#because i am saying A Tone confidently im just not thinking conciously slowly about which one
rigelmejo · 1 year
Fun small bit of progress! I'm reading 撒野 using this free app called Smart Books because it has TTS and parallel sentence translation and click word translation if I want it (although Readibu, Pleco, Zhongwen chrome extension, and the built in mobile web browser and various Reader app click translation tools also work fine for any reader who'd like translations when needed).
And as expected, I know most words in this novel since it's roughly around my reading level. The sentence translation tool I've used a bit to help clarify when I'm not sure how to interpret the use of a particular word or some long sentence I couldn't clearly figure out.
Anyway the progress: I've been reading aloud to myself. What's surprising is I took a few months off of studying Chinese (although I'm sure I see at least a tiny bit of Chinese at least weekly but that's not a big dense amount of input it just may help me not forget what I've learned), and I'm still able to read to myself aloud. I knew I could get myself to recall word meanings of words I'd learned if I just read for a few hours. Word meanings come back even if they're "rusty" given enough time to get used to Chinese again. But being able to pronounce the words I'm seeing? I was surprised, because I've been doing more japanese the past few months and feared as I learned Kanji pronunciations and words that used similar characters to Chinese, I'd start accidentally seeing Chinese and only having Japanese Kanji pronunciations come to mind. But thankfully that hasn't happened!
I'm also happy I must've learned common words better than the last time I took a break from Chinese. Because last break I took, I did forget a fee hundred hanzi pronunciations (out of 2000). Now that I'm getting back into it, the 2500-3000ish hanzi I know, I'm recalling the pronunciations of easily (except for a few very specific ones I always confuse for a particular other pronunciation which I mess up even when I haven't taken a break).
So yeah! I'm very hype about it!
I'm a little worried this means my japanese reading To Recognizing pronunciation of Kanji is still very weak. But hey, I expected less strong remembering for that at least.
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