#because in the end it all boils down to Kanata being scared
megane-sama · 1 year
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Hunted. Chapter 13
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Chapter 13: 
Breathe in.
        Breathe out.
Breathe in.
        Breathe out.
For several minutes that's all I can make myself do.
Breathe in.
           Breathe out.
Breathe in.
        Breath out.
The only thing I can do as I lay against something, my eyes closed. My body is paralyzed. My body is asleep even though my mind is slowly awakening. I don't know how I got here. I don't know how I came to be laying in a bed, trapped behind a set of heavy eyelids.
In my head I see flashes of what I'd seen before I ended up here. I see the ruins of Mas Kanata, the sea of stormtroopers and resistance fighters. I see it all, but as I will my eyes to open all of that vanishes and with it I'm met by darkness. Pitch black darkness with air colder than anything I'd ever felt before.
My mind remains in a haze as I sit up on the thing I'm laying on...
A bed.
My brows furrow as I run my fingers over the silk sheets, my mind remaining foggy as I try to feel my way around. Laying in here now I realize the weight of not reaching Mas Kanata...
The realization that I didn't make it.
That I never would.
I don't remember how I got to this point, but as I try to mentally put the pieces together. I was all alone here in this bed. Alone in a room that He must've trapped me in. At the thought I feel my body lean against the mattress beneath me in defeat.
He'd promised me that I could return to the resistance. He'd promised that he let me go, but he'd broken those promises. He'd broken those promises and now I was stuck here.
I was stuck here with no way out.
“Did you really think I'd let you go?”
His robotic voice sounds through the silence, his voice causing the hair on my neck to stand on end. Hearing his voice provokes me to look around, my gaze struggling through the darkness. It takes a few seconds, but I see him. He stands in front of me, his body propped up against the wall. I know he is wearing his mask, but I can feel his brown eyes on me; the two orbs piercing my soul.
“Did you think I would ever make that mistake again? I lost you once and I don't intend to lose you again.”
Hearing him say this causes my whole body to freeze in place, my eyes focusing at him. I can feel him stare back at me for several seconds before I hear the faint sound of his mask being removed. The faint hiss sounding through the silence as I think of what to say to the man before me.
“You're unbelievable.”
I feel myself whisper before I can stop myself, my chest seeming to fill with frustration the longer I struggle to see him. The longer I see the faint outline of a now mask less Kylo Ren.
“You know you belong with me...”
He rasps, light seeming to come to life as he takes a step forward. The light makes it hard for my eyes to adjust for a moment, but when they do I feel my stomach turn. Looking at him now I feel my heartstrings get pulled. I feel every emotion that he's ever brought out of you pulsating at once. I'd thought I would be able to get out. That I could forget these feelings and put them behind me, but I couldn't. I couldn't ignore what we had brewing between the both of us, the force was too strong and it only seemed to get stronger when the two of us were together. As if we were two magnetic pieces that couldn't deny each other.
I couldn't deny him and he knew it.
At the thought I see the corner of his lips turn upwards slightly forming into a faint smirk. A smirk I knew all too well, his brown eyes move from me to my bound hands. Tilting his head to the side he looks at me and the way I look laying on the bed. Looking around now I realize the room I'm in is his. The room I'd been before he'd gone back on his word.
A room that seems to look different now that I know there was no getting out.
A part of me realizes that I should've known this was where he'd bring me after going back on his word. The place we'd come together before I'd desired being pulled apart. It's a thought that causes my heart to ache. A thought that I keep with me as I lift myself up in the bed and scooch forward, my legs hanging over the edge of the bed, my toes touching the ground. Looking at him now I feel the anger I'd felt the moment I realized he didn't keep his promise.
Sensing my emotions, his face seems to contort slightly, the smirk etching further on his handsome face. I can mentally see him justifying his actions. That he's formulating what to say and how to save his own ass.
“... You know you'll always belong with me.”
He whispers faintly, the rasp seeming to intensify with his every step forward. His eyes watch me with content, the smirk growing when his eyes move over my body.
For a moment we watch each other, no words being said as we fixate on each other. The small part of me that been promised freedom was angry. Especially now that I was dragged back in. The anger seems to grow the moment he takes a step forward. The anger that only worsens when he reaches me, his body standing in between my legs as he looks down at me.
“You broke your promise Ben. I should've known better than to trust a sith.”
My words come out as a growl, my feet resting on the ground as I guide myself to stand from the bed. Getting on his level sends a look of amusement across his handsome face even though I'm the furthest thing from amused.
“I couldn't let you go Emilia. I was foolish to think I could.”
My brow furrows at the words, my eyes wide when he leans forward, his lips finding mine. The anger I feel seems to worsen for a moment when I kiss him, only to diminish when he deeps the kiss. Our lips move together in sync, my heartbeat quickening with every single second that passes.
He moves his hands to my hair when I deepen the kiss, his touch as intoxicating as it always is. Enough to make my mind drift. He continues until I feel like I can't breathe a second longer and his lips leave mine.
“I love you.”
He whispers breathlessly before pulling back to look at me, his brown eyes honest for the first time since I got here. It's a look that I hadn't expected to see, much less have to think to respond to.
“I love you too.”
I murmur after a few more moments of looking into his eyes. A few more moments of memorizing the way he looks at me as if it will be the last time I see it.
We watch each other for a while before either of us dare to move. Before either of us dare to ruin this moment. Ruin whatever it is that has brought us to this moment. The anger I'd felt still pulsates beneath the surface of my skin, but I no longer want to retaliate. Instead I find myself sighing and realizing that I'm not surprised by his betrayal. I'm not surprised and a part of me is happier than I care to admit.
“I'm holding onto you for as long as I can Emilia. I'm not letting go and I'm not giving you back to the resistance. Not when my people are hunting them.”
Guilt moves across his face when he says this, a look that is foreign for him. A look that makes you realize that his idea to keep you there wasn't just because he couldn't bare to say goodbye. It was because he didn't want you to get caught in the crossfires. He didn't want you hurt because of something he chose to do. Because of something he lead.
“What do you mean?”
I ask when I realize that this fear had to be taken seriously. Kylo Ren feared very few things, but whatever was happening next had him scared. That was no easy accomplishment. But my question only makes him look more serious, his eyes seeming to darken a few shades as he thinks of what to say. Of what to do.
He knows his answer won't please me.
He knows it will enrage me far more than anything he'd done to me before.
“Supreme leader Snoke is planning to use the weapon we'd used to destroy your home planet. He's planning on using it on the planets the support the resistance. And then he's going to target their planet after they watch their supporting planets go up in flames. When they realize they're truly on their own.”
Any lust that had been boiling within me, any anger, any emotion I'd felt seems to flee in one fell swoop. In just a few words it's as if the air has been let out of me and I can't breathe. I can't think I can't do a damn thing. “My sister is on that planet.”
I whimper, my eyes finding the floor of his bed room. Without warning any and all emotion has left me. Without warning I'm broken and I can feel my heart ache the way it had when he'd killed all of our friends at the Jedi temple all those years ago.
“Poe is on that planet.”
I whimper once more as the faces of the people I'd grown up with flicker in my mind. The people Ben had once grown up with too.
“Your mom is on that planet.”
My last sentence causes me to break further, tears finding my eyes as the lump in my throat becomes unbearable. How could he let these people kill more? How could he let the planet of the woman who'd given him life get blown to smithereens?
“Ben you have to do something.”
My voice comes out in a barely audible whisper as he dares to look at me. As he dares to acknowledge the damage he was doing to someone he claimed to love so deeply.
For a moment he looks at me without expression, his eyes fixating on me as if he's trying to figure out the best response to have.
“I have your sister. I collected her on that planet we'd stopped at. She was amongst the other rebel scum I'd been trying to find. She'd aligned herself with some scavenger from Jakku. I had her brought here as a gift to you.”
When he finishes speaking my heart seems to stop, my eyes seem to widen and the million emotions I'd had seem to come back and hit me all at once.
“A gift? She's a person Ben, not a piece of jewelery.”
The use of his old name seems to strike a nerve with him unlike the last time I'd uttered it, his eyes seeming to darken a few shades as he looks at me.
“Between you and the scavenger girl it's been a long day. I would choose your words wisely if I were you Emilia. I wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty little sister of yours.”
I've heard many of his threats over the time since I'd been captured by him, but this one strikes a nerve unlike anything else. I feel the hatred pulling at every muscle, breath and thought within me. Because of all the things he'd done, speaking of my sister was by far the one thing I couldn't stand.
“Leave her out of this.”
The words leave my mouth in a growl, a fury of words that seems to force intrigue across his face as he looks at me. For a moment we stare at each other, but after a few heated seconds I have to look away. I can't stand another moment h=under the heat of his gaze.
“Then I would take care of that attitude Emilia. You know I'd never dream of hurting you.”
He reaches for my face when he says this, his right hand seeming to find itself locked around my jaw as he forces me to look back up at him. There's a familiarity to this movement... the same one he'd done all those nights ago...
The night he'd made his first threat against me.
I can see he wants to say more, but before he can the voice of General Hux moves through the room. He'd arrived and I hadn't noticed him until this moment, until Kylo Ren moves the side slightly. He keeps his grip on me, but allows the general to get a look at me.
“I brought the other prisoner to a her living quarters.”
He says this with a look of cruel satisfaction moving over his face as he looks at me. I can see that he thinks Kylo Ren is in control. That I'm really just as defenseless as he wants me to be, but I know that I'm not defenseless. I wouldn't let them get away with this... they wouldn't destroy my planet. They wouldn't kill the people I loved. It's all I can think about as Kylo moves in closer to me, his body seeming to desire being as close to mine as possible. A desire that would've been more mutual five minutes ago. It's when he does that he speaks and I feel my heart beat quicken.
Kylo Ren whispers in response to what Hux has said, his brown eyes seeming to intensify further the longer he looks at me... the longer he feels the way my heart beats under his grasp. Under his close proximity.
“... I'm sure my dear Emilia will want to see her. After all it's been a while since she saw her sister.”
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