#because chemical formulae arent really Advanced stuff. im not really Advanced at this stuff lmfao ive a longgggg way to go
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blackvahana · 8 days ago
Thankyou for answering my question about mindscapes and mental spaces. A follow up question:
How would one go about creating a portal from your mindscape to the astral then? You mention ‘birthing’ it of sorts, would that be a lengthy process? If I don’t set up a portal, can I still make like a temporary one?
The last question is, people mention having homes and pocket spaces in the astral, is this the same as mental space but in the astral, how does one go about obtaining an owned space in the astral that they can alter and change like a mindscape.
Sorry for the lengthy ask, I appreciate your time 💙
No problem at all! Hope it helps, and I'll try to answer this best I can.
I think... it's important first and foremost to solidly understand the difference between the two, and what both feel like.
The issue with answering questions like these is that... well. Look at magic on this plane: One person's answer to "how do you curse" would be rotting froth sea water and whispered sea goddess curses, and another's would be to write their name on fire and burn it. One, both, or neither - more likely neither - is going to suit the person asking especially if say the person asking is a nature witch. Well, they could make it work, both saltwater and fire strangle nature, but... The ways to get things done naturally involve pushing your own self and elements to the cliff between you and the world at large, and another persons way of pushing themselves is probably not going to be yours - especially because elementally, energetically, we all have very different selves
That... Is amplified in the Astral. This is why I sort of... have a "dont teach people unless its in person and in a way I can possess and give visions to directly show" - part of why I made my realm lmfao. I can give you a basics rundown answer to your questions, but its not really... its not like giving baking steps where we both have flour and both have cups and both have ovens
the Basic answers are: yeah. First and foremost practice getting a solid grip on what is astral and what is mental. both exist in the same ALL/universe, like fire and oil, disparate but transmutable into one another if you know how to rearrange atomic structures and... many other things. or you could just set fire to the oil lmfao. Anyway.
Birthing the portal: When you grasp both astral and mental, it's important to understand the link. This can be done through existing in the astral and trying to manifest things, taking thought and idea and weaving it into reality. In the astral, you believing you can fly wont make you be able to like what happens in the mental, to birth wings out of yourself you need to stitch thought with substance. You need to give reality programming - which means you need to be able to grasp reality and walk the path between mental and real.
It's... yeah. hard to explain to someone if theyre not already used to portal work (maybe you are! Im just presuming a baseline level of understanding because i dont want to miss any important details). But the idea is... there is a point where the mental and astral touch. There is mental in the astral. The mental - referencing for a second how i talked about reality shifting and mindspaces and such - is very... accepting of programming. The key issue though is that if you programme "a door to the astral" in the mental without actually literally linking it to the astral, you'll end up with "a door to the astral" that takes you to a simulated astral reality. Thats why i say understanding what the astral feels like and the differences is key
The idea is... to birth a nothing. The astral compared to the mental is a lack of mental. Theres a phrase that Hermes impressed on me with great importance lmfao regarding the mental: "Do not assign features to it." This is essentially saying... just that, if you assign it personhood it will become a person. If you assign it reality it will become real. If you assign it a doorway itll become a door - and you will still be interacting with unreality, just now with a mask. But if you grasp both mental AND astral, and use their shared elements, you can birth a point in reality rather than the mind where... the mental gives way into externality
its. yeah. Its rough to explain. You basically want to create a place where the mental stops having a say in things, and you want to create that in the mental, which means you dont want to Create anything you want to more so make your mindspace a sighing body with you as the breath.
Is it a lengthy process? No, it can take place in an instant if you know what youre doing - Ill say when you know what youre doing because it genuinely is just a matter of practice and getting familiar with the two things. It can happen in an instant because mindspace is... extremely reactive, and mental creation can happen even backwards in time - you could have a portal to the outside thats built by your future self lmfao
I just. would recommend really to leave this kind of thing and just try more so to project or bilocate. The reason I have a portal in my mindspace is uh. it actually goes to the sky in mongolia, which it to say the gelatinous-crystalline window in between God and Creation, which is why the portal exists in the first place. Its way easier - and better for the brain to avoid becoming confused - if one just projects from real to real aka physical to astral - the portal is specifically uh. theres a psychological benefit to going from unreal to real wrt this portal specifically
Yes, you absolutely can make a temporary one! To be honest as much as this might sound counterintuitive, i think its actually both easier (that parts not counterintuitive) and more effective to make a temporary one. Itd be way easier to skirt the mentals tendency to take on the properties of the external (as in to stop it from making a pretend portal outwards) by making it temporary and purely for utility. The mental would probably react more "yes on it boss ill collapse and invert" if you arent trying to forge something mental.
Homes and pocket spaces... I personally - just so we're on the same page, you dont have to agree w this use of the word or use the words like this - i see pocket realms/spaces and realms proper differently. Not even based on size, but function. Effectively.... Theres more types of spacetime than atomic, realms are their own sort of... realities with their own spacetime, pocket realms/pocket spaces are... specifically sort of... uh. Realms are dresses, pocket realms are pockets on those dresses. Dens under trees, in that they tuck into spacetime thats tucked into spacetime
Its definitely possible to realm weave or pocket space weave. I.... im gonna be honest I wont recommend it at all before one's familiar with astral-mental spectrum things. Specifically if you cant tell with pretty high certainty when somethings mental youll probably end up weaving a mental realm which. is. devastating or can be. its devastating to find out your entire territory, people you know and love, and so on are all masks of the mental lmfao ie nonexistent. part of why i want to shoo people away from reality shifting before they have a huge grasp on the mental and the "reality" creation function.
Theres several ways to do it though. My realm is actually woven through... what im going to call gateworking, and chronomancy. Using reality itself as a system of gates, utilising my aspect of the fabric of spacetime to stitch a pattern on my own fabric.... insert one of my selves answering to Yog-Sothoth here, I Am That Which Is And Is Not. Knowledge/data/code-weaving and shit. this is to say that my own experience is. not. going to be applicable to everyone. Ive seen others weave tapestries, or plant seeds in the folds of reality, but at that point you need to know how to programme thread and seed.
I think seeds are... not necessarily the easiest method (realmweaving a stable realm beyond a mental flimsy movie set of a place is already not easy lmfao) but i find them actually the most intuitive type of magic to teach others - as in someone brought it up and im like "huh, yeah, thats good actually". But... then you need to know legitimisation and shit. The process (in my eyes) would be programming a seed, slipping it between the cracks of non-spacetime where theres a necessary gap and set of substances, and "watering" it - this is a good method because it allows the ability to grow something one cant more consciously guide and grow and allows magic to spread virulently into a self-sustaining realm...
But - you specifically asked how one may obtain one... I would really just suggest getting a realmweaver to make you one or... making a claim on someone else's territory lmfao. Obviously that last one is a human social faux pas at best, horrifically selfishly violent at worst, but look. we gore others for their territory all the time over there lmfao
Either way... im sure theres more beginner guides to making these things? But... I genuinely dont recommend beginners get in on this. I kinda do, Ive said before and Ill say it again that for certain species (fae especially, and I am part Void Fae so that checks out) its a third function like growing ones own body and conceiving/growing a child, and... people have a right to their own bodily functions without having to be super knowledgeable on shit
however... theres so much that can go wrong that its... it is possible to grow a realm/pocket reality without -
actually. hold a minute. I hate when people presume competence and skill levels over text. I need to actually clarify what Im talking about here because Im not presuming youre "just some lousy beginner haha im soooo much better than you" type shit I loathe that. So specifically: Im presuming you dont have access to libraries of information in the astral with records of realmweaving + what realms are + the differences between mental and astral, i presume you havent been brought through testing learning by spirits to show you the differences between mental and astral, and i presume you dont have the ability to talk with spirit teachers to have them guiding you along the process... Which is all absolutely possible to get, its just this is basically the level I would suggest being at before realmweaving, and uh. when youre at that level - hence why i presume you arent - generally you learn from those means rather than tumblr. Meant totally neutrally here, i still learn shit from tumblr (and hey i mean clearly im ON tumblr im typing on it right now, this isnt a bad thing)
The dangers specifically are just... Hermes' warnings were specifically about the Mental and oh my god did he impress that on me and boy do i get why. The astral? Worst thing you can go through is probably for the average person being hunted down and having your family slaughtered in front of you and then being killed and having to come back to your body and live with it. Worst thing on average for that same person mentally? Ohhhhh fucking boy. way worse. You could go through all that and have to cope with it not being real - or never find out it wasnt real, and then keep going through it, and then start becoming psychotic irt hallucinations, and then completely lose yourself, lose your ability to interact w any reality, etc. the Mental is..... If you lose your body, you still have your mind. If you lose your mind, you have nothing - and youre still forced to live through having nothing, because if you cant sever your connection to your reality because youre no longer able to tell what reality is... its fucked! Mental is extremely dangerous lmfao
Dont take this as discouragement. Chemicals in a lab can do horrible fucking things to you and fuck you up for life, but you can learn chemistry quite easily if you just. take the steps to do it lmfao. Same with this, skill here is just. learning to navigate risks. Also honestly if you do fuck around to find out you probably wont have anything hugely awful happen, its just... when you get stuck in the mental and cant tell the difference between simulated reality and the mental - which are, 100%, indistinguishably, identical because we perceive reality through the mental, the feeling of and experience of "real" is a mental function uh. anyway
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