#bechloe story
annakendrick47author · 3 months
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New story incoming!
I'm writing a new story titled Beca and Chloe Make a Deal! I hope to post the first chapter by the end of the week! I'm so excited!
And you know this going be a sexy story 😏
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becabeale143 · 2 years
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Aca-spells (and other witchcraft)
Chapter 3/? - Pee break
Quick pee break for the girls (what can happen, right?)
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the story for tomorrow is edited and it even has a title so y’all are certainly getting writing from me this time sdghjdfg
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it’s the way i literally had a bechloe sticker on my laptop in undergrad and didn’t realize i was a lesbian until i was 25 for me
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kris246 · 2 years
Happy new year to my five real followers hope this year brings everyone good things!!
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titaniumbechloe · 2 months
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BECHLOE WEEK 2024 | Day 2 - “You’re up early”
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: F/F
Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies)
Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell, side Stacie Conrad/Aubrey Posen
Note: This was originally just the “you’re up early” part until the end but I wanted to add context and got kinda carried away. Now the prompt is kinda lost in the story so apologies for that. Hope you enjoy it either way though!!
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bytherosebushlaughing · 6 months
one single thread of gold (tied me to you)
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PAIRING: Multi (w/ Bechloe end game)
The story of how Beca and Chloe both find “the One” (AKA each other) (AKA the Love Life AU that no one asked for)
I’m sure that you were expecting this one at some point, reader. After all, we sort of know how this one goes. In short: acapella boy meets acapella girl, they date for three years in college, and they do not go on to have aca-children. 
“I think that Jesse likes me,” she supplies nonchalantly. She’s not really sure what drives her to say something, especially because it’s so not like her to open up to people, but there’s something about Chloe that makes her feel safe enough to tear down those walls just a little bit.
Chloe lets out an incredulous laugh at this confession.
“I could have told you that at the beginning of the year,” Chloe scoffs. “I can’t believe that you’re just now figuring this out, Bec.”
She blushes at the term of endearment and her own denseness.
“I’m just…I don’t know, people don’t usually like me like that,” she says, feeling insecure in the moment. “I’m not like you, Chloe, people don’t usually fall all over themselves for me like they do you.”
Chloe rolls her eyes.
“Yes they do, you just don’t notice,” she reassures Beca. “You’re kind of hot. And I should know because I’ve seen—”
“Oh my god, dude!” Beca interjects, cheeks burning up with embarrassment at the memory of what they refer to as The Shower Incident. “I wish you would just let that go already it’s so embarrassing.”
Chloe just laughs, shaking her head.
“Quit deflecting, let’s talk more about Jesse."
Read more on AO3!
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massivedrickhead · 7 months
Hey, I don’t usually send prompts, since I’m just really happy for any authors still writing Bechloe. Especially my favourite ones. And you happen to be one of my favourites. But since you posted a prompt list, I thought I’d show how much I genuinely love your stories and would be happy to read anything you’ll create out of prompt No 23.
Thank you 💚💚💚
Thank you so much for sending this! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to.
This is a perfect example of what happens when I start writing something with absolutely no plan and no idea what's going to happen next 😅
23. “Did I do something to upset you?”
Prompt taken from here.
Read on AO3
“Did I do something to upset you?” Beca asked, her thumb scratching at the label on her beer bottle, her eyes looking anywhere other than Chloe.
“No,” Chloe said, frowning and forcing herself to look up from her phone. “What makes you ask that?”
Beca shrugged and took a drink. “You’ve been… off with me,” Beca said, searching for the word. “Quiet.”
They were in their tiny kitchen, in their tiny apartment. Beca was leaning against the counter, and Chloe sat at the island. She had been engrossed in her phone since returning from work, and all of Beca’s efforts for conversation had fallen flat. 
“It isn’t you,” Chloe said, standing and getting her own beer from the fridge. “It’s nothing.”
Beca sighed and rubbed the heel of her hand into her eye. She was tired, a headache had been slowly building for the past few hours, and the beer wasn’t exactly helping.
“Are you having second thoughts?” Beca asked. She looked calm and relaxed on the outside, but the crack in her voice betrayed just how scared she was to ask that question. 
“Second thoughts about what?” Chloe asked, popping the cap off her beer and returning to her chair. Her phone buzzed on the island, and Chloe fought the urge to pick it up.
“About us. About me,” Beca said, and she chanced a look at Chloe, hoping to gauge her reaction.
“Are you serious?” Chloe asked. “Baby, no. No, of course I’m not.” 
Beca’s shoulders slumped with relief, and Chloe hurriedly got out of her chair so she could put her arms around her. 
“Why would you ask that?” She asked, feeling Beca take a steadying breath against her. “Why would you think it?”
“What else was I supposed to think?” Beca asked. “Everything was great and then it wasn’t, and the only thing that’s changed is that we became, like, official.”
Chloe ended their hug and cupped Beca’s face in her hands.
“I’m crazy about you,” Chloe said. “I always have been, and us becoming a couple hasn’t changed that. It isn’t you that’s upset me, I promise.” She kissed Beca on the forehead and then softly on the lips.
Beca felt herself melting slightly, the way she always did when Chloe kissed her, but she pulled back after a few seconds because she still needed answers.
“Then what is it?” Beca asked. “If it wasn’t me then someone else must have upset you, and if that’s the case I need to know who to fight.”
Chloe laughed and took hold of Beca’s hand, tugging it gently until she followed her into the living room. 
“It’s… You know things with my Mom have always been a bit rocky, right?” Chloe said as they took a seat on their battered sofa. 
“Yeah,” Beca said. “What did she do?”
“I told her about us,” Chloe said. “And I thought… You know, it was one of the few things she never had a problem with. Who I dated didn’t really matter to her, as long as I was still getting good grades, still thin, still pretty, you know, whatever. At least… I thought it didn’t matter to her. Apparently it does now. Apparently now that I’m almost thirty and still,” Chloe made air-quotes with her fingers, “‘messing around with girls instead of finding a husband and starting a family’ she has a problem with it. She thought me being bi was just some attention-seeking teenage thing that I’d grow out of. She can’t actually stand the idea that I’ve fallen in love with a woman who I plan to settle down with and-” Chloe cut herself off as she realised what she’d just said, her hand flying up to her mouth. 
A silence stretched out between them and Beca reached out to take one of Chloe’s hands.
“Fallen in love with, huh?” Beca asked. Her voice was soft, there were tears in her eyes, and she had the hint of a smile on her lips.
“Please don’t freak out,” Chloe said. “I know it’s soon, I don’t need to hear it back, it just slipped out-”
Beca cut her off before she could carry on rambling, and she pressed her lips against Chloe’s. 
“I love you too,” Beca said. “It might be soon to other people, but we’ve been dancing around this for ten years, Chloe. What’s the point in waiting when we both feel it?”
Chloe let out something between a laugh and a sob. “I’m sorry I made you doubt, even for a second, how I feel about you. I’m sorry you thought there was a chance I could ever have regrets or second thoughts about us. I love you. And I didn’t mean for it to slip out like that, I thought it would be way more romantic when I first said it, but I’m glad it’s out there now.”
“I’m sorry I doubted you,” Beca said. “And I’m sorry that your Mom sucks.”
Chloe laughed and wiped her eyes. “Me too. She’s been blowing up my phone for days, texting me pictures of single guys in her church, and I think… I think I might be done. She’s been chipping away at me for years, trying to take away all the bits she didn’t like, trying to fit me into this mould and I’m…” Chloe took a breath. “She doesn’t get any more of me.”
Beca let out a shaky breath and pulled Chloe into her arms. “I’m so happy to hear you say that,” she said. “Your Mom, she… She terrifies me. It terrifies me what she can do to you. What she’s already done.”
“I didn’t even realise she was doing it,” Chloe said. “For the longest time, I thought that was what love was. She wasn’t all bad. She still isn’t. It’s hard to separate the bad from the good when everything she did was with a smile. It’s not like she yelled, or hit me, she just… Her tone of voice was always sweet and kind and then you’d suddenly feel like you’d been stabbed with something sharp and not know where it came from.”
“Abuse with a smile is still abuse,” Beca said, holding her tighter, scared she might suddenly slip away. 
“I don’t know that I’d call it abuse,” Chloe replied. “But, yeah, I know. It just… It makes it hard to hate her.” She swallowed and when she spoke again, her voice was watery. “I should… I need to tell her to stop. To give her one last chance to accept me as I am, or else I’m done.”
Beca ended their hug. She cupped Chloe’s face in her hands, mirroring their position from earlier, and she swept away the tears on her cheeks with her thumbs. “I don’t think she deserves a final chance,” Beca said. “But if you want to offer her one, then I’ll support you. I’ll do whatever you need me to.”
Chloe placed her hand on Beca’s arm and closed her eyes, savouring the feeling of being held. Of being loved.
“I know you will,” Chloe said. “Thank you. Thank you for being patient and for showing me what real love feels like.”
“Thank you for showing me the same.”
With a shaky breath, Chloe pulled out her phone. “I guess it’s now or never, right?”
Beca took hold of her hand. “I’m right here with you. I love you.”
Chloe squeezed her hand and closed her eyes, forcing herself to take a calm breath. “I love you too,” she said. She called her Mom’s number and held the phone to her ear. It felt like each ring lasted a lifetime, but then she finally answered.
“Hi Mom. I’ve got something I need to tell you.”
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bechloeislegit · 6 months
Prompt Request
Hello, my fellow Pitch Perfect/BeChloe lovers! I have a prompt request and am seeking your help with it.
Since just after Christmas, I’ve been going through something and didn’t have the energy to write or do much of anything else (depression with a side of anxiety sucks!). During that time, I had to deal with my mother and a beloved aunt passing away (there was a bunch of anxiousness involved with both, but that’s a story for another time). To help myself through the bad days, I got back to moving my earlier fics from FFN over to AO3. While doing so, I re-read each one and realized that as much fun as a multi-chapter fic was to write, I got the most joy from writing one-shots. There was something about telling an entire story in 2500 words (sometimes more) that I have been missing, so I’ve decided to do another challenge that will, once again, give me the joy writing had given me in the past (at least I hope it will).
After reading my A to Z BeChloe series, I’ve decided to do another series and am calling it the ABCs of BeChloe. It will be 26 one-shots where the titles will be a letter of the alphabet, going in order from A to B to C, etc. Here’s where you come in if you’re so inclined. Send me a letter prompt (it could be one word, a saying, a song, whatever), and I will write a BeChloe one-shot. It will definitely be BeChloe-centric, with a side of the Bellas and/or Staubrey, with whatever comes to mind once I see the prompt.
So, respond with a comment here, go to my ask box, or message me with your prompt, and I’ll do the rest. It will probably be a while before I start posting anything since I’m doing them alphabetically. I have a few ideas already, but I am looking forward to whatever prompts/ideas you come up with.
Thank you for your time and support. I appreciate and love you, awesome nerds!
~~ BeChloeIsLegit ~~
PS—There will be some angst, fluff, BeChloe children, etc., but no smut; I’m just not feeling it.
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mitchellbealess · 1 month
What’s your top bechloe fics that you’ve read?
There are far toooo many to list but here are some of my favorites that I think about often (i've been in a bechloe as parents mood for the past few months)
(read at your own risk, it's part of a series and despite its dark story, this writer has easily become one of my favorites)
bechloe parent fic
this one is super cute!!!
heartwarming bechloe family fluff
domestic bechloe
more bechloe family fluff (this one is SO soft)
for the christmas feels
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Title: Gone Fandom: Pitch Perfect Rating: Explicit for graphic depictions of violence and rape/non-con elements Pairings: Chloe/Chicago, Chloe/Beca
Gift for RidiculouslyOverObsessed and inspired by their work, Dirty Tissues, Trust Issues
Chloe goes to her bedroom to retrieve her laptop and sits down on the bed, opening it. She turns it on and sighs as she watches Chicago get dressed. She would usually pounce, but she's tired from their lovemaking previous to his shower and currently worried about Beca's lack of posting.
"Did you find anything?" Chicago asks.
"Opening Safari at the moment," Chloe says. She types Beca Mitchell onto the search bar and clicks enter. She frowns as she reads a bunch of headlines in websites about the missing brunette. "What?!"
Chicago pulls a shirt over his head and rushes to Chloe's side, looking through the websites that have come up from her search.
"... Beca Mitchell was last seen November 1st 2019 at a Halloween party hosted by DJ Khaled," Chloe reads and scrolls through the pictures of the party, the last ones she posted on Instagram and she feels her heart start racing, "According to witnesses, Mitchell got into a cab at around 2:30 in the morning and went home, never to be seen again. Mitchell's belongings, including her phone, wallet, documents and car keys were all found within her house in Los Angeles. There was no sign of forced entry or struggle, but no witnesses have heard or seen Mitchell leave the house after the morning of November 1st."
Chloe looks at Chicago with trembling hands and eyes filled with tears. She covers her mouth with one hand and the man is quick to wrap his arms around her, hugging her tight as she begins sobbing.
"She's missing?" she asks, not really expecting an answer. "Since 2019?"
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afh48 · 2 months
How do you think BeChloe’s get together story would be different based on the end of each movie?
ok, here are my thoughts, assuming you meant that the previous movie(s) goes according to canon and they get together at the end of the current movie. i haven't really thought about this much (i basically only write aus, what do you expect from me) so sorry if these kinda suck
Pitch Perfect: none of that jesse "endings are the best part" bullshit. beca grabs chloe and kisses HER after ICCA finals. simple.
Pitch Perfect 2: ok so i haven't seen this one in a while so i kinda forgot the plot. beca and jesse break up. maybe it's a mutual, hey this isn't working anymore, and they stay friends. jealous chloe throughout the movie because of kommissar. after the campfire scene, chloe holds beca back after the rest of the bellas leaves and confesses to her.
Pitch Perfect 3: this movie fucking sucked. we can keep theo and chicago, sure. but beca and chloe aren't interested in them. at all. period. maybe chloe doesn't completely reject chicago and allows him to flirt with her because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings, and beca is jealous about that. rest of the movie goes as per usual, maybe there's a billion times more panic from beca when she realises that chloe was kidnapped (and the rest if the bellas, sure, but she's running on adrenaline and can't get the thought of chloe getting hurt out if her mind) beca dedicates her performance at the end to chloe, they kiss, etc.
i hope that's what you were asking!! sorry again if that sucked
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becabeale143 · 2 years
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Aca-spells (and other witchcraft)
Chp 1/? Words 1820
Beca and Chloe relax after a wonderful night trick-or-treating with their twins. After hearing noise from the girl's bedroom, Beca is sent to corral their "monsters". She is roped into telling a "scary story". Beca Mitchell is one hell of an aca-storyteller...
To quote Aubrey Posen - "I'm going to haunt her aca-dreams. And you're about to become an aca-widow, Chlo!
The title could very well be 'The First Time the Magic Yellow Cup saved Princess Rebeca'. This is going to be the first in my Magic Yellow Cup series.
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cloudsandcrescents · 2 months
☁️ New Updates Alert ☁️
Hello friends, I’m back again. I promise I did not forget about you all and I know you have been waiting for new updates. Well, guess what, I’ve got a three more for you now!
My birthday just recently passed and it’s been years since I’ve actually celebrated. No major reason, I just usually like to do my own thing. That said, I was surprised with a mini getaway and have returned back. While I’m personally not a fan of surprises, this one was really nice and it was great to reconnect with great friends.
That said, let’s get right into the updates!
Because of You (Bonus Chapter) - Some of you may remember that fluffy little one-shot I did a while back where the Bella’s are throwing a party for Beca’s going away to Los Angeles post PP3. Beca and Chloe share a moment and I ended things with Chloe and Beca leading up to their first time together. I got many requests to follow up with a part two for that scene specifically so here it is. A nice hot and tender moment with our favorite girls. For any new readers, the first chapter is pretty innocent and rated T and the bonus chapter will be rated M in the beginning notes.
Hour of Need: Chapter Two - This is the second chapter of a multi-chapter fic I started a while back that I will be resuming now that After Hours and Promise Me are complete. Quick Breakdown: This story will follow the separate and then joined lives of Beca and Chloe. It pulls some elements from A Simple Favor but is otherwise its own story. It focuses on loss, grief, family, and secrets. Additionally, it was also my first attempt at a little graphic of sorts.
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Leather Black: Chapter Ten - Long overdue this one, I know, I know! We are nearing the end and with this chapter, we prepare for a reunion and get the reveal of who’s the mastermind behind this all. Chapter Eleven still has a few more revisions to go through but will follow shortly.
There’s a few more updates that are planned after some revisions now that I can access my computer again. That said, there are maybe one or two that may actually coincide with a few prompts for BeChloe Week and will likely be posted then. Thanks for being patient while I unexpectedly celebrated my birthday lol and enjoy these next few updates! I’ll also be getting to all of my comments after work today so thanks for being patient with me times two! 🩵
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bechloeweek2024 · 1 year
Bechloe Week!
We've got prompts all we need now is dates. Good thing we've got those. The week, starting on the 6th of August will go like so.
6th - Reunion
7th - Time Travel
8th - Stranded/Lost
9th - "I wanna ruin our friendship."
10th - Cops/911
11th - Celebrity Scandal
12th - Mafia
13th - "Why didn't you say anything?" "You needed me to be ok."
You can post stories (one-shots, drabbles, full thirty chapter books, whatever tickles your fancy), fanart, songs that remind you of the prompt for the day, whatever you want! So long as it is Bechloe centric.
Have fun with it guys, gals, and pals.
Tag any of the relating 'bechloe week 2023' if you want others to find it!
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kailoraurelius · 1 month
So apparently you cant add links on anon and not to be a dud but its a private account 🥲 im gonna put the story titles instead!!
1 - “still got a heart for me?” by @suituuup one of my fave authors 🥹
2 - “Kids, Coffee, Christmas” - by Snowflake19
3 - Chloe's Gift - by Another Bechloe Shipper / AmyP91402 (restricted to registered users tho!)
And theres one which i’m sure was taken down :( but in case its out there and anyone knows it, its about a widowed Chloe with a 3 year old daughter who gets by with the help of the bellas. Beca falls for her throughout it all and its super cute and fluffy!
Totally understandable! This works just fine for me lol. These suggestions look awesome and I'll put them on my tbr list!!
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