Can I less please please be tagged in couples retreat??? Its amazing!!
I would but the last part was posted already! 
Couple’s Retreat (Goodbye Paradise, Hello Home)
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agent-anna · 5 years
The Super Life P7
Avengers x Supernatural ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe, Supernatural
Prompt: You are the child of America’s Golden boy, but the two of you couldn’t be more different, you don’t save the world like your father, you do it much better.
Warnings: Swearing here and there || This bitch short
Requested by: Everyone I Guess
A/N: Hello, requests are open || Tag list is also open so just let me know if you’d like to be added || Whoa I posted || Whoa I’m not dead || Who knew
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four Part Five Part Six
“I don’t want to hear it.” You shake your head after your father had helped you sit down on the couch again. “But you can send him a message. When I see his scrawny ass mother fucking-”
“Okay,” Steve interrupts. “Can we tone it down just a little bit, please.”
“You want to ‘tone it down’ when I’m threatening Lucifer?!” You cry. “The literal Satan?” 
“Your father is Satan?” Clint questions while eyeing Jack, who nods with a small sad smile. Quickly, Clint takes a small step towards Natasha but he attempts to act like it was nothing. 
“Lucifer still wants that deal.” Crowley yawns as if this entire escapade was boring him to pieces. “You for their lives. He wouldn’t have you kill anyone close to you, just a few annoying souls here and there.” 
“Whoa, wait.” Tony shakes his head while putting his hands in the air. “Satan, or Lucifer, wants to use Y/N to kill people? Has he met him/her?”
“Yes, several times.” Crowley rolls his eyes. “And each time little Mr./Miss. Y/N tries to stab him in the neck!”
“He’s annoying!” You half-heartedly defend. “Not my fault.” 
“He’s Satan, love, maybe keep the attempted murders at a minimum.” Crowley scoffs. “Or he’ll try to sign you up to be an assassin...oh wait.” 
“Shut up.” You grumble. “The deal is never going to happen. He tried to get my boyfriend to kill me, almost killed my son, and attempted to throw Sam into the Cage! He can kiss my mother-fucking-”
“Seriously?!” Steve interrupts again, his eyes almost bulging from his head. 
“Are you about to have a stroke?” Jack questions while tipping his head to the side. “I was reading a book and it said that those are the signs.”
Tony snorts trying to hold in his laughter and turns away from the group, his fist held close to his mouth. Everyone else smiles or chuckles under their breath, all waiting for the Captain to give some sort of comeback. 
“You know what? Steve sighs. “I might be.” 
“I didn’t see that coming,” Wanda admits with a small shrug, ignoring her brother’s look of surprise.
“That’s my line.” He finally grumbles while turning away from his sister. 
“Can we get back to the bloody subject?!” Crowley cries.
“Oh, crap, I forgot you were still here.” You laugh, he glares at you.
“Are you suggesting that I go back to Lucifer, who has taken Hell into his claws, and tell him that you’ve refused his offer again?” Crowley questions while rubbing his temples.
You tilt your head to the side before nodding slowly. “Yeah, that seems about right.” 
“I couldn’t possibly-”
“Guys!” Sam interrupts while falling into the room. He leans against the wall to catch his breath as the group stares at him in awe, had he just run up the stairs?
“Did you just run up the stairs when an elevator is literally right there?” You demand while switching your gaze between the two. “Cause Sam, honey...” 
“Problem.” Sam gasps while finally pushing himself up. “Dean...problem.” 
“There’s a problem?” Jack questions while tipping his head to the side to share a look with you and Cas. “I do not sense a proble-”
“Problem!” Sam interrupts with a sharp glare.
“I don’t either.” You whisper and Cas nods in agreement.
“Problem!” Sam shouts while gesturing to the stairs.
“Moose, say problem one more time.” Crowley orders.
“Is that the only word in his vocabulary?” Natasha questions while eyeing Sam up with a judgmental expression. 
“God I hope not,” Bruce mumbles as the group starts to migrate towards the elevators.  
Sam notes everyone moving and nods his head in happiness before turning towards the stairs again, but he stops when Sam sees literally everyone squeezing into the elevator. Finally, it’s just you and him staring at one another, Tony holding the doors open. 
“Sam, are we just going to sit here gazing into one another’s eyes or are you going to get in the damn elevator?” 
Tags: @inumorph @nataliehasgrace @bookworm-nerd6 @problematicpastry @becauseifuckingcan @buckysjuicyplums @mrsmichaelclifford1 @thefangirlliveson @helloandgoodbi69 @somethingweird168  @amazinglyclumsyhuman @thatcrazybookwormgeek @thingsiwannaremeber @princessizzy36  @mewstriker  @srrymydood  @britt-janssens @shaynawinchester
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justanothermikey · 7 years
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No filter, no reason #starbucks #sanuk #blink182 #crappypunkrock #becauseifuckingcan
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I have come to realize, "Fuck" is my favorite word. It literally fits with everything. One day, when my mom is old and blind, my house is probably going to be covered in "Fuck" art. With a random massive wall art of two people fucking...artistically (probably not but let a bitch dream). Why? Because I'm a fucking adult but I'm immature as fuck and I like what I like. Fuck you, fuck yourself, fuck your lack of cats or doggos. #RandomFuckingFuck #BecauseIFuckingCan #ImmatureAsFuck #FuckingRantyFuck #BratAsFuck #HashtagAsFuck #FuckAsFuck #Fuck #ThisIsWhyMyShitIsPrivateAsFuck
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language-rxgers · 7 years
Grease Lightning (Bucky Barnes x Reader High School!AU)
Summary: You’re on the hair & makeup team for your school’s production of Grease, and Nat has signed you up to do the makeup for the lead role of Danny Zuko- played by none other than Bucky Barnes. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Reader, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Maria Hill, Jarvis
Word Count: 1185
Warnings: swearing, awkwardness 
A/N: K, so I really love high school AU’s and Grease, so I thought this would be kinda fun to write. This is just an intro of what it would be like, but it would be a multi-part shot series because my dumb ass doesn’t know how to write less than 1000 words in a fic. Anyhoozle, please let me know if you would like for me to continue this, it would just be a cute short series for fun!
part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
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“Morning,” Nat greeted you as you set your binder on one of the round tables crowding the cafeteria.
“Hey,” you greet, slinging off your backpack and pulling up a chair, dropping the pack by your feet. The cafeteria was moderately tame, as it usually was at 8:00 in the morning; you liked to call it the calm before the storm- the brief window of time when all was quiet and still sleepy before the school became flooded with students. You laid your head on your binder, letting out a long wistful sigh.
Nat patted your shoulder before taking a sip from her tea. “Problem?” She asked. You shook your head.
“No, just tired and dramatic.” She pursed her lips in amusement.
“Clinic’s after school today.” She noted.
You perked up. “Right! We’re choosing our characters tonight too, right?” It was that time of the year again when the school play got into swing. This year you were doing a production of Grease, and as per usual, you and Nat were on the hair and makeup team. You were especially excited for this year, as you’d practically grown up watching Grease, it being your mother’s favorite movie. You loved the classic era of the 50’s and 60’s, and couldn’t wait to see whose makeup you’d be doing for the musical.
You lifted your head to look at Nat again, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar head of dark hair round the corner into the cafeteria, giving your heart a jolt. You quickly averted your gaze and looked back to Natasha, who was busy working on some homework. ‘Thank God,’ you sighed in relief. If she’d seen him, you’d never hear the end of it. Again. You jumped when you felt a hand clap on your shoulder, turning around to see Steve smiling at you in amusement.
“Morning,” you greeted.
“Morning. Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” He pulled out a chair beside you. You laughed, shaking your head.
“No, just startled. We were talking about the musical. Are you doing anything for it?” You inquired.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, I’m doing set painting,” he answered, to your lack of surprise. Steve was a born artist, and you were sure that you’d be able to tell what of the set he’d done compared to the others in a heartbeat. You also felt a sly grin begin to tug at your lips when you remembered that Peggy Carter was head of set and props design. You knew Steve was sweet on Peggy, had been since the young girl had walked into his History class after moving from England. You also knew that Peggy had taken a fancy to Steve ever since they’d been partners in a science lab and he’d pushed her behind him when one of the student’s experiments had spontaneously combusted. What a punk, he was always looking to get himself killed, it seemed. Steve cleared his throat briefly. “And you? What about you guys?”
“Nat and I are in hair & makeup again, surprise, surprise,” you and Nat glanced at each other, letting out a small chuckle. Steve’s eyebrows raised and his mouth opened slightly, like he’d remembered something and was about to share.
“Oh, maybe one of you will do makeup for Bucky, he’s in the musical this year.” You tried to keep your expression casual, but you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks and your heart rate give a start at Bucky’s name. You forgot he and Steve were close friends. You thanked your lucky stars every day that they were friends from childhood, and their school friend groups didn’t overlap, so Bucky didn’t hang around you guys very often. You gave a- or at least what you hoped was- indifferent shrug.
“Maybe, he might get chosen by someone else first depending on who he’s playing.”
“I think he’s Danny Zuko,” Steve offered. You swallowed. Awesome. Of course he was the lead. Well, at least you probably wouldn’t have him- someone else was sure to choose him first.
“Oh, I’m sure (Y/N) would love to do his makeup,” Nat smirked arching a perfect eyebrow. You widened your eyes in warning.
“Oh yeah? I heard Bruce is in the play too. I’m sure you’d get along just fine.” Nat glared at you, a scarlet flush climbing her neck, while Steve peered up through his eyelashes from where his hands rested in his lap, an entertained smile shining in his clear eyes.
By the time the school bell rang for the end of the day, you were practically buzzing. You went to your locker, and you put away your bags before heading to the home ec room, where the hair and makeup meeting was being held. However, as you turned the corner, you heard your name being called. You turned to see Mr. Jarvis standing outside his door struggling with a few stacked boxes in his arms.
“Ms. (L/N), could I ask you to just open my door for me and help me put these boxes on my shelves? Just for a moment, if you please.” You nodded, heading over to him. You took the keys from his strained hands and unlocked the door, before heading in and helping him stack the boxes. Mr. Jarvis climbed down from his step ladder after all the boxes were put away, dusting off his sweater vest and pleated pants.
“Thank you very much, Ms. (L/N). Have a lovely day, I’ll see you in English tomorrow.”
“Sure thing, Mr. J.” You nodded before quickly slipping out of the room and jogging down the halls to the home ec room. You were only five minutes late, so there should still be a good selection of characters left to choose.
When you arrived in the room, you gave an apologetic smile to Ms. Hill, who waved it off and gestured to the character list on the table by the door before turning back to her laptop, scrolling for 50’s makeup tutorial videos. Grabbing a pen, you scanned for characters until your eyes met your own name staring back up at you in Nat’s neat writing. Your stomach dropped like it was made of lead when you looked beside it to see whose character you had: Bucky Barnes- Danny Zuko. On top of that, your name was written in pen, sealing your fate. Your head snapped up at Nat, who was smirking from the table at which she was seated. You narrowed your eyes before looking for her own name. She was signed up- in pencil, the fool- to do makeup for Kenicke, who was being played by Clint Barton, but if she was going to pull this on you, you’d put her through the same thing. You erased her name and scribbled it in beside Bruce’s character- quiet jock and Sandy’s first romantic interest, Tom Chisum- in pen as well.
When you joined her at her table, you gave her a pleasant smile and turned to watch the video that Hill had just started, mentally preparing yourself for the next few weeks.
part 2 / part 3 / part 4 /  part 5
Tags- please let me know if you’d like to be added! Strikethrough meant you couldn’t be tagged, sorry!
All Works:
@the-instrumental-mortal @crazy4thewinbros @palaiasaurus64 @winterboobaer @thefridgeismybestie @becauseifuckingcan @libbyjune24 @erisan @pitubea1910 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @friendlyneighborhoodnazgul @sixweekcure4dreams @alemer88 @im-an-angel-of-the-lord-you-ass 
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thoughtsofdarc · 6 years
My Latest Mission - Epilogue
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Tony is standing in front of the big table, looking at the people around it. The team is all there, some of the old agents and a few new ones. But even 3 years later, it still feels like someone is missing in the group, and he know he isn’t the only one who feels that way.
 He pushed aside his thoughts, as he wrapped up the speech  "We have strong evidence that Pierce is hiding in the Andes Mountains on the west coast of South America. No, scratch that... we know that is where he is. We have footage of him leaving and entering a cave in the side of a mountain wall, which we now know, holds a minor base inside. He is there, and we're going to get him, bring him back here and let him face justice. Preferable on the bottom of a bottomless pit, if you ask me!" he mumbles the last remark under his breath, but Bucky who is closest to him hears it. "We leave tomorrow morning. So, go get ready... This is the last battle" He dismisses the people in the room, but before everybody has left he adds "Oh, Cap, Bucky... could you stay?"
The two men nod and sits back down, as they watch friends and coworkers head for the door. 
"Barton?" Tony says in a questioning tone. "Yeah, I am not leaving... You have information on Y/N, right? I want to know what you got... She was my friend too" The archer says bluntly, sitting back in the chair and putting his attention to his phone instead of Tony.
Tony watches his friend for a second, before he nods.
 When the door close after the last agent, Steve straightens up "Did you find her?" Hope is so evident in his voice, but he doesn't even care. When it comes to Y/N, nothing else matters.
 "No, I'm afraid not. She is still avoiding every single search I do... I don't know how she does it, when Tin-Arm over here, let himself be caught on every single surveillance camera there was when he was on the run" Tony says and point to Bucky.
 "She's better trained for modern society" Bucky adds unimpressed of Tony's jab "If you haven't found her, then why are we here?" "I found something else that you might be interested in..." Tony grabs the little device from his pocket and presses a button. A screen appears over the table and the three men sitting there, leans in to get a better look.
 A little boy's face appears on the screen, no more than 6 years old. "Gentlemen, let me introduce to you, James Rogers..." Tony pause, waiting for the name to sink in with his friends.When he notice Steve and Bucky's eyes go wide he continues "...He showed up in a forest a little over 4 years ago, claiming that he had been camping with his Dad but had gotten lost. He had nothing more than this on..." a picture of the makeshift shirt, made from a blanket pops up "... A few biscuits, an empty bottle of water, and lastly a compass. The forest he was found in, though it was several days away on foot, is the same forest that the HYDRA base was found" Tony let himself drop to the chair behind him, and let his hand smooth out his beard around his mouth.
"No one has ever found a father to the kid. He couldn't tell anyone where he came from, or any other information that could be helping to finding his family. He just insisted that his name was James Rogers, even though there have never been any records of him ever existing. He finally went into foster care..."
 "It's the Hackers kid..." Steve almost whispers.
 "Yes. Unfortunately, we can't find him. A woman showed up about three years ago, claiming that she was his aunt and had been looking for him for ages. They disappeared shortly after... We assume the Aunt was our very own Y/N" Tony continues. Three heads snap op to look at him "Then, why can't you find her? She can't hide with a kid at her side?!" Bucky sounds almost desperate.
 "She's good. She's very good!" Tony says a sad look in his eyes.
Clint looks at his friends and sees their frustration, as he absentminded drum his fingers on the side of his phone and let his thoughts wander. He can't help but to feel guilty. Maybe, if he had stayed by her side that day,maybe she wouldn't have gotten shot, maybe she wouldn't have run... There are so many maybes.
"We will find her..." he says, and the two super soldiers nod slowly.
 "Wait, there's more..." Tony takes the little device again "Remember how we never did find any of HYDRAs money anywhere? How we have always thought that Pierce had a Plan B, making sure he could hide the money?" All three men nod again.
 "Yeah, I think the hacker and Y/N had a little plan of their own... She was good, Lilly. She hid her tracks very well, but one of my guys has finally broken down the code we found on the computer in the office on the base. She made a backdoor on the backdoor, so the second Y/N chose to release the information, all of HYDRAs money got transferred to an account that only Y/N knows where is. And I mean ALL their money..." Tony looks around to the men again, trying to make them understand. "That's millions...!" Clint says chocked. "More... A lot more actually" Tony says "She has more money than I will ever have... in four lifetimes" He push another button on the device and say "We found this..." several images appears on the screen the largest one shows a building, some kind of school, with a huge sign out front 
'The Steve Rogers Institute of Arts'.
"What the...?" Steve asks no one in particular, without finishing the sentence.
"This is the main department of a large string of schools all over the world. This one is located in France. This, along with all the other schools around the world, takes in aspiring artists, helping them on their way to reach their goals.
A woman is behind the making of all of them... Saying it was in memory of a great man that once saved her life" Tony looks at Steve, watching his reaction closely.
"She made your dream come true, Pal" Bucky puts his hand on his best friends shoulder, looking at him with a smile happier than it's been in a very long time. "We're not done... An unknown woman is behind this too..." Tony presses another button and the screen in front of them changes pictures. New buildings show up from all over the world. The largest picture is clearly taken in Africa. Bucky stare at the screen, speechless, as he remembers a conversation he had many, many years ago. A single sentence is especially clear in memory "Oh! And we are going to have kids! Many kids! I’d really love that. I’ll be the best dad in the world"
 The picture shows a group of kids, smiling and waving to the camera. A sign is on every single building on the pictures, all saying the same
'The Barnes Home - for orphans and children in need'
  A woman is sitting in one of the comfy chairs as she looks out of the large windows, watching the men run to and from the airplane on the ground, making sure everything is ready. Looking out at the world through big windows like this, reminds her of a place she once called home and she can't help the little smile playing on her lips.
 "Mom.... Mom! Look at me! Look!" A boy, just around 10 years old, is jumping from a bench and over to the large low windowsill and back again with a big grin on his face.
"James, be careful!" the woman says, but she can't help but to chuckle at his childish joy "We don't have any more band aids, so don't get hurt, baby!" she adds.
"Oh mom... I'm not going to need any, I won't get hurt" The boy says rolling his eyes, as he comes over and slumps down next to her.
 There's an adoring smile on her lips when she looks at him and wraps her arm around his shoulders before she kiss his hair 
"You know what, between you and another boy I once knew, you could certainly rid the world of band aids"
The boy smile up at her, his bright blue eyes reminding her of someone she once knew.
 A ping is heard, when a text message pops in on her phone. She furrows her brows as she digs through her bag to find it.
Her heart beats a little faster when she sees the name on the screen. There's a very short text, and a link attached to an article.
'Come home, Kid. It's finally over'
 Her hand shake when she press the link, and tears swell in her eyes when she reads the headline:
"Alexander Pierce arrested and found guilty of every charge - HYDRA is history"
Beneath the headline is an article, it goes through the horrors of what HYDRA has done. But one passage catch her eyes more than anything else...
'Researchers have found several pieces of evidence that clear the woman known as Y/N Y/L/N from all accusations'.
  "Mrs. Barton?" a man in the airline uniform asks the woman, pulling her attention away from the phone.
"The plane is ready. We're boarding people now, if you would like to come with me?" The man smiles at the boy, who comes over and takes the woman's hand.
"Actually..." She says and smile to the boy too "...We have a change of plans"
 The cab pulls away and leaves them standing in front of the gates of a large tower. The boy looks up with an amazed expression on his face.
"Mom..." he whispers "...Where are we?"
The woman smiles at him and then follow his gaze to the tower 
"Home, James... We're home!"  
This is it guys, this is the end... No more My Latest Mission.  Thank you so much for sticking with me to the end of the line (No pun intended) 
I am so ever gratefull for everyone of you who have read this! You rock! 
If you are interested in being tagged in future storys (Bucky, Steve, Clint or Everything tag-list) then please, let me know! 
Again... Thank you! 
@stone2576​ @kelsywbu​ @buckysjuicyplums​ @todorath​ @mynameisreallycoolbutitstoolong​​ @thelemondraws​ @terratori812​  @kalisaysfuck @koizorahana​ @dragoste-lunes​ @99selina99​ @bonnibelbubbleglob​ @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh​ ​ @clifaye​ @katiekinzs​ @shitmymomsay​ @jenniseiblack​ ​ @sumiaran​ @owhatshername1​  @sinceimetyou @tbetz0341 @fortheloveoflamp @becauseifuckingcan @mashed-fandom-imagines @leaningtowerof-not-pisa @negans-only-wife  @ghostslikemydoubts @alextittle @mjgonzalez-01 @daddyspeirs0 @ahufflepuffbitch  @spacemarkimoo @projectxhappiness @kuollut-talven @lol-haha-joke @justabravelittleblogger @colie87 @caplansteverogers @loki7ms @who-cares-rn @howdoesoneadult  @infinte-exist-ence @amcrasnow @lovethroughthemiles @happylittlethingsss @jadepc @sylviawolflin @mizzzpink @anamcg317 @shilohrudd98 @thefandomplace  @toniocarriedo2002 @tienna-laufeyson16 @marvelite1998 @until-theend-oftheline @redqueen1221 @mariahoedt
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hillywooddestiel · 6 years
Walls Chapter 13
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Characters: Dean x reader, Sam, Cas, Jody, Claire, Alex, Dr Richard Ketch (ofc)
Warnings: angst, mentions of human experimentation
Word count: 1.3k
Description: After waiting many hours, Cas decides that enough is enough and it’s time to get help
A/N: Another chapter of Walls? So soon? Yes it is! And since this series has been in the lab for a while now, I thought we could have a change of scene and a more Cas centric chapter. Plus I can finally include the wayward sisters gang cos I love them so much. Enjoy xx Series Masterlist  Masterlist
Cas’ POV
It’s been far too long. It shouldn’t be taking them so long to get Y/N out and contact me unless something has gone majorly wrong. The one thing I know for sure is that there is no sign of her outside the laboratory and I’ve been searching non stop with the aid of my grace- she has to be inside there somewhere. Dean told me to go and find help if they were gone for more than 24 hours but that is definitely too long to wait (it has been 15 hours and 34 minutes since we split up)- I need to go and find help. A lot can happen in that amount of time. Jody is the logical choice for this task. In an instant, I fly to her house in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and knock on the door; many people seem to dislike when I appear inside uninvited.
“Castiel? What are you doing here?” Claire answers the door a little confused, looking around in the darkness behind me for Sam or Dean but finding neither.
“I need your help.”
Jody sits at the dinner table with Claire and Alex, all three of them awaiting my explanation for my sudden arrival and need of their assistance.
“Y/N disappeared after a hunt less than three weeks ago. She left the bar with a man and was missing by morning. It appears she was taken by a group associated with the Men of Letters and may or may not have been abducted for the purposes of experimentation.”
“Oh my god, that poor girl.” Jody gasps, covering her mouth with her hands.
“Sam and Dean went inside the Link Institute in New Orleans nearly 16 hours ago now and I am concerned that they have been imprisoned inside as well. I have not heard word from either of them. We need to go and get them out. All of them.”
“We? You’re an angel; can’t you just zap them out of there yourself?” Alex is the first to complain, resistant to being involved in any hunting whatsoever.
“I could sense warding signs inside the facility. I can go in but I don’t know how far.” I explain, Jody obviously listening very carefully with a plan already taking shape inside her head.
“When do we leave?” Claire turns to Jody and asks.
“Claire! You are not coming, this is too dangerous.”
“Sam and Dean need our help. Our help. We need to work as a team and get them out!”
“Well I’m not going. You two can go and get yourselves killed by a bunch of psychos but I’m staying here where there’s Netflix and no monsters.” Alex makes her point before leaving the table. Claire watches her go before turning and looking at Jody and myself.
“We’re wasting time, let’s go.” She stands up and walks in the direction of the staircase, waiting for her adoptive mother to respond.
“Fine, you can come. But if I tell you something is too dangerous and to stay hidden, you will keep it off the way, got it?” Jody gives the girl her most serious glare.
“You’re the boss.”
Jody pulls off the driveway in a hurry, Claire in the passenger seat and myself in the back. The trunk is packed with guns, knives, large blades enhanced with holy water, oil and hexes, cursed items: pretty much everything that a hunter could ever possibly need. It’s a long journey so Claire sleeps for the first shift while Jody drives, swapping roles after every 4 hours until we finally reach New Orleans. It’s past eight in the evening when we arrive at the institute to check for Sam and Dean outside, the sun setting on the horizon. There’s no sign of them waiting anywhere and the building looks the same as it did before. We have a plan: I am to enter first and clear any security personnel while Jody and Claire follow, we will then split up and look for everybody, once we have found someone we are to leave the building and wait at the motel until everyone arrives. Should somebody get trapped, we will have to come up with another plan. I can sense they are nervous as we wait at the chosen motel. This feeling only grows when we drive to the institute later at night to set the plan in motion.
Smiting and stabbing with my angel blade anyone who blocks our path, we make our way into the institute via the same back entrance Sam and Dean took over a day ago. After an hour, I can’t sense anymore people incoming so we split up, Jody with Claire and me on my own. All of the sterile white corridors are oddly silent and empty. The distant warding symbols cause a headache in the centre of my mind, tempting me to turn away but I persevere- this is for my friends! Taking another turn, I sense movement around me. It’s hard to tell through the thick walls but I don’t think these things are human. I walk closer. Vampires? Werewolves? And… a lot of shapeshifters. What could a group of scientists be doing with so many shapeshifters? More life signs further along. They aren’t moving though. Picking up my pace, I zone in on what I’ve detected, narrowing down the location to behind a door. Using my strength, I force the door open to find a very familiar face lying unconscious on a white table in an otherwise empty white room. I’m just about to wake her up when the lights turn to red.
Dr Richard Ketch’s POV
“You won’t remember all of this so there’s really no point in telling you.” I explain, preparing the MEC (that’s memory erasure cylinder for those wondering) device for use. It uses radio waves to target the amygdala and the hippocampus partially in the brain and clear them of all function. In theory, the subject will no longer feel emotion and will lose most, if not all memories (especially more recent ones). I say ‘in theory’ because the device hasn’t actually been tested yet; Sam here is going to be the first live subject.
The machine whirs into action, the inner cylinder glowing with the power from the electricity combined with angel grace- it’s a very powerful fuel source hence we captured several lesser angels and a nephilim to power the facility.
“On my mark in three… two…” suddenly the lights turn red because of the backup generator and the machine powers down, “Who shut off the power?” I ask angrily. The lab techs vehemently deny having any involvement with the failure, looking as though they might faint from the pressure of my stern glare.
“We-w-we can go and s-sort it out for you!”
“No! I’ll go and fix it. Wouldn’t want you actually doing something useful now, would we?” I have to do everything around here!
Dean’s POV
“Sam, you okay?” I ask once Ketch leaves the room- those scared scientists aren’t going to stop me. They looked like they were going to piss their pants a second ago.
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Do you think it’s been long enough for Cas to go and get help yet?”
“I have no idea.” I confess. I’ve been knocked out and there are no clocks so it’s easy to lose track of what time or even what day it is. I can only hope that he went to find help already but, given how little time we have until that dickwad turns the power back on, I really doubt we’re getting out of this one. I’m sorry Y/N.
Suddenly, the door slams open and I hear two gunshots, the two people in lab coats falling to the floor dead. Their blood splatters the walls and floor. Each of them has a stunned expression frozen on their faces.
“Heard you boys needed a hand!”
Walls Tags
@dslocum89 @phoenixiax @enthusiasmisdepressing @superimpala1967 @spectaculicious @becauseifuckingcan @maryosprinkle @22sarah08
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jsouthern · 6 years
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New PR, 3 sets of 8 with 70's. 3 sets of 6 with 90's. New best even from before surgery and just under 5 full mths. Fucking get you some. . . . #livinglife #fitfam #livin #livinglife #focused #onmygrind #backatit #nostoppingme #nonestop #neverstoppushing #nopainnogain #recovery #postsurgery #pasadena #pasadenatx #doitbigorgohome #gobigornotatall #evolve #becausetheysaidyoucant #provethemwrong #becauseifuckingcan #neverstop #gainz #beastmode https://ift.tt/2NHSB9D
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agent-anna · 6 years
The Super Life P6
Avengers x Supernatural ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe, Supernatural
Prompt: You are the child of America’s Golden boy, but the two of you couldn’t be more different, you don’t save the world like your father, you do it much better.
Warnings: Swearing here and there || This bitch short
Requested by: Everyone I Guess
A/N: Hello, requests are open || Tag list is also open so just let me know if you’d like to be added || This is also turning into a series, so brace yourselves || Oml I’m not dead I promise!
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
A few hours later you woke up in your room alone. You couldn’t hear anything but the distinct sounds of Dean’s screams and you knew that Sam had begun the process of getting him back to normal. 
You groan and push yourself to your feet, your head pounding with every breath. You bite your lip and use the wall to carry you into the hall. No one is there to greet you, which you were grateful for, and no one stopped you when you stepped into the elevator. 
“Take me to where everyone else is, Friday.” You call to the ceiling. Immediately, you feel the elevator rise towards wherever Friday was taking you. You use the wall as support until the doors open to reveal the main living area of the Avengers. 
Everyone was gathered there and many were surprised to see that you were actually up and functioning. You look at Cas and Jack to see that they both wore expressions that they’d normally wear during an argument. 
“Jesus, did one of you forget how to work the oven again?” You joke, though it stops when you go into a small coughing fit. Jack immediately rushes to your side and helps you sit down on the couch despite you waving him off. 
“Dean slipped something into your system during the fight.” Castiel explains while shaking his head. “I was able to get most of it but there was still a little left that even Jack couldn’t reach.”
“It’s going to make you feel sick for a while.” Bruce quickly jumps in. “But the effects will eventually wear off.”
“I’ve dealt with worse.” You chuckle while running a hand through your H/L H/C hair. “Where’s Sam?”
“Trying to fix Dean.” Jack mumbles.
“Are we going to talk about this?!” Steve shouts while standing up from the couch, ultimately scaring the shit out of everyone. “You’ve been living with them for how many years? How is this stuff...normal to you, Y/N? How could you lie to us...to me like that?!”
“Because you never cared to ask.” You reply, your voice dangerously low. 
“Um, Mr. Rogers...sir...” Jack states while putting his hands up. “I know that you’re her father and all but..I wouldn’t...when she gets like this-”
You hold up your hand and he immediately stops talking. Both guys sensing that you were already on the edge. “No, he wants to see what it’s like and who I am. Let him see it. Let one more person piss me off.”
“Is that a threat?” Tony scoffs. “Because I really need to see this, you’re you Y/N.” 
“Do you want to challenge me, Stark?” You demand while standing up. You sway slightly but manage to stay upright on your own. “Because I will kick your tin can ass-”
“Okay! That’s enough!” Steve interrupts. “Both of you!”
“What? Afraid the old man’s going to get his ass kicked? Come on, Steven!” A voice cackles from the corner of the room. Immediately everyone swivels around to look at the source. You end up turning a little slower, but eventually you see the one and only King Of Hell standing there with a smirk. “Look at us, all in one place, finally.” 
“Crowley.” You hiss.
“Hello, Love, how are you lately? Got your worlds crossing?” He inquires.
“Crowley, what are you doing here?” Cas questions with an annoyed tone. 
“Just dropping in, I want to see how things are going with the Winchesters and their bitch.” He smiles.
“I’m going to kill him.” You seethe as you step forward, only to fall into Steve’s arms. Thankfully your father was there to catch you before you made an even bigger fool of yourself. 
“Now now, love, how are you doing to do that when you can’t even stand?” Crowley chuckles.
“I’ve done it in worse conditions, Crowley, I can do it now.” You reply.
“Right right, I remember you stabbing me a year or two ago during the apocalypse.” He dreamily sighs. “But that’s actually not why I’m here.”
“Then what are you doing here?” Jack inquires.
“Because of your father, Jack.” Crowley shakes his head. “Why do you think Dean went demon again? Just out of spite? No, he’s trying to send a message to you bloody idiots!” 
Tags: @inumorph  @nataliehasgrace @bookworm-nerd6 @problematicpastry @becauseifuckingcan @buckysjuicyplums@mrsmichaelclifford1 @thefangirlliveson @helloandgoodbi69 @somethingweird168  @amazinglyclumsyhuman @thatcrazybookwormgeek @mewstriker  @srrymydood  @britt-janssens @shaynawinchester 
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language-rxgers · 7 years
Updating for BBYNH
Hey guys! So I’ve recently been rereading the series and I’ve noticed quite a few things that I’ve been wanting to go back and fix (ie: typos, variations in the spelling of names, sentence restructuring, etc.) so I figured I should just do a full series update and edit. I just figured I should let you know, so you don’t think you’re going crazy if you go back to reread a chapter and it’s slightly different than you last remembered lol. There won’t be any severe changes to the story, just some slight things I’ll add or take out depending if they seem necessary. I may however take out the reader’s brother since he isn’t mentioned very much, but that’s about the biggest change I can think of. Please let me know if there’s anything you noticed when reading that I could change, like inconsistencies in the storyline or something. Anyways, thanks, and have a great day, lovelies!
main masterlist
BBYNH series masterlist
Tags- as usual strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
BBYNH tags:
@chaosinacoffeecup @satans-knitting-club @starkxpotts @bexboo616 @learisa @socialheartbreak @la-meneur-louve @burningbiatch @agentsinstorybrooke @colonel--sarge @farfromjustordinary @yo-yo-bro-bro @loricameback @martabruiz @autijahnerd13s-blahg @irepeldirt @mcu-trash @hdthdthdt @superwholockian5ever @elliemarchetti @cinema212 @bvckys-doll @kaede2111 @angstyang @kapolisradomthoughts @chewymoustachio @mishgrassi @vibraniumass @lilypalmer1987 @sarahp879 @barnes-and-noble-girl @artemis3691 @imeannooffensebabybut @ktrivia 
Permanent tags:
@the-instrumental-mortal @crazy4thewinbros @palaiasaurus64 @winterboobaer @thefridgeismybestie @becauseifuckingcan @libbyjune24 @erisan @pitubea1910 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @friendlyneighborhoodnazgul @sixweekcure4dreams @alemer88 
Bucky tags:
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thoughtsofdarc · 6 years
Even Superheroes of Tumblr needs cheering up...
Bucky Barnes 473 words
A drabble for @becauseifuckingcan because hugs are needed!
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"Hey Buckster... Are you in there?"
His bedroom door is closed, but I know he's in there, I can hear his music blaring... Which probably means he's doing push-ups and sit-ups to pass time.
It's been some quiet days, being Easter and all. So we're all kind of lulled into our own little worlds.
Bucky's world often consists of workout.
I raise my hand again ready to knock, which results in me almost knocking on his forehead instead of the door, when I'm suddenly face to face with the man.
"J.! Jeez... Are you trying to give me a concussion?" he says with a glimpse of humor in his blue eyes, as he quickly grab my hand before it hits his head.
"Bucky! Shit! You scared me! Open the door slowly like a normal person, would you?!" I feel the heart beat faster in my chest, by the sudden appearance of the man in front of me.
He's not wearing a shirt but only his gray sweatpants and his hair is pulled into a low bun... Yup, he's been working out, for sure!
"I'll try to remember that in the future" he chuckles "what's up?"
"I have a mission for you, Buckster" I say and watch him tense up immediately, the soldier in him ready to fight whatever I've got.
"At ease, dude... It's not that kind of mission. You know I don't like those... No, this is an important mission, one you must take great care of doing just right!"
He relaxes, and lean his shoulder against the open door, as he squints at me and cocks his head to the side.
"So, what's this important mission?"
"You remember @becauseifuckingcan one of the superheroes of Tumblr?" I ask him and he nods.
His smile grows when he hears the name"That's one of my kickass bodyguards! Of course I remember!"
I can't help but to chuckle at the boyish grin on his face... Oh yes, he really loves to remind us all that he has bodyguards from Tumblr... Especially Sam gets told about a million times a day.
"Exactly! But today you are going to be the superhero... @becauseifuckingcan needs cheering up and I kinda promised that you'd go give a hug"
I look at him with puppy dog eyes but quickly realize that I don't even have to talk him into anything, as he practically push me out of the way as he starts to walk away.
"Hey Buckster! You... You forgot to put on your shirt!" I call after him as I see him practically run down the hallway.
"Ain't got time for that J.! @becauseifuckingcan needs me!" he shout back and then he's gone.
I chuckle again... Well, if a hug from a shirtless Bucky isn't going to bring just a tiny smile, then I don't know what will...
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hillywooddestiel · 6 years
Walls Chapter 12
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Characters: Dean x reader, Sam, Dr Richard Ketch (ofc), Ms Calder (ofc)
Warnings: angst, language, mentions of human experimentation
Word count: 1.2k
Description: Sam and Dean are trapped and it seems like there is no way out. Y/N’s transformation is nearly complete.
A/N: Look what’s back! Yes, I know, it’s been a while (4 months shhhhhh) but my inspiration is coming back, sort of, and I have more time to write now so here we are. It’s not the best chapter, in fact it’s a little depressing, but it’s a chapter and we’re nearly at the end I think. Enjoy this because I have no clue when the next chapter will be posted xx Masterlist
Dean’s POV Everything sounds distant, like I’m behind pane of glass trying to listen in. There’s beeping. My eyelids are heavy and take some effort but I manage to open them. It’s white. Everything is white and smells kind of chemically. I try to lift my head but a bout of dizziness stops me. So does the strap across my chest. My arms and legs are also bound to whatever it is I’m lying on. Oh crap! “Sam!” My voice comes out broken as I call out, “Sam! Sammy!” “Dean!” Sam shouts back from what must be the other side of the room. “Sam, you okay?” “I… I think so. I think they drugged us.” Sam groans. Gee, you think? I haven’t felt pain in my head like this since my hangover after finishing a case in Vegas! “Is Y/N here?”
“I don’t think so. Don’t worry, I’ll get us out of here.” I assure him, manoeuvring my hands around to break free. “Dean-” “Hang on! I’ve almost-” “Dean!” Sam lets out an exhausted sigh, “It’s too late.” “We can’t give up! We’re so close to saving her!” “Dean, we barely made it against these guys last time. We don’t stand a chance.” He admits in a defeated tone. “What are you saying? That we- we give up?” I argue back, my chest constricting. “I just… I don’t see how we’re gonna get out of this.” If my arms were free, I think I would have punched him. Even though I know that he’s right. Dr Richard Ketch’s POV She’s perfection. Honest to God perfection. After the doctor gave her some adrenaline she woke up pretty quickly and now she’s stood in front of me and I can see what a perfect soldier she is. At attention, looking forwards, barely blinking. Well, I may have been a little hesitant at some of the doctor’s ideas. Her screaming was ear piercing. But she’s not screaming anymore. She’ll do anything I say. I say jump, she doesn’t even ask how high she just jumps as high as she can. I tell her to kill somebody and she’ll do it with no remorse. “Remarkable.” Ms Calder examines the girl, gaining no interaction from her. “Thank you Ma'am.” I give a tight lipped smile, my hands behind my back. “I had my doubts Ketch. I won’t apologise since they were well founded but I have to say, you’ve used the money well.” She examines the scars on the girls arm as I let out the breath I’ve been holding for weeks. “Yes Ma'am. And we also have the Winchesters ready. We can start the-” “No!” “No Ma'am?” “I don’t want them as soldiers. I want them dead. See to it Ketch.” She orders with the wave of her hand. “Right away Ma'am.” I nod to the two guards by the door and they leave immediately, myself following close behind. I wait a moment until we’re a few paces from the door before speaking again, “Alright, I want you to forget what Ms Calder ordered. You are not to kill the Winchesters.” “Yes sir.” They reply automatically. “Take them to the Amygdala Eradication Suite.” Sam’s POV
Dean screams and shouts as they roll his bed out of the room, trying to thrash his arms at the men in surgical masks despite his restraints preventing it. I remain still when they come for me; what’s the use anymore? They have us. They have Y/N. We’re all as good as dead, worse than dead, and there is no way of escaping. The lights roll along above me as I’m pushed to somewhere new. Dean has fallen silent; either they drugged him or he’s given up too. I don’t blame him for it. We’ve been in bad situations before, we’ve fought the devil, we’ve even been to other universes but this… this is something else entirely. You can spend your whole life fighting ghosts, vampires, werewolves, Djinn, the entire supernatural world but in the end, you find that it’s human beings that are the true evil in this world. They can be good, it’s true, but they can be easily bought or swayed to do the darkest deeds possible. Exhibit A: Dean and I are about to be experimented on like defenceless lab rats. “I want the big one first.” The slender man in a white lab coat gestures to a big MRI scanner type machine- it’s long and cylindrical with a ring down the centre, a bed on wheels inside. But it’s longer and filled with small lights inside the ring. Also, off to the side, there’s a glass tube running from the floor to the ceiling connected to the machine by a thick cable along the floor and inside it, bolts of blue electricity fight for space. The power source.
The nurses wheel my bed to line up with the machine. They leave me there, walking over to a table covered in screens and buttons- somehow I doubt that they’re talking over details of a brain scan.
“Are we all set? I want to be finished before Ms Calder comes down here.” not-Ketch joins them, hurriedly checking out all of the displays. He looks a little worried; he’s sweating from his forehead and his shoulders are tensed. What could have him so worried? Well, I’m about to die so there’s no point remaining in the dark.
“What are you going to do to us?”
“Sam! I suppose you might as well know, though you’re not going to remember it. No, you’re not going to die. You’re being given a second chance in life.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that you’ll work for us from now on, doing exactly as we order you to.”
“We’ll never work for you” I growl, pulling against the restraints.
“Oh but you will. It’s all you will know to do. But, you know too much about us to be broken down like your friend. Hence, we will be erasing the amygdala in your brain.”
“What does that-”
“It means that you will no longer feel any emotion and will therefore be able to kill without mercy. It’s much easier this way. There are some side effects: your short term memory won’t function correctly and there’s a small chance you will remain in the postoperative coma permanently but the benefits outweigh the risks.”
“Sammy…” Dean suddenly stirs, the drugs ceasing to keep him unconscious (not very surprising given his tolerance for alcohol).
“Ah Dean, you’re finally with us.”
“What have you done to us you stuck bastard?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve not started yet.”
Dean’s POV
Whatever those mask-wearing zombies dosed me with fades away from my brain as quickly as it entered leaving me more alert than before. The straps holding me then are still there and I can hear that guy from before talking.
“You’re Dr Ketch aren’t you.” I confirm, straining my neck to just be able to see him and Sam.
“Yes, I am. I believe you’ve had a run in with my family before.”
“Yeah, you’re brother’s a real dick.”
“Oh no. While I do agree with your on point description of him, Arthur isn’t my brother. He’s my cousin.”
Walls Tags:
@dslocum89 @phoenixiax @enthusiasmisdepressing @superimpala1967@spectaculicious @becauseifuckingcan @maryosprinkle @22sarah08
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queen-green-tea · 9 years
In pain
Yeah, go on. Break my heart. It doesnt matter anyway. Step on it. Crumble it. Rip it in pieces and than burn it. Make me drown in my own tears. But ow baby one day you will regret this. Maybe on 3 am but I hope it will be at 3 pm surrounded by people that wont understand. That it is your turn to stay strong while I will be enjoying my life again. Now, I act weak yes but I AM strong and you should have shown some respect
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agent-anna · 6 years
The Super Life P5
Avengers x Supernatural ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe, Supernatural
Prompt: You are the child of America’s Golden boy, but the two of you couldn’t be more different, you don’t save the world like your father, you do it much better.
Warnings: Swearing here and there || This bitch short
Requested by: Everyone I Guess
A/N: Hello, requests are open || Tag list is also open so just let me know if you’d like to be added || This is also turning into a series, so brace yourselves || Next chapter will be action I think
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four 
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Dean stands with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, yet the man had the damn nerve to smirk back at you. He wipes the back of his mouth with his hand and flicks it to the side with a small expression of disgust. “Wow, with how you have been hiding all of your life, I never thought that you would be able to grow stronger.”
“Dean, I really don’t want to do this.” You shake your head. “Can we just skip to the part where we agree that I kicked your ass and we get you back to normal?”
“Normal?” Dean shouts while throwing his hands in the air. “You of all people should know that normal doesn’t exist.” 
“Is that a burn against me?” You raise your eyebrows. “ ‘Cause I’m perfectly content with not being normal. I’m fucking amazing.” 
“Of course, is that what you tell yourself in the bathroom mirror before you go out and bow down to the Avengers?” Dean chuckles and crosses his arms. “Please, Y/N, you’re a bitch that can’t even stand up to her own father! How in the hell will you be able to take me on?!” 
“If I’m being honest with you, Dean.” You chuckle while shaking your head. “I uh, wasn’t really planning on taking you on.” His smile instantly falls as he looks at you with pure confusion. “I was just distracting you until the whole sphere around us electrocuted you.”
“Electrocuted me?” Dean inquires. You shrug with a smile, just as the blue dome around you pulses with electrical power. Dean’s body seizes up and a blood curdling scream lips through his body. Within a few seconds, he falls to the ground in a heap and the dome immediately disappears.
You fall to your knees, not being able to keep up the tough facade anymore. Sam slides on his knees to his brother to begin the change to try and bring him back to his human self. Jack slowly kneels down next to your body with a grim smile. “Y/N? Can you hear me?”
“I...yeah.” You shake your head as the world begins to spin. Dean did something to you before you were able to bring him down, it was just too easy and it should not have been. 
“Y/N?!” Cas questions with a worried tone as you rest your head on the floor. 
“Holy shit.” You gasp. “The bastard.....bastard....Dean.” 
Tags: @inumorph @nataliehasgrace @bookworm-nerd6@problematicpastry @becauseifuckingcan@buckysjuicyplums @mrsmichaelclifford1 @thefangirlliveson@helloandgoodbi69 @somethingweird168  @amazinglyclumsyhuman
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c1990 · 9 years
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I will watch this episode at least once a week until I die. #becauseifuckingcan #southpark #ifeellikeateenageragain #imtrash #tweekxcraig #craigxtweek #creek #twig
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thoughtsofdarc · 7 years
Superheroes of Tumblr
A drabble about what happens when Tumblr users get protective of a fictional character...
A/N: Okay, this is just fun and games. Had a little talk with @becauseifuckingcan and @tbetz0341 after my latest part of My Latest Mission... Aaaand, this happened 🙈
I don't know how to label this... Other than:
Humor, Fluff and Bucky the Buckster 😄
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I'm sitting at my desk typing away on the laptop.
The doctor said I shouldn't, I should keep my hand still for at least 3 days.
But I have  a responsibility to the community of Tumblr to keep the stories going...
Or, at least I have a responsibility towards my own head, so the many stories inside won't drive me mad.
I raise my arms above my head and stretch my tired, aching body. A crooked smike plays on my lips when I hear my back crack on protest of sitting still for so long... Ah, the true struggles of an artist!
A frown form on my face when I raise my coffee cup and realize it's empty. Hmm, may be for the best... I do have to sleep soon!
I tip the cup again, just to make sure it's actually empty... It is!
A deep frustrating sound escapes me and I look longingly towards the door that leads out of the art-cave cave and towards the kitchen... I really could go for another cup of that delicious life giving brew, right about now.
But before I can even decide with myself whether or not to go get a cup, Bucky walks in.
"Hi there, Doll! Why are you up this late J.? What are you working at?"
He walks over and look over my shoulder
"Ooh, part 23 of My Latest Mission? Do I find the bad guy and kick ass? And what about Y/n, does she get out of the cell?"
His blue eyes shine brightly and his smile is dazzlingly handsome. His eagerness about the story warms my heart.
"Could you not, with the handsome face and all?" I ask him laughing, he knows I think he is freaking hot.
"You know I can't reveal anything beforehand, Buckster! You'll just have to wait and see"
I smile at the handsome man when he pouts a little. But his smile quickly returns and he say
"Okay Doll... I'll let you work on peace. Just, don't stay up too late and watch your hand. Don't overwork it J. I mean it!"
I can't help but to laugh at him, always so protective
"Yes father! I promise"
He rolls his eyes at me and I stick my tongue out at him.
"Right, I'm gone!" Bucky say and I wave at him over my shoulder, my focus already back on the laptop.
"Uuuuh, J.? Doll? Who's this?"
Bucky's voice sound surprised and a little bit confused so I turn around and follow his gaze.
"Oh! That's @tbetz0341 and @becauseifuckingcan from Tumblr! They are your protection squad... You could call them the Superheroes of Tumblr if you'd like. They are here to make sure that nothing bad happens to you" I tell Bucky as i turn around to the screen again, like it's the most normal thing in the world, having two Tumblr users in my art-cave.
"My... My protection squad?" he mumbles, his eyes wide and his grin big.
"Yes Bucky... Your protection squad!" I say without looking at him, already back deep into the story I'm writing.
"So, does that mean I can take them with me wherever I go? And they'll be my bodyguards?"
I raise me head slightly, as I can hear the mischief in his voice.
"What are you up to, Buckster?"
I cock an eyebrow and look at him questioning.
"Nothing, Doll... I'll just have to go pay Sam a little visit. You just keep writing J. and I'll take these two on a tour around this place"
Hos mischievous smile certainly not getting smaller, when he offers an arm to each of his new friends.
"Buckyyy!" I call warningly out after him, but they are already gone...
I don't know if I should tag anyone... But I do anyway, maybe more will join the squad of protection 😂
@fangirling-all-the-way-tbh ​ @owhatshername1 @sinceimetyouinthetoilet @alextittle @todorath @tbetz0341 @fortheloveoflamp @hippie-taco-lady @buckysjuicyplums @mynameisreallycoolbutitstoolong @kalisaysfuck @shitmymomsay @mjgonzalez-01 @projectxhappiness @kuollut-talven @lol-haha-joke @caplansteverogers @loki7ms @who-cares-rn @bexboo616 @cc8302 @buckysarm4 @altyex @happylittlethingsss @becauseifuckingcan
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