#because the melodies were matching and i hadnt heard it mentioned before
bogos-bint3d · 4 months
i’m curious, what are your thoughts on this video? i watched it recently and thought it was really interesting (particularly the “undyne is a bullfighter” part, i hadn’t actually thought of that/heard that before)
*sees ask* ooh is this the video I think it is?
*clicks link* OH BOY IT IS! :D
I find it really interesting! It makes me really happy to see a video that goes more in-depth with her in comparison to some of the videos I've seen in the past. I even have it saved to my undertale theory playlist! With music and leitmotifs being so central to the game itself and how people perceive it, I think the points brought up are all really fascinating and do a lot to let us know about Undyne, as when done properly music is such a good way to teach us about a character
Overall I really love it! There are a couple things I could add to it if I had time and stuff to properly arrange my thoughts, but it doesn't really add much to what's already been said. A good video I recommend giving a watch if you're interested in music or just Undyne in general
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