#because depending on what happens more than one character might NEED to be there aaaaaaaa
mistfallengw2 · 1 year
I really want to do ask games now that I finally have the character list, but I think it might be smarter to wait until after I'm done with SotO's story so I don't lose myself in writing stuff...
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snowmanmelting · 3 years
re: Uncles - Ah yes, someone was mentioned alongside the rabbit stew but I wasn’t sure who was from who’s side of the family so I was just like “ah yes, the ‘everyone here is your uncle/aunt/cousin regardless of where they’re from’ kind of deal xD That’s what happens at my family gatherings anyway, there are just... so many of us LOL
re: Flower pots - kiddo paintings on flower pots are so cute, regardless of intentional picture/scene or not. It just really struck me as one of Elsa’s memories so I was curious^^ We did the same thing when I was little and my parents kept them for a LONG long time until they both moved houses. I mentioned this in a chapter comment but WLU is so nostalgic in tone despite it taking place in another country than mine, and the flower pot one specifically unlocked some of my own memories xD
re: the accident - I figured as much^^;; they’re so common, but so devastating. And yeah you can def have open caskets, kinda just depends on like, uh, damage, if you know what I mean
re: artistic!Elsa - I definitely want to see more :D I’m sure you will use it to rip our little hearts to pieces <3
re: Anna’s voice - oh ABSOLUTELY she sounds different. It’s in her mannerisms for sure (which Elsa is so very good at observing and absolutely makes sense, contextually) but definitely in the cadence and vernacular with WHICH she speaks. She also speaks so much MORE than Elsa - whole paragraphs of words in comparison to Elsa’s one or two liners. Which makes sense character-wise and of course bc the rest of the story is ALL narrated internally by Elsa -- but when Anna speaks its completely different and I noticed that right away.
Speaking of, I know you’ve said more than once that English is not your first language so I definitely want to say that your translations are INCREDIBLE. Writing poignantly in one language is hard enough xD But knowing it’s translated and still maintains (what I can only assume is) the power and strength of the original language is sUCH a treat and SUCH a great accomplishment!! You should definitely be proud, I hope you are!! I’m learning a third language rn but even I would be so nervous about trying to translate anything I’ve written into anything else bc I swear I wouldn’t know the language well enough to navigate doing it justice (not my work, the language itself xD). WLU on the other hand is amazing 🤩🤩
→OOOhhhh right. True. I don't have family meetings since I was like 6 and even then they never mixed so I guess it might be weird for someone whose families that do gather together 🤣🤣 but um, yeah their families sides don't mix 👀
→OOOOHHH :O ay I'll properly answer in a bit those last two comments you left but the short answer now is I'm glad I'm able to do so!!! That chapter it's kinda her nostalgia so :^) Ffhddgdcncnfheh yes I actually realized with that Chapter that Elsa literally lives in the past. Everything she mentions is a memory lmao (and that might or might not have inspired the dad's comment on it 👀) but I guess it's another question to add to the list, right? Why the hell a 17 yo lives in the past. I guess. 👀
→Yes you will see more. And yes it was supposed to be like chapter 6, then I settled for 8. But now I'm delaying it a bit more because it's a heavy one and we all need breaks.
→oh? OH?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm so glad. I didn't caught on that as much as you did, but I guess it's Anna simply writing herself??👀 But but but omg omg I'm so happy of hearing this because I feel I did something right and AAAAAAAA
Also I- you-- I--
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I'm crying I read that last bit like 5 times I'm--- THANK YOU SO MUCH HOW MANY MORE TIMES CAN I SAY THANK YOU I'M 😭😭😭😭😭❤️💟❤️💟❤️💟 you're too kind!!!! 😭😭💟😭❤️❤️😭💟💟❤️❤️😭💟💟❤️
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