#because isnt yom kippur all about repenting for your sins?
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myfeelingshavefeelings · 17 days ago
"Who the fuck is celebrating Yom Kippur by going to Las Vegas?"
^^words that literally actually just left my mouth
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dvash-teshuva · 4 years ago
I'm gonna liveblog my 3rd conversion class lmao
Catholic raised lady asked about athiesm. Apparent kushner hated athiests I guess? But rabbi is giving good talks on it I think.
I really think athiesm as it stands normally in America is again a Christian paradigm- athiests reject the "big man in the sky" and "gd is cruel" is a really Christian perspective. It's completely bizarre.
Apparently, my Rabbi says he sucks at philosophy which is funny to me.
Children have fully formed theologies! Super cool!
Now we're chatting about how extremist theology led to the Shoah.
It has been 5 minutes.
"Far too many people do not have an adult relationship with the Divine" WOAH?!?!? I gotta reflect on that 0-0
Oooo we learn about the HHD today!!
Rabbi is also completely panicked for the holidays.
Tishrei is the 7th month because passover is in the first month. We're getting ready for 5781!!
Damn I wish i had a shofar ;-; I gotta get to some selichot services aaaa. I'm COMPLETELY unprepared. Rising before the sun??? Can I pray selichot without a minyan???
Shofar is a divine alarm clock, which is cool! But I think all of it is cool.
OH we sound it to confuse haSatan lmaoooo. HaSatan is a fucking lawyer. I get it now!! 🧿
Oh no, he's comparing hasatan to Diné tales of Coyotes. I'm not sure if that's appropriate.
Angels have no free will, nice. Angels dissolve as soon as they fulfill their purpose. 3 angels met Avraham, maybe this is why bad things come in 3?
Theodicy- the justification of Gd.
We still chatting about the Shofar confusing haSatan, how he keeps showing up to the heavenly courts but they're empty because its Elul.
30 minutes in.
4 new years!! So cool!! I cant wait for tu b'shevat. Tree time 🌳
EVERYONE is judged on rosh hashanan, and i can tell u that my cats did NOT do teshuva.
Sukkot is the judgement of rain, fall -spring is the rainy season.
Yom haDin is a day of judgement but not "the final call".
Ooh we talk about sin now. Sin in Christianity is not too close nowadays to judaism. Some think sin is temptation, external evil. But judaism doesn't see like that, the devil isn't really a thing. So we chose our sins, our obedience, etc. During this month we reflect on it. Sin isn't really a mistake, mistakes are honest, sin is like doing cruelty on purpose. Judaism's idea of sin are word like cheyt, but that word means "to miss the mark". There's avera, like the root of "to cross over", as in you decided to transgress. Avone, iniquity where u just ignore all boundaries. Peasha is callousness and neglect.
(This is going fast, bear with me)
On Yom Kippur, "you shall afflict your soul". Fasting, bathing, drink, anointing, leather shoes, sex, etc are forbidden on this day. We pretend to be dead, as Yom Kippur is like death? Worm. It is a shabbat of Complete Rest, so we go Next Level. Yom Kippur is allowed to be on shabbat, but not Friday or Sunday.
Scapegoat, scapegoat
Kohen gadol does mad sacrifice. Good for him. He pronounces the Shem ha-M'forash this day only.
Forgiveness, pardon, and atonement are all different. Teshuvah is turning not repentance (although it can and often does include repentance). I think?? Hmm
Two cateogories of sin: between us and Gd, and between a person and their fellow. However, hurting someone also offends Gd. Good for Her. On Yom Kippur we ask forgiveness from Gd, it doesn't absolve us of communal responsibility.
We are judged on Rosh HaShanah but our fate is sealed on Yom Kippur. You can't get rid of the consequences of your behavior, it isnt a clean slate. On Yom Kippur we accept the consequences, but on the days between we try to mitigate them.
All done I think!
That was. Much
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