#because jensen is a dean coded deangirl
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wellofdean · 6 months ago
What's your -coded/-girl alignment? Let me guess: Dean-coded Dean-girl who is all about Dean and hasn't even noticed anyone else is in the whole story. Where's your Sam meta?
LMAO. Ok, hi anon. Thanks for asking, I guess? I'm ashamed to admit that though I have seen this around, I wasn't sure I knew exactly what the hell it meant, so I looked it up and found this, which, ok... an interesting thing to think about.
I would say I am a Cas-coded Dean-girl, I guess. I think I'm more like Cas than Dean in that I am more reflective, and I often suffer endless, life-changing devotions to people who are more like Dean. Deangirl because I love Dean. When Cas told Dean who he was, that he was wrong about how he saw himself, that he was made of and for love, he was speaking for me. That is EXACTLY what I wanted someone to please, for the love of god, tell Dean about himself. Like Cas, I would definitely have fallen in love with Dean right away and then been his devoted servant for however long the universe allowed it. Shit, there are people in my life I feel just that way about.
Finally, I don't write much about Sam because Sam doesn't engage me much. I'm sorry to say it, and maybe it's a character flaw, but I think Sam is a bit squandered as a character, and that part of the reason that's true is because Jared is just not that good an actor and couldn't stand up to Jensen's magnificence, skill and commitment as Dean. Sam has awesome, juicy, delicious storylines that have so much potential, but then he ends up always being the straight man somehow, even while he is literally drinking demon blood. It's a shame, and I'm sorry to say it, but he doesn't especially interest me. Not only that, but sometimes I just think he is being a dick to my boy Dean. He doesn't understand Dean.
I don't hate him; I care about him because Dean does, and I love Dean.
See. Cas-coded. Dean-girl.
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corancoranthemagicalman · 3 years ago
I’m a Dean-coded Jensengirl which really just makes me a Jensen-coded Deangirl when you think about it.
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according-to-the-laura · 3 years ago
StackedNatural Day 104: 7x13, 10x12, 11x12
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
February 3, 2022
7x13: The Slice Girls
Written by: Buckleming
Directed by: Jerry Wanek
Original air date: February 3, 2012
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean go up against the Amazons as they go on a killing spree. But it's twice as difficult for Dean because one of them is his daughter.
Chopped off extremities, Dean’s functional alcoholism, hookup with an amazon, perfectly articulate toddlers, Dean’s daughter Emma, Sam’s 180 on when it’s right to kill monsters.
My Thoughts:
I’ll be honest, gang, I really tried hard to get emotionally invested in this episode, and it’s not the worst, definitely not by Buckleming standards, but it wasn’t for me. My dash was kind of obsessed with Emma and this episode for a hot minute, which I understand because it is kind of a Deangirl episode. I think it has a ton of potential that is really not capitalized on. Fertile ground for fic writers, at least.
I wanted to believe Emma that she didn’t want to kill Dean, but I just don’t think it was directed or acted that way. Until right before Sam shot her, every line she delivered was aiming for manipulative and hurtful rather than emotional or scared. Even right before Sam shot her I read it as more of a play for time. My sincere apologies to the Emmagirls. I don’t think she’s a bad person or anything, I just think she had fully bought in to the Amazon brainwashing/culture/whatever you want to call it. She was still a kid who deserved to live, I just don’t have any particular attachment to her. I DO buy all of Jensen’s acting, as I usually do. He’s pretty much always selling it.
I think there was some potential to draw a stronger connection between Emma literally growing up fast and being trained to kill while Dean had to figuratively grow up fast and was trained to kill. I wish there had been a mention or two of John to really lock it in, because at this point I think it was accidental and I’m reading into it a bit. Another fun but definitely accidental parallel is to Jack, who also had to grow into an adult body in an extremely short period of time, and who Dean also has held at gunpoint! I guess when you run for 15 years you’re bound to repeat some plot points. Amara (thankfully NOT coded as Dean’s kid) does the same thing too.
The dialogue is pretty clunky at points, which is standard for a Buckleming episode. It’s weird that Sam doesn't believe there’s something weird going on when they literally fight monsters every day. And since when do power lines affect EMF readings?
The sex scene is decent in that it showcases that Dean is kind of a sub and I find that personally funny. Also desperate for intimacy, my man intertwined fingers with a random hookup from a bar. He is so touch-starved. Is this the last time he has a successful hookup? I can’t keep the timeline straight. Surely someone has been tracking that kind of thing.
Sam’s whole attitude towards monsters at this point in the show and in parts of season 8 suck and I find them totally out of character. He’s done a complete 180 and now anything not human is an automatic shoot on sight. It’s not even totally a double standard re: the Amy Pond debacle, because even though Amy had done everything for her kid, she still killed people. Emma hadn’t done anything and there was still a chance to reason with her. Sam is super unlikeable to me at this point because he isn’t written like himself.
Notable Lines:
“They stick you in there, and you trust them. It's all you know. And you don't question what they want you to do – terrible things. That's why I had to leave.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 6.7
IMdB Rating: 8.1
10x12: About a Boy
Written by: Adam Glass
Directed by: Serge Ladouceur
Original air date: February 3, 2015
Plot Synopsis:
Dean is mysteriously transformed into a teenager. He has to deal with teenage struggles all over again, along with being a hunter.
Dean researches ways to remove the Mark, some kind of abduction, crappy childhoods, baby Dean is back, Dean likes Taylor Swift, being teenager-ified removes the Mark of Cain, Hansel and Gretel, the Grand Coven.
My Thoughts:
This is a pretty fun episode without a ton of substance. I really like Dylan Everett, he’s my favourite Young Dean of the bunch they have over the course of the series. He nails a lot of Jensen’s mannerisms in a way that’s super fun to watch. If they MUST do a prequel, Jensen should drop the John/Mary BS and give us Stanford-era Dean with Dylan playing the lead. He’s not too much older at this point than Dean would have been while Sam was at school.
The writing of the episode itself is just fine in my opinion - nothing really egregious or superb is going on. I did roll my eyes when Hansel was revealed, but its not really any stupider than other plots they’ve done in the past.
There were some missed opportunities for remarks on how young he was when he first started hunting, especially with Sam looking over at him in the car. I did like the jokes about going through puberty again because if nothing else it strengthens the trans Dean agenda, which I enjoy immensely.
Tina was a pretty fun civilian tag along. I liked when they had more relationships with random people, it does make the stakes of the episode more interesting. I get the narrative closure of having her decide that she wants to have a second chance at life, etc, I totally do, but unfortunately my brain can not turn off and it makes me SO stressed when stuff like this happens. Does she know how to get the documents she’s going to need to live? She needs a birth certificate and a new name and probably emancipation documents if she’s not going to get caught up in the foster system. Has she realized that she’ll never be able to be fully honest and vulnerable with anyone ever again? None of this is relevant to the plot, it's just a fun little peek into my brain.
Notable Lines:
“My Dad was always working, so I came up with about 101 different ways to make macaroni and cheese.”
“There was a Taylor Swift song on the bus that I hopped to the motel, and, uh…I liked it, Sam. I liked it a lot.”
“Some good news, though—virgin liver. So, what do you say when we’re done doing our hero thing, we take her for a test-drive?” “Yeah, sure. I mean…you can drink again in, what, like seven years?”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 7.7
IMdB Rating: 8.7
11x12: Don't You Forget About Me
Written by: Nancy Won
Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
Original air date: February 3, 2016
Plot Synopsis:
Claire thinks recent murders in town are supernatural and asks Sam and Dean for help; Jody Mills reveals that Claire has been attacking people and accusing them of being monsters.
Claire kept the Grigori sword, Jody is a mom, trying to help Claire adjust, teacher hanging from a flagpole, a sketchy janitor, don’t trust high school jocks, family don’t end in blood.
My Thoughts:
This is another episode I’ve never seen again due to me having incredibly bad timing on when I gave up watching Supernatural live at the end of season 10. It fills in a lot of gaps that I had about Claire and Alex’s plotlines. To be honest, I still don’t remember the episode that Alex is introduced, so I’m looking forward to that coming up in Stacked.
All three of the older generation in this episode exhibit some real parent behaviour, which is a bit of theme in season 11 leading up to Mary’s resurrection. I like that they’re exploring themes of what it means to be a parent before getting ready to pull Mary down off the pedestal she’s been on all these years.
Jody especially obviously has so much love for the kids under her care. I like that she has to realize that the best path is realizing that Claire is never going to be content with going to college and that she has to teach her to hunt safely. There’s a fun little parallel there with trying to make sure Alex is using protection if she’s having sex. Both cases, the answer is harm reduction.
I love a good parallel between Claire and Dean, too. I think she makes him think a little bit about how messed up most of the things that happened to him when he was a kid were. And on that note, can we talk about how the way they were eating dinner with Jody was funny until it was devastating? Interesting link to About a Boy above, with references to the food insecurity they experienced when they were young. Do you think this is when Dean started learning to cook in the Bunker, or has that already happened? I get a little lost on timeline stuff during Stacked.
Supernatural is at it’s best when it’s allowed to be an ensemble show. Sam and Dean need people they love outside of each other to tether them to the world that they’re living in, which is ultimately why Inherit the Earth was such a disappointment. Imagine if the solution to killing God had been to work with the people you love rather than a fake spell and Jack being a deus ex machina power vacuum.
Notable Lines:
“I absolutely understand the need to hunt. Believe me. I do. But the monsters are always going to be there. On and on. Forever. But a chance at a family? At a home? School? That won't be.”
“I wanted you to be happy first. I wanted you to have something precious, so that I could take it from you.”
“That’s what’s scary about family. It gives you so much to lose.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.0
IMdB Rating: 8.4
In Conclusion: This stack is fully just about kids and parents. Wild.
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