#beastars reader insert
bingusbongu · 9 months
Hey can you do a legoshi x male lion reader dating hcs? Bug boy means everything to me fr 🤞
A/N: RaAAAHHHHH I LOVE LEGOSHI HE IS MY FAVORITE BOY, he is so silly!!!!! Im absolutely happy to do this request!!! Tysm!!!! Happy reading~!
Legoshi x Male! Lion reader dating hcs!
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○ at First glance, Legoshi didnt like you, because well, youre a lion and he has had some terrible experiences regarding lion business
○ he was weary, especially with how you easily toward him despite being in the same year of school as him. Let alone, he didnt like it when you were near the more vulnerable students, he was afraid for their saftey. He knew what those teeth and claws could do.
○ though, when you were nice, especially towards the herbivores. Legoshi let off some of his worry, deciding to cut you some slack. After all, you were still a student after all. How could you have done anything bad, you weren't one of the lions who hurt him, or Haru. Maybe you werent actually a threat
○ though, when you ended up joining the drama class, he was shocked. That a big predator wanting to join acting stunned him, so did everyone! But, you managed to get along with everyone great! And the students started to warm up to you very quickly
○ and in time, you managed to actually talk to Legoshi, after him avoiding you for so long, you finally managed to crack out some conversation from him. You told him you understand his weariness, but reminded him that he couldnt always just judge a predator by his looks or past, shoving practically all his doubts up his ass
○ you manage to get Legoshi to talk to you more often! Yay!
○ he was, of course, his shy lil wolf self but you were destined to crack that shy shell and get him to talk to you more
○ which led you to getting help from Jack, who happily helped you out
○ now, you knew the secret, so, one day you brought Legoshi a free egg sandwich for breakfast and seeing how happy he got brightened your day for sure
○ so, you bringing him an egg sandwich got common, it was one of the ways you actually managed to get Legoshi to warm up to you and to actually talk to you! Win win!
○ eventually, you guys would day greetings in the halls, or after classes you meet up and talk to eachother! Legoshi obviously still afraid to share certain things, but you left it be, decided not to pry tell he was ready to tell you
○ legoshi was.. conflicted. You were a deadly preditor, that many animals feared, but you were so nice, so gentle.. unlike the other lions he had met before.
○ you kinda reminded him abit of himself, a gentle predator who wanted nothing more than to be validated and seen as sonething more than a carnivore, yet, you were alot bolder than he was
○ he started enjoying hanging out with you, even just looking forward to it, getting excited when you even gave him your number so you guys could keep in contact!
○ he started to go down a crisis, realizing how much he started liking the time with you, and how his mind would recall back to a moment where you two were touching, whether it be you patting his shoulder to comfoft him, or your swaying tail accidentally brushing past him, amd it made his tail start wagging furiously
○ jack noticed You and Legoshi hanging out alot more, and he absolutely teased the big wolfy about it
○ definitely went to Louis for advice, he was so embarrassed about it, but the deer caved in and helped him, it was kinda pathetic to see Legoshi so lost, almost worst than with Haru
○ Louis tried to persuade Legoshi to make the first move, but Legoshi, our lovely boio, was to nervous
○ so, you took matters in your own hands and invited him out to the city after school to go eat somewhere
○ Legoshi was extreamly nervous after this, especially during because he kept looking at you the whole time.
○ sweet mans wanted to hold your hand but was to anxious
○ You took his hand in his and he nearly choked on his food
○ after that, yall start dating, yippe!!!!!!
○ wolf man is absolutely smitten by you, hardly able to keeo his eyes off of you, especially during drama, which he gets yelled at for
○ Jack and the fog squad are his hype mans! Definitely hyping him up when you two of little dates like- "thats our wolf boy look at him go<333333"
○ Legoshi is to nervous to take initiative or to be the first to make any moves, so youre mainly the one who does them, like holding his habd or kissing his head?????
○ Flustered baby
○ he definitely asks you once and awhile to touch your main fur, which you happily oblige and he just melts at the softness
○ sometimes, Legoshi definitely needs Validation, he hardly gets any:((
○ So youre his supplier, making sure he knows that you care about him and love him and that he isnt a monster
○ soon, when he is comfortable, he will start coming to you if he has problems or just needs comfort
○ he will talk about bugs forever and you attempt to listen but youre to focused on how cute he is when he is excited (your ass is not listening!!!!)
○ i feel like if you pet him he would absolutely melt, like he starts shaking his leg like a dog and ITS ADORABLE
○ he is so touch starved, it took him forever to open up to it, but when he does he is clingy, only in private though, he would be to embarrassed if it was public
○ you two are the carnivore couple
○ what??? You think people dont notice how excited legoshi gets when you enter a room???? And the way you smile at him and come and sit by him?????
○ its so obvious hun
○ i like to imagine some people are just happy to see Legoshi in an actual healthy relationship, regardless if its with a big lion guy, hey atleast hes happy!!!
○ you need to take care of him, this poor man forgets that he has to take care of himself, so sometimes you have to force him to rest, drink water, or to eat
○ you lecture him while your probably petting him so he aint listening
○ he wants to get stronger for you to impress you and show you he is strong too!! Even though your basically the man of the relationship he still tries
○ Let him impress you, he gets so happy when you praise him like cmon
○ would throw himself into danger just to keep you safe, though you would do the same but ur like 'baby please dont'
○ definitely lets you brush his fur, and if you let him, would love to brush out your main
○ love. Him. Validate. Him.
○ he has been through alot, he needs so much love i swear
○ good thing he has you:)
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k4nibal · 7 months
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🫀 𝐅𝟒𝐍𝐃𝟎𝐌𝐒 . . .
things I write about
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DNI : if ur a proshipper, xenophobic, transphobic, enbyphobic, veneco/j, if u don't respect pronouns
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YESYES : nsfw, sfw, angst, brainrots, headcanons, oneshots, dubcon, afab reader, wlw, wlm, mlm
NONO: pedophilia, zoophilia, coprophilia (pipi y popó), amab reader (idk how to bc im not amab so yeah, sorry)
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mint-8 · 2 months
New World, Unknown World - Beastars AU
Disclaimer: This story takes place in the universe of Beastars. You could see it as a self insert story, but I prefer to view it as a canon x oc story. I don’t have a good grasp of the manga or the anime, but I’m writing everything based on what I’ve heard. If there are any inconsistencies, errors, or criticism to improve the story, I’ll gladly read them.
Trigger/Content warning: Mentions of death, blood, gore, and swearing/cursing.
The scent of trash invaded my nostrils, which was the first thing I noticed when I was barely regaining my consciousness. It was foul - no, wait, scratch that. It was worse than that. It smelled like the stench of putrid meat that someone just left in their garbage without proper sealing. The kind of odor that would definitely attract any sort of pest and would definitely be breeding grounds for maggots and flies. It smelled just like…
“A fucking butcher dumpster…?!”
Yep, that’s right. Me, [redacted], barely 17 years old fox found myself in the middle of some butcher trash alleyway. Rex knows how long I’ve been here, just inhaling whatever toxins that have been resting in the overflowing trash bags where my body is currently laying on.
As I slowly lifted myself up from the disgustingness I tried to remember how I even got here. If my memory served me right, I had just finished exploring the city’s museum from our class field trip and was walking back to the hotel with my friends, the most lovable yet infuriating twin cats I’ve ever met. My brother was still caught up with his friend trying to find enough information to finish their own report. The last day it was due.
Either way we were walking to the nearest bus stop and… Fuck, what else?
“That’s as far as my memory goes… Did we ever get on the bus?”
Perhaps the bus was too full and I decided to walk back? And then got lost? Somehow?
Doesn’t matter, the important thing is I need to get out of here and find a police officer or a local who can help me. As I walked away from the disgusting alley, a new scent caught my attention. Coppery and… salty? Wait a minute.
“Am I in a fucking market?”
Great, just fantastic. Somehow I got lost and ended in the city’s local market. Awesome.
But it didn’t looked like a normal market for what I could see. There were no stalls for fruit, vegetables or even bread. It was only rows upon rows of… meat stalls?
“Are you serious?” I said to myself, in disbelief from the gory sight that was this market. The stalls had freshly cut corpses of chickens, rabbits, deer, sheep… any herbivore you could think of, it was probably there. But no carnivore meat for some reason.
“… I think I’m going to vomit…”
Rex, this is so disgusting… How can they stomach the smell?! The bloody combination of the corpses with the vendors and the other customers sweat was way too much to bear! And why the fuck where they buying this shit?! It must have so many bacteria and diseases from not being properly refrigerated and treated!
“Oh Rex…” I couldn’t believe what I saw by my right. A black panther was gutting open the body of a goat… with no gloves on! What the hell?! You’re going to maneuver meat like that?! At least clean your fucking station man! I can see the rest of the blood and guts you didn’t bother to clean from the previous batch!
“I’m going to be sick… I need to get out of here…”
I proceeded to advance through the bloody market while trying my best to cover my snout. I might be traumatized from the disgusting sights, but I at least want to save my nose from smelling putrid meat.
As I kept advancing and dodging anyone that got in my way, I accidentally pushed someone and they fell.
“Oh Rex, I’m so sorry! Are you ok?” As I offered my paw to lift them up I noticed it was a pale looking goat who I bumped into.
“Oh… It’s fine…” the goat murmured, but as he glanced up at me, with those somewhat lifeless eyes of his, a small shaky smile rose on his lips “You look hungry young man… would you like some?”
He then let go of my hand to show me his other hand… which was oozing with blood and trembling as I could see he was missing 2 of his fingers…
“What the…”
“It’s ok, don’t worry…” he said, with a breathless voice “They are very cheap… choose whichever you prefer…”
What. The. Fuck. Is this bitch for real?! There’s no way I’m eating some random ass goat fingers! The holes were the rest of his fingers should be must be definitely infected with something by now! And what do you mean ‘choose whichever’?! I can’t eat fucking raw meat! That’s disgusting!
“No. I’m fine.” I tried my best to escape the conversation but the motherfucker wouldn’t let it go!
“Please… they are very good… I can promise you that…!”
“Dude, no. This is weird.” As I backed away from him, he just started to get even closer!
“Are you worried they aren’t tasty…? They taste very good, I swear to Rex!”
I couldn’t take this any longer, I was backed into one of the stalls and the putrid stench of rotting corpses and the goat’s fingers turned out to be too much for me.
“I said no!” I shoved the goat out of my way and quickly left. I started to speed walk, nearly running. I don’t care what happens now, I just want to get out of here!
I could hear the grunts and complains from the other animals around me, but I couldn’t care less. The sensory overload was getting to me and I started to hyperventilate. Everything was too much and too fast. I had trouble breathing. I could feel my eyes watering and a well known pressure started to fall over my body. That sort of feeling like if a huge blanket of despair and sadness was slowly engulfing me, not allowing me to stay calm.
I ended bumping into someone that looked way stronger than me. They gave me look of danger as if challenging me to dare to bother them again. I murmured a shaky ‘sorry’ as O entered another alleyway away from them. Away from the awful smell. Away from the gory sights. Away from everybody.
“Rex… please…” I collapsed to one of the walls and slowly fell down to the filthy floor. But at this point, I didn’t cared anymore. As I slowly made myself into a ball, one thing kept repeating in my head.
I want to go home.
I woke up once again. I felt way too tired and exhausted. My body felt heavy and I was hungry.
“Took you forever to wake up”
I could hear a deep voice somewhere within the room I was in. Wait. Where am I? I tried to get up but, again, my body felt like if a truck had hit me. I felt pain everywhere.
“You shouldn’t move too much kid. ‘Less you want to get hurt”
I accepted the man’s advise and just stayed in the bed. Not moving an inch. I at least could move my head and to my right there was a… panda? Oddly muscular, for some reason.
“H-Hi? Uhm… who are you? W-Where am I?”
“Looks like we have a blabber mouth, eh? It’s basic manners to introduce yourself first kid.”
Are you serious? Whatever.
“Uhm… I-I’m [Redacted]… and you?”
The panda was silent for a couple seconds.
“Gohin” Huh, nice name “Now kid, it’s my time to ask questions. What the hell were you doing at the Back Alley Market?”
Character profile
Name: [Redacted] (although Y/N, Reader, can also apply)
Age: 17
D.O.B.: N/A
Species: Fox.
Background: Their world doesn't see eating meat as taboo. However, it is considered somewhat of a small luxury.
Extra fact: Swears a lot.
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feraldabi · 9 months
Devour Me
Professor Melon (BEASTARS) x College | University Student/Gazelle Reader
Obsessive Behavior, Obsessive Reader, Vore, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Vore as a Metaphor for Love, Blood and Injury, Blood Licking, Obsession, Explicit Language, Delusions, Delusional Reader, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Reader-Insert, Gender-neutral Reader, You Have Been Warned, College | University Student Reader, Professor Melon (BEASTARS), Haru (BEASTARS) Bashing, Reader Hates Haru (BEASTARS)
‼️ ADDITIONAL WARNING/NOTE: the tags make this look worse than it is lol however, i wanted to cover my bases to be safe. essentially, this is an obsessive reader who asks melon to eat them and he does. if this is not something you would like to read, please, DO NOT READ any further. thank you.
It’s selfish, so very selfish. How it is fair that he directed his attention to her—an ugly white dwarf rabbit—when he could have you—a beautiful gazelle!
You and him are meant to be!
It’s selfish, so very selfish. How is it fair that he directed his attention to her—an ugly white dwarf rabbit—when he could have you—a beautiful gazelle!
You and him are meant to be!
Maybe the bitch blinded him with her promiscuous rabbit ways!
Yes, that has to be it.
There is no other answer!
Because why on God’s green earth would Melon, a gazelle, go after a rabbit! It’s obscene.
Complete and utter bullshit.
He needs to be reminded, yes, only reminded about what he could have; what he’s missing out on!
If only he would look your way. Ugh! You have done everything and anything to have him look your way in class but to no avail. His eyes would simply glance over you as if you were a mere fly on the wall.
No more! No more of being ignored, neglected, unwanted…unloved. You’re going to take destiny into your own hands.
Melon will be yours.
You freeze, a natural full body lockdown due to your nature. You need to breathe, you have to breathe, but you can’t.
You can’t.
Can’t breathe.
With a full body shudder your fist slams into a mirror. You feel yourself come back to yourself.
You’re in the restroom, and you can’t remember how you got there. There’s a stinging sensation from your right hand, and there’s a large cut slashed diagonally across your knuckles.
You breathe.
You focus on the pain, and how you can feel the blood seeping from the cut and drip onto the white-tiled floor. It comes back to you by bits and pieces as you stare into the shattered remains of the mirror before you.
Your own reflection is distorted. Your snout is elongated and when you open your mouth it looks like you have fangs.
Who is that?
You breathe.
Melon. Yes, yes, you were going to confront him—no, discuss why he insists upon ignoring you for that rabbit. You don’t even know her name because why should you. She’s no one compared to you.
Haru, what does she have that you don’t?
Yes! Melon and that rabbit were together in an empty hallway. He had been kneeling down to her with their pinkies interlock. Why were their pinkies interlocked?
The reflection seems to become more monstrous, more predator-like.
He’s going to eat her in a month. You begin laughing historically, smacking the rim of the sink as the laughter racks your body. How novel! A gazelle eating a rabbit!
It must be a joke, a prank! They caught you peaking around the corner and wanted to make you a fool, but they’re the fools! You see right through them and their silly little play.
You stop laughing.
Your hand stings, blood’s dripping and dripping and dripping.
In one blink to the next your outside Melon’s class. The door slides open and you enter with your hands clasped together as you take slow, measured steps to his desk.
“Bum bum badum,” you hum—it’s the tune for a wedding march.
Melon pauses, pen held over papers, “Can I help you?” He glances at you, and you have a full body shiver. He’s never looked at you this long before!
You walk up to him and press a bloody finger upon his pristine, white mask, “You can help me! Only you!” Disregarding personal space, you wiggle yourself onto his lap. You bracket him within your arms, looming over him. “Eat me,” you say.
His blinks. “Excuse me.”
You caress the loop of his mask, teasing it down. Your blood stains his fur.
“I heard your little promise with that rabbit,” the word rabbit rolls off your tongue like it’s poison. “Eat me,” you insist, “I would taste much better! Why go for a measly rabbit when you could have a gazelle. A fellow gazelle!”
You rock forward trying to entice another sort of attention from him.
Big, strong hands stop you; his hands grip your waist and you feel pinpricks stabbing into your sides.
Why are his nails so sharp?
Melon hums, “You want to be eaten?” He digs into the meat of your thighs and, suddenly, you’re facing the ceiling. Now, he looms over you.
You’re trapped.
“Poor thing wants my attention so bad you’ve decided that being devoured is the only way,” he coos. He grabs your injured hand, raptly watches as your blood drips down and lands upon the papers below. “Poor thing,” he says again.
“Please,” you beg. This is everything you’ve always wanted and more. He’s watching you, looking at you! You have all his attention and then some, oh how happy you are. “Eat me, not her!”
He appraises you before leaving you bereft of him. It’s cold. Why is it so cold without him?
You hear the sliding and locking of the door.
Warmth spreads through you because he’s back. Melon’s back and he envelops you with he entire being.
“I suppose I am my mother’s son.”
This confuses you because what does his mother have to do with this? Has she too eaten a gazelle?
“I want you to remember that you asked for this,” he declares, pushing his mask down.
Down it goes and you can’t wait to see his full face. You know it’ll be beautiful, so very beautiful.
Large, sharp teeth greet you.
The hand not being gripped by Melon’s explores those sharp, predator-like teeth.
“How,” you breathe. He’s a gazelle!
He nips the meat of your palm, “I’m a hybrid, the disgusting creation of a gazelle and a leopard.” Melon takes your bloody hand and licks it, smacking his lips after each lick.
He’s tasting you.
“You’re beautiful.”
Melon pauses before he smiles—his teeth are bared and his eyes are closed, a lure.
It works.
Something comes over you. Maybe it’s your instincts, deep ingrained within you knowing death is near because you go lax. Your head lolls on his desk which bares your neck.
You feel calm. You’re going to die by being eaten alive, and you’re calm.
At least he’s eating you and not her. He’s eating you, so obviously he wants you and not her. He chose to wait until next month for her, but he’s eating you now.
(Is this what devotion is? You, a mere worshiper, prostrating yourself in front of your god, Melon, hoping for salvation.)
He loves you. (A benevolent god.)
“Thank you for the meal,” you hear before a sharp, searing pain erupts from your neck.
He’s eating you, tasting you. He’s tasting the love and devotion you have for him.
He loves you.
You love him; your blood is going to be inside him, you’ll always be apart of him now. Forever.
You’re fading fast and the last thing you see is Melon looking at you with your blood covering him from his snout down to his shirt. You did that, not her.
But—you reach for him. He doesn’t look happy. Melon’s frowning at you.
(A cruel god.)
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stitchcanwrite · 2 years
Hello, everyone! My name is Stitch! Well, not really haha, but you can me call that ;)
I made this blog so I can start practicing my writing in English (I'm not a native speaker, so my writing is really bad lol) and share my stories with whoever would like to read them and maybe receive some feedback and tips on how to improve.
I'm mainly going to write "x reader" fanfics and imagines, but there's also going to be some "character x character" for sure (and maybe some random prompts for fun).
The fandoms I'm going to write for right now wil be:
Alice in Borderland
Beastars (Anime only)
Days Gone
Genshin Impact
Kingdom (2020)
One Punch Man (Anime only)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Sweet Home
The Umbrella Academy
Uncharted (Movie)
Requests are OPEN! You can request any pairing for these fandoms and I'll try my best to do it justice :)
I can write headcanons, imagines, one-shots, drabbles, etc. I will not write longer stories for now, since I'm still practicing.
You can also suggest prompts for me, and other fandoms to write for that I can check out later.
Things I WON'T WRITE: NSFW (mainly because I don't really know how and I struggle writing in English lmao), incest, pedophilia, etc.
(I'll be making a proper introduction and possibly a masterlist later when I have the time, but, for now, this will do lol)
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letmelickyoureyeballs · 6 months
Beta Reader About Me
This is going to be a more in-depth post about me as a beta reader, which will be linked in my pinned post.
First off, hello call me Shark or Spruce! I'm 19 and go by he/they pronouns. I am open to beta reading for people, whether that's stuff on here or AO3.
What I'm willing to do:
Cheer reading(pointing out what you did well and what I'm excited to see)
Identify plot inconstancies/where something needs to be clarified
Help with canon/characterization(if I know what/who it is)
American/Midwest information and more specifically Wisconsin information
Pretty much anything else you wish me to help with
*Depending on the fandom and length of fics, some of these will differ in doability*
I am generally ok with any kind of content that you write, but I do have some fic turn-offs. *Note that not everything on this list means I won't beta read for you, but I would like more info/details around them if they are in your fic to see if I'm still comfortable helping*
Mpreg/Anything pregnancy-related
Kid fics(when the main pairing has a kid, not kid-focused fics)
Really dark stories with no happy endings(depends on the story, but I'd prefer a happy/fulfilling ending)
Major Character death
Anything that is meant to hate a certain group/subgroup of people
Really long fics over 100k words
Some things that I am comfortable reading. *Not a comprehensive list*
Reader Insert
G-E rated fics
Original characters
Alternate Universe
Gore and violence
Potentially triggering topics
I will again read pretty much any fandom you write for including original works, but here are some fandoms that I would be able to help more in-depth with:
The Witcher(Show, Third game, All the books), The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Halo(Game series), Marvel, Venom, Star Wars/The Mandalorian, Transformers, Call of Duty, How to Train Your Dragon(Iffy on third movie), Spider-Man/Deadpool(Spideypool), Percy Jackson/The Heroes of Olympus, The Hunger Games, The Divergent Series, Maze Runner, Narnia(Movies only, I don't know anything in the books), Pride and Prejudice/Emma, Disney/Pixar movies, The 100, NBC Hannibal, Rise of the Guardians, Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Beastars, Titanfall 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Baldurs Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Hazbin Hotel, Critical Role(I've only watched Campaign 1 and 3, and the TV show), Once Upon a Time, Anne with an E, Harry Potter, Six of Crows, Twilight, Star Trek, The Conjuring series, Descendants/High school Musical, Guardians of the Galaxy, Oceans Trilogy, Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, Top Gun, Stranger Things, Fast and Furious, Moon Knight, Bridgerton(Show only)
I will read WIPs/completed works, multi/single chapter works, original works, and anything in between.
If you are interested or have any questions you may DM me. If you do, please provide whether I would be helping with a WIP or completed work, and whether there are any deadlines I need to be aware of. Please also include any warnings I should know about, and what you would want me to help with. I would also prefer to work on Google Docs if possible.
*Even if you are not interested, please reblog for others to see*
Edited July 18, 2024
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gt-cafe · 1 year
✿.⋆Welcome! Pick a table to sit; whether it be inside, outside, or at a window, pull up a seat and I’ll get to serving you as quickly as I can!~♡
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❀.⋆Here’s the menu, luv!~♡
✎.⋆About Me and This Blog⋆.➳
This is a Giant/tiny writing blog for both fanfics and original works with my ocs!
This is a side blog, my main blog is @selfshipping-shapeshifter where I chat with mutuals and gush about my f/os!
I have a few other writing blogs:
@self-shipping-selfcare where I write x Reader oneshots and headcanons (my main writing blog)
@letters-from-your-fo where I write exclusively letters (typically but not limited to love letters) from your f/o to you
@your-yandere-darling where I write exclusively yandere oneshots and headcanons (with fictional characters, my ocs, and/or just a yandere character type)
@fnaf-edits where my friend and I post exclusively Fnaf (he does edits, matchups, and kin assignments and I write oneshots and headcanons)
I go by Amber and Jonas and I’d really appreciate it if you used both names for me! I identify as genderfluid and a trans man; male, female, and nonbinary; and my pronouns are He/They/She. I’d really appreciate it if you mix up my pronouns/gendered terms when referring to me (ex: “Where are they, I saw them a while ago? Actually, I think he might be in his room. She’s always on her computer writing something.” or “He’s in here, but they’re too busy on her computer writing something.”) but if you must refer to me with one set of pronouns, I prefer they/them or he/him rather than just she/her
I’d also appreciate it if whenever you request something you make it seem like you’re ordering something, like from an actual cafe. For example you could say; “Could I order a Giant (Character/Oc) x Tiny Reader with extra fluff and a bit of spice?” or something like that based on your request? Of could you don’t have to, it’s just a fun thing I’d love to see and appreciate it if you played along :3
❥.⋆↜My Ocs↝⋆.★
✎.⋆I Will Write⋆.➳
Suggestive scenes
Romantic oneshots/headcanons
Platonic oneshots/headcanons
Polyamorous relationships
Character x Reader
Character x My Oc
My Oc x Reader
My Oc x My Oc
Character x My Self Insert
My Oc x My Self Insert
And maybe more
✎.⋆I Won’t Write⋆.➳
Character x Character (sometimes, ignoring polyamory)
Smut (I can write suggestive scenes but I can’t write full-on smut)
Vore (I’m not very good at writing it, I’m sorry-)
YouTubers/Celebrities x Reader
Taboo topics such as Insest and pedophilia and more
Some of the weird fetishes
✎.⋆Fandoms I Write For⋆.➳
A Monster in Paris
At Dead of Night
Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival
Call of Duty Zombies (Primis and Ultimis Richtofen only please)
Detroit: Become Human
Doki Doki Literature Club
Five Nights at Freddy's
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Homegrown Pet
John Doe Game
Portal 2
Puss in Boots The Last Wish
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
Spooky Month
Super Mario Bros Movie (Bowser only please)
Team Fortress 2
The Bad Guys
The Great Mouse Detective
Trapped With Jester
Yandere Simulator
Your Boyfriend
And maybe more I can't remember at the moment (please don’t hesitate to ask me if there’s a certain fandom I’ll write for, because I believe I write for more than this but I can’t remember all my fandoms)
✎.⋆Other Rules You Should Know⋆.➳
If you’re requesting something from Call of Duty Zombies, I’m still learning the lore and everything and I only write Richtofen as of now
For Danganronpa, I’ll write for the games only. I haven’t seen the anime yet, reason why I can’t write for it. I’ll also write for any character except Celeste and anyone from the anime and Ultra Despair Girls. My favorite characters to write for are Teruteru and Hifumi
For the Super Mario Bros Movie, I’ll only write for Bowser for right now
For Villainous, I haven’t seen the show yet but I have seen the shorts so I won’t write for anyone from the show only yet
I have the right to reject a request for whatever reason (I think I can’t write it, it’s not a fandom I’m in, I’ve already written something too similar to it, I’m uncomfortable with it, etc) and I might either answer your ask politely rejecting your request or I just delete the ask
If I'm obsessed with a certain fandom I'll be more focused on writing for it but I don’t mind if you request something from a different fandom (though I prefer if you request something from the fandom(s) that I’m currently obsessed with)
I’m a lazy procrastinator who fears I won’t be good at interpreting the characters well. It might take a while for me to finish your request because I either procrastinated, didn’t know how to write the character you requested, or both. Another reason why I wouldn't finish a request quickly is because I had a lack of motivation and/or inspiration which has been happening a lot recently, so if your request takes longer from that then I sincerely apologize
Please be specific when requesting something, if you aren't specific I'll assume you're fine with something random. And for polyamorous relationships, please specify the relationship (ex: Is Character A and Character B dating each other and the reader or are they simply friends who are both dating the reader?)
Crossovers are welcome here, the only rule is it has to be in my list of fandoms. You can still ask me if I know a certain TV Show/movie/video game/book/anime. If you request anything anime, chances are I don’t know it since I haven’t seen a lot of anime. I want to watch more, though (at some point)
Please be respectful and I hope you enjoy your time here!
✾.⋆I hope you enjoy your stay~♡
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✿.⋆Hello My Beloved Darling!!~♡
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✎.⋆About This Blog⋆.➳
This blog is centered around yanderes; oneshots and headcanons with either fictional characters, my ocs, or just character types you want to see as yanderes (who may or may not become an oc of mine)
My DMs and inbox are almost always completely open for you to send a request (or chat but I’d suggest chatting on my main blog which I’ll tag in a bit :3)
Though, if requests are closed I’ll keep my inbox and DMs open just in case someone wants to chat or ask about something but if requests are closed, please wait until they’re open again to send a request :)
My pfp is my oc Klaus who is my favorite version of a yandere! My friend @torchiiko drew him for me!!
❥.⋆↜My Ocs↝⋆.★
✎.⋆About Me⋆.➳
I go by Amber and Jonas and I’d really appreciate it if you used both names for me! I identify as genderfluid and a trans man; male, female, and nonbinary; and my pronouns are He/They/She. I’d really appreciate it if you mix up my pronouns/gendered terms when referring to me (ex: “Where are they, I saw them a while ago? Actually, I think he might be in his room. She’s always on her computer writing something.” or “He’s in here, but they’re too busy on her computer writing something.”) but if you must refer to me with one set of pronouns, I prefer they/them or he/him rather than just she/her
This is a side blog, my main blog is @selfshipping-shapeshifter where I chat with mutuals and gush about my f/os!
I have a few other writing blogs:
@self-shipping-selfcare where I write x Reader oneshots and headcanons (my main writing blog)
@gt-cafe where I write exclusively Giant/tiny oneshots (both original works and fanfics)
@letters-from-your-fo where I write exclusively letters (typically but not limited to love letters) from your f/o to you
@fnaf-edits where my friend and I post exclusively Fnaf (he does edits, matchups, and kin assignments and I write oneshots and headcanons)
✎.⋆I Will Write⋆.➳
Suggestive scenes
Romantic oneshots/headcanons
Platonic oneshots/headcanons
G/t Stuff
Polyamorous relationships
Yandere Character x Reader
Yandere Character x My Oc
Yandere My Oc x Reader
Yandere My Oc x My Oc
Yandere Character x My Self Insert
Yandere My Oc x My Self Insert
And maybe more
✎.⋆I Won’t Write⋆.➳
Character x Character (sometimes, ignoring polyamory)
Smut (I can write really suggestive scenes but I can’t write full-on smut)
YouTubers/Celebrities x Reader
Taboo topics such as Insest and pedophilia and more
Some of the weird fetishes
✎.⋆Fandoms I Write For⋆.➳
At Dead of Night
Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival
Call of Duty Zombies (Primis and Ultimis Richtofen only please)
Detroit: Become Human
Doki Doki Literature Club
Five Nights at Freddy's
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Homegrown Pet
John Doe Game
Portal 2
Puss in Boots The Last Wish
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
Spooky Month
Super Mario Bros Movie (Bowser only please)
Team Fortress 2
The Bad Guys
The Great Mouse Detective
Trapped With Jester
Yandere Simulator
Your Boyfriend
And maybe more I can't remember at the moment (please don’t hesitate to ask me if there’s a certain fandom I’ll write for, because I believe I write for more than this but I can’t remember all my fandoms)
✎.⋆Other Rules You Should Know⋆.➳
If you’re requesting something from Call of Duty Zombies, I’m still learning the lore and everything and I only write Richtofen as of now
For Danganronpa, I’ll write for the games only. I haven’t seen the anime yet, reason why I can’t write for it. I’ll also write for any character except Celeste and anyone from the anime and Ultra Despair Girls. My favorite characters to write for are Teruteru and Hifumi
For the Super Mario Bros Movie, I’ll only write for Bowser for right now
For Villainous, I haven’t seen the show yet but I have seen the shorts so I won’t write for anyone from the show only yet
I love writing for yanderes because I find it fun but I don’t support anything any of them do
I heavily prefer to write for soft yanderes who are still very sweet and loving towards their darling, who still allow them to have friends and go out but are a tad bit controlling and manipulative but also very much lovesick and obsessed with their darling; I don’t really want to write for anything extremely abusive
I have the right to reject a request for whatever reason (I think I can’t write it, it’s not a fandom I’m in, I’ve already written something too similar to it, I’m uncomfortable with it, etc) and I might either answer your ask politely rejecting your request or I just delete the ask
If I'm obsessed with a certain fandom I'll be more focused on writing for it but I don’t mind if you request something from a different fandom (though I prefer if you request something from the fandom(s) that I’m currently obsessed with)
I’m a lazy procrastinator who fears I won’t be good at interpreting the characters well. It might take a while for me to finish your request because I either procrastinated, didn’t know how to write the character you requested, or both. Another reason why I wouldn't finish a request quickly is because I had a lack of motivation and/or inspiration which has been happening a lot recently, so if your request takes longer from that then I sincerely apologize
Please be specific when requesting something, if you aren't specific I'll assume you're fine with something random. And for polyamorous relationships, please specify the relationship (ex: Is Character A and Character B dating each other and the reader or are they simply friends who are both dating the reader?)
Crossovers are welcome here, the only rule is it has to be in my list of fandoms. You can still ask me if I know a certain TV Show/movie/video game/book/anime. If you request anything anime, chances are I don’t know it since I haven’t seen a lot of anime. I want to watch more, though (at some point)
Please be respectful and I hope you enjoy your time here!
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vasito-de-leche · 2 years
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Welcome to my self-indulgent writing blog where I post whatever I want <3 I'm Mod Six, here are my other blogs!
@jabberwockprinceart (ARTBLOG ARCHIVE)
@jabberwockprince (MAIN BLOG)
@nobodies-png (KINGDOM HEARTS BLOG)
Art Commissions Info (CURRENTLY OPEN)
For rules, fandoms I write for and etc, etc read below--they will be updated from time to time as I see fit!
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I won’t write : Matchups, anything regarding rape or explicit self-harm (ie: X reacting to the reader cutting). Explicit NSFW (ie: sex scenes, gore is fine)
I will write : Yandere, AUs, fluff, platonic and romantic interactions. Continuations of previous works, short scenarios, headcanons. In-depth analysis of characters. Basically free real estate, don’t hesitate to ask if you’re unsure about your prompt!
For Reader based requests, I’ll always use gender neutral pronouns and keep things as vague as possible. The only exception to this are LGTB+ prompts (ie : X comforting a dysphoric S/O. Y reacting to the reader coming out. Etc). Requests asking for general fem!Reader/male!Reader will be ignored.
Please, refrain from using characters from other media as reference when requesting a specific type of reader insert (ie: a reader who acts like Strategos Six from Ava’s Demon). I’m not in every fandom nor I know every character ever or what exact traits you’re hoping to see, so simply describe what you’re looking for! Don’t be afraid to send two asks if it gets too long. That helps me a lot when writing!
The max of characters per ask is 5 for now. When sending a prompt, please make sure not to mix fandoms, just so it’s easier for me to organize things. Thank you!
I don’t answer asks in a specific order, I just go for whatever catches my eye at the moment. This blog is entirely for fun, after all! Which means I also hold the right to delete and ignore any request for whatever reason
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Here’s a list of fandoms I’m into that I write for! This is not an extensive list, so feel free to try your luck with other stuff, especially if you want AUs! I don’t write for Genshin Impact characters but I always like inserting different characters in the universe lmfao
These also serve as a directory to each fandom's masterlist!
Keep in mind, I tend to hyperfocus only on one fandom at a time until I lose interest.
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Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Houseki no Kuni
Witch Hat Atelier
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Pokemon (Sun/Moon. Sword/Shield)
Twisted Wonderland
OFF Mortis Ghost
The Arcana
No Straight Roads
FNAF / Security Breach
Reverse: 1999
Final Fantasy 15
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Ava’s Demon
Todd Allison & Petunia Violet
Miraculous Ladybug
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✿.⋆Welcome My Beloveds to Selfshipping Selfcare~♡
❀.⋆Requests Are Open~♡
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Love Like You (End Credits)
Steven Universe
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0:49 ▬▬▬▬▬✪▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2:24
                   ▕◄       ▮▮       ►▏
♪I always thought I might be bad
Now I’m sure that it’s true
‘Cause I think you’re so good
And I’m nothing like you♪
♪Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I’m so special♪
✎.⋆About This Blog⋆.➳
This is my main writing blog where I write fanfics (both requested and self indulgent) and post about selfshipping, f/os, and x reader stuff!
My DMs and inbox are almost always completely open for you to send a request (or chat but I’d suggest chatting on my main blog which I’ll tag in a bit :3)
Though, if requests are closed I’ll keep my inbox and DMs open just in case someone wants to chat or ask about something but if requests are closed, please wait until they’re open again to send a request :)
Here I write Character x Reader oneshots and headcanons and sometimes Character/My Ocs x My Self Insert/Ocs (and maybe even My Ocs x Reader if anyone likes them enough)
❥.⋆↜My Ocs↝⋆.★
✎.⋆About Me⋆.➳
I go by Amber and Jonas and I’d really appreciate it if you used both names for me! I identify as genderfluid and a trans man; male, female, and nonbinary; and my pronouns are He/They/She. I’d really appreciate it if you mix up my pronouns/gendered terms when referring to me (ex: “Where are they, I saw them a while ago? Actually, I think he might be in his room. She’s always on her computer writing something.” or “He’s in here, but they’re too busy on her computer writing something.”) but if you must refer to me with one set of pronouns, I prefer they/them or he/him rather than just she/her
This is a side blog, my main blog is @selfshipping-shapeshifter where I chat with mutuals and gush about my f/os!
I have a few other writing blogs:
@gt-cafe where I write Giant/tiny oneshots (both original works and fanfics)
@letters-from-your-fo where I write letters (typically but not limited to love letters) from your f/o to you
@your-yandere-darling where I write exclusively yandere oneshots and headcanons (with fictional characters, my ocs, and/or just a yandere character type)
@fnaf-edits where my friend and I post exclusively Fnaf (he does edits, matchups, and kin assignments and I write oneshots and headcanons)
✎.⋆I Will Write⋆.➳
Suggestive scenes
Romantic oneshots/headcanons
Platonic oneshots/headcanons
Polyamorous relationships
Character x Reader
Character x My Oc
My Oc x Reader
My Oc x My Oc
Character x My Self Insert
My Oc x My Self Insert
And maybe more
✎.⋆I Won’t Write⋆.➳
Character x Character (sometimes, ignoring polyamory)
Smut (I can write suggestive scenes but I can’t write full-on smut)
YouTubers/Celebrities x Reader
Taboo topics such as Insest and pedophilia and more
Some of the weird fetishes
✎.⋆Fandoms I Write For⋆.➳
A Monster in Paris
Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival
Call of Duty Zombies (Primis and Ultimis Richtofen only please)
Detroit: Become Human
Doki Doki Literature Club
Five Nights at Freddy's
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Homegrown Pet
Portal 2
Puss in Boots The Last Wish
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
Super Mario Bros Movie (Bowser only please)
Team Fortress 2
The Bad Guys
The Great Mouse Detective
And maybe more I can't remember at the moment (please don’t hesitate to ask me if there’s a certain fandom I’ll write for, because I believe I write for more than this but I can’t remember all my fandoms)
✎.⋆Other Rules You Should Know⋆.➳
If you’re requesting something from Call of Duty Zombies, I’m still learning the lore and everything and I only write Richtofen as of now
For Danganronpa, I’ll write for the games only. I haven’t seen the anime yet, reason why I can’t write for it. I’ll also write for any character except Celeste and anyone from the anime and Ultra Despair Girls. My favorite characters to write for are Teruteru and Hifumi
For the Super Mario Bros Movie, I’ll only write for Bowser for right now
For Villainous, I haven’t seen the show yet but I have seen the shorts so I won’t write for anyone from the show only yet
I have the right to reject a request for whatever reason (I think I can’t write it, it’s not a fandom I’m in, I’ve already written something too similar to it, I’m uncomfortable with it, etc) and I might either answer your ask politely rejecting your request or I just delete the ask
If I'm obsessed with a certain fandom I'll be more focused on writing for it but I don’t mind if you request something from a different fandom (though I prefer if you request something from the fandom(s) that I’m currently obsessed with)
I’m a lazy procrastinator who fears I won’t be good at interpreting the characters well. It might take a while for me to finish your request because I either procrastinated, didn’t know how to write the character you requested, or both. Another reason why I wouldn't finish a request quickly is because I had a lack of motivation and/or inspiration which has been happening a lot recently, so if your request takes longer from that then I sincerely apologize
Please be specific when requesting something, if you aren't specific I'll assume you're fine with something random. And for polyamorous relationships, please specify the relationship (ex: Is Character A and Character B dating each other and the reader or are they simply friends who are both dating the reader?)
Crossovers are welcome here, the only rule is it has to be in my list of fandoms. You can still ask me if I know a certain TV Show/movie/video game/book/anime. If you request anything anime, chances are I don’t know it since I haven’t seen a lot of anime. I want to watch more, though (at some point)
Please be respectful and I hope you enjoy your time here!
I have a Wattpad account and I’d appreciate it if you checked it out and gave me a follow! (Mayhaps read some of my stories? )
✾.⋆I’ll Be Here Whenever You Need Me~♡
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beamystar · 4 years
Uh...heya! May I mayyybe request a legoshi x female reader? You can choose which animal she’ll be could it be lots of fluff? Like maybe helps the reader out? 👉🏻👈🏻 Thank you in advance!!
A/N: thank you! Sorry it took me so long to start requests. I’ve got a few in my inbox and should be finishing them all soon- thank u all for giving me a way to start off the blog! I’ve made the reader a predator in this one, but it’s not specified what sort of animal you are.
Low Motivation - Legosi/You
School could be a wild card at times. It was either way too underwhelming, or it’d flip in a second and become way too overwhelming. To juggle your social life and studies along with whatever hurdles and drama life decides to throw your way- it’s a bit difficult!
Not to mention the addition of clubs. You had decided to take part in the News Club at the beginning of the new school year thinking it would be fun- but it turned out to just be a lot more work. Constantly interviewing students and trying to think of stories- editing articles and viewing potential pictures brought in by the photography club to put in the weekly school paper.
Usually you didn’t really mind- while the News Club could be a bit tedious and hard, you liked your club members and you liked writing. But finding motivation to work lately was... difficult. What with the numerous murders lately and the fact that people have been eyeing you and treating you differently lately due to the fact you were a predator- could anyone really blame you for being low on inspiration?
Regardless, you sat outside on one of the school’s numerous benches as you tried to think of something to do for your club. You have a hot drink sitting on one side of you in a paper cup, on the other side is a stack of papers of printed articles you found online and outside the school. On your lap sits a pad of paper and pen- no words are written down yet.
How long have you been sitting here? Looking down at your phone, you realize it’s only been about ten minutes.
It’s felt like an hour.
“Aeugh!” You throw your head back in defeat as you groan, your hands covering your eyes and digging into your forehead. “I won’t get anything done at this rate...”
And then, as your eyes are covered, you hear a voice from above you. “What are you working on?”
Slightly surprised by the fact someone was around and you hadn’t heard, you jolt in your seat as you remove your hands and look behind you.
It’s a wolf- but not just any wolf. If your memory serves you right, the wolf was named Legosi... you think he’s in the drama club.
“O-oh, did I surprise you?” He notices your surprise and he immediately starts to hunch, his shoulders dropping as he waves his hands as an apology. “I’m sorry, I do that a lot...”
“Oh, you’re fine! I was just too caught up to notice you, I guess,” you disregard his apology easily since it wasn’t really needed. “I’m just trying to think of stories for the school paper... it’s kind of difficult.”
This seems to catch Legosi’s attention as his ears perk up just a bit, his eyes falling to your numerous papers stacked by your side. “The paper, huh?”
That’s all he has to say. A wolf of few words, then- but that’s okay. You hum at him with a nod. “With everything that’s been going on, animals are actually reading it for once. The news and stories we put into it are suddenly so much more important, since eyes are on us.” You frown and turn your back to him- the wolf was still standing behind you and you were getting a little tired of twisting to face him. “Want to move this way?” You ask him and you can hear him stumble a bit before he walks to the area beside you.
He hovers very awkwardly above you, standing instead of taking the seat next to you that you cleared. When you look back up at him you can see his eyes flitting around. His whole body suggested he was widely uncomfortable right now.
“Hey- if you wanna leave, that’s fine,” you laugh gently through your nose. “You don’t gotta keep talking to me if you don’t want to.”
“Well-“ he says quickly, before backpedaling a bit. “It just looked like you were really, uh... stumped, so I don’t have anything to do anyway, so...”
He wants to help if he can. That’s the message you’re deciphering anyway, but you can’t be certain since he refuses to finish his sentences. You pick up your drink and pat the area left behind. “You can sit if you wanna stay.”
Silently, he scoots to the bench and sits down. His shoulders are still hunched and he’s gripping his hands tightly between his legs- the wolf is as stiff as a board.
“Well... if you wanna help and give ideas, that would be great. I guess in the article I’m trying to find some more lighthearted things to write about.” You grab the papers beside you and hand them to Legosi, explaining yourself as he carefully looks through them. “There hasn’t been any clues or updates on the murders recently, and animals are really tense. If I can, I’d like to write an article about something that will get their minds off it a bit. But I’m not really sure where to start.”
“There’s a lot of stuff here,” Legosi mutters as he reads. “You’ve thought of a lot... it’s impressive.”
You smile genuinely at his comment, which makes him jolt a bit in his seat. You try not to take that part to heart as you continue to smile at him. “Thanks! I still don’t have anything, though.”
“Well, maybe...” The wolf pauses for a second, looking like he’s thinking as he hands the papers back to you. “I don’t know if it’s any good, but apparently people are looking forward to the next play. If you think it’s good, I could let you interview some of the actors about the upcoming show. Maybe the students would like that?” He sounds doubtful of your idea, but you light up at his suggestion.
“You really think you could do that for me?” You ask him brightly. “I wouldn’t want to inconvenience anybody if it’s too much trouble!”
Legosi seems surprised by your enthusiasm as he flusters before looking away, one of his big hands going up and scratching the back of his head nervously. “No, I don’t think it would. It would help us out by creating excitement for the play, and that would be a good article for you, probably... and it’s not about anyone dying, either.”
You nod along with Legosi as he talks, smiling again at him as you start writing on your pad. “That’s a great idea, Legosi! It would really help me out.” You finish writing and tear off the paper, handing the slip to him. He takes it slowly with two gentle fingers. “That’s my contact information. If you could tell me whenever your club is ready for a short questionnaire, that would be really great!”
He continues to look at the paper with wide eyes before they shoot to you and then back at the paper. “R-right. It’s... no problem.”
“Hmm, but still. Thanks for going out of your way to talk to me. You’re really kind, you know.”
The praise seems to make him even worse as he sags forward, not looking at you at all as his ears twitch. “I don’t know about all that...”
“Regardless of what you think about it, I still think you’re pretty nice.” You tell him simply and lean against the back of the bench. Watching Legosi and all of his mannerisms was certainly interesting, to put it lightly. He didn’t act at all like a typical wolf.
But maybe you should put him out of his misery and leave him alone now.
Carefully stacking all your papers and tucking them under your arm, you grab your drink and stand up. Legosi watches you silently, still sulking on his side of the bench. You give him another smile as a way to relieve him- but it doesn’t really work. “I’ll be heading out now and going back to my dorm. Thanks again for the help, Legosi. Give me a call whenever, okay?”
He stutters a lot so you leave him be and turn on your heel, walking off so that he didn’t have to try so hard to talk to you. Maybe if he gives you a call, he’ll get a bit more used to it. You’d certainly like it if that’s what happened.
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Hi! If it's ok can you do some headcanon for legoshi,Pina,and Louis who having a s/o with mature personalitty.
(I love your work btw)
Legoshi, Pina, and Louis reacting to having a s/o with a mature personality:
Warning(s): violence (kinda), burnout
A/N: Sorry it is so short!
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-> I would like to say that Legoshi is pretty mature
-> so you guys kind of just vibe together
-> definitely the married parents of the group
-> I can imagine that on dates you would have two of everything (two blankets, two cups, etc)
-> he is overall very sweet when it comes to mature people
-> opposites attract
-> you help call him down and notch his ego down a little
-> he also likes it that you basically tale care of him
-> like you just become the designated parent of the relationship
-> you know the dynamic that is like “Person A who has a backpack with everything they might need in it and Person B who carries nothing with them?” yeah Person A is you and Person B is Pina
-> if you ever overwork yourself then Pina will just drop everything and take care of you
-> power. couple.
-> all I gotta say is that you and Louis become a power couple
-> you always make sure that Louis has enough water during performances and that Bill and Legoshi do not get into another fight
-> when Louis is either emotionally or physically tired you take over the theater until he gets better
*** Taglist (if you want to be added/removed from the taglist, just ask me!):
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Legoshi x Human!Male!Reader [Fluff]
You know, if it was him I really... wouldn't mind it.
I wouldn't mind being eaten if Legoshi was the one who does it!
Ever since that play on stage the other day... I haven't been able to stop thinking about him! He looked so cool and scary~.
I remember hearing from my classmates that the first day of the play had gone amazing and that Louis-senpai had done a great job playing as Adler, so I ended up going during the second day of the play and... Boom!
The moment I saw him throwing himself directly at Bill I felt my heart beating faster inside my chest. I wasn't able to tear my eyes away from him at all, his yelling sounded so real and full of anger too. It... captivated me.
However, I was just an abnormal mutation that only happened at least three times every hundred years. And it only affects 1 out of 2 million people. Unfortunately, it was one of those, so it was normal that no one would want to get near me.
Both my parents are wolves, and my siblings and other relatives are mostly canines too, but I was born with a human appearance, making me significantly different than the rest. Even so, I had some wolf traits in my body.
I had the instinct of a carnivore, sharp teeth and I went through a mating season period. In Cherryton Academy... everyone knew about me and tried to avoid me as much as they could. In this society, being born with a human appearance was considered an illness... a disease. I was always excluded from the others, so I was used to all of that already.
But, when I saw Legoshi, I realized I wasn't alone.
He was a carnivore, he was dangerous and herbivores avoided him constantly, despite always having such a nice and gentle expression on his face. At least, he had friends, unlike me.
Like that, I decided that I was gonna do it. For the first time in my life, I was gonna try to make a friend. So I kinda came up with... a small idea, tho it might not work...
I gulped as I stood outside the closed door, I could hear voices inside, so I knew they were here and it seemed like it was a break too, so I could actually walk in and introduce myself, easy as that.
But I am so nervous! I feel like I'll actually shit myself at any moment!
"No... you gotta calm down, you wanted this, now... you have to do it, me," I whispered to myself in an almost useless attempt to try and excuse my anxiety, "C'mon... you have to do, (M/n)," I closed my eyes for an instant, drawing in a deep breath and I felt filled with determination. "I'll definitely get closer to Legoshi! Here I go!"
I pushed the door open, and practically instantly, everyone turned to look at me, making me flinch and hide behind the door, before peeking in again. They were still staring...
"Excuse me, I... I'll like to-to uh, j-join the... drama club..." Finally, I said it! And now, after finally talking and feeling less pressured, I started looking around the room, successfully spotting Legoshi up with the stage lights. He was staring at me too!
Immediately, I looked down and I soon heard footsteps getting closer to me. I shifted my sight up and I saw Louis-senpai standing in front of me, his antlers barely reached my height so I had to look down at him.
"Sure, but only for now. Come on," was the only thing he said after looking at me up and down as if he was analyzing me. I took a step inside the room, closing the door behind me and I instantly kept my head down, feeling nervous and a bit intimidated by all the curious stares on me.
I followed Louis until he stopped and turned around, "One, two, three... one, two, three," he started counting and everyone got in position in front of him, moving their bodies in time with Louis' counting. I stood off to the side and tried to copy their moves the best I could, and after almost five minutes or less, he stopped counting and everyone stopped too.
He proceeded to look at me, crossing his arms over his chest, "Then, why do you want to join the drama club?"
"Uh, I uh..." I squirmed in place as everybody looked at me, but I showed Louis a small smile when I found a subtle response, "It's a selfish wish, actually... so is okay if I'm not part of the acting team," I said and I soon saw him show a very small, almost imperceptible smile.
"Alright then, you're part of the PR and stage crew," he turned around and walked over to grab a prop that would serve as a sword. "From the top!"
He exclaimed before quickly glancing at me and signaling me with his head to go up to where the stage team was, so I did.
I went around behind everyone and climbed the ladder, standing to my right and leaning over the railing.
Legoshi was here before Louis' starting signal made him move to the lights, and from here I rested my chin on my palm, being as discreet as I could to look at Legoshi.
I even came up with an excuse just in case somebody caught me staring at him, 'I'm a visual learner', I would say as I was just observing how he fixed the light's position and whatnot, when in reality I was just admiring such an attractive wolf.
Well, can you blame me for liking beastmen? There are literally no humans in this world.
However, even if I was staring at him like a damn stalker, I could also see that he was talking with... Kai? I think that was his name. My ear twitched -yes, they look like human ears, but they do that too- as I tried to hear what they were talking about, successfully avoiding their stares, passing it as if I was looking at the scene being rehearsed.
"I bet he doesn't even have friends~" I heard Kai tell Legoshi, who only flinched and leaned down closer to him.
"You shouldn't say that Kai, he's not less than anybody just because he looks like a human," Legoshi's words made my heart flutter. I always knew he was a gentle wolf since I heard that around often, despite everyone being slightly on edge with him near. "I've heard about a human in the academy, but I've... never seen them up close," I could hear a small tone of curiosity coming from him. Glancing at him, I noticed that he was sniffing the air, and the sight was so adorable that I had to look away to try and get my heart into a normal heart rate.
3rd Person.
Legoshi tilted his head to the side, confused at the scent he felt from the human's direction. He didn't smell like a human... Wait, what does a human smell like, anyway?
But why does he... smell like a wolf?
He was really curious about him now, and he wanted to get to know him better, but he'll have to wait until the practice was over, so he focused more on moving the spotlight whenever it was needed.
Forty minutes later, Louis called the end of practice, and while everyone stretched or gathered their things, he turned to look at the new member, who had just climbed down the ladder.
"You, the new one," (M/n) flinched and started at Louis, "What's your name?"
"Eh, I-... (M/n)," Legoshi, who was walking closer to the ladder, caught the male's name thanks to his good hearing.
"Okay, (M/n), you'll clean up the room today, don't be late for tomorrow's practice," the male nodded and observed how Louis and the rest slowly started leaving the room.
When everyone left, he picked up some things and moved them against the wall, freeing up the space he had to clean better than the rest. He walked to the small storage room and got out a broom before walking to the light switch and turning the lights off.
Pretty much instantly, his (e/c) eyes got used to the darkness. These were the moments when (M/n) could feel normal and like everyone else. An animal. A carnivore. A predator. Not a day went by without him wondering and cursing life for being born with this strange mutation. He just wanted to be like the rest.
He wanted to be accepted into society as an equal, rather than someone with an illness.
With a deep sigh, he cleaned up the floor of the room, throwing the dirt and shredded fur away, and then, he heard the door opening.
He glanced over his shoulder and took a deep breath, recognizing the smell of the male. "Legoshi?"
The wolf flinched and stood still, wondering how (M/n) knew it was him when the room was in pure darkness. His grey eyes followed him as he approached the light switch and turned the lights back on.
"Did you forget something?" But Legoshi just stood there, silently, staring at him as he kept cleaning up other props.
"How did you know I...?" (M/n) had a small smile on his face, but his expression was more sad than happy.
"You know, is a weird occurrence that someone's born as a human or looks like one and... I might look like this but..." He turned around and looked at Legoshi, showing him the defeated expression he had, "I'm still a wolf, Legoshi."
His words made Legoshi feel curious, he wanted to know more about (M/n), about him and his life.
Like this, some days went by, and Legoshi felt like he had managed to get closer to (M/n) little by little. He was told by (M/n) about his life and him.
Both his parents were black wolves, but he was born with a rare mutation. His parents thought he had an incurable illness and that he'll die in a few years, but when he was five years old and he still hadn't presented signs of black fur on him, some doctors told them how, even though it was extremely rare and it kept occurring less and less with the passing years, it wasn't impossible.
(M/n) is a wolf, but is not shown physically on his body. He has sharp teeth, hunting instincts, night vision, and periods of ruts that occur once a month instead of twice a year. The only thing that made him different from the rest, was his physical appearance.
Legoshi found it really amusing, writing down everything that (M/n) did, either as a wolf or a human, and he investigated about this previous race on the internet.
He was fascinated with what he found, to him, humans and dinosaurs were pretty much the same, an old race that ceased to exist million years in the past, and even so, the traces of them and their history was enough proof to let everyone know that they were real. Legoshi didn't really understand how everyone in the academy avoided (M/n) like he was the plague, he was just trying to live the normal life of a teenager like any of them.
The longer it passed, (M/n) and Legoshi became closer, to the point where they felt like they were friends. During those days (M/n)'s feelings just grew stronger and Legoshi, without noticing, started forgetting about Haru.
However, with (M/n)'s feelings getting stronger and stronger each day, he thought he'll finally tell Legoshi why he wanted to join the drama club, since the wolf had asked him that before but he never responded. Now, it seemed like a good time to do it.
(M/n) decided to wait outside during lunch break, and he sent a text to Legoshi to meet up with him since he had something important to tell him.
He waited there, observing his surroundings and occasionally taking a sip of his juice. His ears twitched with the sound of footsteps behind him and that familiar scent. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Legoshi sitting down next to him, looking down for a moment before turning his head toward him, his fluffy tail wagging with happiness.
"I'll tell you... why I joined the drama club," Legoshi found it odd that (M/n), so suddenly, decided to tell him the reason, but he kept quiet about it for now, "I'm not really interested in acting and all that stuff, you know? I joined because... there was someone I fell in love with, ever since I saw him on stage."
The 'him' didn't go unnoticed by Legoshi and his first guess was Louis since pretty much everyone admired him, mostly herbivores. He just sat there, his ears down and his tail stopped moving, sulking.
"Legoshi," (M/n) placed his hand on top of his, making the wolf's heart beat faster, "You can get mad, punch me, ignore me forever, and even eat me, but I have to say this..." He got up, holding both of Legoshi's hands as he stood in front of him. "I'm in love with you, Legoshi."
While (M/n) expected a hard, clear rejection, Legoshi was just sitting there, processing what he was told.
In love... with me?
The thought made him blush and squirm in his seat, awkwardly looking down, feeling his palms sweaty as he became more nervous by the second. (M/n) noticed his flustered state, and he was able to smell the sweet scent he was releasing.
Well, at least, he doesn't hate me, I'll keep trying harder.
With a subtle smile, (M/n) leaned down and pressed a quick kiss on his cheek, successfully making his blush get darker -how does a wolf blush with all that fur? That's something he'll never understand-, he let go of Legoshi's hands and turned around.
"See you tomorrow, Legoshi!" He exclaimed as he ran back to his classroom, leaving the poor grey wolf alone with his heart racing.
"I might go crazy..."
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yaecciao · 2 years
god don't you just love it when a simple story has actual deep lore, symbolism, and/or meaning behind it, maybe enough that it gives you a fucking headache?
(reading between the lines is sorta hard for me but i always like trying to reach beneath surface level understanding when I'm taking in certain media. makes me think it's nice how certain aspects aren't just as simple or ordinary as how a person from afar would percieve it to be)
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faolanmoon · 3 years
Angst prompts
Finally managed to get something done,you can suggest a topic for the prompt unless it involves drug abuse or SA ( S£xu@l @$$ult) because those are actual triggers I have with SA being one I’ve actually gone through and still haven’t recovered from. Warnings will be added depending on the topic.
1.”You haven’t been yourself lately, are you sure you’re fine?”
2.”I can’t take it anymore, I can’t keep ignoring these thoughts and feelings I’ve been hiding g anymore,”
3.”Please, talk to me, I’m getting more worried about you as the days go on”
4.” Don’t stay! Forget our memories, forget our possibilities!”
5.”I’m sorry, please forgive me! I take it all back, just please don’t abandon me! I need you now more then ever!”
6.”It’s my fault, isn’t it?”
7.” Please, talk to me about this more, I’m begging you. I promise you can trust me to talk about this, please I don’t want you to continue suffering, I want you to seek help and get better, I truly do. Please, please don’t continue to suffer from this”
8.”Liar! Stop lying to me damn it!”
9.” It’s all your fault “
10.” What were you thinking?”/“What have you done?”
11.”…Just leave me alone”
12.” Stop pushing everyone away please, especially me. I care , cross my heart when I say I love you and want to see you be happy”
13.”I hate you…”
14.”You’re hurting me”
15.”You need help”
16.”If you’re walking out, don’t even think about coming back”
17.”I trusted you”
18.”You’re not sorry”
19.”You love them, and not me, do you?”
20.”How many times am I supposed to forgive you?”
21.”Why do you hate me?”
22.”You’re a monster”
23.”I don’t need you anymore”
24.”I never meant to hurt you”
25.”I wish I never met you”
26.”Never call this number again”
27.”Thanks for nothing”
28.”I can’t deal with you right now “
29.”I saw the way you were looking at them”
30.”Are you ashamed of me?”, I
Fandoms in the tags because I have rapidly changing fandoms so bare with me in the tags ;/; I write for mostly everyone
Also I’m totally not trying to write something Non-Omori, I kinda want requests from other fandoms honestly even though I’ll still happily take Omori requests
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su0nn · 3 years
Leo's rules!!
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What I'll write:
Fluff, angst, bittersweet, etc.
M! Reader/ GN! Reader
Mini series'
Platonic relationships
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What I won't write:
Fem! Reader/Fem! characters
- Nsfw
- Yandere/obsessive behavior
- Character x character
- In$cest
- Large age gaps
- Ped0philia
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Media I won't write for:
- Bandori
- Kakegurui
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DNI (Do not interact)
Basic dni criteria (rac1st, homophob1c, etc)
Dsmp fans
Toxic Genshin players
Believe blackwashing is a thing
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