#because giving your enemy a home-warming plant is totally not an affectionate thing to do
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muse-write · 6 months ago
Verlady Week Day 6
Prompt: Poems and Petals
In the wake of the Qliphoth, there were few truly green areas around Red Grave City, and Lady could tell that the loss hurt Vergil in more ways than the simple guilt of being the one to cause it. When Nico drove them through forests that had flourished beyond the reaches of Urizen’s destruction, Lady had seen something like longing in his eyes as he’d stared out the window, quickly covered by a veneer of disinterest. He’d turned to cleaning the Yamato or reading a poetry book or polishing the buttons on his coat or whatever it was he did to seem uninterested in anything going on around him.
But Lady had noticed, and she’d asked Dante about it. He had only shrugged. “The guy’s been through a lot. When we were kids he wasn’t an outdoor guy or anything, but he always liked walking through the forest around our house.” He’d smiled briefly. “We were maybe five, but he had this book on trees and he’d tell me what every single one was called when we passed them. Every single one. And if he didn’t know it he spent ten minutes flipping through that book trying to decide. I think I slammed him into the ground to get him to stop, not like it worked.” The nostalgia had fled, and Dante had stared at his brother with that deep sorrow that always made Lady just a little afraid. She had seen him in those days after Vergil had fallen. She knew the depths of grief he was liable to fall into, even with his brother sitting across the room. He spoke up again after a second, the easy tone of his voice not reaching his eyes. “It’s probably been a while since he’s seen any trees that weren’t…you know, made of human blood and smothering the world with human-killing roots.”
Lady had to admit that Vergil, with his neat hair and elegant coat and cutting precision, did not strike her as a tree-hugger. Neither had V, for that matter. It wasn’t as though she knew him (either of him) that well. The weight of their past hung heavy between them, and if he was content to ignore her for the time being, Lady was content to ignore him, and even Dante seemed to recognize that was the best-case solution. But she did know that Vergil spent a lot of time shut away in his room upstairs, or, if not, then pretended to be shut away while he tricked around the city with Yamato.
And Lady had seen that room, and the bedroom fit for human life that it pretended to be. It was little more than a box with a bed and a tiny window. It was a sad place to spend all your time, and even if he deserved it, she couldn’t help but feel like it was a cheerless existence.
He can live in a cheerless existence, she told herself firmly. Does Vergil even know what cheer is? Maybe he’s perfectly happy living in a box. It’s better than whatever existence he had as Nero Angelo.
Try as she might to ignore it, it was that thought—that reminder of what Dante had told her so many years ago, that memory that she now shared as a vessel for Artemis—which lodged in her brain for a week straight.
Lady was pragmatic. She liked to think that she did nothing out of sheer sentiment. She had hung around Dante this long because he refused to fully pay off his ever-increasing debt, and she protected him and worried about him because he would rejoice at the fact that being dead meant he’d never have to. She had urged Nero not to kill his own father because she hated to see a kind young man forced to make the decision she had once made. So when she stopped by the greenhouse and surveyed its sparse selection of seasonal flowers, she picked one at random, because if she didn’t think about it, she could pretend she wasn’t doing this out of pity. Or sympathy. Or empathy.
It was a few sprigs of budding larkspur.
She chose it because it rose up above the others and it was blue, like Vergil.
Lady endured the somewhat mortifying ordeal of shoving open the shop door, crossing over to the stairs, ignoring Dante’s startled look, and stomping up the stairs with her hands full of flowerpot. Before her nerve could fail her, she rapped on Vergil’s door. “Vergil, open up, I have something I need to give you.”
The silence dragged on long enough that she wondered if this was one of those times he had used Yamato to go who-knew-where, but eventually there was the sound of footsteps and the door cracked open. “I have no reason to think that I need anything at all that you—“ Vergil began, but the irritation in his voice faded as his eyes fell on the pot in her hands. He stood motionless and silent for a moment, his hand clenching restlessly on the doorframe. “Is that a flowerpot?”
She shoved it at his chest. “Call it a housewarming gift or something, whatever you want.” She began to turn away.
He grabbed the pot before it could fall. “You’re about two months too late for that. Try again.” There was a bit of mocking humor in his voice, but he stared at her intently without a hint of a glare. He seemed genuinely curious, if bewildered.
Lady sighed. The best-case scenario here, she had thought, was that he would throw the pot out the window and laugh at the concept of ever needing anything as feeble as a plant. The worst-case was having to explain herself. Lady wasn’t sure if she could put her thought process into words, since she had done her best not to think about any of it too deeply. She plowed ahead anyway. “Your room’s awful. When I emerged from Artemis, plants helped me. They’re all dead now, I don’t have a green thumb, but Dante said that you liked trees when you were a kid, and I’ve seen the way you stare at the forests whenever we drive through them, and I thought a plant might…might help,” she finished lamely.
Vergil leaned more heavily on the door for a second. He stared down at the larkspur. One finger came up to lightly touch one of the petals. “Larkspur,” he said suddenly. “It’s poisonous.” His eyes gleamed at her, and suddenly something mischievous entered his expression, not unlike his brother’s. “Did you have ulterior motives in giving me this plant?”
She shrugged. “It’s tall and blue. I thought you two would get along well.”
“Ah. I forgot, you don’t have an instinct for ulterior motives, do you? You prefer to shoot first and ask questions later.” He sighed, but there was something exaggerated about it that told her he wasn’t completely being serious. “Quite an inelegant way of handing your problems.”
“Look who’s talking,” she shot back. “You’re not much of a plans guy either. You pretend to be, but if Dante does one single thing better than you, you’ll kill yourself to outrank him.” And maybe a couple thousand people in the process, she thought, but withheld that comment. It wasn’t often that she found herself bantering with him without wanting to fire a bullet through his head just to get him to shut up. She was even enjoying it.
“We’re twins,” Vergil said flatly. “It’s what we must do.” One index finger ran up the stem of the larkspur. Vergil cocked his head and glanced down at Lady. “Thank you,” he said. “The gift is much appreciated. It will certainly liven the place up a little.”
He carried it across to the window, where he set the pot down on the rug. Lady lingered in the doorway and cast a glance around. It was almost exactly as she remembered it: a tiny closet with a tiny bed that barely looked large enough to hold Vergil’s tall frame, and just enough room for a dresser. He had placed a warm lamp on the dresser, shoved a tiny bookcase into the corner, and put a blue rug down. With the plant in a spot of sunlight cast by the tiny window, the effect was almost homey.
The part of Lady inclined to be nosy wanted to look at the books he’d stuffed into the bookshelf, but she pulled back as he turned around. “Very pretty.” Now he actually did glare at her. She raised her hands in an expression of innocence. “You’ve made it look way better than it’s been in the past.”
“Yes, well, Dante wasn’t exactly interested in upkeep. I, however, was not about to live in a dark box with no personality.”
“If you need any more plants for your windowbox, you have my number.” Now that she’d done what she’d come to do, Lady wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, uncertain what she thought of this unfamiliar, bantering duel across the threshold of Vergil’s bedroom door. She backed away and stepped onto the stairs, trying not to consider it a retreat.
The larkspur went unmentioned for weeks, until one day, Lady returned to her apartment to find a pot of blue-and-gold pansies sitting outside her door. She raised her eyebrow at the note attached. One line was scrawled in neat, small, old-fashioned handwriting:
Don’t let this one die.
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a-libra-writes · 5 years ago
SFW Alphabet - Alfie Solomons
i love ... this man ......... and this isnt just my thirst talking ok this was a request
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alfie is very open and easy with affection once you both are alone, especially in your shared home. You’ll have his fingers brushing some of your hair aside, his hand on your waist or several kisses on your cheek and neck, all while you’re trying to actually get something done. It just comes naturally to him. When you’re out and about, he likes having your arms linked and keeping you close. Even before you two were properly an item, he couldn’t resist leaving lingering touches on your back and 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The way you met him was certainly interesting. You were walking your favorite part when a big, slobbery dog waltzed up and decided he was content to follow you. You were able to ask around and bring him back to Alfie, who took you to lunch right there. After that you began seeing him more and more frequently at the park, and you wondered why he was suddenly so interested in being there.
When you were friends, he didn’t even hint at what he did for a living. He was excellent at keeping up the charade of being a fairly normal person, and he was far more interested in you, anyway. It was easy to keep a friendship with such a charismatic and easy-going man, even when he was flustering you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He doesn’t always have the patience to sit back and just cuddle, but when it happens, Alfie likes running his hands down your back and petting your hair. He has to have something else in his hand, like a book, since he can get antsy from being so still. The way you curl up and nuzzle into him is adorable, though. When you’re cuddling in bed, he’ll call Cyril up and laugh when the dog promptly sits on you or slobbers on your face. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
It was hard to imagine a “domestic” future before he met you, Alfie never seriously considered it happening. The more time he spends with you, the more he starts liking the idea of a comfortable, safe home and having a deeper relationship. He’d play it off, of course, but come on - he bought the house for you, stopped by frequently enough that you just told him to stay, started to bring Cyril by so the dog could “protect” you while he was away … it was pretty obvious. This feeling just gets more intense once you two are talking marriage, and once you’re actually married.... Well, let’s just say, you didn’t expect this gangster, bear of a man to be so devoted and caring. It’s adorable how much he likes referring to you as his wife.
Not terribly surprising, he’s actually a good baker and he can make a variety of other foods. Alfie doesn’t actually like it unless he’s cooking with you. If he comes home and you’re in the kitchen, he’ll clean up and get to work helping you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Alfie would be very blunt and cold in order to get you away as soon as possible. He’d try to avoid showing his own emotions, would hope you’d learn to stay away from dangerous men like him.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Alfie is actually very committed once he’s in a relationship, but even without one, he isn’t a man to spend too much time messing around with women. You never know what they’re listening to or who they could be working for, after all, and he doesn’t appreciate distraction from work. 
For marriage, he’d be fine without it. Yes, it would be something the neighborhood would gossip about, but who would really say anything to your face? He’d discuss the matter if you were interested, especially if you were pregnant, but other than that, it isn’t something he sees as essential. It would be especially irksome if you were a gentile, since you’d have to consider conversion, and he isn’t about to force you to do anything for his sake. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Alfie is aware of his strength, so whenever he holds you or picks you up, he’s more careful than not. You think it’s adorable, but often remind him that you aren’t fragile. He’s more willing to be rougher and let himself go when you’re intimate.
This carefulness definitely doesn’t extend to his speech. He tries to be emotionally considerate of you, but he’s also ridiculously forthright with his opinions. Calling him out doesn’t mean he’ll stop, either, it just means he’ll find a different way to word it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Alfie loves being close to you. There’s no such thing as a light hug - unless you’re in front of his men or something - and he totally engulfs you in his big arms. He’ll even lean in and sway a little, maybe too hard just so you’ll stumble and he can catch you. If you’re alone you’ll absolutely get several kisses on your cheek and neck. If you two have been apart for some time, don’t expect to leave his embrace anytime soon.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
His hesitancy on admitting it to himself - not just saying it to you - would come from Alfie secretly worrying that you should be with someone else. Someone safer, more “normal”. Even if your devotion was obvious, he’d be be anxious about you being in danger from his many enemies. However… 
He’d probably just end up saying it without thinking, or you’d say it first and his mouth would answer before his brain could catch up. Once it’s all said and done, though, he feels relieved, and a little foolish for waiting for so long. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
His absolute confidence in himself and trust in you means that it takes a lot for Alfie Solomons to get actually jealous. It helps that most men know his reputation and your relationship, and wouldn’t dare try to come between you. It’s more likely that Alfie would get annoyed by some catcaller or man who doesn’t know him, and you’d recognize the look on his face when he lost his patience. The end result would be a thorough verbal dressing down … or just a cane to the face. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Alfie has all sorts of kisses to give you, but most frequent are the firm ones he gives while he holds you. He’ll give them to your lips, your brow, down your neck and to your collarbone - and further, if you’ll let him. His lighter ones are when he happens to be passing by you to get something, he just can’t resist, and when you’re more intimate, he likes planting them on your stomach and thighs. The spots that make you giggle or gasp are the ones he prioritizes, because of course. It’s okay if you’re busy and you need to shoo him away during one of his very affectionate moods. 
He likes any affection you give in return, but the favorites are when you feverishly kiss his chest and shoulders while you both are making love. He likes how your lips feel especially warm, even against his flushed skin. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Some may be surprised by how well he gets along with children, even if he’s too foul-mouthed by far. Alfie’s patience comes in handy with the very young ones, and his silly faces and beard come in handy to make them smile. For older children, he’s good at setting them straight and talking to them like adults, which makes them respect him. 
He’s noticeably gentler and more permissive of girls and stricter of boys; this is especially true of any children you have together. While he’d be doting most of the time, he’d make a point to bring them up to be respectful and well-educated. And by that time, he wouldn’t want them involved with his business at all. He’d rather just sell it all and get out of town with you and the little ones. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s a morning person through and through, getting up on time each morning to wash up and eat a proper meal before getting to the business of the day. You’ll wake up to the smells of a delicious breakfast, which he’s already cooking, or it’ll be on the table for you if he had to leave. Alfie tries to be there when you wake up, but if you’re a late sleeper he’ll wake you up briefly for a goodbye kiss. If you’re more of an early riser, he likes having you get ready with him, even if he won’t stop distracting you with light kisses and teasing spanks. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Due to the nature of his business, he’s usually out at odd hours. He at least tries to send word if he’ll be late so you don’t worry. When he gets home at a reasonable hour, Alfie relishes in slowly winding down with you. You’ll put on a record, mix some drinks and you both can sit and cuddle while talking about this or that. Sometimes Alfie is feeling more antsy and wants to take you out to a nice place to eat.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Alfie is a very open book. Almost anything you ask, he’ll answer, although if it has to do with his “business” he’ll start spinning yarns. It’s worth noting he expects the same openness with you, but he’s also very good at picking up your tells and figuring things out without you saying anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has a lot of patience with you specifically. It takes a lot for him to actually raise his voice against you, and he doesn’t enjoy a moment of it. It would take even more for him to actually grab you, and he’d regret it as soon as he did it. He’s more likely to try reasoning with you and bring you to his side. 
Now, his patience for idiots under his command or anyone else disrespecting you? Nope. The ones leaving with missing teeth are lucky.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You figured out how good his memory was fairly quickly. Alfie downplays it, but you really only have to show a preference for something or tell him something once. This is especially true if the thing is important to you. He knows what you like and how you like certain things - you forget just how well Alfie knows you until you come home and find the house clean, with everything in its place, and all your things where you want them. This is the same if you two visit a hotel; how on earth did he get the staff to deliver the soap you use?
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It’s technically a string of moments, but the beginning of your relationship is something Alfie likes to recall fondly. Technically, you two weren’t even dating; it was just a friendship with plenty of flirtations you both pretended not to notice. You hadn’t known Alfie’s full reputation then, you just knew him as a friendly and mischievous older man that liked making you blush. You found out eventually of course, and while you never judged him, Alfie still liked those months of easy flirting and tip-toeing. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He was protective even before you fully understood who he was and what his business was, and once you both were an established couple, that only extended into over protectiveness. You know Alfie means well, but you aren’t always comfortable with the guns he keeps in the house and how he insisted on you learning how to use them. If you weren’t comfortable with that, he’d at least want to teach you something about knives. You always feel safe in his presence, and you can tell when he’s scanning a crowd or gently guiding you to stand behind him. He’d much, much rather protect you himself, but there are times when he’s sent men to guard your house or place of work. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Alfie puts lots of effort into things like this, and it’s sweet every time. Since he knows what you like, he’s great at making holidays and your birthday feel very special. Nothing is too good for his girl, after all; even if you like things less fancy, he has to put a nice spin on it, like a beautiful park that’s been freshly snowed on or a fairly isolated beach with stunning clear water. If you wanted a puppy or kitten, it’d have to be a specific breed you talked about, even if it was hard to get. Even during regular days, Alfie might come home with a fancy dessert or something you like; just because he saw it and he thought of you. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His absolute worst habit is how secretive he can be, and how unwilling he is to involve you in the shadier aspects of his business - which is to say, most of it. You understand he doesn’t want to get you in danger, but being left in the dark for days, wondering if he’s safe isn’t good for your nerves. He also tends to think he knows what’s best for you, especially when it comes to your safety, and he’ll spend an hour trying to talk you in or out of something. Sometimes Alfie will do what he pleases even after you both have discussed it. You’ve definitely called him out on this behavior several times, but Alfie still believes he’s in the right. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He may not care about his physical appearance, but he does care about being clean and decently put together, especially when he isn’t elbow-deep in work. If his business gets him dirty and bloody, he’ll absolutely clean up before coming home, because he doesn’t want to bring that shit to your doorstep. He’s very amused and flattered when you compliment him, and he’ll make a point to wear things you’ve bought when you both go out. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Alfie would deny such a thing to his men and especially himself, but he’d feel a distinct emptiness that he hadn’t felt in a long time. The feeling wasn’t welcome at all, and he’d be noticeably more sullen and short-tempered to anyone who knows him. Alfie wouldn’t want to talk about you, and anyone so much as saying your name was risking a beating. His attitude would be even worse if something had happened to you, or worse, led to your death. His good humor would be almost entirely gone, and you wouldn’t be a topic of discussion, period. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Alfie is a through and through polyglot. You thought he just knew this or that of several languages, but nope, he can speak a handful fluently. If you speak one he doesn’t know, he loves listening to it and is quick to pick up what you teach him. He’d even study on his own just to surprise you later. He’d speak it with a heavy accent, but his earnestness would just be so cute. If you’re more comfortable speaking your native tongue over English, then he’d make a point to speak it as well when he addresses you. And, yes, this means talking dirty and being mischievous in front of people who can’t speak it. Cheeky.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
The big guy sleeps soundly and likes falling asleep with you curled up in his arms, but eventually he’ll loosen his grip and shift off to the side. He doesn’t move as much if you’re tangled up with him or snuggled up to his back. As much as he loves having you so close, sometimes he wakes up feeling like a furnace, so he gently scoots you a bit further down the bed. … Then wake up with you snuggled right on top of him again. It’s a 50/50 for who moved back first. 
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birdwonder · 5 years ago
Sorry, I’m impulsive. Just saw the head cannons for the reader who likes to paint for Josuke and they introduce them to Rohan. Could I please get a scenario for that. I just thought it’d be hilarious, and hopefully Josuke and/or the reader don’t die.
|| oho ! i love it when my previous posts spur more requests, especially when i love requests to no end ! also ur impulse is fantastic ! 
request/fic based off 
“C’mon, c’mon, babe! You gotta meet him,” your boyfriend, Josuke, urged on, ushering you towards a large and expensive looking house, putting your own home and all your possessions combined to shame in terms of price.
Cringing slightly, you weren’t exactly prepared to meet anyone new, especially under these circumstances. See, Josuke was a supportive boyfriend, and even best friend if you had to gloat, so when he discovered your talent in art, he instantly knew that he wanted to encourage you and show off your skills to world.
Much to your disgruntlement, this meant that he wanted you to meet a ‘friend’ of his, one that he had never mentioned before, which was bizarre seeing as Josuke was an open book and spoke a lot about his times with Okuyasu, Koichi and even Jotaro. You had to wonder why this friend of his was never mentioned before... Perhaps a conversation just never led up to it?
“Josuke, I love you but I don’t think this is necessary,” you calmly told him, soft eyes glancing at him as he momentarily stuttered over your small declaration and reminder of love. For the sake of his ego and ‘cool guy’ persona, he played it off by coughing and ran a hand over his pompadour, chuckling.
“Love you too baby, but you gotta trust me. This would make me super happy.” Josuke then wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side as he gave you a cute and desperate look, faking a pout alongside it, “don’t you want to see me happy?”
You frowned at that. Of course you did! It was just that you had never met this person before, and here you were with your sketchbook involuntarily in Josuke’s free hand, about to show off your art that you were so self conscious about despite receiving many compliments for it.
The taller male rested his cheek on the top of your head momentarily. “Plus, if you do this for me, I’ll buy you your favourite snack from the store!” Ah, that drove the bargain in. 
You gave a nod that meant ‘deal’ and Josuke gave one back, removing both his arm and cheek from being in contact from you so that he could approach the door of the grand house and knock on it three times.
Gulping, you hadn’t expected the door to open so soon to reveal a fairly tall and slim figure, one that had a curious headband on and noticeable green hair brushed to the side. His gaze on you was hard and emotionless, probably because you were a total stranger, yet once he caught glimpse of Josuke, he started to look annoyed.
“What do you want?” The man questioned, opening his door from being somewhat ajar to widening it completely so that he was fully revealed. What an odd fashion sense...
Josuke, with a much brighter grin than you usually saw him wear, waved a hand before placing it on your shoulder, greeting the stranger with so much fever you could have been fooled the two of them were closer than brothers, if not for the man’s strangely angry aura, “Rohan sensei! We were just in the neighbourhood and I was thinking that it was about time you met my girlfriend, [F/N]!”
Rohan, at least you assume that was his name, suddenly raised his brows in surprise and sharply turned to look down at you, giving you a once over examine before smiling in peculiar, mischievous way. “I see, well a pleasure to meet you, Miss [F/N], what a shame it took us so long to be introduced.”
“Oh, hello to you too Mr Rohan! It’s nice to meet you too,” you responded in a structured manner, not knowing what to say outside of basic niceties. 
Luckily, Josuke saved you in the most painful way by flipping open your sketchbook, a smug look on his face. “She’s an artist like you, y’know? But her art is ten times better, I mean can you do this?” He boasted on your behalf, causing you to gasp with embarrassment.
“Josuke, you can’t just say that-!”
The older artist raised a brow at your work. Bending down, he analysed the page with a hand on his chin and even lifted it the inspect another one or too. You could only cover your face to hide yourself from the shame as he did so, afraid of any insults that may come your way.
“See, aren’t they the best? Like a real pro-” Josuke was then cut off by Rohan straightening himself again and talking over the teen, looking down at you with a much softer smile than he had ever seen. 
“Yes, they are fantastic indeed!” The praise had you peeking from in-between your fingers and up at the green haired male, who took both of your hands into his own, catching you off guard. “If I wasn’t an independent artist, I would have you work for me as an editor or something of the sort. We could spend hours together over our passions!” 
This made Josuke splutter and reel back, the sketch book he once gripped with care now almost slipping out of his grasp. Just what the hell was happening? Was Rohan Kishibe actually being nice, to his girlfriend of all people?
What made things worse was that your naïvity made it so you didn’t notice the advancements that your boyfriend saw as flirting, so you only giggled and smiled politely with gratefulness within you.
“You’re so sweet Rohan, sir! I would love to see your art at some point,” you beamed, “if that’s alright with you.”
In reply, Rohan continued to give you a warm smile and brought your hands closer to his chest, making you take a step forward towards him; Josuke almost choking at the sight, a wonder that he wasn’t only seeing red. “Of course, cher. Why don’t you come by one day and we can show each other our works properly, one on one?”
The usually out going and laidback stand user was going crazy. You might not have been able to see it, but Rohan every now and then would side glance towards him with such a malevolent glint in his eyes and a cocky upturn of the mouth that he wanted to use Crazy Diamond to send him the damn moon. Or the hospital. 
The man was even using some weird french words! Since when was such an anti-social guy so smooth? Josuke was even starting to think that his usual terms of endearment for you were paling in comparison. Did you even like being called ‘baby’ or ‘his girl?’ It was probably way too cheesy and not at all sophisticated for a great gal like you...
‘Damn it, you know that isn’t true! She loves those names, or else she wouldn’t get so worked up over them!’ Josuke yelled at himself mentally, shaking his head side to side furiously before slapping his cheeks with the palm of his hands, trying to clear his mind. Luckily, though also sadly, his silent motivation went unnoticed by the chattering artists.
“This was lovely, Rohan sensei, but I think it’d be best if Josuke and I left now, we’ve already taken so much of your time.” Your statement made your boyfriend quickly shake his head in agreement, so fast that a few strands of hair probably came loose from his excessively combed pompadour. 
The manga artist continued to glance over at his mortal enemy, as he proclaimed dramatically in his head, with a horribly amused look and spoke to you with a sickening sweet tone, “oh it’s no matter, it led me to meet such a lovely young lady. Please, visit again some time, dear.”
Your hands were still gently held in his and they were slowly being raised to his lips, Rohan’s head bobbing down to plant a kiss upon your knuckles. You were none the wiser to the gesture you were about to receive, however time seemed to move in a painfully slow way for Josuke. Oh heeeell no.
Before Rohan’s lips could even brush your hands, the said man was shoved to the side harshly by Josuke nudging him away in a seemingly casual manner, your sketchbook suddenly handed to you so that you could be picked dup bridal style. 
“[F/N] is right, we’ve overstayed our welcome! Thanks Rohan sensei, you were  a real one,” Josuke loudly proclaimed, sending a glare to the fallen man who was rubbing his back and returning the salty expression back, “if you don’t mind, we’re going to go on a date now, so hope you don’t feel too lonely over here.”
While you were covering your face with your sketchbook, due to the embarrassment of being held like a newly wed wife in public, the two men continued to give each other menacing looks that had clear messages such as, ‘don’t mess with me’ or ‘she’s mine, back off.’
“Don’t mention it...” Rohan sourly mumbled, Josuke now walking away from the porch and the house.
Josuke, still brimming with some anger, bit the inside of his cheek to help calm himself down, which was a challenge not even a stand could help him. The hell was Rohan’s problem? He knew that guy was too sketchy for his own good, pun not intended.
“Sweetie,” you piped up from his arms, sketchbook now hugged to your chest and doe-like eyes looking up, “if you were jealous, you know that nothing like me and Rohan would ever happen, right?”
Your assurance was surprising. Had you noticed your senior’s ploy to infuriate Josuke all along? You clever thing. With your words and gentle gaze, the anger he felt was quickly sweeping away with the sigh he blew out. 
“I love you Josuke, and only you!” 
Aaah, you were too cute! The sudden declaration made his eyes widen slightly, seeing as you were both in public and affectionate things seemed to be too bold for you in front of others, granted though the streets were moderately empty. 
“Heh, I love you too babe, sorry about all of that,” he apologised, dipping down slightly to place a peck on your head head. It seemed that was a little too much still, so you pushed his head away with a squeak, making him chuckle.
“Ok, ok! Now put me down, this is too much.” As per your request, you were set down carefully, thankful that you weren’t in such a helpless position anymore. That didn’t stop Josuke from wrapping his arm around your shoulders  though. 
With you pulled close to his side, Josuke was calm once more and he could easily tell Rohan to ‘suck it’ as he knew that no matter what, you’d be his girl and only his, and that he’d spoil and praise you to no end because that’s what you deserved. 
The two of you exchanged a smile, laughing between yourselves at nothing. “You know, I think you mentioned a date back there. I know it was just a excuse but if you want maybe we could...” You trailed off, hoping that your boyfriend would take the obvious hint.
Of course, he did, and he had no hesitation in fulfilling your wish.
“Say no more, how does ice cream and cake sound?”
“Just perfect,” you confirmed, sketchbook in one hand and Josuke’s now in another. 
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