#bearded discus thrower
derlejoe · 1 year
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Robert Harting
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navyinks · 2 years
“Ancient Greeks” sketches
from auckland war memorial museum 2022/11/04
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statue of a hero/athlete
i was really excited to go to this one, since i originally planned to go on my birthday but never found the time. Also this is my first time drawing out in the field in a new sketchbook so i was super nervous, but i’m happy with the way some of these drawings came out
lots of these don’t have noses (or d*cks) so if some of these noses look wonky that’s all on me 😬
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from “statue of a discus thrower”
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marble statues of Diadoumenos & an unknown woman
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old bearded dudes are not in my comfort zone but i think these came out a lot better than i thought they would xD heads from a statue of the playwright Euripides and (supposedly) the poet Archilochus
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heads of Dionysus and my eternal muse Apollo. personally i love how their youthful/feminine looks contrasted with the previous two heads.
overheard while drawing dionysus:
“dionysus... a real problematic son of a b****, but he’s SO hot”
immediately followed by:
“this is dionysus, he’s the god of wine.” “he sounds like an awesome god, dad”
also tried my hand at some gestural drawings with pen & water... maybe i will try again another day xD
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this ended up as a 5-hour drawing marathon, super tiring but satisfying. after months of learning art theory, it was an awesome feeling to finally put them to practice out on the field. also haven’t drawn in public around so many people in a loooooong time and while i can’t say i miss it, it’s always a cool experience xD
i was pleasantly surprised that i had no trouble breaking into my new sketchbook. it was only when i got home that i found out why: i had been drawing in it upside-down, back-to-front. i had already ruined its perfection right from the start LMAO
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liveindiatimes · 4 years
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Puneet Issar on playing Duryodhan in Mahabharat: ‘My body turned black and blue after climax fight scene with Bheem’ - tv
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Puneet Issar, known for playing the lead antagonist Duryodhan in BR Chopra’s Mahabharat, is one of the very few actors who actually got to play his dream role in the hit mythological show. While many had to settle like the show’s Krishna, Nitsh Bhardwaj, who actually wanted to play Abhimanyu, Puneet got the role he wanted. However, the 6 feet 3 inches tall Puneet was cast as Duryodhan on one condition — the makers should be able to find an actor taller than him to play Bheem. They found their ideal Bheem in athlete Praveen Kumar, who left Puneet bruised and battered in the climax fight scene.
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Puneet opened up about his journey from the Coolie accident where his punch left Amitabh Bachchan battling for his life to being beaten up by two-time gold medallist Praveen Kumar on the sets of Mahabharat.
Why the makers were intent to cast you in the role of Bheem?
I was 6’3’’, super fit guy with a well-built body and Chopra saab thought I was perfect for the role of Bheem. Since I had read Mahabharat, I wanted to play Duryodhan. He agreed to cast me as Duryodhan but on a condition that if they are unable to find a man with a bigger body than mine for the role of Bheem, I will have to take up the role. I recommended Praveen Kumar, the Asian Games gold medallist who was 6’8’,’ and finally breathed easy when he was finalised for the role of Bheem. I had recited the Jayadrath Vadh in front of Chopra saab and they were convinced with my powerful speech.
Mukesh Khanna was also considered for the role of Duryodhan but he didn’t want to play an antagonist. He wanted to play Arjun and but was signed for the role of Dronacharya. Vijayendra Ghatge was cast as Bhishma but he wasn’t ready to sport a white beard and had to be dropped. Then, Mukesh was finalised for Bhishma.
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Puneet Issar (second from right) in Mahabharat.
Why did you want to play the antagonist in Mahabharat?
There was a proper character arc of Duryoydhan. He was shown as an innocent child who thought his parents were wronged and should get justice. He thought that his parents didn’t get what they deserved so it’s his duty to get them what they deserved. He said ‘my father was blind but I am not blind’. As an adult, he started taking his own decisions, which were often under the influence of Shakuni. From the day he was insulted by Draupadi to the end (40th episode to 100th episode), the character of Duryodhan was the highlight of the Mahabharat.
Did you face the rage of the audience for playing Duryodhan?
I was called ‘dusht (evil)’, people hated me but I took it as a compliment. There were many cases off sets when people refused to call me saying that I was ‘dusht’.
What difficulties did you face during the making of Mahabharat?
We faced a lot of difficulties. Assembling real elephants and horses and making them stand in a line was a task. Nowadays, a big army is portrayed by shooting in front of a green backdrop. We shot with 50-60 elephants and running with them in chariots was a challenge. A single shot used to take a lot of time. The climax scene alone was shot over 15-25 days. We had to do real action. Earlier there was no cable work and we had to jump by ourselves without any stunt double. Injuries were common and I remember many injured their eyes amid flying arrows.
Also read: Mahabharat: Juhi Chawla bowed out as Draupadi, Puneet Issar was looking for work after Coolie accident
Do you recall a particular fight scene?
My fight with Praveen Kumar was a tough experience. He wasn’t an actor, he was a two-time gold medallist discus thrower at the Asian Games. Duryodhan had a blessing that he couldn’t get hurt and when I used to recite the dialogue “aur balpurvak (with more strength)”, Praveen would beat me up with even more strength. Also, the mace in those days used to be very heavy, unlike the foam mace used at present. My entire body used to turn black and blue after the shot. The fight in the climax scene was shot over 18 days. I had bruises all over my body. But as they says ‘you can’t make an omelette without breaking an egg’.
How was the ‘cheer-haran (disrobing of Draupadi)’ scene filmed?
BR Chopra had contacted a mill to provide hundreds of metres of cloth with no visible joints or change in shade or texture. Now it is all done through VFX.
How do you compare BR Chopra’s Mahabharat to the latest mythological shows?
Content is king. If it is not written well and the performances are not up to the mark, you cannot do anything. I agree VFX is much better these days and the way a scene is mounted is done in a much better way than it was done in the 80s. The Mahabharat on Star Plus had very good CGI work. But BR Chopra’s Mahabharat was written very well. We had air-conditioned studios where we used to shoot from 9 to 9. We used to shoot one episode in a week and that quality is visible. Until BR Chopra wasn’t entirely convinced with each dialogue, he wouldn’t move ahead. We used to have long shots and that made performances stand out in a natural way.
  Also read: Ramayan’s Sita Dipika Chikhlia turns 55, says ‘When I am no more, my body of work shouldn’t only be Ramayan’
Post the Coolie incident, you were not getting much work? How did you get Mahabharat?
I was getting some work but it wasn’t up to my expectations. I delivered a few superhit films in the meantime. My 1983 horror film Purana Mandir was an iconic film. It had its platinum jubilee at the theatres. I also did Palay Khan and Zakhmi Aurat and both were hits at the box office. When I heard BR Chopra was making Mahabharat, I approached him and said that I wanted to audition for the role of Duryodhan.
That was my destiny. Those four years was a period of introspection, I had to work harder. Bhagya se adhik aur samay se pahle kisi ko kujh nahi milta (no one gets more than his destiny and before the right time). I was destined to get Mahabharat in 1988. Before that, it was my struggling period but I utilised the time to work on my body, my voice and my acting.
How much time did it take to complete the casting for the show?
We were signed in 1986 and the casting process continued for two years. When I was initially selected for the role of Duryodhan, I started reading about him in scriptures. I had six-pack abs but had to stop kung fu karate to gain weight for the character of Duryodhan. I gained 22 kilograms over 2 years and reached 108 kgs in order to match up to Praveen Kumar. So much preparation and planning makes it look irreplaceable even today and made all the difference.
(Author tweets @ruchik87)
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newstfionline · 7 years
To Stay Married, Embrace Change
By Ada Calhoun, NY Times, April 21, 2017
A couple of years ago, it seemed as if everyone I knew was on the verge of divorce.
“He’s not the man I married,” one friend told me.
“She didn’t change, and I did,” said another.
And then there was the no-fault version: “We grew apart.”
Emotional and physical abuse are clear-cut grounds for divorce, but they aren’t the most common causes of failing marriages, at least the ones I hear about. What’s the more typical villain? Change.
Feeling oppressed by change or lack of change; it’s a tale as old as time. Yet at some point in any long-term relationship, each partner is likely to evolve from the person we fell in love with into someone new--and not always into someone cuter or smarter or more fun. Each goes from rock climber to couch potato, from rebel to middle manager, and from sex crazed to sleep obsessed.
Sometimes people feel betrayed by this change. They fell in love with one person, and when that person doesn’t seem familiar anymore, they decide he or she violated the marriage contract. I have begun to wonder if perhaps the problem isn’t change itself but our susceptibility to what has been called the “end of history” illusion.
“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished,” the Harvard professor Daniel Gilbert said in a 2014 TED talk called “The Psychology of Your Future Self.” He described research that he and his colleagues had done in 2013: Study subjects (ranging from 18 to 68 years old) reported changing much more over a decade than they expected to.
In 2015, I published a book about where I grew up, St. Marks Place in the East Village of Manhattan. In doing research, I listened to one person after another claim that the street was a shadow of its former self, that all the good businesses had closed and all the good people had left. This sentiment held true even though people disagreed about which were the good businesses and who were the good people.
Nostalgia, which fuels our resentment toward change, is a natural human impulse. And yet being forever content with a spouse, or a street, requires finding ways to be happy with different versions of that person or neighborhood.
Because I like to fix broken things quickly and shoddily (my husband, Neal, calls my renovation aesthetic “Little Rascals Clubhouse”), I frequently receive the advice: “Don’t just do something, stand there.”
Such underreacting may also be the best stance when confronted by too much or too little change. Whether or not we want people to stay the same, time will bring change in abundance.
A year and a half ago, Neal and I bought a place in the country. We hadn’t been in the market for a house, but our city apartment is only 500 square feet, and we kept admiring this lovely blue house we drove by every time we visited my parents. It turned out to be shockingly affordable.
So now we own a house. We bought furniture, framed pictures and put up a badminton net. We marveled at the change that had come over us. Who were these backyard-grilling, property-tax-paying, shuttlecock-batting people we had become?
When we met in our 20s, Neal wasn’t a man who would delight in lawn care, and I wasn’t a woman who would find such a man appealing. And yet here we were, avidly refilling our bird feeder and remarking on all the cardinals.
Neal, who hadn’t hammered a nail in all the years I’d known him, now had opinions on bookshelves and curtains, and loved going to the hardware store. He whistled while he mowed. He was like an alien. But in this new situation, I was an alien, too--one who knew when to plant bulbs and how to use a Crock-Pot, and who, newly armed with CPR and first aid certification, volunteered at a local camp. Our alien selves were remarkably compatible.
Several long-married people I know have said this exact line: “I’ve had at least three marriages. They’ve just all been with the same person.” I’d say Neal and I have had at least three marriages: Our partying 20s, child-centric 30s and home-owning 40s.
Then there’s my abbreviated first marriage. Nick and I met in college and dated for a few months before dropping out and driving cross-country. Over the next few years, we worked a series of low-wage jobs. On the rare occasions when we discussed our future, he said he wasn’t ready to settle down because one day, he claimed, he would probably need to “sow” his “wild oats”--a saying I found tacky and a concept I found ridiculous.
When I told Neal about this years later, he said, “Maybe you found it ridiculous because you’d already done it.”
It’s true that from ages 16 to 19 I had a lot of boyfriends. But with Nick, I became happily domestic. We adopted cats. I had changed in such a way that I had no problem being with just one person. I was done changing and thought he should be, too. Certainly, I thought he should not change into a man who sows oats.
When we got married at the courthouse so he could get his green card (he was Canadian), I didn’t feel different the next day. We still fell asleep to “Politically Incorrect” with our cats at our feet as we always had.
We told anyone who asked that the marriage was no big deal, just a formality so the government wouldn’t break us up. But when pressed, it was hard to say what differentiated us from the truly married beyond the absence of a party.
When I grew depressed a few months later, I decided that he and our pseudo-marriage were part of the problem. After three years of feeling like the more committed person, I was done and asked him to move out. When he left, I felt sad but also thrilled by the prospect of dating again. A couple of years later, I met Neal.
Recently, I asked Nick if we could talk. We hadn’t spoken in a decade. He lives in London now, so we Skyped. I saw that he looked almost exactly as he had at 22, though he’d grown a long beard. We had a pleasant conversation. Finally, I asked him if he thought our marriage counted.
“Yeah,” he said. “I think it counts.”
We were married, just not very well. The marriage didn’t mean much to us, and so when things got rough, we broke up. I had been too immature to know what I was getting into. I thought passion was the most important thing. When my romantic feelings left, I followed them out the door. It was just like any breakup, but with extra paperwork.
Nick now works at a European arts venue. He’s unmarried. I wouldn’t have predicted his life or his facial hair. I don’t regret our split, but if we had stayed married, I think I would have liked this version of him.
My hair is long and blond now. When Neal and I met, it was dyed black and cut to my chin. When I took to bleaching it myself, it was often orange, because I didn’t know what I was doing.
Now I weigh about 160 pounds. When I left the hospital after being treated for a burst appendix, I weighed 140. When I was nine months pregnant and starving every second, I weighed 210. I have been everything from size 4 to 14. I have been the life of the party and a drag. I have been broke and loaded, clinically depressed and radiantly happy. Spread out over the years, I’m a harem.
How can we accept that when it comes to our bodies (and everything else, for that matter), the only inevitability is change? And what is the key to caring less about change as a marriage evolves--things like how much sex we’re having and whether or not it’s the best sex possible?
One day in the country, Neal and I heard a chipmunk in distress. It had gotten inside the house and was hiding under the couch. Every few minutes, the creature let out a high-pitched squeak. I tried to sweep it out the door to safety with a broom, but it kept running back at my feet.
“Wow, you’re dumb,” I said to it.
“I got this,” Neal said, mysteriously carrying a plastic cereal bowl. “Shoo it out from under there.”
I did, and the chipmunk raced through the living room. Neal, like an ancient discus thrower, tossed the bowl in a beautiful arc, landing it perfectly atop the scampering creature. He then slid a piece of cardboard under the bowl and carried the chipmunk out into the bushes, where he set it free.
“That was really impressive,” I said.
“I know,” he said.
To feel awed by a man I thought I knew completely: It’s a shock when that happens after so many years. And a boon. That one fling of a bowl probably bought us another five years of marriage.
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To Stay Married, Embrace Change
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A couple of years ago, it seemed as if everyone I knew was on the verge of divorce.
“He’s not the man I married,” one friend told me.
“She didn’t change, and I did,” said another.
And then there was the no-fault version: “We grew apart.”
Emotional and physical abuse are clear-cut grounds for divorce, but they aren’t the most common causes of failing marriages, at least the ones I hear about. What’s the more typical villain? Change.
Feeling oppressed by change or lack of change; it’s a tale as old as time. Yet at some point in any long-term relationship, each partner is likely to evolve from the person we fell in love with into someone new — and not always into someone cuter or smarter or more fun. Each goes from rock climber to couch potato, from rebel to middle manager, and from sex crazed to sleep obsessed.
Sometimes people feel betrayed by this change. They fell in love with one person, and when that person doesn’t seem familiar anymore, they decide he or she violated the marriage contract. I have begun to wonder if perhaps the problem isn’t change itself but our susceptibility to what has been called the “end of history” illusion.
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“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished,” the Harvard professor Daniel Gilbert said in a 2014 TED talk called “The Psychology of Your Future Self.” He described research that he and his colleagues had done in 2013: Study subjects (ranging from 18 to 68 years old) reported changing much more over a decade than they expected to.
In 2015, I published a book about where I grew up, St. Marks Place in the East Village of Manhattan. In doing research, I listened to one person after another claim that the street was a shadow of its former self, that all the good businesses had closed and all the good people had left. This sentiment held true even though people disagreed about which were the good businesses and who were the good people.
Nostalgia, which fuels our resentment toward change, is a natural human impulse. And yet being forever content with a spouse, or a street, requires finding ways to be happy with different versions of that person or neighborhood.
Because I like to fix broken things quickly and shoddily (my husband, Neal, calls my renovation aesthetic “Little Rascals Clubhouse”), I frequently receive the advice: “Don’t just do something, stand there.”
Such underreacting may also be the best stance when confronted by too much or too little change. Whether or not we want people to stay the same, time will bring change in abundance.
A year and a half ago, Neal and I bought a place in the country. We hadn’t been in the market for a house, but our city apartment is only 500 square feet, and we kept admiring this lovely blue house we drove by every time we visited my parents. It turned out to be shockingly affordable.
So now we own a house. We bought furniture, framed pictures and put up a badminton net. We marveled at the change that had come over us. Who were these backyard-grilling, property-tax-paying, shuttlecock-batting people we had become?
When we met in our 20s, Neal wasn’t a man who would delight in lawn care, and I wasn’t a woman who would find such a man appealing. And yet here we were, avidly refilling our bird feeder and remarking on all the cardinals.
Neal, who hadn’t hammered a nail in all the years I’d known him, now had opinions on bookshelves and curtains, and loved going to the hardware store. He whistled while he mowed. He was like an alien. But in this new situation, I was an alien, too — one who knew when to plant bulbs and how to use a Crock-Pot, and who, newly armed with CPR and first aid certification, volunteered at a local camp. Our alien selves were remarkably compatible.
Several long-married people I know have said this exact line: “I’ve had at least three marriages. They’ve just all been with the same person.” I’d say Neal and I have had at least three marriages: Our partying 20s, child-centric 30s and home-owning 40s.
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Then there’s my abbreviated first marriage. Nick and I met in college and dated for a few months before dropping out and driving cross-country. Over the next few years, we worked a series of low-wage jobs. On the rare occasions when we discussed our future, he said he wasn’t ready to settle down because one day, he claimed, he would probably need to “sow” his “wild oats” — a saying I found tacky and a concept I found ridiculous.
When I told Neal about this years later, he said, “Maybe you found it ridiculous because you’d already done it.”
It’s true that from ages 16 to 19 I had a lot of boyfriends. But with Nick, I became happily domestic. We adopted cats. I had changed in such a way that I had no problem being with just one person. I was done changing and thought he should be, too. Certainly, I thought he should not change into a man who sows oats.
When we got married at the courthouse so he could get his green card (he was Canadian), I didn’t feel different the next day. We still fell asleep to “Politically Incorrect” with our cats at our feet as we always had.
We told anyone who asked that the marriage was no big deal, just a formality so the government wouldn’t break us up. But when pressed, it was hard to say what differentiated us from the truly married beyond the absence of a party.
When I grew depressed a few months later, I decided that he and our pseudo-marriage were part of the problem. After three years of feeling like the more committed person, I was done and asked him to move out. When he left, I felt sad but also thrilled by the prospect of dating again. A couple of years later, I met Neal.
Recently, I asked Nick if we could talk. We hadn’t spoken in a decade. He lives in London now, so we Skyped. I saw that he looked almost exactly as he had at 22, though he’d grown a long beard. We had a pleasant conversation. Finally, I asked him if he thought our marriage counted.
“Yeah,” he said. “I think it counts.”
We were married, just not very well. The marriage didn’t mean much to us, and so when things got rough, we broke up. I had been too immature to know what I was getting into. I thought passion was the most important thing. When my romantic feelings left, I followed them out the door. It was just like any breakup, but with extra paperwork.
Nick now works at a European arts venue. He’s unmarried. I wouldn’t have predicted his life or his facial hair. I don’t regret our split, but if we had stayed married, I think I would have liked this version of him.
My hair is long and blond now. When Neal and I met, it was dyed black and cut to my chin. When I took to bleaching it myself, it was often orange, because I didn’t know what I was doing.
Now I weigh about 160 pounds. When I left the hospital after being treated for a burst appendix, I weighed 140. When I was nine months pregnant and starving every second, I weighed 210. I have been everything from size 4 to 14. I have been the life of the party and a drag. I have been broke and loaded, clinically depressed and radiantly happy. Spread out over the years, I’m a harem.
How can we accept that when it comes to our bodies (and everything else, for that matter), the only inevitability is change? And what is the key to caring less about change as a marriage evolves — things like how much sex we’re having and whether or not it’s the best sex possible?
One day in the country, Neal and I heard a chipmunk in distress. It had gotten inside the house and was hiding under the couch. Every few minutes, the creature let out a high-pitched squeak. I tried to sweep it out the door to safety with a broom, but it kept running back at my feet.
“Wow, you’re dumb,” I said to it.
“I got this,” Neal said, mysteriously carrying a plastic cereal bowl. “Shoo it out from under there.”
I did, and the chipmunk raced through the living room. Neal, like an ancient discus thrower, tossed the bowl in a beautiful arc, landing it perfectly atop the scampering creature. He then slid a piece of cardboard under the bowl and carried the chipmunk out into the bushes, where he set it free.
“That was really impressive,” I said.
“I know,” he said.
To feel awed by a man I thought I knew completely: It’s a shock when that happens after so many years. And a boon. That one fling of a bowl probably bought us another five years of marriage.
Ada Calhoun, who lives in New York, is the author of a forthcoming memoir, “Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give,” from which this essay is adapted.
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A version of this article appears in print on April 23, 2017, on Page ST5 of the New York edition with the headline: To Stay Married, Embrace Change. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe
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Ron Epstein
April 26, 2017
Better yet, pick the right partner.
Joseph A. Losi
April 25, 2017
I love this piece. Thanks so much for your wit and your ability to capture it. "I'm a harem." Wonderful.
April 25, 2017
My wife & I celebrated 41 years of marriage this weekend. We have known each other for 45 years. Change abounds! We consciously drive the...
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