#because the woman is remarkably intellectually incurious and so no doubt knew very little about the realities of how Hitler came to power
kyliafanfiction · 2 years
Like, it’s a common fanon and it shows up in fanfic all the time that the Wizarding World has a lot of prejudice against muggleborns even outside the hardline purist voldie-side. And there’s some indication that even the OotP-types aren’t all that fond of muggles, but there’s actually not a lot of evidence that there is, outside of the Death Eaters and those aligned with them, that blood purity actually matters to many people, or that Anti-Muggleborn prejudice is a major problem beyond the aforementioned DE-types.
And the fact is, the very existence of the Death Eaters belies the idea that anti-muggleborn prejudice is widespread.
I mean, we know J.K.Rowling didn’t actually think that far into it because she’s never thought a deep thought in her life and her worldbuilding is as shallow as a puddle, but taking the universe on the face of it:
Fascism almost always gains power because it is given the keys to power by some segment of the conventional conservative elite. In almost every case, because that same conventional conservative elite is afraid of losing power if they don’t bring the fascists onboard. There’s a reason fascism won in places like Italy and Germany, and not in France or England. Many, actually, but one of the key ones is that England and France were not facing remotely the same sort of perceived leftist threat that the Weimar Republic was, or that Italy was when Mussolini did his thing.
If the conventional conservative elites don’t feel threatened, then they’re not going to give power to the fascists to turn them into a weapon, because they don’t need the help, they’re not desperate enough to use that ‘break glass’ option.
If Baldywarts is supposed to be an analogue (very badly presented, because again, JKR is bad at worldbuilding with any depth) for Hitler, then the old Sacred 28 pureblood families like Lucius Malfoy and his dad Abraxus, the Notts, etc are the conventional conservative elite.
So on the face of it, these old families wouldn’t have wanted to bring a vulgarian half-blood like Tom Riddle into power in the first place if they weren’t, on some level, afraid of losing their position and power. Which can only mean they certainly weren’t lording it over the Muggleborns and the half-bloods, etc, when Voldemort first rose to power. Indeed, the books, from the moment anti-Muggleborn prejudice is introduced, present it as a minority position, one that most of wizarding society doesn’t support.
Old families may have influence by virtue of wealth (see Lucius Malfoy being Fudge’s guest at the World Cup) but that is not a clear indication of any significant legal or social disadvantages roadblocking muggleborns. At most, some individual prejudice or some snide comments, which is about all we get directed at muggleborns who aren’t part of the Virulently Murderous Crowd that surrounds Moldyshorts. 
Given that, and given the fears of losing power or status that the conservative elite would have to have to be willing to give someone like Riddle Me Voldie power...
It’s honestly not that unlikely that, with the influence of Tommy Jokes and the Death Snackers and their ilk from positions of power (which by all evidence appears to be what happens after the Second Wizarding War, to a great extent), anti-muggleborn prejudice would have no significant hold over the halls of power or society at large, at least not to the sort of extent that fanfics and fanon often want to claim.
I mean, wizarding society, bar Moldy, is widespreadly racist, against goblins, centaurs, giants, house elves, et cetera, yes, but there’s not a lot of evidence of any widespread hatred of Muggleborns from other quarters.
And it doesn’t make sense for there to have been, or the pureblood elite families would have had no reason to align themselves with, as I said, a half-blood vulgarian like Lard Puddlemort.
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