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cgvijesti · 2 years ago
U nesreći poginuli Rus i Ukrajinka
U saobraćajnoj nesreći koja se dogodila sinoć u Bečićima poginuli su maloljetni Rus S.S. (17) i Ukrajinka (18), saopšteno je CdM-u iz policije. Iz policije su kazali da je sinoć, oko 21.40 časova, nedaleko od hotela Splendid vozilo sletjelo s puta. Tom prilikom na licu mjesta su poginule dvije osobe, a jedna osoba je povrijeđena. Istraga je u toku. Izvor: CdM
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zanimljivaekonomija · 1 year ago
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Turistička organizacija Budve najavila trodnevni novogodišnji program
Turistička organizacija opštine Budva danas je u Beogradu u restoranu „Cveće zla“ priredila konferenciju za novinare i koktel povodom promocije trodnevnog novogodišnjeg programa ispred Starog grada i u budvanskim hotelima. Prisutne je pozdravio Nikola Kralj, zamenik direktora TO Budva, ističući tradicionalno gostoprimstvo kojim će Budvani i ovaj put dočekati goste i najavio dobru zabavu i provod uz neke od najvećih muzičkih zvezda regiona. Najavljeno je da će 30. decembra na Starom trgu nastupiti, između ostalih, Dejan Petrović Big bend i Aleksandra Prijović. Za novogodišnji doček nastupiće Đorđe David&Death Saw sa Ivanom Peters, grupa Van Gogh i Toni Cetinski. Za reprizu 1. januara 2024. planirani su nastupi Nikole Rokvića, Marije Šerifović i Željka Joksimovića. Predstavnice Hotela Splendid (Bečići) i Avala takođe su najavile novogodišnje programe i aranžmane za doček Nove 2024. godine. Konferenciji za novinare je prisustvovala Ana Bekuta koja 31. januara nastupa upravo u hotelu Splendid u kome će, po tradiciji, goste zabavljati još dve regionalne zvezde. Tako 1. januara nastupa Jelena Rozga, a 2. januara Severina. Od izvođača koji za novogodišnje praznike nastupaju u Budvi konferenciji i koktelu prisustvovali su, pored Bekute, i Đorđe David, Ivana Peters, Dejan Petrović i Đule „Van Gog“.
Tekst i foto: Momčilo Karan
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latribune · 2 years ago
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paragliding-montenegro · 5 years ago
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#Budva, #Bečići and #hotelSplendid from the height of paragliding. #montenegro #черногория #будва #бечичи (at Hotel Splendid) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_6L-W2JKxf/?igshid=gy5onxs45g8p
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budva-paragliding · 5 years ago
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Located in the small town of #Bečići in #Montenegro, #Splendid Conference & SPA Resort was opened in 2006 as the first 5 stars hotel on the eastern coast of the Adriatic sea. #HotelSplendid is situated 2 kilometers from the tourism capital of Montenegro - #Budva - right at the seafront, with its own private beach. (at Bečići Paragliding Montenegro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9IcAjHHob1/?igshid=1nh27nz3lvsq7
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suetravelblog · 6 years ago
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Tours from Dubrovnik are difficult to find in winter, so I was happy to book a Saturday  trip to Montenegro with GetYourGuide, a company that operates tours throughout Europe. It was a full non-stop day led by local company Amico Tours. I’m considering Montenegro or Sarajevo as my next stop and day trips will help me decide.
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Mausoleum of Njegos Lovcen Mountain Montenegro.
We began the tour at 7…
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vasiliy-katolic · 8 years ago
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Хорошего дня 🇲🇪⛰🌊☀️🇲🇪 #Montenegro #mountains #sea #sun #beach #bečići (at Bečići Beach)
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chr-schuldig · 8 years ago
That's all I have to say about this #sea #bečići #mygirlfriend #вашкэп #travelgram
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montenegroproperty · 2 years ago
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Land plot for sale in Becici – Montenegro has area of 765 square meter. The plot is suitable for building a residential house and has the potential to construct a 4-story building with a total area of over 2000 square meters. The plot has a direct sea view and has urban-technical conditions for construction. The current building coefficient for the plot is 2.4, while the neighboring house has a coefficient of 5. This means that there is potential to try and increase the building coefficient for the plot. Land plot for sale in Becici – Montenegro, Location Bečići is a town in the municipality of Budva, Montenegro. It is located south-east of Budva. It has a 1,950-meter-long sandy beach along the southern Adriatic. In 1935 it won the Grand Prix in Paris as the most beautiful beach in Europe. The location is ideal for those looking to build their dream home on the Adriatic Sea, with the potential for a beautiful sea view and the convenience of having all necessary urban-technical conditions for construction. This is a great opportunity to own a piece of paradise in one of the most sought-after destinations in Montenegro. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own a piece of land in the beautiful Budva. For more information, please contact us! #MREproperty . . . #montenegrorealestate #montenegroproperty #investmentsmontenegro #luxuryrealestate #montenegro #montenegroluxury #follow #Realestate #Realty #Realtor #Realestateagent #Homeforsale #Newhome #Newhouse #Forsale #Property (at Becici, Budva-Montenegro) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnz1PI8IsGt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cgvijesti · 2 years ago
Berancu zbog drskog ponašanja 40 dana zatvora
Dana 01.02.2023.godine okrivljeni D.O. (1991) iz Berana, oglašen je krivim i osuđen na kaznu zatvora u trajanju 40 dana jer se dana 22.01.2023.godine naročito drsko ponašao prema oštećenoj L.T., državljanki Ukrajine, kazao je predsjednik  suda za prekršaje u Budvi Marko Đukanović. “On je, nakon što je nepozvan došao do njenog stana u naselju Bečići, a dok je oštećena pokušavala da zatvori vrata…
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montenegro360 · 3 years ago
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Продается квартира с 2 спальнями в Бечичи, площадь 58м2, гостиная, кухня, ванная комната и терраса. Солнечная сторона, новый дом, 8 этаж, лифт. Квартира полностью оборудована новой мебелью и техникой, так же есть свое гаражное место в подземном гараже. Стоимость 130000€ Стоимость квартиры с гаражом 143000€ #montenegro #черногория #crnagora #property #недвижимость #stan (at Bečići) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgrOyypIGDl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hotnicole · 3 years ago
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Bečići, last minute, zajednički wc i kupatilo ( tu je negde ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdTGdjrMUd5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theshadesandscarf · 7 years ago
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Known locally as ‘Hawaii’, #SvetiNikola is Montenegro’s largest island, stretching to nearly 2km. Fallow deer wander about on this uninhabited green spot, which is only a nautical mile away from Budva or Bečići Beach. Its rocky beaches make it a popular destination in summer when taxi boats regularly ferry sunseekers to and fro; those leaving from Slovenska Plaža charge about €3 per person each way (charter your own for €15 to €20). #followushi #traveldiaries #montenegro #Будва #budva #airbnbexperience #IAmATraveler (at Sveti Nikola)
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paragliding-montenegro · 4 years ago
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Unleash the sense of flight to experience freedom. #budva #montenegro #budvaparagliding #beciciparagliding #montenegrowildbeauty #montenegroadventures #montenegroholiday #montenegroholidays (at Bečići Paragliding Montenegro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGbNA4-JAsc/?igshid=1ohjukjziyq98
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tijanabakic1 · 4 years ago
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Ja u raju 🥰 Milijon korona i ko zna cega jos ,meni nece poremetiti moj mir u glavi i moju pozitivnu energiju koju njegujem i zivim ❤️ Ja sam izabrala svoj put ,a vi se zapitajte dali zivite svoj put ili put koji vam neko drugi slucajno ili namijerno namece 😉 Love you ❤️ #beautifulnature #sea #happyme #lovemylife #relaxtime #relaxing #sealovers #❤️ (na lokaciji Bečići Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9O7RAh3jK/?igshid=170d7or26jcsy
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budva-paragliding · 4 years ago
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Our favorite beach #Becici is the most popular beach destination in #Montenegro. #becicistandardflight #montenegroholidays #montenegroadventures #budva (at Bečići Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0JeSkgwt8/?igshid=1ng1ccy31faht
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