#because dustin learning boundaries and steve standing up for himself is like crack to me
momotonescreaming · 10 months
A semi-sequel to this ficlet of mine
"Can you take us to the arcade?" Dustin asks in a rush, the split second Steve picks up the phone. Steve lets out a sigh, and scrubs a hand down his face. He's standing in the hall outside his bedroom, wearing nothing but sweatpants, trying not to fall asleep into the phone.
"Hello Steve, how are you Steve, sorry for waking you up the morning after you did the late shift Steve." He replies, letting the sarcasm and tiredness sink into his voice. He really doesn't have the time or energy to deal with Dustin's energy right now. Or his attitude, for that matter.
He had swapped shifts with another of Family Video's employees - Brittany, who does the late nights - in order to earn a little extra cash. And Family Video, Dustin knows this - closes at midnight on late nights. And because there's always things that need being done after the doors lock, Steve didn't get to sleep until 1am, and he was feeling it.
Dustin groans right into the speaker, the sound coming out tinny and sort of warped, right into Steve's ear. He can practically hear the roll of Dustin's eyes as he replies.
"Fine, hello Steve," he says, sounding sarcastic and exactly like he's being forced to say it.
"Thank you," Steve says with a heaving breath, suppressing a yawn. It really is too early for this. He doubts the arcade is even open yet, and Dustin's already begging for a ride.
"Now can you give us a ride?" Dustin instantly fires off, jumping straight back to the point of his call.
"Not even a please?" He replies, yawning, not able to hold it back this time. "You wound me."
"Ugh," Dustin groans. "You sound like Eddie."
"Yeah, it's almost like we're friends or something." Steve retorts, adjusting his position so he's leaning on the wall, staring through his open door towards his warm bed. It's taunting him. He could be sleeping right now. "Is your bike busted or something?"
"No, what?" Dustin replies, sounding a little confused. "Why?"
"Bike to the arcade then," he says, letting his eyes droop. "Bye Dustin."
But before he can hang up the phone, before he can head back to bed, Dustin shouts so loud Steve can still hear it when the phone isn't pressed to his ear.
"Yeah?" Steve replies, pressing the phone back up to his face, a little worried now.
"It's just-" Dustin starts, then stops, sighing. "It's getting colder, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow, and my bike is too small, and yeah, Mom said she'd drive us but she'd be way too embarrassing about it so can you give us a ride, Steve?"
All of the words tumble out of Dustin in a rush, and he's almost breathless by the end. Steve can hear his panting through the receiver. Dustin catches his breath, and it gives Steve time to think. He needs more time to processes things now, after the concussions. Likes to hold thoughts in his head first. Running them over. So Steve waits, processing Dustin's ramble, and then it hits him.
"Wait," he says, throwing a hand up in front of him, brows furrowing. "You already have a ride?"
"I mean, yeah," Dustin scoffs, sounding ever the petulant child. "But it's my mom, dude. I'm in high school now, I can't be seen getting a ride from her, that's lame."
"So let me get this straight," Steve starts up, frowning. "You wake me up to ask for a ride the day after you know I'm doing the late shift. You don't say please. And then it turns out you already have a ride? What the hell dude?"
"I mean," Dustin starts to falter. "When you put it like that..."
"We talked about this dude," Steve says, closing his eyes. Leaning against the wall, phone pressed to his ear. Voice softer now. "If you want to hang out with me you can ask. At a normal hour."
And then he hangs up.
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