#because ive already blocked op! wow!
beelzeballing · 10 months
ppl complaining about other people's ofmd finale opinions is getting SO OLD, you bitches are TERRIBLE AT CURATING YOUR FEEDS! it is NOT anybody else's responsibility to stop discussing their takes just because YOU throw too much of a hissy fit at opinions that differ from yours to remember where the fucking block button is!
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I do know several explicit self identified kink blogs that only have text. Thats quite common now especially since the Great Tumblr Purge. Ive seen some whump posts floating around there. Ive also seen some kink posts floating around whump tumblr. Especially with posts like “wow I just want to see a cute boy get beaten up” or whatever, there can be so much overlap.
Idk what the ~solution~ for minor issues are. I dont think there is going to be a way to make sure youth who are on the internet looking for Hurt People Content will NEVER stumble across something sexual tbh. But I guess the best we can do is try to make it clear what isnt for them on our own blogs (aka label up front things that will have noncon or whatever, maybe tag “hey minors dont go thru OPs blog” if we’re concerned) but if they decide to go click on everyone who reblogs a post… thats out of our control. The internet is, for better or for worse, full of all kinds of people who will reblog whatever they please, and some of them might be horny about it.
And our staff are already trying to make this website have as few nsfw images as possible with varying success so… 🤷🏻
I think whats more important than wringing our hands about whether or not someone of some age has a sexual though is being kind and helpful to the people who are in our community. As a minor wading through all kinds of nasty shit online back in the day™️, I could have benefited a lot from a community like this. Open conversations about consent and ethics and sexuality would have done much more for me than trying to keep anything remotely sadomasochistic as far from me as possible.
-(New anon, just didnt want shit about this but came to soapbox on your blog. I think youre making great points and Im glad youre facilitating these discussions)
I think those are some great points, thank you! I want to say that I think it makes complete sense to say, state that you have to be 18 or over to interact with your blog, or asking people with nsfw blogs not to interact because you’re a minor, but you also have to remember that not everyone is going to check this or realise this.
While people should be able to message others and ask them to not reblog from them or comment on their posts, I also think that blocking is honestly fine and good and people shouldn’t be afraid to block simply for personal comfort. It doesn’t have to be a punishment. It’s just a way of curating your own experience.
I definitely think that it’s futile and harmful even to pretend that teens and young people don’t know anything about kink or sex. I am well aware that minors are going to have personal interests and fantasies and may well be trying things with each other, and honestly I just hope that they’re having open and honest discussions about this with their friends and with trusted adults in their lives.
I’m not responsible for online minors who follow me and I don’t want to know about your sex lives and interests, but at the same time if you don’t have someone you trust who will talk to you about this at home or at school or at a youth group, I would rather people came to me so I could give them age appropriate resources and guide them towards a more appropriate and safe source of information.
I would absolutely rather that young people have informed safe sex rather than being told that they should never think about it until they turn 18 and doing it secretly and getting hurt or hurting someone else in their ignorance. And I am well aware that teens are going to read sexual content, and probably read things that aren’t meant for them too, and I think there’s a difference between exploring and figuring things out in your own mind and actively seeking out adults to interact with them about that content. And it’s on the adults here to draw those boundaries and at the end of the day, block minors who are interacting with them inappropriately.
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nenastrology · 6 years
you should rate the arcs. share your wisdom with us. (or rank them by craziness /wtf moments)
ok i think rating them is easier than ranking them i can add craziness as a category alright alright
ok this ended up being nightmarishly long so im just putting it all under the cut for anyone who feels like reading giant blocks of text on my opinions on every single naruto arc
land of waves - classic very good i genuinely wish there could have been more arcs like it to show team 7 really bonding and growing together before sasuke ends up feeling alienated its got a really sweet touching story and naruto and sasukes relationship starts off already at a pretty high level of crazy like oh yeah right out of the gate they are trying to die for each other this can only get crazier from here i would have probably liked it more if id read the manga first because the anime murders the pacing of the fights here but overall i do really like it
chuunin exams - i love lots of chunks of it but it did really feel like a slog to get through parts of the forest of death and a lot of the more minor fights because kishimotos really just not very good at writing fights that he doesnt put his absolute most effort into i really love how the anime added to the part where sasuke gets the curse mark and how naruto is separated from him its really emotional and strong sakura actually feels like shes trying to become a character here i love her fight with ino and cutting off her hair legendary and im not a monster gaara vs rock lee still makes me scream the craziness of this arc is actually finally not riding on sasuke being crazy finally gaaras carrying the craziness hello blood drinking 12 year old i hope you get better soon 
konoha crush since i guess its a different arc - ok i actually really love all the weird political stuff kinda added in here the hints at some actually interesting village conflict i wish thats what the ninja war arc could have built from and orochimarus definitely the most comprehensible villain in the story and i love naruto vs gaara so much like thats really peak and tbh extremely satisfying to watch the shitty old bitch hokage kick the bucket like killing gaaras evil dad and hiruzen really was the best thing orochimarus done finally gaara has more help with craziness cuz narutos losing his mind too and sasukes getting some crazy seeds planted for later craziness harvest
search for tsunade - i feel like i really like this arc but when i actually read it im like hmm theres all these parts i dont like but i really love all the character stuff itachis introduction is iconic and i really do love tsunade and her fighting orochimaru was like highlight of everything its weird i dont have a lot to say but i do actually like this arc a lot in a way im like not sure why craziness is kinda low except for sasuke whos absolutely losing his entire mind which stresses me out so much and this is where i start getting extremely sad about sasuke
sasuke recovery mission - 80% of it is the absolute worst part of part 1 and 20% of it is the absolute best part of part 1 like this is really where all the warning signs of quality dropping and like kishimotos lack of skill writing fights really really starts to show like really all those fights do is kill the emotional thread running from the hospital fight, sasukes goodbye to sakura and sasuke and narutos fight which are like the best things hes ever written the craziness is turned up as high as it can get the emotional stakes and pain and love are also so high this is peak naruto if we just pretend the fights against the sound 4 never happened just skip them
kazekage rescue mission - this is where all the omens from sasuke recovery mission and the quality drop really like finally start meaning something because really this arc SHOULD be good and its like really really good in certain places like any time naruto and gaara are talking thats just love right there and all those moments really make it almost worth it except that kishimoto really took such a nose dive on understanding how to pace fights the parts that dont have gaara and naruto gazing tenderly at each other feel like pulling teeth like sasori vs sakura really should be absolute peak and its got some truly fantastic moments but it just goes on for so long i feel like im gonna die before sasori ever does that fight could have given us womens rights and the craziness is really high like naruto is just losing his mind about gaara and sakura killed a man with her bare fists
tenchi bridge - oh the love its palpable here and so is the craziness like naruto going to 4 tails because orochimaru just says a few things about sasuke like wow and their whole reunion is so good the passion and weird emotional issues all coming to the surface i love yamato here hes a fun guy and i really like the new team 7 dynamics they are fun i like lots of parts of it but i cant think of anything else to say its what it says on the tin emotional sauske and naruto reunion
akatsuki suppression mission - alright full disclosure i fucking love this arc this arc is the reason i sometimes throw my brain right out of my head and start talking about how much i love shikamaru i prefer all the emotional moments in the anime a lot it felt very rushed in the manga and like that whole episode of team ten processing their grief was so good but god im so so mad that only shikamaru got to have a big important fight like ino and choji should have been helping equally and i really really hate the fight with kakuzu its just more badly paced bullshit for kakashi and naruto to get to be super op when this was supposed to be a bonding moment for team ten this is a little crazy but its team 10 crazy not team 7 crazy which means they are still pretty normal well adjusted people with brains in their heads who are just having a moment
itachi pursuit mission - sasuke killing orochimaru really was so incredibly perfect and forming taka? this arc is about gay rights uum its really short so i dont have the most thoughts but yeah sasukes like maybe at his least crazy until the end of the story like hes got a real concrete plan find gay friends and kill his brother but hes really got a big storm coming 
tale of jiraiya the gallant - i really do not like jiraiya all that much hes just boring and weird but i love the chunks of rain trio backstory we get they are really the last bit of complete villain characters we are gonna get very tragic idk the fight is like alright for this stage of naruto but it still lasts too long and pains powers still make no fucking sense and feel just too overpowered you know also zero crazy which is very disappointing all naruto arcs should have crazy
pain fight - ive got lots of conflicted feelings like the fights not very compelling at first because genuinely the pain bodies are just too strong its very weird and narutos got this big power up which is what it is i really love pain as a villain like hes literally right about everything hes saying but it has to be bizarrely undercut by just bonding awkwardly about jiraiya and yeah theres some very cool battle moments theres some good shit in there but long drawn out battles arent exactly my thing but naruto going 8 tails was still pretty fucking cool and god it was such a cop out that everyone came back to life at the end COWARD KISHIMOTO
kage summit - the one the only kage summit absolute peak craziness like sasuke trying to take down the entire world government thats absolutely iconic i love him for it so much narutos having his own melt down about sasuke sakuras decided she doesnt actually need a brain anymore and has also lost her whole fucking mind in the whirlwind of chaos like this arc feels like an anxiety attack at some points but god do i love it naruto and sasukes whole confrontation is absolutely peak ill bear the burden of your hatred and die with you?? the love the tragedy this is truly peak gay drama thats really like hes planning a lovers suicide and we are all just along for this crazy fucking ride love it
war arc - how did we go from kage summit to this like kage summit felt like it was maybe actually going somewhere but the quality drop is just like an elevator was cut and we are now all speeding to crash at rock bottom here what the fuck happened why was this written why is it literally 1/3 of all of naruto why has god abandoned us itachi and sasukes reunion was very good and needed i loved all the parts with hashirama and madara and really for one sweet moment it seemed like madara might just be a dumb sexy villain who just wrecks shit until all that spiraled down into garbage if i think about obito for too long i start to go crazy thats the real craziness of war arc is how fucking stupid it is and that is making everyone whos ever read or seen it go crazy right along with it
wiki is telling me the kaguya bit is its own arc so lets go with that - ok kaguya fight is pretty cool im into it to a certain extent her weird portal powers are fun i like that but thats really not what we are here for now are we no we are here for the conclusion to 15 years worth of crazy we are here for sasukes final massive lose his mind time and naruto to go right along with him the love and the tragedy but the hope it offers as well love was really invented by the second valley of the end fight and the anime said gay rights and made it the prettiest thing you will ever look at and also adding all the extra tender moments between them like this is it this is why you watch naruto you watch it all for this and god do we love it but wow the trying to be serious stuff about hokage really is so fucking stupid lets pretend that never happened 
wow i really just typed that all out shout out to u 2 loyal fans who read all this shit i guess it was only a matter of time before i wrote something this long and stupid see i do actually like naruto i feel like i couldnt really hit the balance of complaining or praising so idk it might sound more positive or more negative than i actually am but there are really some good parts yes i watched the whole war arc no you shouldnt
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Taiyang Defense Chronicles 9
Break or no break, I will NOT let an attack against Taiyang Xiao Long go unopposed.
Yang has a semblance that allows her to turn the hits she takes into devastating power, so how the fuck is it suicidal even, but at least reckless to just charge into battle when her OP semblance basicly wins her any fucking fight, even more so with stronger opponents. 
Because guess what?
If your opponent has greater speed (Neon), far more agile than you can handle (Neo), has a style that grants them an advantage over you (Mercury), is stronger or more durable (Hazel) or all of the above (ADAM) then your advantage is nullified and thus the downsides are all that is left.
But hey, don’t take my word for it. Take your buddy Dudeblade’s (https://screwattack.roosterteeth.com/post/51259785).
She gets punched through a concrete pillar and shrugs it off. Why would she be concerned about charging at an enemy literally stabbing her friend in the belly, when every single time, her semblance carries the day? 
Because Adam’s semblance can shatter steel, he’s older and more experienced, has a close range weapon granting him an advantage over her, he’ s a member of the White fang and thus willing to kill and he beat Blake without a scratch so she’s obviously out of her league?
Except when she goes up against Monty’s newest insane addition of course, if he comes up with some sick moves he has to put it in, so Yang boinks her head into one of the three most lethal objects in all Remnant, the ceiling, then falls onto another instrument of death, the floor! She was damned lucky Neo didn’t have a tray with her.
And blocking all attacks...
And deflecting all attacks...
And nullifying all attacks...
And dodging all attacks...
And controlling the flow of the entire battle...
And with a weapon yang ahs shown she has issues with...
And more experience...
Wow, almost as though you are ignoring facts to make Yang look better. and people call me a fanboy.
So while I agree with you that character development is necessarry for a good character, I would argue that this particular one is about as well done as Ruby’s h2h training.
Something completely necessary and in character for the person in question that people deny because it ruins their perfect image of that character?
Your example with Iroh and Zuko is great, though I don’t recall Zuko having a special kind of bending that gives him an unreasonably huge advantage if he does bends from anger, gotta rewatch it soon. I also don’t recall Zuko inheriting his pent up anger and the way he uses it, rather thought to him by his daddy-o via radical eyeconturing. So when Yang, who didn’t even knew her mother displays “flaws” like this, I think one shouldn’t just look for nature, there’s nurture too. 
“an unreasonably huge advantage“
Neo, Neon, Mercury, Junior, Adam.
And yet you try to completely deny nature to enforce nurture because it proves your point, thus contradicting your own words.
“Anyway, gardening and work schedules aside:Tai says, the only thing keeps him for looking for Ruby is that h has to look after Yang first. Yang gets better, goes after Ruby, he stays at home.So why is work suddenly more important, it’s not like nobody can fill in for him, seeing Oobleck and Port was just chilling at his place, while Glynnda keeps everything under controll in Vale (contradicted in the next episode, but what else is new?).“
Anway, those things that ruin my whole hateboner aside-
You know:
A. Making sure there’s a fucking house to return to after the war.
B. teaching students so they can kill lesser Grimm and reduce deaths by Grimm
C. Killing the Grimm on Patch or even Vale as a whole.
D. Zwei/
And E. Depression. You know, that thing that forces your mind to have negative thoughts AKA basically making you a walking DEATH FLAG. Even if Taiyang had anti-depressants: those run out and if he can’t reliably refill, then he’s a BURDEN.
Also: he never said Yang ALONE was keeping him there. he even says “There’s some stuff I need to take care of” implying plural. AKA not solely Yang. But I see you didn’t provide proof so here’s mine (https://youtu.be/GaB62PeuFwM?t=9m13s)
“Ruby and her team were shadowed by Qrow, a presumably capable Huntsman who would never let anything happen to his niece.”  
Ruby was literally a split second away from being poisoned. Tai knows how bad his alcoholism is, he can’t even put away that flask when visiting his bedridden nieces. Oh, and sure, we don’t know for totes that Tai knows about his semblance but come on! It’s hard to believe that he is unaware of it, when they were teammates in their youth and Qrow totally spills the beans in front of strangers, so… Yeah, that great and safe protection is a drunk troublemagnet.
Ah yes, Alcoholism so bad he...is never seen incapacitated aside from one time safely inside a city after completing his mission where in every other scene he drinks, he is perfectly fine. That’s like saying Superheroes can’t smoke because they’re addicted to cigarettes: Functioning addicts exist. Oh but wait, his bedridden nieces who almost died are nearby, that totally wouldn’t cause Qrow to become nervous and drink a little. because apparently Qrow is a robot that only acts human in certain situations he is programmed for.
Yeah...except that Qrow can always be a safe distance away so his Semblance DOESN’T affect them (like he was doing throughout HALF of Volume 4).
yeah, real bad drunk troublemaker who can drink in moderation and knows how to avoid said trouble.
“Yang has a vehicle she can reliably operate if she needs to escape something (which Ruby and crew don’t) and, unlike Ruby’s team, was not making a beeline for a dangerous person (Ruby and team were headed for Cinder).”
Yeah, she went after her psycho-killer mother and her band of ruthless scum, then to join up with Ruby, facing aforementioned dangerous person. 
Dude, I fucking hate raven but she isn’t insane. She has morality and she probably wouldn’t kill Yang. You’re just making shit up.
And yeah, not like Yang already knew the risks like she kept saying and did it anyway. Not like that’s what heroes do...oh wait.
“Although Yang was heading for Ruby (who is headed for a dangerous person), that automatically puts her at the end result of also being under a grown Huntsman’s protection.”
See my previous thoughts on Qrow. 
See my rebuttal and I’ll add in that while Yang has her flaws she’s still stronger than most people in Remnant so she wouldn’t be in that great of danger.
But to make things even worse is that you have to assume Tai knows Qrow will protect them or more precisely, that he is around. There was a timeskip between his talk and obvious hintdropping about where Cinder and co. is probably heading and Team RRNJ actually starting out. Months, actually. Then we saw that Tai was unaware of what Ruby is planning (sneaking out and wandering in the woods for months on end), so how is that even works? He knows Qrow will wait for an unspecified amount of time till spring comes, hiding in the bushes around the house untill his time comes? Or was he catching up with them later? How did he know where they are, was he waiting for them in the harbour?  How was Tai ever okay with that?
Easy. So easy Yang herself says it:https://youtu.be/tHg08RnpSqY?t=11m26s
YANG knows and thus Taiyang knows. Or Yang kept it a secret from her father under your logic in which case, address your bitching to Yang.
Or that Qrow will follow them from a distance...which is what he does.
Or that Qrow will follow them from Patch...proven by Yang’s promise.
Because Qrow is his brother-in-law, former teammate and possible partner. That creates a bond of trust.
Or more likely he wasn’t. Dropping that plate and everything.  He didn’t know that qrow is planning to use his own niece as a bait, he surely would have objected to that.
Hey look, the show contradicting you!
So then why the fuck is he chilling back home? If all he can hope is that his drunkard ex-brother-in-law with the worst semblance for the job will keep his daughters safe in a world that was already way more dangerous for that, when said world just went down the shitter, while the whole population is currently in a state of half paranoia half fear, with peaks of grimm activity, with her kids on a different continent, then I think it’s pretty uncharacteristic to any parent (except Raven), to not be worried out of his mind and just do some gardening at home.
Ever think that he IS worried out of his mind and that the gardening is a coping mechanism? Or that he CAN’T due to other circumstances like say, depression? If your speculations are treated as fact then why aren’t mine?
It’s not like he was established (well, we were told about it) as an overprotective parent back in volume two.
Of boys. If he were that protective of them from danger, why let them be Huntresses in the first place?
Look, I understand that a bunch of the criticism is over the top, and yes some people are just looking for faults, but in this case you don’t need a magnifying glass to find some.
You just need to suspend logic, ignore facts and make stuff up.
Your reasoning is still better than you-know-who’s, which was he has to stay home and work because mortgages, tho.
I’m not Voldermort or Beetlejuice dumbass.
And I said numerous reasons why he can’t follow them, both in universe and for meta reasons.
But then again, you did ignore facts before so why start now?
0 notes
gulescamisade · 7 years
Virginia: Day 1
[One instant they're on the ship, and the next they're someplace else entirely. They seem to be outside, among trees, the forest floor covered in a small blanket of snow. For those who look around, they will see not everyone from the UU is present. Only Davenforth, Derek, Riley, Penny, Roxanne, Takoda, Gaizka, Lifera, Qirin, the Mayor, and the Grand High Blood. If they check, all their belongings they had on them before will still be there. Comm devices, anything in their sylladex, and even their strife specibus is intact.]
DAVENFORTH: -Okay what the fuck. First, he was waiting for some heartwarming family reunion to be over and next he's peeling himself off the forest floor. Been a long time since he had this sensation. Groggy, he stands, taking in his location and those around him. Shit.-
LIFERA: -DOOF. She certainly wasn't prepared for something this inane to happen, and she's glad she didn't equip her 2x3dent in the midst of all this. But this is.... suddenly incredibly cold, and she hisses, pushing herself up out of the snow and shivering immediately.-
ROXANNE: -Oh likewise Davenforth, but also seriously what the actual fuck. Can't there be a few hour period of family reunions WITHOUT things going to all hell in exchange like what the shit. Roxanne is sitting up and trying to adjust to the swimming headache that comes with being unceremoniously dumped with teleportation into some strange forest.- Ngh..
PENNY: -She's stumbling until she plops right back on her butt, dropping the cigarette she was holding and watching it fizzle out in the snow.- FUCK.
LIFERA: A)(--!
HIGHBLOOD: =Man he was braiding his hair.... what the hell=
QIRIN: =She miraculously managed to land on her feet during this=
DAVENFORTH: Well at least everyone is awake
HIGHBLOOD: =Keeps braiding and looks around=
DAVENFORTH: -Sees Lifera though. Walks over and uncaptchas an extra coat, offering it to her.-
QIRIN: =immediately begins to peel people off the ground if they are still getting themselves acquainted to it.= 
QIRIN: Is everyone all right?
DEREK: -once his ass is up, he's gonna tend to hoisting riley and also draping a coat on her gdi davenforth why we gotta be in synch here.-
LIFERA: Th-Thanks. -nestles in the coat, clearly uncomfortable in this climate-
RILEY: -her ass is PLANTED IN THE SNOW but before she knows it, derek's got her and already getting her a coat- what the actual fuck?!
DAVENFORTH: No problem
DAVENFORTH: Everyone else good so far
MAYOR: -tentatively eats a handful of snow-
ROXANNE: -Shes getting up and dusting herself off before rapidly checking her sylladex. This has happened too many times. Roxanne lets out a sigh of relief when she finds it all there.- Yeah. Good so far.
ROXANNE: 'Cept for the whole whatever that was.
RILEY: -penny's here too? and ROXANNE? WOW. she laughs because this is so gODDAMMN CRAZY BEFORE clearing her throat- is there like...another coat jacket blanket sweater whatever?
HIGHBLOOD: =Suddenly wearing this because coldblooded
QIRIN: ....
HIGHBLOOD: =picks at fangs=
QIRIN: By chance, do you have more in there?
HIGHBLOOD: most assuredly my alabaster sismiss
ROXANNE: -........Eyyy clown buddy has got the threads. She would appreciate it if she wasnt now realizing that ONCE AGAIN shes been separated from every aspect of her small family in likely a life or death situation.-
PENNY: oh shit I want one.
DAVENFORTH: Ive also got regular coats if you dont wanna look like a pride yeti  
LIFERA: ... -Soft glubs. She glances around, sniffing in reservation.-
DAVENFORTH: Wait shit that sounds dope
HIGHBLOOD: =DUMPS tacky rainbow threads on all who needs em= color does yon motherfuck good HIGHBLOOD: best be lookin the best whilst you can broseph :o)
QIRIN: ^_^ Thank you, truly. =She picks one up and tries it on, pushing the neck fluff up to her cheeks. Team Pride Yetis are a go=
RILEY: thanks buddy. -he is her buddy, really- warmest one you got give to my sister. -nods her head in that direction.-
DEREK: -looks pennyward- Oh damn. Thats her?
HIGHBLOOD: y'alls all motherfuckin tiny as a bit they all warm when you layers on layers on layers em sis :oP
RILEY: uh huh. -she nods- imagine me like. 15 years younger. not pregnant. i'll kind of look like her, then.
DAVENFORTH: I always look my best -You Motherfuck...-
HIGHBLOOD: best could get bester =clown smiles in his obsenely bright and colorful winterwear= best get on out the cold
DAVENFORTH: None of us can fly huh
DAVENFORTH: Best vantage point is upward
RILEY: do we look like any of us can fly?
RILEY: let me get my extended wings and jet pack and just bust up into the sky.
HIGHBLOOD: i could juggle y'all that counts enough
QIRIN: What of these trees? I am sure we could scale them.
QIRIN: =maybe=
ROXANNE: -Excuse her and the clicking noise as she's setting up her rifle gun. Shes not screwing around.- We could try it but i dunno' whoever does should be good at climbing because falls can kill pretty quick.
HIGHBLOOD: =He might catch them... or he might not=
DAVENFORTH: Ill be right back -Flashsteps up one of the taller trees to see if he can get a decent vantage point-
RILEY: -throws her hands up in frustration at davenforth just GOIN OFF LIKE THAT- okay, bye.
HIGHBLOOD: =digging into an peach cobbler, hot and fresh from who knows where, one hand in the pocket, looking around=
QIRIN: =a little flatly at Davenforth's eagerness to shimmy up a tree= Oh thank goodness we have medical.
DAVENFORTH: -He's just anime jumping up it branch by branch JESUS. It's perfectly safe, right Derek?-
ROXANNE: -Please dont fall though.-
HIGHBLOOD: =But if you do, do a flip=
HIGHBLOOD: =Two flips=
[At the top of the trees, Davenforth will see MORE TREES... but in the far distance, there are lights coming from a tented area the size of a small village. Maybe it's a... circus?]
DAVENFORTH: -Sighs- At least it aint texas
ROXANNE: -Finishes prepping her gun and slings it over her shoulder, while she watches Davenforth from the ground.-
LIFERA: -She's starting to pace to keep warm. Heck.-
DAVENFORTH: -Checks his comm. Oh shit. Virginia huh? He starts making his way down the tree landing on his feet with the softest thud-
ROXANNE: -Nice dismount. Stuck the landing.-
ROXANNE: See anythin' up there?
PENNY: -draping herself in what's practically a rainbow tent. Ahh yes.- alright whatevers going on Im not standing here fuck deep in snow.
DAVENFORTH: Hope you guys like camping cuz were gonna be playing the wild thornberries for a while
DAVENFORTH: Good news is theres what can be considered civilization miles ahead
QIRIN: Good idea. Are berries in season?
RILEY: great. -sighs, hugging the coat tighter against her-
DAVENFORTH: Bad news is it looks like the ringaling brothers are here
ROXANNE: -Raises a brow.- What?
QIRIN: =shrugs at roxanne=
HIGHBLOOD: =LEANS= them motherfuckers?? =furrows brows=
DAVENFORTH: Grape ape over there is gonna feel real at home soon im guessin
HIGHBLOOD: mine home is where i roam bromie
PENNY: -she's already trudging through the snow. BYE YALL-
HIGHBLOOD: =Goodbye forever lil sis=
DAVENFORTH: That lovely lady has the right idea she might wanna walk to the left a bit though
ROXANNE: ! -Spots a fleeing penny.- Uh hey.
ROXANNE: Maybe you shouldn't go off on your own like that? -Whoever she is, she didnt get the name, only that shes related to riley.-
RILEY: -sighs- hey! where the fuck are you going?
HIGHBLOOD: =He shrugs and starts to roam, tapping on his com and slorping some faygo. The lorge walks through the snow surprisingly quiet=
PENNY: -turns left a little. THANKS GUY.-
PENNY: Im freezing my ass off and I dont know none of yall.
HIGHBLOOD: word on the block's you got fam littlest bit
HIGHBLOOD: that's the block, stalkin ya
RILEY: so your plan is to get lost?
DAVENFORTH: Introducing yourself is the quickest way to still not know someone but at least know their name
PENNY: hi Im Penny.
QIRIN: I am Weramiru Qirin, former queen of Prospit, abdicated in 2619, best decision of my life. I am now one of the Unbreakable Union's doctors. =Holds out her hand like Disney Jane and Tarzan introducing themselves.=
HIGHBLOOD: =Pft, royals=
DAVENFORTH: -What a nerd. He loves her-
ROXANNE: Hey, Penny. I'm not as fancy as Qirin, but ya'can call me Roxanne. -How friendly does she looked all stressed out and with a loaded weapon slung over her shoulder.-
QIRIN: You do not have to be fancy when you are already a brilliant scientist, Roxanne.
PENNY: -side eyes Qirin... high fives her.-
QIRIN: ^_^ =highfives=
ROXANNE: .......Aw heck. -Thats adorable.- Thanks Qirin.
RILEY: enough introductions to get us all going the same direction? perfect. let's go.
PENNY: sorry but no.
MAYOR: -he points to his sash-
PENNY: Im gonna go this way and you can go whatever other way.
MAYOR: -u were missing one. now u know-
HIGHBLOOD: aight =keeps walking= can't make no motherfucker amble on where they don't wanna get their legs =walks behind a tree and disappears=
HIGHBLOOD: =Sliding casually down the other side of the hill, slorping faygo=
PENNY: ....wtf.
DAVENFORTH: Thank god the mayor is okay
QIRIN: ......................
RILEY: -glances at this adorable carapacian and has no idea why he's pointing at his sash but he's so adorable she has to force herself to focus on the situation at hand- well, i'm going where you go. so...you can either go with everybody else or be stuck with just me.
QIRIN: =watches GHB disappear with her own two eyeballs. She should be accustomed to strange occurrences by now, but the fact of the matter is that she is NOT.=
DAVENFORTH: -Catches up to Penny-
PENNY: are you seriously going to do this right now?
DAVENFORTH: Youre an independent woman i like and respect that but right now at this particular juncture of what the absolute fuck is going on we should probably stick together until were not just in a forest with snow also sup penny pleasure to meet you names davenforth
PENNY: look.
PENNY: I just dont want to deal with her.
RILEY: oh jesus christ.
ROXANNE: -Just chilling with Qirin. She aint going near that whole family debacle happening.-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =From somewhere........ a pie appears in Riley's hand=
RILEY: ...
DAVENFORTH: Who riley come on she aint that bad bark is definitely worse than the bite
MAYOR: -ponders, pulling out his YARDSTICK SPEAR. he begins drawing something in the snow...-
RILEY: -sufficiently distracted by there being a pie in her hands all of a sudden. is anybody else seeing this?-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =With a cherry=
PENNY: Im pretty sure I know what shes capable of thanks.
ROXANNE: -Yikes and she thought her and Ruth were bad.-
DAVENFORTH: Im not gonna doubt that but we should still stick together
DAVENFORTH: Just because shes here dont mean you gotta talk to her though
RILEY: -holding this pie with a cherry on top.- oh god i'm having one of those weird dreams again aren't i?
ROXANNE: -Nope, you arent Riley.-
DEREK: -pinches riley's arm-
MAYOR: -he's DONE WITH HIS DRAWING. he turns and scampers up to penny and pokes her in the side with his spear thingy.-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =DO IT.... is she not gonna do it.... it's a great pie...... says the universe=
DAVENFORTH: Maybe the mayor can help better
RILEY: -slaps derek's arm as an automatic reflex- oh. nope. -WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS PIE. do you want me to stick it in someone's FACE?-
DAVENFORTH: Thanks mayor
PENNY: cool cuz dont expect that to work.
QIRIN: =hangin back here with Roxanne. For the same reasons. Dave's got this handled.=
DAVENFORTH: -He does not, in fact, have this handled.-
HIGHBLOOD(?): =What else are pies for... it's a sleepytime pie. Maybe. PRobably=
ROXANNE: -Nah, you got it handled.-
PENNY: -looks down at Mayor.- ??
ROXANNE: -Produces a scarf and silently offers it to Qirin. Shes got a lot, but they wont match the coats..-
RILEY: -inspects the pie further. a sleepytime pie? do you want me to put my sister to SLEEP-
MAYOR: -POINTS AT HIS FINISHED PIECE. it appears to be a large checkerboard carefully drawn in the snow, complete with the pieces!!!! there are white ones and black ones. The black ones are represented by his footprints, while the white ones are basically just circles. They appear to be in a position of CHECK, judging by the fact that the king is surrounded, and the rook and queen are on other sides of the biard, and the black pieces have like THREE WHOLE QUEENS, but nevetherless, it is not yet checkmate. He points to the king and then draws a line to an empty space.-
MAYOR: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
QIRIN: ^o^ =pleasantly surprised= Oh thank you, Roxanne. How kind of you.
ROXANNE: No problem, Q.
QIRIN: =gazes intently at this drawing=
RILEY: -only if...she wants to go off on her own again...-
PENNY: -stares intently down at this chess board... and looks back at the Mayor.- sorry bud but I got no fuckin clue what youre trying to tell me.
PENNY: heh.
PENNY: youre pretty cute tho.
MAYOR: -points to his sash again-
PENNY: ...mayo....R.
MAYOR: -jitters-
PENNY: ohhhh. Mayor??
RILEY: -come on little dude. you can get her to stay-
PENNY: I got no idea what mayoring has to do with games but its cool I guess.
MAYOR: -jitters his way back over to the snowboard and begins doing some changes, plopping some snow on top of the kind and drawing in a NEW piece, in a relatively safe spot and NOT in check, before drawing some arrows from the other rook and queen.- He points excitedly at it.-
PENNY: .... were winning chess?
MAYOR: -shakes his head. THUMBS DOWN. definitely losing.-
PENNY: look I wasnt that much of a nerd in high school. I can kick ass at Connect Four though.
PENNY: okay. we suck at chess. thats accurate.
DAVENFORTH: -Hear him in your HEART penny-
MAYOR: -hmm, hmm. He points to her, and then he points to the king. And then he draws a little picture of one of the bishops putting the king in check on top of the king's head.-
MAYOR: -THEN he points at the rook and the queen, pointing at Davenforth and Derek.-
PENNY: ...
ROXANNE: -So Derek or Davenforth are the queen and the other is a rook.-
MAYOR: -he doesn't know what piece u are. HE DOESN'T KNOW YOU LADY-
PENNY: alright. sunglass guys are badasses.
DEREK: -thumbs up-
RILEY: -elbows him-
MAYOR: ...
MAYOR: -OK SO NOW HE JUST JUMPS ALL OVER THE SNOW, drawing a bunch of pieces around the king. And then a CIRCLE around them.-
PENNY: yeah yeah okay I get it.
PENNY: if I run off Im boned.
PENNY: is that what youre trying to tell me?
MAYOR: -you've only got one move in check-
PENNY: well Ive basically been boned my whole life so thats really nothing new.
PENNY: I like you though.
MAYOR: -jitters a shaky thumbs up-
DEREK: -ELBOW'D OOF.- So were stickin together this time gang?
PENNY: here cmere you look cold as balls. -shuffles over to wrap mayor up in her rainbow funtime coat-
MAYOR: -! -THAT IS KIND. he is hard, like the kind of resin that'd go around a chess piece. UNSURPRISINGLY-
PENNY: -he is a friend...- yeah I guess.
RILEY: -relief-
DAVENFORTH: Told you the mayor is the best
DAVENFORTH: Thanks mayor
DEREK: Groovy.
RILEY: i don't think i ever want you to say that again. -at Derek.-
DEREK: What? It is groovy.
ROXANNE: -Clears throat- Not ta' break this fun time up but.
DEREK: -smirks, then slips an arm around here- So we movin or did I just agree to freezin to death with yall?
ROXANNE: We good to move-
ROXANNE: Yeah what Derek just said.
DEREK: Great minds.
RILEY: -leans into him and sighs- let's go.
ROXANNE: -LIKEWISE. Shes ready to march.-
MAYOR: -scampers along inside a coat-
DAVENFORTH: -Goes to check on Lifera again- You need another coat
RILEY: -might be slowing derek a little down by how she's trying to guarantee penny is going with them-
LIFERA: I need. Probubbly. Ten coats.
PENNY: -shuffles with the mayo. she's very tempted to scoop him up like a kid....-
ROXANNE: -Does the fish queen want scarves? She has scarves.-
ROXANNE: -Slows her walk enough so that she can distribute them to anyone who wants them.- Life time a knitting finally came in handy. Thank you highschool arts an'crafts.
QIRIN: =Takes a couple small cloth packs out of her sylladex, shakes them up, and hands them over to Lifera.=
QIRIN: Please, take them. They are hand warmers.
ROXANNE: -YOU get a scarf and YOU get a scarf. They are long and thick, and come in a bunch of different colors (Although mostly shades of purple)-
DAVENFORTH: -Uncaptchas his red trench coat and drapes it over Lifera. It's his favorite coat ever. Don't let anything happen to it.-
[Eventually they make it to the clowny congregation. Upon closer inspection, it's almost like... a clown shanty town, if such a thing exists. It's grungy. A chicken is running through the middle of the town. There are people wandering around -- humans in face paint. From one of the tents (maybe) this tune is playing:
HIGHBLOOD: =He's been here the whole time. Staring...... watching......... in disbelief=
ROXANNE: -........Wow. This sure is something.-
LIFERA: -piles all these articles on her body in the walk- Glub... T)(ANK you.
LIFERA: ... -stares at all this-
QIRIN: ^ ^
DEREK: Oh for fucks sake.
PENNY: .......
DEREK: Come on guys we leavin.
PENNY: -starts turning her and mayor around in a slow circle-
DAVENFORTH: Lets go the other way
PENNY: throw that ass in a circle the fuck out.
QIRIN: I am inclined to agree.
HIGHBLOOD: =Suddenly....... spiky club=
LIFERA: LOOK. They seem mostly... )(UMAN?
LIFERA: Maybe.
DAVENFORTH: Even worse
RILEY: where the hell are we?
LIFERA: It's probubbly some sort of... new jurisdiction.
ROXANNE: -Seconds that !- 
ROXANNE: -Although shes also carrying a gun, she has no room to talk on the weapons front, but seeing a spike wielding giant is a little more intimidating.-
RILEY: oh. hey. big guy. whatcha doing?
LIFERA: -side eyes GHB-
PENNY: -also hides his eyes. you are safe now.-
HIGHBLOOD: =drapes his rainbow robes over a fence and ominously drags the club right into town= cleanin a stain upon mine religion
QIRIN: ...
DAVENFORTH: Woah there
ROXANNE: Hhh. Might wanna' try it fast then.
RILEY: -makes a horrified face- wait, what?
ROXANNE: -But no, big clown wont really go smash all these tents up right? RIGHT??-
HIGHBLOOD: =EYEBALLS..... his bro gaizka gets the boink on with this brown he knows......... Hm...... flexes his jaw and holds up a big palm= two minutes. =uncharacteristically sensible...ish=
TAKODA: -smiles, clasping hands together- GREAT! AH... 
HIGHBLOOD: i ain't buyin shit from no motherfuckin blasphemors
LIFERA: Let us do something NOW, then, shell we????
RILEY: (is being a juggalo a real religion now?) -very quietly so as not to offend the big guy-
DEREK: (Yeah its a weird troll thing.)
RILEY: (oh my god.)
DAVENFORTH: Thought youd proud to see some like minded thinkers whats wrong big guy
HIGHBLOOD: =Looks down to Davenforth, unamused= ain't likeminded 
HIGHBLOOD: they got shit twisted, i'm inclined as a motherfuck of strong beliefs to untwist them
TAKODA: -bravely tries to address a lady juggalo- JUGGALETTE: -turns around and she's topless- 
TAKODA: ... 1SN'T 1T A L1TTLE COLD? -proceeds to try to convince her to put a coat on-
HIGHBLOOD: =That's right..... eat up your time=
LIFERA: -just starts aggressively walking through this village of weird human anger clowns-
DAVENFORTH: Looks all the same to me bunch of face paint drowning their lives out in sugar and drugs
RILEY: can't we just steal from them? that would be more fun than killing them.
[Lifera passes by two juggalos taking turns hitting each other in the face with a street sign. You know, just for fun.]
DAVENFORTH: A lot less reserved though
DAVENFORTH: Definitely not as dangerous
RILEY: find me a car and i'll hotwire us out of here.
LIFERA: ...-wtf-...
HIGHBLOOD: it ain't the same and diplomacy's gotta clock 
HIGHBLOOD: don't know what motherfuckin mockery of bullshit this is but i'm fit to stamp it out, you ain't eager to cease my stampins for all the ignorance you spit sos i jive with that at least
LIFERA: -She's looking for any sort of shelter or transport they can use before things get ugly, plus she's freezing.-
QIRIN: =...= ... 
QIRIN: .............
[She eventually comes upon a big party bus. It's all graffiti'd up with weird little symbols of a dude with a hatchet, also covered in what's probably mud and blood...]
DAVENFORTH: If youre gonna stomp out some mostly harmless folks then ill definitely stop that they aint hurtin nobody but themselves
RILEY: (is this really a conversation we're having right now.)
DAVENFORTH: Dont sweat em they aint the issue
HIGHBLOOD: =He sighs, looking around again at all these humans shitting on his religion, hand flexes on the club= can't stop inevitable broseph 
HIGHBLOOD: but the snake cranium is much preferred =Looks Lifera-ward and starts to drag his club through town again=
DAVENFORTH: -Zips over.-
[The door to the party busy is just... open... A chicken glides out.]
LIFERA: -watches it go...- 
QIRIN: ......
DEREK: Ive traveled in worse conditions.
RILEY: jesus. 
RILEY: i haven't traveled in anything with blood on it. well...not THAT much.
PENNY: lmao Id be surprised if my car DIDNT have blood on it.
PENNY: speaking of which miss you baby.
PENNY: everybody in before I freeze my titties off.
DAVENFORTH: Cover your tits then damn are the juggalos getting to you already
QIRIN: =what is life=
HIGHBLOOD: =Eyeballs the devil settlement= ....... =He'll be back=
DAVENFORTH: -Yells for Takoda-
PENNY: hey I could get down with some free titties.
RILEY: -gets her ass on this bus and takes a seat. her feet hurt and ryan's being rowdy-
HIGHBLOOD: =If only everyone wasn't so proactive...... is salty, is seething. Is texting in the back and surprisingly..... not weighing this van down like mofo?=
PENNY: -he's like a bird.... in colorful feathers...-
HIGHBLOOD: =A goose=
DAVENFORTH: Koda i nominate you for bus driver
TAKODA: }:D TAKODA: THAT SOUNDS L1KE FUN. -gets in the driver's seat. the keys are just... in there.-
DAVENFORTH: Dont crash us bro -Takes a seat-
LIFERA: -snuggles up with Davenforth almost immediately. WARM HER.-
DAVENFORTH: -Space Heater protocol: Commence-
TAKODA: -once everyone is in... he tries to back up, only to accidentally crash into a tent- WHOOPS. 
TAKODA: 1'VE NEVER DR1VEN A LAND VEH1CLE... W1TH TH1S MUCH CLEARANCE BEFORE. JUST... JUST A SECOND... -forward again, carefully trying to maneuver... backs into another tent.- 
TAKODA: SH1T. UHH... -does this several more times before they can pull out of this spot and drive OUT of the settlement-
RILEY: -JERKS FORWARD and grabs onto the seat in front of her- holy shit.
QIRIN: =clears her throat= Are you sure about this?
HIGHBLOOD: =Good yes=
QIRIN: Takoda?
TAKODA: YES, SORRY. WE SHOULD BE GOOD NOW. }:) -sweats... driving down the road from the now partially demolished settlement. the mirthful messiahs were in GHB's favor.-
RILEY: carry on soldier.
QIRIN: =she's gonna stay awake....just in case....=
HIGHBLOOD: =this is why he's a faithful devote believer... he'll fix this. They know he will=
TAKODA: -turns on the radio and icp is playing... on every station- ... UMM. -the quiet is better anyway. he'll keep driving until somebody requests a stop, but there's at least a bathroom on the bus. it might be the worst thing they've ever seen, but it is a bathroom.-
QIRIN: =sideeyes takoda when the radio comes on=
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