#becaus eif this is what we got with time constraints and cancellation and everything that happened
nie7027 · 1 year
Before I reblog more post about the TOH i just want to make clear I REALLY LIKED THE ENDING OF THE OWL HOUSE! IT WAS SUPER GOOD!
Like I'm usually super picky with endings but this felt very good and satisfying
To all those people saying it felt rushed and there were many plot threads loos Ei say WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING?
For a rushed/cancelled show i was really surprised it manges to solve most plot threads in just 44 minutes! Besides more lore ragarding the owl beast i don't think there was anything left unsolved! Each character arc was properly finished!
Like besides the owl beast my only gripe was we didn't get more content about Caleb Wittebane and everything that went down but I already expected that!
Like what I wanted was for Caleb to have his own voice and tell his story instead of it being told by others(and therefore warped) because I wanted people to truly knew him, and his legacy to not be tainted by below anymore (so hunter could see Caleb was more than just another witch hunter or for the clawthores to know his origin) but i always knew for that an episode a la A tale of two Stans would have need and that was possible with the cancellation/time constraints.
We already got a general idea of what happened with both the Hollow mind pictures and Masha's retelling of the story. It's not like we werent given info about we were just missing details.
But that's it! Details!
But that's something that wasn't as necessary for the plot.
As as much as it hurts me Caleb and his story also worked perfectly left as an open history (thus giving them more a sense of a folklore story that haunts the narrative)
It worked perfectly with the story and it's themes
Also something that can easily be inferred as something that was slowly recovered with Hunter and Luz and the Clawthornes researching more about the past) which they are shown to be doing! (Since Thanks to them Hunter was shown to be researching about Caleb and we know that Gus got Belos memories >
I didn't need an official confirmation of Evelyn being Clawthornes to know it, Danna left all the pieces there for us the viewers to pick it.
The same with what went down with Caleb in general.
The same to know Odalia and Alador got divorced and she was cut from her kids lives.
Raeda are together even if there wasn't a onscreen wedding.
The bat queen and it's palismen found a home.
Or how the fight between the archivist and the titans went.
Or the lore behind the archivists.
Even hootys Lore wasn't really needed for the show ending.
For such a short time they had Dana and the crew did an amazing work of closing on screen stuff that need to be closed that way and for less important things they left enough hints for us to viewers to pick up
That's an amazing feat!
For a rushed work the end product feels surprisingly complete and satisfying. very carefully crafted with all the love and care in the world
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