#because they're one of the few dynamics we've seen too who can be quiet together which i kind of love about them too
pynkhues · 3 years
Now that Kendall has confessed to his sibling about the manslaughter, do you think there's still any chance of him talking to Stewy about it? Cause it seems like the only way to get Stewy on his side and mend their relationship...
I'd never say never, but honestly, I'm not sure.
It's a tricky one for a lot of reasons, but in no small part, it's tricky because I think the only reason Kendall actually told Shiv and Roman is that he was at a point where he felt it no longer mattered. I don't think Kendall was actively trying to commit suicide in 3.08, but I think the show made pretty clear that he'd been experiencing suicide ideation explicitly since 2.04 (although I imagine since 1.10) and that he didn't care if he died in the pool.
He was in a situation where he had no exit, no escape, no relief or sanctuary, and telling Shiv and Roman was both a last attempt at connection - a last grasp, a last gasp - and an admission from a man who felt like his fate was determined.
Shiv and Roman, in their awkward, stunted, half-distracted way, choosing to hold onto him and try to scramble him back up over the ledge he was hanging off, was something so deeply emotional but also pretty specific to Kendall's mental state.
Personally, I don't think he would've told them if he wasn't in such a dire state, and I don't think they would've been so capable of hearing him if he wasn't - - well, in such a dire state.
I guess the question then becomes now that he's eased the burden through saying, as Jesse Armstrong put it, the unsayable thing, does that make it easier to tell other people? Especially people who your relationship was altered because of that unsayable thing?
I don't know! Kendall's obviously still consumed with guilt about it, even with Roman attempting to absolve him of that, and what he did is still criminal and still a huge amount of leverage to give to someone else, especially a character like Stewy who's only trustworthy some of the time and is about to be fucked by the Roy family shitshow when he finds out Logan's sold to GoJo.
That said, I do think both Sandi and Stewy are going to be back in a bigger way in s4, especially given Sandi and Shiv are probably one of the few unburnt bridges for the golden trio, and given Stewy still could and did work with Kendall at the shareholders meeting, I'm feeling tentatively hopeful for their relationship in s4 overall? With or without a confession.
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