling it on, for sure
the f*ck you moment XD
as fast as possible, that was indeed good.
What does she know, what doesn't she know? how can we use that?
It's an episode of not knowing, the camera direction is good too. Where is her head level?
violation, intimidation, who do they think she is?
Yay bonus features
bowman saying it's good to hang on a shot? not fastfastfast?
delicious to write lol
that's true! it could be a call-response sort of thing! codewords!
every sentence is painful, dangerous
50k/week for my services? I am not a drug courrier
set dressing my beloved
displacement of information, ooh
Ah they had to switch the location of the phone call bc of the set
good point, women in hoods is not typical drug stuff
"We think that she's recovering from an attempted suicide overdose when in fact... oops" he says, deadpan
Oh did they ever find that letter?
Small in a large space, always showing the guards
feature film in only eight days...
Ok I'm missing onfo on the actual show bc I'm just watching the audio commentary "I'm coping with having killed somebody" to "I'm coping with the fact I had to stage a convincing fake murder"
gothic <3
surreal images, mansion, in over your head, yeah this is so much larger than life
mythologized characters. When do you reveal them?
lmao hotel california but yeah that lady was weird & totally in a different story.
Earned her way to descend into hell...
You keep the ceo in the basement?
Yeah beckett's mom's murder is still a thing even tho they caught the guy-- wait this episode is before that lol
3x13? Yeah this is great
why put her badge number when she could just put in her initials? or even a random 19484 101st & that's it, espt would be like "wtf is this" & then they look into it & still learn stuff
I recall the audio commentary for this with the extended scene
she was so excited that she was going to be tortured
take it away you horrible (great) writers
indeed, great filming
"wveryone else has beaten her up why not just throw her down the hill?"
organic AND a surprise
maturity? Oh you're right!! She has tact now!
Oof that was nice!
0 notes
monalyssa33 · 6 years
April 13, 2019 needs to be an unofficial Castle day. Who’s in???
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verity-if · 3 years
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You’re next…
It was among a thousand other comments— you had only seen it briefly in passing— but you couldn’t help the chill that wracked your spine because of it. Even through the screen you could feel the malicious air exuding from those words. The omniscient air clogging your lungs as you try to fight through the emotions that rise because of the message.
You’re able to shake it off after a few moments— people on the internet are weird after all— and get back to doing your daily routine. Your attention shifting to other things; causing the message to be forgotten.
That is until a sharp rapping on your door awakens you at close to midnight; your bleary eyes barely taking in the flashing of a badge before you’re asking to come with them. Your ears barely being able to comprehend what it was they were hearing.
You were being targeted by a person that had already killed a dozen other people— all of them holding some presence online— and nothing would stop them from getting to their thirteenth; to you.
Will you be able to survive long enough to see the victims before you get justice? Or will you just be another number on a list that wasn’t able to be saved?
This story is 18+ for depictions of murder, violence, gore, sexual themes, profanity, and alcohol use. The demo will be added at a later date.
Customizable MC: name, nickname, username, appearance, gender, sexuality, and a smattering of vices/hobbies.
Choose what type of videos your MC has posted to get so popular: gaming, commentary, home health, cooking, etc.
Always be mindful that someone is out to get you but don’t forget how to live too. You don’t want them to win before they ever get to you.
Fall in love, or back in love, with 1 of the 5 romance options.
Figure out who could be trying to kill you— was your last video really that bad?
Figure out if the people in your life are truly who they say they are.
And, most importantly, figure out your connection with the twelve victims before you.
Damien/Diana Carrington 28, [M/F]
-The Roommate-
One of your roommates— the one that actually owns the house you’re living in— who doesn’t really interact with you all that much. Aloof to everyone but their cat, D makes it a point to stay within their room— more than likely sleeping through the day— before disappearing to their job at random hours; not that they needed to work. Being part of one of the richest families in America.
However, with everything that’s happening with you, you’re about to see a side of D that you’ve never even thought possible.
Gray/Grace Anders 27, [M/F]
-The Best Friend-
Your second roommate, and the one you were closest to, who also happens to be your best friend since childhood. With a sunny smile, compassionate demeanor, and giving spirit; you don’t know what you’d do without them by your side. Having them in the house brings a lot of cheer— plus their homemade meals— that you’ll desperately need in the coming weeks.
Will things transition into something more? Or will they stay the same?
Ethan/Emily Ward 32, [M/F]
-The Ex-Con-
The suave, and slightly egocentric, ex criminal that has agreed to help the police with the investigation— sort of like Silence of the Lambs— as they have the skills, and the connections, to help with the investigation; while the authorities have the capacity to give them a get out of jail free card for good behavior.
Will you fall under their silken words? Helping them turn over a new leaf? Or will everything be left to the unknown?
Oliver/Olivia Deveraux 31, [M/F]
-The Detective-
The lead investigator sent to protect you— as the FBI try other angles— with a cool demeanor that tells you of someone that’s seen too much. Will they let you get closer? Or will they push you away like they have everyone else in their life? Will you be their saving grace, like they’ll be to you, or will they be left to drown within themselves?
Will you see through their mask?
Fallon Beckett 29, [M/F]
-The Ex-
The person you thought you were going to marry; spend the rest of your life but misunderstandings broke the two of your apart. Someone who you used to share a bed with, who used to hold your heart and you theirs, becoming nothing but a stranger to you. So, you were surprised when you opened your door and they were standing on the other side. The same soulful gaze, the one you had fallen in love with, being right in front of you once more.
Will you forget your past to set your sights on a brighter future? Or will you always be stuck on that night everything ended?
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business as usual. ( richard castle x reader )
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gif belongs to me
Your cell phone rang in the early hours of the morning and Richard had tried to pull you back into his embrace when you leaned over to answer it. The call with Becket lasted less than two minutes and after your call ended, moments later his phone rang. You got out of bed while he spoke to Beckett and headed to the bedroom for a shower and Castle looked over when the door opened, eyebrow raising when you dropped your underwear on the floor. A smirk formed on his lips as he swiftly bid goodbye to Kate and hanged up, nearly falling as he scrambled out of bed to join you.
A short while later, Richard glanced at his watch, noting the time as he began to make his way to the bedroom where you had yet to emerge. He found you standing in front of the wardrobe, putting on a blouse.
"They're expecting us in twenty minutes." He reminded you.
You turned, buttoning up the blouse before rolling up the sleeves. "What do you think?"
His eyes roamed you from head to toe, a smirk appearing on his lips. "Sexy."
You groaned, taking it off and returning it to the hanger in the wardrobe.
"What? What's wrong with sexy?"
"I work with detectives. Everyone will know we're together." You complained.
His lips twitched in amusement, "No one is going to be able to figure out we're together by what blouse you're wearing."
You put on a plain black shirt, and turned to him with a smile. "Trust me, they'll know."
That day you arrived separately, minutes apart, and Beckett claimed you were both late and would be briefed on the way to the crime scene.
You hoped to act as normal as possible around the team. Like it was business as usual. But while you were working at your desk, Castle brought you a cup of coffee and you thanked him with a smile that he returned, sitting at a chair beside your desk as Beckett wrote on the board.
The case was hard hitting, complex, and as the days went by you were beginning to wonder if you would ever catch the killer who sprinted like a marathon runner.
"L/N. Badge number two-six-eight. He's heading to the alley." You spoke into your radio as you raced after the suspect.
Several moments later a gunshot rang out, followed by another, and the team caught up to you, finding you on the ground. Ryan and Esposito ran to handcuff the suspect who you had shot in the arm while reading him his rights.
"Are you alright?" Beckett asked, looking at Castle who knelt next to you.
You groaned, taking his hand as he helped you stand. "Fine. The vest took it." You sent him a reassuring smile that he returned and Kate noticed that you had yet to let go of his hand. She saw that you were supporting your left side with your hand and sent you away to be checked out.
"I'll drive." His tone left little room for argument but at that moment you didn't care about the team finding out that you were dating.
Esposito stood next to Beckett, watching you both as you walked away, holding hands. "Are they -"
"For a while now." Kate replied.
You approached the ambulance and winced as you removed your vest. Castle stood close by as the paramedics and once you were given the all clear, you stood up, sending him a small smile, placing a hand on his arm to reassure him you were okay.
"They're staring." He muttered, seeing the stares of the team.
And for once you didn't care if they knew. "I know." You leaned up, pressing your lips to his and Castle wrapped his arms around you, bringing you closer as he reciprocated the kiss.
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(Adalynn’s POV)
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(Ignore the fact that some people are missing, in spite of having a detailed pose planned out I forgot to add some people and it was too late to go and add them, at the point I’d spent 4 days trying to get almost 50 people to pose and was at the end of my rope 😂)
Happy Harvestfest! It felt so good to gather with all my family as we focus on being together, being grateful, and sharing in the blessings the Lord has showered on all of us. With so many of us now married and having to split holidays between our family and our in-laws, we all sat down and decided that the holiday that would bring us all together at the big house in Newcrest would be Harvestfest, meaning that we’re left to be with our other family at Winterfest. This year there were 46 people to fill up my parent’s house, which just goes to show how much the Lord has blessed us in the past 12 years, before I got married there would only be the 15 of us around the table digging in to the 2 turkeys that us Zoe and I would wake up at 4am to pick fresh from the farm, sharing in the sides that Macie would prepare for the evening, and laughing and singing together. One thing I’m very grateful for are all the children that are running around again, growing up it would be Charles, Parker, and Ashton that entertained us all with their shenanigans, but once they grew up and grew out of it then we all missed the sounds of having children around the house. Now there are 22 children that run around and call my parents ‘grandma and grandpa’. 
(Updates on the family are under the cut!)
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Allan (55) and Casandra (52) Collins
My parents are thriving in this season of life they’re in! This year they’ve completed 34 years of marriage, what a testimony! Dad is still the pastor at Newcrest Baptist, the Lord has blessed the church abundantly allowing for dad to hire on additional pastors, which gives him the chance to speak at various conferences whilst not having to worry about his congregation in Newcrest being left stranded. Mum has been finishing up school with Ashton, the last kid in the Collins Homeschool, can you believe it? She’s managed to successfully homeschool 13 children from Kindergarten all the way to the end of highschool, which is no easy feat considering how different we all are. At Ashtons graduation party we’re planning on honouring her for all that she did to homeschool us and how she did and continues to pour into all of us. Since Ashton is basically self sufficient with schooling, mum has a lot more time to travel around and visit her grandbabies, since Barrett and Kyleigh’s kids are the closest to us she’s always having them over at the big house or going over for a few hours a day to continue to pour into the lives of her grandchildren. She also gets invited to speak at different ladies’ meetings in the wider area, as well as joining our dad on speaking engagements, either accompanying him to speak at different churches or speaking with him at loads of different marriage conferences. It’s such a blessing to see my parents be so richly rewarded for their dedication to the Lord!
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The Leonard Family - Mason (34), Adalynn (33), Noah (10), Luke (8), Aaron (7), Paul (6), Joshua (4), Caleb & Jonah (1)
We’re excited to be expecting baby number 8! As time passes and I’m blessed with more children, I’ve realised I have a very consistent pattern of getting pregnant when the youngest child is almost 2 years old. Well, since the twins 2nd birthday is coming up I decided on a whim to take a pregnancy test and it was positive! As usual we’re not finding out the gender until the baby is born, but with the current numbers I’ve got I’m going to guess that this baby is a boy. The boys are excited to have another sibling on the way, but while we wait for the new baby to join us I’ve got the boys focusing on their school work. The oldest four boys are steadily progressing in their work and are loving school, they also love working on gaining their scout badges before the end of the year so they can progress onto the next level. Another exciting thing in our house is the nativity play that our church is putting on this Winterfest, the boys are in the children’s choir meaning that all our music practice has turned into Winterfest practice. Mason’s sister Molly is getting married soon as well, so the family has been gearing up to host people at her wedding in the next few months.
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The Collins Family - Barrett (31), Kyleigh (29), Chloe, Allan Jr & Benjamin (8), Rose & Violet (6), Daisy (6), Marigold (5), Olivia (3), Preston (1)
Barrett & Kyleigh are also expecting a baby, this baby joining the family will be baby number 10 with the gender being a surprise! They live in Newcrest so they’ve got the advantage of being by the big house and seeing my parents all the time, as well as all my siblings who still live at home. Kyleigh and I are in the same boat are up to our ears in school books, but when you add in the fact she’s got 2 extra kids than I do, it’s amazing how calm she is about it! You’d never know she’s actively homeschooling 7 children whilst also running after two toddlers, she makes it look so easy! With everything happening in their house they’ve got plans for even more disruption, an old family friend that owns a construction company has offered to add an extension to their house purely to be a blessing to them! They currently live in a 3 bedroom house and the current plan is to add a second floor to the house to give them more room to grow, and with them adding a new baby every year I can tell there is going to be a lot of growing for their family to do.
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The Moreno Family - Francisco (33), Zoe (29), and Javier Jr (2)
Francisco and Zoe are also expecting, and when we were all together they shared that they were having a baby girl! They’re not sharing the name they’ve picked out now, so we’re all waiting for baby girl to make her appearance so we can hear the no doubt beautiful name they’ve picked out. Little JJ is growing in leaps and bounds, it’s so hard being far away from family, which makes us cherish these times that we get to be all together even more. In other news, they’ve officially moved out of Oasis Springs and are excited to be starting out this new season of life as they get settled in Windenburg. They’ll be stationed there for the next 2 or maybe even 3 years, meaning that Zoe gets a few years living close to our sister Amira as well as our cousin Brittany. 
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The Wright Family - Shane (26), Maggie (25), Arlo & Iris (1)
Shane and Maggie are enjoying their new season of life with the twins growing into toddlers and enjoying the learning curve that comes with having not one, but two toddlers running all over the place. Shane continues to work at the design agency, and now that the twins are slightly older Maggie has started going back to doing more freelance photography jobs, and is hoping to start back at the office full time soon. Their current plans for the winter include a family skiing vacation at Mt Komorebi along with Reece and Stacie and their in-laws for Winterfest. 
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The Collins Family - Reece and Stacie (24), Liam (3), Hazel (1)
Reece and Stacie are also enjoying life with their family of 4 after the addition of little Hazel. Liam is starting kindergarten which is keeping Stacie busy with them as they start an official homeschooling programme, with the addition of Hazel’s basic toddler care as she attempts to be like her big brother. As well as starting school, the mother’s at their church have created a play group to help the kids socialise with each other since most of the families homeschool their children, so Liam is making new friends at church too. Their plans for winter include a ski holiday in Mt.Komorebi with Maggie, Shane, and their in-laws as well as with Stacie’s mother and sister.
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The Collins Family - Beckett (23) and Mandy (21)
Beckett and Mandy made the journey home from Selvadorada in time for Harvestfest with the entire family. There’s not pregnancy news on the horizon for these two, but their lives are full of blessings in other forms; They’re in the process of fundraising to continue to build a church in Selvadorada, they hope to be able to educate the Salvadoradian population on the ways of the Lord with this new church. Currently Beckett pastors at an old church building, with Mandy helping teach english and Bible at the local school, she also sometimes helps the local midwives with deliveries and aftercare for postpartum mothers. While they’re in Newcrest they’ll be travelling to various churches in the local and wider area to help fundraise, as well as catch up on all their shopping whilst they’re still here, they’ll also head over to Oasis Springs to see Mandy’s family before they leave. Over the winter they’ll be hosting Macie, Celeste, Annette, as well as other youths from Newcrest Baptist as they head over to Selvadorada on a missions trip! 
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The Eichelburg Family - Thomas (23) and Amira (22)
Amira is also expecting! The couple announced their pregnancy to the family when they arrived at the big house, she’s currently in her second trimester and currently doesn’t know the gender of the baby. In Windenburg she helps with the children’s church programmes or volunteers at a local charity shop in her spare time whilst Thomas is at work, now with the pregnancy she’s got other things to keep her busy. She’s planning to have her baby shower in her third trimester, so that should happen sometime in the next month or so, it’ll definitely be easier for her with Zoe moving close to her now. Their winter plans include planning the baby shower, escaping on a quick babymoon, and preparing to welcome their new addition before the new year! 
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The Roberts Family - Felix (25), Priscilla (20), and Andrew (1)
Priscilla and Felix are enjoying this new season of life with little Andrew, he’s definitely put Priscilla through her paces as she learns how to deal with a toddler that’s her own child and not a child she can give back to their parents at the end of the day. Felix is working at his father’s offices as an Attorney, so is kept busy during the day before coming home to Priscilla and Andrew in the evening. Whilst Priscilla is loving time with Andrew, she can’t deny that she’s definitely praying to get pregnant soon! Their winter plans include helping campaign for the local conservative candidate in the local primary elections, as well as Priscilla helping coordinate their church’s winter show.
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Charles (19) and Lorilee Mitchell (18)
These two are engaged! Charles proposed to Lorilee just before Harvestfest, hence the now allowed hand holding. The family is so excited to have another boy get married, with the couple planning a winter wedding in the bride’s hometown of Windenburg. Charles finished up with his pilot’s license soon before he proposed and he’s started working with the missions centre attached to Newcrest Baptist to help with their ministry efforts. He’s saved up enough to buy a small house a few miles away from my parents, so the couple will have a house to move into after their wedding.
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Macie (31), Annette (21), Parker (18), Ashton (16)
There are the current singles at home, Macie is still living at home but is making herself useful to those around her in an effort to be a blessing and to pour herself into others to glorify the Lord. When she’s home in Newcrest she helps Ashton with difficult work and cares for the garden, visits her local nieces and nephews, serves at church, and bakes goodies to gift different members of our church family with. When she’s not home she’s travelling to see her many siblings and nieces/nephews scattered around everywhere, she also leads programmes at various christian retreats for young ladies and older single ladies as well. This winter she’s travelling with others to Selvadorada on a missions trip and will stay with Beckett and Mandy, as well as helping to prepare for Charles and Lorilee’s wedding.
Annette is primarily works as a babysitter/mother’s helper for the different women at church, as well as helping babysit her nieces and nephews or even her cousin’s children. When she’s not doing that she’s travelling to women’s retreats with Macie to help run the programmes or work in the kitchen.
Parker has graduated highschool and has started working for a construction company that is owned by a member of Newcrest Baptist, he’s starting out as an apprentice and hopes to learn enough to make this a full time career.
Ashton is the youngest and is currently the last Collins child being homeschooled by Casandra, she’s working through her final year and is on track to graduate early in the spring. The family is planning a graduation party to celebrate the youngest child finishing school, and the official retirement of our mother as our teacher!
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The four pregnancies
The four pregnant women got together for a picture, it’s such a blessing to be pregnant at the same time as my sisters and my sister-in-love! Between Zoe, Kyleigh, and I we’ve got a combination of 17 children, and we’re adding 4 more since we’re all having singletons. Once all these children are born my parents will have a total of 26 grandchildren, what a blessing!
(AN) I just want to say thank you to everyone who left their condolences after I shared that we lost a friend, her funeral was last week and some friends were able to fly back to the states and see her laid to rest with full military honours. This is such a great community and I love being a part of it, thanks to everyone for being so great 💛
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trixiedeckerstar · 4 years
teeny bits of info about me // thanks for the tag @katebcket ! 💖
name: nicole (but you can call me nini)
gender: female
star sign: sagittarius
height: 163 cm, so that’s 5′4′’ apparently
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
favorite animal: dolphins or elephants
cats or dogs: dogs
blanket you sleep with: I’ve had to look up how to translate this into English and I would say I use a duvet all year round?
reasons for the url: I’ve been using rickrick since I was ten because of Rick O’Connell from The Mummy - it still is my favorite movie - and i now like to think that one Rick stands for Rick O’Connell and the other one for Richard Castle. I’ve added Beckett’s badge number to it in order to have a Caskett related URL.
dream job: archeologist, linguist, translator
when i made this blog: December 2016, but i’ve actually been on Tumblr since 2013 because of Castle
why i made this blog: the show ended in 2016 and I wanted to get the opportunity to interact with other Castle fans while the fandom was still active
tagging: anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet and feels like doing it!
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faecaptainofdreams · 4 years
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This character belongs to FursonaKittenMittens!! Also keep in mind that time in fandoms is a tad subjective and just depends on the moment it's projected, so while this leaps a bit into the future just...try to not harp on that too much ^^; It messes with ME a little, not gonna lie, but i love it SO MUCH, UFF. Enjoy~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~Sky Davis~~ Born in California to well-set parents as Joel Davis, Sky was a born and raised beach bum who could afford to live easy. His parents could not, for the life of them, keep him off the beach, and so they simply encouraged him. When he was 10, Joel took up wake boarding...mostly because the idea of him full-on surfing freaked his parents out. Around the age of 11, Joel began to consider his gender identity. He didn't feel like a boy, but he didn't feel like a girl, either. He'd always felt different, but now it was something he couldn't escape entirely. It didn't help that he personally never liked the name "Joel" for himself. After a couple of years, when he was 15, Joel discovered he was actually they, and began to identify as non-binary. They chose the name Sky, and their parents were actually quite supportive. If their child was happy, they were happy. This same year, Sky decided they wanted to someday become a marine biologist. They started scuba diving; they adored the sea life and the beauty of all the ocean held. The sun, the surf, it was all an integral part of them. Sky started studying everything relating to marine life they could, and began looking into colleges to eventually get into for their future. When they were 18, the Summer following high school graduation, Sky was out boarding with their friends, Donna Adams, Jacob Morgan and Aden O'Brian. Jacob, who was dating Donna and had aspired to become a pro surfer, was attacked by a shark and left alive, but rapidly bleeding to death. Sky and friends dragged him back to shore with attention and help from the life guard. It was a horrendous disaster of a day, and Jacob ended up dying from his wounds in the hospital. Sky was traumatized. Unable to face it, they decided it would be best to leave California all together and get away from that beautiful ocean. They told their parents that it was to go get basic college courses out of the way somewhere else, but it was a lie and their parents knew it. But there was only so much advice they could give, and because their child was now an adult, they couldn't stop them. They only offered their love and support. So Sky moved to Washington DC when they were almost 20 years old. They have visited their parents a couple of times, but haven't been in the ocean since that horrible day. ~~Partnership~~ When Sky is 24 and working at a coffee shop, they lock eyes with a 23-year-old Walter Beckett picking up a couple of things for himself and Lance before heading off to work one morning. Seeing Walter as a tad star-struck and fumbling over himself, Sky decides then and there that this boy is cute, and puts themselves out on the line by writing their cell number and first name on one of the coffee cups. Walter doesn't notice the number until he's already in the car with Lance. After days of nervous deliberation, he texts the number, and he and Sky begin talking. They quickly meet up and, despite both being shy, are relatively forward with what they thought of each other when they met in the coffee shop. Sky had had on a couple of badges with their identity colors on them, so Walter had already known they were NB. They decide to strike up a bit of a friendship, and then give dating a try. Walter has never dated anyone, so he expresses a lot of concerns, but Sky is patient and admits they're nervous, too. After a couple of months spent dating, Walter, Sky, and several other friends take a day trip to a beach a few hours away. Sky doesn't speak up about their past, not wanting to weigh the group down or reveal too much about themselves so suddenly. But once they get there and everyone is out in the water having fun, a little teasing from August (OC) prompts an anxiety-driven emotional breakdown and a flashback. Sky runs off and locks themselves in one of the cars they'd rode down in together, but Walter follows them. After picking the lock and getting to Sky and helping them calm down, Walter coaxes them into telling him what had gone wrong. A mournful Sky finally confesses, and Walter is nothing but embracing and loving. When he asks why Sky hadn't told them this, and Sky gives their answer, Walter lets them know that everyone would've been just as happy to do something else together, or even alternate between a few people doing the beach while a few others hung out with Sky somewhere else fun. He tells them that next time (because there WILL be a next time), this is what they will do. He encourages Sky to hold his hand and come clean about their past to the others later on, and needless to say everyone is understanding. They go back home at the end of the day on good terms. The experience bonds Walter and Sky a little more, and a little less than two weeks later, they become intimate for the first time. Sky will move into Walter's house about a year later. ~~Today~~ Sky is going to once-weekly therapy for their trauma, as suggested by Walter. They deeply want to overcome their fear of the ocean, as they honestly still love it and miss it dearly. They want to wake board again someday. They still work at the coffee shop, but Sky's ambition is to someday get the courage to go to college and pursue their dreams. For now, they are content with Walter, and are trying to work out their issues through love and support. ~~Personality~~ Sky is laid back and easygoing, but surprisingly smart and has a love of nature that is highly compatible with Walter and their new peer group. They don't anger easily, but they're also not the constant ray of sunshine their boyfriend is. Though of course, basically no one is. Easy to get along with, and sometimes surprisingly submissive. ~~Physiology~~ Sky is 5'7" and has a tight, lean body. They aren't overly built, but they're a tad muscular from a life having been spent on the water. In the years since the incident, they've stayed in shape with other exercise and good diet. Being NB, Sky sometimes likes to wear female clothing or a stark mix. They may also do their hair up in buns or ponytails, wear a hint of makeup, or whatever they please. Sometimes, they allow their facial hair to grow out a tiny bit, but usually not much or for long. No matter the look, Walter loves every one of them. ~~Preference~~ Sky is bisexual, but admittedly prefers men. They had a girlfriend in high school but broke up because, well, high school romances tend to be shallow, and they dated a girl after moving to DC. She was a tad manipulative and believed it was wrong for people to pleasure themselves if they're in a relationship, and reprimanded Sky for a number of things. She also tried to get them to embrace being more masculine. After a few months together, Sky felt like they were obligated to have sex with her, and so they did. It's always been something they've sort of regretted, as it only played more into her manipulation. Thankfully, the ever-calm and well-tempered Sky broke it off with her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
Now they are happy with Walter :”3
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pollylynn · 3 years
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Title: Under My Umbrella WC: 1100 Episode: Number One Fan (6 x 04)
He watches her closely at the Old Haunt. If she were consulted, she would say that he always watches her closely, and he would make a show of protesting. But she hasn’t been consulted, and tonight, in particular, he wouldn’t deny that he’s watching her closely. Here in particular with their whole precinct family gathered around, he is watching. 
There doesn’t seem to be much going on with her that warrants such vigilance, and he’s fine with that. He is fine to hang back and drink her in unabashedly. He is fine to cast significant looks across the bar when some of the precinct family that’s a little more extended tries to get him to fess up about how long they’ve been together. In fact, he’s so fine with that particular element that this may be the first hour at a clip that he has not felt like pouting about the extent to which they have had to keep their relationship on the down-low, because there is very little that is not fun about the vehement arguments ranging from Day 1 to Not Now, Not Ever. (They call themselves Team Publicity Stunt, they are very big into shots of Fireball, and their logic is convoluted to say the least). 
It’s fun to catch her eye and to look up to see her catching his. It’s a relief after he loses her in the sea of revelers to find that she’s doing okay—she’s doing far better than okay—and losing sight of her for a minute or two is not the end of the world, apparently. She’s with Lanie. She’s with Ryan and Esposito. She is being smothered in air kisses by people neither one of them really knows all that well, and she looks happy. She looks relaxed and in her element, and he’s not quite sure why that surprises him. 
It doesn’t actually surprise him. That’s not quite the word—at least he doesn’t think it is—for what’s prompting his vigilance. He’d wondered at first, right after she’d produced the badge, if being back to the Twelfth was actually inclined to bring her joy, rather than simply relief. Because it’s joy he wants for her. It’s joy he will insist upon in every way that’s within his power. It’s joy that prompted the near-fatal Sugar Daddy conversation, which he wishes had gone differently for a number of reasons, and the shocker is not all of them are Pi-related. 
He’d give her time if he could. He would hold both her hands in his and tell her to breathe in, breathe out, and let him just . . . shelter her a while. Not in the literal sense, although that, too, of course. He’d like to be able to shelter her from any dark and twisted tales that might be snaking their way through that magnificent brain of hers—anything that hisses failure or not enough in the dark. 
But it seems she doesn’t need that. He knows the signs. He knows the tight lift of her shoulders when she’s playing to the crowd to keep them off her back. He knows the rhythms of her excising herself to grab a moment or two alone to reset, refill her dealing-with-people reservoirs. And he’s not seeing any of that. He’s seeing nothing but gladness, at the very least, and maybe joy. Maybe. 
But something keeps him watching. Something keeps him vigilant, and there’s a little bit of miserable triumph when she seeks him out when it’s still early, when she slips behind the bar and ducks herself beneath his arm to laugh in the worse-for-wear faces of Team Publicity Stunt. She kisses him just south of his ear and doesn’t mind the catcalls of two dozen cops. 
“Wanna get out of here?” she asks in a voice so low the fact that he hears it at all is proof positive that they’re soul mates. 
“Yeah!” His voice is too bright. He’s too eager, but he can’t help springing into shelter mode. “Yes, let’s . . .” he waves an over-the-top, dismissive hand at the still-hopping crowd. “Let’s ditch these clowns!” 
The performance wins him a strange look—a stranger look than the relatively common sight of him being utterly without chill when it comes to the possibility of getting her alone should really warrant. Her lips tighten and she coils her arm more firmly around his waist. 
“Lanie, on my ten,” she murmurs, and he manages to reverse field to put LT between them and a medical examiner who has very clearly missed having drinks with Beckett—lots and lots of drinks. 
He takes them the long way around the outside of the room, waving her off when it looks as if she’s about to ask if he needs to let Anna know what to do if it’s ever closing time. She is his priority, and they’re somehow out the door in record time, without anyone clinging to their coattails. 
“We could have left earlier,” she nudges him with her hip. It’s playful enough, but there’s some of that strangeness beneath it. “We didn’t have to stay all night.” 
“I’m sorry.” He tips his head down to drop an awkward kiss on the temple. “I should’ve gotten you out of the sooner.” “Gotten me out?” She turns on a heel and places her body in his path. A look of out-of-proportion alarm crosses her face as she goes for his shoulders and tries to dance out of the way when it looks like they’ll collide. “I was getting you out. After everything?” Her fingers flutter unhappily just in front of his chest. She winces as though the molecules of air the motion stirs might cause him pain. “And that has got to hurt.” 
He finds his eyes fixed on the ground as unexpected emotion wells up in him. “You were looking out for me.”
“Yeeeesss?” She gives him an exaggerated duh look, as well she might. 
Of course she was looking out for him, just as he was looking out for her. Of course that’s what’s been going on all night, because they’re together. Out in the open, they’re together. 
He’s on the verge of saying something silly. He’s on the verge slinging an arm around her, rolling his eyes, and saying it’s about time, but there’s joy in the air tonight. There’s gladness in having their partnership restored, and there’s joy in the way they do—and now they can—take care of each other. 
“Nice,” he says quietly. “It’s really nice.” 
A/N: The schmoop almost achieves morphousness here. 
images via kissthemgoodbye
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seeker15 · 7 years
Came back from making iced tea to find that my boyfriend had taken a dumb picture and set it as my phone background. Asked him how he figured out my 9 digit pass code and he said, "I just googled Kate Beckett's badge number and guessed from there."
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alexturner · 7 years
What is 41319?
It's detective Beckett's badge number in the tv show Castle!
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