#because of magic or something. i believe in my heart that its true idc how much sense it makes. i wanna hear what other people would
be-good-to-bugs · 2 years
i wish that it were always dark out but also still warm and that i could see outside very well with no lights but only when i want to because sometimes it should be pitch black and the stars should disappear when i ask them to very nicely and reappear when i ask and the moon should always be there so i can say hi to her. is that really too much to ask? i am deserving of this reality i think.
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Izzy and magnus brotp headcanons if u have any bls
i do! i dont think ive ever been asked about them before so yay!
mandatory disclaimer that this post is about the show, not the books, and idc what happens in the books and wont be taking it into consideration here
okay so i think my brotp tag for them ("crazy scientists but make it glam") pretty much sums it up. i love the concept of crazy scientists magnus and izzy. like... if magnus and alec lose braincells when theyre together, magnus and izzy gain braincells, but lose Common Sense
because they are both so into similar things like physics and biochem and technology and magic, so if the subject comes up they will start excitedly talking about idk the possibilities for time travel or something, and alec of course has no interest in those things so hes like "k imma get a drink" and when he comes back magnus and izzy are Actually Seriously Planning On Launching Themselves To Mars and he has to be like "or maybe we could discuss this here on earth???" and alec is really not used to being the voice of reason when it comes to magnus but alas
and i just love magnus and izzy as that duo who can like spend hours talking in depth about the mechanisms of time travel or cures for magical diseases or whichever subject theyre focusing on at the moment and who make a mean team when working together but who can also get Too Excited and lose it a little
other than that the other thing i like about magnus and izzy is that they can relate to each other on that sense of being reduced to The Hot Fashionista, you know? like magnus is called a lothario and izzy is always treated like her one personality trait is Sexy™ and i think both of them kind of use that perception as an armor for themselves. i have talked about that in relation to magnus several times so i dont think it bears repeating because he himself compared his eyeliner to tiger stripes and magicked makeup on when he was feeling bad and alec was coming, so. but anyway my point is that izzy is no different and that was addressed in the sh that is good and lives in my head instead of her just being reduced to eye candy the whole show
like it's obvious that izzy's whole thing with being Sexy™ is something that she uses as part of her rebel act. like, her mom is gonna reduce her to a stupid slut anyway, so why not act the part? case in point: twi!izzy. in the world where the lightwoods weren't making her and alec's life hell, she allowed herself to be a lot more casual. also the way she is always talking about how she can do everything they do in heels, how she always uses her body to be "the distraction" and/or to gather information, to lure in demons even tho thats unnecessary, etc. like i think a part of izzy feels like sex is all she's good at and so she lays that in as thick as possible. she even kind of said so when she said that one of the reasons why she liked raphael is because she knew that sex wasn't a part of the equation for him
disclaimer! dressing in revealing clothes and/or sleeping around is not bad and doesnt inherently mean that the person has Unresolved Issues that end up manifesting like that, or whatever. i think izzy also dresses as she does because she likes it and good for her! she also clearly likes sex and good for her!!!! and it definitely doesn't mean her relationships are shallow because we saw how fiercely loyal she is to those he loves, platonically or romantically. i just think that the way she built her identity around that is partially because it is a good armor - if she presents herself as shallow and concerned only with instant pleasure and looking pretty, people won't get too close. and when they treat her as such, it doesn't hurt as much because she IS laying it on thick and she IS sexy and she can use it to her advantage, even to manipulate people, so whos laughing now?
for example, in s1 in particular izzy was always acting like she cared about nothing but having fun and going to parties, yet it was obvious that izzy actually cared way more about saving the downworld and helping those she loves, particularly alec. like she presents herself as shallow and unconcerned with anything but her own pleasure but it's clear that she's willing to throw all of that away - even give herself up to get married to whoever her parents choose, her own worst nightmare - for what actually matters and drives her: her loved ones and what she thinks is right. she was okay with getting deruned for what she believed in, thats not a shallow person. so obviously that whole thing was an act, and well, why put up an act like that when it borders on annoying honestly? i think it's to protect herself, for the reasons listed above
plus, it makes her mom mad, and a part of her is obviously defining herself in opposition to her mom. if her mom wants something out of her, she does the opposite, and that applies to her clothing too
anyway all of that is to say that magnus and izzy have a similar relationship with 1- their "lothario"/"slut" personas, and 2- the way they understand fashion and clothing. it's about expressing something to others, something that protects their vulnerabilities, for the both of them. and while i don't think they (particularly izzy) are exactly dying to go deep into that subject and their armors, there is that understanding between them, you know? and under the right amount of alcohol and in a safe enough environment when its just the two of them they might even talk about it and its nice to have someone who completely understands it, you know, that pretty specific defense mechanism and being reduced to sexualized stereotypes (especially since both of them are bi. id mention both of them being brown too but izzy's racial belonging in the show is uhhhhh weird to say the least so i wont get into that)
and also just the silly things! going to parties together, going shopping together, remember when magnus and izzy were both wearing the exact same color scheme and pattern? obsessed with the idea of them color coordinating just for like, the challenge of creating outfits that dont look the same or even like theyre supposed to match but that have similars colors and textures and patterns, you know?
also they are fantastic at gifting each other and somehow always know Exactly What The Other Has Their Eyes Own. like izzy will give magnus some eyeliner and he'll be like "how did you know ive been meaning to buy that?" and she'll go "i didnt" and wink at him, and the opposite is also true. or alternatively izzy will get him a book on astronomy and he'll be like "how did you know i was hyperfixating on black holes??" and she'll be like "i didn't" and the other way around as well. alec asks for their help buying gifts for the other more often than not, but izzy realized a long time ago that magnus likes alec's gifts better than hers, because even tho they aren't always a perfect fit, they are always so thoughtful and blow him away even tho that was in no way alec's intention (see: the omamori)
also izzy is fiercely protective of alec, magnus, and their relationship as a whole, which sometimes really warms magnus' heart when she just. jumps in to their defense when someone is being bitchy, you know? it's nice that she has their back
and i think thats all i have for now but aaa i love them
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calliecat93 · 7 years
RWBY V5, CH7 Review: Rest and Resolution
(Repost Form My Now Defunct Review Blog)
We made it to the halfway mark ladies and gents! So it’s been a crazy few chapters, huh? Team RWBY’S partial reunion, Raven, the upcoming attack on Haven, Blake’s troubles with Ilia and Menagerie, it’s been insane so far. I think that it’s time that we had a breather. A calm before the storm, so to speak. Fortunately, this chapter delivers that and more. So let’s get into it.
We begin in the house where RWY and JNR are having dinner. Not gonna lie, the food looks AMAZING and it makes me hungry. They are all currently catching up for lost time, discussing their individual journeys since the end of Volume 3. There’s some good bits such as Yang pointing out how RNJR kept losing the map, Weiss summoning the Boarbatusk to freak out Nora, and Yang and Nora’s arm wrestling match. Just… just the arm wrestling match. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but it was glorious. It’s just a ton of light-hearted fun that calls back to the Beacon Days. Nora being Nora, Ruby being cheery and annoying Weiss due to it, Yang laughing and just having fun. It’s small things, but after two years, seeing the groups together again and just… being kids is a relief. They deserve to be happy, and it made me happy.
What I also love is the next part. Jaune feels sick and walks off, with Yang calling back to hos old ‘vomit boy’ nickname WAAAY back in Volume 1. Which also leads to an Ice Queen callback for Weiss. But Ren calls attention to those, pointing out how they’ve all changed. The RWY girls, looking back, fully admit their mistakes. Ruby’s reckless behavior in the entry exam to prove her worth, Weiss’ entire snooty behavior, and Yang’s tendency for being overly violent such as in the Yellow trailer. Jaune also feels… ashamed of how he acted, notably more bitter about it than the girls. Could be how he was a moron who couldn’t perform even Huntsman basics, how he forged his transcripts, about how he never noticed Pyrrha’s affections, how he failed Pyrrha, or even all of it. Regardless, Ren points out that the fact that they all can look back and recognize how stupid they were shows that they’re not the same as hey were before. They have grown, matured, and become all the stronger due to it. The fact that Ren’s the one to voice that, and he was previously voiced by Monty, honestly hit me hard. In a way, it’s like Monty saying that about how far his character shave come. Mind you Monty is sadly gone, but his brother saying the lines still echoes how, to me, Monty would feel about the characters that he created. It’s good for character growth and it shows us just how far we’ve come since Volume 1. It’s a lovely moment, I liked it!
But it can’t stay happy for long, unfortunately. Now we go into the living room where everyone ha exchanged information. Weiss confirms to Ozpin that the info he shared is similar to Raven’s… but Yang points out one very key difference. Ozpin failed to mention the bird thing. When called out, Ozpin confirms it, even saying that Raven must trust her daughter a great deal to share that detail. I… doubt that’s why. It was mroe of a manipulative tactic to make Yang question who to side with. And while Ozpin is lighthearted, even jokey, about the entire thing, everyone else (minus Qrow) is shocked. Yang gets outright angry, asking how Ozpin could do such a thing. Gonna be honest, when watching this I… didn’t get why this was being made out to be a horrible thing. I got that it was unnatural even for this world since Aura and Semblance shave explanations, so it doesn’t count as magic but something a person can do. IDK if Yang knows about Qrow’s Bad Luck Semblance, but she does know of Raven’s portals, so she knows that Raven should NOT be able to become a bird via natural means. Rewatching the episodes for the review, it’s more clear to me that Raven made it out to seem like she and Qrow got forced into it and it had consequences. I don’t doubt the last part, even if we don’t know it yet, but I guess Raven’s wording and demeanor is why Yang felt like Ozpin did something horrible to her mother and uncle.
Qrow silences Yang however. He clarifies that he and Raven CHOSE to have the power given to them. Ozpin elaborates that the reason why he did this was because he both needed Intel on Salem and her faction’s plans and a way to find/watch over Maidens when the host changed. From a tactical perspective, that makes sense. He also confirms that he hasn’t done this for any others at this time, such as Glynda and Ironwood, due to his dwindling power. The power he used for this was minimal, but its still not something he would want to use repeatedly and deplete. Why is his power dwindling however? Well my friends, Ozpin FINALLY confirms what has been speculated since Volume 3. Yes, Ozpin is the wizard from the Four Seasons fairy tale. He’s the one who gave his power to the original Maidens. He doesn’t go into what happened after that, but he does confirm that he had no intentions of lying, but thee are things that he’d rather keep to himself.
With all that cleared up, Ozpin goes into choices. The Branwens chose to accept the power he offered them. Later, Raven chose to leave for her own reasons. Now, the six teens have a choice to make. If they want to leave, they can. After al, admitting that you don’t want to be a part of anything before committing is perfectly fine. The only true shame is choosing to retreat. At first, it looks like everyone is on board for seeing things through… until Yang rises. Ruby is stunned, but thankfully Yang isn’t leaving. She believes that f Ruby thinks that it’s best to stay, she’ll trust her sister’s instinct and stay as well. But she makes it very clear to Ozpin that there’s going to be some terms. Mainly, no mroe lies. No mroe half truths. If he wants them to help him, he’s going to have to start being honest. Ozpin agrees, but whether he’ll keep his word or not… is hard to say. I think there’s going to be things he doesn’t talk about, but that’s not really lying so… loophole I guess. But with everything cleared up, Ozpin tells the teens to go ahead and rest There is a lot of work ahead of them, but they’ve all been through a lot already and have just reunited, so it’s best that they take it easy while they still can. Very reflective of his words to Glynda in Volume 2.
We can’t end it there though, that would be nice. So we cut back to the Branwen tribe where Shay D. Mann (GDI CRWBY) and a few others are guarding the entrance. They are then approached… by Mercury and Emerald. Shit… Shay is annoyed after already suffering a rough week, but it gets worst. Cinder and Watts appear on the scene with Cinder giving the order to strike. We watch Emerald approach the guards, weapons drawn, as the chapter ends. Well… crap. That’s not good. Ugh… at least Mercury got speaking lines again? Haha…
This, at the time of this review’s writing, is the shortest chapter in the volume. But that’s about my only complaint, and even then that’s hardly a complaint. This is technically a filler episode, but IDC I LOVED it. This is our calm before the storm, a time to let the characters rest, relax, and just be kids. Again, it’s been about two years since we got to see these characters just be happy and have fun. It felt so much like the old days where they had food fights and dances and get sick off bowls of ramen. It’s also good to see how much they have grown since those days. I remember watching the early volumes when Twitch did that marathon leading up to the Volume 5 premiere, and watching Weiss when she was… less than pleasant was SO jarring. But it helps show that the character have grown up. There’s more growth ahead, but they’ve made steps forward and it’s good to see them reflect on that.
As far as the talk goes, again I did find Yang’s reaction overdoing it a bit, but again after rewatching previous chapters, I understood it more. But now everyone is on the same page and Yang has made her stance to Ozpin clear. Will ti cause problems int he future? Probably, we’ll have to see.  IDK what else I can say about it that I haven’t already said. I will say that there’s a lot of debate on Ozpin. Is he good? Is he really evil? If you want my take, I believe that Ozpin is a good guy, but not a perfect one. If I wanted to compare him to any fictional character, I’d probably compare him to Dumbledore from Harry Potter. Both are the Big Good, a figure who has lived for a long time and is THE biggest threat to the main villain. They are also both very troubled figures who made many mistakes in their lifetimes. They are also manipulative, liars, but have a fatherly demeanor. Dumbledore isn’t evil though. Yes he is very skeezy and he practically set Harry up to be a sacrificial lamb. But he did so for the greater good and, if I’m gonna be honest, he seemed confident that Harry would survive and make the right choice, as demonstrated when he talks to the boy one final time after Voldemort struck Harry down. I feel this is the same for Ozpin. All his actions are for the sake of humanity, which he has made clear that he feels is the strongest force to exist. Do I think that he’s setting Ruby up for death? IDK if I’d got hat far, but he clearly needs her for something. But again, all his actions are for the good of humanity and he’s not going to force anyone into anything. He’s left Raven alone, after all.
Moving on to Yang though… lets talk about her and Ruby for a second. I love these two so much. In my last review I went onto the parallels between Ruby and Yang’s relationship and Qrow and Raven’s. This further emphasizes how Yang is devoted to Ruby while her mother walked out on her own brother. But a part of me does wonder if this is going to cause issues later. Yang, for all intents and purposes, is in this only for Ruby. Ruby is in this to help people. Both are understandable reasons, but if Ozpin is setting Ruby up for something, it may come into conflict. Yang obviously would NOT want Ruby to risk her life while Ruby, most likely, would do it even if she didn’t want to to save others. Will it cause a conflict between the sisters? Will there be other things, like Ruby becoming more self-reliant and causing Yang to feel un-needed? Will Yang quit later and try to make Ruby do the same with the latter refusing? Only time will tell. But for now, their bond is as strong as ever, and it makes me smile.
I… honestly don’t have much else to say. This was very much a breather episode, but it was a good one. We got some good character interactions/reflections in both a comedic and serious sense. The Branwen Tribe is about to have problems, but hey it’s moving us forward. The episode was just relaxing and fun with some drama sprinkled in here and there. It was just nice to sit back and laugh again at these wild and crazy kids. I missed it. Not the best chapter, I’d even call it the weakest since it was basically filler with no real plot progression, but like I said it was nice to have a chance to breathe after so many dramatic episode. Loved it, and now we’re halfway through the volume! Onto the second half!
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