#because im scheduled for several 6am shifts in the next few weeks and I need to know the kids will still sleep
harmonizewithechoes · 1 month
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jakemarnie-blog · 6 years
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3. Being an effective team member, contributor, building confidence and being efficient. At the conclusion of my first few events I have gained a considerable amount of experience in such a short period of time. I have been fortunate enough to have been given an opportunity to work at many different types of events such as the Australian Superbike Championship, Bendigo White Night, Eastland Icerink, Real Madrid Fan Experience and also the Chinese Moon Lantern Festival. Working across many different areas of events and performing whilst being an effective team member has allowed me to realise I have the tools and passion to be able to continue in the industry. This has continually built my confidence more and more each week. Bump in and bump outs of events I can now work autonomously and perform all tasks to a hjgh standard. At Bendigo White Night I was given the responsibility of a new task that I have not performed previously. As the event required tasks to be completed at different stages, it meant new staff were starting and ending their shifts at different times throughout the bump in. This meant that I was made responsible of inducting staff to the sight and ensuring they knew were abouts around the sight they were needed. Being given such an important task made me feel like I was providing significant value to Miles Per Hour. It also allowed me to develop vital transferrable skills within the sporting industry such as staff management, risk management and organisation. With each event I definitely am getting more confident and my efficiency is getting to the level required to work in events.
4. Challenges To date, the internship experience has been a positive one with very little challenges or hurdles. Due to the somewhat unpredictability of events there are always going to be various dificulties which will need to immediately be addressed and also putting together plans so it doesn’t happen in the future. The first challenge as previously mentioned was my lack of Microsoft Excel experience as I havent had to use the software at my previous roles. My major project at the MotoGP required me to build a schedule and budget using excel. I knew that excel is such a useful tool that all workplaces use in the industry so I made sure I took the time upskilling in this area but watching tutorials and experimenting using the different features. This was a relatively easy challenge to overcome. Another challenge we had to overcome at the first Australian Superbike event at Morgan Park, QLD was the severe winds throughout the weekend. This was an issue with all of the signage around the track as each morning we inspected the signage a lot had shifted out of position or blown over. This was also because the ground was way too hard to peg the signage into the ground. This would obviously be an issue on race day with the sponsors, camera crew and also safety. To ensure all signage were correctly placed for race day we had to be on track even early and improvise by filling each sign with tyres to weight them down. This was a one off issue as all other courses we were able to peg the signs into the ground. Another isssue at this event that was totally unavoidable was the podium skin being ripped off of the truss knocking down the grid girls. To ensure the podium was still available for the main presentations I took the initiative to hold the podium down from behind so that Motorcycling Australia and its sponsors would be happy. We identified that this issue cannot happen again in the future as it could have ended in injury and also significant costly damage to the podium. This meant that we made sure and planned that in future events, that the podium be facing a certain direction so its not affected by the wind. Another challenge in the industry is the long working hours. At some events I was working at we had to start at 6am and not finish until 10pm. This wasn’t an issue for me as I thoroughly enjoy this type of work and love being at events.
5. Achievements and milestones both technically and professionally Having now completed the entirety of my internship it is a perfect time to refllect on my major aachievements. From a professional standpoint I believe firstly I worked extremely hard and perfected all of my duties that were handed to me by all of my supervisors. Completing all of the different aspects of the staffing logistics for the MotoGP is definitely something I am proud of as the weekend could not have run any smoother. The briefing document I created was professional and will be used as a template going forward. The skills I have shown and developed over the course of the internship are much more than what I thought id be able to develop in such a short space of time. My initial goal and aspiration was to show enough skills and technical and professional growth to my supervisor with the hope to secure a role at Miles Per Hour. Having met with the owner at the conclusion of my 228 hours I can now say that because of my hard work and commitment I have been offered some part-time or casual work, working at events with the possibility of some office responsibilities. This is a great achievement for me now having completed my bachelor of sports business and searching for a start in my career in the industry. This will be a great starting point for me to be able to further enhance my skills and experience and add some real value to the company. 6. Career aspirations including goal setting (reflections on submitting job applications) Prior to beginning my studies at Holmesglen I have always aspired to have a career in the athlete management industry. Now that ive completed this has not changed. Hearing various guest speakers throughout the degree who have worked in that field, were able to secure an agency job after some time working in events. This is due to the transferrable skills of managing, problem solving and organisation. Working in events also allows you to deal with a range of people and clients which offer a great opportunity to network with the right people. As Miles Per Hour work in conjunction with one of the leaders of athlete management TLA Worlwide, moving forward this may provide me wi th the opportunity to network and build my professional brand to level where I may be sought after. This is now only a dream but given the opportunity to do so I would grab it with both hands. As completing the degree is still so fresh I do not currently have any immediate plans for starting my career in the industry other than the casual events role as previously mentioned. I have however also secured a role at Basketball Jersey World and have sent a job application for a duty manager role at YMCA managing the Casey Stadium. This internship process has allowed me to almost perfect writing job applications as I did annoyingly have to write numerous applications to land an internship role. Being a manager at a local facility would be a different kind of challenge all together but believe I do have the skills necessary to excel in this thanks to the course at Holmesglen as well as my jnternship and work experiences. As I am in America for a month I only applied for this role as a requirement of the unit but would be ecstatic given the opportunity. Once I do get back however I will definitely be on the lookout for a role whjch would suit my skills and aspirations. Im fairly confident that I can put together an attractive cover letter and resume addressing the selection criteria. I will ensure I regularly scan sportspeople and LinkedIn for the next big role. 7. Supervisor evaluations and future career professional development requirements   Not to be over confident but I was not surprised with receiving such a positive evaluation from the owner of Miles Per Hour, Geordie. All of the strengths of mine he has mentioned such as Ability to learn quickly, Communicate with other staff, Stay calm under pressure and Hard working attitude I have acquired through my various other jobs particularly at US Sports Down Under. These strengths however have undoubtedly been further developed through the 228 hour internship. When looking into whether or not I require further professional development I would say I believe I am ready to tackle role that im fortunate enough to land moving forward. Due to the nature of the course with all subjects being so industry specific which is not a feature at all universities I believe I already have tbe required knowledge in my focus areas such as sponsorship, events, marketing and athlete management. I would not require any further study. If anything, I would benefit and would love to do an internship in the US which many professional clubs offer numerous of. Working in the US would be a dream and completing an internship there would be a big step in achieving that.  
8. Student showcase and reflections on internship and studies Now that the internship, my studies and the student showcase are over I am first of all relieved to say the least. It has been an extremely long road to get to this point but I a mm extremely proud with what I have been able to achieve to date and definitely looking forward to the future. It was extremely exciting to hear all of the great experiences that my fellow classmates had throughout their internship and was quite pleased that I too had such a positive outcome from mine. I wasn’t short of exciting things to talk about and really wanted all the awesome events I was fortunate enough to attend to be a focus. I was happy for the students also who have actually been able to secure full time roles in the industry. Being such a competitive person this has made me even more determimed to put myself out there and try and land a full time role myself either in events, player management, sponsorship or venue management. After studying for 3 years at Holmesglen I believe it has prepared me well for the workforce especially with the sport and industry specific subjects ive been fortunate enough to undertake. Because of this I am extremely confident that I am well skilled and equipped enough to look attractive to potential employers. Due to feeling so prepared I believe I will have the confidence to deliver high standard interviews moving forward. Right now im looking forward to a little break, refresh and then search for that first full time role in the industry.    
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