#because I mainly did oc x canon rp
foxy-fandoms-chaos · 3 months
Suddenly missing my undertale (+ undertale aus) roleplay era for some reason
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oathofpromises · 1 year
Mun asks: 11 & 12!
11.what other platforms have you used to roleplay?
I used to roleplay on twitter and honestly it wasn't bad at first but after a bit it just felt like all people wanted to do was crack rp. Which don't get me wrong crack rp can be funny but I am here to write stories with people. To show character development and build dynamics. I also just have very bad memories associated with my time there. I won't go into details but some of the rules I have today on here are because of situations that happened to me on that platform. If there's one thing I am gratful for it's my friends I met on there. Especially @diademreigned , that's how the two of us met was twitter. I was doing a editing raffle give away and at the time my layouts were circulating through the kh rp community on there. They ended up winning one and it was that day we started talking. We've been best friends ever since that day.
When I tell you they are the reason that made writing on there fun that is the truth because honestly they are such incredible sweetheart and I wouldn't be here today without them.
I also role played on a app called Amino, for anyone that knows this place is just a ground for bullies. I don't miss it at all and it's because of my experiences on there that my danganronpa muses are harder to write for at the moment. It's been years, but when you have people who make alts on there just to harass you it drains you of any motivation you've for that fandom.
12.what was the first fandom that you roleplayed within?
I know I mentioned this before but first fandom I wrote in was Danganronpa. I mainly wrote for Chiaki, Kirigiri and my oc. I love this series and getting chance to write for these characters was fun but I admit the fandom in the rp community, at least around time I was writing in it, was very toxic. I had people who belittled my character simply because I did ship her with a canon character. She wasn't a mary sue, as the backstory made sense for them to meet that way.
This is also part of the reason I am very hesitant to ship oc x canon because of the hate I have gotten for it in the past. Let's just say some people thought a character was only for their oc...yeah I legit have had people tell me I can't ship with a character because their oc already has taken them. Which is discussion for another day but I have so many stories about writing in this fandom. Did I get experience in rp, yeah but do I wish I had left sooner. Yep. That's why my Danganronpa muses will only be available to mutuals or when requested. It's simply just a comfort thing for me at this point.
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mocha-wuv · 4 months
pinned post edit this better later
probably when i actually use this blog preferably.
main ship/focus: stevenocha ( steven strngled red x mocha )
tagging is usually self-explanatory. specific ships are tagged as the ship name and also the characters separately, in case they arent always together.
( but the post will usually be implied ship so thatd usually be tagged anyways ) .
page is an open secret . my main is @synthetic-sonata
no nsfw. at most suggestive , usually jokes . posts considered suggestive will be tagged as such. and bc this blog mainly focuses on romantic and/or platonic ! although i do draw nsfw its like. for myself and i dont want to post it outside of my friendcircles - i am over 18
if you selfship with the same character ... idk??? its really dependant. its mostly if you dont interpret them well and just have the worst takes . the 'he would not fucking say that' pill . otherwise, i dont really care and will handshake you.
main character of this blog for now is mocha , because he's my current favorite oc and also ... kind of me? it's complicated - system stuff basically but hes one of the hosts of our system and also a fictive but not really but kind of ( ocs are hard to really figure out if its a 'chicken or an egg' situation - did the oc or alter come first typa thing ).
treat him as an oc, because in most selfship context, he is an oc. but im also called mocha as one of my main aliases and i am also mocha ! but theres seperation between oc mocha and alter/me mocha. think of it as a sona of sorts i suppose
fanart is accepted and appreciated, but obviously try not to make them unrecognizable if you do - its appreciated heavily though! fanwritings... also allowed but itd be really hard to write an oc that you dont own without seeing how i write them so thats more on the iffy side.
this blog much like any selfship or oc canon blog is self-indulgent as fuuuuuuccckk . this is mainly for self indulgent ships! something like dirkpink or ultdirkmagna, a popular long-running oc x canon i had, wasnt really for me per se? just the fun outcome of rp shenanigans. so i post freely about it on my main. stevenocha, for example, is way more self-indulgent and personal to me.
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metalgonemeta · 1 year
This whole post is a comparison of Isane-the-shiny, aka my older version of this blog, to its resurrection MetalGoneMeta
First things first, im sending development for this blog into motion. And although everyone who saw and i interacted with under the Isane-the-shiny/-and-muses usernames are now 2 years+ inactive and/or archived, i feel its best to put up the similarities and differences between then and now both for their sake should it be of interest as well as to give myself a blueprint for resurrecting under Metalgonemeta.
Isane-the-Shiny/-and-muses (2018?)
ItS was a Non-Selective, Independent, Pokémon/Metang OC Roleplaying blog
While I ran ItS (and later IaM) I was very VERY new to Tumblr RP and didnt know what anything meant besides a blog being Selective or not. And if you even had Semi-Selective in your bio, I posted the Same. Damn. CopyNPaste Ask of basically:
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THIS GD ASK HAS PLAGUED MANY A USERS INBOX, and yknow how i said i didnt know the terminology of RPBlogs? That included those who had “Mutuals Only” as a rule of their blog.
To those whos blogs i did invade, I do apologize. I will say that i have improved since then.
(Also SHOUTOUT TO THOSE WHO ACTUALLY RESPONDED DESPITE THEIR OWN RULES /pos Istg i look back on this Invading copy and paste ask with HEAVY cringe, but I also remember feeling so ballistically happy seeing the “X answered your ask” notification. I hope all is well for you ^^)
Back to this list of how things were, pretty much said above but to put it shorter and more organized, Back when i ran IsT/IaM i was very Invasive and i was unaware of boundaries. And this was mostly due to it being back when i was about 14-15. (Im an Adult now dw ^^”)
Lastly and pretty much the only last changes and differences… Isane, the Metang OC of this blog, Is getting a name change and Overhaul. This is primarily for finding purposes ig? Basically, There is a character from a different fandom i follow, Bleach, with a character of the same name. (If anything i legit just stole the name cuz i liked Isane lmao). I do not have a new name decided *yet, but am actively searching so i can get it set in stone for the blog. And in terms of the actual overhaul, im going to look into updating, aka giving, her lore as well as (likely the only thing anyone i interacted with gave a shit about if at all) a redesign. Whether im going to turn her into a default blue and silver metang, or my Orrian Metang design is also still to be decided (you can find said design here )
Metalgonemeta (2023 onward)
Now all the big stuff i will admit is under the previous section by accident and ive noticed this post is getting pretty lengthy so ill try to keep this section short and to the point.
MGM is likely going to be identical to ItS in the fact it will still be an Indie NonSelective Blog. Though if i wanted to label every applicable term i found to give a better idea of what itll be: Indie, Pokemon/Metang OC, Based on Canon events that happened in both the mainline pokemon games as well as Pokemon Colosseum/GoD:XD, though will likely focus mainly on Unova B2W2* in writings.
Now i will say, factually in my stance, i should NOT go around peoples inboxes all wild andlikely childish. Even if i didnt make the other person uncomfortable, there were cases where i did make some uncomfortable… likely those who had stated mutuals only and yet here i was, a complete stranger banging on the ask box. Im probably going to just stick with those who interact with me first because of this and keep me going into inboxes at a minimal (i.e posted staters, prompts, etc.)
Kinda to keep parallel with the previous section, in terms of age rating im thinking ill have this blog be 18+. Not because of any mature material (if anything this blogs gonna be pretty sfw since its a gd METANG) but to avoid any uncomfortable complications regarding me, an 18y/o adult interacting with teens/minors of any age tumblr allows (I dont know what to even think of this cuz i just turned 18 not too long ago so from what ive heard i shouldnt have to worry about this type of stuff in the way say a 24y/o should), im just deciding in the hopes to just avoid any complications just keep the 18y/o me in the 18+ audience.
And that about wraps up all there is in terms of blog comparisons.. this was mostly focused on the blog technichalities and i will look into setting up a accessable Rules and About page when i get everything set up and can move onto a theme.
Im sorry this was so long but i felt it was best to post this now while everything i want to do is still fresh in my mind.
Thank you for reading through,
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imthecleric · 2 years
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@rangersinclair​ said: Unanswered questions 1-5!
[ x ]
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1 - Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
There are characters a few I likely wont RP with mainly because while I am fine with making “villains” or “bad guys” a bit sympathetic I don’t like erasing aspects of the character that is clearly written. In this fandom people in the GA tags tend to erase the racism that some characters exhibit. I will let you fill in the blanks on why I likely wont RP with these characters cause I don’t want to condone racism. In terms of faceclaims, there are not fandom specific faceclaims I wont RP, I do have faceclaims I wont RP with because either I know the actor personally, or a few other reasons.
2 - Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Fluff that has no end point. I am not opposed to fluff, but if it is just fluff for the sake of fluff meandering through then I can’t do it. And honestly the same for angst. I love angst ask anyone, but I need an end point. I always try my hardest in angst threads to have some type of building moment for my characters so that it isn’t just replies upon replies that are circular in their writing trying to find new ways to describe a character’s inner turmoil.
3 - As a mun, what are three of your biggest flaws when it comes to being someone’s RP partner?
First, I am so bad at responding to messages, and talking to people ooc and reaching out. Part of it is because I am on a sideblog here, but the other part is I am just so scared of annoying people with my mere presence. Then there is the I am shit at small talk. My longest friends from RPC know to check on me every once in a while but if it is simple small talk they can safely take that to someone else and I wont be annoyed. Like vent to me about your work day, but like go straight into the “oh my god my coworker is being a bitch because” no need for the preamble with me. Second, I am so bad at sending memes because I am a sideblog but because I am nervous I am annoying people and in this fandom I can never tell if people have a preferred Will half the time and don’t want anything to do with me. So I am just like sitting twiddling my thumbs praying for interaction which isn’t how this works. Third, I tend to go quiet or not check up on my friends because I get busy or just forget until I see a post on the dash from them. But I always worry about people, I am just shit at keeping contact until I run into you like four years later in another fandom. I feel awful about it, but like it stems from me not wanting to bug people.
4 - Have you ever dropped a thread because someone refused to ship their character with yours? If no, have you ever dropped a thread for another “unpopular” reason and if so, what was your reasoning?
No. I tend to not have shipping as my main focus in writing partially because I am asexual, secondly because half the time I am too scared to assume someone wants to ship. Will is the first that has more or less at least an unrequited love on my end that is canon that I don’t have to worry if I am pushing it on someone because it is seen as unrequited right now. I have dropped threads because smut was happening and I didn’t want to write it (not on Will cause i don’t write that here but on other muses that are of age etc.), and most commonly I will drop threads if after a few replies I am the only one actively trying to move the plot forward, and if I stop that the other person still doesn’t try to move the plot forward. Basically for this last one, if I am doing all the plot work in the thread and when I stop no plot work is being done then I will drop the thread.
5 - Have you ever RP’d with someone simply because of their character’s faceclaim, even if you did not like their character’s personality?
Nope. Faceclaim choice does not drive me to RP or not RP with a person. With alt FCs of characters, or OCs I tend to trust the judgement of the mun that they feel that that FC works for their interpretation of the canon, and for OCs, the mun knows their OC more than I do obviously. With the exception from above of my reasons to not RP with a certain FC usually my personally knowing the FC.
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bloodfcst-a · 4 years
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@chhenleng​ said: 7 & 14 ! questions for mun.
7. Who was the very first muse you ever wrote?
I think it was Rikku? I was like hardly in middle school writing on forums. I used to be on EoFF and also jumped on the making proboards trend. However, she didn’t really stick. I let other people decide the muse for me + honestly everything felt really inauthentic. I was also like, 10 or 11 at the time, so y’know. I also remember starting Eiko Carol like shortly after, and she had like a school badge and everything... this was on LiveJournal though. She also didn’t stay very long, but that’s mainly because I had just started going back to school ( I’d been homeschooled for two years ) and it was hard for me to keep up with schoolwork. I eventually explored a few other muses ( Zidane Tribal, Rubedo from Xenosaga, Maximillion Pegasus, Selphie Tilmitt, Fujin from VIII ), all during 8th and 9th grade. Then I stopped again until I got roped to join Tumblr with Yuffie. And then... as they say, the rest is history.
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (in the rp community or otherwise)
Winter just wants me to be roasted. Okay then.
If I’m being completely honest, I’ve been roaming in otome land for like the last year & now I read a lot of OC or reader fic ahaha. But! Outside of me trying to fulfill my needs for hugs.......
drumroll please...
okay thank gawd this doesn’t say top 5 bc I would struggle lmao. My default things would say “ character x happiness ” but I recognize that’s like cheating the system so u know.... I’ll be for realsies.
Rufus & any of his Turks. Tseng is an obvious one, but I’ve seen a lot of good fic with Reno and Rude too, so I don’t want them to be excluded.
Wrightworth. I enjoy Phoenix & Maya’s partnership but Miles has been there from the beginning & they each play a role in each other’s redemption arcs. They’re always together anyway. 
Joseph Joestar & Caesar Zeppeli. Easily. 
Snow Villiers & Serah Farron. Snow and Fang are also a cool power couple but honestly, he can’t handle her. So I’ll go back to Snow & Serah.  
Soriku. I don’t read any fic, but like honestly the ending of KH3 was just Sokai forced in there and while I am happy for Kairi to like be remembered in canon and that she for like literally four whole seconds got to be not damsel in distress.... ( bc she did again!!! damn!! chronic Princess Peach syndrome out here!! ), like.... y’all I felt robbed. 
While I’m here can we talk about my five not-predator curated ships for Yufi tho?
Rufus & Yufi. I just want the heir to the throne ship. ghiofghdf okay but honestly I could go into this for ages and they just. mesh well. Thank you Square for going all in on my content kthx.
Reno & Yufi. Very much the “we messed around for a summer and it meant nothing so we still have a solid friendship, but it was fun while it lasted” kind of dynamic. Definitely the “wyd?” kinda dynamic. Both of them are married to their careers, have no time to commit to other people, so like... you know. Bet.
Leon & Yufi. I love their partnership in KH, it’s so good. With the Twilight Town crew and the Ice Cream gang, I think they get overshadowed nowadays. But they were the true MVP. 
I don’t know how I almost forgot Tseng & Yufi. But OH MY GAWD. Look. I have a lot of feelings on this. I am excited to see lately the depictions of Tseng disconnected from his Wutai roots, because I am weak for all iterations of that man, but like honestly I think some of the most enjoyable writing I’ve had here on Tumblr has come from writing this ship. 
Wild card! I’d be remiss to not include @flamereign​ ! I feel like people just see Lea and Yufi as these high energy characters and kinda forget about their tragic backstories. I’m glad that KH3 for one let us see how hot Lea is in updated graphics, but also it really touched on that there are some sore spots & that he’s tender-hearted for those he cares about & he’s still working through his own trauma. Even in a completely safe universe, per say, he’d still have his own healing to work on full time.... so. Also Enya is a true peach and I adore her, so. Thank you for sticking with me through everything. 
Bonus! I want to include @garrotejima​ too. I just think Majima and Yufi have something special, and I love that Dean goes along with any verse and any dumb idea I have. I can say a lot about Majima & I’m biased because... I love him, but like... I just really enjoy how he can kind of see through Yufi’s bullshit and can support her, and I also love that Yufi loves him and all of his antics, not in spite of them or as an exception or anything like that. Whether he’s roughed up from a fight or in the thrill of the battle or in thigh highs or just being silly with baseball, Yufi’s like... so soft for him. It’s fun to write Yufi having tender moments with someone and Majima just... allows her to feel comfortable being vulnerable & it’s so good. It’s so good. I love them. I also love Dean, too. Haven’t bragged about them in a while, it was time I hit the quota!
This was so long i’m so sorry foihgodfg.
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askshivanulegacy · 5 years
Get to know me tag thing!
1. Dogs or Cats? Dogs FTW! Though I could maybe have a cat one day, depending.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I’m not sure YouTube celebrities count as celebrities, haha. And I certainly couldn’t name a single one, so normal celebrities it is. I have a hard enough time naming those. :P
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? UGH it depends on the day and how I’m feeling, honestly. I live for the wide-open countryside, but I love the mountains and the forest, and I would love some small, historic old town where I could walk everywhere on cobblestone streets. It’s easier for me to say where I don’t want to live than where I do!
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  Disney (especially now that it has Marvel and Star Wars), but honestly DreamWorks has some real gems.
5. Favourite childhood TV show? MY LITTLE PONY. Especially those old movies and that original 80s character style??? A+++ the new My Little Pony honestly failed hard in the style department (didn’t stop me from getting a stupid amount of the toys tho because they were so cute). :’D Then there was X-men and Spiderman, and later on Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh. ♥
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
I’m a sap for movies, I love them. so RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON, probably on the top of my list next to whatever Star Wars is coming out then. Mulan, Artemis Fowl, Dolittle!! (omg that takes me back so hard) And probably some others I can’t remember.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? I did not read a book this year. :sob: But there was some excellent fanfiction, some very excellent webcomics, and some very very excellent RPing <_<. Oh, there was a kids book, The Tea Dragon Society, which is super cute, highly recommend. Maybe next year I’ll get through my stash of backlogs. >_>
8. Marvel or DC? Marvel for movies, ANYTHING ELSE for comics.  Tho the Wonder Woman and Superman movies have been super epic too, hmm.  Anyway, I cannot stand these superhero comics, they’re convoluted and incoherent (and generic) as heck.  You can find so much better stories and artwork elsewhere.
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member? G A M B I T
10. Night or Day? Day, except for the part where I work during it, and so most of my worthwhile activities get done at night. XD
11. Favourite Pokemon?  MEWTWO
12. Top 5 bands/artists:
Uhhh, there are a few country bands I actually like enough of their songs to recognize, except none of the names are coming to me OH WELL.  Celtic Woman, that’s one artist for you.  And Rockapella!  That’s it, all I got.  I just don’t pay attention to names.  XD
13. Top 10 books.
OK HERE WE GO have I got the books 4U:
The entire Star Wars X-Wing series.
The entire Star Wars Mandalorian series.
The Wolfwalker series by Tara K. Harper ( @dingoat <_< )
Dragon of the Lost Sea series by Laurence Yep
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville
Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce
The Pit Dragon Chronicles by Jane Yolen
All the Pern books by Anne McCaffrey
The Dinotopia books by James Gurney
The Belgariad series by David Eddings (loved all his stuff honestly)
A lot of those I read long, loooong ago so maybe I would have different opinions now if I re-read them.  But boy did they influence me A LOT growing up.
14. Top 4 movies
STAR WARS especially Rogue One :sob:, How to Train Your Dragon, Sherlock Holmes (the recent movies), The Man from UNCLE (also the recent movie).  This list will change by the hour. 8)
15. America or Europe?  Europe.  I live in America and it’s comfy and all, but really Europe has all the cool places going for it, AND ALSO public transportation, get your act together America.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?  Tumblr FTW.  I will never understand the point of Twitter, tho Blakk does have a Twitter account that he rarely uses. 8)
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?  What a great polarizing question for such an innocent Q&A meme; gotta wonder what the author was thinking. 8)  I’m pro-you-can-have-whatever-opinion-you-want-as-long-as-you-don’t-inflict-it-on-other-people because it’s not your f*ing business to run their lives, pro-this-isn’t-worthy-of-becoming-law, pro-act-responsibly-in-the-first-place-and-use-birth-control, and, failing that because people sure as hell like to manufacture fake issues, pro-choice.  Because just imagine thinking you get to determine what someone else gets to suffer (and literally pay for, $$$) for 9 months and then force them through the horrific physical ordeal of birthing a baby when they just. don’t. want. to.  I mean, you might as well decide someone should just take an axe and cut off their own arm just because you want them to; it really amounts to the same thing.  :/  (Please note, wanting to have a baby and being forced are two entirely different things. It’s an ordeal, regardless, and not something to approach unwillingly.)
18. Favorite YouTuber? No one, don’t care enough to remember usernames. XD
19. Favorite author ? I’m so bad with remembering names, but here are some I do, so they must be worth something: Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Kevin J. Anderson, and also the above listed authors, half of which I had to Google. 8)
Also ME, because I know I write well and I love the stuff I write!
Honestly also everyone I RP with (past and present) because yeah there’s a reason I’m addicted to this hobby. ♥
20. Tea or Coffee?  I mean.  Coffee, ok??  But like, also.  TARO MILK TEA and a hundred other teas especially with cream and sugar, and the concept of High Tea is amazing.  ... That’s mostly the snacks, BUT STILL.
21. OTP ?  Blakk/Saare (old ship, many of you probably haven’t seen it, but it’s also my canon ship).  Blakk also ships stupidly well with several other OCs ... you know who you are ... and also how much I wish they could also be canon ...
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?  Piano!  At least I could, before we moved around 6th grade and I gave it up.  But it was the one extracurricular activity I stuck with for a number of years.  I’m sure I’m ridiculously rusty.  Probably I can still read the music. 8)  I can sing (mainly in the car), but it doesn’t mean I should.  XDD
Tagged By: @dingoat, thank you!!! ♥♥♥
Tagging:  @kaosstar, @princess-triton, @theanaideialegacy, @starrealis, @lhunuial, @empire-at-war, @ you!  (I’ve been pretty awol lately in terms of interacting a ton online so I’m not sure who’s still around, haha!)
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harinezumiko · 6 years
How about an easy one? Pokemon? Trainer and 'mon?
Funnily enough, this is almost a hard one, since the canon varies so hard. For the anime, no question, Kojirou/James is my favorite, I will love him until I die. 
For the games, I think N is the most compelling NPC/kinda antagonist, but I’m mainly fond of him because of @artistblack‘s fantastic Black Adventures webcomic. That said, Lysandre is my garbage husband, especially in X, because his stupid bid for immortality is Tragic and Beautiful, and since I played through as one of my OCs who’s vain as shit without knowing this... Lysandre and I will be young and beautiful forever while the world burns. 
But I am RP trash. And back in the day, I used to RP as Tsukushi/Bugsy!
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(2011 art, damn son.)
So Bugsy forever has a spot in my heart, even though the RP was an amazing nightmare death spiral on basically every possible level. I was actually super buttmad that I could never find the like... two... episodes he’s in in Japanese, but I did. Kinda only look like. Six years ago. But I love Bugsy, even though there’s almost no canon to go off of.
As far as favorite Pokemon go, we get the same multifaceted nonsense, except I don’t think I... really had a favorite in the anime. My favorite as far as the franchise overall is concerned is Shaymin, because Aesthetic, but Bachuru/Joltik was the first Pokemon I immediately was like ‘THIS IS MINE FOREVER’ other than... Ralts? I love the Ralts line, but I never need to see any of that porn again. 
BUT THEN RPLAND HITS AND... It’s Ho-Oh. I got to play this bitter, tragic, disillusioned, ancient Legendary, the last of his kind, still mad at mankind over the loss of his mate and chicks. He was extra fun because Bugsy was his morality pet, and just generally had no business being anywhere near this kid or his Bug-type Gym. 
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I posted 15,624 times in 2021
3304 posts created (21%)
12320 posts reblogged (79%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.7 posts.
I added 12,345 tags in 2021
#;out of the south - 3092 posts
#;the belle - 1459 posts
#;musings - 1215 posts
#;aesthetic - 1165 posts
#;sugah queue - 1162 posts
#;the latina - 1139 posts
#;the canary - 1071 posts
#;psa - 738 posts
#;relationships - 695 posts
#;little asks are made of gunpowder and lead - 609 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and even still if they haven’t read my rules and break them they’re getting a block so it’s to everyone’s benefit to read a mun’s rule page
My Top Posts in 2021
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@meretrixious sent: 🔪 for Nilza
Send ‘🔪’ to find out what my muse is guilty of.
It could be crime, a past regret, a confession of something they did in the past.
The movie was over, having gotten through it without much besides laughter at the appropriate points, and Remy singing along the with songs (she had rolled her eyes when he claimed he was O’Malley). Her eyes narrowed at the question, throat tightening. Maybe she should just tell him. Pushing him away was better, wasn’t it?
It was one thing to claim everyone deserved to have good things, it was another to have it thrown in your face just how bad the people you were associating were with, and that no, they really did not deserve good things.
“¿De qué soy culpable?” She drew her knees to her chest, petting Saphira’s head while she debaed even answering. He already knew most of everything she had done. The arson, the thievery, the outrunning cops on her bike. What the fuck else was there to confess to, besides why she had without warning left her dog in his apartment.
“Killed mi novio, mi bebita. I fucked off the other day...because she would have been seven on Tuesday. But isn’t. Because of me.”
She avoided his eyes without apology, without any emotion. Because if she allowed herself to feel any amount of emotion, it would turn into a breakdown.
“Still say I deserve good things?”
23 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 04:21:36 GMT
//since it’s something that really, truly, deeply bothers me:
If you feel the need to broadstroke man hate, be ‘ew men’, draw lines between cis and trans men, ‘not all men’, etc. please unfollow me and do not interact with me.
Everyone, EVERYONE, within and without the gender binary is capable of being a GOOD person, just as they are capable of being an asshole.
Stop playing like specifying ‘women and non-binaries’ isn’t lumping trans men into that whenever you say that.
Stop lumping women and non-binaries together. I am NOT a woman just because I still use female identifiers and comfortable with being femme. Neither is anyone else identifying as non-binary, and neither, ffs, are trans men.
Hate misogyny, hate the patriarchy by all means but
stop attacking men
stop making them afraid to defend their self image
stop making the people attracted to men have to apologize for it
stop making men apologize for being their gender or existing
stop acting like words don’t matter because you know damn well they matter when you’re a woman regardless of whether or not they are true!!!
24 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 05:48:57 GMT
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The Belle, The Canary, The Hunter, The Latina, The Wolf
Mun/muses 25+ (any nsfw shipping must be with 25+ muns, individual exceptions can be made with a working relationship between muns)
10 years rp experience
Multi-Paragraph rp only
Canon, OC, AU, and Crossover friendly
LOTS OF TRIGGERING CONTENT AND MENTIONS- violence, drugs, abuse, injuries, mental illness, language, sex, pregnancy, child loss. Not everything will be tagged as it’s pretty well spread throughout.
Rogue/Anna Marie Darkholme 🧤- mainly 616, canon divergent with influence from Wolverine and The X-Men and The Animated Series.
Nilza Valdez (hunter) 🔪, Farrar Kilpatrick (hunter) 🍀, Kaylee Starke (werewolf) 🐺- urban fantasy OC with influence from Supernatural, Marvel, Teen Wolf. Mun is decently knowledgeable in Stranger Things, PJO fandom, and generalized paganism.
Sara Lance 🐦- DC Legends of Tomorrow tv show- FC changed to Katheryn Winnick, no C**ty L*tz here
Padmé Amidala 💫- plotted, multipara request only!
Cisco Ramon 🌀- Arrowverse by request for established mutuals ONLY!
Interest Tracker- please fill out before dming!!!
Carrd- mun page, rules, muse bios, verses, aesthetics, musings, etc.
31 notes • Posted 2021-04-07 07:03:23 GMT
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//now introducing Sara on W/ire, as well as my dicksword handle. Lemme know who you are before you add me
39 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 23:29:35 GMT
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“That was twelve minutes, not ten. But ya get a pass since Ah know what ya stopped for,” Rogue called from the couch. “And if ya got pulled for speedin’, Ah mighta needed a divorce.” The joke was fairly weak, as she was struggling to sound relaxed. ‘Relax in between my ass’.
    || @meretrixious​
50 notes • Posted 2021-06-22 04:10:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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roringuboi · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Hnnn... I don’t really have one. I DID have one.. it was with an old friend I lost contact with... It was Andy x Wes.. Their muse Andy was an android who was really something else. He protected Wes in a reasonable manner and protected him from his android siblings... hell, it started to turn into an OT3 with Andy’s brother... god, I wish I could remember that guy’s name.. I really miss the ship!
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I really enjoy writing all sorts of things.. Toxic, non-toxic... Not every relationship has to be sunshine and candy.. I love exploring all sorts of routes!
I’m SUPER down for anything so long as we discuss things before hand. If a ship happens by accident, feel free to bug me 24/7 about it like “OMG I THOUGHT OF AN AU AND A SITUATION AND AAAAAAAAAAAA” please do this.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Aaaah... With Wes, it goes within the 5 to 8 year mark. With Wes being in his mid 20′s, anyone beyond 30 scares him.. He would have to SERIOUSLY get used to it before going into a ship like that.
Are you selective when shipping?
Not really??? My muses tend to be picky. When they get selective, THAT’s when I get mad.. I’d be like: “OMG THAT’S PRECIOUS i wanna ship--” Meanwhile my muse just kinda hides like: ‘i don’t want dat one.. i want dat oneeeee. :(’ It’s..... insane lmao
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Aaaaa I’d say when the clothes get stripped off or touching below the belt.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
ALWAYS Marie’s muses. I love her muses. ( @mondxs​ and @xyholic​ ) I absolutely LOVE the variety of muses we mess around with. Another thing about it is that we plan almost EVERYTHING.
I also ship with my fiance’s OCs. He and I get very in depth with the ships... I love them. <3
Aaaaa, there are so many people I ship with mainly.. but I’m always ready for more!!! If you don’t see your name here and we ship, just know that you are ALWAYS known. ;)
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
It depends on the situation. If it happens, it happens. If you think asking is appropriate, then do it. :) I always ask because sometimes people don’t see it the same way and I want to make sure I don’t force ships.
How often do you like to ship?
Chemistry is a need.. but if it happens, then shit happens and I’M KEEPING IT.
Are you multiship?
Yep!! <3
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
.....obsessed... whoops.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
-wheezes- In Bleach...? Shunsui x Ukitake, Ichigo x Ishida, Ikakku x Yumichika, Rukia x Orihime, Renji x Ukitake, Renji x Ishida.... I also love platonic ships like Orihime and Ishida, and many MANY more.
One Piece, I love my OC ships.... but Zoro x Sanji are a MAJOR favorite.. I know it’s cliche, but.. meh. I love it. I also love Nami x Robin together. <3 Honestly, I see the crew as one huge poly ship. Luffy doesn’t go for sexual junk, but BOY does he love cuddles.. If his crew gets hanky panky, he just shrugs and stands guard while they have fun. He cuddles with Chopper and eats cookies that Sanji leaves out for them.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
screm at me
Tagged by: @distantxlight
Tagging: idc whoever wants to do this <3
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flamestoillusions · 8 years
I think it’s terrifying how much I ship in DF but as I tell everyone, I can ship just about anything if you give me some basis for it (fanart and fanfic only expedite the process). I was trying to answer someone’s question but suddenly was like well fuck when trying to think of ships to list:
Hero/Anyone - let’s face it, everyone has some strong feeling for the Hero 
Serepulchure (Serenity/Sepulchure) - you know who you are that started this madness. I have answered far too many ship asks and have made TWO lovechildren to NOT ship it by now
Elysia/Nythera - After Rise of the Dragon Mage, how can I NOT? Like all the dragons are their babes. And I love bad/good dynamic, can you blame me?
Zhothera (Nythera/Zhoom) - I only answered ONE ship ask but because I actually like think out dynamics when writing those, guess what? Kinda ship it. Mainly because they are a ship that no one seems to know is a thing until you see them do something like hold hands or kiss.
Warlic/Xan/Jaania - Hilariously, I don’t like Warlic nor Jaania but I think their dynamic with Xan is so great. Also, I love Xan so much so if they make him happy, let him have them.
Galanoth/Ikea - You know, Gal with the furniture shopkeeper. You know who you are. But it’s not bad? I mean I see her as being a really sweet but at the same time able to rough it.
Symone/Hero/Valencia - Look, I have weakness for femme fatales. The three of them together? Totally could take on the world. Although for me, most times it’s mainly the Hero dating Symone and Valencia. If they could talk and work out their problems, maybe Symone and Valencia could be something else other than rival/enemy status? On the other hand....
Mazurek/Hero/Valencia - This is mainly with a rogue feminine Hero in mind as they are a trio of thieves. And ones that end up having a good time no matter where they go. This may or may not have bloomed because of a heist AU I thought of...
Ash/Aria - Only when they are older! I don’t know, I have a slight thing for the childhood friends that become something else. And based off Book 3, I feel like Ash has picked up some things from Yulgar.
Ash/Princess of Light - I kinda like their dynamics but actually got weirded out a little by the amnesia part thrown in. Like is this just for a fresh start or??? It’s a knight and princess dynamic, which is normally pretty cool to me.
White Flag (Mazurek/Tomix) - I feel like if they had more time, it could’ve been an interesting time. Like, I highly doubt that they would’ve stayed together long-term but I feel like they could’ve been a good relationship for as long as they lasted. And now, it kinda is just a tale of what could’ve been.
Burnt Toast (Serenity/Xan) - Total crack ship but hey, it could’ve been nice. I mean, in the long term, Xan wasn’t even the WORST we have in terms in villains. And he has to see Serenity some time as he gets her bread.
Vilmor/Circe - What do you mean you can’t have a ship with bitter enemies? I don’t know, how I saw them running off each other reminded me of phantom thieves and the dogged detective. Soooo that just ends up being kinda cool. Doesn’t help there’s a criminal AU that passed my mind with them.
Lim/Cysero (and sometimes Warlic) - It’s science versus magic. That fight in itself is great. And I never actually feel any animosity from Cysero when it came to the Clashening. Like he legitimately felt like he was adding to Lim’s efforts. And I don’t ever feel any genuine hate from Lim either, he just is like that ‘what, HOW.’
Thursday/Raven - GO SAVE YOUR GIRLFRIEND! One of the best things to happen in Book 3. Because Raven didn’t care. She was so damn determined to keep Thursday safe no matter what. And Thursday didn’t want Raven hurt. Ah, my heart. 
Alegis (Alexa/Aegis) - But he’s the light to her darkness! How can you do any better than that? I’m so sad that it couldn’t but RPed but I feel like some of the writings done for them were great. 
Ryunn/Tomix - Who hasn’t by now? I mean, just look at them! 
Tykath (Ty/Drakath) - *maniacal laughter* After x chapters of Double Edged, knowing about their family life and kids, and encouraging the mention of them in RP? I think I ship it. 
Galris (Daeris/Galanoth) - See, here’s the thing, I actually know very little about it personally. Everything I know is from ship asks and from once being told how Gal is cursed to fall for her. Love across lifetimes/dimensions? Sign me the fuck up.  
Amalencia (Amal/Valencia) - Pretty much the only one from my blog that actually happened. It is a rival to friends situation and Valencia opened his eyes to the world. But then it becomes sad as Amal is canonically dead by present DF and Valencia never did know what happened to him.
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adelha-mathilde · 6 years
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Shipping Information for Muse
tagged by: no one I just found it floating about
tagging: @beautivile @love-me-in-lifexhate-me-in-hell @bleep3 @pupperofulster
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What is your OTP for your character?:
The original pairing I had for this muse was Adelha X Ukitake back when my rp was on Facebook. Although I did have a special OTP pairing with Addy and a Franken Stein page. To which I enjoyed their interactions and blossoming love for the whole time the rp was going on. As for shipping here on Tumblr, I am a happy supporter of Addy X @thedemongunman since they are a darling and wonderful pair.
What are you willing to write when it comes to shipping?
Platonic tends to be the norm usually. Occasional familiar ships have popped up. As for romance, it really hasn’t happened save for the above mentioned Jigen blog. I am multiship on this blog. And as long as their is chemistry between muses and communication between muns, I am more than happy to see where rp plots go.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:
I am figuring this is referencing romance / intimacy ships. The mun MUST be over 18 for me to even consider letting Addy get married to their muse. (since that is the only way the muses will be in an intimate relationship) The muse themselves must also be of legal age. Other than that… It’s kind of hit or miss since Adelha is over a hundred years old, being half Water Dragon and half Vampire in her main verse. In other verses where that doesn’t apply (example: Fate Grand Order) she is around age 24.
Are you selective when shipping?
I can be. Since I have had several people over on Facebook contact me with ‘an interest in shipping’ which became clear it was in actuality ‘a quickie brothel visit’ so I am wary. But as long as you are a mutual and I have gotten time to really rp with you and IM with you, I am willing to see where the rp plot heads and how the relationships work out.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered NSFW?
Okay, this is going to be VERY specific. If there are buttons coming undone and hands groping certain places, then I expect for it be under a Read More. Basically if they are getting into the foreplay before the door gets locked.
Who are the characters that you ship your character with?
Addy X Ukitake via Facebook group. Addy X Ichimaru from a rather long private rp where Addy saved Gin from Aizen. (some day I will get to writing it out as a full fan fic) Addy X Franken via private Facebook page. Addy X Sasuke from an rp I did over on DeviantArt. And currently Addy X Daisuke on the blog for @thedemongunman. Addy X Jayden (my own OC) is a canon in my backstory lore.
But I also ship Addy with Urahara. And my main facfic novel I wrote years ago was a love square dilemma with Adelha, Vash the Stampede, Nicholas Wolfwood, and later on adding Father Abel Nightroad into the plotting of dramatical fluff. (It’s Kingdom Hearts meets anime so yes it is possible SHUSH!)
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Always! I want to know what we’re getting into and what the intentions are behind the request. So IM me. I’d expect this of anyone on any blog for any ship request tbh.
How often do you like to ship?
If it’s the right relationship and fits the plot, I will ship. If it’s a crush Addy has, then I will be quite happy if / when that particular muse shows serious interest.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I used to be. I’d make OCs just to ship with another mun’s muse back on Facebook. And I do keep track of what ships I have with what muses I came up with. (notebook is like soooooo full of notes and diagrams holy cows and sheep much)
Are you multiship?
Yes. I will do multiship. But each ship will be set in it’s own universe / storyline.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Bleach: Isshin X Masaki. / Ichigo X Orihime. / Rukia X Renji. (and for my own rp experience I OTP Uryu Ishida with my OC Alma Oaklends because OMG they are adorable together!) Naruto: Naruto X Hinata. Log Horizon: Naotsugu X Marielle / Isuzu X Rundlehaus Code. dothack//G.U: Haseo X Alkaid / Haseo X Atoli. Fate series: Kiritsugu X Iri / Shiroe X Sakura / Archer X Rin / Shiroe X Rin / Rama X Sheeta / Antoinette X Mozart / Asterios X Euryale (they make such a cute happy fluff couple)
Finally, how does one ship with you?
You mainly ask. After that, I see if and where such a relationship (be it platonic / familial / romantic / enemies ) would fit and where such would go.
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