#because Ikaris is indeed Thena's brother
The Mermaid AU!!! Damn, it's wonderful! So Thena haven't tried walking with human feet, so how about she's trying it and Gil helping her? She's stumbling and let's give them their first kiss your honor🫡
I would also like to see Thena being so curious with human things like how things work and maybe her being jealous? I can really imagine her hissing with her fangs on someone hitting on Gil🤣 and ladies be like, uhh Mister is your wife normal? Does she often do that?
"No, that's it, you got it!" Gil encouraged Thena's every step, leaping forward to catch her when she stumbled. "Whoa!"
Thena grumbled into his chest, allowing him to help her stand straight again. "You do this all the time?--it seems exhausting."
Gil chuckled, letting her lock her knees again and resume walking practice. "That's how we feel about swimming."
Thena's jaw dropped, giving him a truly aghast expression.
He nodded though, taking one step back for every step she took forward. "It's hard work to swim with legs. You have to be strong to be any good at it."
"Poor creatures," she murmured as she watched her feet move through the sand of his little beach. He had insisted that sand was a little harder to walk on than most terrain, but at least it would be soft if she did end up falling without him there to catch her.
He needn't have worried; he had been there for her every step since the first.
She had been coming to see him more and more regularly. And with regular time spent in his presence, came her observation of his human traits--including his legs. Until one morning he came out to greet her and found her wobbling around in the shallow water, two pale legs under her.
"I know, we're a sad bunch," Gil laughed. His feet hit the pebbly beginnings of the forest floor closer to his cabin. He looked down, "hey, we made it all the way up the beach!"
Thena beamed, all but throwing herself up the last stretch and into his waiting embrace. She had been working on being able to walk without his assistance for a few weeks, by this point.
"You did it!" Gil swung Thena around in his arms a few times. He kept his arms around her waist, wrinkling the shirt of his she was wearing.
Thena swung her feet faintly within his embrace, tilting her head at him for still holding her aloft.
"Uh, why don't you let me carry you to the house?" he suggested, shifting her in his arms so he could hold her more properly around the shoulders and knees. "Sand is nice and soft, but the bottoms of feet are pretty sensitive. I wouldn't want you to get hurt walking on the rocks and roots and stuff. Plus it's dirty."
Thena had no real protests, even if she wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about. She let him carry her from the top of the beach into his cabin, which she had seen once or twice already by now. It was a lovely home, and she had come to enjoy noticing the little details about it, like where he stored the things he used often, and how the wood of places he touched looked different from others.
"Well, now that you've walked a whole beach, maybe we should get you some shoes," Gil smiled at her as he got them inside. "That will help to keep your feet safe."
"Would I be able to walk more places then?" Thena asked as he set her down at a kitchen chair.
"Uh," he paused, turning and reaching to put a pot of water on his boiler (a stove, rather). "Maybe, yeah...just not anywhere too crowded."
Thena tilted her head a few times at him, "do I not seem human enough?"
He let the flame sit low and sat in the chair at an angle to hers. His legs were longer, and his knees bent more sharply than hers. And his pants - jeans, rather - looked rough to the touch. "You seem very human, Thena. But I just...would worry about it."
"Worry about me?" she asked a little more directly, deciding she had no need for him to hide his words from her.
"Not really," he sighed. "About the humans around, more so."
"What would worry you about them?" Thena tilted her head in the other direction.
Gil considered what to say, scratching his facial hair as he did. Thena watched him do it; she wondered what it felt like to touch. "Humans are...can be...nice."
"Like you."
He paused in his explanation to give her one of his very warm, very inviting smiles. She had never seen a human smile quite like Gilgamesh. "I guess so. But they can be less nice, too, Thena. And if anyone figured out what you are, or even thought too much into it, I wouldn't know how to protect you."
Thena nodded, looking down at her legs (lap, rather). Just because she could walk around like a human didn't mean she was one, and all it would take would be one human to ensure she never saw water again.
"I'm not saying we'll never explore more places, okay?" Gil said gently, reaching over to take her hand in his. She stared at it, wondering what the point of the gesture was. She wasn't complaining, though. "Just give it a little longer?--for me?"
"For you?" she asked.
Gil blushed, which she had learned from a few of his anatomy books was something that happened when humans felt flustered. "Well, I'm hoping you'll do this especially because I'm asking you to, I guess. It can be a way to ask something of someone you're close with."
Close: that was a good word for it. Thena looked down at his hand around hers. He was so warm, and even with her blood running a little warmer than normal with her legs and using just her lungs, he was still much warmer than she was. It was nice, though.
But she knew how warm he was from when he would lift her out of the water and up into his embrace.
Gil's head whipped to the door as someone knocked.
Thena tilted her head. "How did they get here?"
Gil stood from the chair, pulling Thena up to her feet. "I think it's a friend. I called her for some stuff. But just wait until I make sure it's safe, okay?"
It wasn't as if she really got a choice about it. Thena let him guide her to sit on the stairs just on the other side of the kitchen wall, out of the light of the large windows above his sink.
"Just for a minute, Angelfish," he promised, giving her hands a squeeze between his before going to the door.
Thena watched the shadows stretching over the floor.
"Sersi, hey--thanks for coming."
"Of course."
Thena tilted her head at the soft, silken voice floating to her ears. She watched the shadows move closer and then collide, melding into one. She slid down a step, leaning to peek around the corner.
Gil released the woman from a loose embrace, patting her shoulder. "I know it's not easy to get out here, but it's just not safe to go to land considering-"
"Of course," the woman shook her head, pushing a springy lock of black hair away from her delicately featured face. She was quite pretty. "I understand. Can I...?"
Gil glanced over his shoulder, hands on his hips, his fingers tapping against his belt. "I-I don't know, Sersi."
"Oh, please, Gil?" she looked at him with wide, doe-brown eyes. They were warm, just like Gil's. "If what you told me is true-"
"It is," he huffed at her, crossing his massive arms in her direction.
Thena peeked out a little further.
"Then this could be the discovery of a lifetime!--a generation!" the woman bounced in her excitement. She was effervescent and personable, also like Gilgamesh. Who was this person?
"Exactly why I can't trust anyone to keep her secret," he lowered his voice.
Thena watched as he lowered his head closer to this mystery woman's, saying something so soft that Thena struggled to pick out the words. She leaned further, trying to see if she could read his lips at least.
Sersi gasped as Thena toppled over, stumbling out from the staircase just outside the kitchen. "Oh my-"
"Thena!" Gil rushed to her, already bending to pull her into his arms.
Thena squirmed in his embrace as he muttered something about 'patience' against her hair. She kept the woman in her sights, though, determined to learn more about her. "Hello."
"H-Hi," she replied in such a soft, fluttery tone. She gulped, her lashes fluttering as she dared to walk a little closer to her. "I'm Sersi. A-And you must be Thena."
She looked at Gil. "I thought you said no one could know about me."
Gil blinked, maybe having not expected her to be so annoyed about the current situation. He tightened his arms around her, "w-well, no. But Sersi is a marine biologist. I had questions--a-and she brought stuff for you!"
"It's true!" Sersi leapt to join the argument in Gil's favour. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "He asked for some clothes and things that might, um, fit you."
Thena looked down at the shirt of his she was wearing, "what's wrong with this?"
"Thena," Sersi stepped forward again, holding out a hand.
Thena hissed at her.
"Thena, hey, it's okay," Gil whispered, trying keep her contained in his arms. "I promise, I trust Sersi. She's here to help us."
"It's okay," Sersi said gently, setting the bag down and tilting her head at Thena. "I don't blame you for being cautious of me. I can't imagine how much you've had to adjust to."
Thena tilted her head right back at her, although Sersi matched each of her movements. Thena blinked at her. "Who are you?"
"I'm Gil's sister."
Oh. Thena halted, her breath getting caught in her throat. She was...that explained some of her observations rather conveniently. She felt heat build in her cheeks; this was what blushing felt like. "I see."
"I am a marine biologist, as he said," Sersi continued, maybe oblivious to Thena's discomfort, or at least the reasons behind it. "He asked me some questions about a 'discovery' he'd made a few months back. As time went on, I had to ask more things about this secret of his in order to research and answer him. Eventually we determined that I could know a little more about--well, you."
Thena just nodded, still feeling a little stunned at the presence of the second human she had ever met properly. Gil was still holding her tightly, and she realised part of it was how stiff and coiled she was. She let out a breath, unwinding her muscles and relaxing.
Gil loosened his hold on her, although he didn't step away from her at all.
Thena met Sersi's eyes, trying to push down the twisting feeling that had consumed her just a moment ago. "I have a brother as well."
"Really?" both humans asked with equal surprise.
"Yes," Thena looked at both of them before landing on Sersi. "Although he's not nearly as nice as Gil is."
Sersi laughed, and Thena had to admit that even their laughs were similar. Sersi's was much lighter and gentler, but it had the same from-the-heart warmth to it. "I can't even argue with that. Gil has been quite a nice brother to me."
"Yeah, I'd hope you can't argue," he huffed at her, putting his hands on his hips again.
"No one's perfect, though," Sersi finished, turning her nose up at him. She looked at Thena again. "Can your brother split his tail as well?"
She had taken care to learn the words for things, too. Thena couldn't fault her on anything. "No, he's never come anywhere near humans. He doesn't trust them."
"I can't blame him for that either," Sersi offered a remorseful smile and a shrug of her shoulders. "You just got lucky and found a good one, I think."
"Yes," Thena smiled at Gil, who was back to blushing shyly at the open praise of his character. "I suppose I did."
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jbreenr · 2 years
Though there's no need anymore but…
So, the first thing we see in the movie is their powers, which I find awesome.
And the way they put on their suits? Yea!
Also, i love that Shang-Chi was in the M of MARVEL in the opening. Did you see him?
We also have a Dr. Strange mention when Dane asks Sersi if she's a wizard. I do wanna see him as a giraffe.
Dane, he's a baby and Sprite, she's so badass. Her powers, dude, how she multiplied herself AND Sersi? Woooow.
I mean, you can't tell Gemma was already in a MCU movie. Like, her characters are so freaking different and I live that.
And, imma tell you, my brother would yell “The King In The Noth!” every time Richard Madden was onscreen.
And i can't blame him, sorry.
I mean, Richard and Kit. Together. Again. We love them. We were both fangirling.
A mention of Thanos and the blip, people believing that the earthquake had something to do with that. Yeah, weird shit happens there wouldn't be surprised.
Well, Ikaris is, indeed, the most beautiful. And I don't accept other opinions.
Now, I don't know why everyone was so upset about that sex scene. There was nOTHING ONE COULD SEE! It wasn't explicit, it wasn't forced, and it wasn't even long!!!
Ajak choosing Sersi to replace her was something I should have seen coming. Why didn't I is a mystery.
Also, i already know she died. Except I did not think it would happen so early in the story.
Lemme just… MI ✨ TENOCHTITLAN ✨ HERMOSA, TE AMO. Though they didn't show you in your best of moments.
Sorry, I got distracted for a second.
For a sec I was like wtf is happening to Thena? But then we got the explanation of the Mahd' Wy'ry and it kind of made sense.
Knowing that somehow Druig was right but also knowing he couldn't interfere is like uuuuugh!!
But he did it anyway so… yeah.
Now, the DCEU is canon in the MCU. Batman and Alfred and freaking Clark Kent are more canon than Mephisto and Evan Peters' Quicksilver. I don't know how to feel about it.
Did anyone else feel bad about Gilgamesh's pie?):
Also, his friendship with Thena is beautiful. His way of bringing her back was, in my opinion, way better than Nat's lullaby to Hulk. Don't mind me, I don't like that pairing.
Wait, wait, wait. Gil fought with/alongside with Odin? Against Laufey? WTF? I need to know more.
So, there is no Olimpia, The World Forge is where the Eternals are MADE. *insert Scott Lang's voice* Their whole existence is a bunch of… bullshit?
Also, i was not expecting that deviant thing. Like, Arishem created them as well for the intelligent kind to appear. What - -?!
Sorry but Druig os asdfghjklñ, Kingo. He doesn't suck. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And Ikaris left Sersi because he died in the Red Wedding. Xd
No time for jokes? K, got it.
I love Karum, he's iconic.
And Thena is a baby. We must protect her at all cost.
Gil.): I can't believe he died too. Gotta admit that I sobbed. I didn't know you well but you'll always be remembered, my friend.
Like, hello!!! It wasn't forced, it was casual, natural and just fucking normal. And I love how it wasn't a big deal that had to be explained in the film because it is NORMAL.
Ikaris mentions the vibranium, and we saw this in the trailers but I just love how Wakanda and its open doors to the world are relevant.
I'm living for that reference of King Arthur being in love with Thena. Man, we all are and if you're not, you're lying yo yourself.
Okay, we know why Ikaris left Sersi now.
And the fact that thanks to Thanos the emergence was delayed? Was he a good guy?
Not a serious question but it makes you think though.
Now I understand why Ikaris was described as “loyal”.
Because, as I said, I knew Ajak died and I knew it was Ikaris who killed her, but I did not expect it that way!
Thena, sweetheart, you're a goddess and I love you, I'm so proud of you for getting rid of that deviant.
I don't know how to feel about Ikaris not being able to kill Sersi. Like, it's not actually a redemption arc, but the fact that he loved her so much he couldn't do it makes me like him.
Yeah, I said that. I understand why all of you hate him but I can't bring myself to do it. And I'm ready to physically fight whoever dares to say anything about him.
Now, Spite got everything she wanted, she's a human ajd I'm happy she got her happy ending.
Or the happiest she can be without Ikaris around.
We all knew he'd be there, but I got excited when Eros made his entrance. My inner fangirl screamed.
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
I’m sure that Thena loves Gil’s feathers in the Maleficent AU. Maybe you can do soft moments where Thena observes his feathers and wings without Gil’s knowledge? <3
"Hm?" she blinked, looking over at Ikaris who huffed through his teeth in annoyance. "What were you saying?"
"I was asking if you are sure about this," Ikaris nodded his head at their younger brother, very visibly, very publically, offering Makkari a little trinket upon her return to the nest.
"Sure about what?" Thena mumbled, her eyes on the head of the guard, walking further into the nest from the stormy weather outside and flapping his sodden wings with displeasure. "We have known from the beginning that Druig was taken with that sentry. I think they make a very sweet pair."
"We do not live here, Thena."
"Don't we?" she countered, finally giving her brother the benefit of seeing how serious her expression was. "We have already extended our stay, brother. Druig is very happy with Makkari, and I believe you too have found companionship in Ajak's ambassador."
Ikaris flushed, whether by guilt or anger at her needling him. Or perhaps it was a truly emotional response to the bringing up of Sersi. "She is...pleasant. But I never would have expected to ground you and Druig here because of it."
"Do you think he does?" Thena argued again, gesturing to how Druig, thorny and disagreeable in nature, offered sweet and gentle smiles to the quick winged flyer. Her scarlet red feathers complimented Druig's pitch black ones.
They were different from Gilgamesh's, whose feathers were iridescent and dark, with earthy brown undertones.
Ikaris looked at her, "you want to stay."
"I wish for Druig to be happy." It was far easier to say that than thinking about any particular reasons she had for delaying their departure again and again and again.
Gilgamesh flapped his wings a little before walking further into the nest.
"And I do wish the same for you," Thena gave Ikaris a look that made him roll his eyes. She flicked his wing, "against my better judgement."
With that, she took off, letting her wings guide her gently down from the loft of her observations to the floor of one of the many entrances. She walked quietly, keeping her feathers from dragging behind her as she followed the captain of the guard into the mothernest's twisting tunnels.
He turned, surprised at first but then offering her one of his very warm smiles he had.
"How was your flight?" she asked, regarding his still dripping and somewhat bedraggled wings. "Is the storm coming in fast?"
He nodded with a sigh, his wings sitting heavy behind him. "I think so. It'll be on us by tonight, from what Kingo spotted."
"Let me see."
Gil blinked, not catching on at first that she meant his wings, and their current condition. He fussed, "n-no, it's okay, really, I'm just-"
"Gilgamesh," Thena pursed her lips at him. Was he really embarrassed of his ruffled wings, like a young fledgeling. "I'm sure you need help at least with your pinfeathers. Allow me."
Gil simply went quiet as she took the liberty of turning him by the shoulders and examining his wings. He cleared his throat, "I, uh, guess you saw Druig and Kari."
Thena smiled as she brushed some of the beading dew off his shimmering feathers. "Indeed I did. I was the one who advised him on presenting her with something upon her return."
"Oh really?" Gil moved his wing to try and peek at her over his shoulder.
She moved it back in place to continue her work. "I want Druig to be happy. And it seems my fledgeling brother has finally chosen a mate."
"You think it's that serious?"
She smiled at the centre of Gil's back as she plucked an errant feather barely clinging on. "I think he asked me if he should serenade her."
"Ah." Gil's shoulders moved as she continued to preen him. It was a very intimate activity by sheer merit of how sensitive one's wings were, and how vulnerable any fae's back was. "You're right, the gift is way better."
They both laughed, the gentle sound of it echoing down the corridor one way and then out the other. Thena cleared her throat, "so, if you have any advice on courting rituals here, then I'm sure I would like to know for Druig's sake."
Gilgamesh moved his wing to look at her again, "hm, nothing fancy I guess. We don't have a lot of ritual to it--you wanna court?--court. If no one objects, then fine."
How easy it sounded. Thena moved his wing between them again. "I suppose it is becoming less common to have such archaic tradition. In the Isles, the trinkets and serenading are rather standard practices of courting. Many have mellifluous voices for song."
"Do you?"
She laughed again and pulled a feather more harshly, "certainly not."
Gil's shoulders rolled again, although his wings certainly seemed relaxed with her work on them. He sighed, "me neither."
Thena raised an eyebrow, not that he could see her, "I suspect that is not true."
He looked over, now lifting up his entire wing over her head, "I guess I could serenade you to test it."
Thena blushed faintly, his feathers still in her hands. "I wasn't done!"
"Sorry, sorry," he acquiesced, turning and offering his wing to her again. "I guess I've never really tested it out."
Thena pursed her lips. "Ikaris and Druig have no voice for song either. Trinkets are a much better language for them."
"And you?"
Thena blinked, wondering if she had heard him right. It seemed impossible, given their hearing ability and the general quiet of the caverns. But even a whisper could travel through the corridors, and Gil had such a nice, gentle voice.
It was most definitely suited for song.
"Hm?" she asked in not so many words, trying to focus on plucking any loose downy feathers.
"Almost done?" he asked more firmly, his wing still between them.
"Almost," she muttered, running her fingers over the smoothed out feathers only as far as she dared. He seemed much more preened and presentable, at least. She snapped her hands away, his feather pressed between her palms. "There."
Gilgamesh turned, lifting his wing up and over her again in their tight proximity. They settled at his back, sitting higher after a nice refresher. He smiled, "thanks."
Thena looked down at the sandals on her feet. The straps were wearing from age. "Any time."
"I, uh," Gil nodded his head behind him, "should get outta these wet robes."
Thena nodded. Indeed he should. "I'll make sure there's a plate for you by the fire."
"Thanks," he repeated, with a slight change to his tone. He tilted his head at her, "I'll see you out there, I guess."
"Right," she smiled, taking a half a step back from him. Her wings trembled nervously behind her.
"See you soon, I guess," he said finally, turning and continuing down the tunnel with his drier, lighter wings.
Thena looked down at her hands and sputtered. She still had his feather in her hands. "Gil!"
"Keep it!" he shouted back to her before dropping down into the lower tunnels, "a trinket!"
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Would you write something funny that involves a certain amount of nudity?
Like Kingo and Ikaris joining Gil in the bathhouse, sliding into the water, closing their eyes, enjoying the hot water. So they don't notice Thena silently emerging from the water. She scares Kingo and Ikaris out of their trance with a dry joke about their manhood and embarrassing them to death.
Gil just wiggles his eyebrows. 🖤✨
"What a day," Kingo lamented as he left the steam rooms for the actual baths.
"Aye," Ikaris murmured alongside him. The fight had been a little rough, but after the fight, they had both been on watch. And watch along the borders of Kievan-Rus was much colder - and felt much longer - than it had in the Guptan Empire, or back in China.
There was already a wide back and set of arms sprawled out along the frontmost wall of the bath, facing the back of the room. The size of them was undeniably that of the Strongest Eternal.
"Gil, you beat us here," Kingo greeted in a light tone.
He shifted in the water, just barely turning his head to look back at them. "Oh, uh, hey guys."
"Were you not expectin' guests?" Ikaris chuckled as they stepped into the steamy room.
"No, it's just that-"
A second figure emerged from previously being completely concealed by Gilgamesh. A head of blonde hair lifted from off his chest, Thena looking at them with critical eyes, "hello."
"Shit!" Kingo yelped.
"Fuck's sake, Thena!" Ikaris roared, both angrier and the more embarrassed out of the two.
"Oh, please," she rolled her eyes at them, settling against her chosen seat in Gil's lap again. "I do not care for your maidenly shyness, nor your manhoods."
"Gil!" Kingo hissed, still trying to cover himself for modesty's sake, "you can't warn a guy?!"
Gil shrugged, though, pulling his arms off the wall and wrapping them around Thena. "You know this is our spot."
"Un-fuckin'-believable," Ikaris growled, still letting his anger create a cover for his threatened pride. He turned to march away, "I'm a married man, eh? I don't think you'd find it so funny if Sersi and I were in here and you walked in...like this!"
Thena was unbothered by her brother's taunting, "like Sersi would look? My worry would be for your pride alone, Ikaris."
"Go easy on him, Solnyshkuh," Gil soothed, attempting to keep his amusement about the whole situation to himself, for his brothers' sakes.
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Come on, tiger, walk it off," Kingo placated Ikaris, pulling him back to the steam rooms. "We can use one of the other bath rooms."
"Indeed," Thena encouraged, if only to get one last growl out of her ruffled brother.
Gil gave her hip a little pinch before resuming his task of running his hand over her back. "I'm sure you wouldn't like it if someone were to catch me in that situation."
"You would have nothing to feel ashamed of," Thena purred back to him, encouraging the Strongest Eternal to blush a vibrant and endearing red. "I know what is mine, as do they."
Gil changed tactics, tipping her chin up, "and what if the human bath attendants were to catch me?"
Thena's glare was cold and immediate, "has this happened?"
"No, you know I only come in here with you," he chuckled, satisfied that she had some sense of propriety about at least his state of dress (or undress). "I'm just saying..."
Thena sighed, rolling her eyes, "fine. I'll tell them I didn't see anything."
"Did you?"
"No," she scrunched up her nose, disgusted at the very thought. "I was behind you the whole time. I have no interest in whatever they think they have to offer."
Gil shifted them slightly, moving her from her side on his lap to sitting with her back flat against his chest. He linked their hands together on either side of them. "Then why the crack at Ikaris?"
"To rattle him," Thena answered plainly and honestly. "And because I just know he has nothing on you."
Gil nuzzled her hair out of his way to kiss behind her ear. "Why is this so amusing to you, but you get all shy when you wanna crawl into bed with me?"
Thena denied his question the dignity of an answer.
He felt her squirm a little, though, and leaned so he could brush his lips against her cheek. "We all have our things."
"You are too kind," she sighed, deciding they were done with the topic of her propensity for cuddling and her inability to suggest it herself.
"Even to you?"
"Even to me," she cooed, settling in his arms again.
Gilgamesh's correction was warm and immediate, "never."
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