#because Mari reminds him a bit of Eliza when she was still Neferu before killing gods n stuff
laugtherhyena · 6 months
Thinking about Mariana and Dagger and their opposing natures in regards to desires and love,,
Mari has an absolutely insane desire to live, she's been struggling and fighting against adversity basically from the second she came into the world. Her drive is unwavering, she alwas wishes for more, more achievements, higher statuses, money, etc.
She was, however, never taugh what love is. I wouldn't really call Mariana a narcissist, but she does think of herself and her goals before anyone else's because she was taught by life that you only keep people around if there's an use for them. If someone is approaching and wanting to be you they must have something they want from you in mind, but so do you, and one should be discarted once said goal is achived.
Unlike her, Dagger was shown what love is from a young age, she had her brother who loved her unconditionally and was always with her and her mother who although not as present and a little aloof did care for her kids and showed that in her own more subtle ways. Even after years of their deaths and the hell she had to endure in the Silent stalkers she still tries to be nice to pretty much everyone she meets.
But this same hell is what crushed her desires to continue living, she hangs on, but for what? She doesn't have her family, she doesn't have whatever future held for her before her brother and mother died, and even tho she didn't like being there, Dagger doesn't even have the Silents stalkers anymore. Those who set her up on a path she can't come back from, but alas, not one she's ashamed off. After all that's the only life she knows.
After becoming bound to one another they unintentionally and unknowingly fix each other's problems. When Mariana starts convincing Dagger to get back into action to purse the skullheart, while she had awful ulterior motives for doing so, it was because of her that Dagger was able to stop sulking around and get herself back on track. She started eating better, quit smoking, started to go out more and regained her love for fighting.
In return she showered Mari with love and affection for everything she did for her, which showed Mariana that people who are nice to you don't always want to get something out of it, they can love and want to be around you solely because they enjoy your company. And that's what ultimately gets Mari to give up on her initial plan of betraying Dagger so that she could wish on the skullheart.
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