#because we know ongsa has had a hard time in school
grapejuicegay · 6 months
i love how well 23.5 follows through with what they tell us. sun is incredibly cool. i totally get why people like her so much. alpha is alpha for a reason. i spent like 10 mins this episode with them but i get why mawin and the rest of the s-tars are friends too. and ongsa. my beloved ongsa. she's awkward and dorky. but i also get it when p'ton says she's the coolest girl he's ever dated. and when sun says she's cool. because like blossom put it "you're a timid person but you're one hell of a fighter". because the coolest part about ongsa is that she just keeps going. she'll just keep on trying, different approaches until something sticks. and it's honestly so great to see.
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