#be more chill ate my brain when i was 14-ish
yourebeingsilly · 1 year
“aziraphale took crowley to see les mis” this “aziraphale took crowley to see hamilton” that what if crowley took aziraphale to see be more chill
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overseerjules · 8 years
First off, I’m so so so sorry that this is so late! I ended up rewriting this almost 4 different times and I’m still not completely happy with it but it’s my first fanfic so screw it, I like it enough to give it to you @hisagishuuhei I hope you like it! P.S. Sorry if its cringy lmao For the @yuri-on-ice-valentine-exchange
Pairing: Emil X Mickey
Disclaimer: I wrote this like one would write a diary so everything that’s written is in Mickey’s viewpoint until the very end
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 days until Valentine’s Day
Current time: 3:27 pm 2/11/17
I’ve got it bad…….. Like extremely bad. I can barely sit still during this stupid ass lecture it’s so bad. I know I know, I need to calm down. It’s only love. Well… it’s probably love, all I really know is that I want to make that boy mine and never let him go. God the things I could do to him, I could just eat him up! Wait I’m in class so I shouldn’t be thinking about this, I could pop a boner if I continue. Ugh, how much longer is this class??? I swear I’m gonna die here. I wish I never took this stupid marketing class… I DON’T EVEN LIKE MARKETING! I should’ve taken like a sports history class or somthn. That would’ve been waaay better. I need to just chill out… I mean there’s only like 40 minutes left in the class anyways, and then I can go back to the dorm and see Emil! Just mentioning him in this journal gets me so excited. I’m a lovesick mess huh?
Current Time: 5:58pm 2/11/17 My original plans to go straight back got totally ruined! All I wanted to do was go home and see Emil…. But nooooo. Sara just had to come and jump me after class and she even dragged me to this stupid cafe. I mean it wasn’t that bad tbh but it still was not what I wanted. I think the only good thing that came out of it was that she agreed to help me buy something for Emil. So now I’m stuck waiting in the car for her to ‘properly get ready’ since she didn’t think she was pretty enough to go out on the town like she was. Like, what does she thinks gonna happen? That some mysterious and hot af guy is just gonna pop up and ask her out?? Besides even if that were to happen, I’d never let someone touch my lil sister…. hmph .
Current Time: 9:32pm 2/11/17
I’m sitting outside on the bench right below our dorm trying to catch my breath as of right now. Why is that future me may ask? W E L L. Sara being the little shithead she is made me walk home by myself after finding some of her friends but that’s not all folks! It started raining too so I had to run back here! Hence why I’m out of breath. I’m just glad that she promised to wrap up the teddy bear and the electric razor I got him. Ok yeah I know buying him one of those isn’t really romantic or anything but it’s supposed to be funny since he knows how much I hate his beard. Facial hair in general is just….. No.
2 Days until Valentine’s day
Current Time: 12:13pm 2/12/17
Last night had to be the best night in my life. It started off extremely normal, just me walking into our dorm and seeing Emil making food. Oh and have I ever mentioned how great of a cook he is? Well he is and lemme just say this now, he’s perfect wifey material. Ok but back to what I was originally talking about, we ate while we watched a movie and I don’t ever remember falling asleep but I guess at some point I did because I woke up around 4 or 5-ish and me and Emil were all cuddled up. Wait what was that? Can I repeat that you ask??? Me. And. Emil. Were. Cuddling. Oh god, I can’t believe that happened but to top the whole situation off, when I tried to move away he frickin grabbed me in his sleep and hugged me even tighter. When he did that I could barely hear him say “don’t go..” over my heart slamming in my chest. I legit thought I was going to die. I mean I would’ve died extremely happy but no I can’t die yet! Not until we’ve slept together again with roles switched, not that I didn’t like being the spoon or the warmth of his oh so strong arms around me. It’s just that I really just wanna hug him all night, hell if I could I’d do it 24/7. Ugh but I gtg finish my homework for my next class since I missed my first one , I’ll come back and write in you later.
Current Time: 3:02pm 2/12/17
I spent the whole class thinking about Emil again. I really need to stop doing that… I’m going to end up failing my classes at this point. But forget that, more importantly I think he’s avoiding me now, I mean it’s totally plausible since we are in no way, shape, or how romantically involved and we ended up on a small ass couch cuddling. But still, that’s no reason for him to jump when he see’s me or to hurry and leave the dorm. FYI, that happened about 20 minutes ago so I’m still quite hurt about that. I guess it’s whatever, we’ll be fine over time I hope.
Current Time: 10:44pm 2/12/17
Sara stole me again, not that I mind this time since I’m sure Emil wouldn’t wanna see me anyways. Kill me now please. But yeah I filled her in on what happened last night and she was more than thrilled. She kept reassuring me that he’s just embarrassed since he likes me too and that’s why he’s doing that but I just don’t know what to think about it. After we spent like an hour and a half or so just fucking around at the cafe she told me to go back and try to talk to him. Let’s just say I tried. I came home to him icing one of his bomb af cakes he loves to make, but that’s not the reason I’m pissed. He went and wrote ‘To the one I love’ in bright red icing on it. Upon seeing that my jealousy skyrocketed and I went and asked such a dumbass question. “So is that for your girlfriend?” Normally the sight of him blushing would melt my heart but the fact that I know he’s bright red because of someone else is just sickening. “Ah no… just someone I really like” “Tch, same difference, anyone who would reject you after giving them that would be brain dead” After that I kinda just stormed off into my room which is where I am and am perfectly willing to stay. I don’t want to go out there and see that stupid cake of his, or him for that matter. Oh god could I just cry right now. Fuck. I wish I could just snap that person’s neck that stole my loves affection from me. Nvm, he’d just hate me even more then. Fuck I just want things to be simpler!
1 Day until Valentine’s Day
Current Time: 1:29am 2/13/17
I was awoken by Emil carrying me princess style to my bed. Never would’ve imagined he’d do something like that but nonetheless it happened. And me being stupid like always told him to go away, which I highly regret saying but it’s not like he left anyways. He softly told me, “I’d never, you’d catch a cold sitting out like that you know?” At that moment I thought my heart was going to explode, any trace of anger I held just dissipated and turned to sadness so when he sat me down and tucked me into my bed like a 5 year old, I curled up and just layed there on the verge of tears. I guess it was pretty obvious since he crouched down and asked me what was wrong, I just told him that it was the valentine blues since it’s not like I had anyone. The smile he had on his face the was one that looked kinda pitiful, almost like he wanted to cry too. And well umm hold up, I’m not really good at inserting dialog so I’ll just do it screenplay like? No clue really but all that I know is that it’s gonna make writing in this journal a hell load easier so here it goes! Emil: Eh? I would’ve thought that you’d have girls lining up to get with you since you’re so hot.
Me: So…. you think i’m hot? *blushing like crazy*
Emil: N-no that’s not what I meant! *I think he was blushing? Couldn’t tell very well*
Me: It’s ok… I know you were messing around. *I tried smiling even though I wanted to cry even more, sooo*
Emil: It’ll be ok Mickey, I’m sure you’ll have someone this year, now go and get some sleep. Ok?
Me: Thanks for the encouraging words Emil. Anyways, night.
Emil: Sweet dreams~
Current Time: 9:57pm 2/13/17
I woke up this morning around 11 and had the great idea to watch Emil sleep. I mean it’s not like I set out to do it? I kinda just walked out into the kitchen and saw him laying on the couch sleeping. So why not? Oh I can tell you why not. Reason 1) trying to explain yourself is utter hell bc you won’t have an explanation. And reason 2) The awkwardness afterwards totally kills off any good vibes for a good two hours. He wasn’t to creeped out but I still regret doing that, and lucky me he went out of his way to make it less awkward by asking what I wanted to do today. But knowing Emil, he’ll just pick something he wants to do anyways so I told him it was his call. And that’s how I ended up watching every. Single. Episode of voltron today, and after that he turned on The Magicians and we’re currently on the 3rd episode. He kept going on about it for awhile now but as soon as he gets to watch it he falls asleep. How careless, not to mention that he’s sleeping all curled up under my arm. Man. I wish tomorrow would never come because I know he’s just going to go off to his valentine…
V A L E N T I N E ‘ S D A Y
Current Time: 6:03am 2/14/17
Fuck. FUck. FUCk. FUCK. I forgot to grab his presents yesterday. Sure he already has someone but that does not mean that I’d just not give him anything, plus I spent good money on that stuff. Anyways, almost as soon as I woke up, I dashed out of the dorm and all the way to Sara’s house. I regret running but it was worth it. I grabbed those presents after waking her and everyone else up on the block by my loud knocks and bolted back to my dorm.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Real Time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What I walked into almost shattered my heart. I laid Emil’s presents down and ran over to Emil who was crying on the couch. I took him into my arms like my life depended on it and we stayed like that for a good while. “Hey… Emil. what’s wrong?” I asked “I thought you left me…” “Nooo! I’d never leave you, understand? I only left to go grab something for my valentine” “Then why are you back here? Shouldn’t you go and give it to them?” He mumbled into my shoulder, crying even harder now. “Who even is it?” I could barely hear him say it but I took his face in my hands and wiped the tears from his glossy blue eyes. “It’s you, ya dumbass. Who else would it be?” “A..are you serious?” “How could I not be in this situation Emil? I’ve been trying to work up the courage to tell you how I felt the last two years but I just couldn’t do it and well this year I wanted to make it a surprise but this happened instead.” “I’m sorry…” “Don’t be, I’m just glad that I can tell you how much I like you” “Ya know… You were also supposed to be my valentine, I even made you a cake but the face you had when you walked in and saw it was really scary Mickey. I mean I know you love it when I make them for you so why’d you react like that?” “Because I thought you were going to give it to someone else. My jealousy skyrocketed and I couldn’t handle it. I’m sorry Emil” “I kinda figured” He half choked/half laughed. “Don’t die now, I just got you where I wanted you” I pulled his forehead to mine and looked into his red and puffy eyes. I was really looking forward to be the one that engaged the kiss but he beat me to it. No sooner than I opened my mouth to ask how he was feeling, I could feel his lips on mine. They’re chapped and a bit sticky from him crying but I don’t care, all I care about is how his lips are on mine and that he’s pushing me onto my back.
~~~~~~~~~~~Happy Late Valentine’s Day~~~~~~~~~~
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