#because basically doctors are terrified to look you in the eyeball and touch yr unmentionables at the same time‚ even as an adult
aeide-thea · 2 years
[corporal punishment/child abuse cw]
lol @ the fact that my relationship with my father has to just. absorb and accept the fact that (1) he’ll do things like initially assert he didn’t spank me, when i’m in fact quite sure both my parents did, and that (2) when pressed on this point, he’ll retreat into ‘well, you were really impossible to deal with sometimes!’ which is of course obliquely if not explicitly framing those spankings as justified…
like. holy shit. i mean it’s all so textbook—they didn’t treat my sister and me as brutally as their parents treated them, so what they did must be fine by comparison, right?—but unfortunately the predictability of it doesn't actually resolve the feelings for me!
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