#beatles x male!reader
reallyromealone · 2 years
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The demon and his son
Kokushibo x son! Reader
Warnings: fluff, male reader
(name) was a happy toddler, the little boy often seen watching his dad train or playing with his few toys his dad bought him.
Kokushibo sat on the engawa of their small home, enough space for the two of them as the demon watched his son a few feet before him play with his stuffed toys.
The boy had a plush doll of each moon, a gift from Doma after kokushibo left the other demon to watch his kid, the other surprisingly not bad at it.
It helped having countless loyal cult members fretting over the small child.
"Papa! Look!" (Name) said crouching before a beatle "what is it?"
"That's a rhinoceros beetle" his father said calmly as he stood beside his son "can we keep him?"
"Why?" (Name) pouted and the other stared "he has business to attend to" he said simply, having learned fast since he acquired the child as an infant it was easier to just lie with these things.
"Bye bye Mr beetle!" (Name) said as the beetle crawled off to go attend to his business.
It surprised the other moons and even Muzan that kokushibo had a child, the demon wasn't exactly the child rearing type but surprisingly he did well.
"You will be staying with Akaza for the next few days" kokushibo said to his son as he watched him eat his dinner, the demon couldn't eat and frankly food smelt like shit to him but his son needed it so he tolerated it.
Akaza lived in Tokyo, it was easy for him to get what he needed and people tended to leave him alone.
(Name) liked his uncle Akaza, the demon quite attentive with him and between his dad teaching him swordsmanship, Akaza taught him martial arts.
"Humans are weak so you need to learn to defend yourself" Akaza often said to the small boy, feeling a strange sense of pride when the boy who had claimed him as an uncle learned something new.
Kokushibo was usually gone for a few days to a week but he always came back with something for his son, usually a treat or a toy.
He knew he wasn't the most talkative and could be distant but he did care about his son as much as the demon could.
Stays with Doma were different, unlike Akaza Doma treated him like a doll in a way and enjoyed spoiling the boy.
Doma didn't have feelings, well not really but he did feel weirdly protective of the small boy.
Like he did with his petal, though he knew his "nephew" wouldn't do something to annoy him.
Or betray him.
Doma usually kept the tiny human in his lap and fed him treats or went about his business as the boy played with his toys.
The moons were on high alert though, slayers have been more active and thus Kokushibo was far more protective of his son.
(Name) could be an easy target.
And he was.
The slayer's believed the child was being held captive for some horrid reason and decided they were going to save the boy.
The demon slayers got the heads of the ones they sent back.
"Papa! You're back!" (Name) squealed as he ran to his dad, the demon silent but relieved his son was safe and handed his son some sweets "thank you papa" he said sweetly and the demon ruffled the boys hair "you're welcome"
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cursedcatvibes · 3 months
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re4r!incel roommate leon x roommate reader
word count: 3.6k
summary: Incel leon who thinks he’s above women and thinks he’s an alpha male. he’s an absolute piece of shit too.
tags/warnings: 18+ minors DNI! Smut, many many mentions of misogyny. He literally can’t find the clit. P in V, he wrapped it before he tapped it! Incel 😧. quick mention of abuse but it’s not super relevant to the plot. not proofread!
a/n: not much to say other than i cringed so bad trying to write leon’s character, but i was committed, i looked through incel forums on reddit and even got chronically online real quick. also i’m on vacation! so i’m not able to write as much as I want! :( i’ll probably post small drabbles but i will most likely have another full story up in a month considering I cranked out a whole 7k page fic and then now a 3k one. DONT QUOTE ME! Also maybe agent leon x agent reader next. @gettingsilly (my sweetheart who was so hyped about this! here you go my love!)
pussy - rammstein (highly recommend them)
behind blue eyes - limp bizkit (fun fact; this was the og title of the story!)
rape me - nirvana (this was going to be a non con but i changed my mind)
norwegian wood - the beatles (literally burns the woman’s house down cause she don’t want him😭)
happy reading!
Handsome. Is the first thing that came to mind when you first opened the door to greet your new roommate, Leon. 
The rent was getting out of hand these days and you figured it was a way better deal to split the rent instead of living paycheck to paycheck damn near.
The only downside were the horror stories about roommates and even just random strangers too. It made you feel a bit queasy, but what else could you do, a recently single woman and at the ripe age of 25, technically you were in your prime for all types of creeps and weirdos to try and pull something, especially if you live alone.
So you bit the bullet and put up a craigslist ad, putting it at the back of your mind for now while you went back to getting rid of your ex-boyfriend's belongings. 
You only remembered about it when someone responded to it and after a few messages back and forth you gave the address to him and told him he could move in tomorrow. Feeling a bit proud of yourself for even being able to organize such an arrangement.
The first thing you noticed was how absolutely built he was, he definitely went to the gym and it made you feel a little insecure for a brief moment, before you stepped to the side to allow him to enter. “Welcome to your new home!” You beamed, happy with what you’ve done to the place. Completely missing the way his eyes ran up and down your body lewdly. 
He only wanted to have a girl roommate because he figured she would give it up easily or at least flaunt her body off to him, much to his dismay you were wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, not a single ounce of skin showing where he could sculpt your body out. “Prude.” Is what ran through his mind.
“Thanks.” He replied stiffly. “Where is my room at?” Leon asked as he looked around, he was kinda pissed off you didn’t show him any goods. He hated girls who didn’t show off their body, but he hated girls who showed off too much, thought they were just whores looking to get some attention.
So what if he catcalled them? Obviously they were dressing like that for attention and got all pissy when he gave them that attention.
You were oblivious to Leon’s degrading thoughts, too focused on trying to make sure he didn’t try to kidnap or murder you. When he spoke about where he would be staying you perked up and showed him the room while also giving a quick tour of the apartment.
You were even sweet enough to help him unpack all his things once they were all brought in! He owned some interesting objects, a bit uncomfortable to watch him unpack as he had a whole box dedicated to just sex toys. Fake pair of tits that were way too big to even be comfortable on a woman, fake mouth, fake ass, and multiple fake pussy’s. That wasn’t even the worst part of it. 
It got all too freaky when he pulled out hentai figurines that had little to no clothes on, all in lewd poses with lewd expressions on their faces, more specifically ahegao. You could feel the initial attraction from him sizzle down to a mere speck of a flame.
How could someone just own all this stuff so casually, flaunting it like it was a toy race car collection? But Leon didn’t care, fictional cat women were so much better than real women. They couldn't reject him or deny him sex. (Because they quite literally couldn’t, they're inanimate figures.)
He had the straightest deadpan expression on his face and you got the heebie jeebies thinking about what he could’ve possibly done with all these weird toys.”So,” You cleared your throat awkwardly, suddenly feeling like every object of his you touched was just icky. “Where did you say you lived before this?” You asked curiously.
Leon glanced over at you, wondering if you were gonna pull your hoodie off and finally show him your tits if he answered all your questions, he was growing frustrated. Dammit woman! Show him something! He thinks this is the longest he had gone without jerking off or watching a porno. If you weren’t gonna entertain him sexually why were you still bothering him?
“My mom’s. She said something about me needing to move out because I'm too old.” He grumbled out, this gave you a major ick, didn’t this guy say he was 27? He wasn’t struggling to get money when clearly he can afford expensive sex toys and other items. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” You replied quietly, to which Leon grunted in acknowledgment.
Once you finished the box you were unpacking you decided the best course of action was to just walk away from this conversation. “It seems like you can handle the rest on your own, I don’t really wanna break any of your computer monitors and stuff.” You said as you stood up from the floor and brushed your hands against your pants.
 “Okay.” Leon hummed, disinterested in  conversation. All he really wanted to do was hurry up and set his computer up so he could jerk off in peace. You leaving his room was a bonus. He didn’t want to be downright rude and kick you out, after all, he is totally a nice guy. Plus he got the opportunity to stare at your ass as you walked out, he could see it jiggling underneath your sweats which was enough to rile him up.
You wish you could say it improved from there but unfortunately it did not at all. It only seemed to worsen. Like who the hell is watching porn from the moment they wake up to the moment they fall asleep. It’s all just yucky. The loud and over exaggerated moans that were definitely done for performance and not real. 
The only time Leon would leave his room was to eat or grab some water, he always looked so dazed too, it made you wonder what he was doing in there, you’ve never seen him go to work so it made you curious. 
Leon on the other hand was always so dazed or flustered in the face from the amount of jerking off he does all day. He once ran his dick dry enough to start cumming clear, rubbing himself raw damn near. It’s not like he tried not to get laid, he definitely did. But it never worked.
The way he carried himself was creepy, flaunting the fact he was a nice guy who could give a girl a good time. News flash! If you have to say you’re a nice guy, you're definitely not. Girls often avoided him in middle school and that followed him throughout highschool and even college. So he naturally drifted towards animated women.
He was hot but his personality quite literally sucked, it's like he would attract women because of his looks and as soon as he started speaking they lost interest. But you? You still greeted him every time he came out of his room with a polite smile on your face, offering to cook him something but he always declined because the mere thought of having a woman do something trivial such as cook for him like a traditional woman should, made him hard on the spot.
He had the normal views on life, such as all men do. Women are baby makers, they belong in the kitchen, they should treat their man like a king. It’s not like anyone could change his opinion either. He’s so far into the rabbit hole that his other incels praise him like he was a god, thus only further bursting his massive ego. 
You didn’t think much of Leon, not in a harsh way, you just didn’t really know that much about him because you two never spoke like that. All you did know was that he watched porn, maybe a bit too much that was considered normal. It's not like you're shaming him because you watch porn too, but you have some decency, a bit of dignity and pride.
Yet your opinion of him instantly sours when one day he comes out of his room, which reeked with the smell of cum and sweat, the room was humid too, which confused you when you first noticed it. He wore an angry expression on his face as he stomped, yes, like a toddler would, towards the fridge to guzzle down a can of soda. 
You, sitting on the couch mindlessly scrolling through your phone waiting for the time to pass on your off day, you planned to go to a club and slut yourself out to help remind yourself that you’re in fact hot and your ex missed out. Yet when he slammed the fridge door closed that caught your attention, perking your head up like a puppy.
“Uh, you alright?” You asked aloud, watching his eyes snap towards you with a frustrated huff. He figured if you put up with him this long then you must see the same misogynistic views he does about women. “No!” He scoffed out, dragging himself to sit on the couch next to you, like directly. Knees touching and everything.
This piqued your curiosity, maybe you could learn something about him? “What’s wrong?” You questioned as you shut your phone off, sitting up a bit straighter now, putting some distance between the both of you on purpose by grabbing a throw pillow.
Leon then started to rant and you’ve never been more disgusted and horrified in your life before. “I’ve been talking to this really hot chick and we were hitting it off, even had phone sex once or twice but when she asked me who my ideal woman was she ghosted me! Like what's wrong with saying women belong in the kitchen, or doing laundry, or even just cleaning. Women are only here to serve us alpha males.” 
Your nose scrunched up while your face morphed into genuine horror mixed with disgust. Is this seriously his mindset? It must be a joke or something of the sort because no way in hell. “Is.. is this a joke?” You asked, feeling puzzled as you looked around for a hidden camera. Out of all the people you got stuck with, you got stuck with an incel of all people.
Leon stared at you with the most serious face he could muster, he wasn’t kidding, in fact he was getting a bit upset that you were thinking he was joking. “Women are what's wrong with this world! You’re all too soft and so ditzy. You all think men’s feelings are a joke.” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and you swear you can make out a dried cum stain on his clothes. 
You felt so sick and also tickled, you’ve never heard someone or have been around a real life incel before and unfortunately this one came in the form of a super hot guy that wasn’t looking so hot anymore 
“Ew..” You stood up from the couch and stuck your tongue out slightly. “Is that how you see women? No wonder why she ghosted you, you’re a fucking incel.” You scoffed out, to which Leon got offended. “So?! What’s wrong with that?!” He shouted, the tips of his ears turning pink. It was different being scolded by a woman in person rather than over the phone because  he knows they can't hurt him physically but rather verbally. Plus it’s much easier to insult someone online versus real life.
“Do you actually hear the words leaving your mouth?” You questioned, staring him down intensely. Leon tried not to shrink in on himself, it reminded him of his mom telling him that he had done something wrong and now he was in trouble. So he doubled down and sat up straighter too, staring up at you. 
“Yeah, and what about it? Why do women get so butthurt over every little thing?” Leon grunted out, rolling his eyes like a little kid would. You were just astonished that he was willing to keep going even after being confronted with the fact, but you weren’t oblivious to the way his ears were turning red from embarrassment. “Fine, if that’s how you’re gonna be.” You murmured as you sat down on the coffee table right in front of him. His eyes follow your form curiously. If he was being honest the only reason why he actually moved in with you was because he thought you were really hot from your profile picture and even the photo you sent of yourself to prove that you were real, per his request. He jerked off to both photos for hours. (Plus his mom really did kick him out.)
Leon went to question you in hopes of turning the table around to make it backfire on you. Yet as his mouth opened to make another snide remark about women you spoke up first. “Let me be the first one to tell you this, and I mean this too.” You paused as you stared right into his eyes. “No woman is ever gonna have sex with you if you have this mentality and mindset.” You watched his eyes widen a bit and felt some joy come from it.
Leon balled his hands up into fists in genuine anger, a deep part of himself knew she wasn’t lying but the other part was so adamant on her being wrong. Obviously she didn’t know what she was talking about, women never do. “You’re a liar. You’re just jealous.” He scoffed out, narrowing his eyes into thin slits.
You were absolutely not lying.
Far from it actually.
The closest Leon had came to a pussy is on a computer screen, let’s face it. No woman on earth would wanna sleep with such scum such as him, not even prostitutes themselves want to take on such a tedious task. They’d rather kill themselves or have their pimp abuse them than sleep with him.
“Really, name 5 women you’ve had touch you in a romantic way.” You countered, staring into his eyes with an intense expression. Leon opened his mouth to try and smugly name a woman until he realized the answer was 0, he had no names because no one wanted him like that.
It was a blow to his ego and it showed on his face. If he wasn’t such a loser with terrible opinions along with his shitty personality then you would’ve felt bad but you didn’t. It was his own fault.
“That’s not fair.” He grumbled, staring up at you with a slight hurt look on his face. He wanted to get back at you. Make you regret and eat your words. How? Well that problem was quickly answered as he grabbed your wrist and pinned you beneath him on the couch. A yelp leaving your mouth at the sudden movements.
“What the—“ You were suddenly cut off by Leon’s hand slapping over your mouth, he smelled of cum and sweat, it made you wanna gag and throw up on him. “I bet I can make you cum so hard you’ll forget that you were mean to me.” He hissed, his fragile ego was broken because of you!
You furrowed your eyebrows before rolling your eyes. “Whatever.” You said underneath his palm, voice coming out muffled.
Leon smirked and moved his hand off your mouth, gazing lustfully at your body. He seemed confident but on the inside he was screaming at himself. He’s never touched or seen a woman in such an intimate manner in real life. This wasn’t a screen this time.
He gulped and hooked his fingers on the waistband of your sweatpants, he was determined to make you cum if it was the last thing he ever did.
Once he removed your sweatpants he found you commando beneath it. His breath caught in his throat, your mound was glistening beneath the light in the living room. It wasn’t even wet because of him, but he was dumb enough to not know the difference. He stared in awe before looking back up at your face when you cleared your throat awkwardly. “You gonna stare or what?” You questioned.
Leon shook his head before putting his hands on you, gently rubbing your inner thighs. Making you think that for a brief moment he might actually know what he was doing, right up until he pressed his thumb against your lower lips and started rubbing them.
Completely missing your clit.
He felt so aroused and a bit cocky now that he was touching your pussy, his eyes laser focused on your face to see if it was feeling good. He even tried dirty talk too. “Yeah? Does that feel good? I bet it does.” Literally hyping himself up.
You found it hilarious and decided to nod, stifling a laugh as you let out a fake over exaggerated moan he hears in his crappy pornos. Leon let out a soft groan at the sound, his hips bucking up into the air while his cock twitched.
Now, Leon had seen enough porn to know that he needed a condom and lube, obviously they never showed the actors prepping the girls' pretty cunts, they just stuck it in. Spoiler alert, foreplay is hot! None is not.
While Leon ran to his room you took the opportunity to finger yourself, even if you were sure he wasn’t packing much you wanted to be somewhat prepared for a small stretch, you groaned silently, throwing your head back in pleasure, clearly favoring your hand over Leon himself.
When you heard his footsteps you quickly pulled your hand away and watched as he excitedly took his pants off. Wow, so much for knowing how to pleasure a woman. It was funny to watch him struggle to keep it together when he kneeled back between your legs.
“I’m gonna put it in now.” Leon announced, squirting a generous amount of lube on your cunt before (attempting to) rolling on the condom. (You definitely had to help him. The last thing you wanted was to get knocked up by some dimwit.)
He put some lube on his cock, jerking off a bit while looking down at your pussy. Not your face. When he stopped masturbating he slapped the tip of his dick against your clit a few times, your body jolting in pleasure at the sudden sensation.
This immediately boosted his ego and you were in awe he was able to make you feel partially good. He was just daydreaming of how tight and warm your hole was going to feel. His dick wasn’t that big either, it was average length, average size, average balls. Just.. underwhelming and average.
“What’re you waiting for?” You murmured, snapping him out his trance briefly before he cleared his throat. “J-Just trying to brace you for my cock, it’s big right?” Leon questioned, feeling a bit insecure but he wanted you to make him feel better, feel like a man. That was a woman’s purpose after all.
“Yes (no).” You sighed out breathily, keeping up your act, dragging your nails down his body gently, causing him to shudder and nod with a smug look on his face. He pushed himself in fairly easily, considering your ex-boyfriends cock was much bigger and overwhelming, accidentally clenching down around Leon’s sad excuse of a penis which riled him up, thinking you had came.
You definitely missed his dick and now was stuck with some crappy one attached to a misogynistic freak. A soft sound of discomfort left your lips and Leon took it as a sign that you were enjoying it. You must love it! He was so confident in himself!
So confident that after 5-6 thrusts he spilled inside the condom, talk about a minute man. He was a millisecond man. His whole body spasmed from euphoric bliss, he had never cum this hard in his life before, burying his face in your neck, sloppily kissing at your skin because he couldn’t kiss for the life of him.
You were stunned someone could cum so quickly, that had to be a world record or something. Quickest man to cum after sticking it in or some random ass title, you hadn’t realized you had zoned out about the Guinness record book until Leon pulled his cock out from inside you, feeling good about himself.
He was panting softly from the intensity of his orgasm, leaning back against the couch to gaze at your pretty pussy, he wanted to eat you out too, wanting to show you he was good orally too.
“Was it good? Did you cum too?” Leon said as he stared into your eyes, wanting to hear you sing his praises and take back your harsh words that hurt his feelings. Almost like a puppy waiting for its owner to praise them for pissing outside the house instead of inside.
You grabbed your clothes and put them back on, smirking as you stared him dead in the eye. “No, I didn’t cum.” You snickered as his face dropped, kissing his forehead quickly. “Sucks to suck, Leon.” You said casually, getting up to go to your room and nap.
Leon sat on the couch stunned beyond relief, his cock kicking against his thigh as he watched you.
He swore under his breath that you were lying and you did cum, after all, delusion is key, and delusion is what made him become your roommate to begin with.
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tonight-i-may-see · 7 months
The one that got away - Hotch x Male!reader [March Hotchness day 2]
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[note: OKAY THIS IS ALMOST AN HOUR PAST DAY 2 FOR ME BUT I DONT CARE. This is part of the march hotchness event by @hotchfiles]
cw: angst, male!reader
word count: 1.4k
It was odd, in a way, to reminisce on someone so often and yet know nothing of their current life. Like watching the same home movie over and over, the person never loses the sparkle in their eyes or smile on their lips. They’re frozen in time. Young and perfect.
Aaron Hotchner was the kindest person you’d ever met. Full stop, end of statement. There was truly no one else that had even come close to the way he’d treat the people around him when the two of you were at boarding school together, and you knew there likely never would be. You had to make peace with that a long time ago. The two of you first met at the beginning of the very first semester of school, seated together at the back of English class where someone had asked him to borrow a pen- he’d had plenty of spares of course, and you’d noted to yourself that despite his rather stoic and quiet appearance, he didn’t actually hate everyone. He was neat and well prepared, took notes with handwriting that made you envy his control, your own sparse scribbles looking elementary in comparison. 
By lunch the two of you were joined at the hip, having started a conversation about the books you’d be studying that year, then somehow getting onto talking about more personal interests. He divulged his hobby of coin collecting and love of the beatles, and you stood there astounded that someone so seemingly unremarkable was such a huge nerd. You felt unremarkable, even with interests just as nerdy, you felt like a dull shining star watching a supernova. Beautiful and bright and impacting everyone effortlessly. He was somehow introverted but friends with everyone, popular but liked, It never felt like you were in danger of him suddenly turning on you and making fun of you like the others did- in fact, he was the one there to comfort you about it, the one to send them an actual glare as opposed to his usual apathetic expression and make their jeers peter out into mumbles of almost apologies. Never real ones, to be clear, but grunts that sounded close enough that he’d stop his disapproving stare. You loved that stare, probably because it was only ever sent to you in a lighthearted manner, part of the jokes you’d share to make the boredom filled days at the boarding school less unbearable.
It went on like that for years, the two of you only growing closer with time, eventually you knew everything about each other. Divulged hopes and dreams, supported each other through every obstacle, celebrated good grades and attended every extracurricular club event the other was part of. One of those clubs was drama, you were the one to join it and Aaron was more than happy to be sat in the front row of every play and showcase you acted in, being your anchor when you got stage fright. He was your favourite part of those evenings, seeing him beaming up at you at curtain call, clapping and whistling while you took your final bow. 
That was his place in this, where he was always expected to be…so when he asked you to help him get an audition for Pirates of Penzance after a rehearsal he visited, you were honestly baffled. Aaron had never shown an interest in becoming an actor, and if you were honest you knew he wasn’t brilliant just from him helping you run lines. Regardless, he was your best friend, so of course you were going to help him out- it would be fun if nothing else, plus you’d get to spend more time with him. In the time the two of you had grown closer, you’d also grown up, maturing and making discoveries about yourselves and the world around you. It was unspoken that you told each other everything…but you were lying to him, you had been for about a year by the time the play rolled around. Why? Because you were falling in love with him.
It wasn’t even an option to tell him. He could never know. Maybe one day once the two of you were in college and far from the judgement of these particular peers, you’d open up and tell him you were gay- or bi- you still weren’t sure. But for now it was taking a back seat as you furiously studied the script. It was originally an opera, but obviously that wasn’t going to happen with high school aged students, so the theatre teacher had turned it into a play. Eventually, in what was most likely a pity move, that same teacher awarded Aaron the role of Fourth Pirate. He was ecstatic, as were you, knowing you’d get to have scenes together since you had been given the role of Fredric. But after a few minutes, you saw him scouring the script and eventually tapping the page…a name. Ruth. And just like that your heart dropped to your stomach, past things you’d noticed but brushed off coming back to haunt you and weigh heavily on your chest.
The first time you noticed it was the second ever showcase. A dual monologue you had spent hours timing, blocking and perfecting with your scene partner. Most of it was spent facing her, but you couldn’t help noticing his attention pulled from you even when you were the one speaking. That was how it went on for a while, until your first lead role. Your first bow. He wasn’t even looking at you, his focus was over to stage right, a grin on his face and sparkle in his eyes you thought was reserved only for you.
The walk back to the dressing rooms (which were just the gym locker rooms) felt like your legs were jelly, your heart in your throat while you wiped off the makeup they made you wear. That night you went home alone, didn’t even speak to him, blaming it on tiredness the following Monday. The lie was accepted, and you both moved on just fine, you managed to force yourself to not think about it and he hadn’t even realised you noticed.
So when it got to Pirates of Penzance and he tapped that name, the utter heartbreak crashed over you all over again. Of course. Of course he’d only joined to speak to her- to speak to Haley. This was never about you, why would it be? You were just ‘Aaron’s friend’, a set piece on the stage of their meet cute, the wingman who would obviously support him. Right? There was no way your feelings for him were anything but platonic. So why did seeing the two of them laugh together feel like a knife to the gut? Why, when the play was over and he brought her flowers, did you want to throw them to the ground and destroy them? Haley was perfect. A beautiful, talented and sweet girl who had been nothing but nice to you- she wanted to be friends, you’d noticed her efforts. But the moment you realised what Aaron was doing she became your enemy. If she was his Juliet, then you were the moon, pale and sick with grief. Envy. 
After the play was over, you isolated yourself. You stopped passing notes and whispering in class, stopped hanging out at his locker and dorm, stopped calling late at night to giggle about some stupid thing that happened that day. Eventually you went from inseparable best friends to a nod and smile in the hallway, with Haley on his arm, of course. And you felt sick. 
The final semester came and went and before you knew it you’d attended and graduated college. You hadn’t seen him since high school graduation, but from what you’d seen he and Haley were still going strong- engaged, even. Over time it hurt less, but the ache you got seeing those brown eyes never left. You knew he likely didn’t even think about being attracted to men, everything about him screamed that he’d never think twice about how he’d seen you back then, and you accepted it. Boyfriends came and went, some looking remarkably like him, but it was never the same, you couldn’t pretend it was the one you truly wanted. So you gave up. Focused on work and built friendships, built a career. It made you happy most of the time, and that’s all you wanted really, just a little happiness to make the loneliness easier to swallow.
It went down a treat after a while, until one afternoon there was a knock on your apartment door, and you opened it to see a dark haired man and woman holding up badges. Suddenly you couldn’t swallow it. Suddenly, you felt it lodge in your throat as those brown eyes widened, realising exactly who he was looking at.
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jakescaravel · 10 months
Lavender Shampoo
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 4,328
Warnings: Penetrative sex, oral sex: male and female receiving, fingering, cuddly sweet jake (I don’t think there’s really anything else this is very tame and very fluffy domestic sex)
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Summary: Sweet domestic sex with lots of snuggles after <3
His sheets feel soft against your face. His pillow, smelling just like him, cradles your head and his blanket covers you, tucking you away into a world so perfect you wish to never leave. Nothing has ever felt as comfortable as his room. His posters on the walls of all his favorite bands, his desk covered in trinkets and papers, his leather bound notebook filled with a million unwritten songs and his drawings. They’re mostly of you, and the rest are flowers and trees and forests.
His big window looks out to the woods. The white curtains let a slight bit of light in, casting the room in an early morning glow, the kind where you can see the dust bunnies dancing in the air. And of course his guitars, propped up next to his closet resting on little stands. The tan colored acoustic that can sing songs so pretty your heart will melt at just the first note and Jake’s beloved. The one material object he loves as much as you. His first true love in this world. The guitar he controls. Makes whine and moan and sing with just the touch of a finger. His rock and roll sword.
This small space feels so much like him. Captures the essence so perfectly it’s like he’s right there laying with you. He hadn’t wanted to leave that morning. His alarm had gone off but he snoozed it and pulled you closer to him, completely ready to give up his obligations for the day and spend it with you instead. You had fallen back asleep too, just for a moment until you came to your senses and remembered his meeting with the band. So you forced yourself to sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and pulling him up too. He whined, begged you to come back to sleep, but he smiled in gratitude when you reminded him of his activities for the day.
“Always looking out for me, my sunshine.”
He had gotten up and made the two of you breakfast, just like every Saturday morning. Pancakes and pumpkin flavored coffee, with the syrup next to the pancakes not ontop. Then he had taken a quick shower and was out the door, leaving you waiting in his home until he returned.
Losing interest in your book, you stand walking over to where the guitars so gently rest. You pick up the acoustic, and sit back on the bed letting it sit in your arms. You smile to yourself thinking of all the hours he's spent in this very room teaching you his favorite chords and riffs. You’re no Jimi Hendrix but it was impossible not to gain some skill from his expert lessons. Your smile widens when you remember that you’re the only person he lets touch his guitars. Not even his own brothers, only you.
You pluck out a few notes, the beginning to Norwegian Wood by the beatles, an instant favorite between the two of you. The tips of your fingers burn ever so slightly with your lack of calluses but you play through it, knowing in a few minutes the numbness will take the pain away.
You lay back into the comfortable bed, letting your mind wander with thoughts of Jake. His smile, his hair, his smell, his strong arms and back, his talent, but most importantly, the way he looks at you. Like you’re the only woman that’s ever existed. The way he worships you, god. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. The feeling of the person you love, above anyone else, loving you right back, even harder if that was possible.
Your hands pluck mindlessly at the strings and your mind drifts farther south, thinking about the way he acts when you're coming undone beneath him. Your eyelids droop closed ready to play that perfect scene in your head and at that exact moment, your phone buzzes on the nightstand. You place the guitar back in its corner and click open your phone.
A text from Jake.
Hey, did you get some sleep after I left?
No i’m just chilling reading, and trying to play guitar lol
Aw i'm sorry you didn’t get more sleep :( I wish I could have stayed with you. I miss you.
I miss you too, how’s the meeting?
Horribly boring. All I'm thinking about is you, you’re sweet smile. 😘
You smile at his words, the simple praise never getting old. He texts back before you have a chance to respond.
When I get home can I have you? That’s all I'm thinking about love, it’s killing me.
Your thighs clench together at his change of tone. Memories flash through your mind of the countless times he has had you, treated you like royalty, like a goddess. Then the times he’s made you cum over and over again, fucking you deep into the mattress. But the thought of him fucking you sweet and gentle has always been you’re favorite.
You can always have me Jake, you know that, I love you.
I know, I just needed to hear you say it ;) I love you too baby, I’ll be home in a few hours, think you can wait that long?
Oh I don’t know Jakey, might have to take care of some things myself waiting for you 😉
You bite your lip waiting for his response as the three dots pop up on the screen. They disappear for a moment before reappearing.
Wait for me, please?
The simple unapologetic begging, asking for what he wants with such innocence and desire. The way he knows you’ll comply but he just wants to say it anyways, to make sure you know he wants you and you only.
Yes but hurry!!
You laugh and put your phone on the bed, returning to the guitar but the screen lights up again.
You open it to see a gif from Jake. A little bunny attacked the other with kisses and hugs, the hearts surrounding them. You blush and sigh before tucking your phone away.
You lay in bed, wrapped up in his robe, his towel in your hair after your shower. The “5 minutes away” text sits in your phone and you wait impatiently for the sound of the door opening downstairs. You don’t bother to change back into your clothes… there’s no point.
Finally, you hear the key in the lock and the metal handle twisting. The door opens and closes and you hear the faint sound of a bag being placed on the table. His voice bellows from below.
“Hey baby i’m home! I’m gonna use the bathroom real quick and then I'll be up!”
“Okay!” You yell back, surpressing the excited squeal that so badly wants to come out.
You quickly glance to the mirror, pulling the towel off revealing your still damp hair. You push it back and shake it out until it’s falling nicely down your shoulders.
Just a minute later the bedroom door opens and there he is, a huge smile lighting up his whole face and a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. Your heart leaps out of your chest as he steps forward and wordlessly extends his hands to you.
Your heart breaks just a little and you swallow back the lump in your throat forming as you take the flowers. He watches you with such love as you smell them, taking in their sweet scent.
“Jakeyyy” you whine, climbing closer so he can wrap his arms around you bringing you in for a kiss.
His strong hands find their way around your waist holding you steadily against him as he kisses your forehead. The touch of his lips so gentle your heart flutters.
“These are so beautiful, you didn’t have to do that!”
“I wanted to, I was walking back to the car from the meeting and the road was covered with them, so I picked all the ones that reminded me of you” He places a kiss on your lips. He looks back at you with his big puppy dog eyes, smiling, waiting excitedly for your reaction.
“You picked these for me?” You ask, tears once again threatening to make an appearance.
“Yeah! Thought you’d like them!” He smiles again, his perfect teeth practically sparking along with his eyes. Without exchanging any words, you wrap your arms tighter around his back, your face resting gently on his chest and he holds you right back. All the words you want to say, exchanged just by the simple touch.
“I see you’re wearing my robe.” He giggles and you look up to see his perfect face smiling back at you.
“It’s so comfy, smells like you too.”
“I know. It looks better on you too. But you know, I can’t help but imagine what it would look like off.”
He smirks and you blush against his chest. Your heartbeat pounds in your chest as you lean back just enough to pull the string until the fuzzy cloth falls from your shoulders. His mouth parts ever so slightly before drawing his lips between his teeth. His eyes rake over your chest looking at you like you’re in a renaissance painting, a goddess of beauty.
“You’re so beautiful y/n, so so pretty.”
You smile and stand on the bed to remove the rest of the robe. His eyes travel with you as the robe falls onto the sheets. Without breaking his eyes away, he tosses it to the floor as his hands find your waist pulling you into him. He kisses your stomach, his grib on your waist tightening as his lips travel downward.
He breaks away and looks up at you. “Can I taste you? You smell so sweet.”
His light touch, along with words and his glimmering eyes, create an ache between your legs and a wild heartbeat thumping in your chest.
“Yes. Please Jake.” You whine.
He helps you step down and settle back into the pillows, making sure you’re comfortable. His eyes travel over the length of your body as he takes off his sweater. It’s your turn to watch him as he takes off his shirt, revealing his smooth chest. You giggle at the sight of him, so perfect it doesn’t even make sense.
He crawls onto the bed, stopping his face right before your closed legs. His hands trace over the tops of your thighs, reveling in their smoothness. He gently grabs under your thighs, pushing them apart, exposing you to him. He brings his face only inches away from your center, kissing the inside of your thigh. You embarrass the vulnerability, feeling so comfortable and safe with him.
“You’re perfect.” He breathes, looking up to meet your eyes before kissing you once again.
You clench around nothing, desperate for some kind of sensation, his simple praise spurring you on.
He notices. “Look at her. I think she’s ready for me.” He smirks, still holding back from giving you what you want. The cockiness mixed with his warmth breath hovering right above you makes you squirm on top of the sheets.
“Please Jake, touch me.” You whine, unable to wait another second with lips only inches away from you.
He nods his head and grants your wish, pulling his tongue so gently through your folds. Your head falls back into the pillow with a sigh, the awaited feeling being so perfect.
“Look at me sunshine, wanna see your pretty face.”
You force your eyes open, watching as his perfect lips wrap around your clit through a sly smile. He sucks you in, lapping his tongue over you once, then twice.
A choked moan escapes you and his fingers find your entrance, just one finger teasing it. You push your hips closer, desperate to feel any part of him inside you. He shakes his head slowly, lips still wrapped around your clit, the feeling becoming almost overwhelming.
His tongue finds your entrance, collecting the pooling liquid before bringing it back up to draw small circles around your clit.
“Jakeee fuc-k, feels so good, so fucking good.”
“I know, I know sweetheart, just sit there pretty and let me get you there.”
You mod your head, letting his sweet praise swim through your mind. Finally his finger pushes into you at a tantalizingly slow pace as your hips buck up off the bed, his perfect tongue still licking over your swollen clit. You clench around the single digit, wishing it was his cock instead, wishing for the stinging stretch and the weight of it inside you.
“Jakey.” You say through a breathless moan.
“Yes love?”
“I want you, right now. Please, let me have it.”
His lips curl into a smile. “Anything for you, my sunshine.”
He sits back up, drawing his belt through the buckle and pulling his black jeans from his body. His dark blue boxers show the outline of his perfectly hardened cock, making your mouth practically water at the sight of it. He watches you watch him as his hand palms over his length, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment before returning them back to you.
You sit up, crawling to meet him on the edge of the bed. You search his eyes as your hands tuck under the hem of his boxers. He sucks in a breath, holding it, as you pull them down his body. His cock springs free, bobbing in front of your face. The sight of it, lush and pink, waiting hot and ready, fuck it sets you wild.
You take it in your hand, pumping up and down before bringing your lips to the pink tip. You take him in your mouth, just a little bit, swirling your tongue around it. A breathy moan escapes him, his sweet sounds filling your ears and sending a jolt of electricity through your body.
He lets you lick over him, just for a minute, unable to tear himself away from the pleasure of your soft lips before leaning down to kiss them. You kiss him back, parting your lips to let his tongue slip past. He helps you settle back into the pillows as he deepens the kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. His lips travel to your neck, nipping at the skin right under your ear.
“You’re so sweet, how are you so pretty y/n?” His soft giggle tugs at your heart strings. His hand finds your chest, his knuckles brushing past your nipple and his hand kneading into the soft skin. His mouth finds the other, drawing the bud into his mouth, rolling his tongue around. You groan into him, pushing your chest further into his mouth until he breaks away. You whine in protest but he shushes you through a smile.
“Don’t you want me baby?”
“Yes please Jake, please.”
“No need to beg, although you sound so cute when you do, you know I'll give you whatever you want.” He winks, stealing your heart once again.
And with that he brings himself to your entrance, quickly brushing the tip through your wet folds, pushing it against your clit. Your body tenses up at the feeling, a choked out moan escaping your lips.
“Relax for me love.” His sweet voice flows through your ears like smoke and you melt into the mattress as his other hand cups your cheek. You let his thumb push into your mouth, you swipe your tongue across it as he pushes his cock a few inches into you.
The slight pressure mixed with the overwhelming pleasure hits you like a ton of bricks. You both sigh at the feeling. Not even all the way inside you get but still feeling so so good. He steadies himself, pushing further into you little by little taking care to go slow and gentle. You smile at the welcomed stretch, reminding yourself to relax as he bottoms out. When he does, his body falls forward before catching himself, his brow furrowed in pleasure as he braces himself against you. He places his hand on your stomach, pushing him deeper into you.
You close your eyes and let yourself feel him inside you. How perfect he is, like your bodies were meant exactly for each other, fitting together like puzzle pieces. How lucky are you that you get to feel his cock whenever you please? That he knows exactly how to touch you and make you fall apart. You let yourself worship him a little in your mind, just the knowledge of it being him that fills you up so nicely, being enough to drag you further along.
He pulls out gently before pushing back in, even deeper. He hits that spot, tucked away so perfectly inside you and you whine his name into the otherwise quiet room.
“I know, I know, you feel so fucking good.. I- fuck.” He chokes out, eyes still closed as he draws back just to push into you once more. He picks up a comfortable slow pace, hitting you deep inside with every stroke. Your slick starts to coat him allowing him to move faster, the lewd sounds of him sliding in and out of you making him even harder.
He gazes into your eyes as he does so, loving you in more ways than one with his gentle sparkling eyes as he brings you closer and closer. His soft thumb drifts over your swollen clit and presses it in. His smile widens watching your hips jolt at the sensation. He drops his finger down meeting where your bodies meet to collect some of the moisture before returning it back to your bundle of nerves.
He begins tracing small circles over you, his eyes glued to where he touches you. He bites his lip as he works you, unable to control the soft moans that bubble out of him with every thrust. The way he sounds when he's buried so deep inside you paired with his feather light touch and his pounding cock threaten to pull you down under.
He moves his hand to wrap under your thighs for a stronger hold, pulling your body across the bed and using your legs as leveredge to drive into you even harder. His own sighs of pleasure mixed with yours fill the room along with your cries of his name as his hips snap into you.
“Baby.. you feel too good, i’m gonna c-cum..” He squeezes his eyes shut, his hips faltering as his hand returns to tease your clit. Your head tilts back at the pleasure and you're able to choke out, “me too, i'm there.”
In a few seconds, Jake’s breathing quickens and the sounds he makes become more desperate and blissful. You feel his cum shoot inside of you pulling you into your own orgasm. Your thighs attempt to clench together as your orgasm runs its course. You yell out his name into the room as your body jerks and spasms feeling on fire with pleasure.
Every slow thrust prolongs the feeling until he slows down to a stopping point to let you catch your breath. You tilt your head back relaxing into the mattress as your legs finally calm down.
“You’re a dream, a fucking dream” he says as he leans over you placing a kiss to your stomach. You muster up the strength to lean up to look at him. His beautiful brown eyes meet yours and you smile together. For one perfect minute, the two of you just stare at each other, living together in the post orgasm world, the love from each of you pouring into the other.
“I’m gonna pull out okay?”
You nod and he pulls out leaving you feeling much more empty inside.
“Wait right there, pretty girl, I'll be back in a second.” He winks again and leaves, returning just as soon as he said with a small washcloth and a cup of water. You scoot back to lean into the pillows as he cleans you up with the washcloth.
You never thought you would ever be with someone this perfect. Someone who could take such good care of you in every way, but there he was with a huge smile on his face doing just that.
He tosses the small rag into the laundry bin and climbs onto the bed handing you the glass of water. You take a sip feeling the relief of the cool liquid down your throat. You offer him a sip which he takes before returning the cup to the nightstand. He climbs off the bed again to rustle around in one of his drawers before pulling out two pairs of boxers. He slides one onto himself and tosses you the other. You catch it in the air and slide it onto your own body.
“I’m wiped out.” He chuckles.
“Me too, that was amazing though.”
“It was, it always is, every time.” He’s right. Every time it's almost more perfect than the last, the love between you too only growing. He crawls across the bed to meet you, laying down next to you with a huff.
“Should we watch something?”
“Ohh yeah good idea! What should we watch?” You ask, grabbing the laptop from the night stand and turning it on.
“Hmmm game of thrones?”
You think for a moment, wanting to finish the next episode of your show but also not feeling up to that level of concentration.
“Maybe something that requires less attention? I’m just super tired. How about the office?”
“Y/n I love you so fucking much.” He brings his lips to you, kissing all over your face as you giggle and melt into his side. He wraps his arms around you squeezing you tight before planting one more kiss to your forehead.
You pull up the office and press play on a random episode. You lay the computer on the bed sideways so you can see it while laying down. He turns to lean over your shoulder to watch the screen, spooning you with one arm under your head and the other loosely draped over your side. You lay your head on your arm next to his and tuck his other arm under yours. His legs tangle with yours and his hand traces over your bare chest eliciting a laugh from you.
“Trying for round two Jakey?”
“No they're just so soft, comfortable to grab onto it all.”
“Well then, be my guest.” You laugh again as his hand cups around you massaging the skin lightly. The casual contact gives you butterflies but you welcome it along with the safety you feel laying in his arms.
The show plays in the background but you would bet money that he also wasn’t paying much attention to it. You feel his nose poking your neck and he nuzzles it into you, tickling you in the process. You giggle and turn your head back so he can kiss your cheek. He kisses your neck and below your ear. As you both settle, you swear you can feel a slight intake of air behind you and the sound of someone breathing in heavily. Almost as if he’s smelling your hair…
Your heart melts at the thought and right then he confirms it, “did you use that lavender shampoo?”
“Hmm” you reply.
“Smells really good.”
You hum again as he takes another whiff, tickling the hairs on the back of your neck. A few minutes of silence pass as the show keeps playing. You feel your eyelids growing heavy and when you turn back, Jake's eyes are closed and his mouth parted every so slightly.
You take a moment to look at him. How soft and gentle he looks, how peaceful and innocent, how his hair falls around his face and how his smooth lips move when he breathes.
It's moments like these where you feel so in love with him it almost hurts. Where you feel like it's only the two of you that exist. Where you feel like you could marry him, and have kids, and spend the rest of your lives together. You think back to all the times he's brought it up, sharing with you his perfect dreams for your future together.
“We’ll get married in Michigan. We’ll find a beautiful creek with a big rock on the bank. We’ll stand on that big rock together, but don’t worry, I won’t let you fall. And you look beautiful in white with a white flower crown, and your hair will be down, blowing in the wind. Our families can watch from the other side of the creek. And then after, we can jump in the water and take a hike just the two of us down to where the water runs into a little pond. And we'll go swimming in our wedding clothing because who cares right? We’re in love! And the sun will set and everything will be cast in a beautiful orange light. And I’ll kiss you and it'll be perfect. Then, we move into a big house, wherever you want, as long as it's near the woods. And we'll have two kids, an older girl and a younger brother, because you know, he's gonna need her. And they'll look just like you and we'll raise them to be so kind, and we’ll be playing music all the time. And I'll teach them both guitar but we'll have all the instruments in the house. A nice big grand piano, a bass and heck even a drum set! And Josh can come over and give them voice lessons. And we'll have two dogs and two cats so they can all be friends, and the kids will love them and we’ll love them and we’ll love the kids. But most importantly, I will love you. I’ll love you forever and ever and maybe if I'm really lucky, you’ll love me back.”
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cherubiyeon · 1 year
on my knees begging for a male reader (or gender neutral if thats more comfy) x minji or wonyoung where he's just so obsessed with her and is constantly pining or showering her in gifts and flowers
here, there and everywhere | ive jang wonyoung x gender neutral reader
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just you, being the most absolutely smitten dork for your girlfriend.
✩ warnings. non-idol!au, university!au, established relationship, very dialogue heavy lol, reader sucks in budgeting fr do not try to be like them, mention of food like once ?
✩ word count. ~3k words
✩ playing. here, there and everywhere [the beatles]
☆ notes. hi anon! i didnt really like this fic ong this sucked but i chose wonyoung bc i havent wrote a fic for her for awhile :P anyways hope u like this!!
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"y/n? y/n? earth to y/n?"
wonyoung's voice cut through the haze of y/n's thoughts, jolting them back to reality. they blinked a few times, their gaze refocusing as they met wonyoung's amused eyes. the campus cafe buzzed around them, students chatting, forks clinking against plates, and the aroma of brewed coffee filling the air.
"oh, sorry," y/n stammered, feeling a flush rise to their cheeks. "i guess i zoned out for a moment."
wonyoung grinned, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "you're always getting lost in your thoughts, aren't you?"
y/n nodded, offering a sheepish smile. "guilty as charged. you have that effect on me, you know?"
wonyoung's laughter was like music, filling the air around them. "well, i'm flattered," she said, her smile turning into a warm, genuine one. "so, what were you thinking about?"
with a soft chuckle, y/n leaned in slightly, their tone conspiratorial. "alright, alright. i was pondering the mysteries of the universe. you know, the usual."
wonyoung's laughter tinkled through the air again, and y/n found themselves mesmerized by the genuine warmth in her expression. "well, as long as you're not plotting world domination in there," she teased.
"world domination is so last century," y/n quipped, finally fully engaged in the conversation. "i'm thinking more along the lines of solving the eternal debate: cats or dogs?"
wonyoung's laughter died down, and she regarded y/n with a soft smile. "you're something else, you know that?"
as they continued bantering, y/n's heart raced. it was still hard to believe they were actually dating someone like wonyoung. the laughter, the teasing—it all felt so surreal.
just as y/n was about to take another bite of their sandwich, they suddenly remembered the hidden treasure in their bag. their eyes widened, and they glanced at wonyoung with an almost comical mix of excitement and apprehension.
"wonyoung," y/n began, their voice a tad nervous, "i... i have something for you."
wonyoung's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "oh? what's the occasion?"
wonyoung's eyes widened with surprise as she accepted the gift. "y/n, what's this?"
y/n's cheeks turned a shade of pink that rivaled a sunset. "i... i wanted to get you something special." they cleared their throat, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. "i may have, um, spent this month's allowance on it."
wonyoung carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing an exquisite piece of jewelry, something that would catch anyone's eye. she gasped softly, her fingers tracing the intricate design. "y/n, this is... this is stunning."
y/n grinned, their heart doing somersaults. "i'm glad you like it."
wonyoung's gaze shifted between y/n and the box, a soft smile tugging at her lips. "well, aren't you full of surprises today?"
y/n's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. "i just... i saw this and thought of you. i know it's a bit extravagant, but i really wanted to get it for you."
wonyoung's laughter tinkled like wind chimes. reaching across the table, she brushed her fingers against y/n's hand, her eyes twinkling with affection. "... i must admit, spending a month's worth of allowance on a gift isn't exactly the wisest financial move, but i truly appreciate this."
y/n couldn't resist the gleam in wonyoung's eyes. with a mischievous grin, they leaned in closer, their voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "you know, wonyoung, they say that people who receive extravagant gifts are obligated to give the giver a kiss."
wonyoung raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "is that so? and who are these 'they' you speak of?"
y/n shrugged, their smile growing wider. "oh, you know, the wise sages of campus lore. they're quite adamant about it."
wonyoung chuckled softly, her gaze locked onto y/n's. "well, who am i to go against the wisdom of campus lore?" as she spoke, she carefully placed the necklace back in its box, sliding it away slightly.
y/n's cheeks were tinted with a rosy hue as they looked away, and wonyoung wore a smile that could outshine the sun. "well," wonyoung said, her voice a playful purr, "i suppose it's only fair that i follow tradition."
before y/n could react, wonyoung's lips pressed against theirs in a gentle, sweet kiss. it was as if time stood still, the world around them fading into a distant background as they savored the moment.
when they finally broke apart, y/n was left breathless and dizzy, their heart pounding in their chest. "wow," was all they managed to say, their voice a soft whisper.
wonyoung giggled, her eyes twinkling with affection. "you're such a dork, y/n."
y/n grinned unabashedly. "well, yeah. but hey, who can resist when they're in the presence of someone as amazing as you?"
wonyoung rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "you really know how to lay on the charm, don't you?"
y/n leaned back in their chair, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "well, i believe it's my duty to keep the amazing people around me entertained."
wonyoung chuckled softly, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup. "you certainly have a unique way of doing that."
"oh, you haven't seen the half of it," y/n replied with a grin, their fingers drumming playfully on the table. "i've been practicing my pickup lines, you know."
wonyoung raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "oh really? do share."
y/n feigned a thoughtful expression, rubbing their chin dramatically. "hmm, let's see... are you a campfire? because you're hot and i want s'more."
wonyoung burst into laughter, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "that's... something, alright." she leaned back slightly, still chuckling.
"i have plenty more where that came from," y/n teased, their smile growing wider. "but i'll save them for special occasions."
wonyoung shook her head with an affectionate smile, her laughter fading into a delighted grin. "you say the worst pickup lines, ever."
y/n's expression turned softer, their eyes locking onto wonyoung's. "only because you bring out the best—or worst—in me."
wonyoung's smile was warm, her gaze locked onto y/n's. "well, your worst lines are still pretty endearing." she leaned in a little closer.
y/n leaned in as well, a playful glint in their eyes. "oh, just wait until you hear my best ones." their lips curled into a mischievous smile.
wonyoung's laughter blended seamlessly with the café's ambiance, and she shook her head in mock disbelief. "i can't believe i'm dating someone who actually uses pickup lines."
y/n's tone turned mock-innocent. "what can i say? i'm just a person of many talents."
wonyoung's eyes twinkled mischievously. "and do these talents include making me smile?"
y/n nodded dramatically, their hand resting over their heart. "absolutely. making you smile is my top priority, followed closely by making terrible puns."
wonyoung's laughter filled the air, a delightful melody that never failed to make y/n's heart skip a beat. she leaned back in her chair, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "well, you've certainly succeeded in making me smile today."
y/n couldn't help but grin, their gaze locked onto wonyoung's. "that's all i ever want to do."
as they basked in the warmth of each other's presence, y/n noticed wonyoung eyeing the unwrapped necklace on the table. with a gentle smile, y/n picked it up and held it out to her. "would you like to try it on?"
wonyoung's eyes widened with surprise, her fingers hovering over the exquisite piece of jewelry. "you're really okay with me trying it on?"
y/n nodded, their voice soft. "of course, it's meant for you, after all."
wonyoung carefully took the necklace, her fingers tracing the delicate chain and the shimmering pendant. she turned her attention back to y/n, her expression a mix of gratitude and wonder. "i can't believe you spent a month's worth of allowance on this, y/n."
y/n reached out, their fingers brushing against wonyoung's cheek. "you're worth every penny, wonyoung. that necklace is too small compared to how much you mean to me."
wonyoung's eyes glistened with emotion, and she leaned in to press a soft kiss to y/n's lips. it was a sweet, tender kiss that spoke volumes, a silent affirmation of their love.
when they finally pulled away, y/n whispered, "i'd spend a lifetime's worth of allowance just to see you smile."
wonyoung's smile was radiant, her fingers gently threading through y/n's hair. "so cheesy of you, y/n."
with the necklace draped around her neck, wonyoung looked even more stunning, if that was even possible. she leaned in to whisper in y/n's ear, "you know, i think you've officially spoiled me."
y/n's heart swelled at wonyoung's words, their fingers gently brushing against wonyoung's cheek. "and you've spoiled me too, in the best possible way."
as they gazed into each other's eyes, the air around them seemed to crackle with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. y/n's heart raced, and they found themselves leaning in, their lips meeting wonyoung's in a soft, delicate kiss. it was a kiss filled with the unspoken emotions that had been building between them, a sweet exchange of feelings that left them both breathless.
when they pulled away, their eyes locked onto each other's, their expressions a mix of surprise and wonder. y/n's voice was soft as they whispered, "i couldn't resist any longer."
wonyoung's smile was a mixture of delight and affection. "i've been waiting for that."
y/n's fingers played with a strand of wonyoung's hair, a playful glint in their eyes. "well, i had to catch up to all those times you stole kisses from me."
wonyoung chuckled softly, her fingers tracing patterns on the table. "i couldn't help myself. you're just too irresistible."
y/n's grin grew wider. "i'm glad you think so."
the café bustled around them, students coming and going, the aroma of coffee filling the air. but in that little bubble they had created, it was just y/n and wonyoung, two souls intertwined in a love that was as real as it was captivating.
y/n's fingers absentmindedly traced the rim of their coffee cup, their gaze never leaving wonyoung's. "you know, i've never been one to believe in fate, but meeting you has made me question that."
wonyoung's smile held a touch of playfulness, her gaze locking onto y/n's with a glimmer of curiosity. "wait a minute, is that one of those pickup lines you've been practicing?"
y/n's eyes widened in mock surprise, their hand placed dramatically over their heart. "i am deeply offended that you'd accuse me of such a thing! my words are as sincere as my undying love for... coffee."
wonyoung laughed, the sound tinkling like a melody. "oh, really? coffee, huh? that's quite the declaration."
y/n's lips curved into a mischievous grin. "well, you know, it's a classic. coffee has always been there for me, unlike certain tall and charismatic individuals."
wonyoung's playful expression turned into a mock pout. "are you saying i'm not dependable?"
y/n's gaze softened, their fingers brushing gently against wonyoung's knuckles. "on the contrary, you're the most dependable thing in my life. and the most extraordinary."
wonyoung's pout transformed into a warm smile, her thumb brushing over y/n's hand. "you really have a way with words, don't you?"
y/n shrugged, their expression bashful. "i guess they just come naturally when i'm around you."
wonyoung took another sip of her coffee, her gaze focused on the table for a moment as if lost in thought. y/n, ever the observer, watched her with a soft smile, taking in the way her features seemed to light up in the warm glow of the café's lighting. finally, unable to contain their admiration, they spoke.
"you're so pretty," y/n said softly, their voice a gentle affirmation of the thoughts running through their mind.
wonyoung looked up, her eyes meeting y/n's, and her cheeks took on a faint rosy hue. "stop it, you're making me blush."
y/n chuckled, their heart swelling with affection. "i can't help it. i'm just stating the facts."
wonyoung's laughter filled the air once again, a sound that never failed to bring a smile to y/n's face. "well, i have to say, your compliments are almost as charming as your terrible pickup lines."
y/n feigned offense, placing a hand over their chest dramatically. "how dare you insult my impeccable taste in pickup lines? they're an art form!"
wonyoung laughed even harder, her fingers wiping away a tear of mirth from the corner of her eye. "oh, believe me, they're a form of something, alright."
y/n grinned, their heart dancing with joy at the sight of wonyoung's laughter. and in that moment, as wonyoung's laughter echoed through the café, something welled up inside y/n—a feeling they had been carrying for a while, a truth they couldn't contain any longer.
"i've got to admit something," y/n's voice wavered slightly, their gaze never leaving wonyoung's.
wonyoung's curiosity was piqued, her eyes attentive as she leaned in a bit closer. "oh? what is it?"
a moment of vulnerability hung in the air, and y/n took a deep breath before continuing. "i think about you... a lot. like, i'm completely and utterly infatuated."
wonyoung's expression softened, her fingers finding their way to y/n's hand. "you're not alone in that, you know."
a playful grin played on y/n's lips. "really? you're infatuated with yourself too?"
wonyoung's pout transformed into a warm smile, her thumb brushing over y/n's hand. "you really have a way with words, don't you?"
y/n shrugged, their expression bashful. "i guess they just come naturally when i'm around you."
wonyoung's fingers found their way to y/n's, their touch sending shivers down y/n's spine. "you have a way of making my heart race too, you know? and i don't mind it one bit."
y/n's breath caught in their throat, their heart pounding like a drum in their chest. with wonyoung's fingers interlaced with theirs, the connection felt electric, a current of emotion flowing between them.
the air around them seemed to shimmer with an unspoken understanding, a shared sentiment that transcended words. and in that moment, the weight of their feelings hung in the space between them.
wonyoung's eyes held a mixture of affection and vulnerability as she whispered, "y/n, there's something i want to tell you."
y/n's heart skipped a beat, their anticipation growing as they waited for wonyoung's next words. "what is it?"
wonyoung took a deep breath, her voice steady but filled with emotion.
"i love you, y/n."
the world seemed to stand still for a moment, and y/n's breath caught in their throat. did they hear her right? was this real? for a split second, doubt crept in, freezing y/n in place.
wonyoung's gaze held a hint of playfulness, her smile warm. "cat got your tongue?"
y/n's eyes widened, and they quickly shook their head, the words tumbling out in a rush. "no, no! i mean... i love you too! i really, really do!"
wonyoung's laughter was like a gentle breeze, her eyes dancing with mirth. "oh, how the tables have turned."
y/n's cheeks flushed, and they tried to regain their composure. "i didn't mean to... i mean, i did, but..."
wonyoung leaned in, her lips brushing against y/n's ear as she whispered, "it's okay, you know. i don't mind being the first one to say it."
y/n's heart swelled, their embarrassment melting away in the warmth of wonyoung's reassurance. "well, now i've said it too. and i mean it."
wonyoung leaned back, her expression soft and affectionate. "i know you do. and i'm so glad you do."
y/n couldn't help but smile, their heart full to the brim with affection for the girl sitting across from them. "you know, i never thought i'd be lucky enough to experience something like this."
wonyoung's fingers danced along the rim of her coffee cup, her gaze never leaving y/n's. "and what's that?"
"being utterly and completely in love with you," y/n confessed, their voice a gentle whisper.
wonyoung's smile was a reflection of the stars that had aligned to bring them together. "well, get used to it, because i have a feeling that's not going to change anytime soon."
the corner of y/n's lips quirked up mischievously. "is that a promise?"
wonyoung's laughter, like the tinkling of wind chimes, filled the air around them. "absolutely. i'm not going anywhere."
the world continued to move around them—the café's patrons came and went, the lunchtime rush in full swing—but none of that mattered. in this cozy corner they had carved out for themselves, it was just the two of them, lost in the cadence of their conversation and the unspoken promises that hung in the air.
wonyoung's voice pulled y/n from their thoughts, their focus narrowing solely on the person who held their heart.
wonyoung's smile was as bright as the midday sun. "i love you."
y/n's heart swelled, their voice a gentle echo of the emotion that had taken root within them. "i love you too."
wonyoung's laughter danced through the air, a delightful melody that wrapped around them like a warm embrace. "well, you didn't seem as nervous this time," she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
y/n playfully nudged her shoulder. "hey now, cut me some slack. it's not every day that someone as amazing as you confesses their love to me."
wonyoung's laughter continued, a joyful chorus that painted the air with happiness. "point taken," she managed to say through her giggles.
"shut up," y/n muttered, though their lips curved into a fond smile.
wonyoung's laughter lingered in the air one last time, a joyful serenade that resonated with the happiness in y/n's heart. with a gentle nudge, she leaned in to place a sweet kiss on y/n's cheek. "you're adorable," she said with an affectionate grin.
y/n's cheeks flushed, their heart dancing with joy. "and you're insufferable," they replied, their tone playful.
wonyoung raised an eyebrow, a mischievous spark in her eyes. "insufferable, huh? is that why you can't seem to get enough of me?"
y/n rolled their eyes with a mock exasperated sigh, a smile playing on their lips. "you caught me," they admitted, raising their arms in surrender.
as they shared a laugh, y/n found themselves enveloped in a sense of contentment that was as comforting as a warm embrace. in wonyoung's presence, everything felt right, and every worry seemed to melt away.
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ihatethis1234 · 1 year
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑇𝑜 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑀𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
You can call me kai, vex or vexian, Kurt my pronouns are he/him, I'm a trans gay guy, my favorite song is in-a-gadda-da-vida by Iron Butterfly my favorite animal is a raccoons I'm a fan of ghost, rammenstien, queen, pink Floyd, the beatles, rob Zombie, alice cooper, misfits, bon jovi, mindless self indulgence, insane clown posse, and system of a down.
My favorite movies include, black christmas, Halloween, friday the 13th, house of a thousand corpses, scream, the boy, and Texas chainsaw massacre 1 and 2.
I am local to the Ohio area so my time zone is est/ eastern Standard time.
My favorite characters are choptop Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, nubbins sawyer, micheal myers, Jason Voorhees, Billy lenz, Billy Loomis, and brahms heelshire.
My Spotify is 𝓥𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓪𝓷 you can copy it and search it in Spotify
I'm a Satanist
I am learning to speak german
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Alejandro -Cod
Argyle - Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove -Stranger Things
Billy Lenz -Black Christmas
Billy Loomis -Scream
Bo Sinclair - house of wax
Brahms Heelshire -The Boy
Bubba sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre
Captain Spaulding-House Of A Thousand Corpses
ChopTop Sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre 2
Corey Cunningham-Halloween Ends
Drayton Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Gaz -Cod
Geralt - The Witcher
Ghost - Cod
Harry Warden - My Bloody Valentine
Jack in the box mascot - it obvious where he's from.
Jareth The Goblin King - Labyrinth
Jason Voorhees -Friday The 13Th
Jhon Price -Cod
könig -Cod
Lester -house of wax
Micheal Myers -Halloween
Nubbins Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw
Otis Driftwood -House Of A Thousand Corpses
Secoundo - Ghost
Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Thomas Hewitt -Texas Chainsaw
Massacre The Beginning
Vincent Sinclair - house of wax
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
. Smut
. Fluff
. Angst
. Comfort
. Horror
{Smut dos}
. The characters on the list above
. Slow build
. Porn with plot
. Sub reader
. Survice Sub reader
. Male reader
. Cis male reader
. Trans male reader (ftm)
{Kinks i absolutely write for}
. Blood kinks
. Bondage
. Choking
. Overstim
. Edging
. Anything rough (minus rape)
. Body worship
. Sex to music (idk what it's called)
. Foreplay
. Knife play (non traumatic)
. Gun play (non traumatic)
. Size kink
. Masochic
. Sadistic
. Crying (non forced way)
. Mutual masturbation
. Soft sex
. Soft Dom characters allowed
. After care
. No after cares allowed to
. Headcanons
{Smut mabeys}
. Forced (as long as content I'd giving at some point)
. Stalking
(unless it's a slasher that does that)
{Smut donts}
. Piss kinks
. Fences kinks
. Feet kinks
. Pedophila
. pro ships
. Charater x character
. Necrophilia
. Death kinks
. Gun play (traumatic)
. Knife play (traumatic)
. Female reader
. Dom reader
. Asking me to write with a character that isn't on the list (goes for all) unless I reply say I will once I watch the series.
. Rape
. Pet play (it makes me uncomfy)
(You can ask me if I will write for a character tho if it's not on the list)
{Fluff/ comfort dos}
. Mental break down comfort
. Cuddling
. Dysphoria comfort
. Motivational
. Nightmare comfort
. After care fic
. Soft head cannons
{Angst dos}
. Readers death (reaction)
. Character death
. Injured
. Fainted
. Arguments
(That's all I can think of rn)
{Horror fics dos}
. Slasher character
. Yandere
. Murder
. Gore
. Kidnapping
. Death
. Killer reader
. Taunting
. Stalking
. 16-30 year old reader (if the reader is 16 there will probably not be smut unless it's like stu or somthing)
. Killer couple
. Ghost reader
I will writer for NonBinary reader 𝑏𝑢𝑡 it may take longer if requested.
Under no circumstances will a write for a female reader I will write ftm but not female
Also all female allied that have a fetish for gay relationships or reader yaoi may NOT  interact with my posts you will be blocked.
(Will add new characters as I watch more movies and shows)
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
Request list?
hi there!!!
In the queue, I have...
- boys x reader who is obsessed with plushies
- very drunk beatles x reader (set in hamburg)
- beatles supporting reader through PMDD diagnosis + symptoms (nonbinary/masc reader)
- kid!beatles x kid!reader
- beatles x male SO who has trouble expressing their emotions
- ticklish beatles
- what they argue about + how they apologize
- Smoke & Serendipity Part 3
I really wasn't expecting this much love and this many requests when I reopened this blog, but I am grateful for every one and they will all be filled !!!
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ellecdc · 4 months
🧺 hi lovie!! ive been going back and forth on sending this for like a month bc i didnt wanna be a bother but i just wanna say congratulations??!?? on 2k!?!? all the love!! and support!! 💖💝!!
first off, im a quiet reader but when i tell u i have deleted absolutely deranged comments crying over your writing. i actually love u sm i cant even go to sleep w/o one of ur fics anymore.... a lil treat to end the day 😞💌 but seriously tho i feel like you genuinely help our mental sanity and stability and i wanna thank you for being here <3
i'd love to request matchmaker 💘💘:
favorite colors would definitely be dark green and black (funny bc im a slytherin too 😭)
i love love love reading, listening to music, sleeping (also funny bc i get like none 🤩⁉️) and i play the electric guitar!!
i dont watch a lot of things bc im always just rewatching comfort stuff so erm im just gonna ramble a lot abt my favorite music instead ☠️? here's some music recs 😭? i like a wide range of stuff so one extreme we got like soul crunchingly sad music?? ⁽ᵇᶦˡˡᶦᵉ, ʰᵒᶻᶦᵉʳ, ᵐᶦᵗˢᵏᶦ, ˢᵘᶠʲᵃⁿ ˢᵗᵉᵛᵉⁿˢ ᶠᵗʷ!!⁾. then we have the parasites in me (girlypop music!! taylor, bts, the weeknd and lana!!). then theres the really old and really white man in me (nirvana, rolling stones, beatles, kiss, queen, metallica). then we have the Oldest White Man in me (tchaikovsky, debuss-ing ⁽ᵖˡˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢ ʰᵒʳʳᶦᵇˡᵉ⁾ ⁽ᶦ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈⁿᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖ ᶦᵗ⁾ and einaudi). also only one im a lil ashamed of but that Younger White Boy in me... (cant believe im admitting this but like. travis scott, jack harlow, lil nas x and metro boomin are lowkey fire...) (im an afab girl btw mdsjksjds i feel like i should mention that with all these white male jokes help) (sorry for this genuine brick wall of text help)
PLS i didnt mean to rambfl so much im sorry. but erm. favorite animal. cats!! and wolves!! i feel like the internet's ruined it with all the jokes but oh i was born to be a lil wolf frolicking with the gang getting up to shenanigans in the woods :(
again, not to be a bother pls feel free to skip over this one if you have too many asks to get through!! i rambled way too much xmksdjjk 😭 (bonus question + reverse matchmaker but im curious abt who you would ship yourself with?!?!! (i'd guess barty or james!?!)) sending so much love 🎀💖
"because you didn't want to be a bother" BESTIE......you don't bother me please for the love of god send the asks and the comments, I'm begging you [especially if you're gonna be a cutie pie]
the parasites in you hahahaha ok so I want to say Sirius because of the slytherin/opposites attract kind of thing but I also think you guys have a lot in common re: music lovers. also he would love to frolic in the woods with you.
It also gives me Barty vibes? Because your music is so all-over the place [in the best way] which is so Barty-core tbh. I think he too would like to frolic in the woods with you <3
-> as for your question; I've always considered myself a Remus girlie. but I was asked this earlier on in my celebration and people had me answer the questions and they also shipped me with James and Lily!! so that's fun you're adding Barty hahaha
thanks for playing xx
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
Playlist-Chapter 2: The magnificent seven
Pairing: 80's Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, smut (Virgin Noel and Virgin Reader, Loss of virginity, P in V sex, unprotected sex), language, mention of blood and wounds, maybe a few spelling mistakes but I hope not
Words: 4632
Summary: You and Noel are now misfit teens. Something happens in high school, you think Noel is being beaten by his father, and something that wasn't planned at all in your mind happens.
A/N: Heya ! Merry Late Christmas ! I'm late, my computer had a problem and I couldn't publish the chapter without it. This chapter might maybe shock some of you because there is CONSENSUAL smut between teenagers, and they're not underage ! I don't usually write this type of stuff because it makes me ill at ease, but this is part of the story so I had to deal with it the way I could. I recall that sexual majority and age of consent in the UK is 16 years old. In case I might have problems or maybe you doubt it, here's a link that will witness what I say : https://lawstuff.org.uk/police-and-law/age-of-consent/
I just hope you won't report this chapter, I took a lot of time writing it and it would spoil my work so if you're shocked I'd advice you to to skip it and not read it, but you might have missing elements for the rest so it's both my problem and not at all. As per usual... Enjoy !
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“Ring! Ring! It's 7:00 A.M.! Move y'self to go again Cold water in the face Brings you back to this awful place Knuckle merchants and you bankers, too Must get up an' learn those rules Weather man and the crazy chief One says sun and one says sleet A.M., the F.M. the P.M. too Churning out that boogaloo Gets you up and gets you out But how long can you keep it up? Gimme Honda, Gimme Sony So cheap and real phony Hong Kong dollars and Indian cents English pounds and Eskimo pence
You lot! What? Don't stop! Give it all you got! You lot! What? Don't stop! Yeah! »
Teenage years came, the outsider era as well, Noel and I were now 15 years old. We still were neighbours and the best of friends, we were inseparable. Noel and I now had some male friends. He had stopped stammering. We were some kind of hooligans, and I wasn’t scared to fight with someone else if needed.
Most days, we were skipping high school to eat these famous “magic mushrooms”.
Noel was still in probation for what he did 4 months before. When he was still 14, he robbed a local store and was arrested. That’s when he decided to learn guitar.
We were punks, heading out every weekend without our parents knowing to go to gigs, and to go in fields to watch the stars and smoke pot, taking the cassette-radio with us to listen to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd or even the Sex Pistols. I had the Cassettes and Noel had the Vinyls.
We never were at Noel’s place. He didn’t want me to meet his “dick of a father” as he said before. And to talk to each other when we weren’t together, we were using a chalk and a slate that we were showing to each other from our windows as these were one opposite the other.
He shared his room with Liam, who even though he was a kid, could be a real pain in the ass. Why? Because this little bastard, sometimes, when I was calling his brother with the help of my torch lamp, was the one answering by showing me his butt.
One day, the first separation came. We were in chemistry class, and oh, it went bad.
So what shit do we have to do today? I asked
Huh… We have to create a formula for the dilution of a chemical solution… I don’t know shit!
I don’t either. Chemistry is shit.
We agree on that.
Ready to make the classroom explode Noely?
Fuck yes, I don’t even understand why ye insisted on coming in chemistry class or even school!
But you followed me! I said, winking at him
Ye know I’d follow ye everywhere, cock. But still, why?
Just need some grades to go on our next year of high school, I don’t want to repeat a year, and my parents would kill me.
But ye suck at chemistry!
And so do you.
Well anyway, I just want ye to know that if ye do the wrong mix, I was happy to know yer fer 10 years me dear Y/N.
Shut the fuck up you fucker! I answered laughing and giving him a punch in the ribs
Miss Y/L/N, Mr Gallagher, do ye need some help? The teacher said when seeing us
Nah thank you mister, I can slap him alone.
And I can her make her think she’s going to make the classroom alone as well, thank ye. Noel added
Ye two should mind yer language and stop being cheeky before I send ye both to detention!
Yeah well, it won’t be the first nor the last time we will not be going because we ain’t got time for that shit. I murmured to Noel
Too right. We’re ghosts here. Kaboom?
Kaboom. I answered, a mischievous smile on my face
That’s when one of our classmates decided to be a complete idiot and throw a flour bomb at the teacher. The classmate right behind us.
And he thought it was Noel.
Gallagher! Out! To the director’s office! the teacher yelled at him
Why? I didn’t do it!
Yes sir! He didn’t do it!
Y/L/N, you want to join him?
No, but I swear!  It wasn’t Noel!
Shut up ye bitch! I heard behind me
What did you just called me fuck face? I threatened
Silence ! Y/L/N, yer going to detention!
Perfect! I’ll be coming at 28pm during the weekend of the 42 of Novembruary!
There’s nothing I could do. Noel got accompanied to the director’s office and I left the high school, waiting for Noel outside.
I saw him appear in front of me 2 hours later.
As Peggy was working at the high school’s canteen, she already knew everything.
So? A full month of detention and public apologies to the teacher or are you gonna be hanged on a public place?
I got expelled.
No fucking way. Noely, I’m going to see the director and I’ll tell him I witnessed the scene and that it wasn’t you!
It’s too late Y/N… He won’t believe it. They know about what I did 4 months ago, the robbery. They needed a head of steam, they found one and anyway, I was fed up with school, so all the better.
But…What about me?
Don’t worry ‘bout that, we’ll keep seeing each other everyday.
Fuck, I’ll stop going to school as well and find myself a job.
No Y/N, don’t quit high school because I won’t be there anymore. Yer smart, much more than I am, obtain yer GCSE, do it fer me, please.
I’ll find meself a job. But with me case, probably going to have to work with the other crap.
You mean…
Me father, yeah. Oh fuck, I don’t want to go home.
Let’s walk to the happy forest.
The “happy forest”, yes, the forest next to our high school, that’s how we were calling it.
We got home at 7pm, high and Noel was absolutely petrified. He knew what would happen.
By the time, I started asking myself some questions, started understanding that my best friend was in danger, and I understood it this evening.
See you at the window?
As always. He answered squeezing my hand
Love you Noely.
Love ye too cock.
He hugged me as if his life depended on it and went to his house.
At 9pm, while I was reading a book, I heard it.
Tommy was back home and was shouting at everyone.
I heard loud noises coming from his house and I knew it was nothing good. It lasted about 20 minutes.
I approached my window waiting to see Noel appear on the other side. I saw the light in his room go on, but instead, I saw Liam appear, afraid and crying.
He didn’t seem hurt which were good news.
Then the door opened, and Noel appeared. His nose and mouth were bleeding, and he had a hand holding his ribs as if he had been kicked there. He was crying as well.
This day, I understood that his father had been doing this for years and that when I punched him earlier this day, he was already hurt.
He saw me watching, tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
I grabbed my slate and a chalk and wrote on it before showing it to him.
“What happened?”
He then grabbed his, wrote on it and showed it to me.
“The usual, but worse”
“How long has it been?”
“Years. I didn’t want you to discover it. And certainly not like that.”
“I had doubts. Deep down I think I already knew.”
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t Noely. But why didn’t you tell me?”
“Shame, and I didn’t want to worry you.”
“I told you I already had doubts about it. You should have told me when I first saw your bruises.”
“You would have told your mam.”
“Which would be normal, yes, but if you don’t want me to tell, I won’t. At least as long as I am sure your father isn’t planning on killing you.”
“He won’t. Got to comfort Liam.”
“Go. And treat yourself!”
“I will.”
My protection mode had been activated.
After this, Noel got to work with his father, just like he told me. I succeeded my classes.
In November 1983, everything changed.
November 1983:
Noel and I were now 16 years old, and we had discovered a new band a few months ago that became one of our favourites. The Smiths. We were planning on going to their gig in Huddersfield, but we wouldn’t go. Because as I said, everything changed in just 3 days.
November 21st 1983:
When coming back from school, I wasn’t expecting for Peggy to be with my mother in the living room.
I came back home, screaming as per usual.
Y/N, how many times will I have to tell you not to scream for God’s sake!
I know! You just know that I love having all the attention on me! I joked, taking off my jacket and dropping my bag in the middle of the hall.
Y/N, school bag in your room please.
It will be, but first I want my snack! I’m hungry!
There are cookies in the cupboard above the closet. Tea’s with me in the living room.
Thanks mam!
I took my pack of cookies and my favourite mug with me and went in the living room to find my mother.
That’s when I saw Peggy was there. I was used to see her here. So used to it that I know recognized her from behind.
Heya Peggy!
She turned to face me and that’s when I saw it, the black eye she had. The blackeye her asshole ex-husband gave her.
Hello me beautiful Y/N.
Fu…Freaking hell, Peggy, who did this to you?
Y/N, this isn’t… my mother started
Who? I insisted, stopping my mother before she could finish her sentence
Thomas, sweetheart. He found us, I don’t know how and who told him.
I swear I’m going to kill this motherfucker.
Y/N, language!
No mam, I won’t apologise for saying the truth and I what I think.
She’s right Y/M/N, even though it still doesn’t look good in a pretty girl’s mouth like ye Y/N.
I know, but I don’t care Peggy. You moved so he wouldn’t find you, hurt the boys and you anymore and start over.
Don’t worry sweetie. If he comes back, I’ll call the police.
You better. Was he drunk again?
As usual.
How are the boys?
They’re fine Y/N, don’t worry about this.
But I am worried.
Yes, I ended up opening my mouth and telling my mother. Because Noel was presenting more and more bruises everyday and I was shitting myself everyday by the idea of losing him, so I told my mom. That’s where we discovered that Peggy and Paul also were victims. So my mom invited Peggy, telling her she knew everything, and she helped her to find a new home and she moved out with the boys. I still admire my mom for that today.
So Noel and I weren’t neighbours anymore, but he still was alive, and it was and still is what mattered the most. Especially when he was coming to see me like he did that night.
November 22nd 1983:
It was about 10pm and raining as fuck. I was listening to The Clash’s The magnificent seven when I heard a noise against my window. Then again. Someone was throwing rocks at it, and only one person would do that.
I opened the window and received a stone in the face.
Oh fuck, soz Y/N!
What the fuck Noel?!
I thought ye didn’t hear me.
Come on, come up here, it’s cold and raining you fucking moron!
It was my visit of the day, as per usual, we were still seeing each other everyday.
Noel climbed up the hedge to my bedroom window. I stepped back to give him room to get in. And that’s when I saw these again. Those bruises and blood running down his face.
Oh my God! Noel! What the fuck happened?
Noel walked painfully to my bed and struggled to sit on it.
He came back.
Your father?
Who else?
You’ll tell me everything. I’ll grab the first aid kit. And be quiet, my parents are asleep.
He nodded as a response.
I went downstairs to grab a tea towel and some ice, came back upstairs, went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, and came back in my bedroom.
Here. Thought you might need this. I said handing him the tea towel
Thank ye. He answered, taking it
I opened the first aid kit bag and took out compresses, alcohol, and bandages.
So? I said, starting to treat him
He came back, fucking wasted as per usual. He entered through the back door, and he found mam. He had followed me when we were done working. He started hitting her and tried raping her. I heard her scream from me room even though I was playing guitar. So I rushed downstairs, and Liam joined me. We got to take him off her and I fought with him. And… ye can see he won, Paul had to come home to take him off me and kick him out for it to stop.
For fuck’s sake… huh… this is my first time doing this and this is alcohol so it might hurt.
It’s okay Y/N. Do it.
I started dabbing the compress on the wounds on his face to remove the blood and clean these. He hissed in pain several times but did not complain.
Take off your jacket and your tee. He also had you there.
Noel executed himself and oh, with the blood, so many bruises were there. Asif his father broke him some ribs.
Fucking hell Noel, how could he do that to you?
I don’t know. But at least, he beat the talent into me.
Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. I was horrified.
I cleaned the wounds once again and when I was done, Noel picked the tea towel and put it on the bruise that hurt him the most while I threw what I used to treat him in my bin.
I came back to sit next to him, watching his face contort with pain, his teeth biting his lower lip and had trouble breathing.
Can I…touch?
Why? He answered
Yes, ye can.
I put my hand on the massive bruise on his ribs.
Does it hurt?
Yea. He always kicks me here.  As if he knew what he was doing, where it hurts.
I ran my hand there carefully so I was sure I wouldn’t hurt him more than he already was. And suddenly, I burst into tears.
Y/N? Noel asked, stunned
Soz Noel, don’t mind me…
Noel took me in his arms, holding me tight and left a kiss on my cheek.
When he let go of me, I made sure to lower my head so he wouldn't see me crying.
Hey, I should be the one crying here. He chuckled
But it didn’t make me laugh and my tears were getting worse. I was hurt to see Noel hurt.
With his hand, he raised my head so that our faces faced each other.
Our looks met, and Noel held my face in his hands.
He paid attention to my sad look and my crying eyes for a few more seconds before crushing his lips on mine urgently. As if his life depended on it.
I answered the kiss even though in shock and troubled. It wasn’t my first kiss, and it wasn’t his.
He ran his tongue on my lips, asking for entrance and I let him.
Our tongues met and he deepened the kiss. I went from being sad to horny and sad.
Noel laid me on my bed, him on top of me, still kissing me, his hands roaming over my body. He was so tender. One of my hands went in his hair and the other went caressing his back.
Then his hands tugged at my pyjama, which was only an oversized shirt.
I pushed him a little bit and unbuttoned it. I wanted him. He wanted me. Maybe was it a mistake to do this now, but in truth, I never thought it was one.
Noel put his lips on my neck, kissing it and made me shiver. God, his kisses were everything. They then slid to my still covered breasts.
He pushed aside the edges of my shirt so that he could see them, my top being now exposed to him, the only remaining fabric being my undies.
Noel was in awe. And he didn’t know what to do with them, which made him as nervous as I was.
Are ye sure ye want this? He asked
Yes Noely. I want this. But…
I… I’ve never done this before. I answered
Me neither. He answered, smiling
Good, we now knew that we were two horny, virgin teenagers, who wanted each other.
Noel seemed lost, so I helped him by kissing him passionately.
I tugged at his jeans at the same time, indicating him to take these off.
He got the message and stood up. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped them before stepping out of them. Meanwhile, I took off my shirt and stepped back on the bed to rest my head on my pillow. Noel came back on top of me, kissing me again. He grinded on my clothed womanhood, making me whimper at the sensation.
Noel was hesitant. His fingers were tugging at my undies but didn’t dare to touch my womanhood as if I would change my mind. But I was sure. I grabbed his hand and put it on the hem of these to show him he could take them off me and touch me the way we both wanted.
He didn’t hesitate anymore and slid them off. The second after, he was looking at me, naked under him.
Yer so perfect… He whispered
I blushed. I was ready but couldn’t get enough of his lips on mine.
Please, kiss me more.
And like this, he was back on me, trembling and dry humping me.
I could feel his clothed member twitch against my thigh.
Came the moment where I started feeling like I couldn’t take the tension anymore.
My hands slid under his boxers, touching his ass. I started sliding them down and he got the message again.
He got up and took them off, also leaving him bare in front of me.
He blushed at his turn and sat on the bed.
Are you okay? I asked
Yea, I’m just nervous, me.
Me too, but hey, it’s okay!
I kissed him again to reassure him and slowly guided him on top of me again, between my legs.
He started grinding against me again, precum leaking out of his member and getting wet with my juices.
The friction was driving me crazy; my clit being stimulated in the process.
Can I? Noel asked, wanting to take things further
Yes, go slow at first please.
Of course.
He entered me slowly, all trembling, centimetre by centimetre until he was fully inside me.
Fuck… yer so tight…
It hurt a lot. It stung. And Noel saw it.
Are ye okay?
Will be. Just give me a minute before moving, okay?
Yea, I need a minute too or I’m going to explode.
We both were a trembling mess, nervous but so wanting and excited.
I finally nodded to indicate him to move, and he put his lips on mine, kissing me while starting thrusting in me.
It still hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable. It even was pleasant. This sensation of being filled up while it still stung a bit was pleasant.
Noel started groaning lowly. He wouldn’t last long.
His hand grabbed mine, squeezing it, his lips still staying on mine. It was so tender.
Yes Y/N?
You can move a little faster if you want.
Alright, but I’m not sure I’m gonna last.
It’s okay…
He sped up his movements, causing me to start whimpering. It started to feel good.
Fuck Y/N… He moaned
My free hand came wandering on his body, ending up in his hair.
I would not know what an orgasm was yet, but I would know what letting go is.
I let myself melt under his touch and I started moaning lowly for how pleasurable it started to be.
My insides accidentally convulsed around Noel’s shaft. He stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes.
My face was showing signs of pleasure and it drove him crazy. I felt his hand squeeze mine harder and he bit my shoulder, muffling his grunts. He pulled out at the same time and spilled himself on my stomach. It had lasted only 5 minutes, but these were the first best moments of my life. These 5 minutes that changed my life and our relationship. But I didn’t know it yet.
Noel collapsed on top of me as I left kisses on his forehead.
Soz but we had no condom… He said, out of breath
It’s okay, I don’t mind Noely.
He looked at me and kissed me again before getting up and grabbing my shirt to clean our mess or more like his mess on my stomach before leaving a kiss there and laying next to me, taking me in his arms, as we let ourselves fall into Morpheus arms.
November 23rd, 1983:
I woke up at 9am, alone in my bed, Noel was gone.
He hadn’t left a word or anything.
I was sore from the night before, and suddenly, I remember wat happened. Noel and I had sex the night before. We had been each other’s first. Something that wasn’t planned. Because we weren’t dating, right?
But I didn’t regret anything. I was scared Noel might. I did as nothing happened the whole morning.
At 2pm, having no signs of Noel when we were supposed to go to The Smiths gig, I started to worry. So I called.
Hello? I heard a feminine voice answer
Peggy? It’s Y/N.
Oh hello me beautiful Y/N, how are ye?
I’m fine, it’s you I should ask.
I’m good, thank ye.
Is…Is Noel here?
No, he went camping with Liam until tomorrow.
Okay… can you tell him I called when he’ll be back, please?
Of course. See ye Y/N.
See ya.
Yeah, I wasn’t happy and cool about it. Firstly, Noel let me down and there was no way he could have forgotten about the gig. And secondly, I felt like Noel regretted what we had done and would never speak to me again.
During a whole month, I had no news from him, until Paul called me.
December 31st 1983:
Having no news from the most important person in my life after my parents was hurting me. And there was worse. I understood a few days after what happened that I was falling in love with Noel.
But all of this was probably over. I tried to overcome this by trying to make me think about something else with books and music. It was New Year’s Eve and for the first time in years, I had nothing planned, or so I thought.
Y/N, phone call! My father shouted
I thought he was the one calling, so I literally ran downstairs.
Hi Y/N, it’s Paul.
I was a bit disappointed but tried to hide it.
Oh hey Paul!
Have ye anything planned tonight? I’m soz for being late to propose but our kid and I are organizing a little party tonight, do ye want to come?
Huh, yeah, of course!
Noel will be there. I know ye haven’t seen each other for a few and I think that’s a bad thing so…
Okay. Do I have to bring something?
Just a few bottles if ye can, we have the rest.
I’ll be there.
At 6pm, I put on my favourite blue night dress, some make up, a faux-fur coat, some boots, took a full bottle I had under my bed, my pack of cigarettes and left for the party.
When I arrived, I saw everyone but Noel. And when he arrived and saw me, he totally avoided me.
I didn’t understand, we didn’t do anything wrong.
By 11pm, everyone was having fun when I was sat on a chair, tipsy, and had no trace of Noel. So I went outside, smoking cigarettes on cigarettes.
By 11:55, someone opened the door and joined me. Here he was, standing in front of me. He hesitated.
Hi… he started
Hi… I pursued
Can…Can I sit with ye?
Yes. I even think you should.
I know. We have to…
Talk? Yeah.
He sat next to me, lighting a cigarette, and taking a puff before blowing smoke in the cold humid air.
Why Noel? I asked
I needed to think.
About what happened? Noel, if you think I regret it, I don’t and I loved it. If it had to happen again, I would let the exact same thing happen.
I don’t regret it either and I loved it too.
Then what’s the fucking problem?
I…I feel like ye won’t feel the same way but…
I realized I love ye Y/N.
I was stunned, we felt the same.
And yer not saying anything so not hard to guess ye don’t and I fucked up.
You’re wrong, you didn’t. I feel the same Noely. For the last month I realized this too. I thought you regretted what happened and that you never wanted to see me ever again.
Oh no Y/N, the past month I couldn’t stop thinking about yer lips on mine, how I held ye tight when we slept, how I loved being inside ye and making love to ye. How I always want to spend time with ye. I mean it Y/N, I love ye.
We heard the others inside start counting down the countdown, 1984 was about to begin.
Okay, fer 1984, I want ye to be me girlfriend and I’ll start it by kissing ye.
Okay then 4…3…2…1…
And Noel crushed his lips on mine, deepening the kiss by letting his tongue dance with mine.
And when we separated, he looked at me, smiling like an idiot.
Happy new year Noely.
Happy new year, me lovely girlfriend.
And as soon as his sentence was over, the fireworks started lighting the sky, and we watched it, hand in hand.
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readandenjoy · 1 year
Brian May x Male Reader Oneshot! (my first publication that emotion) ((ENGLISH))
Warnings: Overly cute, Brian being too sweet, You're sweet
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Brian would definitely be the big spoon, or sometimes you would wake up with his hair all over your face depending on the weather😽
He would definitely wake up around 7 or 8 so he would have time to make you your favorite breakfast (love the kid) and take it to bed (love x2)
When you wake up he would give you a kiss on the mouth and kisses all over your face then would hug you and then you get up and prepare for a tiring day
It depends on the day if you have to do the shopping or stay at home with a very softie Brian
Option 1 (You stay at home with Brian 💗)
After breakfast they would both go to bathe at the same time but don't think ugly things, Brian would be very respectful and would not do anything to you while they bathe unless you ask (ojoporojo 👀)
After bathing and drying off you would put his creams to the hair (I don't know why but I imagine that Brian puts cream in his hair to make it look nice) and if you use some cream for your short hair (if you have short hair obviously) then he would put it on you
Then they would both start cleaning the house while listening to the Beatles, then they would both be very tired and would throw themselves on the sofa to put on a movie and go to sleep again (but only a 30-minute nap).
When they wake up, it will probably be time for a snack (here where I live, snacks are just for a coffee and bread) like the old money that Brian is, he would take you to Starbucks for a snack, and then they would go to a shopping center to buy things and pamper yourself
They would leave around 6 and then go home. In this case, you make dinner and you're kind of in the kitchen, so you'd do your best, but whatever Brian wants, he'll eat whatever you make. For him, that would be the most delicious in the world (Even though he was pooped)
After that they would both get ready to sleep (because I feel that Brian is a man who goes to sleep at 9 😨) They would put on their shared teddy pajamas and go to sleep
-B: Good night my love~
-M/n: Good night Bri ♡
Option 2 (Brian goes with the boys and you stay at home) ❤️
First, if it's cold, you would put Brian's knitted scarf for you (what a nice gesture) and then you would say goodbye to him with a soft kiss and then go back inside and fall asleep for another little while
After waking up you would get ready to do the monthly shopping, grab a lot of fruit and of course a lot of grapefruit (I saw that May's favorite fruit was grapefruit so) you would pay and immediately go home because of the great cold of London
After putting everything away, you would go to the boys to listen to their practices and gossip a bit with Freddie, who annoyed you by saying that you are more Gay than himself, since you and Brian cannot spend a minute without hugging or kissing.
It should be clarified that Brian was never afraid of success and made his relationship public, which most of his fans took well and the others (those who took it badly) go to hell ♡
After you finish their practices and your ears are blessed by their songs, you would hug everyone goodbye and go home with Brian.
Then they would do the whole routine of bathing and putting on a cream and now if they go to sleep
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I hope you liked my first publication, just to clarify that English is not my first language and I do fanfics in Spanish but I modify it in the google translator lol, in fact what I am writing I am also translating anyway make requests beautiful people (please) 💖😿
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Various WWF Wrestlers, Sunny x Fem Reader- "Vicinity of Obscenity"
This is an actual confession about myself...I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which means that I have more testosterone in my body than what a woman should have.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome causes me to have irregular periods that don't come for months (and I'm not pregnant) and it eventually turns into heavy menstrual cycles that last for weeks.
One of the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome is having a low sex drive, and to be honest, I think I have a low sex drive.
I've had a shot to treat my PCOS, and I wonder in the future if I will have a high sex drive after I get treated for polycystic ovarian syndrome?
During the golden age of burlesque performances in the 1930's and 1940's, men would masturbate while sitting in front of the stage as female burlesque dancers undressed for these men.
In the 1970's, an all female teenage rock band known as the Runaways were created because their sleazy manager knew how girls would lust over sexy male rock stars like Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and David Bowie, so why not have the same effect for horny guys?
Janis Joplin wasn't exactly a sex symbol.
The Runaway's manager paid men to act like sex crazed lunatics at their concerts just to hype the band up as sex symbols (despite that the girls in the Runaways were underage)---which included men masturbating against the stage during their performances, but those men jacking off were paid by the Runaways' manager after their performance.
There's no doubt there were male wrestling fans masturbating in the audiences and crowds during the Attitude era, ECW and maybe even the Ruthless Aggression era, maybe even the PG era too, where men and boys would masturbate to beautiful, oversexualized divas and the Godfather's hoes.
In fact, when you were at the height of your popularity during the Attitude era in the late 90's (as well as your brief stint in ECW at the end of the year 2000), there were male wrestling fans in the audience jacking off to you, there were even some male fans in the audience masturbating to you in the early 2000's, though you were still a bombshell at the beginning of the early millennium.
You somewhat don't mind it over male wrestling fans masturbating to you in the crowds and audience, but some of those male wrestling fans masturbating to you in wrestling shows are really ugly and unattractive.
Not to mention, those men masturbating in public would be charged for sexual crimes.
Professional wrestling has planted fans---people that are put in the audience to pretend and act like fans, and during the late 1990's you suggested to the creative staff to have sexy planted male fans masturbate to you in the front row.
Vince Russo and Vince McMahon ate that up, but the censors at the USA Networks didn't agree with it, not to mention the rest of the WWF's creative staff weren't too keen on it.
One day in June of 1997, before Rob Van Dam left the WWF and joined ECW again, you invited Rob as well as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Shawn Michaels, Brian Pillman and Tommy Rogers from the Fantastics to the empty seats in the audience.
There were no fans in the audience and no cameras filming these wrestlers as well as you.
When you invited these wrestlers, this day was not on a "Monday Night Raw" episode, a pay-per-view or any other WWF show episode ("Shotgun Saturday Night") broadcast on television for people to see.
You and these wrestlers were having freetime.
You told these wrestlers what you wanted them to do to you when you and Sunny (the WWF's current it girl and biggest sex symbol at the time) come out.
Shawn, Hunter, Tommy, Rob and Brian all stood in the front row in the seats, and all of those men except for Rob had their long hair hanging down.
Once these men all stood in the front row, you and Sunny began to strut down to the ring.
Sunny entered the arena dressed in that blue crop top with matching blue shorts with a black feathered boa draped across her shoulderblades with these matching black boots, whereas you wore a sleeveless black halter top that showed off your midriff and ended below your breasts with these matching black short shorts and black boots.
Sunny wore that outfit on a "Monday Night Raw" episode where she arm wrestled Marlena as well as during a photoshoot; she looks good in that outfit!
Your outfit was arguably not as sexy as Sunny's.  
As you and Sunny strutted together to the ring, Sunny's head was turned sideways looking at the wrestlers standing front row, where she smiled and flirtatiously waved at them and blew them kisses as she walked closer to them.
Sunny actually quickly flashed some bare skin on the side of her body as she strutted to these men, only for her feathered boa to cover it up.
You, too, turned your head sideways and blew kisses at those male wrestlers lined up front row, smiling at them and waving at them.
Shawn, Hunter, Rob, Tommy and Brian, on the other hand, happily cheered for you and Sunny as you and her walked down to the ring.
"They're makin' my dick hard!" Rob stated about you and Sunny with his head turned next to who he was standing by.
"Me too!" Brian, Hunter and Shawn chimed in, although not saying that in unison.
Tommy was getting an erection looking at Sunny and you, he just wouldn't say.
One of Shawn's, Rob's and Brian's fists were pumping up in the air as you and Sunny strolled down to the ring, and Shawn and Brian both whistled at you like how men whistle at attractive women.
Shawn, Hunter, Rob, Tommy and Brian all pulled their penises out of their shorts as you and Sunny paraded to the ring, where one of their hands were masturbating their erections forming.
Those aforementioned men's heads turned when you and Sunny strutted to the ring, their eyes and heads following you and Sunny as you and she pranced down to the ring together.
When you and Sunny were next to the ring, you and Sunny walked up the little stairs leading up the ring and ducked under the ropes.
Those men's eyes were still all on you and Sunny when you were inside the ring as well as walking up those stairs, and those men were still all masturbating to you and her.
You wish other male professional wrestlers like Jeff Hardy, Nova from ECW, Scott Hall, Chris Jericho, Jim Powers from WCW and others could've been the many men masturbating to you as well as Sunny, but those men were in other companies that they're not allowed to come to (except Jeff Hardy).
(Also, I could've set this fanfic in May of 1997 when Jeff Hardy was in the WWF, but I've written and set so many fanfics in that month that there probably wouldn't be a lot of time for Jeff to masturbate to the fem reader in the ring!).
Even though Sunny is beautiful, you wish these men's attention could be more on you instead of her.
You even wish you could've worn her outfit she's wearing.
"So what do you want us to do?" you asked these men while you leaned over to the ropes, your voice loud so they can hear you. "Y'want us to strip? Dance? Both?"
Maybe even pretend to catfight each other, although the WWF making women catfight didn't happen until a year later.
"Show your tits!" Rob suggested as one of his hands was beating off.
Rob's heard that many times in ECW considering the fans in the crowds would chant "show your tits!" at the women.
Your hands grabbed the bottom of your top and raised it up, flashing and exposing your bare breasts in front of these men.
These wrestlers cheered and whistled when you showed off your bare chest, smiling as you showed them your tits.
"Let Sunny do it too!" Shawn Michaels suggested, which these men standing near him agreed.
Rob and Brian could easily chant "Show your tits" at her.
"If you say so!" Sunny said with a smirk on her face, where her hands grabbed the bottom of your top and raised and pulled it up, showing off her barenaked breasts to these men.
Sunny's flash got even louder cheers from these men than you.
While you and Sunny have been standing in the ring (as well as showing off your breasts), these male wrestlers in the audience you've invited have still continued masturbating to you and her.
Precum was staring to form out of their slits and nearly drip on the floor.
You and Sunny both then pulled your tops back down until they were covering your breasts.
What exactly is there for you and her to do in this ring for these men to masturbate to you?
Maybe dance or kiss each other.
Sunny has often danced a few times.
"Y'want us to dance?" you asked these men. "Touch myself?"
"Do a little bit of both!" Hunter suggested.
These men probably want you and Sunny to lesbian out with each other.
Either way, you and Sunny started bouncing around, not jumping up in the air but dancing a bit, Sunny had her arms up in the air as she smiled and danced and so did you.
As you danced, one of your hands reached at your crotch area and started rubbing it, your hand stroking your vulva covered by your shorts.
These men were cheering for you and Sunny as you danced, many of them whistling at you.
One idea you had was where you leaned your chest forward over the ropes, blowing kisses at these male wrestlers lined up while your feet were in the air, doing what Terri Runnels does.
"If I wore a miniskirt, I'd show off my panties to them!" Sunny said.
"Me too!" you agreed.
These men wanted to see that for sure, even though they've seen you in your panties already.
"Can I get a blowjob after this?" Brian asked.
"Sure!" you answered. "I'll give you all head and swallow it!"
Those men cheered hearing that.
"I want Sunny to give me head too!" Brian added.
"Me too!" Shawn, Rob and Hunter chimed in.
There were a few other people in the WWF who saw those male wrestlers masturbating in public to you and Sunny, those male wrestlers could easily go to jail for breaking the law, but you explained to these other people it was your idea to have these male wrestlers masturbating to you and Sunny while you and her strutted to the ring.
When Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage were in the WWF again, you and Sunny invited Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff and Christian front row while the seats behind them were all completely empty (and this wasn't on a WWF episode or pay per view), where you and Sunny strutted down to the ring in skimpy outfits while these men cheered and masturbated to you and her.
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bisousbabie · 2 years
hi <3 just came across ur blog and i love theme sm!! could i request a 'new years kiss' for male!marauders era (although im questioning sexuality so if u think id go well with a girl i rlly don't mind) x
my name is eva rose, my pronouns are she/her (i think??) and i'm straight. i'm a sagittarius with a virgo moon & a leo rising, a ravenclaw & an enfp. i'm 5''3 with curly auburn hair & a relatively petite hourglass figure.
i would describe myself as witty, fun, observant, empathetic and intuitive. i'm an idealist and an introverted extrovert (if that makes sense). im rlly close to my family
i feel most like myself when i'm in old cities or by the ocean. i can be sensitive/emotional - i don't really have the energy to do a lot of things a lot of the time - mainly due to adhd & i have a pretty hot temper when i'm insecure.
i feel most comfortable in tight tops & baggy jeans - i'd say i like the 70s and 90s aesthetic. i love 60s-90s rock & indie music (queen, the beatles, david bowie), eyeliner, cute cafes, laughing at sleepovers.
my love language is quality time & i want a partner who makes me feel safe x and who i can laugh with
and could i also get a midnight - request a blurb or hc list! (I'm currently writing for all hp men and peter parker) open for both nsfw and sfw for dating sirius black as an anxious!/ravenclaw! reader? sfw pls as im pretty young ahah x
I ship you with remus ! you guys would be a gorgeous couple and the cosy/feeling safe thing suits him sm. you could totally listen to 60s rock and indie together 💗 your witty, fun, but intuitive traits would also be comfortable for him to be around
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johnpaul-ao3-feed · 9 months
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goldenwilliamson · 4 years
Sorry if this is unusual, but could I get hcs for how each of the Beatles would flirt with a boy?
some headcanons for beatles flirting with male!reader <333
this is the first time I’ve written in AGES and kind of out of my comfort zone since I’ve never written the boys with another boy before, but lucky for you out of my comfort zone is my favourite place to be! Hope this is alright hehe 
okay I just feel like paul would send so many flirty glances your way
like at first you’d wouldn’t be able to tell if they were intentionally flirty
but he’s glanced your way about 10 times and held eye contact with a playful smirk on his face, so you realise it is in fact in that way
he’s eventually make his way through the room towards you until you two find yourself in the same conversation
very subtle flirter at first paulie is
but then you two get talking, and he’d immediately be completely devoted to getting to know you
asking questions about what you do, trying to figure out who you are
he’d introduce himself humbly but really he doesn’t need an introduction
would definitely invite you out to get a drink with him later
and from there one thing would lead to another fo sureeeee
geo has such bi energy first of all, may i add. (but as a pisces, i will admit all pisces have bi energy (if bi energy is a thing) imho it is very much a thing)
feel like you two would find yourself sitting next to each other at a table
he’d definitely be flirty but it would be subtle and because he’s kind of quiet at first you wouldn’t be able to sense if he actually liked you or if he was just being kind
he would be laughing at all your jokes and probably be poking fun at you 
you two would probably find yourself alone sitting somewhere just in a really lovely deep conversation
very touchy guy, he’d probably find ways to make your knees brush or to brush some hair out of your face
he’d definitely leave by saying “i’d like to see you again”
and he would follow through on that 
okay ringo would be SO obvious but also because he’s so friendly you’d be like hmm is he being nice or is he being niceeee?
then he’d like put his hand between your shoulder blades quite sensually and you would be able to tell
he would be trying to get your attention and keep it in any way he can
wanting to get to know you so badly
i feel like george would probably come up to you just to let you know that ringo thinks you’re handsome
this would be followed by ringo gaining the courage to come right out and tell you himself
he’d probably invite you back to his place later
john is naturally a flirty person and you would know he’s flirting straight away
would give all his attention to you and make sure all your attention is on him
would be smothering you with smooth lines (he learnt this in his teddy boy days)
hand on your leg, shoulder, back etc. would break the physical touch barrier very quickly
would be so confident in himself, he knows he gets what he wants, after he is john lennon lol
overall just super attentive
would not be shy at all and wouldn’t play any little games
blunt and too the point
and would not be looking for anything more than a one night stand probably hah
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Which trope irritates you the most or you think is just plain ridiculous?
I’ll start
It’s when rude!guy is getting physically aggresive with female!protagonist at her place of work or somewhere public and male!protagonist gets into fisticuffs with rude!guy (for being rude duh!) yet somehow female!protagonist gets mad at male!protagonist (??????) for making a scene because she apparently had it “under control” even though rude!guy almost practically had her in a chokehold or something
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paulsmashedpotato · 4 years
12, 13 and 15 from the prompt list with john lennon, like him and a male reader (if possible) are running away together to somewhere in the country to live together. I was thinking 70s john maybe? kinda angsty at the beginning n fluffy at the end
+ oh and uh could the name be will/William? this is in relation to the running away together ask w/ john. sorry only just read the end bit.
Note: I know the band basically does not exist on this year anymore, but you know, this is fiction and stuff so we can just rewrite history. 😂
Till There Was You
Pairing: John Lennon x male!reader
Word count: 1.0k
Year: 1970s!
You’ve been working as one of the roadies for the really big band, The Beatles, and it always excited you seeing the guys. They were really friendly, a little too playful sometimes but still nice. 
You’ve gotten close with the boys — everyone working around them have — since they were really nice and everyone just feels welcomed around them. There wouldn’t be anything to overthink about if they treated everyone equally. Except someone didn’t.
John’s been really — no like, really, really nice to you. He always shares his foods and drinks with you and he asks you everyday how your day’s going so far, and he seemed to be enjoying talking to you about random things. You’re just thinking he’s being nice; that’s because he is. But you don’t see him doing it to everyone else. 
You caught feelings for him and it’s been scaring you so much, that’s why you tried staying away from him these past couple of days.
"Will!” someone called, you stopped fiddling with the equipment you were working on and turned to see John jogging towards you. “Can I help you, John?” You asked, wiping your hands at your sides and trying not to sound too excited. He didn’t have any food or drink in his hands so that means he wasn’t there to share anything with you. “Ye,” he grinned, sitting on one of the stools close to you. It was just him and you in the room which tensed you up a bit. “What is it?” You asked, seating on the stool across him. “Need you.”
“Need me to what?”
“Just need you. Wanted to see you.” You blinked a couple of times, not really knowing how to respond to that. 
“Ha. ha.” You fake-laughed. “Stop playing around. Are you high again?” You asked, getting up. “I’m going to work on the other stands for the show tomorrow, you ca —” He grabbed your wrist, yanking you back to stop you from walking out. 
“What is wrong with you — could’ve broken me arm!” You hissed, harshly shaking his grip off. “Then don’t walk out on me.”
“You’re high.”
“I’m not.” 
“You are, John —”
“I’m not, Will,” he retorted, getting up from the stool, “Why are you staying away from me? Haven’t been talking to me lately, don’t even look me in the eye,” he said, the words coming at as a complaint. “I have no fucking idea what you’re on about,” you lied, looking at the door in case someone suddenly walks in.
“I know you like me too, Will. I know you do.” You were still focused on the door — you didn’t want to look at him. “What are you afraid of?” He asked, walking to your front to look at you. “If it’s the outside gits judging then let them fuck off.”
“I really don’t know what you’re —”
“Just fucking admit it!” He shouted. Your eyes widened, surprised. It's the first time you’ve ever seen him mad, disappointed, whatever it was he was expressing at the moment. His face softened a bit when he noticed your expression change to that of fear. “Just admit it,” he repeated, this time in a voice that’s barely above whisper. “Just admit it right now so I could finally hold you without fearing rejection. God knows just how much I’ve been wanting to.” He sat back down on the stool, looking down at his hands.
There was just silence. You didn’t know how to respond; you wanted to just pull him in for a really, really tight hug, hoping that’s enough as an answer. But you were too scared.
“John...” You called, it was just a whisper, you’re afraid if you tried making your voice louder, it will just break and you’ll start crying for no reason. “I like you but, I want you but, I need you but — you see how much contrast there is to everything about this? We both know how this would benefit neither of us — we’ll be flooded with threats, hatred, curses.”
“Let’s go somewhere far. Somewhere just you and me,” he said, getting up and taking both your hands into his. “We can’t —” 
“We can. We will.” He says, he started fast walking towards the door, dragging you along with him. “John, we can’t, where are we going?” You asked, trying to pull him back. People started looking at the two of you and at your linked hands when you got out the room. “John, people are looking-”
“Let them. Soon we’ll be away from here and they won’t even matter at all.” He says, he started jogging, still dragging you. You were still hesitant but when he looked back at you with a smile, you just felt your doubts burn away and you started jogging with him, squeezing his hand. You didn’t know where he was taking you but you just went along with it. 
You both got in a train, his hand never letting go of yours during the whole ride even though people were looking and murmuring, he just smiled at you every time. ”Where are we going?” You asked, looking at both your hands. “Somewhere we’ll be free,” he smiled, leaning on your shoulder, “I have a lot of things I’ve been wanting to do with you, it’s a long list,” he says, bringing your hand up to his lips and sealing it with a kiss. “I can’t wait.” You smiled, leaning your head on his.
You made it to a small cottage near a beach, there were no nearby neighbours, it was just you and him. Kinda like a secret world that only the two of you knows. 
He was seated on the sand while you were sat next to him, his arms were wrapped around you. “You have no idea how happy I am right now, just us. Just feeling you holding me tight like I’m the only one that matters,” you said, leaning on his shoulder and placing your hands on his arm, caressing it. John smiled, burying his face on your hair and leaving a kiss. “I should’ve known sooner, that way we could’ve been like this the past week.” You felt his hug tighten. “I was scared as well, Will. Everyone’s opinions mattered, I didn’t want to risk everything, I thought people’s thoughts about me were the most important thing that I had to protect till there was you, Will. You’re the single most valuable person in the world for me and I’m never denying that. I love you, William.” 
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This is actually how the beatles broke up /j
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