#be on a roadtrip in merriweather's volkswagen bus?
rhetoricalsoapbox · 1 year
Hi! 🎄 ✈️ for just Helmer, and 🎮 for Helmer and Aurin!
I like this ask a lot..
🎄 "what is your oc's favorite holiday?"
Helmer isn't big on holidays, but he actually does love Christmas a lot. It was the first holiday he really got to celebrate happily with Kerian, and Kerian made it extra special for him too.
There really weren't any big "holiday celebrations" when he was living with Eugene, and when he was with Caroline his holidays weren't too happy or fun. Helmer only likes Christmas now not because of the holiday itself, but just because of the warm fuzziness he gets from the way Kerian celebrates with him.
✈️ "does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?"
Helmer isn't big on traveling at all, and he was a big sourpuss when he moved to New York with everyone.
The only time he's been "far" from home was after he left the manor when he was 18 and hovered around places near New Orleans. He still stayed relatively close even when he was with Caroline though.
He prefers to stay in a place once he knows it.
🎮 "what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?"
For Helmer, he enjoys his writing and art. Since he was young he's loved to write poetry and keep journals, and he also loved drawing the crows he used to see outside through the attic window. He still loves writing and drawing little things for Kerian too.
He's also big into writing and performing music; it's how he made a "living" in that little bit of time between when he left home and met Caroline. And not to bring up the sadder side, but remember when he wrote his Songbird Sonnets?
For Aurin, it's a little hard to say.
Aurin loves his cars in general. He doesn't work on the "dirtier" things, but he definitely enjoys just working on their general upkeep and fixing smaller things. Not sure if it counts as a hobby, but he got into drag racing with Merriweather and he absolutely loves it. One of his special interests has to do with cars, and he's spent time learning about different cars and all about their little details. He loves his GTO, Cobra, and all the rest of his cars, but (maybe surprisingly) he also has a little adoration for slingshot dragsters.
He's into dance a bit too, you know the kinds. Aurin's obviously never gone back to it being in front of any audiences since his whole mess with Alcove. Sometimes if he gets really excited about something he's done, he'll "perform it" for Merriweather and/or Malikye.
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