#because it feels like he snuck up on me and suddenly i am head over heels
nkogneatho · 1 year
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—cw: fem!reader, diabetes worth fluff, soft and protective dads, megumi, tsumiki as yours and toji's kids, mention of childhood trauma in geto's, dad jokes, not proofread
—a/n: I hope you shed a tear and laugh out loud. Don't let this flop. I actually wrote all of these from my personal emotions and experiences :)) Reblogs appreciated.
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#mlist #art commissions #taglist
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All these jjk women clowning gojo makes me think his daughter roasts him at every chance she gets. It's not even on purpose. It's just wise words out of a child's mouth.
"Hana-chan~" he calls her in a sugar laced tone. "How do I look in this?" Satoru pointed towards the awful shirt he was wearing. The outfit was all over the place. It was so bad that even your five year old could tell it.
"Papa's good at fighting, not fashion." His jaw immediately dropped and he could hear you trying to control your laugh.
He knelt so he could be a little more "Hana-chan, don't be mean to papa. It's making me cry."
"She's not being mean, baby. Just telling the truth. I'll divorce you if you wear that one more time," you stated, walking towards both of them.
"Oh yeah," he picks the five year old in his embrace, "I'd fight your lawyer. Daddy's the strongest. Right, hana-chan?"
"But you lost the argument to mama las' night." It was amazing how she can sounds so sweet while ripping your husband apart. You finally laughed out loud because you just couldn't control it.
You would expect Toru to put up an argument at times like this but he just giggles, and squeezes you both in a tight hug.
Yeah. He might be the strongest, but he'd always loose to his two girls.
Your four year old and seven year old were determined to surprise their daddy for father's day. Toji never credits himself. He does so much, but expects nothing back. The thought of "what my kids might gift me for father's day" doesn't even strike his mind. He goes out and sees all the decorations on the stores with big glittered alphabets spelling "happy father's day" that's how he comes to know about it. Yet, the man wouldn't expect anything. He knows you three love him. He just doesn't want anything in return. His love doesn't come at a price for you all to pay. So when he came home to utensils clanking to the ground, he was worried.
"Oné-san, no. That's not how I wanted yout two write," megumi complained.
"Megumi, I am older. I know what to do." They both were trying to dominate each other on what to write on the cake. When they heard Toji's footsteps, the little boy pushed you towards the kitchen entrance.
"Mama, don't let papa come in now." You were laughing as you get kicked out of your own kitchen.
"Hey, sweetheart. I heard some noise. 's everything alright?" Toji gave you a quick peck after the question.
"Oh? Oh that yeah! Everything's fine. I just dropped the pan."
"Are ya hurt?" His eyes look completely concerned.
"Uh hun, I am fi—" before you could complete the sentence, your two cute munchkins came squealing, holding the little cake with small hands.
You moved your figure out of the way so your man can see what his kids made for him.
"Happy father's day, papa." They both wished him with a hearty smile. Toji was surprised. His heart suddenly warmed up to the feeling of the view in front of him. His two babies with flour patches on their tees, tsumiki's messy bun and megumi with cream near his lips, confirming he must've snuck in a taste when his sister was looking away. He wanted to cry.
You looked down and noticed there was a spelling mistake with the word "world" on the cake which was supposed to spell "to best daddy in the world"
"Gumi, Tsumiki, there's a mis—" Toji looked at you and shaked his head, speaking with his looks, telling you to not say it. He did notice it, but he didn't care about the mistake. All he wanted now was to gobble down the cake that his babies made. He pat them both on the head, ruffling their hair. "Thank you, little bears. Lesgo' enjoy this and then papa will take you and mama to the game world you like."
With the way he is looking at them, you're sure he'd eat that cake even if it was poison.
Geto didn't think he'll ever have kids, but when he was gifted with twin girls, he claims he is the luckiest person alive ever since.
He loves spoiling his little girls. He takes them shopping, pampers them all the time, helps them learn their nursery rhymes. If they ever were to grow up being too bratty, you are prepared to blame him because he never scolds them. He would dare not to. But that is the thing about kids. You don't yell at them. You don't have to be so harsh. You just have to ease it in and make them understand how their wrongdoings can affect others, hurt others as well as themselves.
Something always triggered inside you when you saw him being soft with Rumi and Arohi. You wished you were treated that way in your childhood. You only thought about them being bratty if not yelled, because that's what your childhood was like.
You were working on some documents, when you heard the door unlocking. Rumi and Arohi walked in with their pink bunny bags on their back.
"Mama, we're home!!" they squealed and ran into your arms, as you quickly set the files aside.
"Aww, seems like you had fun without mama. Where's your dad?"
"There." They pointed at the 3 foot box with legs on the door.
"AH! OH MY GOD. Who are you? How did you get in?" Your mother instincts hid the girls behind your back, as you tried to find something to hit the man with.
"Y/N, NO. IT'S ME," the box monster yelled. He moved his head revealing his fox eyes and you could recognize him.
"Suguru? Oh dear."
"A little help please," his voice felt struggled. You quickly sprinted towards the door, and helped him trying to get the box on the floor only two reaveal all the bags he had behind him.
"Did you guys buy the whole store? And what's this? A lego set?"
"That's for you, mama," Rumi stated.
"Yes mama, we got it for you. The biggest one in the store," said Arohi, running towards her shopping bag filled with toys.
"Suguru, for me? Why?"
"Darling. I always see you doing so much for us," his palms now cupped your cheek. "It broke my heart when you told me that story when you wanted the lego set but the responsibile daughter in you felt you did nothing to achieve it so why ask for it. Well here you go."
"I still don't understand," you shaked your head.
"Y/n. It's okay to spoil yourself. You don't always have to work hard to give yourself a little love. These things that you wanted were always yours even if all you did was try." Tears started streaming down your eyes. You felt the seven year old girl in you finally smile.
"Rumi-chan. Arohi-chan. Let's play with mama's gift." All three started sabotaging the tapes and lables in the big blue box.
You felt happy to have this family. You know why he's a great father? Because Suguru doesn't care for two kids. He spoils three. Your daughters, and that little girl in you who wished to have all that you do today.
A man like nanami will always be a great father. No doubt. But here's one thing you probably don't know about Nanami Kento.
He's a full time salaryman, and part time comedian. Well...probably the worst one because his dad jokes are awful. You wanna know how it started in the first place, right? So it was when you were feeding the two year old the baby food, that you suddenly heard your phone ringing. Kento quicky replaced your place and took over the feeding as you walked towards the hall.
"Aww look at you. Aren't you the cutest baby in the world?" He took the spoon off the alligator cartooned bowl and extended it near her mouth. "Do you want to hear daddy's joke?"
Three mintues later you walked in two the sound of your little girl giggling and laughing. She's never laughed so loud.
"Oh my god. She's laughing."
"Yes. I made her laugh, beloved." Kento looked so happy with the biggest smile.
"Really? What did you do?"
"I said a joke." You luaghed too soon. Was that line a joke because Nanami Kento being comical? No. Impossible.
"I am sorry, baby. It's not true, right?"
"It is. You wanna see? Okay here we go." He moved his head back to harumi. "Harumi, do you know what do you call an alligator in a vest?" Your eyes were hooked on to them.
"An investigator." You couldn't believe your eyes nor your ears. She was really laughing. You chuckled too. Harumi must really loved his dad. Either that, or she has a poor sense of humor like the blonde in front of her.
Since then, Kento always collects dad jokes like pokemons and records her giggling.
Trust me or not, Sukuna is a great father. I'll tell you why. You don't see his protectiveness? Yeah he doesn't show much care on the surface, but you don't spot how he is always lurking behind you to whoop anyone's ass who tries to hurt his loved ones?
That's how Sukuna is even as a father. He wants his kids to stand up for themselves, but he'd always be having their back. To hold them and catch them if they trip.
"Oh they sure do grow up fast. You blink and they're already in college, y/n," your neighbor laughed with you. It was Akio's fifth birthday party.
"Everything looks great, but... " she scanned around, "don't you think pink theme is too girly for a boy? Especially the flower tiara on Akio's head.
You were irritated. How dare she say that? Unfortunately for her, Sukuna heard it and quickly walked to you. He kneeled to place the sanrio stickers on Akio's cheeks.
"Yeah so?" Your husband questioned the woman. "Who said pink is for just girls? And even if it was, there wouldn't be anything wrong with Akio liking it." The silence followed made it clear she didn't expect the clapback.
"Plus the tiara makes him look the cutest. Maybe you should try one. It's on the counter. You can surely use..." he eyed her head to toe"...some glow up.
She immediately rushed out of the door with her son and not apparently the counter. You three burst out laughing.
"Ugly Bitch telling my son what he should like."
"KUNA!" you slapped his back for swearing in front of your child.
"What?! Hey, if Akio ever wanted to call her that, I will galdy let it slide. In fact, I'll support him."
He might act like an immature kid sometime, but you know you had kids with the right person when he makes sure his children are raised in healthy environment.
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Taglist: @denji-star @simp-lauren @katsukichu @bbytamaki @thebrokenkitkat @his-saiko @loml-riri @milophiliac @aztecbrujeria @tohokuu @chailattle @erintaro @pumpumrins @lilitudemon @suyacho @keiskyutie @aiizenn @fluffy-ai @bibemiiu @4sat0ruu @namcore @yuujispinkhair @buerriberry @vagabond-umlaut @thedead101
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beastsovrevelation · 7 months
Captured Angel
Michael Langdon x F!Angel!Reader
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Contains: vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, elements of coercion, implied loss of virginity, blasphemy, hierophilia
“Good, you’re awake.”
A chill ran down your spine. You had awakened in an unfamiliar room. Your head ached, your wings hung limp, and your limbs were heavy. The air was soaked to the last thread in malice. It made you nauseous. Gritting your teeth, you dragged yourself up, your mind aflame with a single thought – you had to get out. You looked around, but before you could spot a way of escape, you felt a presence. Dark... Darker than the blackest night. Your heart froze in your chest, a taste of iron suddenly coating your tongue. Though you had not seen his face, you could recognize him anywhere. Seven heads. Ten horns. His honeyed voice left a cold, oily trace on your very soul as he spoke. You drew a deep breath, and spun around, to meet a pair of piercing blue eyes.
His lips crooked into a smirk. Holding your gaze, he moved towards you. You drew back.   
“Get away from me, filthy Beast...” you snarled.
Deep down, you loathed yourself for the instinctive reaction. You were a soldier. You had a duty to stand your ground, and instead, you cowered. He promptly crossed the gap between you two.
“Ah-ah!” he scolded, clasping your chin “That’s not very nice, now, is it?..”
You grimaced. Michael Langdon. How ironic, for Satan’s son to bear your General’s name. The one who cast him out... You hoped it hurt the Evil One greatly. Michael caressed your cheek. You winced, and pushed his hand away. Sneering, he grabbed you by the throat.  
“Why am I here?” you hissed through gritted teeth.
He glanced down at your heaving chest.
“You’re my captive” he purred “Isn’t it obvious?”
You swallowed. Struggling would only worsen your chances, you knew as much. His gaze darkened with hunger as he watched you – like a wolf, salivating at a wounded deer. Your guts had coiled into a tight knot, a sickly sweet taste coating your mouth.
“Why didn’t your bootlickers kill me?” you asked, not quite certain if you wished to know the answer.
A chuckle escaped his lips. The Antichrist’s lecherous expression made your blood boil. How dare the abomination touch an angel of the Lord, you thought. A strange sensation was budding between your legs, but you pointedly ignored it, just as you ignored the feeling of unease clawing at the back of your skull.   
“That would’ve been a waste...” Michael tilted his head “They thought a gift would please me. They weren’t wrong...”
You snarled, attempting to pull away.
“Get your putrid hands off me!”
He tightened his grip on your neck.
“Hush” he coaxed in a mockingly gentle voice “I’m not going to hurt you, angel.”
“Vile creature...” you spat.
He pulled you closer. You bared your teeth, as your face almost crashed into his. Though you did not need air, the pressure on your throat was beginning to make you dizzy. Every nerve in your body screamed to fight - your muscles   had tensed, prepared for combat. You might have broken away. Escaped this unholy place. You should have at least tried... But, perhaps because of the mist gathering over your mind, your legs trembled underneath you. You found yourself staring at his mouth. His breath brushed against your skin, warm and silken. Your pulse leapt into a frenzy.
Michael snuck his other hand under your clothes. The captors had stripped you of your armour, and taken away your sword, leaving only your linen tunic to cover you. His fingertips caressed your thigh, slowly creeping upwards. You held your breath as you felt him part the soft folds of your skin.
You had never been fondled like this before. Carnal pleasure was forbidden for your kind. You should be disgusted, you understood as much. Still, the electric-like impulse roused by his touch paralyzed you, preventing you from breaking his arm.
He stroked your entrance. You stifled a gasp, your intimate muscles tightened in anticipation. Your hole was beginning to well with slick. Taking your lack of resistance for a welcome, he slipped two fingers inside you. The feeling of his skin against your sensitive membrane made your head spin, and you barely held back from bucking your hips into his hand.
He let go of your neck, only to wrap his arm around your waist. Keeping you steady, he spread his fingers wider, straining you until it hurt. You shuddered. He massaged the velvety walls of your flesh, driving you to the edge of madness. Aware of how much satisfaction hearing your cries would give him, you clenched your jaw. His skin grazed against a certain knot of nerves, and you nearly sunk to the ground as your legs buckled from the bolt of stimulation. Still, somehow, you did not make a sound.
It only made Michael more determined. He fixated on your sweet spot, leaving you to desperately clutch the lapels of his jacket. His mouth lingered but a thread away from yours - you felt his heartbeat echo against your rib cage. He narrowed his eyes, and pressed his thumb to your clit. Overwhelmed, you drew a sharp breath.
“Enjoying yourself, aren’t you?..” he teased “What is it, my dear? What do you want, hm?”
He pushed a third finger into your dripping slit. You whined in pleasure muddled with despair.
“Speak up, angel” he demanded.
Virtue be damned. Something tameless had infected you. Caught in the furor of sin, you eagerly cast your innocence aflame.
“I...” you stammered “I want... I need you to ravish me...”
Michael threw you onto the bed, and climbed on top of you. Laying flat on your back, your wings sprawled open, you looked up at him, your eyes sweetly half-lidded. His knee shoved between your thighs, he ripped the front of your tunic open. You sighed as cold air brushed against your nipples. He placed his hands on your breasts, savouring the softness of your bare skin. His eyes aflame with lust, he took a moment to admire your flushed, helpless body. Biting your bottom lip, you pushed your chest into his touch. He grabbed you by the throat again.
“You’re mine” he snarled “Mine alone...”
Against your better judgement, you nodded. Your gaze wandered down to his crotch, causing your mouth to immediately water. Michael’s lips crooked into a sleazy smirk. He unbuckled his pants, and slipped his underwear down. Your eyes widened as his hard cock sprung free. Large, but not obscenely so. You pulled the skirt of your tunic up, leaving your aching cunt at his mercy.
He pinned you down under his full weight. You wrapped your arms around him, savouring the feel of luxurious fabric under your fingers. Like an animal in heat, you craved to feel him inside. His eyes locked with yours, Michael clasped your leg, and positioned himself more comfortably. You blindly caught hold of his member, helping guide it into your hole.
Your heart skipped a beat – you let out a moan as your membranes clamped around him. Hardly giving you a moment to adjust, he began to move. The sudden strain roused a twinge, but it soon was obscured by shattering pleasure. No longer holding back your mewls and whimpers, you sank your nails into his back. Should the expensive suit get ruined, it will be his fault.
Michael groaned, his teeth bared in primal satisfaction. Your response only encouraged him, and he quickly picked up the pace. Each thrust sent a shattering wave of pleasure through your fevered nerves. You wrapped your legs around his waist, welcoming them. He traced the tip of his tongue over your neck. You hissed as his long hair tickled you, overwhelming your senses even more. He purred, and nipped at your jaw.
“Kiss me” you demanded.
He obeyed, leaning down to press his mouth against yours. You parted your lips for him, and allowed your tongues to battle for dominance.
“Say my name” he ordered, upon pulling away.
“I can’t...” you gasped in horror.
“Your general isn’t here...” he growled “It’s just you and me...” he pressed his face to your temple “Say my name, sweetheart. Show the Beast how much you’re enjoying your downfall.”
He pulled his cock almost all the was out, then slammed it back in, roughly grazing your sweet spot. Your cried out, and sank your fingers into his hair. You didn’t want to think about her. You loathed to imagine her disappointment in you. But his presence eclipsed her face. Drowned it in the storm of ecstasy ravaging you.
“Good girl” he praised with a grin.
Shock after shock of ecstasy tore through your body, setting every cell of it aflame. Your forehead was laced in sweat. Your muscles quivered from the tension. You were close. Very close. Turned feral by the pleasure, he grabbed you by the wrists, thrusting into you with merciless force.
“Michael...” you moaned.
You couldn’t stand it anymore. You arched your back, trembling and convulsing as a scream escaped your throat. Michael threw his head back with a snarl. You had grown painfully tight around him, prompting him to reach his own release. You felt him spill inside you – it was the strangest, most pleasant sensation  you had ever experienced.
You collapsed into the pillows, limp and gasping for breath. He slumped down on top of you. For a moment, you allowed yourself to soak in the glowing haze of bliss. But, just when he had crept off of you, and was about to pull you into his arms, you leapt up. Using his surprise for your advantage, you climbed onto him – this time, you were the one to pin him down. You caught his gaze, and drew a dagger from underneath your ruined tunic. Afraid to molest their master’s gift, the devil worshippers had missed it.
“You will find the men who captured me, crucify them, and bleed them like pigs” you growled, pressing the blade against his throat “Do you understand me, Antichrist?”
A drop of blood sept from under the metal, glowing against his milky skin in a warning.
“Yes” he murmured, as his eyes blazed with adoration.
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honestly-mad-person · 8 months
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(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) WARNINGS: jealous, kissing, fondling, oral sex, moaning, sex, orgasm, swearing.
(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Characters: Zayne/ fem!reader
(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Annotation: This is my first fanfic in a long time. I hope you enjoy reading it. It's a translation from the original language, so I apologize for any mistakes I made.
(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Synopsis: You escape from the hospital in the middle of the night because you are afraid of hospitals, but you are caught.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Once again, you disobeyed your doctor's orders and decided to sneak out of the hospital at night. Everything was going great until you were blinded by headlights and the soft sound of an engine as you left the hospital in the darkness of night. Frightened as a deer, you froze when you heard the door open and the sound of footsteps coming your way.
— I knew you'd run away, – Zayne's cold voice said as he walked toward you.
Suddenly, shivers ran down your spine. You clenched your hands and prepared to feel the wrath of your hospital.
— I just went out to get some fresh air! – You sounded uncertain when you met Zayne's eyes.
— It's already 1:00 AM, you know? – his eyes reflected his disbelief at your pathetic excuse.
— Yes... – you whimpered, looking down.
The cold night air caressed your neck, causing another wave of shivering. You see him approach you, taking confident steps toward you. His fingers were on your chin, and with a sharp movement, he forced you to raise your head to meet his gaze.
The expression on his face made you shrink even more, biting the inside of your cheek.
His eyebrows, furrowed, came together on the bridge of his nose, and his gaze, directed directly into your soul, caused new waves of goosebumps to spread through your body.
— You're not a good liar, – Zayne said calmly, but with a hint of irritation, examining your face for a few seconds, his eyes wandering from your eyes to your lips. – You could have refused hospitalization right away, like I said.
Thinking back to the time you snuck into the hospital after catching a cold from the draft, avoiding Zayne, you still failed. As you sat in Dr. Grayson's office, you caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the doorway.
— I hope he doesn't see me, – you thought, trying to hide your face.
Seeing this reaction, Dr. Grayson smiled gently.
— You don't have to worry about Zayne's anger... As a doctor, he rarely cares as much about his patients as you do. In any case, he'll just grumble, that's all.
— I-I know, Dr. Grayson, – your voice was quiet for fear of being seen.
Looking down at your hands in your lap, you intertwined your fingers, imagining Zayne's face if he found out you were sick. He has enough to worry about at work, so you didn't want to worry him with such trivialities.
— Still, I'd recommend that you stay in the hospital for additional observation, – Dr. Grayson shook his head and looked at the tests again, – for your safety.
You understood what the doctor meant. Touching your chest, you tried to feel your own heartbeat.
— I can't stay here, doctor… – your eyes went up to the doctor, begging him to think of something else.
Grayson's eyebrows rose up in surprise for a few seconds, and after clearing his throat, he looked down at the sheet of paper in his hands, which was directed over your shoulder.
— And yet, I insist on hospitalization, – he replied, exhaling.
— But I...
— Yeah, we can't force you to stay here, – Zayne's voice sounded cold as ice behind you.
Twitching, you turned your head to meet his gaze. As always, he was serious and demanding.
Your eyes widened and your heart skipped a few beats.
— It's not as serious as you think, Dr. Zayne, – you defended yourself, feeling your heart beat faster under his gaze.
— Of course I believe you, – he replied, walking over to the table and taking your test results, "which we doctors can understand.
His words made your chest pang.
— I didn't mean that...
Your gaze was still riveted on his face. Even from the side, you could feel his strength, watching his jaw clench and his muscles stand out slightly. Eyes down, you waited meekly for him to speak.
— Dr. Grayson is right about you being hospitalized, – Zayne said sharply, handing the sheet back to Grayson.
His voice sounded a little different than usual. As if he was irritated, but you weren't sure what the reason was. Or maybe you were imagining it.
Without another word, he turned around and walked out of the office without looking at you.
Your heart went cold in your chest as you watched him disappear around the corner, and with a sigh, you turned your gaze to Dr. Grayson.
— I've never seen him so serious… – he said, shaking his head.
For a moment, you saw the corner of his lips turn up, but it was only a moment.
— O-okay... If that's really necessary… – your voice sounded hoarse and you immediately coughed, covering your mouth with your hand.
— I'm glad to hear that, – Dr. Grayson smiled warmly, nodding his head. – A nurse will escort you to the hospital.
Standing up from the chair, you looked at the doctor one last time, while your mind raced with thoughts of running away from this place tonight.
— It's... my health, – you answered him and left the office.
And now, trying to leave the hospital unnoticed in the middle of the night, you were caught by someone who caused waves of different emotions in your body.
— Well… – you muttered almost audibly, trying to look at anything but Zayne's piercing gaze.
Letting go of your chin, he actually ordered you:
— Get in the car, it's the doctor's order, – he turned and walked to the car without looking at you.
Running away from him now would have been very stupid, because sooner or later they would have met in his office. He was your doctor, and because of your job, you had to undergo medical examinations that were approved by his signature. Lowering your head as if before an execution, you followed him in, and when Zayne opened the door for you to sit down, your gaze lingered on his face for a second. Tense and serious.
The car was warm, the smell of his cologne was pleasant, and you shivered as the cold of the night released you from his arms. Your hands, which had managed to freeze, slowly warmed up as you followed the tall figure in front of you as he stepped into the headlights. The door opened and Zayne was behind the wheel. His hand was on the steering wheel, the other on the gear knob, and with a sharp movement, he got the car moving.
The atmosphere in the cabin was very heavy. The soft light from the dashboard illuminated your faces. You sat there, hardly breathing, feeling Zayne's strange aura. You didn't even try to ask where he was taking you.
Your eyes fell to his hands, which were skillfully steering the car. Large, strong, and well-shaped, they mesmerized you, allowing you to relax for a while. You watched the tendons in his arms move, the veins standing out, casting a faint shadow. You realized that he was holding the steering wheel too tightly.
Tilting your head, you turned your gaze to his face. In the dim light, you could still make out his expression. He was even more gloomy than he had been during the day, and it was obvious.
The muscles in his jaw moved again as he let out:
— Why are you looking at me like that?
Shuddering, you looked at the road, biting your lip and pressing your back against the seat, wanting to dissolve.
— Nothing, just like that...
Without answering, Zayne continued to watch the road. T felt a jolt forward and looked at the speedometer and frowned. It was moving up to 130 kilometers per hour rather quickly.
— Zayne? – you said his name softly and looked at him. – That's fast...
— Don't worry, the road is clear now, – he replied shortly, his voice calm and cool.
— Where are you going in such a hurry?
He didn't say anything, and you saw the muscles in his jaw play again and his Adam's apple turn.
You drove in silence all the way to your final destination, and when you saw your house in front of you, your heart fluttered.
— We're here, – Zayne stated dryly, turning off the engine and getting out of the car.
He opened the door, letting you out into the chill of the night, which made you shiver. Another chill ran down your neck and you coughed. As soon as you did, Zayne's cold gaze bore into you.
— It's just a cough, nothing to worry about...
— Yeah, – his hand grabbed your wrist and Zayne pulled you toward the entrance, – don't stand here and get yourself into more trouble.
You followed him, feeling his firm grip on your arm. His fingers were loosely wrapped around it, squeezing it tightly enough that you couldn't escape if you thought about it.
— Zayne? – you asked, standing in front of the door of the house.
— Open the door, – he said in his low, raspy voice.
You wondered what he was up to as you put the key in the lock and turned it to open the door. Soon enough, you found yourself standing together at the door of your quarters. Zayne nodded silently toward the door, not taking his eyes off you.
Strangely, this made a faint ripple in your stomach.
Crossing the threshold of the apartment, Zayne closed the door, still looking at you like a hungry man looking at a piece of bread.
He took two steps closer to you and furrowed his brow, looking into your eyes. Your body began to shake slightly under his gaze. Licking your dry lips, you wait for what will happen next.
— Tell me why I found you in Grayson's office today, – his voice sounded lower than usual with the same hint of irritation.
— I didn't want to bother you with my cold… – you look away from him, feeling guilty for being sick. – I heard you had a couple of emergency surgeries that day, so...
Suddenly, you felt his arms wrap around your waist and pull you close. You were literally pressed together so tightly that you could feel his heartbeat with your palms, which instinctively came between the two of you.
Zayne leaned in and the hot air of his breath on your ear made you shiver.
— How could you think that, huh? – he wheezed, his lips barely touching your ear. – No matter how many surgeries I've performed, I'll always have time for you.
Your eyes widened at his words and a blush appeared on your face. Zayne's voice echoed in your mind, and after realizing the reason for his behavior, your heart beat faster.
— Were you upset today because I was in the hospital for a cold or because I was with a different doctor than you? – you said quietly, looking down at your hands still resting on Zayne's broad chest.
— Both, – he answered shortly, holding your body tighter to his.
For a second, you stopped breathing, feeling a tickle inside your stomach. Still feeling his warm breath on your skin, you silently spread your fingers, stroking his chest. At this small gesture, you felt Zayne twitch slightly, and his arms tightened around your waist.
You were afraid that if this went on, it was very likely that your own doctor would break you in half.
— Z-zayne, not so hard… – you muttered, and gently pressed your hands against his chest, trying to push him away.
He tightened his arms even more, not answering. Breathing became difficult and panicked, you turned to him again.
— Zayne, please! – you squeaked, feeling his arms begin to loosen.
Exhaling a sigh of relief, you closed your eyes for a second, feeling him lift his head from your shoulder and meeting his eyes. Slowly, you did the same. When your eyes met his, you held your breath for a moment. You saw a glint of something strange in his pupils that you hadn't noticed before. What was it?
Your hands went up to his neck and touched his cool skin, gently pulling him to you, closing the distance between you. You could literally feel his breath on your lips, see him looking at you through half-closed eyelashes and his fingers roaming over your back, gently caressing it.
— Zayne… – your voice was soft and quiet. – You always take care of me, even when you're exhausted...
Your eyes closed and your lips touched his, merging in a gentle kiss. You could hear his deep and muffled moan coming from his throat. The feeling of warmth on your lips spread throughout your body. You felt his tongue brush over them, and without further ado, your lips opened, letting him in. Your tongues danced, intertwining and making wet sounds.
Zayne's arms tightened around your waist, causing a new wave of goosebumps to form on your skin and then you felt warmth spreading down your stomach.
When you broke the kiss, you looked into his eyes. They were no longer cold and prickly. They were now sparkling with desire. Looking down, you glanced at his lips, which were slightly parted.
Zayne exhaled loudly and pulled your lips into a kiss again. This time, more greedy and lustful. Now, he brazenly took possession of your mouth, exploring every inch of it, moving his tongue inexorably.
This made you breathless, your legs went soft, and sensing this, he picked you up, holding you by the waist. Instinctively, you clung to him with your arms and legs.
His lips left you alone only when your back was against the couch. Opening your eyes, you saw Zayne hovering overhead and slowly let go of him, running your fingers around his neck. Smiling, you kept your gaze on his eyes.
— I'm going to see Dr. Zayne more often and only him, – you said, getting comfortable.
You felt him between your legs, felt him trying not to press against you. Again, his muscles played on his face as he nodded silently in response to your words. You pulled him close again. Your lips merged once more in a kiss and you moaned softly as you felt his fingers slide under your shirt, touching your skin. His fingers trailed down his torso, noting how tense he was now.
Suddenly, Zayne pulls away from you and looks into your eyes, trying to breathe steadily.
— We should stop this now.
— But why? – without thinking, this question comes out of your mouth.
— You... You might regret it if we continue… – Zayne's voice was hoarse and quiet, enough to send a wave of shivers down your spine.
— No… – you whispered, your hips rising so that you could barely press against him.
Even so, you could feel the fabric of his pants stretching, not to mention how wet your own panties were.
Looking down at his neck, your face turned red.
— I won't regret it, because it's you... – seemingly ordinary words, but now they were the trigger for both of them.
— Are you sure? – Zayne asked, burning your neck with his hot breath.
— Yes, – you squeaked out, tilting your head to give him more room to move.
Zayne's lips softly touched your neck, and soon you felt his teeth close around it. You squeak and arch up, your fingers tightening around his shoulders.
— Zayne... please… – your eyes closed for a moment as you whimpered.
He immediately pulled away and his tongue ran over the bite, causing a new wave of trembling. Resting one hand on the couch, he reached under your shirt again with the other. His fingers confidently found their way up to your breasts and when they found what they were looking for, they forced your body to arch to meet them. His hand came over your tit and slowly squeezed it, teasingly.
The warmth in your lower abdomen became even more palpable and, shuddering once again, you felt your own juice flowing out of you. This made your face flush even more with shame.
Soon after, hearing Zayne's guttural moan, you feel him pull away from you. You open your eyes, which are clouded with desire, and watch as he deftly undoes the buttons on your shirt. His gaze is still serious and it makes you smile at the corner of your lips. Every time his fingers touched your skin, you arched your back.
You could see his reaction when his hands twitched slightly and the muscles in his face moved.
— Zayne… – you whispered, putting your hand on top of his and meeting his eyes, – I'm so happy you didn't let me run away.
His eyes widened for a moment, but after a second they narrowed again, boring into you with a hungry gaze.
— I'm also... very glad I didn't let you do that, – he undid the last button and, with your help, took off your shirt and threw it to the floor, ran his fingers down your neck, between your breasts, touching your bra and shaking his head, looked up at you.
Soon, your breathing became ragged again, and moans escaped your lips. Zayne removed your bra and sent it to the floor with your shirt, and then he pressed his lips to your neck again, going lower.
Sinking your fingers into his hair, your body arched as his fingers squeezed your nipple, which was already quite swollen, as he covered your skin with kisses, inch by inch.
When his fingers replaced his mouth, you tilted your head back, biting your lip and gripping his hair tighter.
— Too sensitive around here, aren't you? – Zayne's voice teased.
Your thoughts were already jumbled and you barely understood what he was saying. Your heart was pounding in your throat, and your body was shaking.
— Zayne, please... Ah, more… – you whispered, your body arching to meet him.
He didn't need to be told twice, so he eagerly sucked on your nipple, caressing it with the tip of his tongue. Feeling his hot lips, the way his saliva covered your swollen skin, you couldn't hold back your moans mixed with whimpers. Your hips moved unsuccessfully, trying to find the point of connection with Zayne.
— You need to wait a little longer, – he said, turning his attention to the other nipple. – Consider this your punishment for your behavior today.
With a pitiful groan, you looked at Zayne, at the way he was absorbing every inch of your sensitive area, the way his fingers caressed your saliva-soaked nipple, and the way he deliberately kept away from your pelvis, ignoring your efforts to rub against it.
— Ah, Zayne, I said I was sorry… – you groaned, your vision blurring and your body trembling with an overwhelming desire that ate you up from the inside out.
— You always apologize and then you disobey your doctor's orders again, – he replied, moving away from your nipple and kissing your skin, moving down to your stomach.
— Zayne. I swear, I will follow your every order! Honestly! – you felt his kisses on your skin and arched your back to meet him.
— I don't believe it, – he replied briefly, and then sat down and unzipped your pants, pulling them down along with your panties, watching the thin thread of your arousal stretching across the fabric, soon breaking.
— Are you already so wet from just kissing me? – Zayne said, watching as you squeezed your legs together, shielding your pussy from his gaze.
Zayne's hands went to your knees and in one motion, he forced you to spread your legs, making you squeal and feel dizzy.
— Are you so ashamed that you're trying to fight your desires? – his fingers moved between her lips, collecting the juices with their tips and brushing against her swollen clit, Zayne brought them to his lips, licking up your secretions.
Feeling his fingers down there, where you needed him, your eyes rolled back at that brief pleasure, causing you to moan. Breathing heavily, you watched as he licked his fingers steadily, tasting you.
— Zayne, please... Please have mercy on me, please… – you whimpered, raising your hips, looking at his face and then at his hands.
Watching your actions, Zayne parted his lips and moaned gutturally. His gaze, which had been eating you whole, now stopped between your legs. A vein appeared in his neck from how much you needed him, and swallowing hard, he looked up at you.
It made your body shudder. There was something strange about his gaze, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it because your thoughts were jumbled with growing desire.
Zayne's hands went around your waist and with one jerk, he pulled your body closer to him, making you squeak again.
With trembling hands, you touched his hands that were squeezing you and whispered again:
— Zayne... Please... Please do something to me... I need you so bad... Please…
Zayne didn't let you finish, leaning in for a greedy kiss before his free hand slipped between your bodies and rested on your sensitive nub. While his powerful tongue dominated your mouth, his fingers wandered between your lips, rubbing your secretions. When the fingertips came across your clit, your body arched and the moans that escaped your chest disappeared into a deep kiss.
Your breathing was getting harder and your head was spinning, but your arms were wrapped tightly around Zayne's neck, not wanting to let go. When he broke the kiss, the thoughts in your head finally turned to mush. The only thing you understood and wanted at that moment was Zayne. You needed him.
— Tell me what you want me to do to you, – his voice sounded hoarse above your ear, causing goosebumps, but you didn't hear him.
All your attention was focused on his fingers moving around your clit, deliberately avoiding the entrance. Zayne's light bite on your shoulder brought you to your senses and you looked up at him with a blurry gaze and moaned.
— Zayne...
— I want to hear your voice, speak, – his eyes looked at you as if you were a tasty morsel he was about to eat.
— You… – you wheezed, your berdas already rubbing against his fingers, wanting him to enter your hot womb.
— One more time, – he ordered, kissing your shoulder, letting out a strangled moan.
It was obvious that he was finding it increasingly difficult to control his erection, but it was not impossible. He wanted to make sure that his beloved patient would realize her mistakes and not disobey his orders anymore, and then he would give them both what they needed right now.
— Speak! – Zayne growled, clamping his teeth down on your nipple.
It made you cry out loud, arching and trembling.
— I want you! I want you so bad! So bad! I'll do anything you say, just please... Let me feel you inside me, please… – you begged, barely holding back tears at how Zayne was torturing you so heartlessly now.
— Should I believe your words? – Zayne asked as he slowly moved down your body, kissing your skin.
— Yes! I will! I promise! – the cry of need burst from your chest and with every kiss Zayne gave you, you flowed even more.
Your body moved to meet his lips. Removing his fingers, which had been slowly moving around your clit until then, Zayne looked up at you, crazy with desire.
— Don't forget this, princess, – with these words he plunged between your legs and his tongue confidently passed between your folds, licking your juices. As it rose to the top, the tip touched your clit, causing lightning to flash through your body. Your fingers sank back into his black hair, pressing against him.
— Fuck... Zayne, ahh... – you moaned as his lips gently wrapped around your clit, sucking on it.
The tip of his tongue caressed your pearl sensuously and tenderly, causing your legs to tremble. You could feel how eagerly he was pressing against you, how he was making eights.
The pleasure of his movements tightened in your lower abdomen. Zayne reached down and touched your clit with the tip of his nose and entered you with his tongue, feeling your heat inside. In an instant, he threw your legs over his shoulders and squeezed your hips tightly, penetrating you deeper and deeper each time.
In a symphony of your moans mixed with incoherent mumbling and ragged breathing, you gripped his hair tighter, leaning against him.
He shifted his position again, returning his lips to your clit and freeing one hand, his finger penetrated your womb, causing you to shiver again.
Immediately after he penetrated you, he added another finger, forcing you to arch up. Feeling his movements inside you, stretching you, his tongue diligently caressing your clit, you felt on the edge.
— Zayne! I.... I'm cuming soon! Mhh! – arching under his actions, feeling him accelerate inside, your eyes rolled with pleasure and you were almost cumming when he abruptly pulled away from you, pulling his fingers out.
Whimpering loudly, you wriggled against him, letting go of his hair.
— Zayne... Please, I want to cum! – you cried out, looking up at him, your eyes lustful and dark with desire.
— This is your punishment for disobedience, take it for granted, – he replied, and stood up from the couch while his hands began to quickly and impatiently pull off his clothes.
All you could do was watch as Zayne exposed his torso, then pulled down his pants and boxers. For a split second, as you focused your gaze, you noticed a wet spot on the fabric. Your breathing became faster as your gaze settled on his erect dick, with a swollen vein visible on the shaft.
Its size seemed to be too much for you, and you looked into his eyes with desire and fear at the same time.
Catching your gaze, Zayne closed his eyes and returned to the couch, nestled between your legs, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
— Don't worry, princess... I'll try to make the discomfort go away quickly… – as a doctor, he knew pain was inevitable, so he didn't lie to her face.
Your eyelashes fluttered as Zayne touched your forehead and a soft moan escaped your lips as you felt a hot cock touch your thigh.
— M–may I? – you asked hoarsely, looking up at him as his hand slipped between your bodies.
— I'd be happy to.. – Zayne whispered in your ear, leaning his elbows on the couch, feeling your fingers wrap around his cock and guide it into your womb.
He was doing his best not to enter you himself, patiently waiting for you to do so. Lowering yourself a little, you wrapped your legs around his waist and when the head touched your hole, you joined in sync. Feeling Zayne slowly push himself inside, plunging his head in, you both moaned.
— You're so tight, my God… – he moaned in your ear and after a few seconds of standing still, he continued to penetrate you.
— Ah! It's too big! – you screamed, your nails digging into his back, leaving new, red stripes among the many tightened scars.
— Bear with me, princess… – his brow furrowed at the pain he had caused you, but he was doing his best to make you get used to him as quickly as possible.
Feeling how tight it was inside of you and how you were shivering and sobbing while he was inside of you, Zayne lifted his head and looked into your eyes, filled with tears that were about to spill down your cheeks, his lips touched yours, giving you a gentle kiss.
Soon, Zayne started moving and the pain turned into pleasure with every friction of his cock against your walls.
— Do you feel better? – he asked as he penetrated you so deeply that his head hit your cervix, causing you to moan and arch your back.
— Y-yes... Zayne, please... Please... Move, please! – you wrapped your arms around him, wanting to press against him even harder, to absorb him inside you, to disintegrate with pleasure.
Listening to your whimpers, he groaned gutturally and you felt his full weight on you as he pinned you to the couch and pounded into you faster and faster each time. With each thrust, Zayne knocked the air out of your lungs, causing your eyes to roll back and forth with the pleasure he was giving you. The bodies, so tightly intertwined together, became sticky with sweat from their proximity.
The room was filled with moans, wet sounds of their bodies hitting each other, and incomprehensible mumbling.
— Zayne, Zayne, Zayne!!! – whispering in his ear, you felt that you were on the verge of pleasure and afraid that he would stop again before she came, her arms became tighter, which made it a little difficult for him to move, but it only made him more excited.
— You're ready to cum, aren't you? – Zayne whispered hotly into your ear and leaned one arm on the couch, his fingers in your hair and clenching the strands tightly in his fist, his tongue tracing your neck, where a vein stood out from the tension. – Cum for me, princess, I want to feel you squeeze me inside, as you cum, do it.
You could barely hear his words, absorbed in the sensations. His movements became stronger, rougher, and faster. The rhythm made your body arch, your muscles clench, and your eyes roll with orgasm.
— Fuck... Yeah, good girl, good girl… – Zayne cursed under his breath, keeping himself from coming from how hard you were squeezing his cock inside you. – But I don't want to stop there.
Without giving you a chance to catch your breath, he grabs your waist, keeping up his pace and sitting on the couch, sitting on top of you.
Your body is shaking too much. You don't know if it's from pleasure or from the coldness you feel from Zayne, because the ability to hold you left you a few minutes ago.
You fell onto his chest, hugging his neck as he squeezed your buttocks tightly, moving your hips with ease. From a new angle, the head of his cock was hitting your sensitive spot, and the way you were arching and pressing against him, you were rubbing your clit against him.
— Fuck, princess... I can't think straight when I'm fucking you like this… – Zayne growled as he lowered himself and began to move his hips, pinning you to him, moving his arm around your waist until his free hand grabbed your hair and yanked it back, forcing you to tilt your head back.
His lips found yours and covered them ruthlessly, as if he were trying to eat you all at once. His tongue moved brazenly in your mouth as you moaned in pleasure, trembling more and more each time. At some point, your body shook violently again and your muscles clenched, forcing Zayne to break the kiss and tilt his head back, clench his teeth, and continue at the same pace.
— Ah, yes, my good girl, good girl… – moaned Zayne, feeling you cumming on his cock again. – One more time, princess... I want you to cum again...
— Ugh… – a hoarse moan escaped your lips as his lips touched your sweaty shoulder.
Speechless, you couldn't say anything and only wrapped your arms around his neck again with trembling, weakened hands.
— You're still so damn tight, princess, – Zayn groaned softly, gripping your waist tighter, moving inside you even more actively than before.
With each stroke, each time, his head seemed to pierce your insides deeper and deeper. A bolt of pleasure suddenly shot through your body, and as you dug your nails into Zayne's shoulders, tears spilled from your eyes.
— Fuck, fuck, fuck! – Zayne moaned in your ear, holding your soft body against him, driving into you so fast that you didn't have the chance to take even the slightest breath. – I love you! More than anything! I love you! Fuck!
His voice mingled with your frantic heartbeat in your ears, with the squelching sounds, the sounds of impacts, and your own hoarse scream when you were able to breathe again. Your head fell back on his shoulder, your heart pounded frantically in your throat, and your body was so sensitive to orgasms that every slight movement Zayne made made your whole body shake.
You were both breathing heavily, clinging to each other. The hot semen that had spurted into your womb was slowly trickling down the shaft of your cock.
Being on the verge of consciousness, you pushed the tip of your nose into his neck with the last of your strength as everything in your eyes went dark.
Feeling you go limp in his arms, Zayne gently stroked your hair as he regained his own breath.
— Oh, princess... Why do you stir my heart so much? – he asked in the silence, closing his eyes for a moment and kissing your forehead.
Looking at your heated but calm face, at the way your eyelashes fluttered, the way you breathed, Zayne closed his eyes.
— I'll always be there for you, – Zayne said, wrapping his fingers around a strand of hair behind your ear that had fallen onto your face, and gently picking you up, letting his cock slip out of you.
— And I'll always take care of you, – he kissed your forehead again and carried you to the bathroom to fulfill his promise to you.
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wishitweresummer · 4 days
Too Easy
Word count: 1871
Warning: Intense tickles! 💜
“You go way too easy on him.”, Sapnap explained casually to Dream as he wrangled a screaming George down to the floor of the living room. Dream scoffed.
“No I don’t! What!”, Dream plopped on to the floor next to them. “I’m huge! He’s terrified of me!”.
“Get off!!!”, George shrieked as he thrashed under Sapnap’s hold. “No I am not!!”.
How mortifying; being wrestled and pinned to the ground like nothing while your two best friends discussed how they tickle you above you like you weren’t even there. George burned from the inside out, unsure if he had been this flustered before. He felt so ridiculous as they ignored him.
Sapnap finally got a good hold of his wrists and pressed them to the floor above his head. George whined, wanting to cry really. He had been totally unprepared for the attack and the nervous energy coursing through his veins was making his brain malfunction. He jumped and bucked, but got nowhere.
“He’s scared to be tickled by you because he can’t get out. He’s scared to be tickled by me because I’m merciless and will break him.”, Sapnap boasted.
George clamped his mouth shut and fought as hard as he could to hold back the anticipatory laughter bubbling up inside. He knew that they were probably going to tickle him, but the confirmation whipped the butterflies in his stomach into a frenzy. Dream and Sapnap suddenly broke the argument for a moment to give him a disgustingly fond look. He burst into giggles against his will.
“Let me go!”, he cried, a lot more desperate than he meant to.
“Jeez, he’s worked up.”, Dream muttered in amusement. The teasy words slid up his spine like ice and he squirmed from the feeling.
Fuck, he needed to calm down now if he was going to survive this. Sapnap was eyeing him like prey and Dream practically had heart eyes. He hated them so much. He gasped and sputtered, trying to swallow his giggles down so he could think again.
Sapnap beat him to the punch. The younger pressed a clawed hand into his ribcage and shook it in roughly, startling a scream out of him. George threw his head back and let his cackles loose. The ticklish touch was maddening right away and he swore he would die.
He bucked and jolted side to side, but there was no budging the evil hand torturing his ribcage. It was brutal, singeing the edges of his nerves so the ticklish feeling only got more and more intense. It wasn’t long before his mind let go of any idea of control and George screamed with laughter. He kicked and convulsed and squirmed and twisted, but he was completely lost to the tickles.
George gasped roughly for air, but his burning lungs were spasming at the force of his laughter. He squeaked before falling into silence. He pressed his feet to the ground and tried to buck Sapnap off in desperation, but he failed. All he could do was shake his head in hopes he would be granted mercy. Tears slipped down his red cheeks.
“Sapnap, you have to ease up.”, Dream hovered worriedly over the squirming boy. How humiliating. George only blushed harder. He wanted to beg Dream for help, he really would if he could at this point, but he was unable to get out a sound.
“No. Watch.”, Sapnap insisted.
In a split second, Sapnap switched his hands so the other one was pinning down George’s arms while the other side of his ribcage was now suddenly being tickled.
George’s breath cut out completely as he suddenly convulsed at the new ticklish attack. Before he could even gasp for more air, laughter exploded out of him. It had a shrill desperate edge to it that made him want to disappear. He couldn’t help but wail with laughter, tossing his head back and forth.
He sucked in a gulp of air frantically, but the force made him snort. Surely this is how it all ended. Dream and Sapnap laughed in surprise at the noise and George squeezed his eyes shut. A few more snuck out as he struggled for air.
The constant laughter was making him dizzy and he felt like his entire body was buzzing with electricity. George was sure that when this attack ended, he would find everything ticklish. He would flinch at his own clothing. He would curl up and squeal if someone tried to hug him. He slowly fell limp under Sapnap’s pin and just completely gave into being tickled silly.
It was true…Sapnap had tickled him to the brink of death before. Without the protective watch of Mother Dream, Sapnap liked to see how far he could push George.
Still, he was always so shocked at how much it really felt like he was going to die. And now with Dream watching? He cracked open and spilled his sanity out across the floor. His laughter was uncontrollable and he just let himself be lost in it.
Sapnap came to a sudden stop when he felt like George had reached his limit. The boy cried out at the sudden loss of touch against his ticklish ribs and curled up as Sapnap lifted off of him. George giggled deliriously.
“See! I told you you went too easy on him!”.
“Sapnap, that…that was totally insane. Look at him!”, Dream struggled to sound upset, but George was being adorable. The giggling boy grabbed for his hand and he tugged him up into a hug. His body was warm as it sank into the embrace, shaking with giggles. “He’s…like broken. He’s all gooey now.”.
“You’re silly…”, George murmured happily and melted completely in Dream’s hold.
“Man, this is cute.”, Dream whispered in disbelief as he stared down at his giggly puddle of a best friend. He looked up at Sapnap in shock. He was met with a shit eating grin.
George was absolutely beside himself with panic as Dream held him closer to his chest.
“Fuck you! I hate you guys! Dream, I will never forgive you!”, he yelled shrilly as he tried to pry himself free. Dream and Sapnap only laughed, making everything worse.
Dream apparently couldn’t get it out of his head just how hard Sapnap went on George when he was tickling him. George unknowingly went to join the two on the couch only to find himself scooped up and dragged onto Dream’s lap. The position itself was enough to make his cheeks burn in embarrassment, but the very first squeeze to his side made him really lose it. No fucking way.
Sapnap laughed and clapped his hands together.
“Yeah! Okay, now pick a spot and just go for it! He’s going to be a baby and cry about it, but just keep going. We both know he loves it.”, he encouraged. George screamed in protest.
George was about to cuss him out, but Dream’s hand suddenly exploring his body quickly took first priority. He squealed and jerked away from every touch.
“Don’t!!”, he cried. He burst out laughing and crumpled against Dream’s chest as the curious hand tickled into one side, then across his stomach, then up his chest, then teased into his armpit. George shrieked and bucked.
“Hmm…wherever should I tickle?”, Dream asked in a fake-British accent. The two grinned at each other as George’s frantic laughter kicked up a few octaves at the tease.
Dream nudged his chin perfectly in between George’s neck and shoulder, making him squeal and kick.
“Get out!”, he cried. His hand came crawling across his collarbone and pressed in teasingly. George’s face burned hotter at how cutesy his giggles were. “This is torture!”. Sapnap leaned into his line of sight to smirk at him. “Fuck off!”, he squeaked. Dream gasped dramatically and dug his fingers into his ribcage. George shrieked with laughter and jerked back against Dream’s chest. “Stop! Stop!!”. After a few seconds, the tickles came to an end and George went limp in the hold, shaking with flustered giggles.
Then, the world came crashing to an end as Dream’s big hand almost completely engulfed George’s thigh and tickled the muscle above his knee.
“NO!!!”, George screamed…sealing his fate.
“Good spot.”, mused Sapnap. George’s shorts weren’t long enough for any kind of protection. Dream coo’ed playfully against George’s ear, making the boy scrunch up.
“Good spot.”, Dream agreed.
The tickling was maddening instantly. Dream played with the thigh for a few seconds before finding the perfect amount of pressure to make him scream. George kicked out in panic, but there was no stopping it. Dream had him clutched to his chest with both of his arms pinned to it. He felt like a helpless child. All he could do was tilt his head back and give in to the flood of laughter that came bursting out of him. Sapnap cheered, gutting him alive.
George gasped desperately for air, but it escaped him. He wanted to beg for mercy. He wanted to curse them and their mothers. He wanted to scream for help. Instead, he wheezed and fell silent. Dream continued to play with the ticklish muscle of his thigh. It sent shockwaves up his entire body. He shook his head in despair. The tickling was unbearable. He needed it to stop. He bucked against the hold roughly.
Just as he caught enough air to start wailing with laughter again, tears streamed down his face. He was surprised they didn’t sizzle against the hot skin of his cheeks.
Next to him, Sapnap murmured something he couldn’t hear over his crazed laughter. Suddenly, Dream switched thighs. The feeling of Dream just trying to find his bearing on his sensitive thigh alone was enough to send George over the edge. He jolted, then fell limp against Dream’s lap as a scream ripped from his throat. The laughter that followed had an edge of desperation in it that sent chills down the other boy’s spines.
Here, he lost his mind. Everything else fell away as his mind forced him to do nothing but focus on the fingers playing with the muscles on his thigh just right. His eyes were squeezed shut and all he could do was laugh. It was crazed and uncontrollable.
It was almost like his body went into survival mode. His laughter cut out perfectly for him to gasp for air and explode with the next round. He didn’t struggle for words or air, he just laughed and was tickled. He was just a thing to be tickled.
When the tickling came to an end and Dream released him, he whined and fell across both of their laps. The giggles were unending and he covered his face and curled into them in embarrassment.
“I hate you guys…”, he said weakly, the smile in his voice evident. It was unbearably sweet.
Like this, he had no hunger for revenge. Only cuddles. He clung to the two and whispered small little protests that didn’t mean much. There was no fear for more torture as he invaded their space and forced them to hold him on the couch.
“He’s too cute like this.”, Dream murmured to Sapnap and the other nodded in agreement.
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kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
*it had been a couple years since Adam and Eve were thrown out of Eden for tasting the Forbidden Fruit, they recently had a twin boys together, Cain a boy looked so much like Adam and Abel a boy who looked so much like Eve, the pregnancy was a painful event because Eve claimed that she tricked Adam into taking a bite of the fruit even though he made the choice on his own because he didn’t want to lose someone else he loved because she didn’t want him to be punished, he was woken to the boys crying, he got up because Eve needed her sleep and made his way to where the babies slept and to his shock, Lilith was standing over the small bed Adam made for them, she was still beautiful, but in a twisted way, she now had large red horns coming from her head and large red bat like wings, she wore a crown and a deep purple gown*
Adam: What are you doing here Lilith?
Lilith: In order to be Queen of Hell with my beloved Lucifer, I was cursed to not be able to bear children of my own. Lucifer wants to be a father and I think that these beautiful little babies will be the perfect Princes of Hell. If you love Lucifer like you say, you would be willing to sacrifice them to make him happy.
Adam: Fucking stay away from Cain and Abel!!!!!!!!
Lilith: We definitely have to change their names.
*Adam charged at Lilith and she grabbed him by the wrists, now that she was a demon she had super human strength and Adam screamed while the bones in his wrists were cracking, Lilith held him up by the wrists and slammed him into the ground*
Lilith: Why fight when you can just have more children of your own.
*Lilith started to mercilessly beat him, tears started to fall from Adam’s eyes while he wondered why Lucifer could choose her over him, he hated the fact that he couldn’t protect the wife and children he loved dearly, suddenly the beating stopped and Lilith screamed, even though it hurt to move, he moved himself up a little to see Eve standing over a cowering Lilith, in Eve’s trembling hands was the angelic sword of Michael which he had given to the couple after they had been thrown out of Eden to protect them in case something like this happened, Adam was impressed to see that Eve had snuck up behind Lilith and cut off her wings, since it was angelic steel, the wings would never grow back*
Eve: As my husband said, fucking stay away from Cain and Abel. Also if you lay another hand on the man I love, I will end you and you won’t be able to be reunited with your husband.
Lilith: Fine, I will have a child one way or another. Besides I don’t understand how this hideous creature inspires such loyalty in you, I at least have better taste in men and I am not an imitation of who Adam really wants.
Eve: Lucifer chose you over Adam, I have to question his tastes. I know Adam loves Lucifer and if the world had been fair to Adam, Lucifer would have loved him the same way. But I know that Adam loves me the same way as he loves Lucifer and anyone who is loved by Adam is a very lucky person. I feel sorry for Lucifer when all he has is you when he could have had so much better.
*Lilith just spat at Adam and disappeared, Eve ran to Adam and held him in a way that wouldn’t cause him more pain*
Adam: Eve please know that I love you so much.
*it hurt Adam to speak, but he had to say it*
Eve: Don’t speak, I know how much you love me. Someone please come help Adam, I can’t lose him.
*to the surprise of the couple, one of the Archangels, Raphael, who was a healer came to heal Adam’s wounds, Adam thought that he would have been abandoned by God and the other angels like how Lucifer abandoned him, as he was being healed he wondered if Lucifer told Lilith to steal his babies with Eve because they couldn’t have their own and if Lilith had truly poisoned his first love against him*
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sofasoap · 1 year
Second chance
Pairing: Simon “ Ghost” Riley x f!Reader
Summary:  Your fear that history will repeat itself.
Warning: M rating, slight angsty moments, discussion of past issues. Tw talk of pregnancy and children
A/N : Continuation/parallel universe of @saltofmercury ’s “The Favorite MacTavish” , where the reader/OC is Soap’s little sister. Thanks to her kindness leading me her character :D
“masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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"Everything alright love?”
“Mm Hm.”
Simon has noticed you've been extra clingy since he got home from the mission this time round.
Snucking up to him all the time and try to wrap both of your arms around his broad chest from behind.
Plonking yourself into his lap, while he winds down with his book in front of the fireplace at night, after the twins have gone to bed.
You subconsciously bury yourself into his chest middle of night, seeking for his warmth and comfort.
Not that he minds. He secretly enjoys the intimacy, which makes him feel loved,wanted, needed.
Looking down at you, basking in the afterglow of a tender love making session, tracing your finger over his tattoos on his arm.  
Simon calls your name. He notices your movement halt for a second, before curling your fingers up.
You are hiding something from him.
Gently cupping your face, lifting it so he can look you right in the eyes. Noticing tears starting to well up.
“Talk to me. What’s wrong? I know there’s something going on. Tell me.”
“I'm scared Simon.”
“About? What happened?”Simon frowned. Has something happened that he has no knowledge about? Racking his brain trying to go through all the conversation with you, and Soap, and his team mates, nothing triggers his mind.
“... The baby.”
“What happened to the kids?” Simon was ready to get up, to check on the twins. You reach out to grab his arm, stopping him.
“The twins are fine Simon.. I..” You took a deep shuddered breath.
“I am pregnant again.”
Simon is at a loss for words at your reluctance of not telling him sooner. And it suddenly clicked.
He remembered a passing conversation he was having with Soap a week or two ago while they had a drink, when he mentioned to Soap why he is unwilling to have more kids.
“... She suffered too much last time. That’s why I don’t want any more children.”
You must have caught the tail end of the conversation. It dawned on him the expression you had on your face after you came back into the room was a mixture of disappointment and fear.
The disappointment ,he doesn’t want the child.
The fear, he is going to disappear again after hearing the news.
He was the cause of your fear. The pain. AGAIN.
You had to go through the entire pregnancy with the twins, without him by your side, because he was acting like an asshole, refusing to face his demon. And you nearly died from it.  If it wasn’t for Soap and Emma supporting you, shaking his head, he didn’t want to think of the possible “ what if’s.”
Taking his silence and action as rejection, you started sobbing. “I can’t do this alone, Simon. Not again.”
“ I am sorry love..That’s not what I meant..”Caressing your hair and giving you soft kisses while cradling you, “I just don’t want you to go through the pain again…You nearly lost your life.” The guilt is starting to eat through Simon, "I was an utter ass pushing you away and not being there for you.” tightening his hold on you, “I will be here for you, this time. I promise. I wouldn’t ghost you this time.”
You let out a little sobbing laugh. “That is a bad dad joke Simon.” 
Gently wiping your tears away with his thumb,smirking. “I had plenty of practice.”
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True to his words, Simon was there for you all the way.
The first time he attended the ultrasound scan with you, he nearly overcome with emotion. These are all new experiences for him. Looking at the little dot on the screen. A new life. New responsibility. More love to share.
Even with his work commitments and missions taking him away from home, he always checks up on you. Telling the kids to look after their mum and future siblings.
“Yes L.T!”
“.... Did you…” Simon asks with a deadpan expression. 
“Ask Johnny.” You held your hands up. 
The pregnancy went through without a hitch.
He paced up and down the corridor of the hospital outside the operation room, agitated. He wishes he can light up a cigarette, to calm his nerves. He quit smoking years ago, after holding the twins for the first time.
In the end it was his children that gave him the strength.
“It will be alright Da. Ma and the baby will be fine.”
The twins knew this is all new to their father, seeing their mother going through this. You and Simon were honest with them when the children asked one day, out of curiosity, why they took their mother’s surname instead of Simon’s.
“Because your Da was a fool.” Simon was brutally honest. Looking at him after patting his hand, you gave him a tight smile. “Well, your Ma was a fool too.”  After giving the abridged and child friendly version of the story, the twins said nothing, both of them looked at each other, and went up and gave Simon a hug. 
Kylie Kathleen Riley was born with a loud announcement as she entered this world.
“Hot tempered just like her Ma.” you said to Simon with a tired but cheeky smile. 
Gaz walked around the base smiling like a dork days after he knew how you and Simon’s newborn was named after him, showing off his new goddaughter’s photos to everyone he knew.
“You know it’s Mini and I that had the child, not you right?” Simon mocked him once.
Gaz doesn’t care, he dots on his goddaughter so much, you started teasing Simon,
“Careful, now Kylie will say she would wanna marry uncle Gaz when she grows up, just like Aileen wanted to Marry König.”
Gaz was banned from the Riley household for a while.
You shook your head with your husband’s protectiveness with his daughters. It will come back and bite him one day.
And sure it did. 
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Laswell and her wife were pleasantly surprised the child was named after her. They attend her first birthday, and there’s always presents sent to the Riley household if they couldn’t be present for the important events.
Soap named his twins afterwards after Price and Gaz. Big chaos everytime there is a huge gathering, trying to call out names.
"Price? Soap? or Tiny? or this little bub here?"
" There's five of us here.. which one do you want?"
Gaz looked at little Kylie in his lap, "No confusion here between us eh?"
" Gaz, you forgot my son is named after you too?" “And mine.”
Gaz had a hard time trying to name his children when they were born.
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I love to think the 141 and all the members they worked with ended up to be very close together and one big happy family. :)
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brimarie0512 · 9 months
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Stray kids fanfic ot8 series part fourteen
Slow burn
WC: 4.0k (4,013)
There are pov switches, female reader, use of y/n, nicknames
Warnings: pure smut this chapter, bulge kink, mxm, hickeys
Summery: You wake up to an empty bed and deciding you don’t want to be alone you make your way to Chan’s room. Little did you know he had a visitor in there already.
Chapter Fourteen “Aussie Boy’s”
Y/n’s pov
I woke up to an empty bed and a note on my nightstand from Changbin saying he had left to go to the gym. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but it was of no use. I decided I did not want to be alone in my room so I crawled out of bed and made my way to Chan’s room. I didn't knock because I did not want to risk waking him up so I slowly opened the door and snuck around it until I was on the other side. I turned around immediately to close the door gently and in doing so I didnt even notice the two bodies on the bed. That was until I heard a noise resembling a moan behind me. I turned around only to see Chan on top of Felix kissing down his neck.
“Channie, You know you can't leave marks with our comeback happening.” Felix said breathlessly.
With that I let a squeak sneak past my lips. I instantly felt my cheeks get hotter as I moved my hands to cover my eyes and turned around so my back was facing the room. This shouldn't have been a surprise since it is clear Chan has a soft spot for Felix and I already know about their situation but it was still surprising since I have never seen them like this and I was expecting a sleeping Chan in his bed. I heard some shuffling and whispering behind me before a voice spoke.
“Y/n, doll you can turn around.” Said Chan.
His voice was laced with worry when I was expecting anger. I did as I was told but I kept my hand over my eyes and my eyes casted down towards the ground.
“I am so sorry. I should go.” I said in a panic.
“No, please don't go.” This time it was Felix who spoke. His voice sounded desperate.
“Will you please look at us?” Chan said next.
I slowly dropped my hand and lifted my head allowing my eyes to follow until I was looking at the two on the bed. They are separated now. Boh covering themselves with the blanket but I could still see they were both shirtless.
“I am really sorry, I can leave. Really it's not a problem you two deserve some privacy.” I said frantically.
“Doll dont leave. What brought you in here in the first place?” Chan asked.
“Um… well Changbin had left and went to the gym and when I woke up I didn't want to be alone. I was just going to come in here and cuddle and try to sleep again. I thought you would still be asleep so I didn't want to knock and risk waking you up but clearly I should have knocked bec-” I was fumbling my words at this point just trying to get my point across to show how it was truly an accident but Chan cut me off.
“Doll calm down. It is okay, we aren't upset.” Chan said, trying to calm me down.
“Are you upset?” Felix said refusing to make eye contact looking at the blanket in his hands as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“No Lixie, not at all, I just feel bad about ruining it.” I said, telling nothing but the truth.
“No no, you didn't ruin anything at all sunshine.” Felix said finally making eye contact with me.
“Would you still like some company?” Chan asked, looking me up and down.
I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach as I nodded my head. Chan got out of bed and lifted the blanket telling me to get in between him and Felix. Chan of course was wearing nothing but boxers which was not a surprise. What was a surprise was that Felix was doing the same. As I climbed on the bed next to Felix I felt Chan sit back down behind me. Felix instantly took me into his arms, cuddling me. Chan also wrapped one of his hands around my waist loosely. Chan started slowly kissing the back of my neck, kneading my hip with his hand. Felix was kissing slowly at my collarbones. I couldn't help the whine that slipped past my lips.
“Is this okay doll? We wouldn't make you do anything you don't want to.” Chan said in between kisses.
“No, this is perfect.” I said breathlessly.
With that they picked up their movements and began lingering on each kiss making sure to suck and bite at me.
“Now we can't be marked but that doesn't mean we can't mark you.” Felix said with his head still placed at my chest.
Chan moved his hand up my body, slipping past my top to play with my breasts. Felix followed his lead and did the same to the other. Fleix used his other hand to bring my face to his kissing me passionately. Chan moved his body closer to mine allowing me to feel how hard he was behind me. I shifted so I was laying on my back, both of the boys still playing with my breasts and kissing down each side of my neck. I moved my hands to each of their boxers. By no surprise they were both hard so I started slowly stroking them through their boxers making them both moan and sigh at the same time. They lifted their heads away from me and withdrew their hands, making me whine at the loss of their touch. The feeling only lasted a second as they leaned over me to connect themselves in a passionate kiss. It was a new experience seeing them like this but I felt nothing but love. I felt their love and I knew they shared it with me as well. They trusted me to see their most vulnerable side and they were showing me that now. They broke away after a second and they both looked down at me. My hands staggered on their members and they took that moment to remove my top. Chan lifted my arms above my head as Felix started lifting my shirt above my chest. I lifted my head slightly allowing him to fully remove the offending fabric. In a second Felix was kissing his way back down my neck until he reached my chest. He played with one of my breasts in one hand while the other was occupying his mouth. I let out a moan from the stimulation and Chan saw this as his opportunity to remove my shorts and panties, I lifted my hips to help with the process until I was completely bare beneath them. Felix was still playing with my breasts while Chan laid between my thighs caressing and applying with them drawing little patterns with his finger tips. I slowly started moving my hips until Chan slipped his fingers through my wet folds. He then brought his wet fingers up to Felix who broke away from me just long enough to suck my juices off of Chan's fingers. One Felix was satisfied with his cleaning jib he returned back to my chest. Meanwhile Chan lowered his head until I could feel his breath over my cunt. It was intense even though he was barely doing anything. That was until he playfully licked over my clit making my breath stagger. He kept a playful pace leaving small kitten licks until he fully took my clit in his mouth playing with it and licking it as if it was the sweetest treat he's ever tasted. I felt the tight knot forming in my stomach as he kept up his pace causing me to clench around nothing. Just as I was about to snap Chan moved his face away just far enough for me to see the string of spit connecting from his bottom lit to my clit.
“Chanie… I was so close, why did yo-” I mumbled out whining until Chan plugged two of his fingers inside, cutting off my train of thought.
“Shhh doll, you will get what you want. Let me just have some fun first.” Chan said slowly pumping his fingers in and out.
Felix’s mouth was still attached to me, littering my chest and neck with marks but he had his eyes on Chan. Chan looked up and saw this making him pick up the pace of his fingers.
“We have to prep you first.” he said.
With that he went back to sucking on my clit while pumping his fingers in and out.
I felt the knot build again in seconds making my hips lift off the bed but Chan moved his other hand to hold me down as he continued his work. Soon enough I felt the white hot pleasure come over me as the knot snapped and I squeezed my eyes shut. Chan continued his work but slowed down allowing me to ride out my high without getting overstimulated. He withdrew his face and fingers after a few seconds of my heavy breathing. I felt so empty, suddenly wincing at the loss. I finally opened my eyes to see Felix once again sucking on Chan’s fingers. HE was humming around them, taking them as far as he could in his mouth. Felix pulled away with a loud pop as he released Chan.
“Sunshine, you taste amazing.” Felix said facing me.
At this point I already felt dumb so I just giggled at his comment.
“Are you feeling up to a bit more?” Chan asked.
I nodded my head and he gave Felix a look communicating with no words. Chan got up on his knees between my thighs still and moved to sit next to me. He propositioned me to sit in between his legs and have my head back on his chest. Chan moved his thighs and used his hands to move mine as well leaving me out in the open. Felix moved to stand up and remove his boxers. I looked at him in shock. He was a little slimmer than Chan but he made up for that in length. He looked like he would fill me up perfectly and reach every spot. Felix then climbed back on the bed and kneeled between my legs. He lowered himself, placing a hand on my cheek and bringing me into a passionate kiss.
“Are you okay with this?” He asked, keeping his forehead pressed to mine making us share the same breath.
“Absolutely… please Lix, need you.” I said bringing his lips back to mine.
With that he moved to position himself at my center. He moved his tip up and down my center making me take a deep breath before he started to push in. The first few inches fit nice, both of us breathing heavily while he slowly rocked in and out. Behind me Chan had one hand around my waist to hold me down while his other drew random shapes on my stomach. Felix slowly started pushing in more of his length as he rocked in. Once at a halt he paused for a second allowing both of us to adjust to the feeling. Suddenly I heard Chan gasp behind me as I looked down at us. I followed his eyes to see what he was looking at and that is when I noticed a slight bump on my lower stomach protruding from the inside.
“Holy shit.” I said looking down in shock.
“Thats hot as fuck. Lix move a bit.” Chan said, still staring.
With that Felix moved out a little watching the bump disappear until he rocked back in allowing it to show again. We all watched for a second until Felix started rocking in and out at a steady pace. Chan looked down at me and used one of his hands to guide me to his mouth bringing me in for a searing kiss. Felix’s pace picked up slightly causing me to moan into Chan’s mouth. It wasn't anything too intense. He was still making love while we chased our highs. That was until Chan moved his hand to press on where we could see Felix’s bulge in me. Chan applied a small amount of pressure but it made everything feel more intense as Felix and I moaned in unison. With this added pressure Felix picked his pace more absolutely destroying me making me moan out nothing his name. Felix leaned down and over my shoulder as he and Chn once again started making out over me once again. With this view I felt the knot inside of me snap as I mewled out in pleasure. Just like Chan, Felix did not stop immediately but he did slow down his pace until I was breathing normally again. Once I regained myself Felix pulled out with a lewd squish from my wetness.
“Holy shit, that was hot.” Chan said smiling.
“I.. I didn't know that could happen.” Felix said in shock.
“Neither did I, I've never had someone who could get that deep.” I said also in shock.
We all sat there for a second still in awe until Felix climbed up on the bed next to us. Chan tapped my side motioning for me to sit up so I did. Chan then got off the bed going to the end of the bed. He grabbed both of my ankles, dragging me to him. ]
“I hope you're not done already doll. It's my turn now.” He said with a mischievous grin on his face.
I nodded my head telling him I was ready for more and with that he flipped me over on my stomach. He then grabbed my waist pulling up making me sit on my knees with my head tilted to the side on the bed. I heard his shuffling behind me and then I felt his tip at my entrance.
“Do you think you are prepped enough?” He asked as he slid his tip up and down my center collecting my juices.
“Yes Channie, please.” I said, shaking my ass a little to tempt him.
With no warning he slid half of his member inside making me moan. He did what Felix had slowly rocking in and out until he had all of him inside of me. He grabbed a handful of my hair with one hand as the other rested on my hip. He pulled, making me whine and look up. At this angle I could feel him so deep inside but I could also see Felix watching us with lust floating behind his eyes.
“Why don't you be a good girl and help our little Lixie out hmm?” Chan asked from behind me as he dropped my head on Felix’s lap.
I stuck out my tongue allowing Felix to put his tip in my mouth. I started slowly licking around the tip and slowly lowered myself some. Chan was still as he sat inside me. After a few seconds I brought my head back up his shaft and that is when Chan started rocking into me already at a heavy pace. This forced me back down on Felix as I gagged. I heard a moan above me. And when I lifted my head enough I could see Felix had his eyes closed. Chan once again pushed himself in rough making me take Felix. He moaned once again and this caused Chan to speed up. The bed was rocking like crazy but none of us could care so immersed in pleasure. The pace that Chan had set left me with no time to breathe as I took Felix down my throat. I felt Chan snake his hand around my waist and he started playing with my clit. This made me moan down Felix’s shaft and made him moan in return. My walls were spasming around Chan as the knot approached once again. With Chan’s rough pace Felix slipped from my mouth finally allowing me to breathe between my moans. Soon enough I was thrown over the edge of pleasure and that is when Chan slowed down. Once everyone caught their breath Chan slipped out and laid me on my back. I lifted my head slightly and saw that his cock was still incredibly hard. That is when I realized neither of them had gotten to cum. They both stopped once I reached my climax.
“Neither of you finished.” I said looking at them.
“Don't worry about us doll.” Chan said as he slightly stretched still standing at the foot of the bed.
“But I feel bad.” I said, whining slightly.
“Shh there's no need, we've got it covered, we just wanted to make you feel good. Now it's our turn.” Chan said walking over to the side of the bed Felix was on.
I looked at them curiously but before either of them could notice Chan was leaning down making out with Felix while holding his cheek the same way he does with me. Chan then placed one of his knees on the bed in between Felix’s thighs. This allowed them to be closer and for Chan to push into Felix as they kissed. Chan took one of his hands away from Felix’s face and slowly dragged it down Felix’s body making sure to play with his nipples on the way down. He made his way to his waist and played with his v-line slightly dragging his fingers over the defined muscles. Felix began whining in his mouth until Chan finally took Felix in his hand and began stroking at a very slow pace. He stayed content like this for a moment.
“Chan I.. I need more.” Felix whined out.
With that Chan took his hands away completely and broke from his lips. This caused Felix to whine more but Chan just took his hands to pull him up. Chan positioned him on his knees with his back arched and his face in the sheets much like he did with me. Then Chan crawled behind him, stroking himself a few times.
“Y/n doll, can you go in that top drawer and get me the lube?” Chan asked not moving his eyes away from Felix’s ass.
I nodded my head even though I knew he wasn't looking at me. I shuffled on the bed till I could reach the drawer and grab what Chan asked for. Once I had it I handed it to him watching in awe.
“Thank you, such a good girl.” He said leaning over to kiss me while taking the bottle.
He opened the cap and immediately poured some on Felix’s hole. He whined at this since it was probably cold but soon he was whining because Chan inserted two fingers. Chan started scissoring his fingers while inside of Felix making him whine and moan. After properly working him open he took his fingers out and used the remaining lube on his fingers to wet his cock. He stroked himself a few times before aligning his tip with Felix’s waiting hole. He slowly pushed in making Felix go silent. He entered about half way and began a soft motion of rocking back and forth. After a minute of this he stopped while half inside and began pushing the rest of his length in. It was a mesmerizing sight to see as I just sat besides them watching Chan absolutely ruin Felix after he was just fucking me sensless. Chan sped up his pace making Fleix squeak with every thrust. This was a large contrast compared to his normally deep voice. I found myself staring at where they were connected, that was until I allowed my feet to carry me off the bed. I was uneasy when I first stood but I caught my balance. I saw Chan look over at me with concern but I gave him a smile to tell him I was fine. I made my way to the end of the bed where Felix’s head was resting. I brought myself to my knees in order to be eye level with him. I began stroking his hair as he laid there drooling absolutely fucked out. I then slowly lifted his head so he could look at me.
“How are you doing, Lix?” I asked, still stroking his hair as he looked at me.
“Oh my… So good. So fucking good.” He said back as Chan looked down at us.
Chan delivered a slap to Felix’s ass and that made Felix break. I saw his eyes gloss over treating to spill with tears of pleasure and pain. I held his head in my hands and began kissing at his face. First his forehead, then each cheek, finally landing on his lips. We sloppily made out but it was keeping him grounded and god he just tasted so good it was intoxicating. Chan delivered another slap to his ass causing him to moan into my mouth and push him over the edge finally allowing himself the release he needed. However Chan didn't stop this time. He kept up his fast pace chasing his own high. Felix was completely fucked out and mumbling. I laid his head down carefully placing a final kiss on his temple. I stood to make my way to Chan, when I finally reached him I brought him into a kiss. He used one hand to hold onto Felix’s waist and he brought the other around my waist pulling me as close as he could. Once he had me in his grasp he finally came releasing his seed deep into Felix who was still whining. Chan slowed down significantly until he came to a stop. He carefully pulled out of Felix and took a moment to breathe. Chan pulled me on top of him just holding my body close for a minute. After a few minutes of silence and breathing he spoke up.
“We should really clean up.” Chan said.
“Is Lix even alive?” I asked, looking over at his body. He gave me a thumbs up and dropped his arm once again.
“Oh trust me, he's had a lot worse, that was nothing.” Chan said giggling slightly.
“Damn y'all are some freaks then…. Can't wait.” I said laughing at the end.
Chan tickled me because of my comment and then slowly slid me off of his body and on to the bed. He stood up and held out his hand to me. I stood and once he was sure I was fine he moved on to Felix. He pulled him up on his feet and held his body up. Chan led Felix to the bathroom and then came back for me even though I told him I could walk fine he insisted. We all showered together, keeping our hand to ourselves for the most part. Chan washed mine and Felix’s hair and body before doing his own. When we got out he wrapped us in towels while he went to get us some comfy clothes. He returned and we all got dressed. Chan also changed the sheets and once everything was set back up we all cuddled in bed with me between them once again.
“Was that okay doll?” Chan asked me while playing with my hair behind me.
I rolled over slightly to face him while I spoke. “That was more than okay, that was amazing, thank you for taking care of me and allowing me to see the love between you two.”
“I am glad you enjoyed yourself.” Chan said.
“That was truly amazing.” Felix said finally joining the conversation.
“It was, and wow Lix you are so hot, I did not know you had that in you.” I said looking at him now.
Felix blushed and hid his face in my neck.
“We should nap for a little, we still have dinner tonight and then work tomorrow.” Chan said being the leader that he is.
“A nap sounds good.” I said.
“A nap sounds perfect right now.” Felix said laughing.
We laughed along with Felix before settling into a comfortable silence until sleep overtook us.
Taglist: @strawberry31
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Broken Hearts
Characters: George Weasley x reader
Summary: George Weasley has been in love with you for four years, not that he could tell you that because he is fairly sure you’re in love with Charlie. Sometimes the world forces truths to be told for fear of losing them forever, and some truths should have been spoken sooner.
Word Count: 2333 words
A/N: The wonderful @imaginemyfavoritefics was one of my reblog draw winners and as their prize requested some fluffy George Weasley, so here you are. I am so sorry it has taken me so long, but I hope you enjoy.
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At the tender age of sixteen, George Weasley fell in love. Totally, completely, heart and soul in love. Not that he knew what this feeling was when it first hit him, no, that would take him a while to figure out, although he was never certain that what he felt that first time he saw you was love, because surely love is deep and that needs more than simply seeing you, right? Although, and this theory came much later from his little sister, maybe kindred spirits recognize each other immediately and that is where the deeper connection lay.
It was a bright day despite the slight chill in the air, the beginning of the Easter holidays looked promising with talk of a little quidditch as those gathered at The Burrow chatted over breakfast. The sound of the front door opening and a familiar voice calling ‘hello’, had Molly jumping to her feet, hands clapping as she rushed to greet her second eldest.
“Charlie! I wasn’t expecting you until- oh my goodness! Hello dear, it is so lovely to finally meet you!”
His mother’s words piqued George’s interest and he exchanged a look with Fred before they both snuck to take a look. That’s when it happened, when George’s life went from a world before seeing you to a world in which he was painfully aware of your existence.
As you pulled back from his mother’s tight hug, a shaft of sunlight from the window fell upon your hair, creating a halo effect. He could have sworn his heart stopped entirely for a moment when you smiled, your face lighting up with such joy that he felt a pang of jealousy at not being the reason for it. George wanted you to smile at him like that, though he had no idea why, and then his mother had turned, guiding you towards the kitchen, towards him.
“Fred, George, why are you two always under my feet?” Molly asked in exasperation, causing you to giggle. Your eyes met George’s and he felt his cheeks heat in the warmth of your attention. He was so flustered that he didn’t even manage to say hello before you were ushered past him and seated at the kitchen table.
“Hope you two have been keeping out of trouble.” Charlie grinned at his younger brothers, and suddenly George realised something bloody obvious; you were here with Charlie.
Over the next few years, you were a frequent visitor to The Burrow, Charlie’s plus one to many events, although it was never entirely clear to people what that really meant. You had an apprenticeship working closely with the older Weasley, a great honor most people would kill for, and the two of you were clearly close. Molly already had the pair of you married off in her head, although Arthur felt the relationship was more like siblings, no romance.
George found himself looking forward to the holidays more and more, each one giving him the chance to spend some time with you. When you had given him your address and told him to write, he could have burst with excitement. Of course, you then extended the same offer to Fred which took the shine off it a little, but you had given it him first, and that was what he clung to.
It was a cold November evening at the end of Half Term that George’s fragile hopes were well and truly crushed. He had found himself sitting with you on a blanket as you watched the firework display, he and Fred had put together. A certain amount of fire whiskey had been consumed, which is possibly why he was able to speak in full sentences despite your arm touching his.
“You Weasley boys are so clever.” You hummed, eyes watching the bursts of colour in the sky above.
“Maybe you should tell some of my professors that.” He joked, stealing a glance at you as he preened at your compliment.
“Ah, don’t pay any attention to them. You and Fred will be just fine out in the big bad world. So, Fred and Angelina? He seems to be very happy, but what about you? When are we gonna hear about you asking someone out?”
George froze up a little at that. How could he possibly say that there was only one person he wanted in that way, and that you were that person, but he didn’t have to say anything as you continued on.
“You know, you shouldn’t wait for too long. That’s how you get stuck in this weird limbo where you end up with the object of your affection calling you ‘mate’ and not seeing you as a romantic option in the slightest.” Your eyes had now fallen on Charlie who was laughing and joking with Bill. As if sensing your gaze, he looked over and waved.
“Get over here, mate! You’ve gotta hear this!” Charlie called and you nodded, slowly getting to your feet and giving George a soft, sad smile.
“Whoever they are, they will be damned lucky to have you, just remember that.”
As he watched you walk over to Charlie, watched his big brother lazily wrap an arm around your shoulder and pull you against his side, George felt his heart completely shatter. Here he was pining for someone who was clearly in love with his big brother, life just was not fair.
Tugging at the bandage around his head once more, George put on a brave smile to hide just how self-conscious he felt. He busied himself with helping put up the marquee, following orders issued by his mother, avoiding actually socializing with people. He was happy for Bill, and they definitely needed a party to focus on in these dark times, but he wasn’t ready for the sympathetic looks he would be getting all day, especially not from you.
“There you are Georgie-boy.” Charlie grinned as he wandered over and patted his brother on the shoulder. “Mum told me to come give you a hand with glasses or something. Not sure what that woman is thinking giving you and me this job, may as well ask Ron while she’s at it.”
“Yeah.” George smiled, not that it quite reached his eyes. “We’d best not break too many of them.”
“You know who would be great at this?”
“Charlie Weasley, I can’t believe you have been volunteering my services!” Your voice cut through the air, the underlying amusement in your tone not lost on your best friend. As you came into sight, George felt his heart pick up speed, his tongue seeming to expand in his mouth while also drying out. You looked gorgeous, and he didn’t have the words to do you justice.
“I was just talking about you, mate! Come on, give us a hand.”
“Or maybe you could show me and George how it’s done, since you are ‘so good’ at all this.” You teased, moving to stand in front of George. Your hands came up and he swallowed thickly as your fingers adjusted his tie. “There you go. So handsome. Hey, Charlie, why can’t you look as good in a suit as you little brother?” You smirked, barely dodging Charlie’s attempt to swat your arm.
“I knew I should have brought Madeline to this.”
“You do realise I would have been attending this wedding anyway, right? Your mum would have sent me my own invite, or I could have been George’s plus one.”
“So, I’m basically saving my little brother from having to spend the entire day with you, I deserve something for that sacrifice.”
“I’ll make you a badge or something.”
“Who’s Madeline?” George finally managed to speak, he got out two whole words without his voice cracking.
“Oh, she’s the unfortunate soul who has agreed to date your brother. I mean, someone had to take that bullet.” You shrugged, a teasing smile on your face and not a hint of sadness or jealousy.
“Right, that’s it, no more plus one’s for you.” Charlie playfully scowled, heading into the tent to get to the actual task of sorting out the glass wear.
“I’ll just be George’s plus one then,” you called after him as you headed inside too, “at least until he gets himself fixed up, then I’ll just get your mum to adopt me.”
Shoving his hands in his pockets, George trailed after you, smiling to himself at the thought of you being his plus one indefinitely.
The world had got so dark, everything felt heavy, and any joy had been sucked from life. George stood in the kitchen of the safehouse, staring into his mug, trying not to think about what the morning would bring. Hogwarts had always been a safe place for him, for so many people, and knowing they were on the precipice of the most important battle was terrifying. Not that he could admit that, he had to be brave, right? He couldn’t show weakness.
“Sorry we’re late.” He heard Charlie’s voice and his head shot up, even as Bill was quietly reassuring him that it was okay, he was here now.
“I’ll go put the kettle on, can’t see anyone getting much sleep tonight.” You said before walking into the kitchen, a warm smile lighting up your face as you saw George. “Hey there, handsome. You want a brew or you good?”
“I could do with a top up, this one’s a bit cold.” He admitted, feeling guilty at how happy your presence made him. He should have been praying you weren’t coming, that you wouldn’t be put in danger, but right now he realised he needed to see you, needed a reminder of what it was they were all fighting for.
“How you holding up?” You asked softly, not intending for your conversation to be overheard.
“I’m okay.”
“Liar.” You smirked, and George found himself chuckling.
“I’m shitting myself. You?”
“Yeah, pretty much trying not to think about it because I think it scares the crap outta me. We’ll be okay though. We’ve got each others backs, and we can do this.” Your hand ran over his bicep, and he felt his breath stutter.
“You’re bloody brilliant, you know that.”
“Well, my tea making skills are legendary.” You joked.
“No. I mean it. I need you to know that I think you’re amazing. You’re so smart and brave and funny and gorgeous. You make everything feel better, just by being there. I should have told you years ago, should have been telling you every time I saw you, but there’s a very real possibility that I’m not gonna get the chance after tomorrow, so, I need you to know.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but Charlie and Bill bustled into the room and whatever your response would have been was lost in the chatter. More and more people crowded into the kitchen and even though George never had a chance to steal a moment away with you, he was happy knowing he had finally told you how he felt.
Dust from all the rubble hung in the air, making it thick and clawing with each breath. George had made his way to the Great Hall, relieved to see so many of his friends and family still standing. He pulled Fred into a hug, silently thanking every god he could think of that they had made it through. His relief was short lived though as his eyes scanned the assembled crowd and he failed to find you.
Breaking away from his brother, he frantically began searching, not wanting to look at the fallen, laid out on one side of the hall, he did not want to see you in that number. Charlie stumbled into the room, a lazy half smile on his lips as he wiped away some blood from his face. Once his mother had finally released him from her embrace, George had asked where you were, and Charlie had to admit he didn’t know, he’d lost track of you somewhere near the astronomy tower.
George’s heart was beating so loud that it was all he could hear, throbbing in his ear as he tried his best to keep calm. His hands shook as a myriad of emotions crossed his face, he was about to enlist Fred’s help to go search for you when he saw Charlie’s face light up. Turning to follow his brothers gaze, he saw you helping some Hogwarts pupils into the room, clearly in need of a little medical attention.
You looked up and smiled as soon as you saw Charlie, your eyes then searching for his little brother. Once your eyes locked with George’s, you began to walk towards him, your steps getting quicker until they were a full on run. Heading straight past Charlie, you threw your arms around George and held him so tight he thought he might pass out.
“Hey, love, you’re gonna have to let go a little so I can breathe.” He joked softly, smiling as you pulled back a little and looked up at him.
“It’s not my fault, I love you. You are the one who started it.”
George felt his knees give way. Had you just said that you love him? His hands came up to cup your face, his eyes searching yours for any indication that he had misheard. When he found none, he closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you like his life depended on it.
“Finally!” Fred declared, “All it took was a war and possible imminent death.”
“He got there eventually.” Charlie smirked, placing his arm around Fred’s shoulder and pulling him away.
“Four years! I’ve had four years of him going on and on and on…”
Fred’s grumblings went on unheeded by the two of you. George was just so happy that his broken heart was now whole, and he had every intention on making sure you would be his plus one for the rest of his life.
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tojiscumdumpster · 10 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀✧ summary page
content warnings - vanilla smut.
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 I’m sober enough to be grateful that it’s Saturday, but I’m hungover enough to wish I didn’t drink so damn much last night. Four cocktails and eight shots? I’m surprised I’m not a corpse right now. My head is throbbing, and my body still feels too sluggish to get out of bed. 
 What time is it? Eight? Nine? Who knows? What I do know is that I’m going to take it slow today.
 But even though I have the biggest headache right now, I can’t deny that last night was probably the best sleep I’ve had in a while. 
 It felt warm. Safe, like I was being protected and cared for. And I know damn well Mr. Don Julio was not responsible for that. 
 When I get drunk, I can sometimes remember bits and pieces of what happened the night before, in the next morning. I know I was at a bachelorette party. I saw Toji—
 Wait, I saw Toji. We snuck away into the utility closet to make out like two horny college kids and talked. But he said something that hurt my feelings, causing my whole over drinking fiasco.
 Then, some random guy who was hard on the eyes started dancing with me. I can’t remember much after that, but I’m sure he was a creep.
 Realistically, I do need to get up to start my day. I have a couple of errands to run, and I sort of promised Nanami that we would meet for lunch later. Why? I don’t know. Again, I don’t hate him. It’s just… I don’t know. 
 But when I tried to get up from bed, I felt like I was being held down by an arm. Rough yet soft grumbles pass through ears that scatter goosebumps across my core. 
 In a way, they sound therapeutic. Though, I’m still skeptical about who’s in my bed because I don’t remember hooking up with anyone, let alone allowing someone to sleep over. 
 However, the moment I looked up to see those dark, mid-length, raven locks. The distinctive scar on his lip. His soft rose-colored lips, I broke from his embrace and jumped away from him. 
 Did I…
 He barely stirs, but my voice is enough to wake him up. “Hm?” 
 My mouth waters at the sight of him, laying in my bed, wearing only a tank top that bare his biceps, but leaves me with questions because of the scars that accompany his beautiful skin. And his briefs that shows his toned thighs and— fuck . His semi-hard dick print. 
 I should look away, I should. But it’s hard when the man you’ve been fantasizing about for the past week is laying in your bed, looking like that. 
 “A picture will last longer,” he rasps. That deep fucking husky voice that sounds even sexier in the morning. 
 Y/N. Focus. 
 Heat floods under my cheeks as I look away. “What are you doing here?”
 “Last night really fucked you up, didn’t it?” 
 “I… Did we… Did we-”
 “Have sex?” He finishes for me, and I nod. “No. I wouldn’t do that to anyone… Not to you.” His last words were filled with softness that made my heart skip a beat. 
  Why am I so drawn to this man?
 Toji continues, “You’re pretty fucking clingy when you’re drunk, though. I took you home and cleaned you up for bed and I saw-” He stops mid-sentence, causing me to raise my brow in curiosity.
 “You saw what?” He sits up and turns away from me. I notice a light crimson color forming across his face and spreading to his ears. “Toji Fushiguro, are you blushing? What did you see?”
 “Just drop it.”
 “Nope,” I countered, jumping on him to get his attention back to me. I’m now playfully straddling his lap, completely oblivious. 
 It's like my hangover washed over me the second I knew Toji was in my presence. He was my serotonin, and I didn’t even realize. 
 “Aren’t you supposed to be hungover? Where the hell did all this energy come from?” He asks. 
 “Suddenly I’m not hungover anymore because I’m more interested in what you saw-”
 “Naked,” he interjects. “I saw you naked. When I was looking for your oversized tee shirts, you took off your dress while my back was turned and… yeah.”
 All the energy I had come to a halt while zeroing in on Toji. Me, still straddling his lap, becomes lost in his expensive emerald-colored hues. They’re so sharp. So pretty. Those soft lines, forming around his eyes that come with age, suits him well. But you wouldn’t even be able to tell he was forty-two because his skin is so smooth.
 His eyelashes are dark and medium length. Brows straight and thin. Lips rosy and slightly plumped. Toji, who claims to be an indecent man, appears like a beautiful catalyst to me. 
 It’s true what he says about us barely knowing each other, even though it doesn’t feel like that because in such little time, my life feels safe with him. 
 “Y/N,” he whispers. He calls for me and when he does, I feel his erection growing against my pussy. 
 “I’m sorry.” I start to pull away, but he holds me in place.
 “It’ll go down. Don’t want you to feel pressured to have sex with me,” he assures.
 “Okay… what if I—” I begin rubbing my sex against his dick. 
 “Y/N.” This time his voice is hoarse when he says my name.
 My pace quickens and the added friction of his briefs acting as a barrier brings me more pleasure than I expected. I lick and kiss all over his neck to hear more of his husky groans. 
 “Tell me if you want me to stop, Toji,” I say barely above a whisper. “Do you want me to?”
 He grabs my hips and rolls me on him faster. “Fuck no.” 
 It’s not sex, but fuck, this feels so good. The material of his briefs has me feeling Toji like he is bare under me. Dry humping might be a virgin thing to do, however, it’s aiding me in a much needed orgasm. 
 I take one of Toji’s hands to hike up my shirt and squeeze my nipples, having me arch my back in pure bliss. He’s just so hard. I’m very tempted to pull him out and ride his dick, but I’m not ready for that yet. 
 Our moans continue to mingle the quicker we chase our release, and I feel myself soaking up his briefs. Embarrassment fills my emotions from how needy I sound, along with my whimpering. Toji forces our lips together to devour all my sounds of pleasure, biting and sucking on my bottom lip that he can’t get enough of. 
 My sudden change of movements from grinding on his cock to bouncing and rolling seems to have an effect on him, just as much as it does to me. 
 “Fuck, you’re going to make me bust in my fucking boxers like I never had pussy before, Y/N,” he admits. “Keep doing that.”
 “Maybe because you never had mine.”
 Something about my words had Toji growling and flipping me over, where he’s now above me. The look in his eyes is almost primal. No. It is primal. Hungry, craving to feast on me until I tap out. 
 Before I protest from his loss touch, his lips are back on me, and he dry fucks me as if he’s actually inside of my pussy. His hips snaps into mine while dragging his mouth across my face and neck. Toji continues to pinch my nipples underneath my shirt and I'm a whining mess. 
 “Toji, I’m about to come,” I cry. 
 “Why do you sound so fucking sweet? How are you going to sound when my cock is actually inside of you?” Too many questions where I’m too horny to form an answer. “You think you could take me, pretty girl?”
 He chuckles, showing mockery to my answer. “We’ll see.”
 Why did that laugh, those two words, trigger me to come? It hit me hard, and blurred my vision with the tears that pricked my eyes. Toji’s presence was enough serotonin, but this? Nothing or no one could possibly ruin my day after this. 
 I softly gasp for air and it’s as if he knew to kiss me with such eagerness to breathe all the life back into me. Holding him tightly, I wrap my legs around his waist to take his thrusts and swallow his harsh grunts. 
 “About to fucking come, Y/N,” he growls. 
 “So come.”
 He gives me a few more dry thrusts until the bed creaks and the headboard hits the wall before coming in his briefs. 
 Toji gives me a sloppy kiss, overpowering, and not giving me a chance to keep up with his moments. Coming down from our orgasms together is an experience I never expected to happen so soon, but it felt right to do it now. 
 I’m completely sober to remember this moment with Toji. 
 Our breaths are shallow and his forehead rests on mine. Soon, he slowly rises from me to look at the mess we, well, I made on his briefs.
 They’re drenched. While he pulls apart a string of my wetness connects to him that makes my cheeks warm and causes me to look away. I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed, but I am. 
 “You’re so… fucking wet.” His deep and raspy voice soothes me. I feel his hand grasping my chin to turn my face to him. “Beautiful.”
 “Not into the lovey dovey shit, huh?” I say, repeating the words he said to me last night. 
 He scratches the back of his neck. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. What you said was right, wanting to scare people away and shit.”
 I don’t want to interrupt his thoughts so I nod my head so he can continue.
 “I’m not good at relationships. Only been in one and, well… you know how that ended.”
 I stand on my knees to level with his eyes. “I’m not asking for a relationship from you. Not now, at least. Let’s just get to know each other.”
 He looks at me to consider my request, eyes wavering across my face. His hand goes to spring the tendril in my face, and I remember to curse myself later for now putting on my bonnet. 
 Toji takes his time to caress my face, line out my jaw, cuff my neck, and trace my collarbone. His touch is delicate yet burns through my skin. If I can feel this all day, I know I would be okay. 
 “Alright?” I repeat.
 He nods, giving me a half smile. “Alright.”
 Again, my arms are around his neck, and I pull him into a kiss for a few more minutes before I head out for the day. 
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 Having lunch with my ex-fiancé, who is also my boss, is not how I wanted to spend my afternoon, but here I am anyway.
 After I spoke to Nanami this past Monday about potentially having dinner with him last night, it completely slipped my mind that I had a bachelorette party to attend. I’m rushing at five in the evening to grade tests for six different classes because my free period was used for a parent-teacher conference, and here comes Nanami coming in my classroom to see if we can still go to dinner. 
 I was honestly shocked that he had the nerve to ask me that question, like I want to spend my weekend grading papers. Unlike him, I like to enjoy my only two days off without thinking about work. 
 But when it comes to him? I’m sure he expected me to drop everything and accompany him to dinner. 
 Nanami stopped doing that for me, so why would I do that for him? 
 Because I wanted to see why he was so eager to talk to me, I decided to allow him to take me out to lunch today so we could talk. To see how things are going. His words, not mine.
 “How was the bachelorette party?” He queries, pulling me from my thoughts. 
 I sip on my sparkling water. “It was fun. Had too many drinks. So, I still feel a bit sluggish.”
 “I see. I know the martinis here are your favorite. Too bad you can’t drink any.”
 “Not unless you want me to puke everywhere.”
 This is exactly what I was worried about. Is this why Nanami wanted to meet up? To have awkwardness while eating eggs and waffles? The chemistry. The love, at least, the love I had for him, died. A long time ago. This feels trivial. 
 “You brought me to one of the restaurants we used to go to together, you ordered my entire meal because you know me ever so well, and now we’re struggling to make small talk.” I come in hard with my accusations. “What did you want to talk about?”
 “I want us to try to make things work, Y/N.”
 I laugh. “That’s not happening. We tried twice. How many times do you need?”
 “Now? Just one. I know I haven’t been the best in our relationship, but these months without you made me realize there’s more important things in life,” he explains. “Memories. Marriage. Parenthood… I eventually want to build that with you if you allow me.”
 “If I allow you?” I mock. “That’s the thing, Ken. I never was opposed to any of that. You knew how much getting married and becoming a mother meant to me. I didn’t take away from you. You took that away from us.” 
 “I’m sorry.”
 I scoff. “Sorry for what? For staying late at work? For declining me sex? For having me to go to our friends get togethers alone? What exactly are you sorry for?”
 I attack Nanami with all these questions because it honestly fucking amazes me that he invited me to lunch to try to convince me to give another chance. 
 We were together for five years. Engaged for one. Problems began two years prior. I’ve been more than patient with Nanami. I was the only person to actually understand how he feels because I’m a freaking teacher. Work is hard on me, too. 
 But the difference is, I know how to keep it at school. Yeah, maybe I have my days when I have to grade at home. However, when it came to Nanami? I dropped the world for him…
 Why couldn’t he do that for me?
 I’m not going to cry over him in front of him. Not here. Not now, so this lunch needs to be cut short. 
 “I’m sure you’re sorry, Kento. Actually, I know you are,” I tell him. “I can’t act like we didn't share some amazing memories. The love you had for me when you were in our relationship was beautiful. You made me light.”
 “I still lov-”
 “But you also hurt me—badly.” I gather my things to leave him at the table, but before I do. I say one more thing to him. “I don’t think I forgave you yet. If you want to be friends, cool. Give me time for that. But romantically? There’s no chance for that anymore.”
 Nanami’s hand sits in lap, and if I know him like I think I do, they’re probably balled up in fists. I know his anger isn’t directed toward me, but at the reality of our demise. 
 “Okay… I understand. I’ll give you time, Y/N.”
 “Thank you.” I give him a solemn smile. “See you around, Ken. Take care of yourself.”
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discussion question #1 — we see both reader and toji becoming familiar with each other, and trying to figure out why they don't feel like strangers. based on their interactions, who do you think will fall in love first?
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hayleyarts · 9 months
*Author's note: This is a blurb I literally just threw up on a page. Bear with me for any spelling mistakes. And honestly, this could technically be a Spencer x Reader, however it's mainly just a blurb. Also! I was listening to Lewis Calpaldi's cover of when the party's over while writing this so I highly recommend you listen. It's VERY good*
Darkness. That’s what happens when you die. At least that’s what happened to me when I took the final burning breath; my lungs filling with water and other lake debris. Drowning isn’t how I thought I would die, considering my profession; I figured a stray bullet would take me out. But here I am, sinking slowly to the bottom of a lake in the middle of nowhere. Drowning almost seems peaceful, in a way. Once the final burn of water leaves, you drift. It’s a comfortable type of drifting. 
When my day started this morning, I didn’t think it’d end this way. The team and I were working on a case in Oak Creek Wisconsin. It was your typical case, bodies of young women were washing up on the shore of Lake Michigan. The M.O, however, wasn't drowning. All these women died from blunt-force trauma and then dumped in the lake. We figured the Unsub lived near the lake in some capacity because he was comfortable there. But we also knew that he wasn’t confident; he snuck up on these women. He either was too shy, or felt like he was too ugly to talk to them. Regardless, this case felt pretty cut and dry; especially when Garcia found his information quickly once we narrowed-down the suspect pool and we quickly went to pursue him at his remote cabin on the lake. 
We broke into two groups; Hotch, J.J, and Emily taking the front while Rossi, Morgan, Spencer and I took the back. Morgan leads the charge in the back as we clear rooms; calling out as we do so. Eventually we cleared the whole cabin, the Unsub nowhere to be found. Spencer and I decide to move out and search further into the backyard. If it were different circumstances, I’d say the view of the lake was beautiful. Aside from the garbage littering the grass and the various tools laying haphazard throughout the yard; it looked normal. We knew it was anything but. 
I didn’t get a lot of time to enjoy the view, as the Unsub bursts through the doors of the decrypted shed and runs towards the lake. Spencer draws his gun, shouting at the man to stop but I don’t hear him as I run past. I wasn’t going to let this coward run away. I tackle him into the lake, trying to detain him and pull him to shore. He was a lot stronger than I anticipated and we struggled; him throwing punches and curse words my way before dunking my head under the water. 
I emerge from the murky abyss a few times, but the Unsub doesn’t give me enough time to catch my breath before holding my head down again. It was when my lungs were burning that I heard the muffled bang of a gunshot, but I was already drifting into the darkness. I didn’t feel the Unsub’s lifeless body fall into the lake beside me, nor did I feel the arms of my colleague pulling me out. 
I embraced the darkness, it felt warm and comforting considering all the hell I’ve seen and experienced on this job. It was the exact opposite of what I thought death would feel like. I’ve heard Spencer describe death as a light; him retelling his traumatic encounter with Tobias Hankel. But this was mere darkness; like hiding under your blankets at night. 
I knew it wasn’t my time though. I still had so much left to do in the world; so many more people to save. So when I started to feel pressure on my chest, I knew it was Spencer performing CPR. What I didn’t know was that he was crying the entire time; begging me to come back. 
I cough violently, the water leaving my lungs and being replaced by air and I open my eyes, suddenly feeling so very cold. 
“Spencer?” My voice didn’t sound like mine, it sounded far away. 
“Thank god.” Spencer pulls me into his arms, warming me up completely from the chill of the abyss.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Nga Yawne Lu Oer
Title: Nga Yawne Lu Oer
Genre: Fluff, Slow-Burn, Unrequited love, Love-Triangle/Square?, Angst, SFW, NSFW (like one chapter later on, MDNI), Romance.
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Depictions of battles, blood/weapons, NSFW (later on) and it’s NOT incest. (That will also be revealed, much later on) Also, all the characters are AGED-UP (Neteyam and Ao’nung are the eldest being 18 etc…..)
Parings: Neteyam X Reader, Lo’ak X Reader, Ao’nung X Reader
Summary: Y/N, the twin sister of Tsireya and eldest daughter of Ronal and Tonowari is faced with new challenges and obstacles as the Sully’s arrive to Awa'atlu. Y/N cant help but be amazed by the new Na’vi, who intrigue her as well as raise a sense of connection within them. What will she do when lives are in danger? When the RDA attack? Or more Importantly, when her heart is torn between the two brothers who steal her breathe away upon first contact?
Word count: 3.5k
Chapter Eleven: The Dangers of the Sea
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~Y/N’s POV~
Looking at the darkness around me I realize that I'm once again, having a vision. But it felt different this time. Instead of seeing a light which I usually would have to walk towards, there was no light. I felt like I was under water as I look around me.
Feeling numb all over, the darkness was everlasting. I felt as though the world was closing in on me. I started to panic. I've never had a vision where I was this blind.
Suddenly I feel water fill my lungs as the scenery changes around me. I quickly hold my breath seeing the sea form around me as I realize I'm in the deep into the ocean. Not recognizing the reef around me I look around to what was being shown to me.
'Why am I here? What did Ewya want me to see?'
I had trouble holding in my breathe since I swallowed a good amount of water already. Then I see it, a figure not to far away from me swimming frantically into the coral reef. I couldn't make out who it was, but they looked to be in distress.
They looked so familiar to me. Who was he? Just as I'm about to swim to him, I see it before it crashes into the same coral trying to reach the Na'vi.
It was a Akula, a predatory creature of the sea that was very dangerous, almost the same size of a fully grown Tulkun.
It rammed its head trying to catch the Na'vi. My body freezes up realizing the dire situation the boy was in. He swims further away, making me worry. I try swimming to him, try to help him out but the Akula turns to me. I knew it couldn't sense me, it was a vision right?
But the way it looked at me, with such menacing eyes and jaws wide open I felt fear radiate from me as I let out a scream. Feeling water fill my lungs I realize that I'm drowning.
Drowning deeper into the sea.
~Third Person POV~
"Y/N?? Y/N??" Ronal says aloud, concerned, snapping her fingers in front of Y/N as she gazed off into the distance, remembering the vision she had seen earlier. Upon her mother trying to get her attention she shakes her head, taking in a deep breath.
"S-sorry mother" She says barley above a whisper as Ronal places the ointment away, which she had already applied onto the girls chin. She sat, her legs curled up against her, her injures long forgotten as she was lost in her own world.
Ao'nung stood not to far away, his head down as Tonowari continues on with his scolding. Ao'nung snuck a few glances towards Y/N who was still zoned out, trying to focus on what was happening.
"You bring shame to this family! To this clan! Y/N got hurt because of your foolishness son" Tonowari's voice thunders throughout the Marui. Ever since they came back into the hut Ronal was first to act, taking her daughter from her sons arms.
Setting her down and tending to her minor wounds and her chin. Ao'nung was frozen at the entrance as he quietly explained what had happened. Leaving out some details regarding the fight to spare him further yelling.
Tonowari sighs out turning towards his daughter. Y/N looks up at him before slowly standing up, Ronal helps her daughter to her feet , her eyes glancing at her son in disappointment.
"Sorry father, I should have deescalated the situation. Its not all Ao'nung's fault" she whispers making Ao'nung look away, guilt eating away in his stomach. Tonowari shakes his head at his daughters words.
"You are not responsible for his actions. You shouldn't have intervened when you knew you couldn't stop them" he states making Y/N nod. She thinks back to what she could have done differently. Realizing her fault she felt her mouth go dry. She should have informed someone immediately not stay around trying to fight a fight she knew she couldn't win.
"I'll go formally apologize to Jake Sully. You stay put Y/N. Get some rest." Tonowari says, his shoulder pushes past Ao'nung as he leaves the Marui. Ronal squeezes her daughters shoulder before following Tonowari out. Y/N and Ao'nung are left alone in the hut. An awkward silence taking over.
Y/N decided to take a few steps towards Ao'nung who is yet to move from his spot. He was a dumbass but he was her dumbass. Her brother she had to look out for.
"Are....you ok?" she whispers once she is close enough. Sure she felt unfiltered anger towards her brother, but upon further inspection of his wounds, she felt sympathy and hurt. He just shrugs avoiding eye contact.
"Come, I'll make you an mixture to help with the cuts" she adds trying to grab his hand, he quickly takes a step back hissing.
He moves away from her ,finally locking eyes. It was a mix between guilt, hurt and anger. "Why did you defend them? You got yourself hurt because you couldn't leave things alone! This is your fault!" he hisses making Y/N raise an unimpressed eyebrow.
"My fault? My fault for trying to ensure no harm would come to anyone? My fault trying to stop the conflict that got ALL of us in trouble?!" she growls unable to take her brothers tone any longer.
"I told you stay away from them! Because of them you had another vision-" Ao'nung hears his voice crack but chooses to ignore it "-you had another vision, and they were there! They could be the cause. Y/N....You....You stopped breathing. You turned purple from lack of oxygen! You almost died!" Ao'nung is practically screaming.
Y/N gasps at his outburst, her eyes locked on the single tear the cascaded down his bruised eye. He is quick to wipe it away.
Realizing that her brothers fear was expressed out in anger, she feels her eyes soften. Again she attempts to reach out to him but he shrugs it off.
"Ao'nung, I'm So-"
"Leave it" he growls.
He begins to leave the hut, not sparing her another glance.
Y/n tries to call for him but he's already gone. Feeling tears of her own slide down her cheeks she turns around, heading for the mat where she was sitting on earlier. She sniffles as feelings overwhelm her, her tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.
She manages to wipe a few tears before her ears pick up the sound of rustling from the entrance. She quickly whips around, feeling hopeful.
"Ao'nung, I-" she stops seeing Neteyam, he walks into the Marui, his eyes full of concern seeing Y/N in tears.
In three long strides he is in front of her, his hands reach up, cupping her face. The heat radiating from her skin is enough for him to let out the breath he was holding in.
"Y/N" he breathes out, unable to form words at the sight of her. She had what seemed to be some ointment on her chin, her face flushed with color, color that proved she was alive, and breathing. The image of her unmoving and pale was seared into his head. Holding her felt like everything was finally right in the world.
"Neteyam...your lips" Y/n whispers her thumb gently brushing his lower lip making him flinch at the action.
"I saw your mother" Neteyam mummers, his eyes never leaving hers. He wanted to savor every moment he had with her. Ignoring his own injuries.
"I apologized to her, I...needed to see you. She said you'd be here" he says confirming how he found her. Y/N offers a small smile, taking his hand into hers, she leads him to her mat, seating him down. She pulls out a small basket filled with herbs.
Grabbing her mortar and pestle she turns to him. He held a small smile, as he watched her work on grinding some herbs.
"Why were you looking for me. You should have been tending to your wounds." She says worriedly. He sighs out looking to his hands. "Dad wanted me to apologize for what we did. And it's not that bad, I don't feel it. Its not as bad as your brother's" he says smirking at the end.
Y/N laughs at his expense, scooping some of the mixture onto her finger. "You don't have to apologize. I think Ao'nung went to apologize to Lo'ak, at least I hope so..." she says scooting closer to the taller Na'vi. He sat up straighter catching her gaze.
"Don't worry, this is a special blend. It wont even sting" she assures as he leans in. He watches how she gets up really close, her gaze focusses on his busted lip before bringing up the mixture. Neteyam is shocked when the mixture hits his lips. It didn't sting, it had a rather cooling sensation that felt nice.
"See, it's not so bad" Y/N mummers immersed in her craft. Neteyam watches her concentration in awe. She would make for a great Tsahik, her training has been paying off. Neteyam finds himself gazing at her lips. It looks so soft, he knew this because ever since he gave her CPR he couldn't forget how her lips felt against his.
They were soft, and felt so heavenly against him, he felt himself lean closer, he wanted another taste, he wanted to feel them again but against his lips. He wanted to feel her warmth radiate against him.
"Neteyam??" Y/N calls a third time breaking his line of thought, realizing how close he's gotten he jolts back. Y/N giggles at his flushed expression. "I was asking if you felt any pain?" she asks putting her tools away, wiping her hands against a shawl.
"O-Oh yea, N-no pain at all" he confirms. He looks to her chin. "How is that? Does it hurt...I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner" he says gesturing to her chin. She laughs shaking her head. "Don't worry about it. Thank you for coming when you did....I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't intervened." She says smiling at the Na'vi.
Sitting this close to him she felt a wave of happiness overriding the sadness she felt earlier due to Ao'nung. Neteyam smiles, his expression slowly changing to that of concern. "Y/N....why did you pass out back there...You stopped breathing" he says grabbing her hands into his. His eyes pleading for the truth.
Y/N felt herself go stiff, she couldn't tell him. This wasn't anything normal, and the last thing she would want is for Neteyam, someone she admired so much, to think she was a freak.
"Y/N?" Tonowari calls walking into the Marui.
Neteyam and Y/N jump apart from one another as the chief eyes them in question. Neteyam clears his throat awkwardly.
"I was helping tend to his wounds, as a apology for what Ao'nung has done" Y/N quickly explains, Neteyam nods looking down. For some odd reason he began to sweat nervously under the chief's stare.
He nods in understanding before turning fully to his daughter. "Y/N please look for Ao'nung, I have something I need to discuss with him." Tonowari instructs as Neteyam quickly excuses himself. He offers a tiny smile towards Y/N after ushering himself out.
~Y/N's POV~
I scurry through village looking for Ao'nung, he was no where to be found. After asking around I realize he's gone out for a swim on his Iiu with his friends. Knowing father would want to speak to him immediately I decide I should go look for him myself.
Waking into the water I let out a few clicks and chirps waiting for Atan. As I'm waiting I notice Lo'ak get on his Iiu and swim away. Seeing Atan emerge I quickly hop on his back. "Follow him" I whisper as I follow Lo'ak quietly not attracting any attention to myself.
I knew Lo'ak and his siblings have trained well and are comfortable on a Iiu, but as the chief's daughter it was my duty to make sure he does not go beyond the reef and get in trouble or worse, attract danger.
As I keep a good distance between us I recognize the rocks we eventually swim towards, it's pretty far out from shore but it's safe. It's where Ao'nung and his friends usually hung out to fish or hunt. Just as I round the corner I pull Atan to a stop hearing voices.
"What's tree boy doing here?" I hear one of the boys pipe up, I look closer to see Ao'nung, with the boys from earlier. A part of me wants to reveal my presence but another part of me wanted to see it play out. I saw Ao'nung glance between his friends.
'Please apologize you Skxawng' I think to myself hoping my brother would be the bigger man and not start a second fight.
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"Sorry I hit you......so many times" Lo'ak says only focused on Ao'nung, ignoring the other three boys. Ao'nung looks at him and then at the other boys before offering a smirk, motioning his hand out he gestures to Lo'ak.
"We should be friends" he says making a smile creep onto my face. It wasn't an apology but it looked like Ao'nung wanted to settle things once and for all. Watching them shake hands made me feel like they needed their time alone. Just as I'm about to tell Atan to turn around I stop in my tracks.
"Come hunting with us-" Ao'nung says with y he same smile still on his face "-outside the reef" he emphasizes making my blood run cold.
What was that idiot thinking?
"It's were the men hunt" he adds making the offer seem that much more tempting. Lo'ak pauses, thinking about the offer. "No way, I'm not allowed" he says sternly. A sigh escapes my throat, Lo'ak was being reasonable, which was a good sign.
Ao'nung shrugs his shoulders turning to his friends. Rolling his eyes playfully at the response. "I must be asking the wrong brother" he mocks causing the others to snicker at his comment. I grit my teeth, he was trying to lure Lo'ak in and by the looks of it, he was considering it.
"Lets do it" Lo'ak says accepting the weapon from Ao'nung.
"W-wai-" I try to scream, try call them back but I'm cut off by them quickly swimming off letting out screams of excitement. I look at where they were before and where I had come from, it would be too late to go back and tell father about what Ao'nung was doing. And it would be too late if they ran into trouble. Making up my mind I pat Atan's head, "Lets go" I whisper urgently.
After following them for some time I look around me my ears flattening against my head. We were at Three Brothers Rock. It was forbidden for anyone to come here, especially for children. For us.
Hunting parties would come here and they had Skimwings.
Iiu's would not be safe here. I notice the group had disappeared. They must have gone underwater. Looking at Atan I realize that if there were any predatory creatures near by, he wouldn't be able to outswim them.
I gently get off, facing my beloved Iiu. "Atan" I call his attention to me, I notice his nervous eyes wonder around the new territory.
"Go back to the village. Call Tsireya or father. Once they see you without me, they'll know its an emergency" I say sternly, he grumbles back as if in protest. "My sweet boy, I need you to do this. Please" I plead as he nuzzles into my hands. Taking that as a sign I let go, watching him swim away with urgency.
I take a deep breath diving into the water, they couldn't have gone to far away, I should be able to find them. The unfamiliar territory is unlike anything I've seen before, creatures I've yet to see are around me. I try not to marvel at it, but it was so beautiful to say the least. From the corner of my eye I catch movement.
I notice Ao'nung and his friends quietly swim away. Lo'ak was not present amongst them. Turning to where they came from I swim further into the sea. I look around frantically, where was Lo'ak? Ao'nung was with his friends, he should be safe.
But Lo'ak was nowhere to be seen. Feeling the knot in my stomach I look around frantically.
All of a sudden a chill goes down my spine. I felt my body freeze up as a colony of fish near me swim away and scatter.
Then I see it.
My vision from earlier today flashes before my eyes as I notice it swim towards the surface, attracted by something or in this case: someone.
It was a Akula.
Realizing what that meant I quickly swim forward my eyes widening when I see Lo'ak cash into the sea. I watch in horror seeing the Akula chase after his Iiu. I move my legs faster, feeling adrenaline pulse through me. If I could grab Lo'ak right now we could get out of here while the Akula is busy.
Unfortunately my prayers aren't answered as the Akula turns to Lo'ak, who rushes into the coral reefs. Just like how I saw it in my vision. It was Lo'ak who was in danger. That's why he felt so familiar.
The Akula gets aggressive, crashing into the ancient coral shattering it into pieces. All of it sudden it moved back, thrashing around. Noticing the weapon lodged in its mouth as it tried to get rid of it, I quickly swim inside the coral.
I see Lo'ak jolt at my presence. 'Lo'ak' I sign holding his shoulders, I see relief take over his fearful stare which it short lived as the Akula attacks again.
I pull Lo'ak with me deeper into the coral hoping  we could make it into a part that the Akula couldn't reach. I tug his hand as we scurry our way to a different coral reef, which looked sturdier. I look back seeing him keep up with me.
As we make it to the heart of the coral structure I look back seeing the Akula struggle to get in. Luckily it was sturdier just as I had hoped. If we could wait it out, we could make a quick swim for it. Hopefully get further away from the Akula to safety.
My happens is short lived when I notice some oxygen leave Lo'ak. His eyes widen as we lock eyes. He was running out of air. Even though they've been training long and hard, it is still tough to hold it for this long while actively swimming.
I look around me, knowing the Akula was still near by. If we tried for the surface we would be way out in the open. The Akula would get us. I see Lo'ak start to panic as I realize I have no other choice. I grab his shoulders making sure he didn't continue to panic. Panic to the point he loses more oxygen.
I look at him before signing. 'Calm down. I'll give you some air' I sign.
He looks at me confused.
Rolling my eyes I cup his face bringing him closer to me. He seems surprised at first but allows it. Seeming to relax under my touch.
'Trust me' I sign before attaching my lips on to his. I push my tongue in, prying his mouth open, which he thankfully does. I breath some air into him quickly pulling away. I ignore the way he seemed to blush, because I knew my face was equally flushed.
'I gave you enough for our swim to the surface' I sign to him. With shaky hands he signs back 'Thank you'. I nod back looking around, sensing it has been enough time I motion to Lo'ak that we should swim to the surface.
He agrees, I go first making sure it's safe. I feel Lo'ak press up against me looking around as well. I nod to him before we start are ascend. As we are half way there I feel that similar chill.
I look around seeing the Akula, swimming straight towards us. It's jaws open wide. Lo'ak notices, taking out his dagger which he held on his waist belt, he grabs my hand to keep me close to him as I wait for the inevitable.
Out of nowhere the Akula is knocked off it's course but some unseen force. The impact caused a ripple sending Lo'ak and I flying back. I feel water fill my lungs as I'm unable to hold my breath any longer. I feel myself sink, letting the water consume me. Then it clicks, I was drowning in my vision. Right before everything went black..
Woah! That's a long one. Please Enjoy!!
Tag List:
@blushsage @avatar4life @lilgurlbeoncrack @anxietydrogz
@arminsgfloll @yeosxxx @juneonhoth @zootymcnooty
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azucar-skull · 28 days
Buzz Brained
(written for @tmnt-write-fight for @rbtlvr)
Fandom: Rise of the TMNT (post movie)
Prompt: (rottmnt) anything with casey jr. maybe him adjusting to the new timeline? talking things out with leo? up to you! can be hurt/comfort or just fluff i am not picky
Word Count: 2030
Posted on AO3 too!
Btw, @lasanya539 and I ended up working on this prompt at the exact same time so we've been helping each other out. Lol. Be sure to check out her attack too! (Will link when ready)
It’s over.
The Kraang are gone. The team has recovered. Casey is (slowly) adjusting to the new timeline. Things look like they might actually be okay now.
But something keeps churning inside of Casey’s stomach. Like a black hole twisting and twisting. Sometimes it gets hard to breathe even though Casey’s just sitting on the couch just trying to relax. And sometimes he feels restless. Twitchy. Like that time as a child he snuck into Captain Donatello’s lab and drank his coffee. His brain would just…buzz. Incessant buzzing. With no way to abate it.
He tries the breathing Master Michelangelo once taught him. Tries shaking his arms out the way Captain Donatello told him about. Tries distracting himself with hobbies the way Master Leonardo did. But it doesn’t help. Something is rattling and boiling inside.
And it needs to be let out.
The next time he feels this buzziness is when Donnie asks him to grab Shelldon’s charging port from the lab. It takes him a minute to remember what’s going on. …What did Donnie ask him to do?
The buzz grows stronger, and Casey stands still. He feels himself beginning to space out. His fingers flex of their own volition. The only thing he can control is his breathing and…
Wait…what was he doing again?
Lightning erupts inside of his brain and suddenly the teen’s shoulders and jaw lock up tight, restricting his airways. Before he can register what is happening, his eyes roll back into his head, his head guiding the momentum of falling back hard on the ground. The force of the impact rings him anew and suddenly he can breathe again, gasping for air as he processes what the fuck just happened.
With his medical apprentice knowledge, Casey wants to say that it was a seizure. But it didn’t check off all the boxes. He was still awake, still aware. Never sustained a head injury, even now, his back taking the main hit of the fall. Never had one before so obviously he isn’t born with some seizure causing disorder. So…what the hell?
Casey sits up, cautiously. Nothing else hurts besides his back because…ow. Doesn’t feel dizzy, heartbeat and breathing seem fine. In fact, Casey feels pretty great. The buzziness is all gone.
Well alright then, case closed. Good job, me.
Now…why was he in Donnie’s lab again? Oh right, charging port. Casey gets up, dusting his knees and locating Shelldon’s port quickly. He picks it up and carries it back to the TV room where the others are waiting.
“There you are, I was starting to think you didn’t know what I looked like.”, Donnie calls out as he takes the charging port from the teen.
“Ah, yeah, sorry. I…got kinda sidetracked.”, Casey smiles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
Donnie pays him no mind and sets up the port for his robot son. And Casey tries to act cool again, ignoring the side-eye from Leo.
These…instances keep happening. About two weeks go by without any issue until the buzz-brained feeling comes back. And then it all happened again! While Casey was trying to do his homework! What gives? Then it happens again another two weeks later. And again. And again. It’s been going on for a few months now.
Casey tries not to think about it. Because even thinking about it makes his brain all buzzy. And if his brain is buzzing then he’ll think about it even more. And if he thinks about it even more then—
“You alright, Casey?”, April asks.
He blinks and suddenly remembers that he’s at April’s having a Girls Night with Cass and Sunita (and him and Leo for some reason so is it really a girls night??). He glances down at the pink nails April has been painting on him.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m good.”, Casey nods. His brain starts to buzz more.
He looks up at the TV to try and distract himself. They’re binge-watching all the Tinkerbell movies, the current one being The Great Fairy Rescue where Tinkerbell is trying to break out of a bird cage. He seems to be staring a bit too blankly, but he can’t seem to bring himself to look away. He’s not even focusing on the screen anymore.
“What kind of fairy do you think I would be?”, Leo asks.
“I would be a fire fairy.”, Cass nods.
“Fire fairies don’t even exist.”, Sunita snarks. “What about a light fairy?”
“Do they commit arson?”
“I want to be one of the queens.”, Leo says decidedly. “What do you think, Case?”
Casey barely stirs at his name being called. Poor Tinkerbell stuck in a cage. The bars are pretty wide though. Couldn’t she fit through? What a dumbass fairy.
Man, his head hurts. …When did the lights get all blurry? Casey blinks, trying to clear his vision. This can not be happening in front of the others. The teen is just anxious from all this new world stuff, it’s just something he’s making up for attention. Though wait if it’s for attention, then how come he’s been trying to hide it? That just doesn’t make any sense—
His eyelids slip down as his eyeballs roll back into his head again, his head suddenly dropping forward as if cut from a puppet string. Shit! Not now! This can’t be happening right now! He tries to move, tries to force himself back to normal like he’s been doing this whole time. But he’s stuck.
“Casey!”, the others shout.
“Case, you okay?”, April asks again, shaking his shoulders. But Casey can’t respond, can’t even lift a finger.
Leo gets up close, at least Casey thinks so. He can’t see shit right now. “Looks like a seizure. Here, we should prop him up against something before he falls.” Ah, the infamous Leo medic mode.
He feels the others scoot close, using a group cuddle to hold him up. Oh, that’s nice. Someone moves his chin so that he can breathe easier. At least he can control that. He tries to let them know he’s here but all that comes out is a helpless sputter.
“You’re good, Case. We got you.”, Sunita assures.
“Come on, mini me, you can fight it!”, Cass encourages.
A couple minutes go by. And suddenly Casey’s eyes snap open again and he heaves, like waking up from a bad dream. And ow his head hurts from his eyes being stuck like that for so long. He squeezes them shut, sitting more upright as he groans.
“Careful, Case.”, Leo jumps in. “You shouldn’t move so much after—”
“It’s fine, Leo.”, Casey gripes. “It wasn’t a seizure.”
“Well what the hell is it?”, Cass tilts her head. “You looked possessed.” Sunita gives her a good jab with his elbow. “Hey, ow!”
“I…I’m not sure, really.”
“Well you seem to act like you’ve done this before.”, April crosses her arms and raises a brow. “How long has this been going on?”
“Ehh…4 months?”
“4 MONTHS?!”, everyone shouts.
“And you didn’t TELL US?!”, Leo adds.
“Well I’m always fine afterwards so it’s not like there's any imminent danger.”, the teen squeaks, rubbing the back of his neck. “I figured it would just go away. Besides…you’re still recovering from the invasion. You and the others. I didn’t want to add more to your plate.”
“Oh, baby…”, April laments, putting a hand on his shoulder. “That is…the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard in my entire life. You need to see a doctor about this. Sooner rather than later.”
The woman gets up, taking her phone out of her pocket as she hurries over to the kitchen.
“I’m calling my mom, she’s a neurologist. No friend of mine is going to deal with “not seizures” like this by himself.”, she huffs.
Casey can’t help but feel more tense now that the others are getting involved. Back in the Resistance, this would be considered a nuisance.
“I don’t know if you know this, but this isn’t the Resistance.”, Leo points out. Wait, how could he read my mind— “Your suffering is just as valid, big or small. Hell, knowing Raph, he’ll have an aneurysm if someone so much as scrapes their knee. So promise me. No more hiding things.”
Casey presses his lips together. “...If I promise to not hide things, are you going to promise the same?”
“Nnnnot a chance.”
“Figured.” .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
“Let’s take a look, dear, shall we?”
Casey’s lucky that Mrs. O’Neil had a free hour the next day. He sits down on the exam table and lets the doctor do the work. He trusts her, Casey knows Dr. O’Neil from the future…past. Even if she doesn’t know him quite well. She pokes and prods the teen’s arms. Has him run a few series of tests. Asks him a few questions about these episodes. The doctor scratches her forehead as she looks down at her clipboard.
“Sounds like PNES if I were to guess.”, she says finally.
“...what’s that?”
“Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.”, Dr. O’Neil explains. “It’s like a psychosomatic response to repressed trauma and other psychological disorders.”
“...Are you saying I have PTSD?”, Casey squints his eyes.
“Are you saying you don’t?”, Carol raises a brow. “You grew up in a literal apocalypse. As a soldier nonetheless. Without any chance to stop and take a break, I presume. You could bleed out to death but still force yourself to fight, am I right?”
Casey tries to testify but the only thing leaving his mouth is a sigh. She’s not wrong. There was no time for Casey to be having a moment in the apocalypse. Everything becomes a burden, even stuff like hunger and thirst. He had to hide it. For the sake of the Resistance. For the sake of the world.
“Casey…”, Carol sighs sympathetically. “Your body has been put under so much stress that it doesn’t know where to go. It causes you to feel nauseous or lose sleep, and those things turn into real problems like GI issues and insomnia. PNES is just simply another one of those psychosomatic symptoms that get way out of hand when left untreated.”
“So how do we treat it? How is it cured?”
“In some cases, it’s never cured. But we can work on managing it. As long as you’re willing.”, the doctor smiles. “The war is over now, Casey. It’s time to let your guard down. It’s time to heal.”
Ha. Yeah. Easier said than done. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
It takes a long time for Casey to get used to things. For starters, everyone is notified of the disorder and Donnie provides a lengthy lecture on the signs and how to help Casey out with his episodes. It feels embarrassing to be this coddled. This must’ve been how Master Michelangelo felt.
Of course things like seeing a therapist were in order. He was even prescribed antidepressants too for his anxiety. It was a tough process, talking things out with someone in a way that doesn’t imply he’s secretly from the future, as well as finding the right medication. But it does get easier.
And when an episode does happen…
“We’re right here, Casey. Let me just lean you back a bit…there we go.”, Leo reassures softly.
Small 3-fingered hands are holding his own gently. Spikes are leaned against him, keeping him steady. Someone is coaching him on how to breathe. He regains control of his eyes, blinking them open for a moment before shutting them tight against the lights.
“There we go, all done.”, Mikey smiles, the hands holding his squeeze. “That one was pretty fast.”
“Indeed. And the times in between each episode are getting longer.”, Donnie nods. “An optimal rate of improvement, well done, Junior.”
“Thanks you guys.”, Casey smiles, opening his eyes again once the lights stop hurting. “And…thanks for not giving up on me.”
“Of course!”, Raph beams. “We’re family now. In this timeline and the next.”
Yeah, he’s right. Casey will be okay. He just needs to trust his family more. There was no point in hiding. No use in keeping it a secret.
He’s not alone anymore.
Decided to have fun and gave Casey PNES as that's the running theory that my neurologist has for me. After a lot of research, I highly doubt it's the case, but until then let it be known that I did my best to maintain accuracy based on the research provided and the personal experiences I've endured.
In other words...Source: trust me bro
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detachedfacade · 2 years
it took eddie a long time to make a move. stevie had all but given up. she hadn't necessarily expected him to, but there were moments, lingered touches, flirtation, that felt meaningful. but eddie never really took it the extra step.
stevie didn't realise the over confidence eddie had while flirting was a front. it was only when, while getting high, sitting by her parents pool, that eddie revealed he had been a virgin until he was 20. only a couple of sad handjobs given and received was his sexual experience prior to meeting stevie. "that near death experience really sets a fire beneath you though" eddie had said, had figured if he wanted to not die a virgin he ought to make a move. so he'd gone to the gay bar he frequented a week after the accident and finally went through with it. "and honestly," he said, "I haven't since. not that I didn't like it, I meant I'm sure it will be better with someone I actually like it's just...I still kind of feel like a virgin. like I don't know what I'm doing and I'm scared people will see through that."
stevie couldn't relate, she had more experience than most people she knew, with both men and women. so she knew what she was doing. though, it was definitely the drugs influence that led her to reach out her hand to eddie and say. "i could help you practice."
it seemed after the first step was taken, everything else fell into place. suddenly the weight between them lifted and they could admit, aloud, that they had had crushes on one another. and for how long. "since I met you, honestly. " eddie said.
"did it change? when I..."
"oh my god stevie, yes. since you transitioned it fucking tripled if not more I...I didn't really realise I could like you more but jesus christ you proved me wrong."
stevie was blushing. "that was ...the right thing to say." she said. "I am a bit...or I was a bit scared that since you were gay it wouldn't ever go anywhere..."
eddie shifted in bed. "yeah. I mean I had crushes on girls too, sometimes. I mean debbie harry? c'mon, i'm only human. like robin said, sexuality is fluid."
"robin told you about that conversation?"
"she did, but only after we started...whatever this is." eddie motioned between himself and stevie.
"whatever this is?" stevie replied. "what do you want it to be?"
It was eddie's turn to blush now. "I think I'd like for you to be my girlfriend, stevie."
It became quickly obvious to eddie that whenever her parents were home, stevie would do her best to stay out longer. she would suggest diners and nightclubs and long drives until eddie would say "baby, let's just go back to mine."
of course it wasn't always convenient, wayne being there most nights. but as stevie said, she was 'like a ninja' and could totally sneak in unheard. eddie couldn't stop laughing at the sight of her scrambling up the side of the trailer, his figurines clattering across the floor as she pushed her way into the window. their shared laughter at the moment was made even worse when Wayne knocked and told them to use the door next time.
and so she did. but she insisted, said if wayne was going to know she was there, shouldn't they meet properly? so eddie set a date, and he cooked wayne's favourite dinner, and he let stevie in when she knocked on the front door this time, snuck a kiss before wayne would notice. and wayne said "nice to properly meet you stevie." before taking his seat at the head of the table.
from then she was always round, wayne was always happy to see her, and though he admitted he was still learning 'all this stuff' he never misgendered her.
even when stevies father finally came round, he would still repeatedly dead name her, but wayne, wayne never did. not once. srevie even overheard him, smoking outside with her father, defending her. telling her father, "you ought to get your head screwed on and protect your daughter with everything you have because god knows it isn't going to be easy. and you say you love her, you say you only want her to be happy but don't you see? she is happy." and her father never admitted defeat, but stevie found herself on the receiving end of some stilted affection from then on, and she felt that maybe it wouldn't be all bad going home. eventually.
but by that point, she and eddie had already planned to move in together. It was bound to happen sooner or later. three people couldn't fit into that tiny trailer.
so they got a place on the outskirts of the city, far enough away to start fresh but close enough to visit their loved ones without much hassle. and for a long time Stevie hadn't imagined a part in her life that she would leave hawkins and have any intention of returning, but then robin happened, and eddie happened, and wayne happened and her father looked her in the eye and said "I always wanted a daughter. you make sure you call, okay stevie?" and having something to return for felt so fucking nice.
but the new life in the city was even fucking nicer. no one around to dead name her or ask invasive questions. only herself and eddie finding their feet in a city that didn't know them, and would accept them for who they were. and if it didn't, they would always have love to return to in their shared apartment, in their shared bed, in their shared life. because even if the world was uncertain and scary, everyone could see, stevie and eddie were soul mates.
check out the full collection of stevie drabbles on ao3
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lilacella · 2 months
Non-magical AU, cop!James Potter, mafia!Sirius Black
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A man of honor never associates with a cop. But a man of honor was also not supposed to break the code of silence - which was exactly why he was here. So he might as well scratch two off the list at once...
Part I
(read on ao3)
A bead of sweat made its way down James' forehead, trickling down his face. A loud bang caused him to duck and he felt the bullet pass closely over his head. He grabbed the man by his side tighter.
"We need to make a run for the car," he said quietly, his heart hammering in his chest. Nothing could happen to him.
"That's stupid they will shoot us. Just give me the gun..."
"No! I am here to protect you and you will do as I say. Now, on my mark..."
James peered cautiously around the corner of the container they were hiding behind. Maybe this was in fact stupid. But he would not let Sirius know that. He inhaled deeply and then leaned out to fire a couple shots, 2, 3, 4, they had all hopefully ducked now.
"Now!" He pulled at Sirius' arm and they both started running towards the bulletproof car that was just a few meters away. A few meters without any cover. They were to slow. When they had made it about half the way, James could see one of the mafiosi pop back up, immediately opening fire.
Instinctively James threw himself in front of Sirius, tackling them both down. He could feel something hitting his side. An incredible pain shot through his body. He heard himself scream. Then more shots. But none of them hit him. Suddenly everything was very quiet. He lifted his head and saw Sirius cowering over him with a concerned look on his face. James barely registered that he was holding his gun. Then everything went dark.
Three weeks prior
"And this is supposed to be safe?" Sirius examined the interior of the black car with doubt. His contact from the witness protection program had said that the officers would pick him up with a bullet proof vehicle, but after one look inside he was certain that the only thing bullet proof about this car was the forged security certificate. The windowpanes were too thin and the doors clearly hadn't been enforced, judging by the hollow noise they had made when he'd gotten in. He also didn't like that he was accompanied by only two police officers, one of them young - about his age -, with these small, useless police pistols. If his family would decide to attack, they would all be dead, he was sure.
But he really didn't have much of an option. He had already packed his bags in the middle of the night, climbed out of the window of his family villa, snuck past the armed guards and had entered this accursed deathtrap.
Sirius knew he was doing the right thing. After pondering it for years, last month he had finally decided that he had to act. He had to get out of this family. Sirius was the oldest son of Orion Black, the current leader of the Black clan. Growing up in the mafia had meant that Sirius had learned quickly that the word family could be used in many different contexts.
"Family" meant blood bound. Not necessarily related, but fiercely loyal. It meant doing everything for each other. It meant being a unity, against everyone else. It meant that if you messed up, if you "dissapointed" your family, you'd loose everything. Potentially even your life. And yet he was about to do just that.
In a few weeks he would testify against them as a key witness. Laying it all out on the table. It wasn't because he had been caught and was in need of a deal. No. He had just decided he would no longer be watching. Not after what had happened on Christmas, four months ago. Even if it meant that he could die. It wasn't like he had anything to lose anyway.
"I assure you, this is perfectly safe," the older officer said with a reassuring smile that made Sirius' vigilant. He glanced over to the youger officer sitting next to him on the backseat, who gave him a nod. He had his hand on his gun and seemed quite tense. At least one person that understood the gravity of the situation.
"Let's just drive." Sirius tried to hide his suspicion. He relaxed into his seat and tried to stay as far out of the window as possible. They would be followed. It was unlikely that they would just get away like that.
They had been driving for two hours and Sirius started to think that maybe he did just get really lucky. Even the officer next to him, Potter, according to his introduction, seemed to have relaxed a bit. The other officer pulled up at an unfinished building. Ah, that was clever. They were going to hide him in a house that looked like it was still under construction, surrounded by high hoardings. This way you could smuggle him out easily if necessary and food or other supplies in without raising suspicion. The officer parked the car and got out. Sirius wanted to follow him, when officer Potter put a hand on his shoulder.
"Wait. Let me get out first. It is safer."
Sirius raised an eyebrow. What did he even want to do if they were ambushed? He'd simply get shot. But he complied. The police had told him to not take any weapons with him and Sirius had actually listend. Well, he didn't carry any on himself that was. So these two guys and their sad looking guns were the only thing between him and the eternal slumber.
He waited until Potter had opened the door for him and got out, Potter sticking to him like a shower curtain. Sirius thought this was a little ridiculous and the older officer seemed to agree.
"Sorry about my colleague," he said. "He is taking his job very seriously." Sirius was about to find out what that meant.
Potter had been assigned as his personal protection officer and would stay with him on the premises. Sirius took the upstairs bedroom while Potter slept on the couch, or rather laid on it, staring worriedly at the entrance door.
"Are you not going home at all? Aren't they swapping you out sometime?" Sirius asked, while opening a can of soda. Potter had been here for the last four days and he was starting to get a little concerened about the working conditions at the local police station.
Potter shook his head. "There is noone else. I mean, noone else who would do it. I wasn't supposed to either, but...I can't just leave an important witness all alone. It isn't right!"
Sirius frowned.
"So...You don't have an order to stay here?"
Potter shook his head again.
"I volunteered. I took vacation days."
"You what?!" Sirius hadn't been this perplexed in his life. Here was a young man, using up valuable vacation days to babysit him? Why on earth would he do that? This was so unnecessary. But also quite flattering, somehow.
"When you called, noone wanted to take on the witness protection. They are all afraid of your family."
"As they should be. Are you not afraid?"
"I am. But I also think you are."
Sirius took a sip and tried to appear unphased.
"Why would you think that?"
"You asked for witness protection. Why would you do that if you weren't concerned? And you are nervous. I heard your pacing at night."
Sirius laughed.
"Well...I'm not saying you are wrong." He walked around the kitchen island and plopped down next to the officer on the couch.
"What's your name?"
The man looked puzzled.
"You know my name. Potter."
"Yes but I feel after you've spent more than three days with someone it's high time for first names." He extended his hand. "I'm Sirius."
"James." The officer shook his hand, frowning a little. Sirius stretched out his arm on the backrest, turning towards James.
"James. Don't you have a family, James?"
"I'm not married, if that's what you're asking."
Sirius chuckled.
"Well, it's good to know. So don't you have parents? Siblings? Cousins..."
"Of course I have parents. Everyone has them."
"But you don't talk to them."
"I do."
"But they wouldn't care if you died."
"They would!"
"Then what are you doing here?" Sirius caught the mans warm brown eyes. "You should go home. Spend your vacation doing something nice. You can't protect me. If my family finds us here, I will die. And if you stay, you'll die with me. So don't waste your time and your life. Go home, James."
James stared at him for a few seconds, before shaking his head decidedly.
"Your chances of survival are higher if I stay. When I became a police officer, I swore to do everything in my power to do good and protect the people..."
Sirius interrupted him with a harsh laugh. This guy was filled to the brim with naive idealism. He had to be new.
"How long have you been a cop?"
"Twelve years."
Sirius stared in surprise. Twelve years? And he was still like this? He could hardly believe it. Then, an idea crossed his mind and the adrenaline rushed trough his body like an avalanche. His eyes immediately flickered to Potters gun on the coffee table.
"They bribed you didn't they? You're a plant. Supposed to make me feel safe so you can easily dispose of me. How much did they pay you?"
"How much?"
"I don't take bribes! I never have and I never will!" James seemed genuinely offended. Either he was an oscar worthy actor or he was really one of the "good" cops. One that hadn't gotten spoiled yet by corruption and misunderstood corps loyalty. After twelve years... Sirius had to admit, he was impressed. And that made hin want to get James out of here even more.
He sighed deeply.
"Then you really need to go. I don't want you to get hurt."
James laughed dryly.
"Hey. I am the one protecting you. And I am way more capable than you might think. I will stay. And I will make sure nothing happens to you until the trial."
Sirius was awoken by a scratching noise at one of the plastered windows. A bird, maybe or a marten. No. He knew that sound. Someone was trying to pry the window open from the outside. Fuck, they had found him.
He was suddenly wide awake. Immediately, he rolled himself off the bed and crawled towards the door. He didn't know when the hitman would get the window open, so he needed to remain hidden. He cursed himself for not bringing his mini revolver up here. It was still somewhere in his bag, no chance to find it quickly in the darkness. Maybe he had started to feel a little too safe with James around. He shook his head at the thought. Ridiculous. The man couldn't do anything to help him. Exactly why he needed to get to him, quickly.
Sirius reached the door to the hallway and hurried down the stairs as fast and quiet as possible.
"James!" He hissed in a whisper.
James' touseled head popped up between a pile of blankets on the couch. His glasses were askew. He looked kind of cute like that...Not the right time!
"Someone is breaking into my window, we need to hit it!"
James shot up, readjusted his glasses and grabbed his gun. Within a split second his eyes shifted from sleepy blurriness to hard determination.
"Get behind me." He aimed at the stairs.
"What? No, we need to go! Maybe we can get out through the downstairs bathroom."
"The window is barred."
"I loosened the screws."
"What? Why would you do that?"
"So I can escape when someone breaks in upstairs!"
"But you are making it easier to break in from the fucking outside!"
Their bickering was interrupted by a loud crack and a thump from upstairs. He was in. Or she. Hopefully not Bella. No, Bella wouldn't have taken so long.
"Give me your gun," Sirius said.
James ripped his arms out of his reach.
"No! Bloody hell get back Sirius. Hide behind the counter," he whispered sharply. Sirius glared at him for a second but when he heard steps coming from the bedroom he complied. He grabbed a large knife and a heavy steel pan. No match for a gun, but effective enough on short distance.
A man appeared at the end of the stairs. A loud shot sounded, followed by a scream. James cursed. Had he been hit? Sirius popped up behind the counter, but James was still standing, though he was lowering his weapon. He gestured at Sirius to go back down, which he reluctantly did.
He heard James approaching the stairs before pulling out his phone.
"Yes, Potter here. We had an incident at the house. Yes, I am... No... Yes... Copied... Over." He hung up. Sirius peered around the edge of the counter but couldn't really see what was going on.
It turned out that the person who broke into Sirius' window had in fact not been sent by his family to assassinate him, but was rather a homeless man looking for shelter during a rainy night. He had expected the house to still be unoccupied and reckoned it a good place to sleep. Now, the poor man was brought to a hospital after being shot in the right arm. James hadn't hesitated, when his shadow had appeared and fired a shot, with intention to disarm the attacker. Surprisingly unerring, Sirius thought.
James closed the front door with a sigh. The last officers had vanished.
"Let's just hope noone saw you," he said to Sirius, who was climbing out of his hiding space in the pantry. "I will talk to my superiors about changing locations. It is too risky to stay here."
"I'll go back upstairs," Sirius said tiredly. A homeless person...James was right, maybe he was a bit jumpy at the moment. He felt a little embarrassed if he was honest.
"I'll come with you."
Sirius shot James a questioning look.
"After what happened I should stay close. What if it had actually been an attacker and he'd surprised you in your sleep? I couldn't have done anything to protect you."
Sirius rolled his eyes. James was overdoing it with his protectiveness. But some - quiet - part of him, found that he really didn't mind.
So he allowed James to follow him upstairs and dropped back into his bed. They had managed to close the broken window, but Sirius didn't feel particularly good about it. Having James here with him wouldn't be so bad...
James proceeded to sit down on a chair in the corner of the room. Sirius gave him a look.
"What are you doing?"
"I'll just be over here, don't mind me."
"You can't sit there."
"Why not?"
"Because it is fucking strange. I don't want you to watch me while I sleep!" He patted the mattress next to him. "Just lay down, for fucks sake!"
James hesitated, but finally lowered himself akwardly next to Sirius. Fully clothed, with his gun on his chest, laying stiff like a corpse.
Sirius groaned in annoyance. What was wrong with that guy? He propped himself up on his arm and picked James' glasses from his nose, before snatching his gun, putting both of them on the nightstand. James protested, but Sirius simply ignored him and instead proceeded to pull the blanket over the stubborn man.
"Stop acting ridiculous and sleep. If someone comes in, we either both wake up, or we die. That's just how it is."
Sirius curled up, facing away from James and closed his eyes.
But he couldn't sleep. He knew that James was there, laying only inches away. It made him nervous, but not necessarily in a bad way. After a couple minutes he gave in to the urge and turned around. James had his eyes closed, but Sirius wasn't sure if he was actually sleeping. Still, he used the opportunity to take a good look at him. He really looked good. His skin was brown, a bit darker than Sirius' own, strong jawline but his features still had a certain softness to them. His dark short hair seemed to be always a little messed up and his shoulders... God, his fucking shoulders. Sirius had noticed them before, broad and muscular, their shape faintly visible through his tight t-shirt. All of James' t-shirts were tight. Sirius wondered whether he knew what kind of effect that had. With his strong arms exposed, the fabric hugging his well built torso...
Sirius felt his mouth water and quickly turned back to the wall, squeezing his eyes shut, trying to get rid of the images that were flashing up in his mind. He needed to sleep.
Sleeping next to James was an odd experience. Sirius hadn't slept next to someone in a while and James...James was different somehow. He made him feel things he usually didn't. Like wanting to curl up in his arms, being held, secure and protected...Absurd! Sirius didn't need anyone to protect him. He was very capable of doing that himself, he always had and he knew that if it came to it, James probably wouldn't even be able to actually keep him safe, but still...He was almost yearing for it. He hated it. And with every day that they spend together, waiting for the transfer to a new safehouse, with James never leaving his side, it got worse.
"I don't know why this is taking so long," murmured James while absentmindedly rubbing his stubbly chin. Sirius tried his best not to stare, but it was hard. He wondered what it felt like to run his own hand over it...
James looked up from his phone.
"How's the crossword going?"
Sirius froze, caught, quickly turning back to the newspaper in front of him.
"Oh, it's finished. I moved on to the Sudoku section." He fidgeted with the button on his shirt, feeling James' gaze upon him. Why did this make him nervous? He wasn't a fucking schoolgirl! And James was a cop! A man of honor never associates with a cop. But a man of honor was also not supposed to break the code of silence - which was exactly why he was here. So he might as well scratch two off the list at once...
Sirius raised his head again and found that James was still looking at him. His eyes flickered away, when Sirius met them. Things clearly had changed between them since the break in. Sirius eyes grazed over James' face, down his neck, getting stuck at the outlines of his pecs under his navy blue t-shirt. He bit his lip, but letting it go again immediately, startled by his own reaction. This needed to stop! He was being childish and stupid and he should know better.
Just when he wanted to get up to leave the room and go literally anywhere else, James got up from his spot on the couch and dropped himself on the barstool next to Sirius, leaning his elbow on the marble countertop. His muscular forearm flexed slightly as he dragged the newspaper towards him. Sirius cheeks were burning and he prayed that he wasn't getting red.
"Is there anything in the news about you yet?"
Sirius shook his head.
"I suppose my family wants to keep it internal. But I am sure they have noticed..."
"Do you think they know why you left? What you will do?" James looked at him intently and Sirius couldn't help but get captivated by his eyes. Warm brown with a faint hint of green around the edges. He was so gorgeous... Sirius cleared his throat.
"They aren't stupid. So I suppose they will suspect it. But I could have just left, because I've had enough. It's not like it was all sunshines and rainbows before. At any rate, they'll be looking for me." Sirius was hit by a wave of anxiety, coupled with the urge to move closer to James.
"I won't let anything happen to you," James said as if he had read his mind. "I know that you think that I am rather useless, but I will make sure you are safe. I promise."
Fuck. Why did he have to say it like that? In that bloody tone. While looking at him like that. Sirius felt like his whole body was being drawn towards the other man, wanting to kiss him, to touch him, to be touched.
"I don't think you're useless," he brought out. His mouth was dry. He hoped fervently that James wouldn't notice his composure crumbling. "I just think that you are putting yourself in unnecessary danger."
"I'm a cop, that's part of the job."
Sirius laughed.
"You are an idealist, James. Cops don't put themselves in danger, they mostly do that to other people."
"Is that what your family taught you?"
Sirius flinched angrily. How dare he?
"I'm not supid, Potter," he snapped, James flinched a little at the last name. "I've seen enough to shape my own opinions. And I tell you, I've never met a cop that you couldn't buy." He crossed his arms and leaned back into the small backrest of the barstool.
"I can't be bought," James replied defiantly. Sirius smirked suggestively.
"I'm sure you also have your weak spots..."
James stared at him for a second, lips slightly parted as if he wanted to say something but being to stunned to speak. Then he quickly got up.
"I'm gonna take a shower," he mumbled and vanished towards the bathroom.
Sirius thoughtfully took a sip of his coffee, smiling to himself. Maybe he wasn't the only one with a questionable infatuation...
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To Feel Guilt
Part 1 - Part 2
Summary: Pino takes your mask for a few days but doesn't realize just how important it is to you
Word Count: 867 (Don't kill meee)
Pairing: Pinocchio (pino) x G!N!Reader
Warning: A bit of angst?
Disclaimer: None
A/N: Sooo..It is longer but not by much ;; Imma quit making promises I can't keep lol. But hey! I've made it to chapter 10 in the game! But I am stuck on the rabbit brotherhood boss. Do wish me luck with that haha. But anyways, thank you for staying with me for this long! Welcome to everyone new to my blog and I hope you enjoy! :D
Pino had never really understood the word “smitten”. But, apparently, that’s how Gemini described his feeling when Pino had confided in his companion about seeing you without your mask. “Based on what you’re describing to me, smitten fits!” The cricket puppet declared. “Perhaps you’re developing what humans call a “crush.” Pino couldn’t help but raise a brow at that. Considering how you were, an oddball, he couldn’t really see himself liking you in that way. The puppet pushed back on the cricket’s notion and Gemini hummed. “Let’s see. What if we take their mask? I know how stalkers are with them but if we just have a little experiment and see how you are with just their appearance then we can see if I’m wrong or not.” 
And that is how Pino found himself in possession of your T-Rex mask. While you were taking a bath he snuck into your room and snatched up the item. Returning to his own room he couldn’t help but admire the craftsmanship of the mask. His fingers glided along the faux leathering, indentions of scales and small markings from previous fights littered the sides and front of the face. As he looked at it more he realized that this was done by hand. He wondered who made it. 
Suddenly, there was a knock at his door and he practically threw the mask in utter panic. But understanding just how important a mask can be to a stalker, he steadied his grip and quickly found a hiding spot for it amongst his things. He then walked to his door, opening it to reveal you but with a sort of air that was definitely different. “Hey, Pino. This is really odd to ask but…Have you seen my mask? I seem to have misplaced it even though that can’t be but obviously it is because it’s gone so…” You clasp your hands together and take a breath, steadying your nerves. “Have you seen it? By chance?” 
The look on your face was that of worry and a part of him wanted to hand it over. But…Once again, he was able to look at your face and he could already feel his artificial heart picking up its pace. Perhaps a few days wouldn’t hurt. He gave a small shake of his head and you gave a sigh of defeat. “Okay, well, if you do see it do let me know?” You ask with a small smile and he nods. Exchanging good nights, you turn on your heel to walk back to your room and Pino was left with an all knowing Gemini. “Yes, yes, this experiment will do quite nicely, I believe.” He teased and Pino wanted to flick at the cricket’s head. 
But with the next few days Pino was starting to wonder if he did indeed feel something for you. Guilt gnawed at him but to see your raw expressions to conversations and to hear your voice not muffled by a mask was enough to have him not noticing the small indifferences in your behavior. It wasn’t until he found you silently weeping in the garden that he realized that he had overstepped his boundaries. 
“Oh! Pino, hello!” You give a dry chuckle as you turn away and quickly wipe at your eyes. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for anyone to see me like this.” You sniffle and clasp at the edge of the stone bench that you sat on for grounding. “It’s silly, I know. Crying over a mask? But….It’s something that means a lot to me and being without it hurts more than I thought it would.” You confess with a smile that practically had Pino on his knees begging for forgiveness. Even in this situation you smiled at him and he was finding that they were treasures of his own. And to be born from something like this…
You hadn’t noticed him seat himself next to you, but then you felt a familiar material on the back of your hand. You looked down to see the very same mask that was giving you strife the past three days. “OHMYGOODNESS, YOU FOUND IT?!” Your sudden change in energy had Pino’s eyes spinning, but the feeling of your arms wrapping around him sent a new type of emotion through him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wonder where it was, but I feel like if you tell me and it was somewhere I could have found it I would lose my mind.” You chuckle happily, making the move to place your mask back where it belonged. 
However, hands stopped you and you looked up in surprise. Pino looked like he was concentrating, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought as his eyes scanned your face. He placed a hand atop your cheek, a thumb wiping away the remnants of your tears. It was as if he was trying to memorize your face and before you could ask he let go with a soft sigh. He then rose from his spot and went to leave, the puppet giving one final look at you before departing. You clutched your chest when you were alone again, being left with a soft “huh?” Leaving your lips.
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cyantomatos · 1 year
Even Stars Will Fall - Ch 6
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Pairing: Eventual Oberyn Martell x fem!Reader x Ellaria Sand  Word Count: ~2.5k Warnings: Rylan is a creep, talk of death (in the past) Notes: Uh...surprise? Listen I am just as upset as you guys that it’s taken me this long to update 😅. I really am sorry, I’ve wanted to work on this story, but every time I sat down to write it I just couldn’t. The next chapter is already written, I’ll put that out in a couple weeks, and I’m hopeful that I’m going to be able to keep up with writing now. Crossing my fingers, but I’m not promising anything because I really don’t want to disappoint you guys if I disappear again.
Last Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
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The first time Oberyn remembers his elder brother acting as a ruling Prince of Dorne was in his 16th year.
With the rumors swirling of his blade being poisoned in the duel with Lord Edgar Yronwood, his brother had called Oberyn to his office. Doran had only been the ruling prince for a few years by then, and had not as of yet had any reason to call an official meeting with his younger brother.
The two had never been particularly close, Doran being almost 13 by the time Oberyn was born, but they were still family. Doran believed his brother’s protests that the blade was not poisoned - Oberyn would not start to experiment with poisons for another few years yet - but the prince still knew he needed to appease House Yronwood.
And so Oberyn was banished to a temporary exile.
The next visit to his brother’s office was years later, after his exile is finally over and Robert’s Rebellion is quelled. News of the rebellion had reached across the Narrow Sea, and Oberyn had been incensed at the fact that he was unable to fight, relegated to a far off country with only weeks-old news to get him by.
The news of Ellia’s death hit him hard. He was unable to enter that office again for years. The sight of his brother behind the desk their mother had sat behind and her father before that and generations of Martel’s back that suddenly seemed far too large for Doran only brought back memories Oberyn wasn’t ready to face yet.
He blamed his brother for a while - for his inability to keep their sister safe, for banishing Oberyn where Oberyn couldn’t keep their sister safe. Then he blamed himself - if he had fought harder, if he’d snuck back into Dorne like he originally intended, if he had just been better.
Suffice to say, Oberyn hated being called to his brothers office. Nothing good ever came from an official summons from the elder Prince of Dorne in Oberyn’s experience, and he had a feeling today was not about to prove him wrong.
“It seems our cousin has finally settled on a wife.” Doran’s statement was met with a snort from Oberyn as the younger brother came to stand in front of the desk.
“I pity the poor woman that ends up shackled to Rylan. To whom should I send my condolences?” Doran only met him with a level stare, the silence from his brother all Oberyn needed to draw his own conclusions and for a pit of dread to begin forming in his stomach.
What was it about this office and bad news?
“Tell me I am assuming wrong, brother.” A note of pleading that very rarely showed itself entered Oberyn’s voice, and he felt the sinking feeling in his stomach only grow as Doran grimaced.
“I wish I could. He was here while the three of you were visiting Amphise. I must admit, even if I were able to grant his request, I do not think I would be inclined. I have no desire to see the girl tied to Rylan, regardless of his relation to our family.” Oberyn let himself relax slightly at that, although he couldn’t quite shake the urge to hunt his cousin down for even looking in your direction.
He flexed his hand at his side, letting a long breath out his nose before he responded.
“You refused then, I assume?”
Doran inclined his head in confirmation, still looking rather grim. “She is not a citizen of Dorne, regardless of where she might be from. I do not have the power to force her hand, and I am glad of it.” The prince let out a sigh, watching his brother closely. “That does not mean he will not go to her directly, however. With her having no male relatives here he has the option of attempting to persuade her himself, and if she were to agree I would have equally little say in the matter.”
Oberyn’s jaw clenched hard enough for his teeth to grind together, swiftly looking away from Doran out the open window. He knew if he only took a few steps he might see you in the garden below, although you were equally as likely to be working in one of the other gardens today. The urge to go find you immediately, to ensure his cousin had not yet attempted to convince you and make sure you were safe, threatened to overwhelm him for a moment.
It took him a moment to realize what was happening.
When he had first met Ellaria, there was an undeniable attraction. He should have recognized the signs with you, the way he was drawn to both of you with no say in the matter, but he had been under the assumption one could only have a single soulmate. As soon as the bond with Ellaria was confirmed, and more importantly as soon as he recognized it, that pull had snapped into something more tangible. For a while after, any perceived threat to either of them stirred something primal in the other.
It was happening again with you, possessive instincts he prided himself on being able to ignore were rising to the surface in an attempt to protect you, and he could do little to stop it.
Doran’s voice broke through his turbulent thoughts. “Oberyn. What did Amphise say?”
He turned back to his brother, jaw clenching further at the knowing frown on his brother’s face.
“She is a seer, as we assumed. Her powers were likely suppressed by being in her world and so far from ours. Amphise is willing to train her to ensure she does not grow out of control.” Oberyn paused, eyes lowering to stare at Doran’s desk. “And she is mine and Ellaria’s second soulmate.”
A heavy silence filled the room, and when Oberyn looked up he didn’t find as much surprise on his brother’s face as he expected. Doran only leaned back in his chair, hands folded in his lap, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“I am…not overly surprised. You have been just as drawn to her since she arrived as you were to Ellaria, although I assumed it was because of the mystery she presented.”
A beat of silence later, “I assume she does not know?” Oberyn let out a strained laugh at that, crossing his arms and glancing away. “No. We decided we would wait to tell her. Ellaria is worried she would either not understand, or feel pressured to be with us because of the bond. Her world…it is less understanding.”
Doran only nodded, a thoughtful look on his face as he studied his brother. “You will have to tread lightly on this, Oberyn.”
Oberyn nodded, a resigned look on his face.
“I know.”
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“You aren’t concentrating, girl.” The sharp words cause you to let out a frustrated sigh, slumping in your seat.
I am, Amphise, but you can’t expect me to figure this out in a week. You said seer’s are trained from childhood, how am I supposed to catch up?” There’s a whine in your voice that you don’t like, but the last several very long days training – or attempting to train – with Amphise have left you tired and irritable.
If you were honest with yourself, it was more than the less-than-satisfactory attempts to gain some kind of control over your new-found powers that was frustrating you. You’d been somewhat avoiding Oberyn and Ellaria since your revelation in the garden, and it was starting to wear on you. Combine that with the frustrating training and Oberyn’s cousin Rylan suddenly appearing around you constantly, you were frazzled to say the least.
A sharp tap to the back of your hand with Amphise’s paper fan brought you back from your internal debate about which slimy creature Oberyn’s cousin reminded you of the most. She was staring at you sternly, disappointment written clearly on her face.
“You are afraid of your powers. That fear is holding you back. I did not tell you the stories about what other seer’s have done with their power to frighten you, child. I told you so that you would know the consequences if you did not control your powers.” The reminder of the stories Amphise had told you last week felt like a pit in your stomach. You were scared of your powers, but you were also well aware that better control over them would help prevent those stories from becoming your reality.
“I know that, Amphise. I can’t help my fear, though. I’m afraid I won’t ever gain control and I’ll end up like those girls.” Your teacher’s face softens just slightly at your words, and she lets out a sigh, leaning forward.
“It is possible I am going about teaching you wrong. I have taught many seers, but all of them were born here and discovered as children. It is much easier to teach children to do something scary, adults have learned fear already.” She sits back, a look of contemplation coming across her face.
Several silent moments pass before she stands, gesturing towards the house. Your classes thus far have taken place in the same outside sitting area you had met her in last week, fragrant breezes blowing through the garden as you learned.
Or attempted to learn.
“We will end early today, child. You need rest, and I need to think.”
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Your excitement at being let go early quickly turns sour as you step out of the carriage back at the palace. Rylan is coming out the front entrance, and the way his eyes light up like he’s looking at a prize horse when he sees you sends a disgusted chill down your spin. He changes course from the carriage he had been heading towards to walk towards you, and you take a moment to arrange your face in a less please-get-away-from-me expression.
“Lord Rylan, what a pleasant surprise.” You hope how not pleasant you think this is doesn’t come through in your voice. The last thing you need is a spoiled lord that is obviously jealous of his cousins kicking up a fuss for you being rude.
He chuckles, stopping about one step too close for your comfort. Not that anywhere near you was far enough away as far as you were concerned.
“I do hope one day you will be comfortable dropping my title like you do with my cousin.” You give what you hope comes across as more of a grin and less of a grimace, shrugging one shoulder noncommittally.
“We’ll see, I suppose.”
Rylan’s grin falters for a moment, and he glances over towards his awaiting carriage. “I was just heading out to see a play being put on, something about a tragic love story. Would you like to accompany me?”
You squash your immediate ‘I would rather eat live worms’ response and give a polite smile, shaking your head. “I’m a little tired today, I’m afraid. I was planning to go take a bath and then a nap. I apologize, Lord Rylan.”
Despite the rejection his expression doesn’t falter this time as he shrugs. “Next time then, my dear.”
You wait what you hope is an appropriate time as he walks away to shudder and head inside. Spending time with a deadly viper sounds more appealing to you than spending time with Rylan, alone or not.
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Later that evening as the sun is setting you’re out in the main garden, checking on some of the flowers. Solomon had mentioned the day before he was worried about the Jester’s Tassels in the current heat. It had been warmer than normal the last few days, apparently, and he was worried they would wilt.
A shadow falls over the flowers you’re currently checking on, and you look up to see Ellaria smiling down at you. “I think at this rate we may have to hire you as a gardener, love. You seem to live out here lately.”
You smile despite the anxiety at seeing Ellaria, looking back down at the flowers. “I loved gardening back home, too, I just wasn’t very good at it. The plants here seem to like me better.” Yet another thing to add to the list of reasons it seems like you belong here more than anywhere else.
Another reason sits down on the garden wall next to you, gazing down at the vibrant purple and gold blooms. There’s a beat of silence, and despite your recent avoidance of the two of them just being next to Ellaria feels more like home than you remember your world ever feeling like.
“Oberyn’s name day is next week. There will be a large party, and I am afraid I might be under selling it a little just calling it large.” She pauses, folding her hands together in her lap. “Will you attend?”
You glance up, frowning. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Ellaria smiles slightly, shrugging a shoulder. “It has felt a little like you are avoiding us lately, dove. Although I suppose that could just be Oberyn’s ego speaking.”
You duck your head to look at the flowers again, guilt filling you as you shake your head. “I’ve just been busy with Amphise is all. I’ll be there.” You look up again, trying to ignore how the lie just makes you feel more guilty. “Do you give presents for name days?”
“Usually, yes, although not always. Especially for princes. Oberyn has everything he could want, and he usually dislikes getting the type of useless and lavish presents people get for a prince.” She grins, leaning down towards you. “For his twenty-first name day one of his mothers cousins gave him a set of sheets spun entirely of pure gold thread. I have never heard him complain for so long about the frivolity of the rich before.”
You grin at the story, imagining a younger Oberyn ranting about rich people for hours to a despairing Ellaria.
Ellaria straightens up, placing a hand on your leg. “You, however, will not be expected to get him a gift. I can help you find something small he would like, if you wish, but Oberyn will not expect anything from you, dove.”
You look back down at the flowers, frowning. It makes sense that Oberyn wouldn’t expect anything from you, since it’s not like you had much to give him anyway, but you still felt like you should get him something. It felt rude to show up to what was essentially a birthday part with no gift, even if it was a massive birthday party for a prince who already had everything he could possibly want.
Soft fingers brushed against your temple, pushing your hair back out of your face. Ellaria’s hand slides down, cupping your jaw to lift your head. She’s smiling softly at you, and the combination of her touch and the open affection on her face dazes you for a moment. “I can practically hear you thinking. I promise, just your presence will make Oberyn happy.”
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Later that night, lying in bed, you’re still thinking about the conversation. Partly to replay what Ellaria’s touch felt like in your mind, and partially because you still can’t shake the feeling that you need to find something to get Oberyn.
When you finally manage to calm your mind enough to begin to drift off, you’re pulled out of your almost-sleep with a sudden idea.
You know exactly what to get Oberyn.
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