#because he’s such a loud and friendship-oriented character so when you’re only watching early canon you’re inclined to think he’d love-
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actually yeah while i’m at it im sorry for the huge wall of text and i know i’ve made so many posts about it before but i really wanna talk about it again. dakota cole does not celebrate his birthday like a normal person and something about that makes me so sick. he says “i just turned eighteen” at the end of s2ep29 after the statue/volcano/asking-for-help challenge. and i know him saying that was just a bit/joke but it essentially became canon and it . it honestly makes so much sense for him to arbitrarily decide it’s his birthday on a random day in december and just move on, not caring about the actual date. now this could have simply been because dakota didn’t feel right celebrating his birthday when the mission at hand was finding ashe and things were getting so dire. but . think about it . dakota’s parents died when he was like eight or something, and he was entrusted to alaska, who fell into addiction. he dealt with neglect + financial instability + like every problem ever and so his birthday, as well as the winter/holiday season as a whole, likely ended up being pretty miserable for him as alaska could afford less and less money-wise and health-wise (+ that’s also when winter break was, and as some1 who used to be in a kinda similar situation, a lot of kids will use school as a lifeline/distraction/escapism from their home lives) and so i personally believe that he left it all behind and celebrates neither his birthday nor any big holidays anymore, or at least doesn’t celebrate them nearly to the degree that they are “normally” celebrated. he just picks a random day in december and is like “cool i’m a year older now” and ignores all else and doesn’t really tell anybody or make any deal about it and i jsut. airiwkogjrh
#my mentally ill son and the expectations/personality traits he subconsciously sets up in everyone’s mind to later subvert……#because he’s such a loud and friendship-oriented character so when you’re only watching early canon you’re inclined to think he’d love-#birthdays and shit. and don’t get me wrong i really do think he goes above and beyond for others’ birthdays. just not his own. not his own#can anybody hear me it is so fuckjng dakr in here#i’ve started so many fics around this premise but eventually have to stop cause i get so sick to my stomach#jrwi pd#jrwi#dakota cole#prime defenders spoilers#jrwi pd spoilers#pd spoilers#neglect#neglect cw#< lmk if other warning tags r needed 🤞
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Can we hear more about Jan?
Of course, anon! I’d be glad to yell a lot of information about the man who lists yelling as one of his hobbies.
And, without further ado, an introduction and character summary below.
Jan Kees Jones, personification of New York State
All art credited to @zapphi, 2017, 2018, 2019
Physical Description
Jan Kees is 5′11, with semi-styled sandy blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. He is of a medium build, and decently fit. He has been referred to as a shorter version of his father, Lars. Neither can deny relationship to the other. He identifies as Dutch-American. His birth year was 1614, and he celebrates his birthday on July 26th.
Jan Kee’s face claim is model Andrej Halasa, his voice claim is Gregg Taylor of Decoder Ring Theatre fame, and as of this moment, he has no singing voice claim.
Money makes the world go around, the world go around… (Me, starting this section).
Jan is a loud, somewhat egotistical bastard, whose got just enough of a hidden golden heart to be worth knowing, somehow. He’s really good with kids, passionate, and driven to do whatever he decides to do. His passion and drive can play against him at times when he comes off as stubborn and resistant to outside ideas, and aides in many negative perceptions of him. He can also be very indifferent at times to various situations, unless he has a direct stake in it, and pride is a very definite and major downfall he has.
At the same time, he believes strongly in family. While he probably fights with his two brothers more than anyone else, he’ll be right at their side the moment anyone else goes after them. And as for his family back in Europe, he considers himself still very close to his father, and visits him often. He’s also a little bit of a prankster, and he and Seth (@zapphi’s Massachusetts) have gotten into multiple prank wars.
Sexuality and Gender
Jan Kees is queer and cisgender. He has tried ascribing other names to his sexuality over the years, but it has been very fluid at times, so he prefers the overall term of queer. The closest he’s come to using any other name for his sexual orientation was bisexual, but he remained somewhat uncomfortable with the term before switching back to queer.
Jan can additionally be very open with his sexuality at times, and has historically been quite the womanizer and been willing to sleep with about anyone who lets him. When other states joke about the “Promiscusquad”, they count Jan Kees in as a founding member. However, if you’re in a serious relationship with him, he’s a one-person man.
Jan was raised as a Dutch protestant, and while he remains culturally Christian, indetifies as an agnostic or atheist nowadays. He is very aware of other cultures and religious practices, and tries to be very respectful of them, and has spent a lot of time studying Judaism in particular, as both his brothers are Jewish.
Jan has two fields in which he’s incredibly passionate and focused in, law and finance. Following World War Two, he has predominantly focused in law, although he continues to invest his money. He used to mainly making a living in finance, but after the Great Depression, felt that law was a more stable career.
Jan has three pets, all gifts from Lars to celebrate another century of age. In order, he recieved:

A Friesian mare Jan recieved on his 100th birthday, Niagara was a very practical gift. He was a growing colony, and although he was now a British colony, Lars felt he needed his own transportation and Arthur was failing to provide him it. Jan and Niagara were pretty inseperable until the age of the automobile. Nowadays, Niagara lives on Jan’s property in upstate New York and enjoys her well-deserved retirement.

A blue and white British Shorthair was given to Jan as his 200th birthday present, and named in honor of Alexander Hamilton. Jan is definitely more of a cat person than a dog person, and Hamilton can about get away with murder. He sleeps on Jan’s chest (which is bad when he weighs as much as he does), loves all of Jan’s “enemies” more than he loves Jan, and loves the smell of mint gum which Jan is sometimes forcefed so he won’t smoke.
Hamilton, you traitor, stop adoring Massachusetts.
When life gives you mint gum, Hamilton glues himself to your face.

Rembrandt exists pretty much solely because of this picture of Jan’s faceclaim. Rembrandt was a gift for Jan’s 300th birthday, and Rembrandt the hedgehog is living the ideal life in Jan’s apartment. He crawls around on the floor as a walking pincushion, Hamilton is terrified of him and Jan’s terrified of stepping on him, he gets taken out for fun photoshoots by literally anyone who’s ever housesat for Jan so they can spam Jan with pics. His life is amazing.
After reiceiving Rembrandt, Jan has made it clear he has as many pets as he wants, so he didn’t recieve another pet for his 400th birthday in 2014.
Relationships with other States
We’ll start with family.
New Jersey
Elijah, only ten years younger than Jan, has never been someone whose content to be in the shadows OR bossed around by his older brother. Fiercely independent from the start, he resisted assimilation into a Dutch way of life, clinging to his native roots and converting to Judaism very early on. Half the time, they’re at the other’s throats over the smallest things. The other half of the time, they’re about the only person watching each other’s back. They’re a formidable team when cooperating, and Elijah admits he’d miss arguing with him if something happened to the asshole, but don’t you dare tell Jan that!
No art for Aaron, so imagine Elijah, but approximately one inch shorter.
Aaron always felt a bit like the third wheel of the family, and he isn’t entirely wrong (Jan and Elijah can be rather self-centered at times). At the same time, Aaron serves as a peacekeeper between the two and he and Elijah bond over their shared faith.
Yet, some doubts about his place in the family were destroyed when Aaron came out of the closet as trans. Jan Kees and Elijah immediately stopped using Aaron’s deadname, Miriam, and bookended his seat for several meetings, ready to throw down with anyone who challenged Aaron. Jan Kees has even helped financially with some of Aaron’s surgeries and made sure his brother has all the expensive male fashion that he will probably never wear because “I never wore this sort of stuff before, Jan, why would I start now?”
Okay, family section over onto other states
He’s only around eight inches taller than Seth, but this is what Seth thinks their height difference is. And honestly, Jan gloats over it, so he does too.
Seth Adams Jones and Jan Kees’ relationship with him is one of the most complicated things in Jan’s life. He can’t decide if he loves or hates the guy.
I’d like to thank Talia and also Talia for my life. -Jess
Jan Kees came into the original thirteen colonies in a lot of turmoil, and Seth didn’t help. Jan Kees had lost his only parental figure at the time, couldn’t speak much English, was a Dutch Protestant rather than a Puritan, and had Jewish younger siblings.
Needless to say, when one of the first memories you have of someone is getting into a fistfight with them for stealing your brother’s Magen David, you have gotten off on the wrong foot.
They eventually figured out some sort of antagonistic truce, and half-cooperated long enough to see themselves through the French-Indian War, and during the lead-up to the Revolution, Jan had a horrible realization, that he had a lot of feelings towards Seth. So in classic Protestant fashion, aka conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know, he pretended those feelings didn’t exist. He went through the revolution as a spy for George Washington wishing that he was literally anywhere else doing anything else like maybe fighting with his crush by his side but also no I don’t have a crush on him God I’m a mess, help me.
Also, kinda awkward when your crush mistakes you for an actual redcoat and shoots you at one point when you’re trying to bring in your spy reports.
Jan’s crush remained pretty steady until after the Civil War, when it slowly began to fade over the next fifty years (in canon, Jan ends up dating @bottot‘s Florida, Marco). However, in many AUs, it just keeps simmering in this idiot forever until eventually, somehow, it slips out.
They continue to have a semi-antagonistic friendship, because really to Jan, is it worth knowing someone if they aren’t at least a bit of a fucking bastard? (He says, crawling out of the Boston Harbor for the sixteenth time this year after Seth threw him in.)
And, when times are tough, they can set aside the bullshit and be there for each other. Because you’re my oldest frenemy, damn it, I need you to help get me through this.

Ever end up as the primary mentor of a kid who thankfully ends up nothing like you? That’s Jan Kees and Fatima in a nutshell. Fatima had been around for a while as a very small and sometimes struggling personification, but when the Erie Canal opened, so did a whole new world of settlement from the northeastern states, and trade, with New York being the center of it.
Jan served as a primary contact between Fatima and the world for a while, and even bought her her first translation of the Quran when she admitted to being curious about Islam. But in some ways, most importantly to her, he introduced her to Elijah. She and New Jersey somehow hit it off, even with totally opposite personalities, and now she’s practically his sister-in-law, so at least she tolerates his bullshit really well.
This just in: The moment Elijah realizes Jan Kees liked Marco, he had Jan’s type in men pegged to a T.
Marco is a bitter old salt whose approach to life is “Fuck it, if it doesn’t kill me, it’ll be something I can tell stories about later”. Full of salt, short, and ready to argue with anyone who will let him, he and Jan have interactions eeirly similar to some of Jan and Seth’s interactions.
But Marco also has a way of bringing out the kid in Jan again, making him do ridiculous things and actually having him enjoy it. Finally having their first proper meeting right after the Civil War, they were pretty wary of each other at first, but over time, a begrudging respect formed, followed by begruding affection.
They might not admit it, but they’d literally cross a war zone for each other.
At the same time, they have some things in their relationship that are a little explosive and tense. Marco is jealous of several other states who had short-term relationships with Jan since he used to be very promicious, and can hover a little too much in Jan’s space at times because of that. Meanwhile, Jan can be overprotective and stifle Marco with good intentions and concerns. But they’ll eventually set aside the argument, talk it out, and then go to bed together that night, with Hamilton and Pink treating them as their own private heating pads installed on the mattress.
In the end, they’ll never get used to the other’s weather, but they’ll never stop enduring the heat/cold to see each other either. They’ve both waited long enough to have something good like this, and they’re both too stubborn to let go.
Other States-Brief Thoughts
Vermont- Jackass. Rarely calls Ethan by name, since he fought so damn hard to be Vermont.
Rest of the NE besides Vermont and Massachusetts- Eh, assholes, but I’ll live.
Pennslyvania- Is this actually food or are you poisoning me?
Virginia- Oh, fuck off, you got the capital, but I’ve got the banks.
California- Stealing your money, power, glory, and fame since 1849.
Oregon- Feral tree child.
Washington State- Attractive. Slept with her a few times after WW2. Got threatened by Roberto for it. In retrospect, California was probably right but still. Ouch.
Kansas- Yeah, the appropriate way to get over your crush on Massachusetts probably isn’t to sleep with the girl he considers his daughter. Funnily enough, she ends up dating Washington State later, so that happened.
-In the Statetalia Canon I’ve created, Jan Kees is the Original Yankee because England misheard his name as Yankee. He referred to Jan as this until Jan knew enough English to correct him.
-He ran away to Canada in 1940 and joined the Canadian Army in response to the invasion of the Netherlands and continued US inaction. Alfred didn’t know until Matthew sent him a telegram that basically said “Yeah, I have custody of New York until the war’s over, bye!”
-Sports team rivalries are his life. I, Jess, know nothing about sports.
-Speaks Dutch, Iriquios, Yiddish, Spanish, Italian, Quebecios French, Mandarin, and English.
-Major insomniac, has no really well established circadian rhythm.
-A really good cook, actually! Too bad he prefers to order take-out.
#Anonymous#aph new york#hws new york#oc jan#ask hipsofsteel#you ask for ze boy and i deliver (eventually) ze boy
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