#beautiful faith hope love wings tees
pettees · 1 year
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macdonuhld · 5 years
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* ╰  kaylee  bryant  ;  17  ;  she / her  ——  wow,  mary  macdonald  sure  has  changed.  i  guess  she  is  feeling  isolated  from  the  other  gryffindor  members.  guess  you  can’t  really  blame  them.  i  still  remember  them  being  so  organized  &  tenderhearted,  now  they  just  seem  frivolous  &  controlling.  guess  being  a  muggleborn  isn’t  helping  matters  much  either.  i’m  hopeful  though.  they’ll  be  just  fine.
CHARACTER  INSPO  INCLUDES:  tahani  al-jamil  (  the  good  place  ),  rachel  green  (  friends  ),  alexis  rose  (  the  two  episodes  i’ve  seen  of  schitt’s  creek  ),  vilde  lien  hellerud  (  skam  ),  elle  woods  (  legally  blonde  )
mary  macdonald  was  brought  up  rich.  rich  in  money,  rich  in  support  and  love.  she  was  the  only  child  of  charles  and  nancy  macdonald,  a  fairly  wealthy  english  couple.  they  weren’t  like,  obscenely  wealthy.  there  were  no  butlers  ironing  the  morning  paper,  or  private  planes.  but  they  were  the  sort  of  wealthy  that  gets  taken  for  granted  –  growing  up,  mary  never  wanted  for  anything.  she’s  used  to  vacationing  somewhere  warm  and  historic  every  summer.  picture  mcmansions,  suburban  pta  meetings,  disney  princess  movies,  dressing  up  nice  for  sundays  at  church.
her  parents  were  very  much  involved  in  her  childhood,  and  always  supported  her  throughout  every  twist  and  turn  in  her  life.  she’s  always  been  very  open  with  her  parents  and  tells  them  everything.  usually.
she  also  did  child  beauty  pageants  when  she  was  little.  adults  adored  her.  the  word  darling  was  frequently  heard  to  describe  mary  macdonald.  it’s  definitely  shaped  who  she  is  as  a  person  –  frequently  competitive,  a  little  desperate  for  validation,  often  too  concerned  about  appearances,  always  knows  how  to  pull  on  a  winning  smile  even  when  you  just  want  to  go  home  and  cry.  #relatable
but  the  love  and  support  in  her  childhood  has  also  shaped  who  she  is.  her  spoiled  upbringing  has  gifted  her  with  an  indefatigable  sense  of  optimism  and  an  inability  to  take  no  for  an  answer.  she  lives  in  a  world  where  everything  can  be  solved  and  everything  has  its  place.  her  parents’  faith  &  religion  has  taught  her  to  believe  in  the  genuine  good  of  humanity,  and  that  if  you  do  good  things,  you  will  be  rewarded.
fast  forward  to  1971,  when  mary  turned  eleven,  and  learned  she  was  a  witch.  her  parents  almost  didn’t  want  to  send  her  to  hogwarts,  but  mary  was  so  excited  by  the  idea  that  they  couldn’t  possibly  say  no  to  their  little  girl.  so  off  she  went,  bundled  up  in  a  burberry  jacket  and  scarf,  armed  with  the  best  supplies  diagon  alley  had  to  offer.  she  was  definitely  that  obnoxious  kid  with  the  gold  scales.  mary’s  parents  didn’t  mean  to  spoil  her  rotten,  they  were  just  sending  their  daughter  to  this  place  they  knew  nothing  about  for  several  months  and  this  was  the  best  way  they  knew  to  protect  her.  they  also  sent  her  daily  letters  and  weekly  care  packages  for  her  entire  first  term  in  first  year.  wow
she  was  sorted  into  gryffindor  upon  arriving  &  immediately  began  to  make  friends,  thanks  to  her  chatty  &  cheery  nature.  and  also  thanks  to  her  need  to  have  everyone  she  meets  like  her.  they  didn’t,  of  course  –  i’d  like  to  say  most  people  did,  at  least  after  the  initial  mary  shock  wore  off,  but  of  course  there  were  those  who  found  her  overpowering  and  abrasive.  and  there  were  those  who  disliked  her  simply  because  of  the  blood  running  through  her  veins.
she  approached  hogwarts  with  determination  &  optimism.  and  maybe  a  little  bit  of  competitiveness.  fun  fact:  the  sorting  hat  seriously  considered  slytherin  for  her  because  of  her  ambition  and  charm.  she  joined  clubs,  she  talked  to  professors  after  class,  she  made  neat,  colour-coordinated  notes.  she  made  her  presence  known  from  day  1  and  took  hogwarts  by  storm.  she  wanted  to  be  popular,  she  wanted  to  be  noticed
and  she  was  –  just  also  by  the  wrong  sort  of  people.  in  her  fifth  year,  she  was  attacked  by  …  someone.  jury  says  it  was  cassius  mulciber,  and  mary’s  mostly  learned  to  go  off  of  that.  because,  you  see,  mary  doesn’t  remember  who  attacked  her.  
all  she  remembers  is  brief  flashes  of  searing  pain  and  noise.  and  then  she  woke  up  in  the  hospital  wing,  bruised  and  broken  and  sore  all  over,  while  madam  pomfrey  stood  in  a  corner  having  a  hushed  yet  intense  conversation  with  professor  mcgonagall  and  professor  dumbledore.  they  said  she’d  been  found  half-conscious  in  the  third  floor  hallway.
and  uh  yeah  this  caused  a  shitload  of  trauma  !   for  one  thing,  she  was  paranoid  as  fuck  for  a  long  while  after  the  attack.  it  was  easy  to  pinpoint  mulciber,  to  unload  the  blame  onto  him.  he  never  said  anything  to  the  contrary,  and  it  was  better  than  the  alternative  –  walking  the  halls  of  hogwarts  each  day  knowing  any  of  the  passing  faces  could  be  her  attacker.
she  was  terrified  of  being  alone,  and  still  is  to  an  extent.  she  was  haunted  by  nightmares  almost  every  night  for  months  after  the  attack.  but  most  of  all  –  the  attack  sparked  an  unidentifiable  doubt  and  sadness  as  she  struggled  to  reconcile  her  optimistic  beliefs  with  the  horrors  she  now  knew  existed  in  the  world.
she  kept  it  all  on  the  down-low,  though,  and  a  lot  of  people  who  were  at  hogwarts  at  the  time  don’t  know  how  bad  the  attack  actually  affected  her.  because  she  just  pulled  on  a  pageant-winning  smile,  and  did  what  she  was  best  at  –  pretending  everything  was  okay.  not  a  great  way  of  coping  with  trauma  !
she  didn’t  even  tell  her  parents.  she  knew  how  worried  they  would  be,  and  she  didn’t  want  them  to  feel  like  they  couldn’t  protect  their  daughter.  they  knew  a  boy  named  mulciber  had  cursed  her,  but  they  thought  it  was  just  an  instance  of  schoolyard  bullying,  and  mary  lied  and  told  them  he  was  expelled  because  of  it.
eventually,  she  started  getting  past  it  –  sometimes  she  still  wakes  up  from  nightmares,  sure,  and  she  still  has  her  bad  days,  but  she’s  surviving  and  growing.  but  now,  in  seventh  year,  more  attacks  and  disappearances  have  started  happening,  and  it’s  all  coming  back.
so  !  what  kind  of  a  person  is  mary  macdonald  ?  controlling.  idealistic.  uncertain.  perfectionistic.  vain.  tender.  materialistic.  stubborn.  ambitious.  charming.  conflicted.  impulsive.  yearning.  loving.
she  likes  everything  planned  to  a  tee,  jotted  down  neatly  in  her  favourite  pink  leather  planner.  she  colour  codes  all  her  notes.  her  room  is  always  neat  and  tidy  and  her  makeup  is  always  impeccable.
if  this  were  a  muggle  high  school  au,  she  would  be  the  head  of  the  prom  planning  committee  and  it  would  have  a  1950s  theme.
she  will  give  you  way  too  many  second  chances  and  it  will  break  her  heart.  she  believes  in  the  good  of  humanity  with  a  stubbornness  that’s  almost  naive.
she  is  way  too  dependent  on  validation,  i’m  gonna  tell  you  right  now.  a  total  attention  seeker,  but  she  manages  to  be  just  charming  enough  that  it  isn’t  annoying.  her  good  looks  don’t  hurt,  either.
she  can  be  petty  !  she  can  definitely  be  so  petty  !  and  way  too  used  to  getting  what  she  wants.  i  hate  her
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Welcome (back!) to A Cup-pella, Aly! We’re excited to have you and Dani Harper in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours.
Name + pronouns: Aly + She/Her. Age: 27. Timezone: GMT. Ships: Dani/Chemistry. Anti-Ships: Dani/Forced.
Full Name: Danielle Faith Harper. Face Claim: Demi Lovato. Age/Birthday: 23/July 29th. Occupation: Tattoo Artist at Tattoo Envy, and singer/guitar player for Pamela Lansbury. Personality: Driven, Independent, Loud, Loyal, Playful, Sarcastic, Unique. Hometown: Dallas, Texas. Bio: [ HOMOPHOBIA TW, RELIGION CW ]
There are many things that Michael and Renata Harper should not have done, with the main one being making the decision to have children. The fact that Michael had a son already from his previous, very short-lived marriage but only saw on the occasional weekend should’ve been enough to let anybody know that Michael was not parent material, and his wife was not much better. In fact, scratch that—of the two, Renata was much worse. Both raised in strict Catholic households, the Harper’s had certain ideals they had been raised to uphold, most of them entirely backward and outdated, and all revolving around not only respect but also a large fear of God. These ideals where pushed onto their daughter, the one they had never planned but found themselves conceiving anyway, only a few short months into their new marriage.
Danielle was supposed to be the very epitome of perfect. Like all young girls in their close minded hometown, Danielle would be a pretty little ballerina, would wear beautiful, frilly dresses and would worship the heck out of her Lord above. Unfortunately for the Harper’s, they hadn’t counted on creating a child that would have such a strong sense of freewill right from the off. From the toddler years, Danielle was boisterous and loud, though not exactly badly behaved. She just liked to have fun, and could always be found with a smile on her face, as well as some kind of colored sharpie or leftover food from the bowl she’d dumped over her own head earlier that day. She was every bit the handful her parents had never planned for, and as soon as Danielle was old enough, she was tossed right into classes that would hopefully put her on the right track.
First came etiquette classes. Her etiquette teacher, however, Mrs. Newman, would constantly report back to Michael and Renata to let them know that their daughter refused to follow direction, and would constantly correct her, telling her her name was Dani—a shortened version of her name the youngster gave herself early on, but something her parents flat out refused to address her by. Next were ballet classes, where Dani was expected to perfect her pirouettes alongside all of the other good little girls, but could instead be found in a corner of the room, sliding on her knees and playing air guitar. Nevertheless, her parents persisted, with piano lessons up next. Surprisingly, this was an area in which Dani excelled and showed real potential. Unfortunately for them, she seemed bored with the classical music she learned to play by ear, and would instead bang her hands on the keys in what she stated was a “rock” sound. Her parents were less than impressed.
The Harper’s weren’t exactly poor, nor were they rich. They were an average income family, who provided their daughter with only a handful of toys, all of which were very gender specific. Dani was supposed to play with dolls and tea sets, but instead she’d choose to grab a sharpie or crayon and doodle all over the shiny objects. Her parents insisted it was defiance, and that their daughter was an absolute tearaway, but she wasn’t. Dani’s early interest in making “artwork” was a telltale sign of things to come, though Michael and Renata would never acknowledge that. A redeeming factor for Dani was up front in church choir, where she’d sing her heart out with a beaming smile upon her face. It was evident that she’d been blessed with an angelic voice, one her parents could actually be proud of, but they had no interest in her pursuing a musical path. As long as she could sing in church, that was all they wanted.
By the time Dani reached middle school, music had become incredibly important to her. While she’d been pulled from her ballet classes when it became clear that she had no intentions of following any rules or regulations, Dani continued with her piano classes, and became a very skilled little artist. After only two or three times of hearing it, Dani could play almost any tune by ear, and was even gifted her own keyboard for her thirteenth birthday. Her parents had expected her to use it to practice the songs she’d learn in class, but instead Dani found a better use for it. With a clear gift, Dani had begun writing her own music, and eventually lyrics to go along with it. She’d use her keyboard to bring those new creations to life, and much to her parents dismay they were anything but classical. No surprise, when Dani begged her parents for a guitar the following year, their answer was a loud and firm no, but that wouldn’t stop her.
Not fitting in at all with her family, if Dani was not out with friends, she could be found in her bedroom, either writing music or making detailed pieces of beautiful artwork. Her creations were often kind of weird, definitely not the traditional Mona Lisa style, but they were good, Dani knew they were, and she made sure to save every last one of them in a large folder, which would someday become her portfolio. By high school, Dani’s artwork was not the only weird, unique thing about her; her style became just the same. Refusing with no uncertainty to wear dresses and skirts picked out by her mother, Dani could instead be found wearing skinny jeans, band tees and occasional blazers, one day even coming home with her hair dyed bright pink. It was a temporary dye, but her parents were not at all happy. Dani, of course, thought she looked awesome, and had no intentions of ceasing to express her creativity.
Many things changed for Dani in high school. It was during those years that she got her first job, working at a local diner and making pretty great tips thanks to her chatty, friendly nature. It took her a while, but eventually she’d saved up enough money to purchase a secondhand guitar, which Dani taught herself to play using online tutorials and the help of friends. It became the second instrument that Dani could play by ear, and allowed her to spread her wings as far as her own, original music. It was also during her high school years that Dani begun to explore her sexuality, realizing pretty quickly that she was one hundred percent gay. For such a close minded community, the minds of Dani’s friend group were pretty wide open, so when she confessed to her attraction towards the same sex, most were understanding and accepting. Some started to distance from her a little bit, but if that was how they felt about something as natural as sexuality, then that was fine by her, she didn’t need them.
Despite her bold, fierce personality and matching look, one thing Dani did not dare to do was to tell her parents about her lack of interest in the opposite sex, and the secret remained tucked away for the next few years. It’s strange, really, since Dani was always so open about everything else in her life. For some reason, though, maybe because despite their strange views and warped ideas of life and humanity, they were her parents, Dani didn’t want to lose them. She didn’t want to completely disappoint them, so she was happy with keeping that one part of her life a secret. Just that one thing, though. She refused to remain silent about her music, or her love for art, two paths that Dani would go on to follow in spite of her parents distaste for both.
The fact that they kept trying to force various college choices on her that so did not suit her style was laughable, but not surprising. It was clear that the Harper’s had never really known their daughter, and still had a slight glimmer of hope that she’d turn around one day and tell them her whole life until this point had been a big joke, and she was finally ready to obey their wishes. Of course, that didn’t happen, and amidst applications to the colleges she actually wanted, and the constant push from her parents to do and be something entirely different, Dani snapped. She’d never had a terrible temper, but could definitely stand up for herself if needed. The thing was, she just never bothered when it came to her parents. It seemed she’d spent much too long bottling everything up, though, and it was time for her explosion.
Along with telling them just how bad their parenting skills were, and how unfair it was that they’d never really gotten to know her as her own person and not just the unrealistic idea they’d always had for her, Dani also shrugged off her jacket to show them a tattoo she’d gotten inked on her arm behind their back, and then came the big one: “I’m also pretty fucking gay!” The tattoo unveiling had earned a dramatic gasp from her mother and a disappointed head shake from her father, but the loud and proud statement about her sexuality stunned all three of them to silence. It became very, very clear that Dani had just majorly screwed up, but as she packed her belongings, guitar strap over her shoulder and stormed out of the front door, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Homophobic slurs followed her out the door, which earned a raised middle finger from Dani in response, and after a little couch surfing in the homes of her closest friends, Dani was making her way to New York to begin her freshman year at Barnard College, where she would major in Art and minor in Music.
See, a big focus was always put on Dani’s music, but from the very moment she’d stepped foot into Dallas’ small tattoo studio, Got Ink?, she’d been bitten by the bug, and Dani knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. She would continue to write and play music, and maybe she’d even try to make it big still, but Dani’s passion was in body art, and in making people feel as great about theirs as she did about hers. Without the worry of her parents finding out, and the fact that she honestly didn’t give a crap if they did, Dani got to work on racking up many a piece of body art once her new life in the city had begun, even landing herself a position as a junior artist at what quickly became her go-to studio, Tattoo Envy. Alongside her classes, Dani learned tattoo artistry from the pros, and was soon inking her very first grapefruit. That was a moment to be proud of.
Of course, out of state college tuition fees, and the fact that the end of her freshman year meant she wouldn’t be living in the college dorms anymore all equated to Dani’s need to find another job. For a junior position, Tattoo Envy actually paid pretty darn well, but Dani needed something more, which is where A Cup-pella came in. She’d worked a diner job before, so knew a position as a barista would be just fine, and she’d been right. Surpassing the kind of tips she’d made back in the diner in Dallas, Dani was able to use the money she made from her two jobs to rent a small apartment, with roommates of course, and even managed to find the time to work on her music, which she would showcase at various open mic nights throughout the city whenever the opportunity to do so arose.
By graduation, Dani truly was thriving. Despite the very thick Texas accent that would always remain, Dani’s life in Dallas was practically forgotten. New York was clearly the place for her. She made new friends, had the chance to express not only her sexuality but also herself and her style, and even joined a band. Remaining loyal to Tattoo Envy, Dani begun to climb the ladder until she was becoming one of their most sought after tattoo artists, despite her young age. With the funds to do so, she even adopted herself a puppy. He’s a total handful, but he’s so freaking worth it. Dani’s life feels like it’s finally what it should be, like everything is finally on track for her. Love isn’t a huge deal to her, but it’s something she quietly would take pleasure in finding. Though her music and beloved tattoo art are keeping her pretty dang busy for now.
Pets: Dani recently rescued a puppy, who she decided to name Drummer, from the local shelter. Drummer is a Yorkshire Terrier bred with a Miniature Poodle, so you can imagine just how tiny he is. Since Drummer is still only a baby, Dani is still working on potty training him, but he’s surprisingly well behaved and, unsurprisingly, very playful. Drummer’s fur is completely black, and he has big dark eyes that he has, of course, already learned how to use for begging. The pup gets along well with people and other animals, and totally has Dani wrapped around his little paw.
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
Dani 😎🎸/@inkbydani/description: Singer, songwriter, self taught guitar player, tattoo artist, badass lady-loving sapphic goddess.
Five latest tweets:
@inkbydani: Okay but hear me out… For such a prestigious school, WHY did Horace Green not have ID cards?? #SchoolOfWRONG @inkbydani: Speaking of which, Jack Black is kind of creepy, but I would’ve totally been down for Dewey Finn as a sub. @inkbydani: SOS my dog just tried to eat his potty pad, how does that taste good?? @inkbydani: Songwriting is a total soul soother. #NewSongComingSoon @inkbydani: Imagine being one of those people who has self-control… #YourGirlGotNewInk
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Memphis DJ Ashley Wimbush aka DJ Alpha Whiskey takes her talents to the lobby at Central Station this Friday night April 24 for an all-ladies soul music dance party—streaming live into your living room at 8:30 p.m. This is the second of four parties in the Memphis Music Hub DJ Series, which you can read more about here. See last week’s DJ Spanish Fly set in 360° Smell-O-Vision Magic here. This Friday night, I’ll share DJ Alpha Whiskey’s tunes via I Love Memphis accounts Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Photo by Gabrielle Duffie. All-Ladies Memphis Soul Dance Party This Friday Night Holly: I really want to know your story! But first, real quick—What can Memphis music fans from around the world expect during your set on Friday? Ashley: I’m going to spin classics from amazing women like Aretha Franklin, Carla Thomas, Anita Ward…women who paved the way for a lot of us female artists. I want listeners to feel the music as if they are at a real concert or show. I have records that will make you sing and dance nonstop! Holly: What can you tell us about the all-women soul theme? What does that mean to you? Ashley: I am happy that Memphis honors and recognizes female artists. These beautiful women inspire(ed) a lot of female artists to sing and pursue musical careers. Their voices were powerful and you felt every word they sang! I am very honored to be able to spin their records on Friday night and let world hear the Women of Soul!   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Stax Museum (@staxmuseum) on Apr 1, 2020 at 9:27am PDT Why “Alpha Whiskey”? Holly: I know you’ve answered this question many times, but: where does your name come from? Ashley: My name is Ashley Wimbush and I am an Air Traffic Controller. We use the phonetic alphabet to communicate with one another and my initials are Alpha Whiskey. Alpha Whiskey also describes me as a person. I’m an Alpha female, who believes in empowering women to have confidence and faith. Whiskey gives you life if you drink responsibly and that’s what I do as a DJ. I bring energy and life to people through music. Music is a release. A Little Background Holly: Where are you from? How long have you lived in Memphis/how did you get here? Ashley: I was born and raised in Virginia. I’ve been here six years. Holly: How did you get started as DJ? Ashley: I’ve always wanted to be a DJ because I love music and dancing. In 2017 my boyfriend who is a Business and Marketing Consultant asked me if I wasn’t an ATCer what would I be doing and I told him DJing. He talked to me about the importance of having multiple streams of income and from there we started having long conversations about how I could start as a DJ. I purchased a DJ board and started practicing and getting feedback from friends. He saw how passionate I was and he connected me DJ KJ (@djkj1973) and  DJ Crystal Mercedes (@therunwaydj) here in Memphis and from there they gave me great tips and got me my 1st gig! After my first gig I started getting more opportunities, building my brand, and perfecting my craft.  Photo by Gabrielle Duffie. “Memphis has truly taught me what hustle, grit, and grind is.” Holly: How has Memphis music inspired your artistic career? Ashley: Memphis inspired my artistic career at a very young age. I grew up listening to Otis Redding, Johnnie Taylor, BB King,  Little Milton and Three 6 Mafia. I used to dance and embarrass my aunt whenever she played blues music in the car. I loved pretending to play the guitar (laughs). I would tell her I was going to be a guitar player one day. Learning how to play the guitar is still on my list of things to learn. Holly: How has Memphis as a city inspired your artistic career? Ashley: Memphis is such a great city. Sometimes, I almost forget that I wasn’t born here. There are so many talented artists in this city, and I am just happy that I am able to experience first hand. When I first got here I saw DJ Spaceage spinning at a bar near U of M and she had some great music playing. Then I heard Big Sue on the radio while driving and I loved her voice and mixes. I saw there were twin female DJs (DJ Tootz) doing great things and I had never seen that before, so when I met DJ Crystal Mercedes I knew there was already a great female DJ presence in Memphis I could reach out to for needed advice. Memphis has truly taught me what hustle, grit, and grind is, and I am so thankful.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Central Station Hotel (@centralstationmemphis) on Jan 19, 2020 at 1:21pm PST Ashley’s Inspirations Holly: Favorite Memphis music artists (or overall genre) and why? Ashley: Three 6 Mafia (their energy and beats appealed to me at a very young age)  Aretha Franklin (greatest soul singer) , The Bar-Kay’s (one of my favorite bands, they have great music my favorite is “Holy Ghost”) . I love 90s hip hop. I was born in 88 and I loved the beats, lyrics, and vibes during that time. Holly: You have three jobs [air traffic controller, DJ, model]. How do you manage it? Ashley: 2019 was my first year of consistent DJing, ATC, and modeling. I am off on weekends from my ATC job so I am able to DJ during that time. However I’m working on a more structured routine that allows me to be more productive. Holly: During non-pandemic times, how can Memphians experience DJ Alpha Whiskey? Ashley: I DJ every Saturday at Sage Memphis (noon – 4 p.m.) for brunch. Every other Sunday at The WKND for After Brunch (5 p.m. – 9 p.m.). I rotate Saturday nights with two other local DJs at Tailors Union (9 p.m. – 1 a.m.) for Old School Saturdays. I also DJ Private events such as birthdays and corporate events, etc. DJing In A Pandemic Holly: How have you been coping personally and professional during the pandemic? Ashley: I have been working on improving my brand and quality of life. This time has allowed me to focus on organizing, disciplining myself, and innovating. Professionally, I partnered with Phillip Ashley Chocolates to host Themed Live Tasting events every Friday via Zoom. Also, The She DJs wanted to make sure we still could provide relief to the world during these tough times. So we started Ladies Love Day Parties Live Edition via our SheDJs Memphis Facebook Page and SheDJs901 IG Page. Every Saturday we have a line up of female DJs spinning every hour. Until this pandemic hit I never went Live because I wasn’t comfortable but now I’m more comfortable and I hope to go live more in the future. Photo by Gabrielle Duffie Ashley’s Recommendations Holly: Go-to food and drink orders after a DJ set? Ashley: Central Station makes a special cocktail for me . I told the bartender I love St. Germaine liquor and they took care of the rest. It was delicious! I ordered three. Everything at Sage is delicious. My favorite is the soul waffle. The bartenders are amazing there as well. I’m always looking forward to their brunch on Saturday. When I finish DJing at the Wknd on Sundays I grab myself and my boyfriend a Yardbird flatbread and the honey hot shrimp or chicken wings. Once we get home, it’s on! Holly: How can people keep up with your projects? Ashley: I have a website www.djalphawhiskey.com where I post free mixes and sell Alpha Whiskey products and events. You can also follow my Facebook Page and Instagram Page @DJ Alpha Whiskey . Just For Fun: Meet Ashley 1. What’s always in your bag? Business cards 2. Guilty pleasure? I love to cook too so I’m always at the grocery store ( almost every day) 3. Go to outfit? Leggings/comfy graphic tee/ comfy sneakers (Nike or Puma) 4. How do you drink your coffee? I stopped drinking coffee beginning of January for health reasons but I loved French Truck Coffee with French vanilla cream and sugar. 5. Favorite song(s) right now? Tom Misch and Yussef Dayes ft. Freddie Gibbs “Nightrider” Photo by @circleoflifephotos Follow DJ Alpha Whiskey / Listen Live Memphis Music Hub DJ Series Feat. DJ Alpha Whiskey Friday, April 24 at 8:30 p.m. Live on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Rebroadcast in 360 on Wednesday, April 29. Follow Ashley: website: www.djalphawhiskey.com Facebook Page Instagram Page Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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changestory · 7 years
Chapter 10: Drama Announcement
“Jake, what do you think the big announcement is going to be today?” I asked as we waited for Ty to join us on the walk to school.
“I have no clue, you’ll just have to wait until the end of the day like the rest of us.” He said.
“I hope it’s something exciting! Like a dance or even a special lecture on forensics or history!” I rocked back and forth on my feet, fidgeting excitedly. Jake laughed.
“From one end of the spectrum to the other, you’re such a nerd.” He shook his head.
“Maybe it’ll be a special lecture during a dance. Even better!” I grinned.
“Now that sounds entertaining. I’ll go to whatever you’re hosting Mia.” Ty had come into earshot and chimed in.
“Tell that to student council. They never take my advice.” I said.
“Did you print out that paper?” Ty asked. Jake sighed.
“She did, and about gave me a heart attack too.” Jake glared at me as I smirked.
“It’s not my fault you weren’t awake when I came into your room.” I defended.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind waking up and seeing a lady in my room.” Tyson lightly elbowed Jake.
“It’s so not like that Tyson you creep…” Jake grimaced. I couldn’t help but feel a little irritated for some reason, but I shook it off and we walked to school together.
~*~ The bell for the end of the day homeroom rang and the entire high school rushed to the auditorium. I managed to find a seat and waved for Jake and Ty to come over. They sat next to me and I couldn’t stop moving.
“Quit doing your anxious twitchy thing, it’s making me crazy,” Jake complained.
“Look who’s talking Mr. Leg bouncer.” Tyson retorted.
“Shh, guys it’s starting!” I focused on the principle, who approached the podium and adjusted the microphone.
“Quiet down now everyone! As you all know, there has been a rather secretive buzz going on lately, and we are finally ready to reveal what amazing opportunity has been granted for our school and community.”
“Let me guess, we get to go on a group trip to the farm again…” Jake muttered. I tapped his knee with mine.
“Haha, very funny,” I said, fighting back a smile.
“It would give you an excuse to wear your country girl Halloween costume again,” Jake said, clearly trying to make me laugh.
“Oh, I want to get a glimpse of that!” Tyson whispered.
“Ty no!” I blushed bright red as the boys each chuckled quietly.
“In celebration of the new addition to the school that was completed last year, the theater program has been given a grant, and an amazing array of items and artifacts has been given to our school to display in the new wing, along with hundreds of new props and costumes!” The principle clapped, prompting everyone else to clap too.
“That’s kinda cool,” I said. I wasn’t as thrilled as the row of kids in front of us, who were in the theater club and had basically lost their minds with excitement.
“You should join the drama club, Mia. You have plenty of dramatic flair for 10 members.” Jake said.
“I think I will take that as a compliment, as drama is anything but boring,” I said as I flipped my hair, hitting Jake’s face, causing him to sputter and Tyson to hold his stomach and his mouth to keep from laughing too loudly.
“Do keep in mind that things will be kept behind glass for a REASON and that the items on display will only be here temporarily, and that this is a spectacular honor as we will have the pleasure of housing great works of art, design, and history here for a limited time only. I invite each and every one of you to come by and check out these things during the next week starting tomorrow. Now a few words from the Drama Clubs Head, Mrs. Tee.” The principal stepped aside to allow a tall, thin woman with curly hair and spectacles to sprint up to the podium and talk so quickly and excitedly, I would have been impressed if anyone could have actually understood her.
“That’s Mia in 30 years.” Jake pointed to Mrs. Tee for Ty.
“Everyone knows you have the hots for her Jake. A strong, independent woman who loves her coffee black and her cats blacker.” I crossed my arms.
“Oh man Jake, don’t mess with Mia, she will take you down faster than a horse tranquilizer.” Tyson had tears slipping from the corner of his eyes.
“What can I say, Mia, that’s a real woman right there.” Jake put his hands behind his head and winked at me. I felt my face heating up and I looked forward again. “Ha. I won.” He whispered in my ear and I couldn’t help myself but laugh.
~*~ “Let’s go see the stuff tomorrow, I bet there will be some beautiful things to check out,” I said as the three of us were walking home.
“Sure, I hope these things really are amazing and not just a bunch of dirty rags and old used makeup brushes,” Jake said.
“Have some faith Jake, your school seems pretty cool. This seemed to be a big deal.” Ty said.
“In the past few years our school has gone through a ton of revamping and updates, so it is a really nice thing to be able to do more things with the new space.” I smiled. I really did love our school, and seeing the hard work pay off was inspiring.
“So, if you aren’t in the drama club, what are you involved in Mia?” Tyson asked.
“Criminal Justice,” Jake said before I could.
“Criminal, justice?” Tyson said.
“Yeah, and writing. I want to be a detective and journalist.” I explained.
“She has a very unhealthy relationship with that thief in the night.” Jake continued.
“I just want to help catch him. Zero, he is just so mysterious and such an enigma. No one knows anything about him or what his motives are, I just want to figure it out.” I said
“Ah, I’ve got it now,” Tyson said.
“What?” I asked.
“The way to your heart is to be the dark, mysterious bad boy.” He said.
“T-That’s not it at all!” I said, surprised.
“I don’t know, all girls like a bad boy. Some more than others. You’re sure you don’t have a little crush on this thief? He must have stolen your heart.” Ty laughed a bit. I looked to see Jake, who I thought would laugh and fist bumps his cousin, but I was surprised to find him looking deep in thought, deathly serious.
“Jake? Are you ok?” I asked him.
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pettees · 1 year
Faith Hope Love Pink Wings Breast Cancer Awareness T-shirt in this spooky season. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CKPKQ487
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome to A Cup-pella, Ellie! We’re excited to have you and Dani Harper in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Ellie + She/Her. Age: 26. Timezone: GMT. Ships: Dani/Chemistry. Anti-Ships: Dani/Forced.
Full Name: Danielle “Dani” Faith Harper. Face Claim: Demi Lovato. Age/Birthday: 22/July 29th. Occupation: Barista at A Cup-pella, Tattoo Artist at Got Ink?, and singer/guitar player for Pamela Lansbury. Personality: Driven, Independent, Loud, Loyal, Playful, Sarcastic, Unique. Hometown: Dallas, Texas. Bio:
There are many things that Michael and Renata Harper should not have done, with the main one being the decision to have children. The fact that Michael had a son already from his previous, very short-lived marriage but only saw on the occasional weekend should’ve been enough to let anybody know that Michael was not parent material, and his wife was not much better. In fact, scratch that—of the two, Renata was much worse. Both raised in strict Catholic households, the Harper’s had certain ideals they had been raised to uphold, most of them entirely backward and outdated, and all revolving around not only respect but also a large fear of God. These ideals where pushed onto their daughter, the one they had never planned but found themselves conceiving anyway, only a few short months into their new marriage.
Danielle was supposed to be the very epitome of perfect. Like all young girls in their close minded hometown, Danielle would be a pretty little ballerina, would wear beautiful, frilly dresses and would worship the heck out of her Lord above. Unfortunately for the Harper’s, they hadn’t counted on creating a child that would have such a strong sense of freewill right from the off. From the toddler years, Danielle was boisterous and loud, though not exactly badly behaved. She just liked to have fun, and could always be found with a smile on her face, as well as some kind of colored sharpie or leftover food from the bowl she’d dumped over her own head earlier that day. She was every bit the handful her parents had never planned for, and as soon as Danielle was old enough, she was tossed right into classes that would hopefully put her on the right track.
First came etiquette classes. Her etiquette teacher, however, Mrs. Newman, would constantly report back to Michael and Renata to let them know that their daughter refused to follow direction, and would constantly correct her, telling her her name was Dani—a shortened version of her name the youngster gave herself early on, but something her parents flat out refused to address her by. Next were ballet classes, where Dani was expected to perfect her pirouettes alongside all of the other good little girls, but could instead be found in a corner of the room, sliding on her knees and playing air guitar. Nevertheless, her parents persisted, with piano lessons up next. Surprisingly, this was an area in which Dani excelled and showed real potential. Unfortunately for them, she seemed bored with the classical music she learned to play by ear, and would instead bang her hands on the keys in what she stated was a “rock” sound. Her parents were less than impressed.
The Harper’s weren’t exactly poor, nor were they rich. They were an average income family, who provided their daughter with only a handful of toys, all of which were very gender specific. Dani was supposed to play with dolls and tea sets, but instead she’d choose to grab a sharpie or crayon and doodle all over the shiny objects. Her parents insisted it was defiance, and that their daughter was an absolute tearaway, but she wasn’t. Dani’s early interest in making “artwork” was a telltale sign of things to come, though Michael and Renata would never acknowledge that. A redeeming factor for Dani was up front in church choir, where she’d sing her heart out with a beaming smile upon her face. It was evident that she’d been blessed with an angelic voice, one her parents could actually be proud of, but they had no interest in her pursuing a musical path. As long as she could sing in church, that was all they wanted.
By the time Dani reached middle school, music had become incredibly important to her. While she’d been pulled from her ballet classes when it became clear that she had no intentions of following any rules or regulations, Dani continued with her piano classes, and became a very skilled little artist. After only two or three times of hearing it, Dani could play almost any tune by ear, and was even gifted her own keyboard for her thirteenth birthday. Her parents had expected her to use it to practice the songs she’d learn in class, but instead Dani found a better use for it. With a clear gift, Dani had begun writing her own music, and eventually lyrics to go along with it. She’d use her keyboard to bring those new creations to life, and much to her parents dismay they were anything but classical. No surprise, when Dani begged her parents for a guitar the following year, their answer was a loud and firm no, but that wouldn’t stop her.
Not fitting in at all with her family, if Dani was not out with friends, she could be found in her bedroom, either writing music or making detailed pieces of beautiful artwork. Her creations were often kind of weird, definitely not the traditional Mona Lisa style, but they were good, Dani knew they were, and she made sure to save every last one of them in a large folder, which would someday become her portfolio. By high school, Dani’s artwork was not the only weird, unique thing about her; her style became just the same. Refusing with no uncertainty to wear dresses and skirts picked out by her mother, Dani could instead be found wearing skinny jeans, band tees and occasional blazers, one day even coming home with her hair dyed bright pink. It was a temporary dye, but her parents were not at all happy. Dani, of course, thought she looked awesome, and had no intentions of ceasing to express her creativity.
Many things changed for Dani in high school. It was during those years that she got her first job, working at a local diner and making pretty great tips thanks to her chatty, friendly nature. It took her a while, but eventually she’d saved up enough money to purchase a secondhand guitar, which Dani taught herself to play using online tutorials and the help of friends. It became the second instrument that Dani could play by ear, and allowed her to spread her wings as far as her own, original music. It was also during her high school years that Dani begun to explore her sexuality, realizing pretty quickly that she was one hundred percent gay. For such a close minded community, the minds of Dani’s friend group were pretty wide open, so when she confessed to her attraction towards the same sex, most were understanding and accepting. Some started to distance from her a little bit, but if that was how they felt about something as natural as sexuality, then that was fine by her, she didn’t need them.
Despite her bold, fierce personality and matching look, one thing Dani did not dare to do was to tell her parents about her lack of interest in the opposite sex, and the secret remained tucked away for the next few years. It’s strange, really, since Dani was always so open about everything else in her life. For some reason, though, maybe because despite their strange views and warped ideas of life and humanity, they were her parents, Dani didn’t want to lose them. She didn’t want to completely disappoint them, so she was happy with keeping that one part of her life a secret. Just that one thing, though. She refused to remain silent about her music, or her love for art, two paths that Dani would go on to follow in spite of her parents distaste for both.
The fact that they kept trying to force various college choices on her that so did not suit her style was laughable, but not surprising. It was clear that the Harper’s had never really known their daughter, and still had a slight glimmer of hope that she’d turn around one day and tell them her whole life until this point had been a big joke, and she was finally ready to obey their wishes. Of course, that didn’t happen, and amidst applications to the colleges she actually wanted, and the constant push from her parents to do and be something entirely different, Dani snapped. She’d never had a terrible temper, but could definitely stand up for herself if needed. The thing was, she just never bothered when it came to her parents. It seemed she’d spent much too long bottling everything up, though, and it was time for her explosion.
Along with telling them just how bad their parenting skills were, and how unfair it was that they’d never really gotten to know her as her own person and not just the unrealistic idea they’d always had for her, Dani also shrugged off her jacket to show them a tattoo she’d gotten inked on her arm behind their back, and then came the big one: “I’m also pretty fucking gay!” The tattoo unveiling had earned a dramatic gasp from her mother and a disappointed head shake from her father, but the loud and proud statement about her sexuality stunned all three of them to silence. It became very, very clear that Dani had just majorly screwed up, but as she packed her belongings, guitar strap over her shoulder and stormed out of the front door, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Homophobic slurs followed her out the door, which earned a raised middle finger from Dani in response, and after a little couch surfing in the homes of her closest friends, Dani was making her way to New York to begin her freshman year at Barnard College, where she would major in Art and minor in Music.
See, a big focus was always put on Dani’s music, but from the very moment she’d stepped foot into Dallas’ small tattoo studio, Tattoo Envy, she’d been bitten by the bug, and Dani knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. She would continue to write and play music, and maybe she’d even try to make it big still, but Dani’s passion was in body art, and in making people feel as great about theirs as she did about hers. Without the worry of her parents finding out, and the fact that she honestly didn’t give a crap if they did, Dani got to work on racking up many a piece of body art once her new life in the city had begun, even landing herself a position as a junior artist at what quickly became her go-to studio, Got Ink?. Alongside her classes, Dani learned tattoo artistry from the pros, and was soon inking her very first grapefruit. That was a moment to be proud of.
Of course, out of state college tuition fees, and the fact that the end of her freshman year meant she wouldn’t be living in the college dorms anymore all equated to Dani’s need to find another job. For a junior position, Got Ink? actually paid pretty darn well, but Dani needed something more, which is where A Cup-pella came in. She’d worked a diner job before, so knew a position as a barista would be just fine, and she’d been right. Surpassing the kind of tips she’d made back in the diner in Dallas, Dani was able to use the money she made from her two jobs to rent a small apartment, with roommates of course, and even managed to find the time to work on her music, which she would showcase at various open mic nights throughout the city whenever the opportunity to do so arose.
By graduation, Dani truly was thriving. Despite the very thick Texas accent that would always remain, Dani’s life in Dallas was practically forgotten. New York was clearly the place for her. She made new friends, had the chance to express not only her sexuality but also herself and her style, and even joined a band. Remaining loyal to Got Ink?, Dani begun to climb the ladder until she was becoming one of their most sought after tattoo artists, despite her young age. With the funds to do so, she recently even adopted herself a puppy, who’s a total handful but so freaking worth it. Dani’s life feels like it’s finally what it should be, like everything is finally on track for her. Love isn’t a huge deal to her, but it’s something she quietly would take pleasure in finding. Though her music and beloved tattoo art are keeping her pretty dang busy for now.
Pets: Dani recently rescued a puppy, who she decided to name Drummer, from the local shelter. Drummer is a Yorkshire Terrier bred with a Miniature Poodle, so you can imagine just how tiny he is. Since Drummer is still only a baby, Dani is still working on potty training him, but he’s surprisingly well behaved and, unsurprisingly, very playful. Drummer’s fur is completely black, and he has big dark eyes that he has, of course, already learned how to use for begging. The pup gets along well with people and other animals, and totally has Dani wrapped around his little paw. Relationships: N/A.
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
Dani 😎🎸/@inkbydani/description: Singer, songwriter, self taught guitar player, tattoo artist, badass lady-loving sapphic goddess.
Five latest tweets:
@inkbydani: Okay but hear me out… For such a prestigious school, WHY did Horace Green not have ID cards?? #SchoolOfWRONG @inkbydani: Speaking of which, Jack Black is kind of creepy, but I would’ve totally been down for Dewey Finn as a sub. @inkbydani: SOS my dog just tried to eat his potty pad, how does that taste good?? @inkbydani: Songwriting is a total soul soother. #NewSongComingSoon @inkbydani: Sometimes I think about dyeing my hair blonde… Then the mental image bores me and here we are!
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